Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 16:47:29 -0800 (PST) From: rimpigfl Subject: MARINE QUANDARY Disclaimer: This is not true. I could have been or could be. That's the way fiction is. Sometimes it's so much like real life that real life copies it and makes it happen. But if it did happen, in this case, I don't know anything about it. This story is dedicated with love to my "twin" sister Robin because she loves this kind of story. Just like I do. I also love the ones that she writes. Thanks for being there, "sis". MARINE QUANDARY by RimPig (c) 2003 It had been many years since I had been down this street. Years of struggle, loneliness and heartache. Had it really been ten years? Seemed like only yesterday I had ridden my bike along this street in the carefree days of summer vacation. No school and a seemingly endless summer to bask in the glow of the warm sun. Time to do nothing and enjoy being idle. I had not been idle since I left. My life had been one of constant striving to improve who and what I was...a Marine. I left for boot-camp from here the week after my 18th birthday. My parents could not understand why I wanted to leave. Nor could they ever understand why I didn't come back home. Now they never would. I was grateful for that. I don't think they could ever understand. I would only be seen as a failure in their eyes, something I didn't want to face. Now, I wouldn't have to. Up ahead, I saw the house where I grew up. Somehow, it looked smaller than I remembered it. I'd heard that memories of childhood did that, made things seem bigger because of the relative size of a child. I thought that because I'd last seen it at 18, this wouldn't happen but I guess the memories I cling to are from a much younger time in my life. I slowed my walk, at first just to take in everything but I soon realized that I was doing so because I still wanted to avoid what was going to happen there. I knew it would be a confrontation, but I had thought on the plane that I was ready for it. Now, nearing the house, I knew I wasn't. Maybe I never would be. But, like my training in the Corps had taught me, people go into battle afraid. It is not what you felt, but whether or not you had the courage and determination to go through it. I drew on every bit of my determination as I walked up the driveway past the late-model truck and drew near the front door. It seemed strange to ring the bell to ask admittance. This had been my home for the first 18 years of my life, but it was no longer. I did not belong here. Maybe I had no real right to be here but I had no choice. I had been summoned and I had responded as duty required. I stood there waiting for the door to open, finally hearing footsteps approaching. The door opened and there he stood. My older brother, Jeff. Two years older than me, I was taken aback by how little he'd changed since I'd last seen him ten years before. His dark hair, his blue eyes, his handsome face all seemed fairly much the same. He was still taller than I am by a few inches and, though he'd be 30 now, his body showed little change from the high school and college football star that he had been. His shoulders were wide and his waistline slender. I could see through his t-shirt that his chest was still massive and now heavily furred, shown by the curls of dark hair that peeked out of v-neck of the white cotton. His arms still bulged with muscles showing that he not only owned a health spa, he evidently worked out there religiously as well. "So, the prodigal finally returns." he said without a smile. "Hello, Jeff." I said. "I didn't think you'd actually come." he said gruffly. "Then why did you call?" I asked, holding my anger tightly in check. "Because even though you didn't give a damn about them, you had a right to know. You were their son. Or did you just decide that was too inconvenient for you?" he said sarcastically. "Look, Jeff, if you want to fight, fine. But let me come inside so the entire neighborhood doesn't have to witness it." I said, clenching my fists tightly, including the one around the webbed handle of my duffle. Jeff turned and walked into the house. I followed him, closing the front door behind me. I followed him into the kitchen where he poured two cups of coffee and sat down at the table, not saying anything but putting a cup across from him for me. I sat down and stared into the coffee for a couple of moments before taking a sip. Then I looked up into his blue eyes and saw the anger at me still there. "Would it have killed you to come home just once?" he said quietly, his voice hard. "Yes. It probably would have." I said, just as quietly but without anger or sarcasm. That rocked him a bit. He looked at me strangely. I guess this wasn't the answer he was expecting. "Did you hate it here so much? Did you hate them so much?" he said, raising his voice. "No, Jeff. That's what you don't understand. I loved them." I said not raising my voice in answer. He stared at me again. This was not going the way he'd planned evidently. I was not making the right responses and was not allowing him to goad me into a fight. He clearly was feeling the sand shifting beneath his feet and didn't know which way to jump. "Well, all I can say is you had a real fucking funny way of showing it!" he growled and then fell silent. We sat there, drinking coffee, not speaking or looking at each other for the longest time. I couldn't look at Jeff. I knew if I did, all the old feelings would come rushing back and I just wasn't in any condition to deal with them right now. Finally, however, I knew I had to say something. "What really happened?" I asked softly, looking up finally into Jeff's face. "What do you mean? Just what I told you! It was an auto accident. They were hit by a drunk driver." he said. "Jeff," I said softly, turning my eyes down again so I didn't have to look at him. "Have you ever heard of something called an 'Out Of Town News Stand'?". "Fuck!" I heard him groan and looked up in time to see his face collapse into what could only be described as abject and total grief. Tears began to fall down his face as he looked at me. I didn't know what to do. I so wanted to reach out and take him in my arms and hold him, but not only would he probably push me away, I was too afraid of my own reactions if I did. He covered his face with his hands and sat there sobbing for a while. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there staring down at the cup of coffee between my hands. Finally, I thought of one thing I could do. I got up and walked over to the sink where there was a roll of paper towels suspended in a holder over the sink. I pulled off a couple and came back, sat down at the table, and handed them to Jeff. He looked up as my hand, holding the paper towels out to him, came into his line of vision. He looked up almost as if he wondered who I was and where I had come from. He took them and dried his eyes and then blew his nose loudly into them. I could see how ashamed he was for coming apart in front of me. He couldn't look me in the eyes. "So you know." he said softly, his voice husky. "I know what the local paper said. What I want to know is what really happened." I told him. "Mom had been sick a long time, I guess about three years. She wasn't going to get better. The doctors finally told her that she had less than a year to live. She was in so much pain and nothing they gave her seemed to do anything. Dad went crazy. That's the only way I could describe it. If you'd seen him, you would have wondered who had the cancer! His weight went down almost as dramatically as hers did. He wouldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. He spent every waking hour at her bedside. Finally, as far as I could tell, she begged him to put her out of her misery. I don't think she had any idea what she was asking of him." Jeff said, more tears beginning to stream down his face. "How do you know she asked him to do it?" I asked, wanting to know for sure that this was something she wanted. "They both left notes, to both of us." he said and started crying again. I decided not to push him right then about anything else and picked up my duffle and headed upstairs to my old room. I was shocked when I walked into it. It wasn't just my room. It had turned into a shrine! Not only was it exactly the way I had left it, nothing moved or changed, but hanging on the wall, where there had previously been a blank space, was a cork bulletin board with pictures and newspaper stories about me from the local paper. Somehow, every phase of my career as a Marine had been documented and every letter I'd ever sent home was hanging there with the envelop pinned to the cork. I was not expecting this. It cut through me like a knife and now I found myself standing there with tears streaming down my face. I buried my face in my hands, not able to look anymore at such an obvious symbol of their love and devotion to me. I literally sank to my knees beside my old bed unable to take the pain that was going through me. I don't know how long I stayed that way but, finally, I heard a soft voice behind me. "They really loved you. Didn't you know that?" my brother's voice came without anger or sarcasm now. "I knew that they loved me. I didn't know to this extent." I said, not turning to look at him. "David, why did you leave? Why didn't you ever come back? Please, tell me. I want to know." he said. I stood up and walked over to the window and looked down at the back yard, a scene I had looked at for all of my young life. "No, Jeff. You don't want to know. The funeral is tomorrow, the next day I'll get back on a plane and that will be the last time you will ever see me." I said, my voice determined. "I want you to forget me. Forget you have a brother." "Why the fuck are you being this way? What the fuck did we ever do to you to make you hate us so much?!" he screamed at me. I turned to see the anguish in his face. "You don't understand. You probably never will, Jeff. I don't hate you. I didn't hate Mom and Dad. I love you. I really do. I just can't be here ever again." I said and then turned back to the window. Jeff stood there for a while and then turned and walked out of the room. I leaned my head against the cool glass and more tears came. Tears for Mom and Dad, so locked into loving each other that neither could stand to be without the other. I could understand that. I could even envy it. I loved someone like that. I had for years. It got darker and I could hear rattling downstairs in the kitchen and started to smell the scent of roasting beef. I sat on my bed in the gathering dark without turning on the lights. I was too lost in my thoughts and memories to notice or care. Finally I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then Jeff's shadow from the hall light falling onto the floor of my room. "Dinner's ready if you want something to eat." he said. I looked up and he gave me a look that was so clearly begging me not to force him to eat alone that I got up and followed him downstairs to the kitchen again. He filled a plate for me and set it in front of me and then sat down across from me again, just as we'd been that afternoon. I listlessly started to eat. Although I really had no appetite, it was very good and I told him so. "I don't get to cook too often. No sense, me living alone." he said. This shocked me! Jeff, the last my mother had written about him, was supposed to be engaged to some girl named Linda. I thought surely he'd be married by now, but then I remembered, there had been no more talk about Linda or a wedding and that had been for over a year now. "What happened? Mom wrote me that you were engaged to a girl named Linda." I said. "We broke up. Marrying her would have been the biggest fucking mistake of my life. Luckily, I woke up in time and broke it off. Mom and Dad were unhappy at first but they understood. It was better than a divorce, which is what it would have eventually come to." Jeff said, looking at me and keeping eye contact for the first time. "I'm sorry." I said. "I really mean that." "Yeah. I know you do. So, how about you? Anyone in your life?" he asked. "No. And not likely to be, either. I'm not interested in a relationship. Too messy. Too much pain. Not worth it." I said. "You sound like you have a lot of experience - bad