Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 05:47:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Blake Smith Subject: Youth Group Gone WILD! (gay-incest) Before I get started this story or stories (depending on feedback) are all completely fictional and as far as I know are never going to happen (against my long hard thought out fantasies). They do however contain real life people that I have contact with on at least a weekly basis; I will not be using any last names to conceal their identity. This is my story and I own the rights to it. Please enjoy the story and send me positive feedback (email is at the bottom) Ok so you're thinking to yourself Youth Group Gone Wild... Does he mean the church kind of youth group? I will simply say yes to this question as my youth group is well in my opinion a hot one. I should get introductions out of the way first. Our little Youth Group is comprised of four leaders and thirteen teenagers (all ranging from 12-(I think he is 25?). Anyway the leaders are Brain and Angie, and Myra and TJ. They are both married and have kids I am related to both (they are related first cousins I think (Myra and Angie by the way)). Ross is the oldest member with his now wife Amanda, they just got married this year and are still fighting (ha-ha). The next couple is Justin and Lessica; they have been dating for some time and are cute together. Then you have me I'm Blake, and then you have Hayden and Zack. We three have been in the same youth group for some time. Logan and Lindy is next they are for the most part fun people to be with as they make you laugh (sometimes at them sometimes with them). Destine is like a member that comes and goes (you would so understand why if I told you all of the "fun" things we did (when I say we I mean Ross and Zack) to him.) Lucas is next and I didn't bother counting his girlfriend Amanda (yes there is two Amanda's and what's even worse is that Ross and Lucas are brothers and so like when you're talking about an Amanda you have to clarify of which one by saying Ross's Amanda or Lucas's Amanda ( or bitch Amanda). She is umm I haven't got the word to describe her... Anyway if we all voted on whether or not to allow her to come along with us, sadly to say she would be a unanimous no. On to the younger members John and Jameson. That's us (later on when I will get to the description of them). I bet your wondering why in the world this is in the incest section. Unfortunately I am not related to any of the youth member I am related to the leaders, but as far as they all go they are related except for Justin, Ross & Amanda, and Lucas (which those last two are brothers and Justin is a good friend). Hayden is the oldest of three Lindy and Jameson, and is cousin to Lessica and Zack, and to Logan and John. And somehow Destine works his way in there. Now that I have fully confused you let's get on with the story So as a youth group we, after doing our good services and making money by hosting lunches and other ways of raising money, get to go on a trip. We go to Gatlinburg, Tennessee , Don't get me wrong because it is beautiful and very good about relaxing and blowing that money, but we go there every trip. So let me tell you what happened on one of the last ones. So we always go down sometime in the fall just cause we have the money, and well school is usually going on, and this limits the days we spend down there to three Friday (after school lets out) Saturday, and Sunday. So it's Thursday and as I do every trip I jackoff like 4 times just to empty the old sack so I won't be throwing wood every breathe. Friday comes and I skip school just because it's boring and I really think that it's a conspiracy (but let's not get into that cockamamie theory of mine). I pack as usual taking three pairs of shorts, shirts socks and sleeping shorts, I pack my swimsuit and all the necessities, then I get to my underwear. "What should I wear" I thought to myself. "Well I love briefs but if like something was to actually happen boxers or boxer briefs would be nice to have". So I ended up packing 2 briefs 2 boxers and a pair of boxer briefs ( I wore some that day... if you haven't notice I'm a underwear kinda guy.) With everything packed and ready to go I set down because like it was 8 in the morning and we wouldn't be leaving till around 4 (people tend to run late). Needless to say when Four that afternoon rolled around I was more than ready for this trip to start. We loaded down are old faithful church van ( The Blue Bomb is the nickname and picture this it's a old van that's light baby blue with a surprise when you back up ha-ha but more on that later). So I bet your wondering 14 teens and 4 adults not to mention the leaders' kids with you how do you all fit? Simple really one leader never gets to go cause of work and the two ladies drive down separate in a minivan with all our luggage and their kids. The bus holds I think 16 people ok (including the driver and passenger seats). It's a fun bus ride down let me tell you. We usually end up watching a movie, this time we watched 300 for the 