Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 07:53:24 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Gardham Subject: "Benjam and Me" Chapter 9 Author: J. Gardham This story is fiction as are the characters, if you think you see yourself in this story that's cool as long as everyone remembers there's nothing in this story that isn't pure imagination. "Benjamin and Me" Chapter 9 "Ah,... dad". "Yes Bill". "I'm kind of turned on as you can see". "Ah,... Bill, that makes two of us as you can see". "Yeah I noticed, this is so cool isn't it dad?" "Substitute terrifying for "cool" and you'd be almost right Bill". "What's terrifying about it dad, look our cocks are almost identical in shape and size, although your's is a bit bigger". "You've just turned thirteen Bill as large as you are now I think you'll be bigger by the time you're nineteen or twenty". (Good grief what am I doing sitting with my naked son on my lap discussing cock size). Bill reached down and squeezed his dad's cock causing a bead of precum to form on the tip. "Wow, look at that dad, I just caused some precum to leak out of your cock, squeeze mine and see if some comes out". "Bill for crying out loud give me a break here". "Come on dad do it, I want to see if it works for me". Glen reached down and gave Bills cock a squeeze and a pearl of precum formed on the head. "Wow, it worked dad my cock reacts just like yours, that is so cool". Bill reached down and wiped the bead of precum off his dad's cock and licked it off his finger. "Dad your precum is delicious". "Ah, ... thanks, I think..." Bill used his finger to wipe the precum from his own cock and stuck it in his dad's mouth before Glen had a chance to turn away. "Bill what do you think you're doing?" "I want you to taste mine dad, is it good". "Yes Bill it's delicious actually" "So is your's dad, I bet we taste a lot alike don't you?" "I suppose since we're father and son with the same genes we probably do taste much the same". (What's wrong with me, I am not sitting here having this conversation with my son). David Yelled, "hey Bill you going to sit there talking with your dad all afternoon or swim?" Gavin said, "yeah come on you guys lets have a race". Glen slipped off the edge of the pool with Bill still on his lap hoping no one would notice their erections. It apparently worked because the others acted like nothing had taken place, Gavin chose David to be his relay partner and Brad was with Bill. Gavin yelled for Glen to watch to see who finished first. (Okay I can do this, I just need to get my brain working again). Brad said, `Glen you need to be at the other end of the pool we'll start where you are, race to this end, touch our partner at the other end and whoever makes it back to your end first wins". "Okay, got you, let me know when you're ready". "Okay dad you shout go and the race is on". Brad and Bill won the race, thanks to Bills speed, Gavin and Dave started a dunking fight to get even with the winners. Robin jumped in the pool next to Glen, "What's wrong babe?" "Nothings wrong Robin, why do ask that and where were you?" "Oh, I was in the head, I had to take a leak". "I asked what was wrong because you had that look that said something's wrong written all over your face, a look I haven't seen since....since something bad happened that I can't seem to remember". "Really, well nothings wrong, I was just lost in my own thoughts is all". "Glen I love you too much not to know when something is brothering you, if you don't want to talk about it it's okay but please don't tell me nothings wrong". "You know me too well Robin". "There is something bothering me, but I'm not sure if it's wrong, wrong, or just wrong because I think it might be wrong". Laughing Robin said, "well I'm sure glad you cleared that up". Laughing himself Glen said, "yeah, that was pretty cryptic wasn't it". "This is really hard for me to talk about Robin, I'm still trying to sort out my feeling about what just happened with Bill". Looking lost in thought himself, Robin said, "yes that's the look that was on your face, that look of concern for Bill, why can't I quite remember what happened". "That's kind of spooky, Gavin, Thomas and Benjamin all have been having the same feeling lately that there's something bad that's happened concerning Bill but they can't quite remember what it was, and now you`re having that same feeling Robin". "This is starting to scare me, what could have happened to Bill that was so bad that we can't remember it". "I'm his dad Robin I would remember anything that happened to him wouldn't I?" "Of course you would Glen, I'm sorry I mentioned it, it was just a strange feeling that came over me when I saw that worried look on your face a moment ago, it`s nothing". "Getting back to what's bothering you, spill it Glen if I can help solve a concern you're having you know I'll do my best". "I know Robin and I appreciate your kindness, let's go out in the courtyard where we can talk freely". Once outside and sitting on the lounges with a couple of beers, Glen went on to explain to Robin how he was sitting naked on the edge of the pool when Bill swam over