Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 01:38:15 -0700 From: Jon Hold Subject: Modern Ranching 3 & 4 MMTT: Beginnings, Prolific authors This story is protected by a curse! Unless you donate to Nifty, you are allowed to read only every third word. Read more than that without donating and all your pubic hair will fall out! Modern Ranching Chapters 3 & 4 by Jon Hold Copyright ©2006, 2016 by the Author Chapter 3 Readjusting Two miles from the gate into the ranch there was a small knoll with an old oak tree right at the top. Billy was sitting under the tree with two horses. Watching the road and praying that his brother would be alright, whatever choices he made. His pinto mare, Queenie, lifted her head and swiveled her ears forward. Using the binoculars Greg had given him he could just make out the figure of someone trudging towards the ranch. He jumped on Queenie and, leading the other horse, headed for his brother. Tommy was red-faced and not sweating. Mr. Broadbent had told Billy about heatstroke and how dangerous it was. He opened his canteen and emptied it on his brothers head and shoulders to cool him down. Then he took the canteen off the other horses saddlehorn and handed it to Tommy, who immediately started gulping it down. Billy tried to get him to slow down but was unsuccessful. Suddenly, Tommy stopped drinking and got a funny look on his face, just before puking up all the water he'd drunk. Billy held his brother and helped him wash the evil taste out of his mouth. Then he convinced Tommy that if he just sipped the water he'd be fine, Then he helped him get up on Sam, the second horse. "This is Sam, Tommy. He's old and slow, but he'll get you home safely!" The boys rode back to the ranch, both unwilling to start a conversation. They rode as far as the barn and Billy told Tommy he'd put the horses up and for Tommy to get to his cabin, his men were waiting for him. It was a long, long walk to the cabin. The distance wasn't very far, but dreading talking to those men and trying to figure out what it was it was saying, was very foreboding. Tommy tried to figure out what he should say, how he should say whatever it was he had to say, how he should act, what he should do, what he shouldn't do, what he had to do, what he couldn't do at all, and why... What... Who... Where... When... Round and round it went inside his head until, here he stood. In front of the door. No more excuses. It was time to face the music and Tommy wasn't sure he wanted to face any sort of music at all. Knock, knock, knock. Tommy taped on the door softly as he could, but it sounded really loud to him. A voice from inside the cabin, but strangely enough sounding just as scared and unsure as he was. "Come in, boy!" Timidly, totally unsure of himself and what might happen inside, Tommy took a deep breath and faced his fear. Four men were sitting on one side of the bench seat table, staring at him. One of them said, "this is where you live , son. You don't have to knock coming into your own home. But we appreciate the courtesy." Tommy took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I don't know for sure what to do. I've learned some of the things I'm not supposed to do, but that's probably not a lot of help figuring out what I'm supposed to do instead. Will you please help me learn. One of the things I have learned is how to listen." Before men looked at each other and held a long conversation using only their eyes, and expressions. Then one of them, the short burly one, the one that looked like he could crush Tommy in one hand and not even notice. He smiled and said, "that sounds a lot better, son. Wish you could've started off saying something like that so we didn't have to go through all that mean stuff. But that's all water under the bridge at this point. Best forgotten, I reckon. We're still not too sure if you'll work out or not. So, We're willing to start again from the very beginning. Is that something you'd like to try? Tommy just said, Yes,Sir." James, an older man, looked like he was the one who built the brick shithouse in the first place quietly answered, "That it was fair to not have us sitting in judgment of you, at least not until you get settled back in." Swoosh, the tallest of the four, said, "yeah, we figured maybe we all need a little bit more cooling down time. We talked to Cookie, and he said you could go over there and work for him during the day, and come back here to spend nights. We got that little cot for you, because none of us particularly want you in bed with us." Some how, being flatly rejected like that made him hurt inside. Hurt like his heart was going to rip itself apart. Fighting to keep his tears from, Tommy tried to say, "Yes, Sir", without notable success. Turning, noticeably dejected, he shambled over to the little cot, laid down, and immediately