experience." he said. "No, just one. That's really all it takes." I said. "What happened?" he asked. I hesitated. I really didn't want to discuss this with him. But I also knew that if I didn't say something, it would just cause him to possibly get angry at me again, something I wanted to avoid until I had to leave. "It just didn't work out. It was too one-sided. I was the one in love. I've learned my lesson. As they guys in the Corps say, 'Find 'em, Feel 'em, Fuck 'em, Forget 'em'." I said. "You can't do that all your life! Don't you want someone to love you? Don't you want someone to belong to you? Someone you belong to?" Jeff said, almost as if he were begging me. "Sure I want that. Everybody wants that and almost nobody ever finds it. Fuck it! I'd rather not play the fuckin' game. Just take my pleasure where I can find it and to hell with love and the rest of that crap! All it does is hurt!" I said and realized that I was almost screaming. "Whoever she was, she really did a number on you, Davy!" Jeff said quietly. I don't even think he realized he had reverted to the name he had always called me as a child. And I was so overwrought by that point that I just snapped back. "Well, I don't see you married! I guess we both had numbers done on us!" Jeff didn't answer and we ate in silence for a while. When we were done, just as when we'd been boys, he washed the dishes and I dried. Our conversation was minimal. We went in and tried to watch TV but I was too tired to stay up. I said good night to Jeff and went up to my room. I got undressed and slid into bed with nothing but my skivvies on. I thankfully dropped off to sleep almost immediately. I don't know what time it was, sometime in the middle of the night, but I heard Jeff's foot-steps on the stairs and then walking down the hall. I thought at first he was going to his room for the night but instead, I heard the door to my room open and saw the soft light from the nightlight in the hall spill onto the floor of my room. Jeff's shadow stretched across the floor with the light as he stood in my doorway. Slowly, quietly, he walked into my room and came over to my bed. I was laying on my side facing the room. I kept my eyes closed except for the smallest slits, hoping he'd think I was still asleep. He stood there for a while, just looking down at me. Then I felt his hand gently brushing the bristly hair of my 'high and tight', stroking my head. Then he leaned down and gently kissed my cheek. While all of this was quite amazing to me, I realized that this was just the show of his affection for me as his brother, nothing more. Not unwanted or unappreciated but so far from what I wanted from him - had always wanted from him. A fact he never did or will ever know. It was the reason I'd left. The reason I had never returned until the tragedy forced me to. What none of them, Jeff or our parents, had ever known is that I was queer. I'd discovered it myself when I was about 15 years old. I suddenly realized that I had no interest in girls at all. My interest completely lay with my friends, the young males I played baseball and wrestled with. Football was Jeff's sport and so I learned to excel at other sports, trying to make my own mark in the world, out of the shadow of my very handsome and popular brother. While never achieving his status in high school, I did alright. I had a large circle of friends, mostly team-mates and had found that jocks, by and large, have very open outlooks on how and with who they get their sexual needs met - as long as there was a guarantee of complete privacy. Having sex with other members of your team meant protection. One couldn't 'out' someone else without outing themselves. But it was what I finally learned about myself, other than the fact that I was gay, that drove me to leave my home, my hometown and vow never to return. I knew I had fallen in love. Being a boy from a small town in the Midwest and finding out you're gay is bad. Finding out that you're in love with another boy compounds the difficulty because the chance of him having the same feelings are about the same as an ice cube in hell! But finding out that the boy you're in love with is your own fucking brother - well, that's too much for anybody to deal with! And so I left, hoping that distance and time would kill the feelings that I had for Jeff. With the touch of his hand on my head and his lips on my cheek, I knew that my plan to kill my feelings for him had failed. It had been 10 years since I had been anywhere near him, and yet here I was, my heart pounding, my body sweating and my feelings completely disrupted because he'd leaned down close enough that I could smell his scent - a scent that I had come to know and love so well. It's said that the sense of smell is the strongest trigger of memory in the brain. One whiff of Jeff's scent had sent me spiraling almost out of control with love and desire for him. His very touch had caused my cock to instantly harden and it was now dripping wetness which I knew was causing a large wet-spot on my olive briefs. I lay there trembling, wanting him so badly and knowing that he was the one male I could never have. The one male that I could never let near me again because this reaction was going to happen every time. No amount of distance could kill what I felt for him. I just laid there praying he would never know. Jeff continued to stand there, watching me. I wanted to scream at him to go away! To get as far away from me as he could! I know he had no idea what he was doing to me but that didn't change the fact that it was like a knife wrenching my guts out! I wanted him. I needed him. I loved him. But I could never, ever let him know that or he would hate me. Suddenly my litany of self-pity was interrupted. Jeff was talking. His voice low and murmuring so that, even though he was standing right next to me, I could barely hear him. I strained to listen. "I love you, Davy. I always have and I always will. Somehow, I guess you figured that out which is why you never came back. Why you don't want to be here now. I tried to forget you! I tried to bury my feelings for you! I even tried to get married. What a joke! I lied to you, bro. I didn't break up with Linda, she broke up with me. What girl is gonna want to marry a guy who can't even get it up with her? I'm sorry that you ended up with a brother who's a queer and in love with you. I can't help myself. And when you leave after the funeral, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe you'll get sent back for one last one." he said quietly and then started to go. One last one?! NO!!! I leaped out of bed and grabbed hold of Jeff. He turned in shock, looking like he was waiting for me to hit him. I pulled him down on the bed and I put my arms around him. I was crying and holding on to him and I couldn't get a word out. Jeff kept trying to pull away, but the Marines teach you how to immobilize a man, training that Jeff didn't have so he didn't know how to counter it. I held onto him until I could calm down enough to talk. "Jeff! You've got to listen to me!" I growled as he struggled to get away. "Stop that or I'm gonna have to hurt you and unfortunately I know how!" He stopped struggling but continued to glare defiantly at me. I continued to hold on to him while I looked into his fierce eyes. "Jeff, calm down. I don't want to hurt you. I just want you to listen to me. Please!" I begged. I could feel him relaxing under me but I held on for a few more moments making sure that this wasn't a fake on his part. His eyes softened and lowered as if he couldn't look at me. "Jeff, please! Open your eyes. Look at me, bro. Please." I begged him again. He slowly opened his eyes. There was fear there this time. He was afraid of me, afraid of what my reaction was going to be to what I'd obviously heard him say. "Jeff, the reason I left, the reason I stayed away is because I am in love you." I said. His eyes opened wide in surprise. "I fell in love with you. I knew it was wrong and so I left. I thought I could kill those feelings. I thought that being away from you would stop them. But the longer I stayed away, the stronger they got. I wouldn't be here now except I couldn't figure any way out of it! I love you, damn it! I still love you! I can't stop!" And now my tears came. All the pain, the loneliness, all the hurt of ten years came pouring out of me and I lay my head on my brother chest and bawled like a little kid. Slowly, Jeff's arms came around me and held me. His lips gently kissed my forehead and he rocked me back and forth just like I was a little kid again. "Oh, my God! Davy! I never knew. I love you so much but I never thought that you could love me." he murmured as he held onto me. I finally stopped crying and looked into his face. I'm sure I looked a mess, tears still wet on my face, my eyes red, but it didn't seem to matter to him at all. He rolled us over on the bed until he was looking down at me and then his lips came closer and closer until they touched mine. My eyes closed on their own and I gave myself up to him. His mouth touched mine so gently and then I felt his tongue begging for entrance. I opened to him and we tasted each other for the first time. It was a kiss that seared me to my very core! Oh, how I had wanted this, fantasized about this, prayed for this and never thought that it would ever happen. We held each other and kissed for what seemed like hours. Maybe it was. It certainly didn't matter. We had years to make up for. I wanted him to make love to me but somehow, it was enough just to lay there holding each other and gently kissing or murmuring our love and regret to each other. Finally, my emotions were exhausted and I could see his were as well. "Jeff, sleep with me tonight. Please?" I asked. "I was hoping you'd ask." he smiled. "But I've got to say something first." "Okay." I said softly. "Davy, I want to make love to you but I just don't feel right about it now. I'm tired, I'm emotionally wrung out. It's not that I don't want you! I swear! It's just that I don't want to disappoint you. I don't want our first time to be bad. Do you understand?" he said. "Jeff, get undressed and get in bed." I said. "I understand completely. To be honest, I want you to hold me as much as I want to make love to you right now. I need you, bro. I just need to have you put your arms around me and let me know that you love me." Jeff smiled down and began to undress. I watched as his beautiful body was slowly revealed and, while my cock stayed erect, I looked at his body and simply enjoyed the beauty that was my brother, my lover. I knew that his body was mine and mine his, whenever we wanted. I truly did just want to feel that body pressed against mine, his arms holding me. Jeff slid beneath the sheets and I after him, sliding into his arms as naturally as if we had been doing this all our lives. My head rested on his chest and his arms encircled me. This felt so comfortable, so right I couldn't now imagine what it was I had ever felt was wrong about it. Jeff leaned down and gently kissed my lips. "I love you, Davy." he said quietly. "I love you, Jeff." I murmured. And together, we drifted off to sleep. It was somewhere just after dawn that I awoke. At first I was completely lost as to where I was. Then I could see the outlines of the furniture in my old room. Then I felt the warm body cuddled up to my back and the arm holding me close. The previous night all came flooding back. I could also feel Jeff's hard cock mashed up against me. Mine, as usual was hard as well. I just lay there, feeling the warmth of his body surrounding mine. I knew he'd wake up eventually and we probably would then finally, after all these years, make love to each other. Something I had dreamed about for so long. Something I figured would never happen. I finally became so aroused by the idea that I decided I couldn't wait for Jeff to wake up. I turned in his arms and faced him. I started kissing his face, his cheeks, he nose, his eyes and finally his lips. That still didn't wake him up so I began moving down his body until I was face to face with his hard cock. I slowly took it into my mouth and began to moved down on it, swallowing more and more if it. I figured it for about eight inches and thick. I hadn't seen him hard since we were kids and it was not this