2nd time on our trip down here. After 300 we watched Batman or Transformers, I can't correctly remember which one, it was interesting though cause even the driver watches ha-ha and yes you can do this cause it makes for an awesome ride. SIDELINES GRINDING then we pull back onto the road it's so funny watching new people who never been with us before (Lucas's Amanda, Jameson, Lindy, Logan and John.) So when we finally get to our cabin (yes we rent cabins and not hotel rooms for a few reasons, the main one is cause we are all in under one roof, and two we are mostly away from the town so we can't really going exploring on our own) We unpack all of our stuff and basically call dibs. This cabin was nice now let me tell you. It had a lavish living room with a nice T.V and a well equipped kitchen. Several bedrooms and even a game room (we soon found out almost every cabin has these now a days). I bunked with Hayden and Zack in our little room with three beds. The guys and girls are kept on separate levels cause well most are couples, (at the time Ross and Amanda wasn't married). So we get all of our stuff in our rooms and we head out to get something to eat. Never and I mean NEVER stop at Arbee's when its closing time, (I think they did something to our food cause well none of us felt very good after we ate there). So we decide on what we are going to do and well someone suggested that we play laser tag. It's fun and doesn't cost a crap load. So we go to this Laser tag doom thing and like its huge. We all get situated into our teams and start it up. You go in this room and just fire away or you duck behind some props and scope people out. I being the more into running and shooting type decide just to go in like a kamikaze and blow this mo fo up. I got shot several times but I did some good shots myself. I was going around a prop rock like thing that was there to catch a breath when I ran into Hayden. Now don't get the wrong image of me I'm about 6 ft ( I think it's like 5'10 maybe I dunno I don't measure my height) and I have dark red hair almost brown, green eyes and am fair completed with tons and tons of freckles ( which if you don't know what a freckle is basically my pain, Its where I got sunburn over the years (as red heads usually do)) I have a slim built and am in fairly decent shape ( no six pack due to lack of commitment to diets I'm naturally skinny what more do you want society). Now Hayden in my opinion is like Adonis. He probably stands at 6 ft even he has blond hair blue eyes gorgeous face. Nice build with six pack and well defined muscles but not overly defined. He also has this tan agoing, and like its perfect for his completion. So when I run into him I stumble and fall but my landing was soft due to the fact that I landed on him. The reason I didn't see him standing is was because he was hunched down. So well when I fell my crotch was like right in his face. (And before we even get to the sex parts I trimmed the burning bush down below). Struggling to get up I guess I wiggle meaning I rub my crotch in his face, but the strange part of it is that he isn't really making an effort to move. So I get up apologize a thousand times and like feel really bad cause I might of hurt him cause well I have no medium I have go all the way go don't go... that's how I have always been. He says it's okay and that he is fine, and all of a sudden BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! That sob shot me. I'm like "Dude so uncool" He just slyly smiles and takes off so I have to wait for my gear to start back up and I see my Uncle (Brian is my Uncle and the one that goes on the trips T.J is like my 3rd or 4th or something cousin.) So I shoot him in the back and see he was shooting at Lessica and Justin who were shooting at each other (Man cant you really feel the love in this Group, I mean if you knew Ross and Amanda and how they treat each other you would understand... by the way she like slaps the fire out of him or pinches his cheeks, it's all fun but they get rough.) So I just open fire and try to shoot them but before I could even get a second shot off Zack came out of nowhere shooting me and then Destine got shot by me (luck cause I was trying to get my gun to load faster) After it was all said and done we had a ball. I think the winner ended up being Ross or Zack one. As like everything down there, there was an arcade in the laze tag place. So we went our merry ways and played games. I opted to go solo as I usually am (I'm different). I play Skit ball and like those games where you put a coin in and it falls to the platform and there is this other do-hicky that goes back and forth pushing the coins if you get coins pushed off then you win tickets and well I'm getting good at the game. I hit jackpot and won a little over 400 tickets off that one round. I played a few more games and some non ticket giving ones I ended up with 600 something tickets all together. Cause I'm such a nice guy I ended up giving my tickets to Gracyn and Jason (the leaders little kids Gracyn is my littlest cousin, meaning she is Brain and