fell asleep. Not even covering himself and scrunched up into a foetal position. He woke before dawn, shivering under the light cotton blanket someone had covered him with. He got up and noticed that someone had put an old straight-backed kitchen chair at the head of his bed. His clothes were stacked, clean and neat on the seat. His fancy boots on the floor. He was completely dressed before the cock crowed and the other men started getting up. Darrell just stared at the boy for a good 10 minutes. "Well, I voted against giving you another chance. But I was outvoted. So here you are. You screw this up, you fuck somebody else over, you bother Cookie in any way, and I will personally kick your ass all the way to the the next town. Do we understand each other?" Tommy, eyes wide open, looked right at Darrell, his face blushing, and said, "Yes, Sir. I understand." "Good," Darrell said, "see that you don't disappoint us again. Hell son, you do good and we might even let you live." Swoosh grinned, "such a deal!" James said, "you are already late to get your ass over to the mess hall. You can tell Cookie it's our fault you were late." Tommy thanked everybody and went out the door closing it carefully behind himself. Then he lit out running as hard as he could for the mess all. When he came around the side of the mess hall there was cookie on the back porch. Peeling potatoes. Tommy started to excuse himself for being late but cookie raised a hand holding a lethal looking potato peeler and said, "don't you worry about it, boy. I knew those gentlemen would keep you late. It's not my custom to punish somebody for what somebody else did. Just be sure you don't give me an excuse to whack you with a spoon for being late on your own. Best sit down and I'll show you how I want you to peel these potatoes." Tommy watched Cookie for a few minutes and then picked up one of the potato peeler's. Cookie said, "the idea is we want to get rid of all the peeling, and is little of the potato itself as possible. For us, that just means we don't have to feel as many potatoes. Not like most places where any potato cut off is a waste. Around here the pigs love potato peelings and we'd need a ton of them if the pigs could get them." Tommy smiled at Cookie and they both settled into peeling potatoes in quiet comradeship. As the day went on, cookie told Tommy that when he had outdoors chores, not working with food, that it would be okay to strip off naked if he wanted to, but when he was working with food, he had to stay dressed, wash his hands and anything else that might it gotten dirty. He was to wear hairnet or a hat at all times. At first Tommy was sort of scared of Cookie. He'd never seen anyone that big before, and had never been that close to a Negro before. But, working with the big man, being around him all day he actually realized that the only thing scary about Cookie was his chipped beef on toast. As good a cook as Cookie was, there just wasn't that much you could do with chipped beef on toast. If you didn't like it, you just didn't like it! Tommy surprised himself when he realized how much he liked cooking. He liked it when Cookie paid attention to him and taught him how to cook something. Cookie was rather surprised when he found out he really liked this boy. The worthless piece of shit no good lowlife scum sucker that he was supposed to be. Once Cookie got past the kids defenses, they had a good time. They both loved to cook, they both loved picking on each other, and they both loved dirty jokes! One day Cookie said to Tommy, "okay, you think you can cook? You can use anything in this kitchen except a cookbook! I want you to come up with your own dish and serve it to everybody at dinner. We'll find out real quick if you belong in the kitchen or not. Tommy was kind of scared, not sure if he could cut the mustard... or fail. As he worked on his dish, Cookie was no help at all. In fact, the way he was looking at what Tommy was doing really unsettled the boy. Meals were served family style, nobody wanted to have a cafeteria to eat in. So the food in big bowls or plates was put on the tables and guys just dug into what they wanted. One of Tommy's jobs was to make sure that there was plenty of food on the tables anything that got empty he had to have refilled before went all the way empty. He was running like crazy trying to keep up with the guys and not paying a lot of attention to what was actually going on around him beyond doing what he was told or asked to do. a lot faster service! Most of the guys picked up on that! Out of background babble Tommy heard Cookies booming voice, "thanks guys but that's not a dish I made. My apprentice created the potato salad. Tommy didn't really understand at first, but then he looked around and realized, that every bowl holding the potato salad he'd made, was