big when I saw it last. I knew this because I had fantasized about him for over ten years. I wasn't, however, in any way disappointed that he had grown. I had too. My cock was almost identical to his. I hoped that he would like the surprise I had for him as much as I loved this one. I slowly moved to where I could swallow and begin to take his cock down my throat. As thick as it was, it was a tight fit, but Marines are trained to be determined and I was very determined to take his cock all the way to his balls. His balls were large and hairless (I later learned he shaves them.). His pubic hair, however, was dark and thick. The scent of him - the musk, the sweat - was strong here and I breathed in as much as I could while working his cock down my throat and out again. I loved this most about him - the strong scent of him, his maleness, this unique scent that was Jeff. I felt movement above me and then one of Jeff's hands on the back of my head, not pushing, just stroking and letting me know how much he was enjoying this early morning blow-job. Having spent a lot of nights with a lot of males, I knew how much waking up this way, your hard cock in someone's warm, wet mouth, was appreciated. For the first time in my life, however, I was doing it not as a repayment for great sex the night before or because a particular body made me incredibly horny but because I truly loved this man and wanted to do anything I could to bring him pleasure. That was my way, that was who I am. I wanted to give pleasure to this man who had been my love and my ideal for my entire life. I thought he was getting close to orgasm when I felt him pulling away from me. I tried to get him back in my mouth but he reached down and pulled me back up the bed until his arms were again around me and his face nuzzled in my neck. He held me close to him and I relaxed in his arms. It was evident that he wanted this to be unhurried between us the first time. I couldn't argue with that. We had both waited so long, why not make this first time something that we would remember, that somehow would be worth all the waiting, all the pain that we had both suffered by wanting each other. He raised his head and his lips sought mine. At the same time his tongue was invading my mouth, one of his hands was sliding down my back and gently slid beneath the waistband of my briefs and began stroking the left cheek of my ass. His touch raised goose-flesh on the skin of my butt-cheek and I shivered slightly in his arms. But I wasn't cold. It was the incredible desire I had for him that was flowing through my body. His hand kept stroking my butt and gradually it moved into the crack of my ass. I could feel two of his fingers exploring my trench and they casually grazed over the puckered opening to my body. At the contact with this part of me, I let out an uncontrolled moan into his mouth as he continued to passionately kiss me. Just the light touch of his fingers had set off an unquenchable fire in my guts to feel his hardness pierce my opening and take possession of me. "Jeff...fuck me...please?" I murmured pulling my mouth away from his. "Is that what you really want, Davy?" he asked quietly. "Yes, Jeff! That's what I really want." I said, looking into his eyes. I'm sure he could see the lust and desire in my eyes just as I saw it in his. "I don't want to hurt you, Davy. I'm pretty big." he said. "You won't hurt me. Trust me. I can take you." I said. "I take it that you've had some experience?" he asked smiling. "Yeah, you might say that." I smiled back. His face turned serious. "I never have." he said. "Never?!" I asked, shocked beyond belief. "You've never been with another guy?" "Davy, I've never been with anyone really. I told you, I tried with Linda. I couldn't do it. I'd never been with anybody else. I was too afraid. I thought that they would figure out I was queer and then you'd find out and Mom and Dad would find out..." and he stopped. He was getting very worked up over this. I could see the tension in his face, hear it in his voice, feel it in his body. More importantly, I could see the tears in his eyes. All the fears he had born, just like me, were coming back now that he really had the opportunity to put his desires into action. I realized that part of that fear was not being able to 'perform' with me, something I had no fear of at all. I knew that he was able to carry this through. Now I just had to convince him of that. I reached up and gently stroked his face, trying to calm him. "Jeff! Bro! It's okay. It's just the two of us here. Nobody else. You don't have to worry about a thing. You can't do it wrong with me. You can't fail with me. No matter what you do, being here with you, you touching me, you telling me how much you love me is more than enough! More than I ever expected. Maybe more than I deserve." I said softly. "What do you mean, 'more than you deserve'?" he asked. "I took the cowards way out. I left and I stayed gone. I couldn't face the truth about myself or my feelings. I let you and everyone else think I hated what I really loved. I don't deserve now to come back and have all of my dreams come true." I said, the sorrow I felt showing in my voice. "But I do." he said quietly. "I deserve to have my dreams come true. I've spent ten years in hell praying that some day you would come back. I didn't even pray that you would ever love me. I just prayed you'd come back, that you'd be near me. I prayed that I could at least see you, hear your voice. I didn't think that was asking for too much. And now that you're here again, I think we both deserve everything that is happening between us. We've been through enough pain to pay for whatever happiness we now can have." "Is that how you think it works? You pay for happiness with pain?" I asked, dumbfounded at this idea. "I don't know. It just always seems that way to me. I look at Mom and Dad. They loved each other so much. Loved each other in ways that I'm just beginning to understand lying here with you in my arms. But look how it ended up? They couldn't live without each other and so, when one was dying, the other decided to die, too. Not a very happy ending." he said sadly. "No, but a noble one in some ways." I said quietly. "I can understand not wanting to live without you. Didn't I hear you last night even contemplating that very same end because you thought you could never have me?" "Yes. You did. I'm sorry. I must appear such a coward to you." he said, looking away. "No more cowardly than me. In fact, maybe a lot braver in some ways. You were at least ready to face what you saw as the inevitable outcome. I wasn't. I was just going to climb back on the plane and go back to what I knew was an empty existence for what would have probably been the rest of my life. How is that brave?" I said, with conviction showing in my voice. He looked back into my eyes. I could see the tears welling up in his. I didn't know exactly why but it didn't matter. This time I didn't hesitate. I moved closer and kissed him hard, letting him know all the desire and love I had for him. No matter what had happened, this was a new day, a new beginning for us. This time we didn't have to hide anything from each other. He clung to me like I was a life-raft on a stormy sea. I could feel him drawing strength from me as he slowly began to make love to me again. That was what I knew we needed. We needed to cement the bond between us in a physical way. To join our love of each other in a way that could never be denied. My body moved against his, hungry for his touch. It wasn't sex that I was hungry for. It was him. I needed his love. I need his commitment to me. I needed to know that he was prepared to always be there for me as I would be for him. His hand slipped down my back and into my briefs to my ass again. I moaned at his touch and let him know how much I wanted him to go on. He was licking and sucking at my neck and I threw my head back, giving him complete access to me. But I felt his mouth pull away and wondered what was wrong now. "Uhh...don't we...I mean...shouldn't we have...ahh..." he stuttered and it took mea moment to figure out what he was concerned about. "Shouldn't we have lube?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes, we should if you're going to fuck me like I want you to." I smiled. "There's no lube in here." he said, a shy smile on his face. "Wanna bet?" I smiled back. I slid out of his arms and went over to my duffle, pulling out a bottle of lube. I turned and saw him looking at me with hunger in his eyes. I decided to give him a little treat. I turned my back to him again and slowly began to lower my olive briefs, doing a slow strip-tease to get him even hotter. I looked back over my shoulder and saw him practically panting as my ass came into his view. I let them slide to my ankles and stepped out of them. Then I turned around. I saw his eyes widen at the first sight of my cock, hard and weeping cock-honey as I crossed back over to the bed. He leaned forward and before I could get back into the bed, sank his mouth around my hardon. I gasped and threw my head back in a moan as the warmth of his mouth surrounded me. It was not the feeling of his mouth that made me moan, but the fact that it was HIS mouth! My brother, the man I grew up loving and hiding that love from was sucking my cock! He was eager to share with me all the pleasure that one male can give another. It was not a dream or a fantasy. He was there and he wanted me, just as I had always longed for it to be between us. "Bro! Stop! I don't want to cum this way and I will quickly if you don't stop." I grinned down at him. He looked up with a sheepish smile on his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize." he said shyly. I slid back into the bed and into his arms. "Don't apologize. It felt so good! I just didn't want things to end that quickly." I smiled. "Did it really feel good?" he asked. And then it dawned on me. Mine was the first cock he'd ever taken into his mouth! Everything we were doing was completely new territory for him. I was the one with experience. I was the one who knew how everything worked. I'm surprised he even knew that we were going to need the lube I still held in my hand. I realized that at some point, I was going to have to take the lead. I didn't want him fumbling around and feeling the pressure of being in control. That would come later, when he felt more sure of what he was doing. Besides, this was going to be an equal partnership between us or it would never work. Though I loved a cock up my butt, fucking me royally, I also loved to fuck tight butt. He would have to learn that, too. "Yes, it really felt good!" I smiled at him. "You can do that again later and I'll teach you a few tricks but you seem to already have a natural talent for it - just like I found for myself." He grinned at me with something akin to pride in his eyes. I understood. I was going to feel the same when I finally felt him unload deep inside me in his first, ever fuck. He would finally know what it felt to be a man fucking and getting off as a man is supposed to because I was going to give my body to him as a vessel for his use. "Now, however, it's time for you to fuck me." I said. I saw the eagerness written on his face but also fear in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. This was something he didn't know how to do. What if he didn't do it right? What if he failed? It was one thing to fail with a woman who he didn't love and was forcing himself to try and have sex with her. It would be another to fail with me, the person he loved more than anyone. "Don't worry about it. It's as natural for a guy as beating his meat." I said softly. "I'll show you how." He smiled at this. Yeah! Everything was going to be fine! He trusted me and loved me. That's all it would take. I took the lube and quickly used it and two of my fingers to get my hole open. My ass muscles had been well trained by many a Marine or sailor who'd entered my backdoor and brought us both such pleasure and satisfaction. I then reached down and applied the slick liquid to Jeff's cock. He groaned when I touched him and knew that this might not be a very long fuck for him. Not only was it his first, but we'd delayed this from last night. I knew his weapon had been 'cocked and ready' for quite a while now but as my DI in boot camp used to scream, 'It's time to lock and load!'