Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 00:08:00 -0700 From: Ryan White Subject: Kian and Kieron The day that Julian and Mary Reed heard that they were expecting, they couldn't be happier. Finally they were going to have what they always wanted. God knows they have tried in the past, so for it to finally happen was a miracle in its own way. Julian treated his wife like god during her pregnancy, ofcourse not only because of the precious cargo that his wife was carrying but he loved her more than anything in the world. About five months into Mary's pregancy, she came home once Wednesday afternoon after her appointment with her doctor. Julian saw that Mary had been crying and rushed over to his wife's side. When he asked her what was wrong, she only managed to smile at her husband before telling him that they were not expecting one baby, but that she was infact carrying two twin boys. She showed him the photo of the sonar that the doctor had printed out and small tears were formed within Julian's eyes as he saw the blobs on the photo that resembled their boys. One was a dream come true, but two! That was just a sheer gift from the Man upstairs. The night of the twenty- first of March 1988, Julian got a phone call from his brother, Leon. He invited him to have a drink with him, but Julian declined, as Mary's time was getting closer and closer. Leon said that in that case he would come over. Leon and Mary had been friends ever since the second grade and it was infact Leon who had introduced Julian to Mary. They sat and chatted the whole evening about all the stuff that they used to do aswell as their time in school and college, when Mary suddenly screamed. Within a flash, Julian and Leon were next to her and she quietly whispered into her husband's ear that her water had just broken. Leon rushed outside to get the car ready while Julian very gently helped her to the car. This was it, this was the moment that they have waited eight months for. When Julian was allowed to see his wife and his twin boys, he couldn't move. The emotions running through him was undescribable, as he quietly stepped inside the hospital room and saw Mary sleeping under the covers. Next to her were two bundles of baby blue coloured towels. When he came closer he saw his two twin boys for the first time. They were the most beautiful boys that he had ever seen, but ofcourse any parent wants to believe that of their children. He slowly picked one up and held him close to his chest, only for a minute, before the little boy started to cry. Scared shitless that he might have hurt his son somehow, he put him down next to his brother. Then he slowly picked up the other boy but before he could, he started to cry aswell. A bit stunned, he quickly put him down. Julian quickly turned to Mary and he gave her a kiss in her forehead. He couldn't love his wife more than he did right at that moment. When Mary and Julian took their babies home for the first time, they put them down in their separate little beds that Julian had made for them, as he was a carpenter. Julian and Mary looked down at their boys peacefully and then they slowly kissed eachother. Their lives were complete. But as soon as they left the room, they heard the twins crying. Each picked one boy up and looked at their nappies, tried to give them their bottles and tried to cheer them up, but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly Julian remembered something and he told Mary to put the two together in one bed. Mary, who was very emotional at seeing her boys crying, was prepared to cry anything at this point. The moment that they put the two twin boys together, they both stopped crying. Mary threw her arms around her husband in relief. This happened over the next few weeks aswell, everytime that Julian and Mary attempted to separate the two boys, the more they cried. Julian spoke to the doctor about what to do but the doctor admitted that it was nothing out of the ordinary for newborn twins to not wanting to be without eachother as they were together in the mother for over eight months. He suggested that Julian and Mary leave things as they were for now. Sooner or later, the two would finally agree to separate. Julian and Mary decided to call their two boys Kian and Kieron. Two names that was close in pronounciation and spelling, symbloising the closeness of the twins. Over the next few passing years, the twins stayed as close as they were. Julian would sometime go into their room and see the two boys quietly sleeping, with their arms around eachother. One time Mary told him that the twins were watching TV when she brought them each a juice, and she saw that Kieron was leaning in to Kian, who had his arms around his brother. Neither Mary nor Julian had ever thought that this was somehow unnatural; as the twins had been close all their lives. When the twins turned five, Julian and Mary enrolled them into a pre school that was only a few blocks away from their