empty and the refills were all gone. He didn't really understand what was going on except think that he'd done something else wrong. "No shit?" "No way man" "What the hell..." It started to dawn on everybody, including Tommy, that the new dish had been invented and made by Tommy! It finally soaked through everybody's thick heads that they actually liked something the kid had done! The meal was pretty much over and Tommy was clearing the tables when Darrel walked up to him. Intimidated, Tommy stopped working. Looking up... really looking! Tommy saw a huge, powerful, Man. Broad, hairy chest. Biceps like softballs. A good looking, powerful MAN. Tommy felt motion in his pants. Motion caused by inflation. Darrel put his big hand on Tommy's shoulder, "Good work, Boy! You're learning!". Giving Tommy's shake, The big man ambled out of the Dining Hall (If you valued eating and/or had some reluctance to endure a severe beating, you never, ever said the words "chow hall" or "mess hall" or any variant thereof in Cookies hearing. And Cookie had real good hearing. Cookie worked in HIS kitchen and the men ate in HIS dining room!) leaving a flabbergasted Tommy just standing there, mouth hanging open, confused. Trying to understand what had just happened. Cookie was walking by. Stopped. Looked at the boy. Smiled. Lifted Tommy's lower jaw back into its proper position. "I don't know if he likes you yet, but he approves of your effort. If you're not careful, you just might end up with a friend." Tommy looked questioningly at Cookie. Cookie just went about his business, chuckling to himself. Now Tommy had two things to try and figure out. After work, Cookie told Tommy to take the next day off so he could have time to do something for his men. Tommy, not too sure he understood what was going on, thanked Cookie and went looking for his younger brother. Tony answered the door, "Hey! Hi, Tommy! What can I do for you?" Surprised at the greeting he got from a man who wouldn't even look at him without an ugly look on his face last week, Tommy managed to ask if his brother were there. Tony turned and asked if anyone knew where Billy was at. Brad answered, "I helped him take that dirty old rag you call a rug outside so he could try and beat some of the filth out of it! He's probably still out back trying to clean the Augean Stables!" That started an argument that left Tommy just standing there in the doorway. Amos looked up from his reading, "Knowing, Billy, he's probably still out back working". "Thank you, Sir!", Tommy said, pulling the half-opened door closed before heading out back. Billy was still beating on the rug, ably assisted by his mentor, the huge cowboy called, "Greg". Chapter 4 Billy & Tommy "Hi, Tommy! How's it hangin'?" "Alone!, Can we talk sometime?" Billy turned to face his bed mate, "Greg?" "You guys take off. Brothers are lots more important than rug cleaning!" "Thanks, Greg. I owe you a favor. If you ever need anything, just ask and I'll consider your request." By the time the rug beater got to where he had been, Billy had grabbed his big brother's hand and disappeared around the corner of the wash room, his laughter fading as the boys kept running. Greg smiled. He was constantly surprised by his little buddy and he had come to love the boy's antics. Billy led the way to the barn, Tommy close behind him. Billy stopped and thought for a minute. Then he looked at his brother and started up the ladder to the "Fort" he'd built out of bales of straw in the back corner of the loft. Once they were both inside and the old blanket "door" was closed, Tommy looked around in amazement. Shelves made out of bits and pieces. Books, flashlight batteries, cans of food, bottles of water. Just about anything you might need to hide out or spend an afternoon living a boys fantasy. Anything except anything to do with fire. Billy made it clear that if he ever found anything associated with fire he'd throw whatever it was into the outhouse and tear down the hide-a-way! The boys laid down on the floor and talked, catching up with each other. Finally, Tommy asked, "How do you get along with your guys so well? "Huuuuuuuum... Well, two main things: First, I don't take any shit from them, Two, I do all the little tasks for them that I can, cleaning, house and laundry, and third..." "Hey! You said two things!" "I lied!" That broke the tension between the two brothers. They started laughing—together. Really, truly, from the gut laughing. The more tension they released the harder they laughed. Billy had been aware for some time that it was his mother who caused most of the strife and unrest in his family. Tommy, his belly hurting he was laughing so hard, suddenly remembered how he and his little brother used to laugh and play together all the time. Right up to the time their mother broke up a game they were playing. She