and sat on his lap straddling him with their cocks touching as Bill gave him a hug and told him he was the best dad in the world. "Your are the best dad in the world, so far I don't see a problem". "Ah....the problem came up when Bill and I became aware that we had erections from him sitting on my lap with our cocks rubbing together". Robin was trying so hard not to laugh he looked like his head might explode. "It's not funny Robin, I was mortified". "Oh honey knowing you and your sense of propriety you must have been scared shitless, but it is funny and I'm sorry I missed it". "Robin you laugh and I'm going to be forced to kill you". With that Robin couldn't hold back any longer and spit the beer he was trying to swallow all over himself. Glen laughed and said, "now that's what I call funny" as he threw Robin a towel. "I'm sorry Glen, what happened next?" "Well you know how SHY Glen is, (NOT) that stinker reached down and squeezed my hard cock causing a bead of precum to form on the tip". Hearing that Robin set his beer down on the table beside his lounge. Looking back at Glen he was gritting his teeth together so hard to keep from laughing it's a wonder he didn't break his jaw. Seeing the pained look on Robins face, Glen started to laugh as he said, "go ahead and laugh before you explode". Robin pulled Glen into a hug, "knowing how sensitive you are about nudity in front of Bill and how totally at ease Bill is about nudity if front of you or anyone, I can only imagine your discomfort and it is funny just imagining Bill squeezing your cock, I'm proud of you for not completely freaking out". "I haven't even gotten to the best part yet Robin". "You mean there's more?" "Oh yes, Bill immediately asked me to squeeze his cock to see if a bead of precum would from on the tip, this came after he measured our cocks size and shape against each other and admiring how much our cocks looked alike". Robin grabbed his beer and chugged about half the bottle before asking what happened next. "Honestly Robin I don't know what came over me, but I reached down and squeezed his cock and a bead of precum did form at the tip of his cock". "Of course Bill was thrilled". "Yes I can just see him being a happy camper because his cock was performing just like his dad`s, that kid loves you so much it's incredible". "What did you do?" "Nothing, my brain had quit working by this time". "Laughing Robin said anything else happen?" "Oh nothing much, Bill just took his finger and wiped the bead of precum off my cock and licked it off his finger". Robin spit his second mouthful of beer across the lawn. "How I wish I'd been a fly on the wall watching your face during all of this". "What'd Bill say after tasting your precum?" "Wow, your precum's delicious dad!" Robin is now rolling in the grass with laughter as he said "what happened next?" "Before I realized what Bill was doing he wiped the precum from his cock and stuck his finger in my mouth wanting to know what I thought his tasted like". Robin spilled his beer and was holding his sides from laughter now. "Did you tell him?" "Yes I think I was reacting from a pure state of shock by this time, I think I said, "your precum is absolutely delicious Bill!" Robin is now laying on his back in the grass kicking his feet and holding his stomach in uncontrolled laughter. "Oh God Glen stop, I can't take anymore". "Not to worry that's where I slipped back into the pool with him swimming off to race with the other guys and you came back in asking what was wrong". Robin got off the grass and pulled his lover into a warm and loving embrace as he said, "Glen I'm so proud of you". "Proud of me, Robin you should take a cat-of-nine-tails and flog me for being such a terrible father". Still holding Glen, Robin told him he thought he handled the situation perfectly, "Bills in swimming with his friends David, Brad and Gavin and thinks absolutely nothing of what took place other than he had a great experience with his dad". "Without knowing it Glen you are the perfect father, you never cause Bill any doubts about what's taking place sexually in his life, what you do is remarkable and you truly do fill my heart with pride for you". "What you don't know Robin is how turned on I was by my own son sitting on my lap with a hard on as he played with my cock". "What you don't know Glen is how fucking turned on I was just hearing you tell about it". "For gosh sakes Glen we're only human and what happened with you and Bill would turn any of us on, I'm just not sure any of the rest of us could have handled it as well as you did". "You really think so Robin?" "I know so Glen, right now I think you are just about the most perfect father any kid could hope to have in life". "Thanks Robin you always have a way of making me feel better, I think you're the most perfect lover a guy could ever have". "So relax and enjoy the day Glen, you want to go back in and swim some more?" "No, I have night shift in the emergency room, I need to get ready, I'll throw some sandwiches together for you guys before I clean up". "You go ahead and clean up babe, I'll take care of the sandwiches, you better grab