Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 12:45:07 -0600 From: Tim Foure Subject: New Story: "Me and Dad the Sequel Ch 4-6" (incest) (adult-youth) Me and Dad the Sequel, Part I Extending the Family (continued) by Tim Foure copyright 2000 Tim Foure If you are under 18 or not permitted access to homosexual erotica where you live, then you should not read this story. The other usual disclaimers too. ___________ Chapter 4 Mike School started again on the Wednesday after New Years. I had spent the first half of my Christmas vacation with Mom and the second half with Dad. That Wednesday should have been the day I went back home to Mom's except I spent Wednesday nights with my dad. When the divorce first happened, I only had dinner with him on Wednesdays and he had had to take me home afterwards. But then he and Mom started to get along better, and she started letting me spend Wednesday nights with my dad too. My best friend Chris was waiting for me when Dad drove up in front of my school. Chris stuck his head in the car door to tell Dad hello as I opened it to get out. We both shoved, trying to move in opposite directions, which meant neither of us made any headway. Finally I stopped trying and Chris practically fell in my lap. He had a grin from ear to ear as he said, "Hi, Dave." He had been on a first name basis with my dad since the previous week. Chris half crawled across me and got so close to my dad I thought he was going to kiss him. When my dad had answered him, I gave Chris a push that made him back out the door and let me get out as well. "Man, I been dying to talk to you," he told me by way of a greeting as my dad pulled away. "Lot of stuff happen while you were away?" I asked as I started to walk toward the entrance. Chris's grandparents on his mother's side had been married fifty years before on New Years Day. They took the whole family to a ski resort for a long weekend to help them celebrate their anniversary. The fact that no one in the family skied was never considered when the trip was planned. "Are you crazy?" Chris asked. "Nothing happened! All day long I had to hang around with relatives and at night I was in a room with Stu." Stu was Chris's older brother. He had been the source of a lot of Chris's information about sex, some of which was even accurate. But one thing he had never mentioned to Chris was jerking off. I had taught Chris how to do that the day after I had discovered it for myself. And never having mentioned it to Chris, Stu also had never admitted to doing it. This inhibited Chris in a way nothing else ever had, so he had never told Stu he did it either. "So what're you saying, you didn't jerk off for like five days?" I asked. "Is that a joke or what? I jerked off when I was taking a shower. And I did it about ten times a day in this bathroom I found near the restaurant. Almost nobody ever used it during the day. I didn't get to suck with dad or anything." "Man, that's rough. Nobody else touching your dick and nobody else's dick for you to suck for five days." I wasn't being sarcastic. It was rare for even a day to pass when I was home at Mom's that Chris and I didn't suck each other off, and of course when I was at Dad's, I had him to play with. "You know it. There was one time when I guess I coulda done something. This guy in the next stall figured out I was jerking off and said he'd help me out. But I was too close. I came before I could even answer him. When I could think again, I told him he just missed out. I said we could do it later, but he was leaving that day." "Did ya get to see his dick at least?" "I never even saw his face." "So I guess that means you didn't get to suck him off." "I never even thought about it. I guess I coulda done it if I'da just been thinking quicker. You know how slow I get after I cum." "Yeah, I do." We were getting close to the door and the crowd of kids waiting to go in. Soon there wouldn't be enough privacy for us to keep talking, so I blurted out in a whisper, "I got fucked! Twice!" Chris stopped walking and stared at me, his mouth hanging open for a second before he said in a forced whisper, "In the ass? Your dad? You're shitting me!" "Shh!" I told him, afraid he had spoken loud enough to be heard, but no one seemed to notice. I continued in a whisper, "It was awesome!" "Man, we gotta talk! Did you love it? Think he'd do it to me?" With the last question, Chris got that dreamy look he always got when he talked about my dad. He thought my dad was the handsomest man he had ever seen, and so did a lot of the rest of the world to judge from the way salespeople stared at him when he shopped. Until Chris had finally gotten to suck my dad's dick, he had collected information from me about what it looked like and plotted continually to get a look at it himself. When the opportunity came for him to not only look but also touch, he had hyperventilated and nearly passed out. "Yeah. Why wouldn't he?" Before he could answer, we were suddenly surrounded by a group of kids getting off the school bus. All morning Chris gave me questioning looks. I knew what he was thinking about. He didn't want me to say anything because there was no privacy, even while we were changing classes. But at lunch we both raced to the cafeteria to get our food so we could claim the most isolated table. It wouldn't be very long before even that minimal privacy was lost to kids looking for a place to sit, but we could usually manage a few minutes to talk before they got there if we were quick enough to be near the front of the service line. We dropped into seats across the table from each other and Chris leaned forward to whisper, "So tell me." I whispered all the details to him. "How bad did it hurt?" "Not so bad when he was putting it in. Just felt like it was being stretched mostly. But it was kinda raw feeling the next morning after the first time. And hot and swollen. I used chapstick on it." "You're shitting me! Chapstick?" "Hey, man. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it." "I want to try it. I mean the fucking." "I knew what you meant." He got that dreamy look. "Imagine having that dick inside you." We ate in silence for a minute or two. Two girls sat down at the other end of the table as far from us as they could get. They clearly had their own secrets to share. "Anybody home at your house this afternoon?" he asked when he stopped staring off into space. "Dunno. I won't be, that's for sure." "Oh, yeah. I forgot it was Wednesday." "Maybe your dad'll come in your room tonight and make up for lost time," I said in a low whisper. "I sure hope so." His voice dropped almost to the inaudible level. "I'm dying to taste a dick!" Then in a normal voice, "How about tomorrow afternoon?" "Can't. Mom's letting me stay at my dad's since I'd just be home for the one night." "I forgot that too." He looked thoroughly miserable. "She still seeing Charlie?" "Yeah, guess so. He invited her to a bunch of parties and stuff over Christmas and New Years. Even called her at Grandfather's one time to ask her." Charlie was this guy her father had pushed onto her after he figured she had been divorced from Dad long enough. "Bet he's porking her. That's probably why she let you stay with your dad. Easier for them to do it if you aren't there." "No way, man!" My dad had told me my mom didn't seem to enjoy sex very much except on a few rare occasions, so it seemed unlikely to me she would be having sex with Charlie. "Nobody ever thinks their Mom and Dad do it. But yours did or you wouldn't be sitting there." "Charlie's not my dad." "Same difference. He's got a dick." "My mom hardly knows him. That was like their first date the night you were there when he came to pick her up." "He could be a fast worker. Besides, she wouldn't tell you if they were doing it. Can you just hear her saying, 'Mike, would you mind staying over with your dad on Thursday so Charlie can slip me the salami?'" "Get real. Charlie is NOT fucking my mom." Chris held out for a minute before he got a resigned look on his face. "I guess you're right. Why would she let him fuck her when she could still be getting it from your dad? Women don't like sex anyhow. You gotta trick 'em into it." This last was part of The Truth as told to Chris by his brother Stu. "Listen, I gotta jerk off before old lady Moseley's class. I can't sit there with a hardon. She'll smell it on me or something." So I played lookout while he jerked off in the bathroom. But it didn't do him any good as far as Mrs. Moseley was concerned. She always suspected Chris of evil actions, as she told him many times. The more innocent and unconcerned he looked, the more likely she was to believe the worst. He looked particularly innocent as he walked past her in the doorway. By the end of her class he was practically cringing in his chair. Chapter 5 Charlie I had known Linda very slightly for perhaps two years before I first asked her out. I had met her at some occasion or other which my dad dragged me to so I could help him work the crowd. He liked to introduce me as "The Doctor". He usually said, "Have you met my son, The Doctor?" But since he didn't have the accent, most people never took it as a joke. I didn't really know what response he was looking for when he said it to people. I'm willing to bet Dad didn't either. He probably just meant for others to understand how proud he was of me, something he let me know regularly when we were alone. I would guess Linda and I were together long enough that first time to exchange names and make a little small talk before my dad pulled me away to meet someone else. I have to admit, I don't remember. Our other meetings at such occasions were almost always the same, brief and formal. Usually she was alone when I ran into her in the crowd and we exchanged some polite noise before my dad came for me. But once we actually managed to talk for nearly half an hour. As it happened, her husband Dave was with her at the time. He was spectacularly good looking with black hair and deep blue eyes, so I expected him to be conceited too, as so many really striking people often are. By the time my dad found me, I had discovered that not only was he not conceited, but he seemed to be totally unaware of just how good looking he was. I remember thinking as I walked away that she was a lucky woman to have a husband who was so handsome he would make most women instantly wet but who seemed like a nice guy as well. It was Dave that I first thought of when my dad asked me, "How do you feel about taking out William Atkinson's daughter Linda?" Old man Atkinson was something of a stuffed shirt. And calling him that was being kind because he was really a horse's ass. My dad had known him since they were kids. He insisted that everyone call him "William", never "Bill". "Don't you think her husband might mind?" I replied. "They're divorced." "Sorry to hear that. Didn't know 'em very well, but they seemed like nice people." "Well, William asked me to encourage you to start seeing her." About three months before Dad and I had this conversation, my fiancee had decided to end our relationship. I had seen this woman steadily while I was a medical student, at least as steadily as a med student can see anyone. We had gotten engaged the year I opened my practice. She gave up her job to become my nurse. Then one day she gave me two weeks notice that she was leaving to take another job. She also handed me my ring as she added that she had fallen in love with someone else and was moving from our apartment to his that same night. The funny thing was, although I would have been happy to have married her, I decided I was also just as happy to see her go. This reaction on my part aggravated her considerably. "I knew you never really loved me," she said as she as she left to live with the man she had been cheating on me with for nearly a year. It was that same day that I got my first invitation to dinner. It came from a patient who just happened to have an unmarried daughter. It seemed she had managed to overhear my conversation with my ex-fiancee. The news that I was now available spread by bush telegraph with amazing speed among mothers who had marriageable daughters as well as unmarried women who were out to bag a husband on their own. I don't suppose I ate dinner alone after that except by choice. I realized that being a doctor made me a prime catch for all of these women, and that most of them would have married me without even liking me very much. Women literally threw themselves at me. And I have to admit, I took advantage of the situation. It wasn't something I had ever had happen before since I hadn't been an athlete in school and wasn't better than average looking. But now I was suddenly very attractive to women and no doubt would have been even if I had had only one eye in the middle of my forehead. I could have gone without paying for a dinner indefinitely. Nevertheless, I tried to be fair. There was the occasional unmarried daughter that I could not imagine spending a second evening with because she seemed to have nothing of her own to offer, but generally I invited all of these women to at least one return dinner on my tab. In some cases this raised false hopes, but I never led anyone to expect more than I was willing to deliver. I knew when I had sex with these women that they saw it as just one more form of audition for marriage. But the down side of auditions has always been that most of the people who try out don't get the part. When I first asked Linda