Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 06:42:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Lars Nordst Subject: WITH MY BROTHER'S HELP - CHAPTER 1 WITH MY BROTHER'S HELP - chapter - 1 (brother/brother, oral, intercourse, rimming ) This is a story of incest of male to male emotional and sexual encounter. So if this is not your "cup of tea" then do not read. Plus, if this is not allowed in your area by law, then by all means you should not be here at all. But if this is of interest to you, then read and enjoy. If you are one of those people who reads male erotic stories then sends emails to the authors to say how wrong it is, think for a minute???? You have just read a story word for word and then are going to tell the author how wrong it is.....come on now, get real !!!! You don't read these stories and then send flames to right a wrong...a wrong as you see it in your judgement, admit it you are interested. Anyway, this story is based upon one person's experiences in finding out where his thoughts are in life. In his quest he finds that love can be expressed and given in so many richly different ways. His brother is a very integral part of this quest, and he really finds out it is his brother that he has his truest feelings for. Oh, By The Way, of course this is fictional - GRINS Hey if you wish to email me, please do so at I will answer your email individually because if you take the time to email me, then I certainly am not going to be insulting and respond to you with an automated response or group emailing. ************************************************************************* "One more period and then there is wrestling practice. Yeah man, coach said he wants us to really get us to put it out hustle and see some action on the mats. He said he is tired of seeing a bunch of wusses out there prancing.....hehehehe." "Ya..he did seem a bit pissed yesterday didn't he. To tell you the truth, I thought we had a pretty good practice yesterday. Jees, I know that my bod was tired by the time it was over.....sweatin like a pig. I musta had the shower water on hot all way but it sure felt good." "We mighta thought practice was ok but I guess coack didn't. By the way, what are your plans for tonight?" "My brother is coming in late from college. Really looking forward to seeing him. We haven't seen him for about a month and a half.....have really missed him. He'll be home until Monday after Thanksgiving." "How is Jan doing?" "Well, you know....great as always. on the Dean's List and on the track team..He decided not to go out for basketball so that he would have time to come home once in a while. I'm sure glad of that." "I know you guys are really close. You have really missed him a lot haven't you?" "Sure have !!!!! Mom and Dad won't see him until Monday afternoon though." "How come?" "Dad has a business trip this weekend and he wanted Mom to go with him this time. Really Dad is so cool, I think he just wanted Jan and I to have a couple of days to ourselves. Dad is so great !!!!" "you're right Lars, your Dad is one helluva good guy. He has always made me feel like one of the family when I visit your house." "Nick, but you are like one of the family, you're my best bud !!" and with that I give Nick a hearty pat on the back as we headed towards History class. This class will be the last class of the day before we have wrestling practice. Ms. Rinker really is a good teacher. She not only gives us historical facts, she relates them to the present day. Plus she has a way of showing how history has a way of relating to every day experiences. She makes the comments made by every student have importance. When Nick and I get to Ms. Rinker's class we take out seats quickly and get quiet. Everybody in the class is there on time with a couple of minutes to spare. So when the bell rings for the class to begin there are no stragglers wondering in. It has crossed my mind a couple of times in the past, that if most of the teacher's could learn to relate their subjects the way Ms. Rinker does there would a lot less trouble in some of the classes. But then I guess that would call for a place called "Eutopia" and "Is there such a place as Eutopia?". "Class, we have been talking about how to achieve "unity". It would seem that unity is a terrible hard thing for people to comprehend. When in fact it is a conceptually simple thing. Throughout time I think it has been proven that the simplest things are the hardest for human beings to get a grasp on. Unity deals with "the common good". When we have groups of people working for the common good then we can achieve just about anything." ( sounds rather simplistic doesn't it? but if you think about it it is so true )"And class the common good does not really have to be a large group of people; it can be as small a group as 2 people." Now that thought struck home with me......2 people....that really struck home with me at that point. The rest of her class that day just seemed to fly by. There were questions and a lively discussion as usual. I think all the students really felt good and as usual got a lot out of her class again. "Nick, she really had an awesome class again today...don't cha think?" "yup, she did....on to practice. Wonder