The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between minor males, including incest, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Kewl Dad, and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission.

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The Reynolds Twins

By: Kewl Dad

Chapter 39

The group took the news well when Dakota finally confessed who, and what he was, and when they heard his explanation for deceiving them they understood completely.

"I just didn't want you guys thinking I was some big shot and cause you to treat me differently. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, you guys are the ones who deserve special treatment."

"Relax bro, we're not mad," Jaden chuckled, "but no more secrets, okay?"

"I swear, and guys...thanks for accepting me into your family. It really means a lot to me. Despite what you might think, I don't have a lot of friends back home. My family tends to keep me isolated and that really sucks. I had to practically beg to get this trip, and then they sent a chaperone along, but fortunately Brian is cool. He's given me my space, and he's agreed to continue doing that while I follow the rest of the tour."

"Brian seems like a cool dude. A little old for my tastes, but hot none the less."

"And very straight," Dakota laughed, "but he's cool with my being gay. In fact he's one of the first people I came out to. He's more like an older brother than anything."

"Cool, well...I guess everything is set then," Aidan said grinning, "mom and dad are cool with things, and Henry couldn't be happier. The hard part now is dealing with all the extra security, but I suppose that's going to be a regular thing from now on."

"All because of me," Jimmy said sighing, "If I'd just stayed with the group..."

"Babe, do not blame yourself," Jaden said giving him a hug, "it was no one's fault. You can't keep thinking that way, and besides, look at it like this, if this hadn't happened, something worse might have happened later. This way, we discovered early on how vulnerable we were and how to fix it. The added security is something that was inevitable, we just didn't realized we needed it till now."

"I know," Jimmy conceded.

"So, here we are in Italy," Jeremy said, trying to ease the tension between the two, "What shall we do today?"

Fortunately Henry had already planned out their day for them, although he did give them several choices of places to visit. They wound up seeing all the usual tourist sites, then dining on authentic Italian cuisine, and by the time they were back at the hotel they felt rested and happy again.

However, unknown to the others, Jimmy was still brooding over his kidnapping and the strain it had put on everyone. Only Jaden suspected anything was wrong, but from all outward appearances Jimmy was fine. He went along with whatever the gang suggested and didn't make waves, but then he had always been sort of introspective, only now he was more so.

The night of the performance Jimmy stuck close to Jaden, and when they went on stage he was right there in the wings cheering his lover on. He loved Jaden with all his heart, but he still had those nagging doubts about being worthy of such a wonderful boyfriend, or of being friends with such a great group of kids. He knew Jaden loved him, but he wasn't convinced that he couldn't get along without him if push came to shove. No, surely Jaden could do better, and he wouldn't be single long if they broke up. Of course he couldn't do anything about it while they were on tour, but when they got back to the states, well, he'd just have to see how things went.

The group had added some new songs to their repertoire, including some Billy Eilish, a couple of dark tunes like Bury a Friend, and one by Twenty One Pilots, called The Hype. There were some others, including one Jaden had written on his own one night. He had been laying in bed, thinking about all that had happened, and how much he loved Jimmy and what it would have been like to have lost him, so he rose and penned a dark little tune called Kidnapped My Love.

Aidan was especially impressed with the lyrics and they soon had the music part worked out, relying heavily on guitar, keyboard and percussion for the back ground to Jaden's angst tinged vocals.

They'd only rehearsed the song twice since they'd finished it, but that night the audience went crazy and Henry, having heard it for the first time declared the group had another number one hit on their hands.

If the music was darker, it was only because the group had been through so much and had aged some in the process, but to the fans it was a welcome change from the almost bubble gum songs the band was used to laying down. The group was evolving, and the world proclaimed it was ready for the change at each new stop.

By the time the boys played Germany, their song lineup was almost all new stuff. More dark stuff, including one written by Jeremy with a long drum solo, that Zak nailed perfectly, and was featured on a local entertainment program, while thousands viewed the uploaded video on YouTube.