Angie's child and Jason is Myra and TJ's.) I divided between the two and watched as their eyes lit up. In my book that was well worth anything I could got (goop that farts, slinkies, other odd things). So everyone gets what they want and we head out and back to the cabin. We are teenagers of course we don't go to bed right away. The couples go off into a room (with the door open) and me Hayden and Zack go to our room to drop our stuff off. Zack loves to play pool so he Hayden and I start a game. Now remember I said that we rented this cabin, and well they sent us a DO NOT DO list and told us the consequences of each. Well on this wonderful list there was "If you play pool and scratch or tar the surface you will pay for a new table which cost somewhere around 300$." Now I'm a naturally nervous person and with that little tid bit in the back of my mind I make a few good shots but get put out ( don't ask me what we played I'm not big on pool and to be honest I just played to be included). After I got out I decided to go to the hot tub. It was cool and we had a hard day so a good soke in the hot tub would do a fella good. So I told Hayden and Zack of my plans and they decided they wanted to join too. So we go to the bedroom and get our suits. At the time Destine comes in and asked what we are doing and we tell him and he ask if he and join. We (Zack) mulls it over for a minute then finally I say sure. So he rushes off to get his stuff and takes the only down stairs bathroom. And well we could set there and wait or we could just go locker room style. "Shit" I said "only bathroom down here there is and it's taken." Hayden then says "well we are all guys and don't have nothing that the other doesn't have." "So you want us to strip down in front of the other two?" Zack asked. "Fine by me I'm not modest" I chip in and take off my shirt. "That's the plan" said Hayden as he too starts to take off his shirt. I can't help but stealing glances over at him. He is like I said before an Adonis in my eyes. I take the rest of my clothes down to my boxer briefs ( Oh boy I'm so glad I wore these instead of briefs, how embassering it would have been there in my snug black briefs... actually kinda hot. ) So me and Hayden both get to our underwear and Zack is still debating on what to do. Before I could take the plunge myself I look over at Hayden and he is in all of his glory. Man ol' man. Talking about B-E-A-U-TIFUL. A nice patch of blond/dark blond pubes around his crotch. He was cut like me and unlike me he was soft, while I was starting to pitch and hit a home room. He was I'm guessing about 3 to 4 inches and had some well sized balls If you ask me he was average in that department, nothing to big nothing to small just right. So he throws on his trunks and gathers his towel while he does that I pull my underwear off and quickly pull up my trunks as it was starting to get obvious about a mast down below. After I did this I sit down to be a little bit better at hiding it and gather my stuff up. I looked over at Zack and I seen him look down real fast think "Oh fuck he knows about me being gay (which I'm not) and I threw a woody a looking at Hayden". I for the most part was right. My little fellow died down and I suggested to Hayden that we go on so that we can pull the cover off and get it ready. So we leave and Zack changes and meets us out. We get in and just start talking Destine comes out and joins us and we poke fun at him for taking so long in the bathroom. "If we didn't know no better we could swear you were a girl" Hayden said with a big smile showing his white teeth. "Shit he is a girl with a pussy and everything. Look at those tities he has on him." Zack said in a more hurtful manner then what he really meant. "What are you saying? I aint got a dick? I can prove it to you right now son if you don't believe me." Destine snorts off. Let me tell you about Destine and Zack, Ok Zack is somewhere around 200lbs he is big like 6'2" or something to that nature. He has black hair (which he now wears in a fohawk style but back then he just had it cut regular length) and looks ten times older than me and yet I was at the time 17 and he was just 15. He is kind of a smartass but he is sensitive once you get to know him. And then you have Destine, who is like 5'5" or something to that, ways about 140ish I'm guessing. Both of them are not fat per se just big (and in the case of destine he isn't fat just big boned or something).He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He is fun to be around. So there we are four guys in a hot tub shooting shit. "Yea I'm saying you aint got no dick." Zack shot back at him. "You want me to show you it?" Destine said. Not one to back down Zack says "sure cause there is nothing there". Most people would back down but oh no, not Destine. He stood up and flashed us his dick, not being a big boy you would expect not a big dick. I mean don't get me wrong (I like that phrase) it was about average but for him it looked huge. He was hard as a rock sticking straight out with a small patch of light brown pubes above it