was quite clear that she had no intention of raising wild, undisciplined children. SHE was going to raise only sophisticated young gentlemen! She moved Tommy to another bedroom on a different floor of "her" mansion and forbade visiting between the boys. There was much more to it than that, but neither brother was in an analytical frame of mind at that moment. Another memory popped up out of the past an the next thing Billy knew he was the subject of an all-out tickle attack! Screaming "NOT FAIR!" while trying to protect his ribs and armpits while struggling to get away, all at the same time totally without any notable success. Then he remembered something Brad, the foreman, had said, "the best defense is a good offense!" Waiting for just the right moment Billy cut loose with a huge, odoriferous fart, right into Tommy's face. Eyes burning, tears running down his cheeks, gagging from the fumes caused by SOMEBODY helping themselves to all of Cookies wonderful chili he could eat—BEFORE Cookie had added the bean-o gas suppressor to the powerful mixture! He'd been helping Greg with the carpets because he'd been ejected from the house until he quit passing "that deadly gas!". Remembering that Tommy was horribly, totally ticklish in his armpits, Billy immediately went into attack mode. It didn't take long for Tommy to "cry Uncle". Billy gave mercy, and led his nearly blind victim out to fresh air. In a few minuets both boys were headed for the swimming hole, having already stripped off their smelly clothing and left it behind. After swimming and helping each other scrub down with fine sand from the bottom of the swimming hole, the boys climbed to the top of a huge flat topped granite boulder to dry in the sun... and talk. "And number three was...?" "Number three what?" Billy asked innocently. Tommy gave him a big brother look that meant he was about to get pounded. Billy just grinned back, and then started to explain: "Doing chores is important, it lets everyone know that you're at least trying to help out by doing your job! It's just as important for us to learn how to set sensible limits, and not let anyone try to walk all over us. "The third thing is trickier, Tommy. It's something you've really got to figure out on your own. I'll help all I can, Heck, any of the guys will help if you ask politely! "You may have noticed that there's very few women around here." "Yeah! Like none." "Or even less!" Both boys grinned "Thing is, just because there's no wimmin, it doesn't mean that the guys don't get horney. Trust me on this! Horney is what we have the most of around here! In my cabin we all take a shower together after dinner has settled. We help each other bathe, we talk and bring each other up to date... and anyone who's horney pops wood so I'll know who would like some "Professional Attention!" As Greg calls it. Usually everyone has wood before we finish getting undressed! The guys usually play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" or flip a bar of soap or whatever to see who goes first, second and like that there. Sometimes they just know who's in special need, sometimes I have a preference. Sometimes I just save time and do all four of them at the same time." "ALL FOUR?" "Yep! One in my mouth, one in each hand, and one firmly ensconced in my ass. It can be a lot of fun, especially once you've taught your men to trust each other. Once they realize that you're not being forced, that you actually enjoy making them happy. That making them happy is what makes YOU happy! Well, at that point they start giving eachother permission to talk about anything they want or need. That leads to them giving permission to each other to touch and help a buddy with washing his back or getting his dick back into the right hole or whatever else might come up. If you are good you can get your guys at ease with their buddy's to do a little hugging and kissing. "When it's time to sack out, YOU need to decide which bunk you want to sleep in. And THAT can be the most fun ever!" "You sleep with all your guys?" BIG grin, "Well, we don't always sleep!" "Oh, SHIT! They fuck you all night long?" "Sometimes. Remember, Tommy, I'm telling you how I do it, NOT how you should do it! Let's back up a little. Is there any of your guys you really don't like?" "It ain't like that, Billy. The guys all get along fine. They're good men. I'm the problem. I'm the one always fucking up!" Billy could tell that his brother was about to go off the deep end again. He put the skids under that crap immediately. "You WERE the fuck-up Tommy. You WERE. Past tense! It's a whole new world and all the guys are happy to see you trying to start over with a better attitude this time. Hell, Tommy. It's not like they've never fucked-up themselves. You treat them fair, they'll treat you fair. "Next important thing, What parts