home. The twins were very happy at the school as they told their parents how much fun they had each and every day. There was something that was bothering Julian though, he could understand it that when he had asked the twins if they had made any friends thus far, they said no, but when a month had past and they still said no, Julian decided to go to the school and speak to their teacher. Just before he entered the classroom, he saw Kian and Kieron sitting by themselves, watching the other children play. Julian thought that the sun was messing with his eyes, but no. Kian's arm was around Kieron and they didn't seem at all fazed that they were on their own. Frowning, he entered the classroom. Julian's suspicions were correct after this talk with the twins's teacher. She told him that Kian and Kieron didn't want to play with the other children and that they put up a great fight if someone dared separate them. Apparantly, she had devided the two into separate groups for a colouring assignment. She had quickly gone to fetch some more crayons and when she came back, Kian and Kieron had grabbed a single page and they were colouring it in together. That left Julian and Mary with more questions than answers as the twins refused to go somewhere without eachother. It was a big day for the twins and their parents when Kian and Kieron were enrolled in the first grade. Mary cried a little as they dropped the twins off. Julian was also a bit teary but his chest was also bursting of pride as he saw his two boys growing up. Little did he know that Kian and Kieron would discover a lot of things about eachother aswell as others in that school. One afternoon Kian and Kieron were walking home when Kian slipped of the pavement, hurting his leg. Being only seven years old, Kian started to cry when he saw the blood. Kieron helped his brother up and helped him to walk home. "Mommy! Kian hurt his leg! He's bleeding!" Kieron screamed when they arrived home. "Take him to the bathroom, will you? I'll get a band aid." When Mary entered the bathroom, she stopped in the entrance by what she saw. Kian was still crying and holding his leg, while Kieron was rubbing his back and kissing his brother's face. She also heard Kieron whisper `I'ts okay' into Kian's ear. She cleared her voice and got to work on Kian's leg. As the next day was Saturday, she said that they could watch TV a little later than usual. When Julian came home, she told him what she saw. Julian wanted to laugh it off, but it has been seven years already. The twins just refused not to be together. Mary started to watch the twins everyday after they came home. They immediately went about doing their homework, if they had any, and after that they would play video games or watch TV, but whatever they did, they would do it together. One afternoon Julian came home early and started to open the door, when he saw Kian give Kieron a kiss on the cheek and Kieron snuggling into his brother. Julian acted as if he didn't see anything, but immediately went to the twins's room, making a few changes. Just before dinner, the twins went into their room, only to see that their room had been changed dramatically. Julian came up behind them and the twins looked at him, clearly confused. "Daddy, what's going on?" "Son, Mom and I thought that it was a good time for you and Kieron to move into separate rooms. You're old enough now to have your own room. If you look in the spare room, you would see that all of Kieron's stuff is in there." "Daddy, but we don't want to..." "Come on, guys! You're not babies anymore are you? You are in school and you are growing up. You don't want everyone to think that you are still babies, do you?" As much as Kian and Kieron wanted to be together and sleep in the same room and in the same bed, they didn't want their father to think that they were still acting like babies and they reluctantly agreed. Julian and Mary sighed with relief as the problem seemed to be worked out. But this arrangement brought on a new problem. Suddenly the boys didn't want to go to sleep. They did everything that they could to stay up a little later, and Mary and Julian knew why. They didn't want to go to sleep as they would be in separate rooms. One night Kian was asleep in his room, dreaming that he and his brother were playing in the backyard, when he was forced awake by a sudden movement on the bed. He opened his eyes to see Kieron crawling up to him. "Why aren't you sleeping?" Kian whispered. "I couldn't. I missed you." Kieron whispered back. "You don't think I miss you? Why did Daddy do this? We were so happy here together." "Could I sleep with you tonight? Im kinda still scared of the dark." Kian immediately lifted the covers up and Kieron gratefully climbed in next to his brother. Kian's arms went around his brother and Kieron sighed, being with his brother calmed him down like nothing else did. Kieron's small, little hand pressed onto Kian's chest, moving it to his shoulder. Kian