Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 08:04:27 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 10 Author: J. Gardham This story is fiction as are the characters, if you think you see yourself in this story that's cool as long as everyone remembers there's nothing in this story that isn't pure imagination. "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 10 Glen was back home and feeling better than ever which proves what a miracle his healing really was. The cleaning crew found the night nurse sleeping on the floor in the hospital room next to Glen's. She was now undergoing psychiatric care and shock treatments still claiming she saw a ghost who spoke to her, and swearing she saw two boys sleeping together in the bed beside Glen's. There wasn't much the guys could do but leave well enough alone in her case. Since completion of the equestrian course that Robin had designed it looked like Bill was ready to enter the competition in Louisville in May, at fourteen Bill would be one of the younger first time riders this year. David had become a good horseback rider also with the help of Bill and Robin. Two more stables had been added along with four more horses, it often looked like a cattle round up when the guys all went riding together. There was quite a crowd that gathered each day to watch Bill train as he practiced riding the equestrian course. He was nervous about having people watch until Robin explained that he needed to get used to a crowd being around. There would be thousands at the Equestrian Competition in Louisville. The local papers even found pleasure in having one of their own compete in such a prestigious event. David took more pride in having Bill's picture and story in the paper than Bill did, "I've never ridden in competition before I don't expect to win anything my first time out". "Bill, I don't care if you don't do anymore that stay on the horse's back, you're still my hero". Giving David a hug Bill said, "you know Dave I love you more than I thought it possible to love anyone other than my dad, I couldn't ask more". "That feeling is mutual Bill". All the guys went to Louisville together, Glen had taken a week off from the hospital with the administrators blessings. Thomas had made reservations a year early at the Ritz and had reserved a limo to hustle everyone back and forth from the competition. The only problem might be Benjamin, he hadn't been any farther then the local area since he'd become a ghostly occupant of the house he'd built back in 1832 and he hadn`t any idea what his limits might be. "I'll try to follow along but if for some reason I hit a road block I'll stay home and watch it on television on one of the cable networks". "I don't like leaving you here alone Benjamin and I sure don't like being anyplace without you so please do your best to follow us to Louisville". "Thomas you can count on it, I want to be there to cheer for our kid as he rides in the competition as much as the rest of you do". "If I don't materialize there call me and keep me up on what's going on okay". "You got it Ben". Benjamin tried following the caravan of horse trailers and trucks that were traveling at a fairly even pace to avoid frightening or injuring Bill's horse. All went well until they reached the interchange where I-99 and I-70 intersected. Just as they were passing on the outskirts of Wheeling, Ohio, Benjamin ran into trouble with some unfriendly spirits who were trying to block his way. He hadn't any previous experience with other spirit forms and was somewhat confused by their malevolence. No wanting to lose sight of the caravan Benjamin said, "You need to get out of my way I have to be moving on". "You're not going anywhere without our permission and we're not giving you permission so just cool your heels bucko". Benjamin could see the caravan getting father away and his temper was rising fast as he tried pushing past the spirits who continued to block him from advancing. It was six to one but Benjamin wasn't about to let the odds stop him as his patience went down the toilet and his temper rose through the stratosphere. Grabbing a spirit in each hand he smashed their heads together and threw them aside, the remaining four lunged at him with claws bared. The first one sliced Benjamin's arms causing great pain, something Benjamin hadn't felt since becoming a ghost. Moving quickly to avoid their claws Ben dropped about five hundred feet in altitude before shooting straight ahead aiming for the caravan that was almost out of sight. Just as he caught up to the caravan the spirits were able to grab his legs and pull him to a stop. Benjamin kicked and twisted with all his might as he fought to free himself. One of the spirits sank his claws into Benjamin's thigh causing him to scream with pain. The caravan pulled off the road immediately, Robin