one on your way out, you look like you're losing weight, you don't eat nearly enough". "Thanks Robin, and stop worrying I eat plenty". Right about eleven o'clock that evening the phone rang, Thomas had been up watching a late movie and grabbed the phone before it woke anyone up. "Hello, this is Thomas speaking," "This is Doctor O'Connor is Glen's son Bill there?" "Yes he is but he's in bed is there anything I can do for you?" "Are you related to Glen?" "No but Glen and his son share my home is there something wrong?" "Well Glen has Bill listed as next of kin, but perhaps it would be better talk to you, you said your name is Thomas?" "Yes". "It appears you're listed as a person to call in case of emergency right after his son". "Emergency! Doctor O'Connor has something happened to Glen?" "Unfortunately yes, about forty-five minutes ago a robbery victim came in to the emergency room with a gun shot wound". "Glen was working on him trying to stabilize his bleeding when another man ran in and started shooting, I'm afraid Glen was shot in the chest". "He's in critical condition and he's being operated on as we speak, I think you'd better bring his son down to the hospital as soon as you can get him here". "We'll be there in fifteen minutes, who should we ask for?" "Ask for me I'm taking Glen's place in the emergency room and I'm getting updates on his condition every fifteen minutes". Hanging up Thomas felt nauseous, Benjamin grabbed him asking what was wrong. "It's Glen he's been shot and is in critical condition, we need to get Bill down to the hospital fast". Running to Bill and David's room Thomas knocked lightly before opening the door and going in, he switched on the overhead light waking both boys. "Bill I need you to get up and dressed as quickly as you can". Bill went ashen as he asked Thomas "what's going on". "It's your dad Bill he's been hurt and he's in pretty bad condition we need to get to the hospital as fast as we can". Bill grabbed Thomas and started crying, "he's not going to die is he Thomas?" "Let's hope not Bill, but for now just get dressed so we can get you to the hospital". Benjamin had awakened the rest of the household and everyone was up by the time Thomas and Bill were heading out the door with David running close behind. "Wait for me, I want to be with Bill". Thomas motioned for him to get in the car understanding his concern and the fear on his face. Larry, Robin and Darin were in a state of panic as they finished dressing and headed to the hospital. Benjamin said I'll be there watching over Glen and will keep you posted on what's happening. Brad and Gavin said they'd stay at home and wait for a phone call and Gavin wanted to start up a prayer line for Glen through his church. Brad found Gavin kneeling by their bed in prayer when he entered the room, he knelt beside Gavin and putting his arm around Gavin's shoulders prayed with him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There also was a flurry taking place in the heavenly realm as word was brought to Raphael that Glen had been shot and was critical. Magellan was at Raphael's side, "too much evil has taken place in this man and his son's lives Raphael, we have to help them". "Magellan I wish we could but you know in cases like this it's hands off, it's up to Glen and the doctors to save him, we're not allowed to interfere". "You involved yourself before when Bill was being abused by that monster Terry," "yes but that was an exception, one of our angels was in open combat with a ghost in front of a mortal if you remember". "I was there Raphael I remember quite well what took place". With that Magellan translated himself to another location leaving Raphael alone contemplating what he could do if anything without crossing any lines that shouldn't be crossed with heavenly beings interfering in the affairs of men. He knew his friend Magellan was disappointed and angry and he didn't blame him. Regal appeared and started to plead for help on Glen's behalf, Raphael told him to back off, "you are not to become involved in anyway Regal and make sure you don't, my patience with you has run out seven times over". "Raphael we can hear their prayers, they pleading for our help we have to do something". "Regal you heard me, now get out of my sight before I stuff you into a black hole" "But Raphael...REGAL...go....NOW or I'll bounce your butt off the rings of Saturn". Clearing his mind of thoughts Raphael heard the many prayers coming forth in Glen's behalf, Gavin and Brad hadn't stopped pleading for help even to take sustenance. Bill was devastated and Thomas, oh Thomas my human friend with the goodness of spirit that was without exception, I feel your broken heart. Raphael asked to speak to the archangel Michael and was given audience. "Raphael my friend it's good to see you". "Michael it always good to see you but I'm afraid I'm here on a mission of mercy". "I am aware of why you are here Raphael, our Heavenly Father has granted permission to heal Glen, but time is short, you mus.......well I was about to say act quickly but it appears he figured that out already since he's gone". "I really have to