and a small set of balls huggin' the underside. I finally said "put that away before you hit me in the eye with it." I'm pretty sure Zack was speechless as were we all cause like that was the first time any of us did that kinda shit. Destine then spat off "bigger than your little centimeter peter isn't it?" Zack just set there still thinking then he came back with "If mine is bigger than yours you have to do whatever I say". "No way!" Destine almost shouted which we all hushed him. "Fine I guess that just proves that you're scared that yours is small." Zack came back trying to instigate. "It's not I betcha mine is bigger." Destine just didn't know when to drop things... So Zack said "If yours is actually bigger than mine then I will do whatever you want. But if it's not then you have to do whatever I want understood." "Ok I have this in the bag" Destine said. While all this was going on me and Hayden was just setting back and trying not to laugh to hard (Destine is fun to bug). So they both stood and pulled their trunks low to where it exposed their cocks. Zack had a wild looking patch of black pubes going on and some balls that hung down lower but still pretty close (due to the water and cold air remember we went in the fall) His dick was circumcised just like everyone else's. What really got me is that it stood only about a half inch long then Destines. Knowing he was defeated Destine quickly pulls his trucks back up and sits down. Zack waving his dick into his face taunting him. Before he was done I seen something to my side so I turn to look and I see a shadow. I quickly and quietly tell Zack that someone is coming. And he pulls his cock back in and sits down causing the water to splash everywhere. Lessica, Justine, Logan, Lindy, Ross and Amanda all join us in the hot tub. We talk about stuff back home and shit like that and well it was like a six person hot tub and well we were past the we was kinda snug and well water was going over the side and down the hill ( OMGEES I have to stop the story and tell you about this God forsaken hill. Like when we got to Gatlinburg we are like okay where is this cabin. We find the place to check in at and they give us these bogus ass direction on a back of a piece of white paper with crayon... flipping CRAYON. So we laugh at these directions as we try and follow them, they was like (in blue crayon now) a kid drew them. We finally got turned in the right direction and so as we are driving its dark and we see all the road signs. And like the one we are suppose to turn at is Big Bear drive or something like that and so we run up on it. And like we kinda stop for a minute cause we are in amazement at what we are about to have to climb up. This hill I'm not kidding was like taking you hand and hold it vertical then slowly lowering it about an inch. It was ridicules cause well we are in The Blue Bomb and it is getting up there in the years. It was like a roller coaster ride cause like you go half way up and you have to make this sharp turn. It was actually scary for a few minutes because like you look out the window and you see the pavement quite a bit down. Still it's even worse going down cause you pick up speed. Also the direction givers said that we had access to a pool so when we stop we asked them where it was, so on the crayon map he drew directions to the pool. Let me just say we was told that you could walk to this pool from our cabin...hahaha yea maybe if you fell off the hill. Anyways back to the story that's for later) So the water is flowing over the edge and down the hill. Well I don't know if you all know anything about hot tubs but you have to keep a certain amount of water in there for the jets. Well when you stuff 10 people in a tub and they splash around the water gets gone fast. We start hearing this noise and like start to freak out cause once again the people we rented from, the papers of DO NOT DO's it had like a whole page on just the hot tub. So we start to freak out and then someone says it just needs more water. So being the closest one to the hose Ross turns it on and starts to feel the hot tub up again. Now I don't know about you but water from a watering hose is so cold compared to the hot water of the hot tub. And like the dumb fucks we are we gave Ross the hose. He is a prankster. So where did the hose go, betcha can't guess. That's right down Amanda's bottoms. This installs us all to laugh as she thrashes around trying to get away from the cold water. She punches Ross who takes the hose out and just plays around squirting people. Before you know it Justine is a whooping and a hollering and trying to get it out of his trunks. Well in this effort he pushes them down a little too much and flashes every one his now shrunken dick. Let me explain Justin to you, do you know the typical bad boy type in movies and on T.V. I mean he isn't a gang person just a bad boy that needs a good spanking... OH WOW sorry I let that one slip. Justin to me is hotter than Hayden. I don't know what it is about his charm that turns me of but he does, ooh and the fact that he walks around