out, it was because my dad asked me to do it. Old man Atkinson had apparently decided I was just the man for his daughter, and my dad told me he was getting calls on a daily basis asking when I would call her. I finally did it just to get him off my dad's back. It was something of a novelty to be the one making the initial call, so I was nervous about it when I phoned and even more nervous when I went to pick her up for our date. I knew she had a son, but considering she was only thirty-one, I expected him to be a good deal younger than the teenager who greeted me at the door. I assumed this was the baby sitter. I thought it was interesting and a little bit out of the ordinary but nonetheless appropriate that she would choose a male rather than a female to baby sit for a boy. The young man introduced himself as Mike, which I knew was Linda's son's name as well, and offered to take my coat. But it didn't dawn on me that this Mike was THE Mike until he told me his mother wouldn't be long coming down. I was nervous already, and the revelation of his identity didn't help matters. I followed him into the living room and sat in the chair nearest the door. I wondered what I would say to him, having come prepared to talk to a child and finding myself faced with a young adult instead. Two young adults, in fact, because there was another teenager there that Mike had introduced as his friend Chris. "Mom tells me you're a doctor," Mike said. "Yes, I am," I replied. This was followed by a silence which probably lasted for half a minute or so but which seemed interminable. I frantically searched for something to say, a task made harder by my suddenly noticing the way Chris was looking at me. I was sure he was glaring rather than just looking. I was wondering what I could have done to rate such a look from someone I had just met when Mike rescued me from my thoughts by taking charge of the conversation again. "Cold out, huh?" he asked. "Yes, it is. Quite cold." "They say it's going to be a really cold winter." "I've heard that too," I replied, annoyed with myself that I couldn't do more to move the conversation along. "Do you think we'll get a lot of snow?" "Hard to say. But one thing's for sure, we'll never get it when they predict it. It's only when they say 'snow flurries' that you have to watch out." I was pleased that I'd thought of an answer than went beyond a simple yes and no. As I finished speaking, I saw Linda coming down the stairs. I stood up and walked toward her. When she reached the bottom, she held out her hand. I took it as she said, "Hello, Charlie. It's nice to see you again. Have you met Mike and Chris?" "Yes, I have. Mike introduced us. You look lovely." She smiled and almost seemed to blush slightly. "Thank you," she said. I took her coat as she pulled it from a hanger in the closet beside the front door and held it as she slid her arms into it. "Hope you both have a really good time," Mike said. "I'm sure we will," Linda told him. "Are you sure you're going to be ok here by yourselves?" "Yeah, definitely," Mike said. "No problem, honest," Chris added. His entire expression changed when his look moved from Linda to me. I had no doubt that he didn't like me for some reason. As I opened the door for Linda, Mike came over to us and shook my hand. He put his other hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't you keep her out too late now, Charlie." "I won't. Don't worry," I replied as if I was talking to her father. I felt like an idiot. Linda gave him a look that was half a smile and half a frown. He smiled a very innocent smile in return as he closed the door behind us. "Your son is older than I expected him to be," I told her after we were in the car, "and mature for his age too." "I think he was playing a little game with us." "Well, to be frank, I was nervous when I got to your house. I had the feeling he knew it and was working to make me feel more comfortable." "He might have been. He's reached the age where he thinks about other people's reactions to what he says. At least he does some of the time when he's not busy being a hateful teenager. I don't mean to make him out as a saint or anything like that, but he's a pretty good kid. I've been lucky with him. Why were you nervous?" Going for the easy answer, I said, "I didn't know how he'd feel about another man taking you out. Often children have a problem with that after a divorce, especially boys." "His father talked with him about that to make sure there wouldn't be any problems over it. Mike seems to be accepting it." "Your ex talked to him about your dating other men?" I know my amazement was obvious from the tone of my voice. "Yes, he did. I asked him to. Dave and I are still friends even though we're not married any longer. Maybe better friends than we have been for years. And we both want what's best for Mike." "Any chance the two of you'll get back together?" "No, that won't happen. Our marriage is definitely over." "That's a relief. It'd be a hard road if I had to compete against him." Until I said it, I hadn't realized I was interested in competing for Linda. "Why do you think that?" she asked. "Well, my looks don't half measure up to his. And I don't know if I could be as generous in what I told my son about my ex wife seeing other men." "I think you look just fine," she told me with a smile. I took her answer to mean she was interested in me as well. The evening passed so quickly that I was surprised to find we were the last people in the restaurant when Linda told me, "I think they're waiting for us to leave so they can close up." As we drove up to her house, I asked, "Will Mike be waiting up to see if I kept you out too late?" "No, I think he had his little joke and then forgot about us as soon as we left." At the door I found myself telling her, "I'd like to see you again." "I'd like that too. I had a wonderful time tonight. Thank you." She leaned toward me and kissed me briefly on the lips. "I'll call you," I said as she opened the door. "I'll look forward to it. Good night." And she closed the door. I replayed the evening in my mind as I drove home. I realized immediately Linda was something special, someone quite different from the dozens of other women I had dated since the departure of my former fiancee. I wondered as I fell asleep if I could possibly get out of all of the dinners I was scheduled to eat over the next few weeks. By morning I had worked it all out in my head. I made the necessary calls between patients. At the end of the day, I realized I was going to be eating alone. It was a refreshing change from my nightly round of anxious would-be wives. Lots of opportunities for me to invite Linda out seemed to have come up suddenly after that. Or perhaps I had simply ignored