kissed his brother's head and together in eachother's arms, the Reed twins fell asleep. THREE YEARS LATER Julian opened Kieron's bedroom door and walked over to his son. He was glad that he and Mary were finally able to separate their twins from sleeping together three years ago. Their closeness, although not faded, but it wasn't exactly like it once was. Every now and then he or Mary would still catch the eight year old boys sleeping together. Not that it was unnatural, but didn't feel right to let Kian and Kieron be together all day and all night. They now had mutual friends and had numerous sleepovers with the kids from school.He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but somehow this budding friendship between his two boys made him feel just a little uneasy. He gently started to shake awake the lump under the covers that was Kieron...what the fuck? "Shit!" Julian angrily through the covers off the bed and stared at the pillows that only Kieron could have put there. "You two are in big trouble now!" he screamed and stormed off to Kian's room. Kian, having been woken up by his father's screaming, knew that he was too late to wake Kieron and quickly rolled off the side of the bed and he dove under the bed just as Julian opened the door. "Alright you two. You keep on doing this and...Kian, where is your brother?" Kian just hoped that Kieron would somehow figure out what he had done. Hopefully their father would think that Kieron was him and that they hadn't slept together. "Son, I asked you a question! Where is Kieron?" Kieron sat up in Kian's bed as he woke, and looked around him, a little confused. He didn't see Kian anywhere and why was his father talking to him like he was Kian? Shit they were in trouble...but where was Kian? Then something clicked in his mind...he just hoped that he was right. If not, they were going to be in big trouble. "Hey Daddy, it's just me here. Kieron must be in his room." "Well he isn't and since you two demand on being together all the time, where else but here would he be?" "Maybe he is watching TV, Daddy. I really don't know where he is." That, ironically enough, was the truth. "Well, if you see him, tell him that I want to speak to you both. Sorry if I scared you, son." With that, Julian walked out of the room. Kieron nearly shit himself when he saw Kian climbing out from underneath the bed. "Thanks buddy! I thought we were finished for sure!" "Why does Daddy not want us to be together? We've always been together! Mommy told us that we were born together. And now we are both in trouble! That's not fair, Kian..." Kian's young, eight year old heart went out to his brother as he saw him starting to cry. He climbed into the bed and grabbed Kieron into a hug. He could feel Kieron's tears falling onto his shoulder. Kian desperately wanted his brother to stop crying so he decided to do what their mother always did when they got hurt. He released Kieron from their embrace and took his face in his hands. Slowly he kissed the tears away from his brother's face. While he did this, he gently stroked Kieron's hair as he felt his brother's body shake beneath him. Then he stopped when he felt Kieron's hand on his face aswell as the twins held eachother's heads in their hands. Two identical faces looked into two pairs of identical eyes and slowly their faces came together. Their foreheads pushed against eachother. Kieron was so confused, he really loved his brother and having felt his tears being kissed away, his equally young heart felt an incredible love for his twin brother. Kian was confused aswell. He and Kieron have always been together but the way that he was feeling now...this...he has never felt like this before. Before they could do anything though, they heard someone coming up the stairs and they quickly separated, with Kieron this time, climbing underneath the bed. When the coast was clear, Kian stormed out of the room, really scared about what he felt. He also tried his best to ignore Kieron of the rest of the day. This went on for the next couple of days. Julian and Mary were stunned to notice that their two boys were staying out of eachother's way all together. Except for when they walked home from school or when they ate dinner together, they simply ignored eachother. Mary and Julian so badly wanted to talk to the two boys but they decided not to interfere, and to let this phase sort it's self out. One Monday afternoon after school the two boys were walking home once more when Kieron saw Kian turning left into another street. Thinking that Kian wanted to show him something, he followed him. When Kian became aware of his brother's precence behind him he turned around to face him and Kieron could see that he was angry. "Why do you always keep on following me everywhere? Can't you do anything for yourself?" Tears immediately sprang to Kieron's eyes as he took in what Kian had just screamed at him and his bottom lip started to quiver. "Kian, what's wrong? We've