of sex do you especially like?" Tommy just kind of ducked his head and shrugged his shoulders. Billy's eyes got bright. "Tommy. Are you a virgin?" A bright red face was Tommy's answer. "No Shit! Oh... we gotta fix that. Until you know at least a little bit about sex and men, we're wasting our time. Come with me!" Billy grabbed Tommy by the hand and half led, half dragged his big brother back to his cabin. Once there he dragged Tommy over to where Daniel and Darrel, a long term partnership were playing checkers. "Well! You two callous fuck-ups having a good time?" Both white haired gentlemen looked at Billy with a `What-the-fuck? Aren't you dead yet' look on their faces. "All four of you sick-o perverts are piss poor excuses for actual people!" James, all 6' 9" of built like a brick shithouse studliness, got up and headed for Billy. "Oh! You want some of this too Mr. Torquemada? Come on! Greg's been looking for an excuse to kick your sadistic, self-centered, thoughtless, jerky ass!" Swoosh, laying in his bed reading, put his book down and laughed. "Little Bit! You about to get your own lips wrapped around that pouty asshole of yours, and I'm gonna watch!" "OK! Before the actual fight starts, did any of you bother talking to my brother before condemning him and taking punitive action." No one had anything to say. So Billy helped them out, "Had you talked to my brother beyond giving him orders, there's as few things you might have discovered. Like: "1) He was raised by an indulgent, paranoid, possessive bitch who wouldn't even let our father talk to `Her Precious Baby'. "2) He was spoiled rotten. "3) He's never done anything even remotely resembling work. "4) He'd never had to deal with an adult male that wasn't a paid servant of some sort. "5) You perceptive "gentle?men?" didn't have the first clue that you were dealing with a 100%, true-blue, USDA certified VIRGIN! He doesn't even know about wanking his poor, lonely Johnson! "You prime studs cornered him, terrified him, and then ever-so-carefully beat the crap out of an already bruised ego. Congratulations Philistines, you've managed to conquer a hapless virgin! Glaring around, Billy looked at each of the four men, and his brother. In a much quieter, less strident voice, "Tommy, you get scared, you get confused or in over your head, don't keep it to yourself. TELL SOMEBODY. Doesn't have to be a big deal. A simple `I'm scared' should be enough. Worse comes to worse, you just come back to my cabin. Daniel, Darrel, I really expected better from you. Thank god you were never a scared kid, or ever seen one! James, go sit in the corner and try to figure out why you wanted to pick on someone a quarter your size who's never seen a cock anywhere near the size of yours. Kinda might sorta be sorta kinda sorta scary to a virgin who's never been allowed to attend a gym class, public pool, or anywhere else he might see someone naked. Swoosh, try to not say anything particularly stupid, and, if my big brother asks you, show him how good you are at the whole sex thing. Meanwhile my men are waiting for me." Billy went storming out, slamming the door shut. HARD! Dead silence prevailed as everyone tried to sort out the last five minutes. Swoosh finally spoke up, "Hey. You really a virgin?" James: "Swoosh! You fucking idiot! That's just the sort of thing we NOT supposed to say!" Darrel: "James, calm down! And you Swoosh, please take the time to think before you open your mouth. And you have seen virgins before. Hell, you were a virgin until I fucked your brains out. Tommy: "You guys leave Swoosh alone. At least he's being honest. Swoosh: "Yeah! What he said! So, are you?" Tommy hung his head and mumbled something totally inaudible. Swoosh: Eagerly getting up, "Yep! He's a virgin alright!" Daniel: "Sit down Swoosh! Boy don't need you jumping his bones." Looking Tommy over, he saw, not softness, but flaccidity. Not the hard young body of a normal teenager. Fat or skinny, teenagers usually had muscle tone and at least some definition. Feeling the muscles of the boys arm was like handling soft putty. The kid was just strong enough to walk short distances, feed himself, wipe his ass, and very little else. In contrast, the muscles in the boys forearms were tough cords and the tissue was hard and ridged. His ability to type and play Ninentendo were probably awesome. Billy was an outgoing, active, strong and eager kid. Tommy was a total couch potato---with virtually no social skills. "Tommy, why are you and Billy so different?" Tommy: "Billy was sent to a boarding school. The only times I got to see him was at christmas. Even then he usually wasn't there but two-maybe three days. Mother said that she didn't want him to teach me bad things. He got to see Dad all the time. They'd go fishing on weekends and all sorts of other fun things. I got to go out