. I lay back and pulled him on top of me. He rose up on his elbows and looked down at me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. This was pushing things a bit, I realized. There were a lot of things I was going to have to teach him about how to make love to another man but those would come in time. Right now, we'd waited long enough for this joining and waiting any longer just made no sense at all. I could feel his hard cock nudging into my ass trench and I looked up into his eyes. I was stunned by what I saw there. So much love, so much passion! It all but took my breath away. I had been too worried for the last few minutes about the mechanics of this fuck that I had forgotten for a moment what this meant to him - and to me! We had waited so long for this moment and, now that it was here, the emotions that were flowing through us were almost too overwhelming to take. I felt him push further forward so that his cock kissed the upper rim of my hole. I shifted so that his cock slipped down until it was centered. I waited for him to move further, but he seemed frozen. I looked up again, and saw the fear and indecision on his face. Time for some encouraging words! "That's it, bro. Just push forward. Let it slide in nice and easy." I said. "I don't want to hurt you!" he said. "You won't hurt me, bro. It will feel really good for both of us. I promise." I murmured to him and at the same time used my heels to press into his butt to push him inside me. As I figured, he slid in easily and, before he even realized it, he was buried completely inside me. The look on his face was one of sheer ecstasy as he felt my hot, wet hole wrapped around his man-meat for the first time. I knew exactly what he was feeling and it was all I could do not to tighten my muscles around his cock and give him the jolt of pleasure that I knew that caused. However, I figured, this being his first fuck, he was probably trying desperately not to cum right then. I kept my heels pressed into his butt so that he did not try to move back yet. "Just get used to the feeling, Jeff. Relax. You're not going to cum. Just let the impulse die down and then you can start really fucking me. Raise up until your resting on your hands with your arms stiff. That will give you the right angle." I whispered to him. He paid attention to my every word. He obviously was relieved that I knew how he was feeling and what to do about it. I could watch the tension leave his face and body and knew that the tremendous desire to cum was starting to retreat. Finally, I knew he was not in imminent danger of losing his load and I let my legs pull back allowing him the freedom to begin moving his cock in and out of my ass. His first movements were slow, tentative and short. He only pulled back a couple of inches and then moved forward again without much power behind the thrusts. I grinned up at him to let him know that I really was all right and that he wasn't in any way hurting me. The message started to get through to him and his thrust began to pick up speed, length and power. Soon he was pounding my butt as I spurred him on. "Yeah, bro! Fuck me! Fuck my Marine ass! Fuck me hard! That's it! Shove that fuckin' cock up my tail!" I moaned as he grinned down at me and followed my every command. "Oh! God! You feel so good!" Jeff moaned. I knew he was getting close. I was paying so much attention to him having his first fuck and getting off in my ass, that I failed to notice until it was too late that I was going over the edge myself! The feeling of Jeff's cock, the cock of the man I loved, was taking past the point of no return and I had no way of stopping it! "Ahh! Fuck! Yeah! I'm cummin', bro! Fuck!" I screamed and began shooting my white, Marine spoonge so hard that the first volley went over my head. Jeff, gratefully, didn't stop fucking me. I don't think he could at that point, but I saw him watch my cock unload all over my face, neck chest and abs. I know he felt my chute clenching around his cock with each burst of cum from my cock because I could tell that he couldn't hold back any longer either. "Davy! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Fuck!" he shouted and I felt his cock pulse as he shot his load of brother cum deep inside me where I had wanted it for so long! His orgasm seemed to last for hours, though it could have only been minutes at most. He looked at me with a look of shock at what he was feeling as he unloaded inside me. I grinned up at him and purposely began clenching my butt muscles, causing him to groan with each contraction. When he had no more cum to give me, he literally collapsed on top of me and I held him in my arms as he tried to pull himself together. I kissed and licked him across his shoulders and his neck. He moaned at the feel of my tongue and I even felt a weak twitch in his softening cock which was still buried in my butt. Our bodies were glued together by my cum but neither of us seemed to mind. Jeff rose up to his elbows again and looked down at me. Then he began licking the cum off my forehead and nose where it had landed in my very uncontrolled orgasm. He also found a glob on my chin which he not only licked up but, putting his mouth to mine, shared it with my while he kissed me deeply. "My God! Is it always like that?" he breathed. "Yeah, most times it is." I grinned. "But the fact that it was you made it totally special. I don't remember ever losing control that way with anybody." He grinned and leaned down and licked the tip of my nose. "I love you so much!" he said and as if to emphasize the point, I felt his cock begin to stiffen again in my tunnel. "And I love you." I replied, tightening down on his cock to provide even more feeling. "Should I pull out? Am I hurting you?" he asked, suddenly concerned. "Fuck, no! You feel really good in there. Kind of like your cock belongs there." I smiled. "God! I can't believe this! I never knew what I've been missing." he said. " don't have to miss it anymore." I grinned. "Do you want to fuck me?" he asked, a certain eagerness coupled with some fear lit his eyes. "Yes, Jeff, I do. But not now. We'll work up to that. I don't want to hurt you either and I would if we tried that now. There's a lot of things that I've got to teach you but, I promise, you'll have lots of fun learning them." I said. "Bet I get straight 'A's'!" he laughed. "You always did." I said and then, after a few moments. "You're hard again!" "Yeah." he said sheepishly. "Fuck! That's fucking amazing! I don't recover that quick!" I marveled. "I don't think I do either. I think it's you." he smiled. "So, feel like fucking me again?" I asked. "Do you want me to? Can you take it?" he asked, the concern for me showing in his voice. "Bro, I can take anything that you wanna give me!" I grinned. "I'll fuckin' bet you can!" he laughed and began moving his hips again. He started out slow again, but not out of fear. I think he was really exploring the feeling this time. I let him explore and just laid back, my hands behind my head, and watched him discover the joys of fucking another male. Every so often he'd close his eyes so that he could really concentrate on what his cock was experiencing and then open them and look down at me with the really amazed grin on his face. It was like he was discovering a whole world but that world was the inside of me. I don't think I have ever enjoyed watching somebody fuck me as much as I did watching Jeff that morning. He was like a kid on Christmas discovering all the new 'presents' that were there for him. Finally, I could tell that he was being a little tentative again and I thought I knew what it was. "Bro." I said and he looked down at me, his face questioning me as to why I was calling him. "Bro, you can't hurt me. No matter how hard or fast you pound. That just feels good to me, okay? I love being fucked hard and fast." I explained to him. Well, it was just like I'd handed him a year's free pass to Disney World! His face lit up and his hips started to ram into my butt cheeks - full speed ahead! I grinned back up at him and moaned as his cock was doing such delicious things up my hole. My bro was definitely going to be a world-class fuck! He fucked me hard and fast, just like I'd told him to and all of a sudden, he shifted his hips just right and his cock was smashing into my prostate with every circuit of going out and in that it made. My cock was not only hard, it was leaking cock-honey in a stream like I'd never seen before. I couldn't believe what was happening but my balls got that tingly feeling that tell you that you're gonna cum and within moments I was screaming out as I came again just from Jeff fucking me. He looked down at me and I could see the exquisite torture on his face as he began to cum deep in my butt again. He was panting and grunting like an animal and I could smell his sweat and feel the droplets from him as he finally stopped cumming and again collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and just held him. I was so happy, so satisfied, so fulfilled. In fact, I had no idea that I could ever feel this way. The scents of our bodies and our love-making were all around me. I loved the mix of all the scents, but I especially loved the scent of my brother, Jeff. How long I had known that scent! I had known it when he was a boy, a teenager and now as a man. I so clearly remember his scent when we would sleep together as children. We had shared a room then. If I got scared in the middle of the night, it was Jeff's bed I headed for. Sometimes I faked being scared just to get to climb into his bed and have him hold me in his arms and go to sleep with him. I didn't know why I wanted this. I knew I loved him but he was my brother. I had no idea that other brothers didn't feel the way that I did. Later, as teenagers, we slept in separate rooms but I would sneak into his room every so often and grab a pair of his well worn briefs or even one of his seldom washed jocks and run back to my own room and jack off several times while huffing the stolen apparel before returning it. It was never hard to steal things because Jeff was, to put it bluntly, a slob. His dirty clothes were spread all over his room and I was sure he had no idea whether something was missing or not. One day, searching for his jock, I found something even better. A small hand-towel on the floor, slightly under his bed. It was stiff and smelled strongly. I stuck my nose in it and knew I had just discovered his cum rag from jacking off. The heady smell of his teen cum overwhelmed me and before I knew it, I had my hardon in my hand and jacking off like a fiend! I came within moments and shot my load into my brother's cum rag, knowing that our cum would mingle, giving me thrills I was only beginning to understand. As I lay there, holding Jeff in my arms, other memories started flooding back again. Memories that I had suppressed for so long because I couldn't take the pain of them. Like the fact that Jeff came to every one of my wrestling meets and baseball games and cheered louder than anyone. How he would play catch with me for hours which started my love of baseball. He continued to do this, even when he had begun to play football himself. I, of course, went to every one of his football games - home or away. There were times that Jeff even got me a seat on the team bus. I was well known by his team mates and coaches not only because I was Jeff's brother but several of them played on the wrestling team and baseball team with me. On top of that, the assistant football coach was also the wrestling coach and the head football coach also coached baseball. I so clearly remembered one night, coming back from an away game, we had a bus ride of over three hours. Jeff was totally exhausted after the game and fell asleep soon after the ride started. I was just starting to fall asleep myself when I felt Jeff stir. I thought he was still asleep but, to this day, I wasn't really sure. All I know is that his arm came around my shoulders and he pulled me down until my head rested on his muscular chest. I reached my arm across him and that's how I fell asleep. Jeff kept his arm around me the whole time because when we woke up, finally having arrived back at our school, I was still in Jeff's arms. Nobody evidently noticed or ever said anything about it. I guess anybody seeing us like that simply thought it was two brothers who cared a lot about each other. And that part was true. We never really fought as kids. Wherever Jeff would go, I would tag along and he never minded. Oftentimes, when he would go somewhere, he would come and find me so that I could go along. We stayed close until my senior year in high school. Jeff was already in his second year of community college by that point and I found it intriguing that he didn't date. He had a lot of guys that he would go out with on the weekends, but I was never invited to go along. I, too, was pulling away from him because my feelings for him were growing stronger and stronger and I feared that he would figure out what I was thinking and feeling. It was in my senior year, however, that something happened that I always wondered about. It was time for the senior prom and I was getting pressure from Mom about finding a girl to take to it. I, of course, had no interest in going in the first place and even less interest in finding a girl to take to it either. Mom even got Dad into the act and the pressure as the prom approached was getting greater and greater. Jeff had evidently been watching all of this and one night, I heard a knock on the door to my room while I was studying. I figured it was Mom wanting to ask again if I'd found a girl to go to the prom with me but, instead, it was Jeff who walked in when I called out to 'come in!'