Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0800 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 7 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading his. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 7 The last week or so was a blur for Kyle. The day after he came out to Rick, they had a "Father/Son Day" just to themselves. Charlie was annoyed that he couldn't go. The two spent the day watching movies, having lunch and checking out a couple of the comic book stores. Mostly, they just talked about life, how much Kyle was still feeling hurt by Cody, and his fears about coming out to his mother. Kyle asked if Rick would sleep with him again, but Rick declined saying that Kyle was a big boy and didn't need his dad sleeping next to him. Kyle understood but that night was the best night's sleep he could remember having. Cody never contacted Kyle. It still broke his heart, but with each passing day, the pain became less and less. The Fourth of July was on a Friday that year. Dan invited Kyle's family over for a pool party and barbecue, which they gladly accepted. Ronda was very impressed with how the yard looked. "Your kid has a green thumb," Dan complemented. "This wouldn't be happening without him." Due to Dan's swim lessons, Kyle was finally feeling confident enough to swim at the deep end of the pool. It was only eight feet deep, but for Kyle, it might as well have been the Pacific. Charlie, on the other hand, was a natural swimmer. His mother frequently yelled at him about doing cannonballs when others were around him. Dan and Rick talked about food, beer and cars. Ronda talked to a few of the other neighbors who had come to the party. A family from up the street, the Doernbechers, came a little late. Mrs. Doernbecher wore a yellow sundress and large sunhat. She looked a bit like a sunflower. Mr. Doernbecher had on shorts, a polo shirt and sandals. His slightly balding head was already a bit burnt. Their son, Ryland, was a classmate of Kyle's. They didn't really talk. Ryland was a nerd and stuck to his own group of kids. He was dressed in plants and a t-shirt. He also brought his backpack. The boy looked around, nodded at Kyle, then moved to a shady area away from everyone. Kyle had had enough of swimming...and Charlie splashing him, so he got out of the pool. "Looking good out there," Dan said as he walked by. "Thanks." "Sweetie, come here," called Ronda. "Do you know the Doernbecher boy?" "Yeah." "Why don't go over and say hi?" Kyle looked over. Ryland was surrounded with books. "He looks busy." Kyle really didn't want to talk to him. They had to do some group projects, and they never directly spoke to each other. "Honey, I know you're still upset with Cody, but maybe making a new friend will help." "Fine," Kyle sulked away. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about Cody.. Ryland didn't take his eyes off his book when Kyle approached. "Hey," He said. "Hey," Kyle replied. He looked back at his mother, who gave him an encouraging wave. "So, what are you doing?" "Reading." "What are you reading?" Ryland lifted his gaze. His hazel gray eyes assessed Kyle's intent. He responded, "You'll only make fun of me," and he went back to reading. Kyle could feel his mother's gaze on the back of his head. He knew he wasn't going to be allowed to leave. He looked at the books and saw a lot of text interspersed with pictures of fantasy creatures such as dragons, elves and minotaurs. He took a seat across from Ryland. "Can I look at this?" "Sure," Ryland sighed, still not looking up. Kyle picked up one of the books and thumbed through it. It was an encyclopedia about monsters and even gave statistics. "What's this for?" Ryland looked up at Kyle, annoyed, and said, "It's for a roleplaying game." "What's a roleplaying game?" Ryland went on to explain that it is a game where a group of friends sit around and make up a story together. A much more advanced version of pretend. There were stats, dice, mini figures, maps and treasure. It sounded interesting but also very complicated. "How often do you play?" "Once a week. We play every Friday night." "Who else plays?" "Steve Kepper, Donny Resnic, Jamie Smith, and Danny London." "And you're the game master?" "Correct." "It sounds like a lot of work." "It is, which is why I brought my books." "I see," Kyle put the book down, stood up, and went to leave. "You can play if you want," Ryland said. "I don't know." "It's up to you. They could use another healer. They come close to dying all the time." "I'll think about it and let you know." "Alright." Kyle went back to the pool and swam for a bit longer. When Kyle and his family got home, Rick put a sleeping Charlie to bed, which left Kyle alone with his mother for the first time since his fight with Cody. "Ryland seemed nice." "Yeah, he's okay." "What did you two talk about?" Kyle explained what he remembered from their conversation. He didn't think he was explaining everything right, because his mom looked more lost than he was. "He offered to let me play, but I don't know." "Well, if you want to try it, I don't see any harm in it." "We'll see." "So, are you ready to talk about Cody?" Damn, he thought. "There isn't really anything to talk about it." "Are you sure? It seems like you're holding onto a lot of baggage, Sweetie." By this time, Rick had returned, saw the look on their faces, and took a seat next to his wife on the couch. "If you're not ready, Buddy, you don't have to talk." Ronda looked back at her husband with a mixed expression that was greatly accented with annoyance. "Well, apparently, you're okay telling Rick, so why can't you tell me?" Kyle started to tear up. Rick got up from the couch, got down on one knee, and pulled Kyle into a hug. He whispered, "There's no time like the present, Buddy. You might as well tell her." "Tell me what?" "I can't," Kyle sobbed into Rick's shoulder. Ronda was getting more and more flustered. "Would someone tell me what the hell is going on? Did Cody hurt you?" "He's gay," said a tiny voice from the hall. Charlie was standing by his door, wearing his pajamas, holding his teddy. Everyone looked at the ginger boy shocked. "What?!" All three said. "He's gay," Charlie said nonplussed. "Isn't it obvious?" He came over and hugged his big brother, who hugged him back, still crying. Rick looked very proud, while his wife was still in shock. "I don't understand. How long have you known?" She asked. Rick said, "I've always known, I think, but Kyle told me after his fight with Cody." Charlie said, "Forever. I even punched Jimmy Wells in the throat for making fun of Kyle." The little boy puffed up his chest. Normally, fighting would've resulted in a punishment, but Rick didn't think it deserved one. He hated bullies and bigots. "Kyle?" His mom asked. "I don't know, since I was four, maybe." He couldn't look her in the face. "So why didn't you say anything?" "I didn't want you to get mad at me." "Honey, I don't care that you're gay, but you had me very worried." "I'm sorry," Kyle choked back more tears. "So what happened between you and Cody?" She inquired. "And that's Charlie's queue to go back to bed!" Rick pointedly announced. "What?! Ah, but I want to know, too!" Charlie exclaimed as he stomped a bare foot. "Too bad, Little Man. This is adult talk," His father said, picking him. "But I want to stay!" "Too bad, so sad," and the two disappeared. When Rick returned, Kyle told his mother about Cody, what they did and how Cody treated him the next day. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie," She said and gave him a hug. "I told you, boys suck," Rick added and joined the hug. "Yeah!" Yelled Charlie from the hall. "Why I oughta--" Barked Rick who ran down the hall, causing Charlie to giggle and run to his bed. "Well, then, I think you should go and play that game at Ryland's. It might help you take your mind off of things, and maybe you can make some new friends before school starts back up." Kyle said he'd think about it and went to bed. Rick came out, closed Charlie's door, and knelt down. "I told you not to worry." "I know." "Do you feel better?" "I guess." Rick pulled his son into a long hug, kissed him on the check and said good night. **Chapter 8 Coming Soon**