Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Ry Chapter 11 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 18, with scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children, and sibilings. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 11 Ry and Ronda sat nervously across from Billy and Rick. It had been quite a while since they had all been in the same room together, and the tension was almost thick enough to cut through. Trevor had set up the meeting at Billy's, just in case Rick had a meltdown. Charlie refused to go, even threatening to take Bethany and leave. Ry did his best to assure Charlie that nothing bad was going to happen, but the meeting was still needed. Every rehabilitation center refused to take Charlie without Rick's signature. Rick, for his part, was refusing to sign anything until he could speak to Charlie and meet his granddaughter. Ry was furious that Rick would, once again, put his own needs over Charlie's especially after everything that had happened. Then Ry would remember the videos and remember how truly selfish Rick really was. Billy was on the fence. He wanted to see his half-brother and meet his niece, too, but he didn't want it at the expense of Charlie's treatment and any potential custody dispute. Billy considered going behind Rick's back and signing the paperwork himself, being Rick's guardian, but Ronda and Trevor weren't sure how legal that would be. Ronda, like Ry, was pissed, but she saw Rick as an enemy. She never forgave him for the divorce, the custody agreement and siding with Will. They he had acted while she was in prison only pissed her off even more. She just saw his behavior as another game he was playing, to manipulate the boys against her. Ry was on her side, but it hurt that Billy kept choosing his stepfather over her. Trevor, as always, tried to remain neutral; however, he couldn't help but mostly side with Charlie. The boy needed care that nobody, especially Rick, could provide and, to use that care in a form of blackmail, disgusted him. He knew that Rick wasn't trying to be a dick about the whole thing. The man only wanted to see for himself that his youngest child and new grandchild were safe and healthy, but Trevor also knew this was the worst way to go about it. "I'm glad you're here," Trevor opened to Ry and Ronda. "I think this is a good start towards getting Charlie the help he needs." "Where's Charlie?" Rick asked with an obvious attitude. "He should be here." Ronda rolled her eyes, while the others tried to not react. "He doesn't want to be here," Ronda said, "and I'm not going to make hi"I'm his father. I get a say in what he does." "He thinks otherwise, and as his mother, again, I'm not going to make him see you." "Would you two stop?" Billy interjected. "Seriously, your bickering and bitching isn't going to help Charlie one bit." Rick and Ronda went quiet but retained vicious eye contact, hoping the other could see the loathing the other felt. "Anyway," Trevor said with a heavy sigh, "I got some recommendations at work for places to send Charlie. Since he's a minor, he can't go to just any facility. With that said, he needs his custodial parent or guardian to sign him in--" "--Not until I see him," Rick interjected, not caring who objected. "Really?" Ry snapped. "You'd rather Charlie continue to suffer till you get your way? Oh yeah, this is the same guy who was engaged to Brenda, despite the abuse she put Charlie through." "That's not fair," Billy spat. "You know that's not fair." "I think it's quite fair 'Daddy's Boy'," Ry said, emphasizing the last two words. Ever since Ry found out that Billy was cheating on him with Rick, Ry had taken to calling his adopted brother the secret name Billy used to communicate his affair to their dad. Billy glared at Ry, oblivious to the double entendre. "Could we, please, stop the sniping?" Trevor pleaded. "Charlie isn't going to get the help he needs if you all keep going at each other's throats." "I just want to see for myself that Charlie and my granddaughter are healthy," Rick said. Trevor had given Ry and Ronda a heads up about the accidental slip of information, but hearing Rick acknowledge it didn't settle well with either of them. Ry replied, "Charlie and the baby are doing fine, but Charlie can't remain sober without help that no-one here can provide. He has to go into rehab and sooner the better." Rick looked like a defeated child as his head dropped, avoiding eye contact. He didn't understand why he was getting aggressive. His therapist said it was a symptom of his PTSD. He hated himself for the way he behaved in those stressful moments but he couldn't stop himself. It was like he had no filter, and every thought exited his mouth the second it entered his brain. All he wanted was to see Charlie with his own eyes, to see for himself that his baby boy was okay, to tell Charlie how much he loved him, and how he would always be there for his sons, even if they were mad at him. "I just want five minutes with my son. Why can't