Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 21:08:48 -0500 From: Ashton Delaney Subject: Summer Under The Stars Summer Under the Stars By Ashton [This story is for mature audiences only and contains sexually explicit scenarios involving teenagers.] 1 I'm so fucking done with my mom. She just came in my room and singlehandly ruined my entire summer and my life. I had big plans with my only friends. We were gonna hang out and play games every day and then have sleepovers every night. Now I'm gonna be the only one missing out. She pretty much said, "I hate you and want to send you away, so I chose some randomass place in Minnesota. My sister's. You're there to do chores and decorate her house that nobody cares about because of how far out in bumfuck it is." I said, "You're making me do child labor?! You bitch!" "Noah Jebediah! Nobody calls me a bitch under my roof!" said the Bitch. She snatched the Playstation controller from my hands, stuffing it into her greasy cleavage. "Clean this room as practice! It's disgusting!" She slammed the door on me. A few minutes later, the power selectively went out for the TV and electronics. I slammed my face into the wall and started hitting it with my fists. No, this can't be happening, I thought. I couldn't control my tears, and soon I found myself sobbing into my huge body pillow. I thought, "She can't seriously be making me do this. How could she ruin everything for me? My friends will forget about me and have so much fun without me. It took so much trouble to get them to hang out with me when nobody else would. And now they'll be able to see how much better it is when I'm not around." I picked up the nearest thing I could find, a white mug with the American flag on it that I got from my 6th grade graduation, and threw it at the wall with a yell, smashing it into pieces. Forever alone. I couldn't stop sobbing. I wanted to rip up my body pillow I was clinging to for dear life and then slash my wrists and kill myself in front of the bitch to teach her a lesson. I kept crying and crying. If my dad were still here, he'd slap me and tell me to be a man. But I couldn't. *** 2 My mom's a professional hair stylist who spends hours every day giving people the haircuts of their dreams: weaves, perms, curls, sideparts, dreadlocks, spikes. I have to admit a lot of them look cool and interesting. But for me? For me, the night before I left, she forced me to take off my shirt and sit in a chair and then proceeded to silently buzz off my afro down to the last bits. A prison cut, because I was going to prison. I hated haircuts with a passion because of how sensitive my scalp was, but I was on my best behavior, desperately hoping she would reconsider and let me stay home. Looking in the mirror, I saw my brown eyes welling up with tears that I struggled to keep from falling. I was black with dark skin and had even darker freckles on my cheeks that made me look like a weird animal. My lips and nose were too big for my face. And worst of all, I was too thin and short, and I didn't have any muscle. So much for being a man like my dad used to say a lot. I might as well change my name and be a girl instead. Everyone at my school hated me and thought I was ugly and cringe. My two friends only hung out with me so they could laugh at me. The teachers hated me too and got doctors to diagnose me with the tism and ADHD so they could put me on horse tranquilizers and then complain when I fell asleep in class. "Please, ma!" I found myself begging after my hair cut. "Please don't make me go. I'll do anything! I'm sorry I called you names." "You're going. You're 13 years old. Time to start acting your age." "Can I take my games? Please?" "Hell no." She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. "You're going to be polite to your aunt and cousin and actually talk to them, not sit around on your ass playing that garbage." "Cousin? What cousin?" I hated meeting new people, especially more than one at a time. "You don't remember Kenny?" "No." "You met when you was about this high." She gestured with her hand. "He's your age. You two can be friends." "Or he can hate me like everyone else!" I screamed and ran from the kitchen to grip my body pillow for dear life and sob into it. I didn't even shut the door, and she walked in later to wordlessly dig through all my drawers and things while I had my face in the cushion. She found the broken mug, which I'd hid, and picked it up with a loud, "Tch!" Some time later, she lifted me up and put down a large duffel bag on the floor. "All your clothes, all your bathroom supplies. Brush your teeth, shower and change your clothes daily. I will ask." All cried out, I just nodded. She turned off the light and left me in the dark. There was nothing else I could do. No way out of this situation. I considered running away, but I got lost too easily and would end up on the side of the road somewhere even worse off. I couldn't stand to be hated so badly. I just wanted to die. My body pillow was my only friend, the only one who wouldn't betray me. I wrapped my arms and legs around it tightly, not wanting to let go. It smelled like my old sweat. Squeezing