. "Davy, do you want to go to the prom?" he asked sitting down on my bed and looking at me. "Fuck, no! But I don't see any way to get out of it. Mom seems to have a one tracked mind about it." I said turning in my desk chair so I could look at him. "Is it because you can't find a date or you just don't want to go at all?" he asked. "I just don't want to go! I could find a date. In fact, a couple of girls have hinted that they'd be interested. I'm not. Why?" I said, afraid for a moment that he would get the real reason that I wasn't interested in dating a girl. "Well, if you wanted to go and couldn't find a date, I could help you out on that. I know a couple of girls who'd be glad to go with you. However, since you don't want to go at all, I'm willing to have a talk with Mom and get her off your back. She'll listen to me more than she will you about this, I think." he said. I was stunned by this! Now, it's not that Jeff hadn't always done nice things for me and gone to bat for me with my parents on a few occasions (like when I wanted a skateboard and they were both convinced I'd break my neck. He convinced them that I wouldn't and I didn't.), but it was like he not only knew but understood how I was feeling. "You'd do that for me?" I asked, the shock showing in my voice. "Sure would. In fact, I'll go you one better! How about the night of the prom, you and me go out and have some fun. Just the two of us. What do you say?" he said, grinning at me. Oh, fuck! It sounded almost like a 'date', but I wasn't about to pass it up! "Sure! That would be great!" I said. I don't know how he did it. Usually when Mom got it in her head that something was going to happen, it usually did, but not this time. Mom relented and the night of the Prom, Jeff and I headed out to have some fun! First, we went to dinner together at the really great steakhouse. Then we went to see a movie. I didn't really care, at first, which one we saw but Jeff had one that he wanted to see. I'll never forget it. It was one of the most beautiful movies I ever saw - "Dances With Wolves". I guess the film kind of got to us because at the end, I know my eyes were filling up with tears and I noticed that Jeff was looking like he'd had an allergy attack or something. Even though the movie was about three hours long, we still didn't feel like going home. Jeff stopped at a convenience store and bought a case of beer. I just about freaked! I had no idea that Jeff drank. I never had because, being a jock, I just never figured it was a good idea. The guys I hung out with didn't either. But this was different, this was Jeff. Jeff drove way out of town and found an empty dirt road and stopped the car. It was a very warm night and we both decided to take off our shirts and let the breeze blow across our bare chests. I remember that it was Jeff that made the suggestion but I was all for it. I loved looking at Jeff's muscular body - his broad shoulders, his large pecs and his massive biceps. Even then, he was working out very seriously. I wasn't doing badly myself and I didn't mind showing my naked torso to him. We sat there drinking and talking for hours. We talked about everything that night. We shared memories of our childhood, we talked about school and friend, we talked about cars and lots about sports. What we didn't talk about was girls, sex or much about each other. I noticed, even through my drunken haze that we also didn't talk about our plans and dreams. I was glad we didn't because I had already been in contact with the Marine recruiter in town and was in the process of making my decision about joining the Corps. I didn't want Jeff to know about this because I was sure that this was something he would have told our parents and I didn't want anybody knowing until I was ready to leave. I especially didn't want to have to try and explain to Jeff why I wanted to join the Marines. There is an old saying about beer, 'You don't buy beer, you rent it.' and this was true that night. After the first six beers that I had that night, I needed to piss really bad. Unfortunately, I was also in pretty bad shape by that point, having drank the six beers much too fast and got shit-faced pretty quick. I told Jeff I had to piss but wasn't sure I could get out of the car without falling over. He laughed at me and got out of the car. I noticed that he was handling the beer a whole lot better than I was. I figured he just was more used to it. Later it would dawn on me that I was drinking way more of the beer than he was. Jeff came around to my side of the car, opened the door and grabbed hold of me and helped me out of the car. He stood there, with his arm around me while I tried to get my jeans open so that I could piss in grass beside the car but my fingers and hands wouldn't work on the buttons that night. Jeff, seeing my difficulty, leaned me against the car and then squatted down in front of me and undid the buckle to my belt and then opened my jeans. He pulled them down to my knees and then grabbed hold of my briefs and pulled them down as well. There I stood, or rather leaned, almost completely naked, exposed to my brother's gaze as he continued to squat in front of me. I was so gone by this point, I wasn't even embarrassed. In fact, a thrill went through me knowing that Jeff was looking at my nakedness. I even started to get hard before he rose back up. "Think you can handle it from here or do I have to hold it for you?" he grinned. It was a very strange question and, I don't know where I got the balls to answer it the way I did. "Well, since you started this, why don't you finish it and hold it for me?" I grinned a drunken grin at him. He smiled and put his arm around me, pulling me upright. He then reached down with his other hand and gently grasped my hardening cock. Of course at the soft touch of his hand, I instantly had a bone that was so hard it almost hurt. Luckily, I've never had any problem pissing through a hardon so, while Jeff held my boner in his hand, I pissed like a race horse. There was a huge arch of piss that shot out of my cock and into the weeds at the side of the road. "Whoa! Fuck! Good one, Davy!" he laughed. Jeff and I used to have pissing contests when we were kids, shooting for both distance and accuracy. I know I always loved doing that with Jeff. That night I finally understood why. "So why don't you see if you can do better?" I asked him. "Ok, fucker! I will! As soon as you're done." he said. I finally ran out of piss and Jeff tried to shake off the last of my piss, but as hard as my cock was, nothing was about to shake it so Jeff just left my cock waving in the breeze while he quickly unbuttoned his own jeans and pushed them and his white briefs down to his knees. My vision beheld almost all of my brother's beautiful body but especially his cock and balls were finally exposed to me. They were almost like mine, maybe a little heavier and, while he didn't have a hardon yet, Jeff's cock was definitely plump and on the rise. Again, my mouth found courage in the amount of alcohol I'd consumed. "You gotta do it the same way! You gotta be hard!" I said, grinning at him. "No problem, bro!" he grinned back and I watched as his cock hardened to his full splendor in less than a minute. He grinned at me again and took my hand and put it on his cock. "You gotta hold it, just like I did yours." he said. I squeezed my hand around his cock. It was so warm and soft I nearly moaned at the touch of it. I slid my hand up and down it once to feel the texture of it and Jeff did groan but he didn't stop me. What I failed to notice at first, was that Jeff was again holding my cock and it was as hard as it had been before I pissed. I stood there holding his hard cock while I watched the arch of almost clear piss arch across the road and into the grass. "Fuck!" I breathed softly. I wasn't talking about his arch of piss or how far it had gone. It was the touch, the feel, the vision of his erect cock in my hand while I could also feel his hand holding mine. I thought that I would cum at any second but managed to keep myself in check but barely. "I won." Jeff said to me, his voice low and husky. "You always did." I said quietly remembering that because he was always bigger than I was, he always won our 'piss' contests. We just stood there, looking at each other, our hands still wrapped around each other's hard cock. I wanted right then and there to hit my knees and take him in my mouth but the beer hadn't given me that much courage. Instead I kept looking in his eyes. Today, I would have known that it was intense, deep love that I was seeing in his eyes that night but then I had no idea what I was seeing. I knew something was very different at that moment. I wanted to kiss him so badly and then, like he was reading my mind, his face started moving closer to mine. As he came nearer, I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine. But they never did. Evidently, he got scared himself at the last moment and instead of feeling his lips on mine, I felt his cheek press against my cheek, our faces pressed together. I can't tell you how long we stayed like that but I know it was a long time. The nearness of him, the scent of him was strong and I was more than willing to stand there, our face pressed together, our hands holding each other's cocks and my eyes closed for the rest of my life. But he finally pulled away. I opened my eyes then and he smiled shyly at me. I smiled back. Then he let go of my cock and I let go of his. He pulled his underwear and jeans back up and buttoned them up and then knelt down in front of me and did the same for me. I almost laughed at the trouble he had getting my still hard cock back into my underwear and my jeans re-buttoned. Through it all, however, not a word was spoken between us and we never mentioned it or that night ever again. We finally finished off the beer and I was pretty gone by that point. I think Jeff was, too. We fell asleep there in the car and, just like that night on the bus, my head was resting on his chest and his arm was around me, this time with his head resting against mine. That's how we found ourselves when the first light of dawn woke us. We pulled apart slowly and then drove home. We each went to our own beds and slept until noon. I don't know about Jeff but my dreams were of him. Now, lying here with him resting on top of me and his cock slowly softening and slipping from my ass, I realized that all the signs were there, we just didn't know how to read them or were just to scared to really see what was happening between us. Jeff rose up and slid off me. I rolled onto my side and he pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. "Jeff..." I said quietly. "Yeah?" he answered, his voice still husky from the sexual exertion. "That night