speak to him about not letting me finish a sentence". Arriving at the hospital operating room Raphael found that Glen's heart had flat lined and the doctor's were trying to resuscitate him. Reaching into Glen's chest and massaging Glen's heart filling him with God's healing power Glen's heart started to beat again. His vital signs grew stronger and immediately color returned to Glen's face, the doctor stepped back stunned at what he was seeing. The blood vessel that had been severed by the bullet was whole again, tears ran down the doctor's face as he said to his operating staff, "you my friends are witnessing a true miracle". When Raphael knew Glen was going to recover completely he slipped into the waiting room and put his arm around Thomas and Bill's shoulders as he whispered in Thomas's ear, Glen's going to be fine Thomas, you can tell Bill to stop worrying. With that accomplished Raphael slipped up through the hospital ceiling. "Magellan, Regal, and the rest of you, I know you're all here so you might as well show yourselves". Magellan was the first to approach Raphael. "Thank you Raphael, you are the best archangel ever". "Hmmmmmm if I'm such a good archangel why is it that you all disobey me so often?" "Well ... I don't know know we just.....rolling his eyes Raphael said, "never mind you're all forgiven let`s go home". Thomas felt a warmth surround him as did Bill, just then Thomas heard in the deepest recesses of his mind, "Glen's going to be fine Thomas, you can tell Bill to stop worrying" "Bill your dad's going to be fine everything's going to be alright". "I can't explain it Bill but I know your dad's going to be just fine". "Thomas I felt a strange warmth surround me a moment ago and a feeling of peacefulness came over me". "I felt it too Bill and I heard a voice tell me that your dad was going to be fine and to stop worrying". Benjamin appeared in the waiting room with a big smile oh his face, he walked over and knelt before Thomas as he said, "you know kiddo you have friends in high places". "What are you talking about Ben?" "I'm afraid for now all I can say is that you really do have friends in high places, all of us who know you are so fortunate Thomas". "Benjamin I'm no one special and you know it". "And that is part of what makes you so special Thomas the very fact that you think you are not". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The doctor from the operating room came out and talked with Thomas and Bill about Glen's recovery. "We thought we'd lost Glen but during our attempts at resuscitating him his heart started beating and we witnessed healing take place before our eyes, it was a miracle and every man and woman in the operating room has been touched deeply, what took place was supernatural and totally out of our hands". "Bill your dad is a very special man who is much loved in the Heavenly realms, what took place was and is beyond explanation other than to say God decided your father was going to live". "You will be able to see him as soon as he's in his room, he's already awake and that's a miracle in itself, so hold on a few more minutes and someone will be here to take you in, don't stay too long, he really should get some rest, .... I think". Laughing the doctor said, "I'm really not sure about anything anymore". Bill wrapped his arms around Thomas, "I was so scared, I can't imagine life without my dad". "We were all scared Bill and none of us can imagine life without your dad, he truly is a special man and we all love him deeply". Going out to the outer waiting room Bill and Thomas found Larry, Robin, and Darin all with tear streaked faces. Bill was picked up hugged, kissed and passed around like a five-year-old, he understood their love and didn't mind their loving attention at all. Lastly David came up and pulled Bill into his embrace, "Bill I was so scared, I love you and your dad so much". "I know Dave, we both love you too". "Thomas and I are going to stay until we can go in and see dad, we can't stay long so we'll be home soon". Thanks to all of you for your love for my dad, you guys are wonderful and I love you all, I hope you know that". Larry answered for the rest as he said, "Bill we know that and we know you are aware of our love for you, we'll see you later at home". A few minutes later a nurse came in and took Thomas and Bill to his dad's room, Thomas told Bill to go ahead and he'd see Glen in a few minutes. Bill walked in and straight to his dad and very carefully laid his face against his dad's before kissing him on the lips. He looked into his dad's eyes with tears running down his face. Glen embraced him and whispered, "I love you son, and I'm going to be fine no more tears okay?" Bill kissed him again and another hug before putting his hands on either side of he dad's face and just stared at him. "Bill it's okay I'm going to be fine". Glen reached up and wiped tears from his son's face, Bill took his dad's hand and kissed it still staring into his dad's eyes. Glen watched as his sons composure started to crumble, his handsome face contorted up into such sorrow it broke Glen's heart. Pulling Bill down he kissed him