it always calmed me down and made me feel better. I used to hug my friend Zach like that all the time, but he stopped wanting to do it after our 11th birthdays, and then we moved away from each other. I kissed my pillow and imagined it was a warm body that loved me, taking the fabric into my teeth until there was a patch of drool under my mouth. I fell asleep and kept having nice dreams that someone was there kissing me for real, spurred on by the wetness on my lips. I was blind and couldn't tell who it was, but I knew they loved me. I kept tenderly kissing them back, basking in the warmness in my heart. Strong arms wrapped around me and held my bare chest against theirs. Was it a boy kissing me? Somehow that seemed really exciting. I liked seeing the high school guys almost shirtless at wrestling meets and basketball games. I wanted one of them to hold me like this. He was holding me like this. He really loved me. The butterflies in my chest fluttered. I loved him too. My kisses became deeper and deeper, and soon I was shuddering inside his embrace. I woke up confused about where I was for a moment, then realized I was still gripping my body pillow with my mouth against the drool patch. My breaths were shallow. My legs were wrapped around it and shaking out of control. My 2 inch boner was sending an electric current throughout my body that was so intense I was squirming away from it involuntarily. The only item of clothing I had on was my baggy gym shorts with no underwear. The smooth lining felt so good whenever I got stiff. I realized with a surge of adrenaline that I was about to have a wet dream. I was about to sperm. Sperming was one small thing that made me feel like a man even though it happened so randomly and with little or no notice. My heart racing, I disconnected from the pillow with a weightless feeling filling my body and struggled to pull off my shorts with shaking hands, throwing them off the bed. My dick, already pushed to the limit, was flexing against the gentle breeze from the fan as a warmth spread through me. I grabbed my hard nipples and rubbed them, and it felt so good I let out a long and breathy groan that I couldn't control, my whole body shaking and squirming on its own. I had thrown my shorts away to avoid a mess, but in that moment I felt a certain need to my very core and embraced my body pillow once again, wrapping both my arms and legs around it as tight as I could, my lips to the drool patch. The basketball guy I'd dreamed about was kissing me. He loved me. He was shirtless and naked, holding me as hard as he could, my wet and sweaty thighs sliding against him as our lips touched and his hands explored me all over. I lightly humped into him, my hard dick on fire. My body couldn't take any more heat. Every muscle in my crotch and legs all tensed up at once. My lower head had slid fully out of its foreskin, pushing my sensitive glans into the firm cotton, sending such a powerful jolt through my body I let out a long, shuddering moan. I spermed, my guy holding me close through several long, blissful contractions before his warmth and love faded away and vanished. I collapsed and waited for my breathing and heart rate to go back to normal. Was this what it was like to have sex? I needed this to be real, needed it so bad. I broke out into tears feeling the cotton that had betrayed me after all, making me feel so warm at first and then sad, alone, and insignificant after all. Still wrapped around it, my small, soft dick pressed against the smelly wet spot I'd made. All the other guys in 7th grade had people who loved them. They were kissing and having sex with big-boobed cheerleaders, hot teachers, and each others' moms every night while the losers like me just hugged inanimate objects and used their hands to make sperm. That last one had never worked for me when I'd tried it, but I knew I'd figure it out before I ever found anyone who loved me. Hot and sweaty, I finally disconnected from it for a breather. My foreskin and head were reddened and stinging from the rugburn. I rolled over to my bedside stand and went through the drawer for some aloe vera to coat onto it. I hated the smell, but it felt soothing. Then I curled back up around my body pillow without getting dressed and went to sleep in its embrace, my thoughts of the hell my mom was putting me through filling my stomach with butterflies once again. **** 3 Before the sun had even come up, my mom had pounded on my bedroom door and yelled at me to get ready. I didn't respond. She opened it and grabbed the duffel bag containing my clothes and bathroom supplies. How was I supposed to "get ready" without my stuff? Idiot. I was exhausted and felt like a zombie, and I ached all over. I was still naked and clutching my former basketball guy with both my arms and legs, a cool breeze hitting my butthole from behind and making me tense up. I felt a sharp pang knowing my mom wouldn't let me take it along and collapsed back into it to feel and smell it one last time, knowing it wouldn't be for a while. I rested my tired eyes for longer. I woke up again to a hand on my back violently shaking me awake. The lights were