of my Prom, did you want to kiss me?" I whispered. "Kiss you, I practically wanted to rape you!" he smiled. "Why the fuck did you think I got you drunk?" "Well, you had me almost completely naked and hard, your hand was wrapped around my cock and mine was wrapped around yours, why did you stop?" I asked. "I got scared. I didn't want you that way. I realized I didn't want it to be some drunken encounter between us. I didn't want you waking up the next day and hating me for taking advantage of you." he said softly. "Couldn't you tell I was totally willing?" I asked. "Yeah. I could see that. But I thought it was just the booze and you were horny! I mean, what guy your age at the time wasn't horny all the time?" he asked. "Oh, like you weren't!" I grinned. "Yeah, I was horny, too. But I was in love with you. I wanted more than just to get off with you. I wanted this. I wanted to kiss you and hold you. I wanted to be able to tell you how much I loved you and hear you say how much you loved me. I wasn't going to fuck that up just to get my rocks off with you." he said quietly. "There's a part of me that agrees with that, that is glad you waited. But there's another part of me that wishes we had done something that night! I know it would have turned out to be more than sex then. I loved you. If we had, I would have never left." I said. "Did you know you were leaving that night?" he asked, and I could see pain in his eyes. "No. I'd talked to the recruiter already but I hadn't made up my mind. Actually, to be honest with you, it was that night that I decided that I had to leave - that I had no choice." I said quietly, not looking at him. "Why?! Because of what we did?" he asked, and I could hear anguish in his voice again. "No." I said. "Not because of what we did but because of what we didn't do! I knew that night how much in love with you I was and when nothing happened, I figured that there was no chance it ever would. I knew the only safe way to deal with it was to leave." I said, pain and fear welling up in me. He pulled me close and I buried my face in his neck and started crying again. I think we both cried, holding each other. Finally the tears stopped and we pulled back and looked at each other. "I wish we could have talked." Jeff said to me, his voice husky from the tears. "How could we?" I asked, my voice the same way. "We didn't have the words or the courage to." "Looking back now, it was like not talking about an elephant sitting in the middle of the living room." Jeff said. "Elephant, what elephant? I don't see no elephant!" I said, trying to make a joke. Jeff smiled at me. "That's just it. The denial was incredible. And I think that Mom and Dad knew." I just stared at him. I was stunned! How could they know? But, then again, if they watched us, how could they not know? "How?" I whispered, the breath all but knocked out of me at his revelation. "They knew I was gay." he said. "When did you tell them?" my mind was still reeling from this information. "When Linda broke off the engagement. They were heartbroken and couldn't understand what happened. They kept thinking I'd done something wrong, something to hurt her. They were on my back night and day to apologize to her and patch things up. I finally had to tell them the truth to get them to stop." he said. "Did they know about me?" I asked quietly. "I'm not sure." he said. "At one point, I think they wondered because I remember them asking me if that was the reason that you wouldn't come home. They wondered if I'd done something to you." he said. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, Jeff! You didn't deserve that!" I said. "Yes, I did. No, I didn't 'do' anything to you, but I sure wanted to! I wanted to do all kinds of things with you. I lay in my bed every night fantasizing about what it would be like to have sex with you." he said softly. "And how did the reality stand up to the fantasy?" I asked. "The reality is way beyond anything I fantasized." he smiled shyly at me. "For me, too." I said. "You're kidding me, right? You've had sex with other guys, I can't be anywhere near as good. I don't even really know what I'm doing." he said quietly. "Bullshit! You are way better than any guy I've ever been to bed with! First of all, I have never, ever had a guy get me off by just fucking me and you've just done it twice! Second of all, I didn't love any of them. I love you. This wasn't sex, Jeff. I was making love to you and you are the only man that I have ever made love to." I swore to him. "And I was making love to you, Davy. I never went to bed with anybody else because I didn't want to be with anybody else. I understand why you did. I don't hold that against you. We each tried to deal with our feelings for each other in our own way." Jeff said. "But that's over now. I know you love me and you know I love you and nothing is going to keep us apart. Well...except for the Marine Corps." I said. "What about the Marine Corps? Are you going back?" he said, his face full of pain. "Jeff, I have to. I have no choice. If I don't go back they'll come here and take me back! But it will be to the federal penitentiary - not Camp Pendleton. I'm gonna have to go back and find a way out of my current enlistment. You've got to understand! There's nothing else I can do!" I said. "Couldn't you just tell them you're gay?" he asked. "No. That would cause horrible things to happen. They don't just let you out because you're gay! They make you name names of the people that you've had sex with in the Corps. Everyone you know, every one you serve with is investigated! I don't have the right to do that to people that care about me." I said. "Fuck! I never realized that! What a fucked up system!" he said. "I couldn't agree more. No, I'm gonna have to find another way out. I'd like to get an honorable discharge. It can help because then I don't lose all my benefits." I told him. "How long do you think it will take?" he asked. " current enlistment is over in about a year. That's the most it can be. I'm hoping I can find a way to make it a lot less." I said. "A year!" Jeff said dejectedly. "That's a long fucking time! But I guess it's a lot less than the ten years I've waited already." "And I've waited." I said. "And this time, we know that we'll be together and that we love each other. That will help." "Yeah." he said, pulling me closer and looking deep into my eyes. "That will help." And then he kissed me. If it had been up to us, we probably would have stayed in that bed for the rest of my leave. However, there was the problem of the memorial service for our parents that afternoon. I had brought home my Dress Blues with me and I got out the iron and ironing board and pressed them so that I would be a 'spit and polish' Marine for the service. Jeff and I did have the pleasure of showering together. It was a long, slow intimate shower during which we each got off in the other's mouth for the first time. After showering, I went to my old room and got into my uniform. My parents had never seen me in my Dress Blues, although there was a picture that I sent them of me in them when I first got out of boot camp that was framed in the living room. I saw it yesterday when I got in. After I was dressed, I went downstairs where Jeff was. He was talking on the phone with his back to me. He was dressed in a dark suit that fit him very well. When he hung up the phone he turned and looked at me. It was almost funny! His eyes about bugged out of his head and his jaw literally dropped and his mouth hung open. I don't know how long he would have stood there staring at me. "Close you're mouth, you'll have something fly in it." I grinned. "Oh, my fucking God! Davy, you are incredibly beautiful! Do you know that?" he breathed. "In my entire military career, no one has ever said that I was 'beautiful', trust me! In fact, I don't ever remember that term being used in reference to me in my entire life." I grinned. "Then fucking Marines are blind! You are so beautiful that what I want to do right now is throw you down on the floor and make love to you - uniform and all!" he said, his eyes full of lust. "Now, none of that! I don't want my uniform messed up! If you want sex, it's gotta be naked." I laughed. "I only wish there was time. But this fucking memorial service is going to start in half an hour and we have to be there." he said. "Actually, nothing can start until we get there so, if you want sex now, we'll just make 'em wait for us." I said. "I know you're joking." Jeff said. "No I'm not. I'd much rather teach you a few special talents that I have than go to this thing." I said. He walked over and put his arms around me. "I know." he murmured in my ear as he nibbled on my earlobe, just about driving me crazy. "I don't want to go either. But we have to." "Why?" I heard myself whine like I was five years old, realizing that most of it was being caused by Jeff's fucking tongue driving me crazy by licking out my ear. "Because this isn't about us. This is for Mom and Dad's friends who want to say good-bye. Okay?" he murmured. "Okay, as long as you promise me that we get out of there as quickly as possible and get back here and get naked." I moaned. "Oh, I promise you that, lover! I certainly promise you that!" he pulled his tongue out of my ear and pulled his face back until he was looking in my eyes. He must have seen the shock there. "What's the matter, Davy?" he asked, perplexed by my shock. "You called me 'lover'." I said very quietly. "Yes. That's what you are, isn't it? My lover?" Jeff asked. My eyes started welling up with tears. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear that word from you!" I said, nearly losing it. Jeff reached up and put his hand behind my head, gently pushing it onto his chest. He stroked my head while he spoke to me and a low and quiet voice. "You have now idea how long I've wanted to say that to you, Davy. You're the only man I've ever wanted and the only man I ever will want. I want us to share our lives together. I want you to belong to me and I want to belong to you. But I don't know what you want." "I want the same thing, believe me! It's all I've ever wanted!" I swore to him. We clung to each other a while longer and then Jeff let me go. I walked over to the living room and saw the pictures of my Mom and Dad on their wedding day, the pictures of Jeff and I growing up and finally the picture of me in the very same uniform I was wearing now. I wondered how Mom and Dad would feel about what was happening between Jeff and me. Would they have understood? I hoped so. They always said that they were so glad that Jeff and I cared about each other as much as we did. Now tears came to my eyes as I realized how really selfish I'd been staying away. I loved them, I did. I just couldn't stand the idea of them being ashamed of me. I thought they would be if they ever found out that I was gay and in love with Jeff. Now, I wondered if I'd been wrong all those years? Had I put myself and them through hell needlessly. I would never know now and for that, I cried. I felt strong arms come around me and Jeff holding me as I cried. I looked up and there were tears running down his face as well. I reached up and gathered some of the wetness on my finger and stuck my finger in my mouth tasting the saltiness of his tears. "I'm really so sorry, Jeff, and I have no way now to ever tell them." I said through my tears. "I have to believe that they know, Davy. And I choose to think that they are happy for us. They are together, they have each other. That's what made them happy. We're together, we have each other. That's what makes us happy. I'm sure they would understand that." Jeff said quietly. "Please tell me you aren't mad at me anymore." I begged him. "No, Davy. I'm not angry at you. I know you did what you thought was best. I'm just sorry that it took this kind of tragedy to finally bring you home. But, at least, we finally found each other and that makes everything wonderful, no matter what." he said quietly as he stroked my head and brushed away my tears with his fingers. We left the house a little while later. The memorial service was held in the local Episcopal Church which Jeff and I had grown up in. In the ten years since I'd been home, nothing had changed but the Rector of the church who was kind enough to do a very nice eulogy without making any reference to how the deaths had happened. Afterwards, in the parish hall, Jeff and I stood for about an hour greeting people and taking their condolences. Finally, I looked pleadingly at Jeff and he quickly announced to everyone that they were welcome to stay but that he and I were going home and wanted to spend time alone. Everyone seemed to understand. 