the invitations when I had received them only to give them a second thought at this point as a means of seeing her. Whichever it was, Linda accepted every invitation I offered, so she and I saw each other frequently during the Christmas holidays. Chapter 6 Dave I didn't think about Bob any more until after I took Mike back to his mother's on Sunday night, but he kept popping into my mind during the day on Monday. I was surprised to realize I was nervous about seeing him at the gym that night. At first I thought it was because of what he might say in front of Larry. It wasn't particularly that I was trying to keep anything from Larry. I couldn't imagine he would be jealous. We had been friends since we were teenagers and had fairly recently become suck buddies as well. We had never had an exclusive or a romantic relationship. But Larry wouldn't necessarily want the nature of our friendship shared outside the group of four of us who already knew about it, and I had made a comment to Bob that might have led him to figure it out. Later in the day it began to occur to me that Bob's interest in our meeting might have disappeared over the course of the week since I had last seen him. I had met him the night I had joined the gym when he set up my first exercise routine, but over that time we had hardly spoken about anything else until the week before when he took me up on my invitation to steam and soak with me and Mike. At the time he seemed as interested as I was in our meeting away from the gym, and we had shared a good deal of information about ourselves over dinner. But it was still a one night stand that had been put on hold, and I was nervous that perhaps he had gotten tired of waiting in the meantime. I found out I didn't have to worry about what Bob would say when Larry and I got to the gym. As usual Bob was the one to sign us in, something he managed to do every time I went. He treated us both in the friendly but distant manner he had in common with the other trainers. It satisfied one of my worries but made the other worse. Larry and I had routines that called for us to use many of the same machines. Because the place was crowded at night, we tried to follow each other on the machines that our routines had in common. That way we could finish more or less together, which got us back to my apartment with plenty of time to get our mouths around each other's dicks before he had to go home. I had finished with one machine, letting Larry take my place, and moved to another some distance away when Bob came up to me. I was surprised because I had just about convinced myself he had lost interest and the meeting was off. "Hi," he said, squatting down beside me and giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Hello," I told him with a grunt. I was doing ab crunches. "I've been waiting for a chance to speak to you alone." I thought of the guys on machines on both sides of us, but decided they were involved in their own exercises and unlikely to pay any attention to us. "I guess we're as alone as we're gonna be," I forced out in a strained voice. "I'm still looking forward to tomorrow night." "Me too," I grunted. "I got your number from your membership form. Ok to call you when I get off?" "What time?" I asked, huffing. I had added another weight to the stack for the first time that night and I was beginning to wonder if it had been a mistake. "Right at ten before I leave here or about a quarter to eleven when I get home." "Quarter to eleven," I groaned. Larry would definitely be gone by then. "Great! That'll give us a chance to talk more than if I call from here." He squeezed my shoulder again, stood up, and left. As it turned out, Larry was gone by ten o'clock. He usually was, but once in a while he stayed later, and I hadn't wanted to take the chance he would still be there. We had eaten the dinner we brought back with us and then had a long slow suck, taking turns, switching back and forth, and making it last. As we had gotten to know each other's bodies, we had become good at sensing just how far was far enough before anything more would push the other into an orgasm. It was a far cry from the jerking off we had done together when we were teenagers. As a result, when the orgasm finally occurred, it was exhausting. I usually went to sleep shortly after Larry left. I had to fight to stay awake. I may even have been nodding off when the phone rang. Bob responded to my "hello" with, "This has sure been a long week, Dave. I've been thinking about you." "Me too." It seemed like the thing to say, even if my thinking had been limited to that day. "We still on for tomorrow night?" "Sure thing. How about meeting for dinner?" "Good idea. Where?" I named several restaurants. He picked one, saying it was near his apartment, and mentioned a time which suited me. "So what're you up to right now?" he asked. "Just about ready for bed. You?" "Relaxing for the first time since noon. It feels great to be out of my work clothes." "I'm surprised. The stuff you guys wear looks pretty comfortable." All of the trainers wore T- shirts with the gym's logo on the left breast, slightly fitted gym shorts that also had the logo, ankle high socks, and athletic shoes. "There's not a jock in the world that's comfortable for twelve hours. Or if there is, I haven't been able to find it." "Do you have to wear one?" "Yep. Part of the uniform. Protection against boners, I think," he said with a chuckle. "A jock's never kept me from springing a hardon." "Me neither. But it'll keep it from showing." "There's that. You have a lot of problems with that?" "I never think of a hardon as a problem. Just an opportunity." It was my turn to laugh. "Well, I can think of two opportunities I hope'll come up tomorrow night." "I'm having an opportunity right now. It started to come up when you answered the phone." "You sure it didn't happen just because you pulled off your jock?" "I'm pretty sure. It didn't happen when I pulled it off last night." "That's too bad. Maybe you pulled it off the wrong way last night." There was a short pause. "You know, I might have at that. Maybe you could give me some pointers. I wouldn't want to pull it off the wrong way tonight." "Dunno if I can help you out. I'm right handed and you're left. I'd guess we pull it off in different ways." "Changing hands might be kind of interesting." "I've never gotten very good results pulling it off with my left hand." "Well, I grew up in a right-handed world, so I'm a switch hitter. I can control a bat with either hand." "That's a good skill to have. Is your control just as good with either hand?" "Depends on how many times I've played with the bat before. Some of 'em, you have to choke up on 'em." "What if the bat's one you haven't had your hands