once. Mother told my tutor and the chauffeur to take me to the zoo. I came back with an upset stomach from all the junk food I ate, and sunburned like a lobster. I'd had a wonderful time. Mother called the doctor for me and fired the tutor and the chauffeur and it was the last time I was allowed a "Field trip". "Mom took my temperature at least four or five times a day to help her decide if `I was coming down with something.' If she determined I was, I was subjected immediately to one or more enemas a day, moms homemade "medicines, and every homeopathic mixture the lady at the health food store could come up with." Secretly, Billy set up a "Mail Drop" with one of our neighbors so we could keep in touch with each other. I was very jealous of all the things he got to do. He was jealous that I got to live at home. I was amazed when he said that one of the upperclassmen taught him how to suck dick and later he told me in explicit detail how his favorite gym teacher copped his cherry. I asked Billy to write what he got to do in great detail. The next letter from him had a detailed account, including every move of the chess tournament he'd won. I ranted and raved and called him everything but nice in my next letter. He thanked me for falling for his joke! `He kissed and made up' by telling me every detail of how he and his classmates jumped his gym teacher (the old one, not his favorite) and every boy took turns raping the old curmudgeon. He also described how very hard it was to rape the willing! "Does that give you an idea of why we're so different?" The guys just sat there, staring at Tommy. Swoosh finally broke the trance... "So, you just made that up, right?" The other guys threw stuff at Swoosh and told him to go stick his head in a toilet. Tommy kind of curled up and tears kept leaking down his face. James, who Tommy came to know as a big softy, walked over to the boys bed, picked him up, went over and sat down in Darrel's rocking chair, holding the embarrassed young man and just sat there holding the boy—the entire night, stroking the boy whenever he started having a nightmare. At bedtime Darrel and Daniel came over and kissed the boy good-night, on his soft lips. Swoosh leaned over and said, "any time you want to learn something, ride a horse, fuck a whore or kiss a cows butt, just ask me. I'll teach you whatever you want to learn!" Tommy's internal alarm-clock went off promptly at 0430 (4:30am). He woke up and tried to get out of bed. The bed grabbed him! "Beds can't do that" was his first thought of the day. Carefully, Tommy opened his eyes He was warm and comfy—and staring directly into James' eyes, to say almost nothing of the big cylindrical object throbbing and pulsing against his butt. Pushing away, Tommy said very simply, "Excuse me Mr. James. I gotta go to work." The boy asked Charlie if he could please have the afternoon off, he needed to do some cleaning. Charlie took Tommy the back of his neck, "You take care of your men good, you hear! They good men." "Thanks Cookie" the boy said, blushing, and turning to his work. Tommy worked hard that morning, doing his best to do a full days work that morning. Cookie made him stop at 1130 so he could eat some lunch before he headed to his chores. The sweating boy protested. They usually ate after every one had eaten. Just before the meals was the busiest times in the kitchen, and he could make some sandwiches to take with him. Charlie bopped his boy in the back of his head, "You're a growing boy. Sit down and eat!" Tommy scarfed the Irish stew served over mashed potatoes and a big glass of ice cold apple juice. Putting his dishes in the sink he yelled, "Thanks Cookie!" and ran off towards the cabins. Billy was already there, waiting for him. The two boys worked together ll afternoon, Billy teaching Tommy how to run the camps commercial washing machine, hang clothes, sweep and mop, make beds, fold and put away sun fresh clothing, and scrub the showers until they were spotless. The boys were sitting on the porch, gossiping and barely noticing the men coming home from work, who clouded up, seeing the boys lazing around. Two minutes later all four men came pouring out, looking for wise-assed boys—who were already running away, laughing their asses off. Billy was no dummy, and Tommy was learning fast. After HIS men were asleep Tommy returned to his cabin, stripped off his clothes and put them away. Taking his sunshine smelling towel, Tommy walked naked to the showers. Ten minutes later he walked back to his bunk and hung up his towel. Taking a deep breath, Tommy walked over to the nearest bed. Standing there for a moment to calm his nerves, he said, almost whispering, "Mr. James..." ----- Man can live without air for seconds, without water for days, without food for weeks, and without ideas for years. ----Dr. Laurence J. Peter