in his underwear or just shorts also helps. He is probably 6'1" blond hair, blue eyed, stubble on his chin, thin but not buff, kinda man meat I would love to eat. He has such a good attitude (he usually is his mischievous way). When he gets mad he sulks and when he gets angry his cheeks fluster and like he gets mad and don't talk. Plus I have lusted over him ever since Lessica brought him to the group. So he quickly pulls his shorts back up while everyone is laughing. He of curse is embarrassed to no end and says he is going back to their room (Ross, Lucas and Justin always shares rooms). So we laugh a bit more and talk then I decided I was wrinkled and tried and want to go to bed which secretly I just wanted out to see about Justin. So I get out and get my towel and dry off a bit before going back in but trying to hurry because well it's cold. As I step in to our room I notice my bag wasn't how I left it... (before you ask Yes I'm that way, when I said I wanted to go to bed first that to was a lie cause I'm so paranoid that most of the people have to be asleep before I ever even think about going to sleep.(I told you I'm different)). So because it isn't much warmer in the house I decide to go ahead and take my wet clothes off. As I get my trunks down and start to dry off the door comes open and Jameson and John is there. I said "shit close the door" forgetting that my aunt and uncle are both just upstairs. So doing as I told them they shut the door but they didn't leave they just stood there gawking at me. I hate to say it but I was very attracted to Jameson and John both. Jame-o is the youngest member being only 12; he was probably 5'3" and weighed like maybe 100lb very small boy. Blond hair blue eyed very nice tanned complexion. John is 13 and was similar to Jameson except he was a little bit taller and heftier not heavy just more so them Jameson. So there I stood, naked as the day I was born. Both boys just stood there eyeing me over, and me not knowing what to do. I just took the towel and continued to dry off. I thought to myself "fuck it would be too hot if they wanted to start something with me." As I started to dry the rest of my body off, I watched their eyes stare at my crotch. Ok well at the time I didn't shave my pubes off so it was pretty hairy and well considering my red hair just sets it off to be what I call it, and that is Fire Crotch. I finish drying off and go over to my bed to get my clothes. "What are you two doing in here anyways" I asked as I found my clothes I pulled off. "Umm uhhh" was all that John could muster. "I was trying to get something outta Hayden's bag." Jameson said but I knew he lied cause you can always tell when he lies, he grins ear to ear with his cute little dimples and will shift his eyes. "Oh really, what exactly?" I asked trying to catch him. "Oh ummm." He started, but I cut him off "why were you really in here?" I guess knowing he was beat him and John both made a hasty exit to the door. "Hmm I just might have to pursue that escapade later" I thought to myself. I got dressed and was heading out when I met Justin coming out of the bathroom going into the movie place (the Cabin came with this little room that had a movie theater in it). I decided to follow him in and "pretend to watch the movie with him." As usually he was watching some gory thing that just didn't really set me off well. However there was this part when the chick is being a whore I guess and was "servicing" this guy. Justin speaks for the first time since the hot tube "This is hot"; he says it almost under his breath. Lucas comes in about the time the scene is done, but Justin says "Hey Lucas you just missed this hot scene, where this blond headed bimbo is giving this guy head." I loved to here Justin talk, regardless of what he was saying. "Ah darn," (strangely to date, I don't think I've ever herd Lucas cuss, despite him hanging with Justin and well others) "How hot was it?" Lucas asked joining Justin in the front row but waving at me in the back. "Fuck it was hot. If the door would lock I would have jacked off." Justine said not really caring that I was in the back. "I think it does actually" I said as I got up and went to the door, which in turn it had a small little piece in the middle of the door knob where you turn it and it locks. "I will leave you two alone if you want?" I said hoping that they would actually tell me to leave because well Justin is hot and from his words alone I was already pitching a tent. "Nah you can stay if you're down with it." He came back to say, and motioned for me to knock the door. I did cause Oh boy don't you know I was SOOOO down with this. I started to go back to my second row when he asked me to join him and Lucas in the front. I agreed and moved on up a row. He rewound it back to the part right before it. As we watched on I looked over in the corner of my eye and seen Justin was rubbing his crotch. Oh how I wish my face was his hand... I also noticed Lucas rubbing his, not one to be left out I too started to rub ( not that I had to work up to getting hard cause if I wasn't