turned to Thomas who was white as a sheet, "Thomas what's wrong?" "I heard Benjamin scream, something's wrong he's in trouble". "How can we help?" Thomas yelled, "Benjamin where are you?" One of the other spirits ran his claws into and down Benjamin's back ripping him open clear to the spine. Benjamin screamed in agony. Hearing Benjamin`s cry, Thomas cried out in horror. Everyone was out of the trucks surrounding Thomas trying to console him, not knowing what to do to help. Brad and Gavin told the others to join hands as they circled Thomas and bowed their heads in prayer. Gavin led the group in asking for God's help in protecting Benjamin. Benjamin felt himself weakening and being pulled away as he looked toward the caravan and saw Thomas weeping. Suddenly there was such shrieking Ben covered his ears, twisting around he saw Reggie literally rip the head off the spirit who had his claws stuck through Benjamin's thigh allowing him to pull free. There was another angel much larger and more powerful who took his hands and clapped them together as he crushed two of the other spirits including the one who had clawed Benjamin's back. The remaining spirit tried to get away just as a fist from nowhere hit with such force he shattered into millions of pieces. The larger angel engulfed Benjamin in his arms and blew breath into his mouth as Benjamin felt his wounds beginning to heal. "Thomas, Thomas I'm okay, help came I'll be alright, please calm yourself". With that plea Benjamin passed out in Magellan's arms. His first thought was for Thomas, such a pure heart, Magellan couldn't help but smile down at this brave little ghost. Thomas collapsed with Robin catching him before he hit the ground. Bill knelt and pulled Thomas's head into his lap as he leaned down and kissed his forehead, Thomas we're here with you hold on, you're the love that binds us together we need you, don`t you dare leave us. Glen was examining Thomas having brought his medical bag with him. "His breathing is shallow and his pulse is too weak, we need to move him to a hospital quickly.....just than a blinding light caused everyone to shield their eyes, the most beautiful being appeared and placed his hands on Thomas's chest, As the light spread through his body Thomas's eyes fluttered open. Looking into the angel's eyes he said, "Raphael, is Benjamin alright". Smiling Raphael somehow knew in his heart Thomas's first thought would be for his Benjamin. "Your ghost is being healed as we speak Thomas you need not fear for him". "What happened, I heard him cry most horribly Raphael". "Thomas he was attacked by demons and nearly dragged to the depths of Hades". "Your ghost was badly hurt Thomas you must remember to bow your heads in prayer and ask for protection before any of you embark on new adventures, it's vitally important Thomas, your prayers empower us to help you". "If it wasn't for the quick thinking of Gavin we might not have been here in time to save Benjamin from a fate much worse than death". A shudder of wind barely stirred the air as Magellan appeared with Benjamin in his arms, Thomas pulled his beloved ghost into his embrace and cried as if his heart were broken upon seeing Benjamin`s wounds. Raphael wept at the sight of such love. Magellan and Raphael spread their wings to encompass everyone belonging to this band of unique men, a brilliant light not only filled this area but also engulfed each soul who stood within. Several minutes passed before their sight returned to normal and the angels were gone as were Benjamin`s wounds. Standing on a hill of shining air Magellan put his arm around Raphael's shoulders as he said, "Raphael I've never known you to empower humans with such strength before". "Magellan their new found strength will be empowered only by their love, we must post watch over them throughout the rest of their lives, what has happened here will enrage the powers of evil to such an extent that they'll want to strike back with terrifying revenge". "What I have done can not be undone and it is now up to us to keep evil at bay, post your most powerful angels to watch over them and let not one hair on their heads come to harm". "Yes Raphael, it will be done". Seeing Benjamin's wounds healed Thomas regained some semblance of composure and asked the others if they wanted to continue on to Louisville. Benjamin was the first to speak, "Thomas we need to continue on, Bill has worked for two years preparing for this event and he shouldn't be deprived of competing". Glen said, "I'm not sure Benjamin, I won't put my son's life in danger for any competition, nothing is worth that". Bill put his arm around his dad's waist as he spoke looking up at Thomas saying, "Benjamin has been badly hurt and we all saw the agony you suffered hearing Benjamin's cries of pain, this competition means nothing to me compared to the love I feel