on before. Or just one hand?" "Never been a problem up to now. But you've got that convertible top on yours. Hard to tell how that's gonna react to my usual grip. I don't have much experience with controlling that kind of bat." "The basic controls are manual, so it's pretty easy to figure out how to swing it. But I gotta tell you, it's a lot easier to learn hands on than it is to have somebody tell you about it. And the trick is not to choke up on it too much." "That's the way I learn best, hands-on. I'm pretty careful not to choke up on one I have had hold of before. And I learn even quicker when I get a lot of feedback." "I think I can promise you plenty of feedback. About as much as you can take in at one sitting." "Sometimes I have to get right down on a thing I'm trying to learn. Kinda look it right in the eye." "When you get real close to a thing like that, the feedback can go someplace where you weren't expecting it." "I can't believe this conversation, Dave. This is the hottest phone call I ever had! I'm about three strokes short of shooting all over myself." I wasn't close to cumming, but I had gotten hard again while we talked. "It's a first for me too." "I got to get off here and take care of this right away. I'm leaking so bad it's dripping on the floor!" "Good night, then. See you tomorrow." "I can't wait!" Bob was already at the restaurant when I got there the next night. He stood up when I came to the table. "Hi!" he said, putting out an arm as if he meant to hug me. He seemed to realize what he was doing, tried to turn it into a handshake until he saw it was his left hand, and ended up just waving it in the air as if he was gesturing me to a chair. By then he had gotten it together enough to add, "Have a seat." "Thanks," I told him as I sat in the chair at a right angle to his. I had planned to sit across from him but decided at the last minute I wanted to be closer. "How are you?" he asked. I felt his knee press against mine under the table. "Doing fine. How about you?" I asked, pressing back. "Great! You know, it's really great to see you. I've been looking forward to tonight so much." "So have I." He seemed so genuinely pleased to see me that I felt bad about ever having doubted he would still want to meet. "I couldn't believe that phone call last night! It was like a whole new experience. I heard about . . ." He trailed off as the waiter appeared suddenly to tell us his name, give us menus, and ask about drinks. "Whatever's on tap for me. How about you, Bob?" "Same for me." While we watched the waiter walk away, Bob leaned toward me and continued in lower voice, "I've heard about phone sex, but I never thought that was what people were talking about. I thought it was just jerking off and listening to the other guy grunt when he came. You were so quick! It was almost like you were there with me." "You were just as quick. Don't give me all the credit. And if I had been there with you, I wouldn't have left you with a dripping opportunity." He laughed. "I'm glad to hear that. I've got an opportunity right now I hope we're gonna be able to do something about." "Actually, I've got an opportunity of my own that's looking for some attention." The waiter returned with our beers and wanted us to order. I grabbed up a menu and began to look at the choices. Bob did the same. I had eaten there often enough that it didn't take me long to decide on what I wanted. Bob made it simple by ordering the same thing. When the waiter left, I told Bob, "Maybe we ought to change the subject. I can hardly sit still as it is. If it gets any worse, we'll have to get them to pack the food up to go." "Yeah, you're right. And you know we'll never get to that food if we do." I did know it. "So tell me some more about your family." He began to talk, becoming much more personal than he had the last time we had had dinner. For some reason, I really enjoyed listening to him. When it was my turn, I did the same, deciding to open up to him as much as he had to me. We continued talking about ourselves as we ate. Two hours later he was opening the door to his apartment. "Don't expect too much," he told me. "I'm not much of a housekeeper." When someone says that, either it's true or the place will be spotless. Bob fell into the second group. I would have known immediately he was divorced. There was very little furniture, and what he had was either very old or brand new. "I'm still buying furniture," he told me with an embarrassed look. "Looks exactly like my place. I think it's part of divorce law that the husband's not allowed to take anything from his former home that's still good enough to donate to Goodwill." He chuckled. "Ain't that the truth! Want a beer or something?" He was fidgeting, clearly nervous. "We could watch tv a while. Or . . ." I grabbed him by the arm, spinning him toward me, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him. He went rigid at first, then limp. Finally he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. When we broke, he sighed and told me, "I've wanted to do that since we came in the door." "Why didn't you?" "Nervous. Chicken. Afraid you wouldn't like it." "I like it. Don't be nervous. I'm not gonna bite you." He chuckled. "I sure hope not!" I laughed too. This time he kissed me. I opened my lips slightly and touched his with the tip of my tongue. His tongue met mine after a small hesitation. The kiss lasted a long time. While it was underway, I worked my hand under his shirt and began to rub the bare skin of his back. He tried to do the same to me but couldn't get my shirt out of my pants. He settled for rubbing my back on top of my shirt with both hands. When the kiss ended, he said, "I guess you can tell I've never done this before." That was a surprise. He seemed too knowledgeable not to have had sex with a man before. "What do you mean?" "I mean like this. I've never done that with a guy before. You're the first guy I've ever really gone out for dinner with. I don't mean just eating with a guy. I mean the two of us just meeting for no other reason than to enjoy a meal together. I never did that before. You're first one I ever invited to come here too." He seemed very earnest. I tried to lighten it up. "Well, I gotta tell you, I'm not the kind of guy that puts out on the first date." He looked confused for a second, then a little crestfallen. With an effort at a smile, he said, "Hey, that's ok. This wasn't really a date or anything like that. I mean, I wasn't really expecting it. You know, that we would have to do anything." "That was a joke. I was just trying to get you to relax. Let's try the kissing thing again. That seemed like it worked ok." He was on me in a second with his tongue in my mouth and his arms around me. I could feel his hardon pressing against mine. He tried again to get my shirt loose from my pants, this time with more success. His hand felt hot on my skin. I pulled back from him just far enough to get my hands between us but without breaking the kiss. He continued to hold me as I unbuttoned his shirt. I continued downward, opening his belt and unfastening his pants. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and put my hands under it, running them up his belly and chest. His nipples had contracted to points and were so hard they must have hurt. I rubbed them gently with the balls of my thumbs. He moaned into my mouth. When he tried to unbutton my shirt, he found it was a pullover. I felt sorry for him as he felt down my chest for the other buttons after unbuttoning the three at the neck. He was trying so hard. I pulled back from him and told him, "Help me pull it over my head." I held out my arms to make it clear I meant for him to take it off of me. He managed it well, getting my undershirt at the same time. But then he looked around for somewhere to put it. "Drop it on the floor," I told him as I pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and down his arms, moving in for a kiss at the same time. Of course the cuffs caught on his wrists and I had to push them over his hands. When his hands were free, they went immediately to my chest, rubbing a little roughly at first but soon settling into a caressing motion. Within a few minutes he had my nipples standing up and begging for more. When we broke that kiss, he laid his head on my shoulder, but there was still a tentative quality to it. I said, "Can I ask you something? I don't want you to get embarrassed or anything." He pulled his head back and looked me in the face. "Sure, what?" I could see he didn't expect this to be good. "You've had sex with guys before, right?" "Oh, yeah, sure. Lots of times." "What did you do?" "Well, you know, we just jerked each other off. Sometimes we sucked." He looked slightly sideways as he told me, as if he was a little embarrassed to put into words something he had no trouble at all doing. "Ever kiss a guy before? Play with his nipples? Nibble his earlobe? Do anything like that?" "No. Never." I couldn't think of what to say next. He obviously liked what we had done so far, but it wasn't what he had been expecting. Before I could think of how to ask the next question, he spoke again. "Listen, I never knew guys did stuff like that to each other. You know, stuff like a guy does to a girl to get her hot. Nobody ever touched my nipples before. My ex, she didn't like sex all that much. She just lay there and let me do stuff until she got wet. Then it was ok to fuck her but she wanted me to hurry up and cum and get it over with. And the guys I've had sex with, well they were pretty much the same way. I don't mean they didn't like it because you could sure tell they did. But they were always in a hurry to get it over with too. Only difference between most of them and my ex was they were the ones who wanted to cum and get it over with. I just never even thought about us doing stuff like that." "But you did like it when I did it to you?" "Oh, yeah!" The look on his face was so earnest I had to fight the urge to laugh. "I just didn't know." Then there was another look to the side that made me think he had more to say but he wasn't sure he wanted to say it. I could see him reach a decision. "You always smiled at me and talked to me like I was another human being at the gym. Not too many people do that. I really thought it would be great to get to know you. Then it turned out you liked sex with guys besides. It was too good to be true! When you said you didn't do it on the first date, well, that wasn't the best news I ever got, but it would've been ok. I wasn't kidding when I told you that. I really want to get to know you." "I feel like that too. I mean I want to get to know you too. Now we've got the opportunity to do it." I pushed forward, pressing my hard dick against him. "In fact, feels like we got two opportunities here." He laughed, kissing me. It was a little too eager, like a kid with a new toy. But that's what he was, and the toy was me. "There's lots of stuff we can do to each other besides going straight for the dick. Stuff I hope you'll like. That ok with you?" I asked when the kiss ended. "Sure is!" All this while we had held on to each other, separating only to arm's length to take off each other's shirts. I leaned against him, hugging him to me and whispered in his ear, "Are you wearing tie shoes?" He pulled back and looked at me from about 6 inches away. "Huh?" "Can you just step out of your shoes or do you have to untie them?" "I can step out of them." "Me too. Go ahead and do it." I stepped out of mine and felt him do the same as I caressed his back with one hand and unzipped his pants with the other. They dropped immediately to the floor. I moved my hand down his back under the waistband of his shorts and ran it lightly over the smooth warm skin of one cheek, cupping it as my hand went under its curve. "Boxers, huh?" I whispered into his ear. "Far as you can get from a jock," he whispered back. I moved my mouth from his to his neck just below his ear. I kissed and licked my way down the muscle to his shoulder while I continued to caress his butt lightly. I rubbed one of his nipples lightly with the other hand. I could feel the cheeks clench under my hand as he drew a long hissing breath. "Ok?" I asked, moving my mouth to the top of his chest. "Oh, yeah! What you just did to me, to my neck? I bet I did it to a dozen girls. I always wondered how that would feel if somebody did it too me." "How did it feel?" I asked as I licked his chest above his nipple. "So good! Can I take off your pants?" "You don't have to ask," I told him as my mouth came to his nipple. I played with it with my tongue, feeling his hands shake in reaction as he tried to unfasten my pants and slide the zipper down. It took him a while to coordinate his hands but he finally got it done. He had to push my pants over my hips before they slid down my legs. I felt his hand go inside my boxers to rub my butt. He was a little rough at first there too, grabbing and squeezing, but after a minute he got it under control. When he pulled our crotches together after getting my pants out of the way, our dicks rubbed each other through the cloth of our boxers. I slid my other hand into his boxers too and grasped both cheeks of his butt, rubbing them with my fingers. I felt his muscles contract, pulling his cheeks together tightly as my fingers got near his asshole. It was a clear message that he didn't want to be touched there, so I went back up to safe territory. I moved my mouth to his other nipple, licking it and