if coach will match us upday?" "If he does, I'm gonna wup your ass....hehehe." "Yeah....we'll see." As soon as we got to the locker room, we sprinted through getting out clothes off and into out jockstraps and out wrestling singlets. A few guys were already out on the mats doing stretching exercises. We joined them and started doing back bends and splits. After about 20 minutes, coach came out. First he had us do a crab walk across the gym and back. Then we started into single practice rounds. "If I don't see some action out of you guys, then it is 10 laps around the gym after each match today and no excuses !!!!" For the next 2 hours there was match after match with no let up. And there were a few guys who had to laps around the gym. Wouldn't luck have it for the last match of the practice, Nick and I were matched up. "Nick, I am going to woop your ass...hehehe." "We'll just see about that." and he grins at me. We step up to each other, each grasping at each other's head. Tugging and pulling at each other's head, we go at it. By this time of the practice we are both feeling a bit tired but we are giving it out best....we don't want to run laps. Then quickly I swing my right foot and swish I take him down. I grab him by the shoulders and just about have him flipped over when he evades me and gets free and stands back up. "Thought you had me Lars." he grunts out. Then we start tugging and pushing again. Quickly he is able to take me down and has my arm behind my back and my chest to the mat. He is laying against my backside full against my body pinning my arm. His breathing is really deep and heavy and his mouth is right next to my left ear. I am pushing back into his body for all I am worth and he is pushing back against me; both of our bodies are slick with sweat and grinding into each other. ".....AAHHH...OOOHHHH....." I hear nick moan into my left ear. I feel his body tense and temble for a few seconds and then he loosens up on me. As I turn around underneath him, he stares straight into my eyes and just keeps staring. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. ".......what's matter Nick?...." I ask him. Then he starts turning red in the face. At that very moment the coach says practice is over and to hit the showers. Nick gets up real quick and without saying a word sprints over to the locker room. I am still on the mats looking towards him trying to figure out just what happened to him. Then I got up because I wanted to know if Nick was alright. When I got to the locker room, Nick was just about completely dressed. I walked over to him and put my hand on him shoulder. He wouldn't look at me. "Anything wrong Nick?" He still wouldn't look at me. "Aren't you going to take a shower? You've been sweating like a pig." "I can't." "Well I won't either then. Let's just get out of here." and with that we both got out of there and started to walking towards home. Nick was unusually silent, so I just decided to give him his space and see if he would eventually say something. On the way home we stopped at a 7-11 and got a coke and then sat on a bench opposite the store. There weren't too many people around. "Lars...aah.....back there at practice. you're gonna be angry with me." "Nick you are my best bud, no way I could be mad at ya. What is it?" "OK." He gives a couple of deep breaths and proceeds. "When I had you pinned to the mats and I was laying on your backside, did you feel anything there?" and blushed beet red. "Ah shit Nick, I've felt that before." and I grinned at him. "Well you also realize that I really enjoyed it....and ahh......I came in my jockstrap BIG TIME......your body felt so HOT under me.....there now I have said it. Do you hate me now?" and he looked at me with a questioning look in his eyes. "Ahhh Nick....NEVER EVER COULD I HATE YOU....I am flattered..." and I put my arm around his shoulder. And with that Nick let out a soft sigh of relief. But what Nick didn't know was that although I thoroughly did mean that he was my best friend that I was in a quandry as to where my thoughts where as to how he thought about me sexually. This was definitely a new development. At this point in time, I was not repulsed by what Nick had told me, I just had not consciously thought about it. "Nick, come over here. I want you to know something." I put my hands on both of his shoulders and looked him squarely in the eyes. "For sure, there is nobody that I trust and who I enjoy being around any more than you. You can make me laugh and make me feel so comfortable. As to ....aah..certain physical feelings, well...I can't say say that I have consciously had those feelings about you. But that doesn't say that....well ..aahh...that...I mean....oh man....I guess I am saying that it could never happen." and then I waited for his reaction. Ever so slowly he started to turn up the corners of his mouth into a slight grin. I guess that was what I was looking for; that he wasn't going to fear that there was going to be rejection but yet would not think that I was going to kiss him on the spot. "Fair enough Lars. I just don't want to loose our friendship, OK. That has been a constant that I have really enjoyed." "Not to worry, you could never loose that !!!!" and I gave him a big bear