Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 01:00:00 -0800 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Ry Chapter 23 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit helps. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 18, with scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children, and adopted siblings. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading this. If you're not sure about the legality, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: As of mid-August 2023, I have been using a new email address. Please contact me (copy and paste) at NIFTYJHENRY1988.2@GMAIL.COM. If you've sent me an email prior to mid-August, please forward them to me, since I've lost access to my previous account. All future submissions will also be from this account. This is the third and final book in a trilogy, which starts with my first book, "Growing Up Kyle" and continues with "Growing Up Charlie." It is highly recommended that you read those stories in order before reading this book. You can find links to them, and my other stories, on my Prolific Authors page at . If you would like to leave positive feedback, contact me at Chapter 23 Christmas sucked as far as Charlie was concerned. He hated rehab despite being there for about two weeks. Luis was alright, but everything else about the place just sucked. He had two meetings with his counselor, Jason, and they didn't go very well. Jason wanted to know more about Bethany and Sammy, but Charlie wasn't budging. "Charlie," Jason said, "I'm only here to help. Without knowing more about your life before coming here, I can't set healthy goals for treatment." "You don't need to know about my daughter or her mother," Charlie said defiantly. "None of that has to do with why I'm here." "I can't just take your word for it, but we can skip it for now." Jason looked through his client's file. "Lets talk about your mother then." "I'd rather not," Charlie repeated. "We can either discuss your mother or we can discuss your daughter. Either way, we're going to discuss something important." "What if I don't want to discuss them?" "Then I call your brother to come get you, then I call CPS and discuss your situation." Fuck, Charlie thought bitterly. "Fine, we can talk about my mom." "Alright," Jason said, mentally noting not to over use that card. "According to my notes, your mother spent quite a few years in prison, is that correct?" "Yeah." Charlie shifted a bit in his seat. Some of it was from detoxing, while the rest was from his desire to not discuss his past. "Mind tell me why?" Charlie fought rolling his eyes and sat up straight. "She beat a child molester with a bat, nearly killing him." "Was this the man who assaulted you?" "No," Charlie said, a bit too harshly. "Sorry. No, he raped my brother." "Ry?" "No, Billy." Jason looked confused and returned to his notes. "Different Billy," Charlie clarified. "My brother had a different name at the time. He went by Kyle until he was 12. Dan had another victim my age named Billy, who I went to school with." "I see," Jason said, making some notes. "Sorry about that. The internet isn't very reliable." "Tell me about it." "So your brother, Kyle--" "He goes by Billy, now. I know it's confusing, but just call him Billy. It's his birth name, anyway." "Why did he change it?" "To Billy or Kyle?" "How about both?" Charlie sighed. At least it was better than talking about Bethany, he told himself. "Billy and I have different dads but the same mom. Mom was married to Billy's dad, Will, before they moved to Franklin. Mom thought Will had been molesting Billy and had Will arrested. Come to find out, Will caught her father, my grandfather, raping Billy when he was only two. Will went to prison, Mom changed Billy's name to Kyle and they moved to Franklin. "Mom met my dad, they got married and had me years later. It was a neighbor of ours named Dan who molested Billy. Our brother, Ry, who was only friends with Billy caught Dan trying to rape Billy. Ry kicked Dan's ass before Dan was arrested. Dan was out on bail and wasn't supposed to be looking at or talking to Billy, but he did, so Mom took a bat to him. They both went to prison, and Dan was killed not long after." "That's a lot." "Yeah, it is." "How do you feel about it?" "What do you mean?" Charlie had never been asked his opinion on everything and was thrown off by the question. "When you think back to that time, what feelings come up? Anger, betrayal, happy, sad?" "I don't know." "Okay, how about we break it down then, since there's a lot to process? First, did Billy's abuser, Dan? Did he ever abuse you?" "No," Charlie said. "I only went to his house with my parents. Billy was doing yard work for him and that's how it started." "Okay. So, Billy was sexually abused by your grandfather and was abused again by a neighbor., but you weren't abused by either men or anyone else before or during that time?" "No," Charlie said, shifting again. He was prepared to change the subject to Bethany if it meant not talking about his own trauma. "Since we've been talking about it, how does that make you feel? You look uncomfortable, which is pretty normal, especially after what you've been through." "I don't like talking about it." "I get that, and I don't want to press the issue too much; however, it's important to discuss this. Secrets can cause a lot more harm than people think. So, it's best to get things out in the open, so the pain doesn't fester, pushing us towards negative behaviors, like drugs, alcohol or abusing others." "I'm not a rapist!" Charlie said angrily. "Nobody said you were, Charlie," Jason said, a little taken aback by his client's reaction. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. It wasn't my intent. However, my point is that we turn to harmful behaviors to mask our problems." "I get that," Charlie said. "But, I don't think I'm ready to talk about all that, and I'm not a rapist." "Okay, I can accept that, especially after what you've been through." Jason made some quick notes and told Charlie that they'd talk again after the holidays. Charlie went back to his room and was glad that Luis wasn't there. He climbed on his bunk and cried, having flashbacks from what he could remember from his time with Justin. He struggled to block his memories. Jason's words kept coming back to him: "...Drugs, alcohol or abusing others...." As much as he denied it, he never forgot what caused him to run away the night Justin kidnapped him. He remembered Ry waking up as Charlie was sucking him off...abusing him. He felt sick to his stomach. Even though Ry said he was okay with what Charlie did, Charlie still felt guilty. Charlie's heart raced as his memories switched from Ry to his dad...and what Charlie had done to him.... All Charlie wanted at that moment was to get high. He was in pain and knew that getting high was the only way to make it all stop. He considered running away from the facility, but knew he'd never see Bethany or Ry ever again. "Why?" Charlie choked out between sobs. "Why am I such a piece of shit?" ***Coming Soon, Chapter 24***