always walked home from school together!" "Well, things have changed. Go home and stay the hell away from me." " don't really mean that!" Kieron screamed, his voice breaking because of the sobbs in his throat. "You think im joking? Go home!" In the end, Kieron wiped his eyes, turned around and slowly started to walk home. He nearly fell off the pavement a couple of times as his tears were muddling up his eyes but he kept wiping them away. He was determined not to show his mother that he had been crying. When he got home he ran straight to the bathroom and he washed his face. "Hey sweety, where's your brother?" Mary asked as she saw Kieron coming out of the bathroom. Ashamed as she was to admit it, she didn't have a clue to whom she was talking to at that moment as Kian and Kieron's manurisms was always the same. "Kian...he...he got held up by...sports! Yeah, I think they want to pick Rugby teams or something." "Kieron, why didn't you wait for him? You know that you guys are too young to be wandering around on your own! Wait until your father hears about this!" Kieron let his face drop to his chin and he walked quietly to his room. When he got there, he closed the door, locked it and started to cry softly. He didn't want his mother to hear. He was going to get into trouble because of something that he didn't do. And when Kian gets home, he will tell the truth and then he, Kieron, would be in even more trouble. Kieron's tears fell onto his shirt as he thought about the old days, the times that he and his brother were so close. He missed that. He missed all the fun he and Kian used to have. Most of all, he just missed Kian. Kieron had fallen asleep from crying but he was awakened by his mother knocking on his door. He forgot that he locked it. When he opened the door, he saw his mother standing there, out of breath and with her eyes red and puffy. "Where is Kian? Tell me, Kieron! Is he in here with you? Tell me!" "Mommy, I told you he is still at..." "Kieron Reed don't you lie to me! Ive just been to the school to wait for Kian and guess what? No Kian! The Rugby coach didn't know what I was talking about! I make a fool of myself infront of a complete stranger and that because you lied to me! Where is Kian?" Just then, the front door slammed closed. Mary turned around and ran downstairs with Kieron following her. "Stop right there, Kian!" Kian stopped and looked at his mother. He was in real trouble now. Then he saw the look on Kieron's face and he got angry again. Why did his brother have to split on him? Was it revenge on Kieron's part because he screamed at him? Kieron walked over to him and put his arm around his brother. Kian just wanted to shake it off, when Kieron spoke. "Mommy, im sorry that I lied to you. I just didn't think that you would actually go to the school. The thing is...I told Kian not to come home. I had a fight with him today and I was so angry so I told him that. Im sorry Kian. I still love you." Kian couldn't believe that Kieron was telling a lie right infront of their mother. Why was he doing this? Kian felt guilty as hell for what he did to his brother. After they ate dinner that night, it was decided that Kieron was going to be grounded for two weeks. Kieron just nodded and went about eating his dinner. Kian couldn't eat. Kieron was getting into trouble for something that was not his fault. He excused himself, telling his parents that he didn't feel well. Mary told him to go and lie down. Kieron was lying on his bed with his eyes closed when he heard the door open. Somehow, he knew who it was. Kian sat next to his brother on the bed and softly touched his arm. "Kieron..." "Listen, Kian I did that because I didn't want you to get into trouble. I don't know what I did to you to make you be so angry with me, but I hope that you can forgive me." This time it was Kian's eyes that were filled with small tears. He lied next to his brother and he pulled Kieron closer to him. "Thanks buddy. I love you too." That feeling came back to both of them, but this time, they didn't fight against it. Kian pressed his lips onto his brother's while Kieron sighed and put his arm around Kian's neck. Kian held Kieron at the waist while they kissed and sighed inside their seven year old souls. At the same time, they whispered `I love you' to eachother and they meant it. In due time, they would find out what those feeling really meant, but for now, the twins kissed eachother because they loved eachother as the twin brothers that they were. Whether the twins were aware that they were not like other brothers that they knew, it never came to them, as they didn't believe that what they had with eachother was concidered to be wrong, weird or even perhaps gay. There were lots of kids, especially boys who joked around by saying that certain boys were gay. Whenever it happened, Kian and Kieron would remain quiet. They knew what being called `gay' meant. At least they knew was that they never wanted to be without