already hard I would have been at the sight of him [Justin] rubbing himself). Then the scene came on, and well it was hot. It was like I could feel her breathe on my neck as she was kissing the man's neck on screen. Before I knew what was going on I heard Justin start to rustle around and then I looked over and he had his hand inside his shorts. People I about shot my load at this sight. And me being a little mischievous I said "wouldn't it be easier to undo them and take the honkin' thing out?" "Good idea, but I don't want to be the only one with my dick out, I will if you and Lucas both do it." He said back."Fine with me I'm not shy you just have to ask to see it" I said standing up to undo my belt and the button. "Yea" was all Lucas said, but already had his dick out. So out comes my dick and I start to once again "pretend" to be interested in this movie while I secretly watch Justine take his lovely cock out of his short. It wasn't massive actually it looked close to the same length as mine (7 inches cut). Lucas on the other hand it had to be a good 8 inches. "Holy fuck Lucas! That's a huge ass dick" I said in amazement. "You have a nice looking one yourself there too" was what he said. I got back to stroking my meat but always looking out of the corner of my eye at the two. I was getting close when the scene was over. It must have spooked them cause they said we better be putting these toys up. "Damn" is what I thought, but just as we got settled back down (and the door unlocked) Hayden, Zack, Lessica, Lindy, Logan, and Ross and Amanda, and well Lucas's Amanda all came in. We stayed up to about 2 in the morning and I decided I was going to bed. Not that I was going to go to sleep cause I'm weird ok and I can't really go to sleep if I'm the first one going. So in a few minutes I heard the theater door open and footsteps. I awesome that the movie was over and they were going to bed, it was about another hour before Hayden and Zack came in. I guess they thought I was asleep because they looked over my way. Finally Hayden said "Blake are you awake?" "Aren't I usually" "I guess..." Now I'm not for sure but the way he said that kinda sounded like he was disappointed about something. "Is the movie over?" I asked trying to spark a conversation. "The one you were watching is but I think they are going to watch another one." Zack chipped in. Awkwardness to its max at the moment, I didn't know whether to keep talking or just sat there and hopefully fade off to sleep. "So you two ready to go back to school when we get back?" Hayden asked. "I guess I mean I love it down here but I'm going to be happy when it's over at that damn place" I spoke first. "Hell no" Zack said as I got done, "I hate school." I mean it not that great of a place to further your education (more politics and sports ... Politics as in not the president type...Who has the most money, who can run the school shit like that). "What about you are you ready to go back?" I asked Hayden. Hayden and I are in the same class and Zack is one year under us, being a sophomore and us being juniors, and this is while we are on our fall break. "I guess I'm kinda like you, I hate it but I will be glad to finish it," he said "and I can't wait to get back to the fine class bitches." He said with a smile in his voice. So here came the awkward salience again, I don't know if they knew I was a virgin or even if they were... Ok Hayden wasn't I know that for a fact, but I don't know about Zack. "What about you all" he asked, " who do you think is hot and would love to fuck?" ohh if he only knew I want to take his sweet ass, but alas I refrained from saying him, and told him a few that I would love to have slid up and down my pole. Zack chirped in "I would love to do Ceirra". She was nice looking and all but she has high maintenance written ALL over her, plus she's a whore. "She's all right but really" Hayden said, "She isn't that hot. Storm has fucked her a couple of times and he said it wasn't that great." "Hey you said anyone I don't care if she's a hoe or not I would do her" Zack came back. "Ha make sure you go to the doctor afterwards then" I laughed out. "So what" Zack retorted. Awkward silence again for the third time. I wanted to continue on and even further it along, but I must have waited too long and I heard soft steady breathing. I just shrugged it off and said maybe tomorrow, and I slowly drifted off to sleep. Oh man that was... wow. By the way I know there is a lack of sex, I am a person that read stories to pass the time and enjoy the erotica of it all. There will be more sex but, it will come when it gets to the point (haha). So If you want me to continue please feedback would be lovely. I hope I have provided you all with a good story and if you find any mistakes as I'm not much on grammar and the whole English corrections and crap. I just love this story and all the future ones we are going to have. Once again Feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you want to know any more about me or any of the characters I will gladly tell more about them. So my email is