hug. Then we continued walking until we got to Nick's house. We turned to each other with out usual big grins and said we would check in with each other tomorrow. Off I went towards my house thinking about seeing Jan. Guess I was thinking about all that I wanted to talk to him about. A lot of what was on my mind was Nick. Maybe Jan would be able to help me with that. After all Jan, has been to college and has experienced a bit more of life than I have. Possibly he will have some thoughts that will help me to know how to sort through dealing with my thoughts and feelings. When I got to the house, I realized that I was kinda hungry. After looking through the refrigerator I found some egg salad, I slipped a couple slices of bread into the toaster and poured a glass of milk. After spreading the salad on toast, I sat at the kitchen table and ate my sandwich and drank the milk. While eating, my mind started slipping back to Nick. Not only was I thinking about the way Nick and I would talk our lives, but I was also thinking about what Nick looked like. Nick, as I sat there daydreaming, is damn good looking. He doesn't have any fat anywhere on his body. Actually he has a classic V shapped torso - nice broad shoulder tapering down to a kinda narrow waist. And that chest of his is awesome, his pecs are what I would call high and balloon shaped. His abs are sculpted and rock hard..And oh man those legs are lean, defined, and oh so muscular. Jeees just listen to me here, no wonder I haven't minded wrestling with him and having him laying and grinding into my back. .......hehehehehehe.........Well I guess it's a wonder that I haven't shot a wad myself when I have been wrestling with him. I look down at my pants and see that I have sprung a 100% boner, ....I smile to myself and thing.....too bad that Nick is not here to see this right now, I think I would just go and tell him that it is because of him that I have such a boner right now. GRINNING I am wondering how he would react to that. Shaking my head a little, I bring myself back a little out of my pleasant little daydreaming. Since I was tired from the wrestling practice, my body decided it needed to rest. The sofa looked awfully inviting in the living room. It wasn't more than a couple of minutes after I layed down that I was solid asleep. "LARS..LARS...WAKE UP...HEY !!!!! " I started blinking my eyes and wondering what the heck was going on. As I started to raise my chest up from the sofa, I felt a hand on my chest and then another hand at my side starting to tickle me. Now this was one heck of a way to wake up. But as I was opening my eyes I did not mind waking up this wasy, It was Jan, he had gotten home from college. He sitting on the edge of the sofa and laughing. We have always been close as brothers and tickling and touching one another has been a part of that. How could anyone ever get pissed at anybody as cool as Jan. I would do or say anything for this guy. "Jan my man, did ya just get here? And by the way, what a way to wake the dead." "Gosh you sure seemed to be out of it. Rough day at school?" "Coach really put it to us at wrestling practice today. ......wheeeeew !!!!! Glad to see ya bud.....sure have missed you these past weeks." I grinned at him and then we started a good tussle as I started tickling him back; giving him back just as good as he gave me. In a couple of minutes, we fell on the floor. As we were struggling on the floor, I got to thinking about what had happened at wrestling practice with Nick and how I had started thinking about how Nick looked physically. That was I realized that I was starting to get twinges in my groin.....aahhh you know my cock was starting to rise. Jeesee, Jan had just gotten home and here I was starting to spring wood. What the hell was I doing. I think that I needed to talk to Jan about this. I knew that Jan was gay but I could just assume that I could go and have sex with him. There were some..some...some...there were a lot of questions that I wanted to ask him about gay sex and maybe he could help me understand what I was thinking and feeling. Afterall, I certainly was going to say 'Hey Jan, You wanna Fuck' right off the bat..For shits sakes I am a total virgin, that is except for jerking off - which off course I have done plenty of. And as I think about it now; I guess one of my thoughts I have answered myself....What do I think about when I jerk off? to admit, it has not been about girls, it has been about my wrestling team mates. So I guess that's a beginning. "Jan, you must be hungry? Want me to fix you something?" "Actually, I am. After that bus ride and the taxi - plus that little session with you...hehehehe. Also, I could use a shower. That would be damn nice of you bud. I'll take my bag upstairs, shower, and be back in a few." He grinned and galloped upstairs. I checked the refrigerator, got out some slices of ham and cheddar cheese. Next, I gound some stone ground rye bread and put the griddle on medium heat on the stove. While the griddle was heating, I had some sweet cream butter melting on the surface of the griddle. After the butter pats had completely melted, I put 2 slices of the rye bread on to start browning. On each slice of bread, I placed s thick slice of cheddar