for all of you so let`s take my competing our of the equation". "What we need to consider now is are we going to let fear control our movements and decisions for the rest of our lives, or are going to face life head on." David took Bill's hand as he added, God has given us free will, we are to make our own choices free of fear. "What we have all experienced today has shown us that there is both forces of good and forces of evil that we deal with everyday of our lives". "The love that binds us together is obviously a powerful force or we wouldn't have had angels intervene on our behalf". "You all know I love Bill with all my heart and would never put him in danger, but if we cower now I believe we'll put ourselves in even greater danger by fearing evil more than we trust the power of God, what will that say about us?". Everyone man there stood quietly looking at the two boys who spoke with such courage and wisdom that they were left speechless. Thomas knelt down and pulled both boys into his arms hugging them tightly, before telling everyone to hit the road, "we're on our way to Louisville". Turning to Brad with a big smile on his face, Gavin said, "Holy Scriptures Brad, I couldn't have said it better myself, those boys are amazing". Watching from high above, one of the warrior angels named Muriel sent to watch over Thomas and his friends said, "out of the mouths of babes". A powerful black angel called Jacques shouted, "draw your swords, the humans have made their decision to move ahead, let no harm come to them". Out of the darkness of Hades orders were given to break up this band of humans who are so filled with love that they've earned the admiration of the angels of heaven. Destruction of the child will cause a crack to form in their loyalty, then we'll plant seeds of distrust in the minds of the others against Thomas". "Fail me at your own peril". The caravan entered the facility where the equestrian competition was to take place early the next morning. Getting Bill's horse settled in first Robin then asked Thomas to take the others to the hotel while he and Bill walked the course, there were important details of the layout he wanted Bill to be aware of. "You can pick us up in a couple of hours and I'll show you where some of our finest restaurants are in Louisville". "Will do Robin, but I want Benjamin to stick close in case there's trouble". "No problem Thomas I understand and I'll keep a close eye on Bill and David". "David?" Laughing Robin said, "of course you don't think I'm going to separate those two do you?" Joining in the laughter Thomas agreed that probably wasn't a possibility, catch you guys later then". Robin, Bill and Dave walked the course slowly as Robin pointed out areas and situations that would help Bill complete the course safely with the best showing. About three quarters through the course Robin showed Bill where he received his injuries. He explained that he was in first place when they reached this particular jump and one of the more experienced riders rode up close and using his horse pushed against Robin's mount just as he started to make the jump causing him to veer to the right hitting the rail as he landed on the far side of the hedge. Robin ended up with a broken leg, arm and concussion. The worst part for him was the death of the horse he had raised from a colt. Bill put his arms around Robin and gave him a strong hug, "I'm sorry Robin, it's hard to believe someone would do something so terrible just to with a competition". "Believe it kiddo, some of these people are out for blood and anything goes so be on your guard every minute". "Keep in mind that nothing is worth having your horse hurt or even worse getting hurt yourself". "Most of these guys are older than you and have ridden in the competition before, they'll take every advantage they can and if it means hurting you in the process it makes no difference to them". David put his arm around Robin's shoulder as he thanked him for taking all the time to show Bill the course and warn him of the possible dangers. Just before the competition David asked for Gavin to lead them in a prayer asking the angels to keep Bill safe. Glen immediately asked if there was any special reason David thought Bill might be in danger. Dave replied that he wanted Gavin to lead them in prayer because Raphael said it was important that they do this before they proceeded with something new". David didn't add his concerns for Bill's safety after what Robin has told them, there was not reason to add worry to what Glen was already carrying on his shoulders. Everyone agreed and Gavin gathered them together for a powerful prayer for Bill's safety as well as the others involved in the competition. Bill and Robin both had ridden the course several times the day before, Bill made the jumps and other obstacles with ease during the practice