Back in the hotel room that night, Dakota joined them as usual and they had a gap session in an attempt to settle down some before bedtime. Jimmy seemed especially quiet. He knew the tour was coming to an end and he had an important decision to make, but he was still unsure of what he should do. He didn't want to hurt Jaden, or the rest of his friends for that matter, but he wasn't sure if he could go on living this life and knowing that he would never quite live up to the expectations everyone had for him.

Dakota was accepted as one of the group now, and entitled to all the benefits that brought, including sex. Though Aidan's infatuation for the beautiful boy had cooled some, Jaden seemed to be picking up some of the slack. Jimmy couldn't help but notice Jaden's interest, and a plan began to form in his mind. If he could find Jaden someone to replace him it would be much easier to break things off.

The thought of that was physically painful, but he was convinced that was what he needed to do. Of course their were a few minor issues, for instance the fact that Dakota lived in Canada, but Jimmy was convinced that if Jaden and Dakota fell in love they'd find some way to work around that.

Dakota had already said that he would be attending a college in the States, and Jaden would have plenty of time to apply to whatever college that was and be there for him in his Junior year. That way Jimmy wouldn't have to attend the same college as Jaden and risk running into him and stirring up old feelings.

Yes, it was a good plan, he decided, but he'd have to be careful and take his time moving things along. The only problem was, they didn't have much time left. The tour would be winding down soon, and Dakota would be heading back to Canada and the group to the states, and that didn't give Jimmy much time to fix things between them.

"I'm sort of tired," Jimmy said that night as he showered with Jaden, "I don't want to let you guys down, but I think I'll pass on the sex stuff."

"I'll stay in with you then," Jaden offered, giving Jimmy a warm embrace from behind, "there's a hotel Doc, if you're feeling too bad you could go see him."

"No, mostly just tired. I know I don't do much, but it's still sort of a grind, you know?"

"You do plenty, and yes I know what a grind it can be. We'll just cuddle up and leave the others to their own devices," he chuckled.

"No, I mean...I just want to sleep, and I don't want you to miss the fun. Go on and have a good time. Maybe you and Dakota can get together. I like him and I trust him, so I'm cool with it."

Jaden gave Jimmy an questioning look. What was going on here? Was Jimmy pushing him toward Dakota, and if so, why?

"No, if you're not gonna be there I don't want to be there either. Babe, you're really all I need, all I've ever needed. Except for A, the rest don't stand a chance against you."

This was going to be harder than he'd guessed, Jimmy mused. New plan then. If he had to be there to get them together, then he could do that too.

"I'm feeling better already," Jimmy said faking a smile, "maybe I will hang around. I'm sort of  hungry, dinner was a long time ago."

"Yeah, we'll order up some food from room service and maybe even break out some of that Champagne we're not supposed to have," Jaden said enthusiastically.

"Okay, sounds good," Jimmy said reaching back to pull Jaden's arms around him. It felt so good just being there wrapped up in Jaden's strong arms, that for a minute he considered forgetting his plan and just enjoying what he had. After all, he deserved some happiness after all the crap he'd been through in his life. But did he deserve it at the cost of Jaden and the others? Sure, they said they loved him and they treated him well enough, but they all knew he wasn't worthy of their love. Even Zak, who had come from a background shakier than his own, was at least talented, and now mega-rich and a star in his own right. If only I had some talent, he lamented, but the only thing I'm good at, really nothing.

They dried off and dressed and soon they were joined by Aidan and Zak who had been visiting with Aidan and Jaden's folks in the lobby. They were going out with Henry to a local club, and didn't expect to be back before midnight, so Isaac and Greg had agreed to take care of the babies while they were gone.

Isaac and Greg might have had an ulterior motive in doing so though, because they had been talking about starting a family once they were through college, this would be a dry run to see if they could cut it. Both liked kids and were good with them, and they were pretty sure they would like to be parents at some point once they were married.

The only thing they hadn't agreed on was, where they would live once they were through with college. Greg wanted to be near his folks in California, and of course Isaac wanted to stay close to his family and the group, but both were flexible. They decided that once they were done with college they could work that out, since a big part of the decision would be based on what jobs they took and where.