on this time and shone down in my eyes. "Noah Jebediah!" screamed my mom in my ear. I heard a snort of laughter behind her in the doorway. She continued her rant, "I told you to get up and get ready an hour ago!" She spanked me hard on my bare butt, eliciting another giggle from behind her. "You act like a little brat, you get treated like one! Now get the fuck out of bed and get some clothes on before I give all your games and shit to the needy!" I rolled out of bed onto the carpet clutching my body pillow. I had a boner and it was the only thing hiding it from her view. Also, I had to pee really bad. "Up!" the bitch yelled, grabbing me under my shoulders and forcing me to my feet. "I'm going!" I yelled, holding the pillow over my crotch as I walked. "Now!" "I just need to get ready." "You had an hour! It's time you learn some consequences for acting half your goddamn age. You can shit and shower when you get there." "Ma, I gotta pee..." I whined as she marched me to the door, still holding my pillow. I jumped back in surprise at seeing a strange face. Standing there in the doorway was another boy I hadn't met before. He was about my age but slightly taller and less skinny than me. He was Black with bushy eyebrows and clear dark brown skin that made me conscious of my weird freckles. He had a much more handsome face with rounder cheeks and a smaller nose. He also looked like he'd just gotten out of bed and was wearing a nylon black sleeping cap, a brown t-shirt, and beige shorts with anime characters on them that went halfway to his knees. He was barefoot. "Hi," I said to him meekly, breaking eye contact almost immediately. "Hi Noah Jebediah. I'm Kenny," he said with his arms crossed. "It''s not...," I stuttered at him trying to find the words to explain my name. Only this bitch ever calls me Jebediah, my dad's name. But I didn't have long to talk to him or think about it. My need to pee was getting worse every second, and my boner was getting harder from the stress, making it even more uncomfortable with the cushion pressed into it awkwardly. "Ugh," I groaned, waddling away from him without saying anything. My mom tore the body pillow from my hands and threw it into my room. Free of her grasp, I raced to the bathroom and fought with my boner to relieve myself, forgetting to even close the door. Soon she was in the doorway peeking while I peed. I feebly extended one hand like a stop sign hoping it'd make her leave me alone in such a private place. "Why ain't you wearing no pants?" she asked with her arms crossed. "Ma...," I whined. "I just like how it feels..." Kenny snorted with laughter from an unseen place in the hall, and I turned red with embarrassment. "Why you gotta ask me that right now?" Close to tears, I walked past her with my head in my hands, forgetting to wash them or flush. She didn't send me back in to do so, instead pushing me to the front door with my cousin following. The clock in the living room said 4:00 AM. "Why so early?" I cried. "Because I have a flight to catch. You can sleep in the car. Love you," she hugged me tight with all her bulk, crushing my ribs, and then pushed me again until I was outside with no clothes or shoes on. "Lord be with you, Kenny," she said while I was clearly in earshot. "Where's my stuff?!" I yelled, finally remembering. "In the trunk already, chill." said my cousin. He had picked up the baggy gym shorts I'd shucked off the night before and threw them into my chest. I quickly pulled them on and tied them. "What about my shoes?!" I said. "Backseat. I grabbed them for you." The night was strangely calming with a clear sky full of stars and the chirping of crickets. A warm breeze hit my bare chest. A car sat parked in the church parking lot next door with its engine off with a woman in the driver's seat messing with her phone. In between was a gravel lot which we crossed without our shoes and socks. Rather than going straight there, Kenny stopped on the gravel with his arms crossed, staring up at the cloudless expanse of stars. I stopped as well, waiting for him to move again, and then I cautiously moved next to him, the fresh air seeming to melt the tension inside me with every breath. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing," he said softly. "Do you like stargazing at all?" I looked up at the sky and shrugged. We continued walking to the car together in silence over the gravel. Suddenly, I trapped on a rock and began falling forward, yelling in surprise. My cousin, with the reflexes of a cat, moved into my path to block my fall. "Careful." Reeling from the uncomfortable rush of adrenaline, I gave him a bear hug like he was my body pillow. I needed something to hold to ground myself again, and my actual pillow had been left behind. He didn't stop me but didn't hug me back either. Kenny just said, "Don't be weird," and patted my back. After savoring his warm body against mine for a bit longer, I reluctantly disconnected from him, and we walked the rest of the way to the car. When we got there, both of us got in the back where a bunch of pillows and blankets were spead out along with my tennis shoes. My feet were already dirty and dried