taking it lightly between my teeth. "I never felt anything like this," he told me as he grasped my butt with both his hands, rubbing and kneading it but doing it gently. Lifting my head and giving him a quick, deep kiss, I told him, "We're just getting started." "That's so funny. I swear this is already better than any sex I ever had. Can I do stuff like this to you?" "Are your arms tied or something?" "No, guess not," he said sheepishly. "I got to get over a lot of ideas that are just plain wrong." "You have a bed?" "Oh! Yeah, sure do!" He gave me a huge smile. "Think we could leave all this stuff here and go get on it?" "It's right around there," told me, pointing around the corner from where we were standing. We stepped out of our pants, leaving them and our shirts and shoes on the floor right inside the door. I looked at the tented front of his boxers. The material seemed to be soaked through. "You didn't cum already, did you?" "No, I just leak a lot. That was something else my ex hated. Is it ok?" "What could you do about it if it wasn't?" "Gee, nothing." He looked as if he had failed some test. "Then it's ok. I'm leaking too, but not as much as you." I gestured to the tent in my boxers. There was a wet circle at the peak of the tent. "You know, you're worrying for nothing. Take it easy. Try to get comfortable here. If I start to do something you don't like, then tell me. And if you decide you want to do something to me, go ahead and do it. If I don't like it, I'll tell you. But it doesn't have to turn into a disaster either way. Ok?" We got to the bed while we were talking. It looked like an advertisement for bed linen. The sheet was turned down over the blanket, and the pillows were perfectly positioned. I was willing to bet there wasn't a wrinkle anywhere. I kissed him and felt his arms go around me. "Time to get rid of these," I told him as I took hold of the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down to his feet, holding them so he could step out of them. "Socks too?" I asked. "Yeah. Doing it with only my socks on always reminded me of the guys in porno movies I used to see when I was in college." I pulled them off as he put his hand on my head to steady himself. A large drop of precum fell from his dick onto my shoulder and ran down to my collarbone. "My ex hated it when I dripped on her," he said with an embarrassed look. "I'm sorry." "I think it's a compliment. Tells me I'm making you hot. And it makes me hot when that happens. Drip all you want," I told him as I stood up. He kissed me again, his wet dick pressing against mine through my boxers. When we broke, I asked him, "Want me to keep mine on?" "No, sorry!" he told me as he grasped them by the waistband. Before he could move, I grabbed his arm and held him still. "Listen, you tell me you're sorry one more time and I go home. Got that?" "Yeah," he told me with a smile. He pulled down my shorts and let me step out of them. He took off my socks as well. As he straightened to get up, he found my dick directly in front of his face. He paused for a few seconds and then started to open his mouth as if to say something. "If you want to do something, then do it. Don't ask me. If I don't like it, I'll tell you." He seemed to nod. He took my dick in his hand, pulled it down so it was pointed straight at his face, and took the end into his mouth. I felt his tongue move around the head, which was still inside the foreskin. More of my dick went into his mouth. I could feel his tongue working on the underside. I felt the head touch the beginning of his throat and then go into it. He seemed to be trying to take it all. I let him play for a minute longer and then pulled on his shoulder, making it clear I wanted him to get up. When he did, I kissed him deeply. I sat on the bed, bringing up my feet so I could lie down. I was still holding his hand, so I pulled it. He went to his knees on the bed, falling forward so he needed the support of his arms to keep from dropping onto me. Last of all he twisted to his side and ended up right against me. His dick lay on my thigh making the beginnings of a wet spot. I decided to lie there passively since that was what he had been used to with his ex. I thought the familiarity of it might kick him into action, and I quickly found I was right. He kissed me on the mouth, moving then to kiss and lick my ears and both sides of my neck. He tried to cup one of my pecs until he realized it wasn't a breast and wouldn't react as he expected. But he wasn't put off. He went straight for the nipple with his tongue. He licked and sucked it until it was nearly sore from the friction before he went to the other and repeated the same thing. All the while he was rubbing the outside of my leg and cupping my hip with one hand or the other. When he finished with my nipples, he rubbed his cheek in the hair of my chest and sighed. Continuing to rub, he moved his cheek down the center of my chest to my belly. He began to kiss me there, sucking on the skin so hard I was afraid I'd have marks there in the morning. His hand found my dick a short time later, stroking it slowly. He seemed to catch on that the loose skin allowed him to make longer and firmer strokes. Last of all he took my dick in his mouth, pulled the skin off of the head, and began to suck and lick it. I let him work for a little while before I asked him to turn the other way so I could reach him too. He did as soon as I asked, but we had to move down the bed to accommodate his legs. I hardly had his dick in my mouth before he told me he was about to cum. I told him that was ok, but I didn't want him to cum quite yet. I held off his orgasm my transferring my attention and my mouth to his balls. It turned out to be something else he had never had done to him before. He tried to copy what I was doing to him on my balls. But my dick was the main attraction. He went back to it after a minute or two licking my balls. I continued with what I was doing. When I felt the stirrings deep behind my balls, I went back to sucking his dick. I barely had it in my mouth before he came. I kept my lips firmly closed around the shaft of his dick and was careful not to touch the head in case he was so sensitive it became painful to have it touched during his orgasm. I could feel it as he fought the natural inclination to buck and force his dick into me as he came. He held his mouth still all the while, keeping my dick warmly within it. When he was finished, he began to suck my dick frantically as if he had somehow done something wrong by cumming before I did. I wanted to stop him and tell him he could go slowly, but I decided it would be better not to add any more to what had to be a lot for him to adjust to at one time. When I came, he held my dick