"You should have seen Isaac holding the twins," Aidan chuckled, "he's a natural if ever I saw one."

"He's just so full of love for everyone, I guess it'll be easy for him to love a little poop machine," Jaden teased.

"Yeah, I don't think a few dirty diapers will cool his feelings toward the twins though, or Greg for that matter. I guess coming from a big family like he did, Greg's used to that sort of stuff."

"So, you guys ready to unwind some?" Jaden said grinning, "I thought we'd order up some food and maybe break out the bubbly."

"God yes, I am so ready," Aidan said snaking an arm around Zak, "and so horny," he added giving his BF a kiss.

"Me too," Jaden said putting his arms around Jimmy's waist as he moved up behind him.

"Oh, you're hard," Jimmy started.

"I'm always hard when I'm around you babe."

He's not making this any easier, Jimmy thought, maybe I'm wrong, maybe he does need me.

The twins and their lovers were sharing a two bedroom suite this time, and there was a full kitchen, living room, and huge bath with a sunken tub and a Jacuzzi, as well as a large walk-in shower and this was where they planned on partying. Dakota had a nice room on the same floor, but it was not nearly as elaborate as the one he had had back in Paris. Greg and Isaac shared a room, as did Jeremy and Henry, and of course the twins folks had a two bedroom suite so the new twins could have their own room.

"Come in," Jaden said getting up to let the others in. Jeremy and Dee were holding hands, and a smiling Dakota was bringing up the rear. He loved being included in the gang's activities and especially the sex, which was not only plentiful, but much more creative than anything he had ever imagined.

"Hi guys," Dee said giving everyone a hug, "we're shower fresh and ready to get down and dirty," she teased.

"Hey, not so fast girl," Jeremy said with mock concern, "that booty be mine."

Dee gave Jeremy a sweet smile and then blew him a raspberry causing everyone to laugh, "My booty, is my booty, and I like to share."

"Well, as long as it's the gang, and not some stranger, I guess that's okay," Jeremy conceded. He had long ago given up his outdated notion that Dee was his property and not something to be shared. In light of the fact that he readily shared his own body, it was downright hypocritical to have such feelings, so turning loose of that notion was easy enough.

"Who's hungry?" Jaden said grabbing the house phone.

A half hour later room service delivered sandwiches and chips, salads, fruit, and a delicious assortment of desserts as well as two buckets of ice for the champagne. As the gang dug into the larder, Jimmy was once again reminded of why he felt he didn't fit into this world.

Room service alone probably cost more than Jimmy's mom made in a week, and the rooms and suites at the different hotels, a year's wages or more. And the only reason Jimmy was able to enjoy such luxuries was because he was Jaden's boyfriend. Even his college scholarship was due in part to that fact . Sure he had made the grades and won the scholarship, but only after Jaden insisted he talk to the counselor. If he hadn't he was quite sure Jaden would have somehow talked him into letting him pay for his college tuition and that was one thing Jimmy just couldn't have live with.

"You okay babe?" Jaden said noticing Jimmy's quiet mood, "still feeling tired. If so we can go to the other room and lay down. These guys won't mind."

"No, I'm fine," Jimmy said faking a smile, "oh, these raspberry things are really good," he added, changing the subject.

"Give me a bite," Jaden said leaning in close, "mmm...tastes almost as good as you taste."

"You're crazy," Jimmy laughed, but he had to admit, Jaden sure did know how to sweet talk a boy.

By ten o'clock the room lights were dimmed and the group of teens were paired off on the bed, couch, and even in the two chairs in front of the fireplace. Dee sat in Jeremy's lap in one of the chairs while Dakota occupied the other and they chatted quietly about this and that. Jimmy and Jaden were snuggled up on the couch and Aidan and Zak sat on the bed sipping champagne and occasionally necking.

Jimmy looked out across the room and sighed, he loved all of them, even Dakota, who had wormed his way into all their hearts, and it hurt him to think he might soon be losing them as friends.