out from the walk without them. My Aunt Liz, the driver, had a full head of curls dyed burgundy, lighter skin than Kenny, and lots more freckles than me. "I see you met the little astronomer in the family," she quipped as she pulled out. He had already curled up in the opposite seat from me and pulled his nylon cap down over his eyes. I had nothing to say to her. My mom had probably told her I didn't want to go to her house or meet any of them. I tried to avoid thinking of bad things because I didn't want to tear up again, the wound still sore inside me. Instead, I adjusted the blankets and pillow so I could look up at the stars as I drifted to sleep. Stargazing. They did look pretty when there was no light pollution. It took me forever to find a comfortable position where I could still wear a seatbelt, and I kept trying to stretch out and finding myself encroaching on Kenny's personal space with my feet. He wasn't sleeping a wink and would immediately grab the offending leg by the ankle and move it back off of himself. I managed to get some shuteye after a while and woke up to him lightly grabbing my shoulder. "Noah?" he said softly. The car was stopped. I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me. He stood on one knee on the seat next to me, his door open a crack and letting in a cool breeze. "Are we there?" I asked in a daze. "Just getting gas. What do you want for breakfast?" "Eggs." "I think they only have donuts." "Okay. Can I get one with no frosting or filling? Any flavor." "I'll tell her. Can I talk to you for a second?" "What is it?" I realized I was in a very embarrassing position. My legs were bent up at the knees, and the baggy legs of my shorts had fallen down all the way to my bare crotch, exposing the small lines of hairs I had on each side of my balls. Also, I had a boner. I resisted the urge to cry, remembered that he had already seen me naked without making a big deal out of it, and quickly sat up and pulled the legs of my shorts down. I wasn't wearing a shirt and had nothing to cover my boner with, so I just leaned forward and put my elbows on my knees to hide it. He didn't laugh at me about it or anything, but I still thought the worst and began to cry. "Real talk," said Kenny. He pulled the door closed and sat down next to me. " good and all?" "No." "Noah, I'm wondering if you have like a trauma or something." I knew he was going to call me immature for my age, just like my mom always did. "I can't help it!" I sniffled, avoiding eye contact with him. "Do you have a mental illness?" "Shut up..." I whimpered involuntarily. I was mortifed, crying in front of a boy the same age as me and blushed head to toe, wishing I could disappear. "You're an idiot." "I heard that you call your own mom a bitch, and you have anger issues." "Shut the fuck up," I said with a groan, desperately covering both my eyes to hide. "It's ironic how your name is Noah when you're this much of a waterworks." "I can't help it!" I feebly curled up against the opposite door from him, wanting to get as far away as possible. He reached out and patted me on the bare back, and I pushed his arm away, shaking. He exhaled loudly and got out of the car, leaving me alone. Alone in this strange car in this strange gas station with no idea where I even was, likely hundreds of miles from home. The sobs wracked my body. He wasn't wrong about any of that. I did cry for attention at times. But I also wasn't lying about not having any self control. I was immature and impulsive with no way to fix myself. I hated how all the other boys knew how to "be good" and "be normal" while I was always one of the bad kids with no way to change what was broken inside me. My tears fell until they were all spent and I had nothing left inside. I sat staring out the window, seeing what a hideous monster I was in the reflection. I wanted to stick a needle in each one of my freckles like acupuncture, but instead pound them in like stakes to skewer my brain. Kenny brought back a opened bag of unfrosted chocolate mini-donuts and set it next to me. "I'm sorry," he said. "I was being a dick." "You were right about everything," I said without making eye contact. "I have autism, ADHD, other stuff they haven't figured out." "I shouldn't have said that stuff." I was hungry. I opened the bag and ate a mini-donut. There was a long silence between us. His mom came back looking more chipper, and we hit the road again, the dawn light coming in through the windows. I thought Kenny was staring at me and ignored him, but then I realized that he was actually looking at something out the window beside me. Up on the horizon, Venus, the morning star, was out bright. It was one of the three stars I knew the names of, the others being the Moon and Mars. "Noah," he said. I shook my head at him. "You can have the last one." He had said all that bad stuff to me and now was making me feel bad for not talking to him. If I accepted his apology, he'd just do it again later. He could shove his peace offering up his ass for all I cared. I picked up the donut and threw it at him, but he deftly caught it in both hands and smiled as though I'd given it to him. ****