eachother, that is, if they could help it. For the first time, the Reed twins didn't talk to eachother about a certain topic...being called gay... FOUR YEARS LATER The following four years that past was testing times for the twins. There was a scenario when they were twelve, where Kieron made a new friend at school, called Paul. Now Paul had made friends with Kieron first and, as some boys age twelve are, didn't want to always have Kian being part of the package as he visited Kieron, or when Kieron went to his house. Paul spoke to Kieron more than once about Kian always following them and how he had hated it. Kieron knew that Paul didn't like Kian very much, so he decided to stay away from Paul. When Paul questioned him about what the hell was going on, Kieron simply said that if Paul wasn't going to be Kian's friend and accept him as his brother, then their friendship was over aswell. Paul was really hurt by what was said, but Kieron was standing firm. Kian was his brother, his twin brother, they had always been together, why be separated by a boy who didn't like Kian? Paul never forgot that and he infact started a hate campaign against the twins. He would gather some friends and wait for Kian and Kieron after school, where they would gang up on the twins and beat them up. Neither ever said anything to Julian or Mary as they were too afraid by what Paul might do. One day after school, Kian was waiting for Kieron, after their teacher wanted to speak to Kieron and some other kids in private, when he saw Paul and his buddies coming over to him. Kian wanted so much to run away but he didn't want to be observed as a sissy boy, so he remained where he was. Afterall, they were still on the school grounds. What was the worst that could happen? "Hey look, it's the national faggot! Where's Kieron? We all know you can't survive without him!" "Shut up, Paul! He's my brother!" "That may be, but you caused me my friendship with him because you can't live without him and have to be his toy boy everywhere he goes. What do you guys say; we give him a bit of his own medicine?" Now Kian was getting worried. He started to move backwards as Paul came closer, and the next thing he knew, Kian tripped over a branch on the ground and fell hard onto his back. Kian's eyes started to tear up by the sheer pain coming from his back, when he felt a shattering pain in his stomach. He dubbed over in pain, when Paul gave him another kick. Kian started to cough up blood which along with his tears, seem to give Paul a sadistic feeling of pleasure. He pulled Kian towards him and whispered in his ear. "You faggots stay away from me. When you see me, you ignore me and turn away. If you two homo's so much as look at me, I'll make sure that you'll never be looking identical ever again? You got me?" Kian slowly nodded, which made his head hurt. As Paul shoved him back on the ground, he heard laughter as Paul and his cronies walked away. Kian couldn't remember how long he had layed there and he put his head down on the ground as darkness overtook him. Kieron came out of the classroom, turning left towards the outside where Kian was waiting for him. All that he saw was red...and Kieron heard himself screaming as he ran towards his brother. "Kian, what happened? Was it Paul?" Needless to ask. Kieron waited for his brother to answer, but he got a fright as Kian didn't move. Kieron tried to pick Kian up, but he was just too heavy. Now seriously worried and starting to cry, Kieron ran back into the school building to look for help. The secretary phoned an ambulance and then phoned Mary at home and Julian at work. Both of them were stunned that something like this could have happened and they both rushed to the hospital, each sending a quick prayer to the Man upstairs, hoping that their boy would be okay. Mary reached the hospital first and rushed to the reception area, where the nurse told her where Kian layed. When she entered the room, she gasped. Her sweet little boy, whom she and Julian had watched grow up, natured and cared for, laying in the bed, under the white sheets and he wasn't moving. Next to him was Kieron, his eyes drenched in tears and with Kian's hand in his. For any mother's heart this was too much to see her child in this kind of way and Mary Reed started to break down. Kieron really didn't want to release Kian's hand, but his mom looked like she was about to faint. He grabbed a chair and guided his mother to sit down. Mary closed her eyes and looked at Kieron. She grabbed him and held him close, while quietly sobbing. When Julian entered the room, she released Kieron and that gave him the chance to sit next to Kian's bed once more. He took that little, identical hand that layed so peacefully still on the bed and held it tight. This was his entire fault. If he didn't break off his friendship with Paul, nothing would have happened. Kian would still have been alright. They would have been home, playing video games or eating or doing