cheese and a slice of ham, on top of that went the other slice of bread. While this was grilling, I was heating up some cream of tomato soup, which was one of Jan's favorites. Plus, since Mom knew that Jan was coming home, she had some fresh lemonade in the refrigerator. I started towards the cabinet and got out 2 plates, 2 bowls, and 2 glasses. Just then I went over to the stove and flipped over the sandwiches. Just after I had set the kitchen table and was about to slide the sandwiches onto the plates, Jan came into the kitchen. he was wearing a pair of umbro shorts and a white t-shirt. "Whoooooa ! What is this? Damn Lars, You've done gone and fixed all my favorites !!! Shit man this is great !!!! You really are glad to see you old brother aren't you." and gives me a really big grin. "HHMMMHHH what is all this going to cost me?" and he winks at me. Oh if he only knew as I grinned to myself. "I just aim to masterly older brother." and I mockingly gave him a deep bow and pulled his chair out for him. As he sat down he gently punched me the shoulder. "How has your college classes been going?" "Good...takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. So far it looks like I will be staying on the Dean's list. How are grades going and yeah how is the wrestling team?" "Grade wise, I am holding my own...B average.......wrestling team, I am a starter. I will say wrestling practice was kinda interesting today.....aahemm..." "How's that.........interesting?" "You've met Nick, right?" "Yup." "Well, he and I were matched up right at the end of the practice. Coach had said that if he didn't get a good session out of us we were going to have to run laps. So we were really giving it our all. Nick had my chest pinned to the floor and he was laying full body against my backside. I could hear him breathing real heavy in short gasps. Then all of a sudden he let out with a couple of moans and his body trembles. He gets up real quick and starts to move away. Well, the coach right at that point said that practice was over and to hit the showers. Nick trotted off to the locker room without saying anything to me, which was unusual. When I got to the locker room, he was dressed and was on his way out. He was all red in the face. I asked him if he was going to take a shower and he said no. I asked him if anything was wrong. he just mumbled about needing to get home. I decided not take a shower either, got dressed as quickly as possible and headed out after him. When I caught up to him, I grabbed him by the arm. I told him to stop and tell me what the heck was bothering him. We sat down on a bench. After a couple of minutes he just looked me square in the eye and said that I was not going to be his friend if he told me. I told him that could never happen. He breathed deep a couple of times and said that while he had me pinned that he had had an orgasm. He said that I had felt damned good under his body like that and he really enjoyed it. I told him that I was flattered and don't worry about it. He seemed relieved by that and I told him that I would see him in a couple of days over the holiday." "Well, Lars as you already know that I am gay. I would say that you handled that quite well. I am proud of you. Now what are you going to do?" "Jan, I have been soul searching. Sure I have dated girls but I am going to tell you right now that I have never had sex with a girl and actually never thought about it. Since Nick told me how he felt today I have been thinking real real hard as to how I felt. I think that one of the reasons that I really like wrestling is the physical contact. Now someone could say that if I wrestled with girls that I would like that but.......naaaah......I don't think that would be true. I really want to find out some things for myself." and with that I looked Jan squarely in the eyes and grinned big time !!!!!! "And just what is it that you might be having in mind?????" and raised his eyebrows. "Well, do think that I am good looking?" "Yes you are very good looking and I think you know that already. So what is what is the point in that question?" and Jan starts to grinning a little. "Wellllllll.......if you find me you find me sexually attractive?" "Lars, now I am going to tell you something. Do you have any idea as to why I decided to go out of state to college?" "No." "For a long time I have thought about good you look and as the expression goes 'I have wanted to Jump Your Bones'" and we both grinned and laughed over that. I got up walked around the table and pulled Jan to his feet. I gave him a great big hug. Then I told him that there was no time like the present and he just started grinning. Happening to glance down at his shorts, I noticed that they were starting to tent out. Looks like he was looking forward to teaching his little brother a trick or two. And truth be known, little brother was quite interested in learning what all this was about. We went to my bedroom. Together we stood by my bed. I guess we were staring at each other for a couple of minutes when Jan took the bottom of my shirt and slid it up and over my head. He gazed at my chest and breathed deep. "Oh my but you do look so inviting. I just want to lick you all over." "what's stopping ya?" I asked