'How little they know!' I thought to myself, 'what that time alone would be used for.' But then, everyone recovers from grief in their own way. It seemed that Jeff and my way was in making love to each other. I learned later that this is a very common reaction to grief. A life affirming act in the face of death. This didn't surprise me, I'd heard from combat veterans about coming out of a fire-fight in which comrades were killed and being so horny they could fuck anything that walked. When we got home, we immediately went to my room and rapidly undressed each other. Jeff seemed to really like stripping me out of my Dress Blues and I just loved stripping him. He took me in his arms as we pressed our naked bodies together and kissed me deeply. Then he pulled back and looked deep into my eyes. "I want you to fuck me." he said softly. "Are you sure?" I asked, knowing better than he did what he was asking for. "I'm surer of it than I've been of anything in my life. I want to take you inside of me. I want you to shoot your load as deep in me as you can. I want you to mark me as yours." he said. "You know this is going to hurt at first." I said. "I know that you'll do everything you can to make it as painless as possible for me. What pain there is, I can take because I want you so badly." he said. "Okay. Trust me, this is something that I want as well." I said and kissed him. We went over to the bed. "How do you want me?" he asked. "Get on your back for now. We're going to do this my way. My way as long and slow. By the time I shove my cock up your ass, you aren't going to just 'want' it, you're going to be begging me for it." I said. He lay down on his back and I got on top of him. I started out by kissing him deeply to get his blood flowing. I was quite serious about getting him to beg me for my cock up his butt. I had found that the best way to break in a virgin was to get them so fucking hot that they would pass right through any pain that being fucked would cause them. I then started licking and nibbling on his neck and down to his chest. His muscular pecs were a joy to run my tongue across. It seemed to be a genetic things with both of us that neither one of us had any chest hair. In fact the only real 'body' hair I had was a light 'treasure trail' from my naval to my pubic hair. Jeff was the same way. His nipples were small but very sensitive. When I began sucking and chewing on them, Jeff started moaning so loud and his body arched so far, I thought he was going to buck me off him like a bronco! I stopped chewing on his nipple and he sank back down on the bed. I lifted my head and looked at him. "Never played with your nipples, bro?" I grinned at him. "Fuck, no! I had no idea they were that sensitive!" he moaned at me. "Yeah. I always wondered why the fuck guy's had nipples anyway until the first time somebody chewed on mine." I laughed. "Do it some more, Davy! Please?!" he begged. "Oh, I'm gonna do it some more, bro! I'm gonna do lots of things you've never fuckin' dreamed of!" I grinned and, putting my head down, went back to sucking on his other tit. After nibbling on his nip for a few more minutes I reached up an put his arms above his head telling him to leave them there. He looked at me funny but complied. I moved up and brought my face right into his pit. I started to deeply inhale the sweaty musk of him and moaning deep in my throat at the strong scent of him. "You like my scent?" I heard Jeff whisper. I looked up and he saw the lust in my eyes. "Very much!" I whispered. "I always have. I used to steal your underwear and your jocks to jack off to while I huffed them." I said. "You did?!" his eyes opened in surprise. "Yeah. Your room was always such a mess that you never knew what I took before I got them back." I smiled. "I even used your cum rag once." "Oh, fuck!" he moaned. "I wish I'd known! You didn't have one." "What?!" I said, looking at him in surprise. "I looked. You didn't have one. What the fuck did you use?" he asked. "I didn't use anything. I always ate my own cum." I smiled. "Fuck!" he moaned. "Did you...did you steal my underwear?" I asked hesitantly. "Right out of the fucking laundry basket. You're jock was harder but I got it several times." he grinned. "Fuck!" I answered, grinning back at him. I dipped my face down into his pit again only this time my tongue was out and I began to lick through the soft hairs there, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and the tang of his musk. Jeff immediately arched his back again and let out a loud moan. "Fuck! Davy!" he moaned. "Feel good, bro?" I asked, raising my face out of his pit again. "Good! It feels like nothin' I've ever felt in my life! Jesus!" he said. "You've got a lot of erogenous zone's, bro. If you keep interrupting me it's gonna take all night to get to all of them and I'm not gonna fuck you until I do get to all of them." I grinned. "I'm sorry, Davy. It's just that this is all so new to me." Jeff said. "I understand, bro. But just enjoy it. Let me take you where you've never been before." I said. "I feel like I ought to be doing something for you." he said quietly. "You are, bro. You're letting me finally explore your body the way I've always wanted to. You have no idea how I'm getting off on this!" I explained to him. "Yeah, bro. I think I do because I'm going to remember everything you do to me so that I can do it to you." he grinned. "Anytime you want to, bro, I'll be glad to let you do this to me, but after I fuck you." I grinned back. "Okay. Deal." he said and lay his head back down. I went back to licking his pit before I moved on to the other one. Jeff kept moaning but let me do what I wanted. I trailed my tongue back down across his muscular chest and then moved down to attack his abs. He clenched his muscles and I allowed my tongue to trace all the grooves of his six pack. I then began licking out his naval before allowing my tongue to follow his sparse 'treasure trail' down to his soft pubic hair. The strong smell of male arousal and sweat permeated his crotch and I breath deeply of it. I was lost in the strong scent of his maleness and my breathing became faster and faster as I smelled him and my arousal grew. I began licking his dark bush and soon his crotch was sopping wet with my saliva. I knew he thought I would start on his cock next, since it had been bumping my cheeks and face and I had smears of his pre-cum all over me, but I left his crotch at that point and got off the bed entirely. He looked at me with puzzlement on his face like, 'Where the fuck are you going?!' but I merely headed to the foot of the bed where I grabbed his left foot and began to lick and suck at his toes. At first, I thought I was going to have to call the paramedics for him he was yelling and flopping around on the bed like he was having a seizure! I don't think in his entire life he'd ever considered the erotic possibilities of his feet. I licked and sucked all of us toes and then began licking the sole and instep of his foot. He was still going crazy, moaning and carrying on like you'd have thought I was killing him. I did both feet and then started licking up his ankles, his lower legs and finally the inside of his thighs. Along with licking the inside of his thighs, I was also nibbling and sucking on the skin there. I would go from his knee to his crotch on one side and then start back on the knee on the other side. Finally I made it to his balls. By this point, his cock was so hard and leaking so much cock-snot that his abs and crotch were soaked in his tasty honey. I leaned up above his cock and licked up as much as I could find before laying down on my stomach between his legs and pressing my nose against his ball-sack. His balls were drawn up tight to the base of his cock so I didn't try to suck them individually. I just used my nose first to draw in all the musk and sweat from them and then began licking his sack and nibbling it with my teeth. This started more moaning and thrashing from him and I thought to myself, 'God! Jeff is a noisy fucker! We'd better never live in an apartment! The neighbors will think I'm fuckin' killing him!'. I licked all over his ball-sack and then started moving down. I licked the back of his balls and then, pushing his legs farther open, I began to lick at the patch of skin between his balls and his ass. I could smell the rich, dark scents of his ass and I knew I was almost to where I'd been heading this whole time. I grabbed Jeff's thighs and lifted his legs and pushed them back so that his knees were almost to his chest. I spoke to him for the first time. "Hold your legs back." I ordered him and he quickly complied with my order. This brought his butt trench fully into view and the wonderful, deep, rich aroma of his butt hit my nose for the first time and I was in heaven! How long I had wanted to put my nose into this crack! How often had I sniffed his underwear, smelling the scent of his ass second-hand and wishing I could smell and taste it first-hand! Now, my time had come. His ass was mine! And I was going to smell it, lick it, suck it and fuck it until Jeff knew that his ass was mine as well! I ran my nose up and down his crack, breathing in the intoxicating aroma of male ass! There is no other scent in the world like it and no other scent I loved so much. If somebody could bottle it, I'd gladly pay a thousand dollars and ounce for it! So dark, so musky, so male! One of my great delights in the Corps was the scent of Marine butt. God knows, in the last 10 years I'd smelled and eaten and fuck enough of them. People have this idea that Marines are bottoms because we love to be fucked. What they don't realize is that we love to fuck as well, we just love to fuck other Marines most! There is something about eating and fucking the ass of a brother Marine that is beyond any other sexual activity - except for sucking and fucking the ass of a man that you love. I moved my nose up and down Jeff's trench for several minutes until I was almost hyperventilating. Finally, my tongue demanded equal time. I wanted to taste the richness of his ass! More importantly, this was all going to end with my cock unloading up this beautiful butt hole and this was just the opening operation of what was a longer battle. I began to drag my tongue through his ass trench, tasting all the sweat and musk that was there. Not only did Jeff's moans increase in volume, he now became verbal again. "Davy! What the fuck are you doing to me, bro! Fuck! You're fuckin' lickin' my ass! Oh, Fuck! That feels so good! Don't stop! Please don't stop!!!" he practically yelled. Like I was about to stop! 