you just let me have that?" Billy took Rick's hand and squeezed it. "I know, Dad, but Charlie has to agree to it, too. Even if we all agreed to it--if we tried forcing Charlie now--he might run away again, and who knows what will happen to him and the baby." Ronda understood where Rick was coming from, having spent many years in prison. Her contact with her sons was limited to visitation hours and the courtesy of her ex-husbands. While Rick was dating Brenda, he would rarely bring the boys to see her, so it came down to Billy's biological father, Will, to conduct the visits. She would grow anxious and desperate to see her boys, Ry included, and having those limitations was often maddening. Many women on her block would lash out when they were denied or missed a visit. Ronda tried her best to take it in stride, but as time went by, it got harder and harder to do. After Will's death and Rick's breakdown, there was a time where she didn't see the boys at all. Once Ry turned 18, however, he reached out and made sure she had phone calls from Charlie. It was Ry who helped her get back on her feet and gave her a place to stay. By then, things had fallen apart in her little family. Charlie had run away several times, Ry was basically living alone, while Billy and Rick moved into Will's house. Ry wouldn't talk about what happened, other than it all started after Will died. "I'll see what I can do," Ronda said, "but I'm not making him. He's barely talking to me as it is, and I'm not risking losing him." Rick nodded his appreciation. "Good," Trevor said, hoping to cash in on that gesture of goodwill. "With that in mind, we have the matter of placing Charlie in rehabilitation to settle still." "I'll sign the papers," Rick said. "There's no sense fighting it anymore." It shouldn't have been a fight to begin with, Ronda thought bitterly. "Great," Trevor said, smiling. "Then it's settled." "Not quite," Ry added. "I want custody of Charlie signed over to me." Everyone but Ronda looked at Ry in shock. "What?!" Billy and Rick demanded. "I don't think I need to repeat myself. Billy, you have guardianship over Rick, which means Rick really isn't legally capable of taking care of himself, let alone Charlie and the baby. You're also a full-time student and work part-time. You don't have the time to manage Rick, Charlie and the baby. Yes, you have Trevor, but he's also a full-time student with a full-time job, who also helps you take care of Rick. "I'm only a full-time employee, who makes his own schedule. Mom has a full-time job but works from home. Not to mention that Charlie is already living with us and has no desire to live here. It only makes sense." Ry didn't fail to notice the pained look on Rick's face when Ry called Ronda "Mom." "That's total fucking bullshit, Ry," Billy snarled. "This is a real fucking low blow!" "Can I talk to Ry in private please?" Rick asked. Billy and Ronda started to protest, but, with Ry's encouragement and Trevor's help, everyone left the room. Once Rick was sure nobody else could hear, he asked, "Why do you hate me?" "I don't hate you," Ry said flatly. He had practiced his speech countless times over the years, but now that he was in that moment, he couldn't remember any of it. "I feel a lot of things but hate isn't one of them." "What did I do wrong to make you not like me anymore?" Aside from fucking my 12-year-old boyfriend behind my back, pretend like you didn't know what was going on when I uncovered the affair, and continue to this day having sex with your son who now my brother? Ry thought, barely keeping his feelings in check. "People change, Rick. After Will's death, we all changed. Some for the better, some for the worst." They sat in silence for a few seconds, then Ry added, "I still love you, and you'll always be my dad; however, right now, at this very moment, I don't know if I can move on from what's happened. I feel a lot of emotions, mostly hurt and betrayal, so I need more time to see if I can move passed it all." "Ry, if I have done anything to hurt you or have done anything to betray you, I'm so, so sorry. I have never wanted to hurt or betray my boys. I love you all so much." "I know, Rick," Ry said, wiping a tear from his eye, "but we need to focus on Charlie first. He's the one hurting the most, so we need to help him...after that, we'll see how things go. So, will you give me custody of Charlie or do we need to go to court?" He felt like he was losing everything, but Rick knew he'd lose if it went to court. Ry made a lot of good points, and if anyone could handle Charlie, for good or bad, it was Ry. "Yeah, I'll give you custody of Charlie." "Thanks," Ry said. He reached out and took hold of Rick's hands. It was the first physical contact he'd had with his adopted dad in years. Rick's hands weren't as rough as they had once been, but they were still strong and familiar. He really did miss his dad, but his conflicted feelings were still too much of a barrier. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 12***