Oh sure, they'd try to stay in touch, but he was quite sure once the tie with Jaden was gone his tie with the others would soon come undone. It hurt, but then what didn't? His whole life had been one hurt after another. Maybe he wasn't meant to have a happy life. Maybe he wasn't meant to have a life at all. Maybe fate, or God, or whoever, had intended him to die at his father's hands, and if not for his mother's intervention he was quite sure that would have been the case.

He turned his attention to Jaden then who was saying something to Aidan about a new song they were working on. Here was another area that he couldn't communicate properly about. Oh, he knew good music when he heard it, but he had no idea how to write or make music. He couldn't even sing that well, and sometimes he envied the others to the point of being jealous. Even Zak had surprised the heck out of everyone, and not only had a natural ability to play drums, but he could sing as well. Zak was as much a part of the group as the rest, and he supposed he never had these kinds of feelings, but then they had never really talked about things like that.

"It's getting warm in here," Jaden said, bringing Jimmy out of his funk, "help me get this shirt off, will ya' babe?"

Jimmy was always happy to undress his lover. In his eyes, Jaden was the most beautiful boy in the world and had a body to match. He was sexy, and smart, and sweet, and...well, perfect in Jimmy's eyes, and in no way did he feel he deserved him.

"Now my pants," Jaden said with a gleam in his eye.

"Are we gettin' naked now?" Zak giggled.

"I am," Jaden confirmed, "then I'm going to strip Jimmy and ravage his body."

"Can I watch?" Dakota said grinning.

"You can do more than watch," Jimmy jumped in quickly. This was the opportunity he'd been waiting for, but somehow it didn't seem as desirable as before, "you can join us, right J?"

"Well, as long as I get my share of my baby I suppose I can share," he said tugging at Jimmy's shirt.

"Plenty to go around," Jimmy said. Though back when he was being a bully he had been chubby, these days he had a fit body and was at his ideal weight.

"Zak and Aidan wasted no time joining the other two, as did Dakota, and soon there were five naked, fit teens with growing erections. In the chair they shared Jeremy and Dee watched and soon Jeremy's excitement was pushing at Dee's bottom.

"If I don't get these pants off they might strangle little Jeremy," he teased.

"Little Jeremy?" Dee laughed, "He seems pretty big to me."

"Help me babe, I'm all bound up here," Jeremy teased.

"Okay, but let me take off this silly dress first," she said, skinning the silky yellow dress over her head, revealing matching bikini panties and a tiny bra.

"Oh, shit, too late," Jeremy said as his eyes nearly popped out of his head, "I don't know how you do it babe, but you are almost as sexy in underwear as you are naked."

Meanwhile Jaden finally had Jimmy naked, and after some more convincing on both their parts, Dakota was starting to undress.

Jimmy paid close attention to Jaden as he watched Dakota undress and he smiled to himself when he saw his reaction. It was obvious he was interested, but was it just sex, or was there more to it.

Suddenly Jaden turned to Jimmy and he furrowed his brow when he realized Jimmy had been watching him. Was he worried that he was showing too much interest in Dakota? Sure the boy was sexy and a nice person, but in his eyes no boy could ever replace Jimmy. He smiled at his lover and gave him a warm look that caused Jimmy to blush.

Jimmy smiled back and for a moment he forgot all his plan to get the two together. At the moment all he could think about was how sexy Jaden looked and what he'd like to do to that body of his.

"Let's go to our bedroom," Jaden said slipping an arm around Jimmy's naked body, "come on Dakota, you're invited too."

Dakota was grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he followed the two naked, sexy teens to their bedroom and as soon as the door was closed he was pulled down onto the bed by the two and the fun began.

At first Jaden seemed to only be interested in Jimmy and Dakota felt a bit awkward about things, then Jimmy, noticing his discomfort, pulled Jaden down and whispered something in his ear that caused Jaden to grin and look his way.