runs. What they weren't aware of was that demons had gathered in dark shadows in their plan to kill Bill and cause a breakup in Thomas's group of men. The angelic forces had also gathered and with Gavin and the men having said prayers the angels powers had been enhanced ten fold. Bill was at the starting line with five other's as the signal was given to start. Bill didn't try pushing his Appaloosa as they took the first few obstacles easily, when the open stretch came he gained on the other riders and took the first hedge jump in second place. A few more obstacles before the next hedge jump that included a water obstacle on the far side making it the most dangerous jump on the course. The dark forces started moving into place, the angelic forces quietly moved to countered as Bill and the other rider raced up the straight away preparing for the jump. The rider beside him kept moving closer, Robin had warned him of this very tactic and at the last second Bill moved ahead and to the left before taking the jump. The other rider was caught off guard and his horse lost it's stride before attempting the jump. Bill's jump was textbook perfect Robin and the others were cheering wildly when they noticed Bill slip to the side. Immediately Benjamin headed for Bill. Demons were hitting him hard trying to knock him off his horse hoping to kill him as he fell against the iron railing. The angels pushed Bill back into his saddle as Magellan slipped in behind Bill whispering, "we've got you covered Bill, head for the finish line". Benjamin was back in a flash and materialized beside the rest of the guys, Glen's face drained of all it's color as Benjamin said, "sweet mother of Jesus, I've never seen anything like it". Turning to Glen Ben said, "you should see the smile on your son's face Glen". Thomas asked Benjamin what was going on and he told the others to watch the air around Bill and his horse for glittering lights that looked like sun reflecting off a mirror. Brad said, "yes we can see it Ben, what is it?" "There's a spiritual war taking place you wouldn't believe". Glen screamed, "Benjamin is my son safe?" "Calm yourself Glen, Magellan is riding behind Bill with his wings wrapped around him, you've never seen anything like in your life". Thomas said, "Ben, what's causing the flashes of light we can see around and near Bill?" "That's demon fire I think, there's a big black angel with a sword swiping off demon heads like he was chopping celery". "Thomas there's dozens of angels making mince meat of a pack of howling demons, every time a new demon joins the battle two more angels appear, the demons are being massacred". "My God Benjamin Bill's in the middle of this battle". "Stop worrying Glen, Magellan is on the back of Bill's horse maintaining a shield around him, Bill's is no danger, and whatever Magellan whispered into Bill's ear caused a mighty big smile to appear on our son's face". "I'd say, Bill's having the time of his life, now relax will you". Looking over his shoulder at Glen, Benjamin realized that Glen had fainted in Larry's arms. "Robin throw some water in his face or he'll miss his son's victory". Glen managed to get on his feet just in time to see Bill cross the victory line with his arms in the air. Everyone was standing and yelling, the entire crowd of thousands was going wild. No one could have been more thrilled then Robin, Bill had captured the prize he was after when he suffered his injuries. Following the ceremony when everyone was back at the Hotel and finally quieted down, Bill walked over to where Robin was sitting and pulled him into his arms. "Thanks for all your hard work Robin, this prize belongs to you", and Bill handed Robin the Loving Cup which up until that moment Bill had kept hidden. Everyone thought Bill was trying to be modest by not waving it around for all to see, but when they saw Robin start to cry and pull Bill back into a hug they knew something was happening they were unaware of. Glen asked Robin if he could see the trophy, after reading the inscription to himself he turned to the others and read it aloud, "The One Hundred And Seventy-six Equestrian Competition won by Robin Billings with surrogate rider Bill Connor riding the Appaloosa ,Gemini". There wasn't a dry eye to be seen. As Glen hugged his son he quietly asked, "when did you have that done Bill?" "When they handed me the trophy the engraver asked how I wanted the engraving to read, and that's how I wanted it dad, I won only because of Robin`s effortless training, and some rather interesting supernatural help I should add". The angel Muriel and the other warriors sent to guard this particular group of men gave a Heavenly cheer not only for Bill's win, but the selfless love that flowed through these men, what a beautiful world this would be if this love was contagious. To be Continued: Jason Gardham