with his lips as I had done. After I was finished, I pulled him around so we were facing each other and kissed him, sliding my tongue into his mouth. His own followed mine back. When we finished, I put my arm under his head and pulled it onto my shoulder. He lay his arm across my chest. "That was so great!" He told me. "It sure was," I told him, thinking it was a good start but there was a long way to go before it would be great. I also realized I really wanted to be with him all through that journey. We lay in companionable silence for a while before he said to me. "I'm so glad we got together tonight." That I could answer with complete honesty. "No more glad than I am." "You know, I didn't think you'd come. I was sure it wouldn't happen." "Why not?" I asked, knowing full well I had felt the same way. "Well, for one thing, look at you. People stare at you when you're just walking across the room." "Drop it!" "But it's the truth! You're so good looking." "If you think so, that's great. I like the way you look too. But I don't want to hear any more about it. The truth is, I didn't think it would ever happen either. I thought you were just giving me the brush off that one time. Then I figured you sure wouldn't want to wait a week for a one night stand." He was quiet for a while. "I don't want this to be a one night stand." "Neither do I. I think I could really get to like you." He looked up at me with a smile on his face. "I think I could too. You want to stay tonight?" "I don't think I'll be able to do it again anytime soon." "That's not what I was asking. I was thinking how much I'd like to sleep beside you all night and wake up with you here in the morning." He lay his cheek on my chest. "We'll have to get up early. I'd have to run home and change before I go to work." "Yeah, you probably couldn't wear one of my gym uniforms, could you?" I could feel him smile against my chest. "It would sure open a few eyes," I told him as he cuddled more tightly against me. It was just getting light when I woke up. It took me a few seconds to remember where I was. I also realized my dick was being sucked. I raised up on my elbows to look down at my crotch. When I moved, Bob raised his mouth from my dick. "Good morning!" he told me. "Same to you." "Is this ok?" I could see his face just clearly enough in the dim light to know he was worried I might not like it. "No, it's not. You stopped." That got me a big smile and his hot, wet mouth back on my dick. I lowered my head onto the pillow and concentrated on what he was doing to me. This time he hadn't pulled the foreskin off the head and seemed to be trying to play with it with his tongue. I decided not to offer any advice, leaving him to do whatever he figured out for himself. He also didn't seem to be going straight for the big prize. I wondered if it was because he was trying to make it last or because this was really his first chance to play with a dick whose owner wasn't in a rush to cum. Whichever it was, I was enjoying everything he was doing. By the time he had me close to cumming, the sun was rising in the window behind him and he should have been about as familiar with my dick as he was ever going to get. I thought I should let him know what was about to happen. "Already?" was his response. "'Fraid so. But I can hold off if you let me play with yours for a while." "Hey, all you got to do is ask!" He turned around as he spoke, presenting his dick to my mouth. The head was wet. I could imagine what the sheet was like where it had lain while he was working on me. I took his dick straight into my mouth, tasting his precum immediately. I was planning on getting it good and wet and then starting to lick on it. I barely had it in my mouth when he spoke. "I'm gonna cum real soon if you keep that up." I moved to his balls, sucking one and then the other into my mouth. They were loose enough in their sac for me to do that easily. Bob moved to my balls too, but after a few seconds he was back to my dick. It had been long enough since he had stopped that I was cooled off somewhat and could stand some more light tongue work without being in danger of cumming too soon. After I had been sucking on his balls for a few minutes, I moved back to his dick, but this time I worked on the shaft and left the head alone. It was an interesting dick to play with in that way since the head was so much wider than the shaft. It was easy to catch the tip of my tongue under the overhang of the head and circle his dick there. He was producing precum at such a rate that it was running down the head and dripping off. I started trying to lick it up, which caused me to run my tongue up the side of the head periodically. When I got to the top, I stabbed the point of my tongue into the slit and sucked out the precum as it rose inside his dick. Since we were both being careful, me by intention and him probably by accident, we put off our orgasms for quite a while. When I decided it was time, I took his whole dick into my mouth and tried to force the head into my throat. It went, but it was a very tight fit. A few twists while I had it lodged there and three long strokes with my lips held tight against the shaft and he was filling my mouth with cum. He held still while he came, again clearly fighting the urge to hump my mouth, and continued to hold my dick in his mouth. As soon as he was finished, he did the same thing to me, bringing me off in under a minute. He kept my dick in his mouth until it started to go soft. I finally decided he would have lain there all day nursing on it if I had let him. Instead I pulled him around and kissed him. "That's your cum you're tasting on my tongue," I told him. "Yeah, I guess it is. I never tasted it before. I like it." "Then we'll have to make sure you get to taste it a lot from now on." He raised his head from my chest and looked me in the face. "Does that mean we'll do this again?" He looked as if he doubted it, but there was a hint of a smile there too. "This or something else like it that's just as much fun." "That's so great!" Then the look turned sheepish. "I was kind of afraid this might still turn out to be a one night stand like you said." "I never said that. I said I thought you might not still be interested because you were thinking of a one night stand last week." "Can we do it again tonight?" "Nope. Mike stays with me on Wednesdays." "Tomorrow you and your friend go to the gym. And I've got my kids this weekend." "You have your kids from Friday night?" "No, not until Saturday morning." "Friday night suits me." "Me too. You got a date!" To be continued _______________ Comments appreciated. Send them to Flames ignored. "Me and Dad" and earlier chapters of this story are archived at in the gay male/incest section.