Then grabbing Dakota, Jaden pushed him onto his back and straddled him while Jimmy moved up and began exploring his body with his fingers and mouth. He had to admit, Dakota was one sexy boy, and if he had to lose Jaden to someone, he couldn't think of a better choice. But for the moment he put all that out of his mind and just enjoyed the moment.

Meanwhile Jaden was doing some exploring of his own. Having scooted down to sit on Dakota's muscular legs, he was running his hands up the teen's thighs, just stopping short of his balls and driving him crazy with desire.

Moaning softly, Dakota relished the feeling of having not one, but two beautiful boys exploring his body, and he dreaded the thought of all this ending once the tour was over.

Since Jaden was more top than bottom, and Dakota have proven to be more of a bottom, Jimmy decided that the next logical step was to get Jaden to fuck Dakota. Nothing bonded a couple better than deep fucking, Jimmy knew from his own experience, and he always felt the closest when Jaden was deep inside him.

"Fuck him J," Jimmy whispered in Jaden's ear, "I want to see you pound that ass," he added lustily.

" sure?" Jaden asked, cocking a brow at his lover. The thought of it was exciting, but he didn't want to appear too eager to fuck someone else. But if it was Jimmy's idea, then how could he refuse? He'd still have plenty of spunk left to give Jimmy later, but right now the thought of plowing Dakota's nearly virginal ass had him hard and dripping.

Jimmy nodded, "You up for some fucking?" he said directing his question to Dakota, "My boyfriend wants to fuck your ass. Is that cool?"

"Yes," Dakota said softly, "You can both fuck me if you want."

Jimmy appreciated the offer, even considered it for a moment, but this was about getting Jaden and Dakota together and he put his own needs and desires on hold for the time being.

"I'll help Jaden out," Jimmy said lustily, "raise your legs and show that pucker."

The thrill of being violated by a stud like Jaden and the dirty talk Jimmy was dishing out had Dakota doing some leaking of his own, and when Jimmy grabbed his legs and pulled them back to his chest he cried out, not in pain, but in lust, as he anticipated what was next.

"Grab the lube," Jaden said, his eyes glazed over with lust.

Jimmy grabbed the lube and proceeded to lube up Jaden's hard cock, then fingered Dakota's hole, probing with first one finger, then two, and finally three. The boy opened up easily and Jimmy nodded at Jaden and gave him the go ahead.

"Fuck him babe, fuck him hard. Look at that hole. It's just waiting for your big old cock. Stick it in and make him feel it. Breed him, make him your whore."

Jaden was surprised by Jimmy's enthusiasm and the dirty talk, but he had to admit it was a real turn on, and he liked this new side of Jimmy a lot. Lining up his cock head, he thrust forward and quickly pushed past Dakota's ass ring. He paused a moment to let Dakota get used to his intrusion, but Dakota was ready for more and urged him to continue.

"Awww...shit, yeah...stick that cock in me," Dakota hissed as he got caught up in the moment, "Fuck me deep Jaden, fuck me  hard."

All this dirty talk was almost too much for Jaden and he nearly lost it as he plunged on in, but soon regained control and paused as he bottomed out at last.

"Okay, here goes," Jaden hissed, "God, your ass is so hot and so tight."

Meanwhile Jimmy had moved up to lay next to Dakota and was running his hands up and down his chest and whispering dirty talk into his ear.

"You like that cock inside you, don't you?"

"Yesss," Dakota hissed, "I love feels so hot and so big."

"You like Jaden's cock don't you?"


"You wish you could have him around to fuck you anytime you wanted it, don't you?"

"What? No, he's yours..." Dakota said frowning. Was this a trick to embarrass him or make him feel like a third wheel?

"Relax," Jimmy  cooed, having almost messed things up by speaking too soon, "he likes that ass, and he takes what he wants."

Now Jimmy was scaring Dakota. At first it had all been sexy fun, but now it was getting too weird. There was nothing he could do about it now though, Jaden was pounding  his ass like he was trying to wear it out, and despite the weird vibes Jimmy was giving off now, Dakota was enjoying every moment of it.