'Dream on, lover! This butt is mine! I've waited all my fuckin' life to get my tongue up this butt and I'm not about to stop!' I thought to myself as I continued to lick up and down his butt crack. My tongue finally came to rest on his puckered hole. I could tell that he was a virgin because his hole was a tight as a drum. It was not going to be easy opening this hole up, but it was going to be fun! I locked my lips around his hole and started gently sucking on it while I formed my tongue into a spear and began pressing against the opening, teasing it to open for me. It took some time but finally, the hole began to soften and my tongue began to slide up Jeff's ass slowly - no more than a millimeter at a time. Once my tongue had breeched his hole, I began to push it in and out just like a wet, rough little cock, tongue-fucking him. This started more and louder moaning from him as his ass slowly gave up the fight to keep my tongue out. My tongue is a Butt-Bandit First Class, having opened more virgin Jarhead ass then you can shake a stick at! I knew how to get a male hole open for the first time and have a previously "I don't get fucked, I only fuck!" Marine begging to have somebody - anybody! - prong his ass! That same talent was now at work on Jeff's virgin butt. His sphincter didn't stand a chance! I slowly but surely kept fucking my tongue deeper and deeper into Jeff's butt until I was pushing every bit of tongue I had up his hole. He was loving it, as I knew he would. It is the rare male that doesn't like to have his ass licked, sucked and tongue fucked. There are more nerve endings around the male ass than there are around the head of the male penis. Talk about 'sensitive'! Even so-called straight guys who will never allow themselves to be fucked, love to have their butts eaten. If they can find someone to eat their butts for them. It is the rare female who will do it for them and the rare male who won't, so many of them end up seeking out another male to orally service their butts and cock because they can't find a woman to do it. And when it came to my brother Marines? Well, I was always willing to help out another grunt! Gay, straight, whatever! Didn't matter to me! As long as he had a nice hole with that rich ass scent I craved, he could sit on my face all night long. Now that I had Jeff's back-door open for tongue, the next trick was to open it to my fingers. That's sometimes more difficult but it wasn't going to be in this case. I decided to use the oldest trick in the book - tongue and finger fuck him at the same time. I pulled my tongue a little ways out of his butt and slid my index finger in alongside. Because my finger was brushing against my tongue, it got lubed by my saliva on the way in. Then I started alternating them. Finger in, tongue out. Tongue in, finger out. Once he was used to this, I then removed my tongue entirely and simply used my finger in his hole. Knowing that this was going to burn a little, I grabbed the bottle of lube off the night stand and squeezed a few drops on his hole and used my finger to press it into his hole, lubing both him and my finger at the same time. This cut down tremendously on friction and Jeff could then really enjoy the feelings that my finger were causing up his hole. I worked my finger in and out of his butt until his hole was very loose and accepting of my exploring digit. I added more lube, dribbling it over both my index and middle finger and began introducing a second finger to his hole. He grunted a little and his hole resisted at first but, eventually, I was working two fingers in and out of his hole. I was also able to brush my finger against his prostate, almost bringing him vertically off the bed! "What the fuck was that?!" Jeff screamed out. "That's your prostate, bro. You're 'joy button'. That's the reason that guys love to get fucked.!" I said. "Fuck, I felt like I was gonna cum!" he moaned. "Wait until my cock is up your hole and rubbing right across it!" I smiled. "Oh, fuck!" he moaned. "Is that how I got you off fucking you?" "Sure is! And I believe that turn about is fair play, Big Brother, don't you?" I grinned at him from between his legs. "Fuck, yeah!" he grinned back. I now had my two fingers working very nicely in and out of his hole. His sphincter was relaxing nicely and I was starting to believe that fucking him was not going to be a difficult as I had thought. My only regret is that I didn't have any poppers with me. The fumes from one of those little brown bottles would have given Jeff a really nice body and head rush while relaxing the muscles of his ass at the same time. They also relaxed the muscles of the throat and helped with deep-throating cocks that were larger than I was used to. But, no sense wishing for what I didn't have. I concentrated, instead, on working his ass open naturally. Finally, I pulled the two fingers out of his ass, added lube to his butt and to three of my fingers and began to work these up his hole. At first his ass resisted the addition of another finger but I took my other hand and began to rub and massage around his hole and it finally relaxed enough to let all three fingers inside. I rested for a few moments and let his ass get used to this larger intrusion and then began to wiggle the fingers and open them up to spread his butt even farther. He moaned at this and I think had come pain until I twisted my fingers so that I could play with that hard little nut up inside him and then his hole just magically opened up for me. I slid my three fingers in and out of his hole for a while, making sure that he was good and open. Once this was accomplished, there was only one thing left - my cock. While I was still fucking him with my three fingers, I poured lube down my cock and lubed it up well. Then I pulled my three fingers out of his ass and added more lube to it, even pouring some of it into his open hole. I rose up to my knees and put my cockhead to the opening and rested it there. Jeff was watching me this whole time and knew it was time for his first man-fuck. I looked down at him and told him to push down with his butt muscles like he was trying to take a shit. This would help to open him up. I watched as his hole pushed out and I applied pressure with my cock in the opposite direction and slowly slid into his butt. I got about an inch past the head when I stopped to let him get used to something going 'in' his ass. I could feel his butt-chute muscles clamp around my dick for a moment and then relax. I was sure, at that point that he was in no pain. I pressed on, stopping every few inches until my cock was finally buried in his ass and my pubic hair was pressed against the outside of his hole. I looked down at him and he had his eyes shut tight but a look of sheer bliss on his face. "I'm all the way in, bro. You okay?" I asked. "More than okay!" he moaned. "It feels so fucking good!" "You ain't felt nothin' yet, bro!" I grinned as I began to drag my cock slowly out of his ass. He moaned at what he thought was my leaving. I chuckled to myself when, after extracting about three inches of cock from his butt, I quickly changed directions and shoved it back in. He grunted as I bottomed out again but had no time to think about it because I was again withdrawing, further this time and, again, shoving it faster and harder back in. I soon had my 'fuck rhythm' going and was withdrawing almost to the head of my cock before shoving it back into his butt. I began to really pound his asshole and his moaning got louder and louder. I could tell that he was not moaning in pain but pleasure, even if he vocally was telling me the same thing. "Oh, God! Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Fuck me Davy! Fuck my ass! Fuck me hard, bro!" he moaned as my cock pistonned in and out of his ass. I looked down at him and grinned. This felt so good! I had fucked a lot of ass in my life, but I'd never fucked one that was attached to a guy I loved. Fucking Jeff was a totally different experience for me. Never before had I ever been so concerned about making this the fuck of a life-time for the guy I was fucking. Not that I was a selfish top! I was concerned about getting the guy I was fucking off, but not like this. This was for life! If it was up to me, this would be the only butt I would ever fuck again in my life. I had to make him love my cock inside him. I wanted him to want this again and again. Actually, I was grateful to all those guys I fucked and who fucked me who taught me how to be a good fuck. I was using every lesson I had learned now. And, it appeared that I had learned those lessons well because without touching his cock, it looked like Jeff was well on his way to cumming. I kept looking in his face as my cock smashed into his prostate on each stroke. What I saw there was not just horniness and passion but wonder and surprise. Like any guy who's never had a cock being pounded into his ass by someone who knew how to do it, he was shocked at the pleasure that it was giving him. Pleasure that can only be experienced through the stimulation of the entire ass-tunnel by a cock pounding in and out. "I'm gonna cum! Bro! I'm gonna cum! Fuck!" Jeff shouted at that point and I watched as his cum began to spray out of his hard cock. The first shot went over his head and the rest flew out all over his face, chest and abs. I felt his chute clutching around my cock as I continued to pound away at his hole. But that was not going to last long at all. My balls were tingling and just as Jeff's orgasm was starting to fade, I began shooting my load deep in his bowels. "Fuck! I'm cummin', bro! I'm cummin' in your ass!" I moaned as my cum came rifling out of my cock and deep into his ass. I collapsed on top of Jeff and felt his cum gluing our bodies together. I began licking up his cum from his neck and up onto his face. He looked at me and then grabbed my head and pressed his mouth hard against mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth, tasting his own cum. We kissed for a long time before Jeff let go of my head. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Jeff panted. "Tell you what, bro?" I asked confused. "Tell me how much I would love your cock in my butt!" he grinned. "Thought it was best if you found that out for yourself." I grinned back. "I've never felt anything like that before. I didn't know that I would feel like I was a part of you - or you were a part of me. It was like we were one, bro!" he said softly. "Yeah. I'd never felt that until you fucked me." I said. "I guess you know what this means, don't you?" Jeff said. "What?" I asked. "You're gonna have to marry me and make an 'honest man' of me now." he giggled. "Bro, I would marry you in a heartbeat if we could." I said, and I meant it. "Let's fly to Holland and do it!" he grinned. "Bro, even in Holland they won't let brothers marry." I informed him. "Oh, yeah. That problem. I forgot." he grinned. "But, at least we have the same last name already!" I grinned back at him. "Yeah! So it's like we're married already!" he said. I could feel my softened cock slipping from his ass and when it fell out, I rolled off of him and laid on my side. He moved over and I put my arms around him. He laid his head on my arm and looked up into my eyes. "I don't want you to go. I can't be without you for a year. We've already lost so much time!" he said. "Bro, I don't want to leave either. But I don't have any choice! I told you, if I don't go back I can end up in prison." I told him. "Why can't I come with you?" he said. "Are you kidding?" I looked at him quizzically. "No. I'm not kidding. I could rent an apartment near the base." he said. "Well, that's not necessary. I already have one. But what about your business? Who's gonna run the gym?" I asked. "I've got a young guy who's working as my assistant. He's capable of doing it. I could fly back every few months and make sure everything is okay. It could work, bro." he said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Bro, I don't want you ruining what you've worked so hard to build." "Davy, there is nothing in my life worth anything to me but you. I've finally got you in my life the way I've always wanted. I'm not losing you. Not again!" he said firmly. "I just don't want you to regret this." I said softly. "Do you regret this?" he asked. "The only thing that I regret is that we waited so long." I told him. "And that is my only regret." he said and lifted his head and kissed me. As he pulled back from the kiss, my eyes started to fill with tears. I couldn't help it. I had never been so happy in my entire life. The idea of sharing my life with Jeff as my lover just overwhelmed me. My tears started to drip on Jeff's cheek and he looked at me with concern in his eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing. Not a fucking thing! I'm so happy that I can't believe it. I never expected this. I never expected to come home and find everything that I ever wanted." I said. "Well, it's like Dorothy said in the WIZARD OF OZ, bro. 'If I ever go searching for happiness, I won't look any farther than my own back yard.'" he grinned. "Yeah. I guess she was right. 'There's no place like home.'" I smiled back. The End of MARINE QUANDARY I hope you liked the story. If you did, please write me at I love hearing from my readers. This is my 33rd story on Nifty. If you'd like to read some of the others, just write me and I'll send you a complete list of them. I would ask, if you liked this story, to make a donation to the Nifty website. It's very easy through Pay-Pal and it will help keep the site running and FREE! Thank you, RimPig