homework. Together. After Julian and Mary made sure that Kian was stable, they quickly popped out for a coffee. Nothing could get Kieron away from Kian at that point and time. He still had Kian's hand in his. Gently he brought it to his face and he kissed it. Then he placed Kian's hand on his chest, as to somehow, let Kian hear his heartbeat, to will him to wake up, so that he could see his twin brother, who he loved more than his parents, himself, than anything else in the world. Suddenly a feeling that Kieron has felt a hundred times when being with his brother, but have never known what exactly to call it, came over him again. Quickly, he stood up and looked out of the door, no, his parents was no where to be seen, nor anyone else. He closed the door and returned to Kian. He lovingly brushed Kian's hair from his face and then he kissed his brother's forehead. A warm, sunny feeling began to spread through him as he lifted his lips from Kian, and, knowing exactly what he was doing, he kissed his brother's cheek, his nose, his neck and finally, his lips. He pulled back, almost scared, at what he had done. He and Kian had ofcourse kissed before in the past, but this was something else. It meant something. He sat down once more and took Kian's hand into his. "Please wake up, Kian. I love you so much. Please wake up. I miss my brother," he whispered. Eventually Julian and Mary told Kieron that they had to go home. "Mommy, how can we go home without Kian, we can't leave him here?" "Sweety, your brother is in a very deep sleep. He has to stay here tonight. But I promise that you can see him again tomorrow after school. Yes, Kieron you are going to school. After school Daddy or me will come and fetch you and then you can see Kian. But there is nothing that you can do for him now." Reluntantly, Kieron released Kian's hand and gently placed it on the bed. He wiped his tears and walked out of the room. When they got home, no one was in the mood for TV or talking. Mary made Kieron some dinner and he quietly ate it. After that, Julian told him that he had to go to sleep to be ready for the next day. Just as Kieron climbed into his bed, Julian entered his room. "Are you alright, little man?" he asked. "Is Kian going to be okay?" "I don't know, my boy. Hope and pray is all that we can do at this moment. Here, let me tuck you in." After Julian had made sure that Kieron was warm enough for the night, he kissed his forehead, and Kieron knew that his daddy was crying. He had never seen his father cry before. When outside Kieron's room, he could hear his father blow out his nose. The next day arrived and still Kian had not woken up. The doctors didn't want to admit this, but they were beginning to wonder if Kian wasn't in a coma. For an eleven year old kid, he had been really badly hurt. Two of his ribs were broken, he had a bad cut on his head and his back had a red, swollen glow to it. The full damage could only be assessed when Kian would eventually wake up. Mary and Julian told Kieron that he had to go to school, as they knew that there was nothing to do but wait. In class, the teacher told them that Kian had a bad injury and that he was in hospital. She also asked the other kids to pray for him. Kieron looked at Paul as the teacher spoke, and he was a white as a sheet. As the final bell rang for the day, Kieron ran to the front gate, where his dad was waiting for him to take him to the hospital, when Paul stopped him. "Why is Kian in the hospital?" "As if you don't know! You did that to him!" "Hey, sure I roughed him up a bit, but we just played with him, is all." "You're a liar, Paul. I don't know why I ever made friends with you. You're not a person, you're a monster. Im going to see my best friend in this world, my brother, Kian. And if Kian dies or something, I will kill you for taking my brother away from me!" Kieron turned away from Paul and started to walk towards the gate, when he heard Paul speak to him. The evil dripped off the boy's tongue "While you're there, why don't you suck his cock and come and tell me how it tastes tomorrow, you little faggot! I may be many things, but at least im not in love with my own brother!" In a flash, Kieron was on top of Paul, hitting and punching him for all that he had. He had no idea how badly he was infact hurting Paul, when Julian, who had been waiting to pick Kieron up, pulled him from Paul. "Kieron, what the hell do you think you're doing?" "Daddy, it was him who did that to Kian! It's him! He has been angry at us for a long time, he did that to Kian!" Julian gave Paul one long hard look before he grabbed Kieron's arm and led him towards the car. As he locked the door, he pulled his young boy towards him and into a hug. Kieron started to cry as all the stress and fear came pouring from him. As much as he tried to ignore what Paul had said, it still banged around in his young mind. The way that Kian made him feel when he was near him...was he in love with his twin brother?