"Ahhhh..yeah, can you feel me sliding over your boy nut?" Jaden said, his voice tinged with lust, "I know how to fuck a boy and make him come. Will you come for me babe?"

"Yesss," Dakota gasped, having forgot all about Jimmy as he got caught up in the pleasure Jaden was bringing him, "fuck me hard and make me come."

"Almost there," Jaden hissed, "yeah...oh yeah...shit, here it comes," he said making that O face men tend to make when they orgasm.

As the first volley ricocheted off the walls of Dakota's guts, it set off a tingling in Dakota's balls that echoed throughout his lower body,  then hitting his dick hard as he began to spew forth his own hot, teenage seed. The first shot hit  him squarely in the face and  he licked his lips, tasting his own spunk as Jaden continued to fire off five more volleys into his guts.

Spent, exhausted, and panting as if he'd run a race Jaden sat back on his haunches and withdrew from Dakota's red dripping hole and stared down at his cock which dripped onto the sheets.

"Wow, that was awesome," Jimmy said, trying to sound enthusiastic, "You guys fit together just right," he suggested.

"I'm gonna go clean up," Dakota said, feeling a little embarrassed and a bit awkward now that it was over.

"Bring me a washcloth when you come back," Jaden asked softly.

"Sure, I'll toss you one first, I may be a minute."

A few minutes later Dakota appeared in the doorway of the bathroom holding a wet wash cloth, "Catch," he said tossing it neatly to Jaden who caught it easily.

"Thanks," Jaden said as he began to clean up.

"Here, let me," Jimmy suggested as he took the wash cloth from Jaden, "Well, was it as good as it looked like?"

"Yeah, it was great, but it was just sex babe. Nothing can compare to what it's like when we make love. That thing with Dakota just now, that was fucking, what we do is making love."

Oh shit, Jimmy thought, this is not what I was hoping for. Well, on to plan B.

End Chapter 39

 This is kind of a short chapter, but I wanted to get something posted before my readers gave up on me. I apologize for the delays in posting chapters  of my two series, but I keep getting side tracked with new ideas as well as trying to keep up with my private life. I am still well, and still working in one of those "essential" jobs, and it scares the pee out of me to be around people now. But with God's  help and a little luck, I'll make it through.

To all my readers, young and old, here or abroad, I send my sincerest wishes for your safety and health, and my prayers go out to all those affected by this global pandemic.

We're all in this together and it will take each and every one of  us doing our part to get through these difficult times. Do your part and help others when you can. And to those on the front lines, the Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Policeman, Firemen, and all the others, I extend my most heartfelt thanks for your service, and my prayers are with you and your families.

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support, and please keep those emails coming to:


Kewl Dad 

We're all in this together and together we will get through it.



I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. At the Dike*

  8. Black Cock

  9. Boy Glory Hole

  10. Bullied

  11. Christmas Boy

  12. Christmas on the Street

  13. CL Cock Sucker

  14. Cory*

  15. Corey's Scent

  16. Cody's Christmas Wish

  17. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  18. DMV Boy

  19. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  20. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  21. The Family*

  22. The Ginger and the Chub

  23. Hair Salon Boys

  24. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  25. I Heart You

  26. Little Brother's Feet*

  27. Lost in Fear*

  28. Mars

  29. McChicken

  30. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  31. My Not so Miserable Life

  32. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  33. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  34. My 11th Summer*

  35. One Night

  36. Poindexter Files*

  37. Pride-Pride

  38. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  39. Rolo

  40. Second Chance for Love

  41. Six Black Boys*

  42. Skateboard Boy*

  43. Skateboard Christmas

  44. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  45. Sudden Family*

  46. Taking a Chance on Love

  47. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  48. The Reynolds Twins*

  49. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  50. To the Max

  51. Tracy*

  52. Trailer Park Christmas

  53. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  54. Tween to Teen*

  55. What a Dollar Will Buy

  56. Wild Wild West Again

  57. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)

  58. At Awesome Dude: The Secret Life of Nerds