him. He leaned over and and nibbled on my ears. When he stuck his tongue in my left ear, I felt a tingle go through my spine clear through to my dick. It was awesome. I was hard in a heatbeat. "It seems that you liked that." "OH YEAH !!!!!" "We've only just started." he chuckled. Next he started kissing on my chest but when his tongue touched my nipples, I literally trembled. My moans and groans were coming out of me right and left. My body starting a little rocking back and forth. "Lars.....boy are you ever one hot and turned on stud. You are a treasure to behold......hehehehe." "But Jan......This can't all be just one way, for it to be right I have got to give you pleasure also." "You will will." Then I took off Jan's shirt. I played with and licked on his chest. From the look the on his face he was enjoying what I was doing. "Do you want you want to try a kiss Lars?" "Ok." Jan leaned into me and softly pressed his lips to mine. My head started to swim. I leaned back and looked into his eyes and I saw not only the brotherly love that I had always felt before but also more. This time I saw more; I saw passion. I made the move this time and as I did so I opened my mouth and let my tongue move forward through the entrance of his mouth. As my tongue touched his tongue, I could feel the heat and energy of his tongue embracing mine. Our tongues glided against each other tasting the essence of each other's mouths. I don't think I have ever known a flavor that at that point in time that I have found more exciting. My chest was heaving in out with excitement. I know that he must have been able to feel my heart beating. After what seemed like an eternity we broke out kiss. "WOW......HOLY WOW......Lars you are one helluva a kisser !!!!!!! " Jan said with a great deal of enthusiasm. Guess so but at that point I was just going with the flow, what was coming naturally. I had never kissed too many people quite like that before. Well to tell the truth, I had never kissed anybody like that before and it had never crossed my mind that I would be kissing another guy like that much less my brother. But you know what, kissing Jan like this felt so damned good and felt so natural. All I knew at that point was that I wanted it and I knew that I was going to be wanting more and more. "Jeeezze Jan you're not bad yourself man !!! That was so damned awesome !!!" and Jan was grinning from ear to ear. "You just don't know for how long I have wanted to do something like this....for so very long." "Well we're doing it let's keep having some fun....hehehehe." and with that I started to let my hands run up and down Jan's back. Feeling his muscles was so nice. Guess my sensory emotions were getting awakened and in a big way. I loved the feel of his skin and rubbing my hands over his body. "MMMM that that feels so good.....yeah." Then I told him that I wanted to take his shorts off and he said to go ahead. After I got his off, he slid mine off my hips and down my legs and I stepped out of them. While he was still kneeling he looked up at me and grinned. His hand reached up and gently cupped my balls and massaged them. I couldn't help it but I jumped at first when he first touched me. But then I relaxed and spread my legs a little giving him better access and movement. I did not know just what he was up to but I do know that I was enjoying what his fingers were doing to me at that point. "Why Lars you seem to be enjoying this." Jan said with a deep throaty sound to his voice and a big shit eating grin. "YEAAAAHH....mmmm...sure as hell am...." " I see some pre-cum dripping out the end of your cock here.." and with that he leaned forward and licked the end of my cock with his tongue. The wetness and the heat of his tongue sent a bolt of electricity through me. I swear I wanted to ram my cock in his mouth right then and there. Wonder where that thought was from since I had never done that before - just instinct I guess - GRINS. "Boy was that ever HOT Jan !!!!" "Was it Huh??? Well you're going to love this." and with that he took the 1st half of me into his mouth. I just let out a big moan and let my hips slump forward. His tongue starting sliding over the head of my cock over and over like wild warm wet passion and all the time his lips were riding up and down my shaft. The feelings he was giving my cock were being transmitted throughout the rest of my body. After a few minutes of this I could feel my balls start to draw up and as if this couldn't get more amazing, I guess Jan felt I was getting close also he shoved me deeper into his mouth. I felt myself go right on into his throat. Now that was really awesome - to feel my cock lodged deep into my brother's throat, to feel his throat muscles massaging my os so excited rod. "Jan ....oh man I'm gonna blow my wad." I was trying to give him warning. But he give no sign of letting go of me. He just kept on deep throating me. And then K POW, I let loose with what was probably the biggest and longest volley of cum that I had done in my life to date and you know what???? JAN SWALLOWED EVER LAST DROP OF IT - WOW !!!! I was amazed !!!!!!! ( to be continued ) **************************************************************************** email me at and tell me what you think.