over and over, whispering, "Bill I love you, I love you and I promise I'll never leave you". Thomas stepped into the room and pulled a chair up next to Glen's bed before picking Glen's thirteen-year-old son up and holding him in his lap, patting him on the back he said, "Bill let it out, let it all out now, it`s okay...Bill's body shook so hard it hurt Thomas's ribs, he held him as tight as he dared while Bill sobbed his heart out. "Bill it's okay, we were all scared, you saw the tears on Robin, Darin, and Larry's faces, they're a lot older then you and they were terrified and cried their hearts out". "Your dad's safe now, he's with us and we'll bring him home in a few days". "Bill you need to pull yourself together now, your dad needs to know you're okay so he can rest peacefully and heal while we're gone". Bill stopped crying but the tears were still flowing freely as he looked into Thomas's eyes, the terror Thomas saw in those eyes broke his heart. "Tell you what, how about if you and I stay here with your dad the rest of the night, there's an empty bed and I don't think the doctor will mind a bit". Bill shook his head yes and slid off Thomas's lap. Turning he saw the worry on his dad's face, sitting on the edge of the bed, Bill took his dad's hand in his, "I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to upset you, fighting back tears again he continued, "I've never been so scared in my life". Squeezing Bill's hand Glen said, "I was just as scared Bill, when that bullet hit me, my only thought was of you and how much I wanted to be with you when you grew up" Tears ran from the corners of Glen's eyes as he looked at his son, pulling Bill back into his arms he said, we're both here and we're both okay, so let's just thank God for that". Thomas asked Bill if he could round of a cup of coffee for him as a way to have time to speak to Glen without Bill overhearing. Bill said of course he would and asked if he could get something for his dad. Glen told him he was fine with the jug of water the nurse left. As Bill opened the door and started to slip out he turned to Thomas and motioned for him to come. Peeking out the door Thomas saw David curled in the corner sleeping with his head laying on Fred's side. "I thought he went home with his dad and the others". "So did I Thomas". "It looks like he couldn't stay that far away from the man he loves, I think you got a real keeper there Bill". "Yeah me too, sometimes when I look at David I feel so much love in my heart for him it hurts". "I know the feeling kiddo, see if you can round up that coffee and I'll carry Dave in and lay him on the bed next to your dads". Glen had overheard the conversation and as Thomas carried David in and laid him on the bed, Glen remarked, "I think my son has a real winner with this one Thomas". "By the way what was it you wanted to say to me without Bill overhearing?" "Smiling Thomas said you caught that did you". "I just wanted to say something about the depth of Bill's reaction to your being shot". "You know Glen ,you are his strength the solid foundation he stands on in life, he knows deep down that his mother discarded him without a thought and that you loved him enough to keep him and take care of him". "Glen, Bill hasn't known any parental love other than yours growing up, you are everything to him, the thought of losing you had never entered his mind until now and it scared him nearly to death". "We all love him with all of our hearts but its not the same as the connection you two have". "We give Bill a lot of credit for his maturity, both emotional and physical, and in doing that we tend to forget he's only thirteen years old". "Glen he's a man-boy and we need to keep that reality in mind in how we respond to your son". "He's way ahead of most boys his age in his physical and emotional development but he's still a thirteen-year-old boy who worships the ground his dad walks on". "I hear you Thomas and I understand he and David both are walking a delicate balance as they shift for adolescence to adulthood, and those of us who love him are walking that same delicate balance in how we treat and react to them". "Yes exactly Glen, sexually David and Bill have the desires and feelings of adults, but when you were hurt, they were kids afraid of losing someone they love". Before they could finish, the door opened with Bill bringing in a cup of coffee for Thomas followed by Robin, Larry, and Darin who Bill had found slumped over in chairs in the waiting room. Laughing Thomas said, "looks like Bill's partner wasn't the only one who couldn't bear being away from his lover, talk about worried kids". Glen actually laughed for the first time since being wounded as he hugged and kissed each of his partners. Darin looked over at Dave sleeping on the opposite bed with Fred curled up at the foot of the bed and whispered, "what's David doing here, for crying out loud, I sat with him in his room when we took him home and tucked him in". "I stayed with him until he fell asleep, or so I thought". "Bill found him curled up outside of Glen's door sleeping with his head on Fred". "How'd he get here, don't tell me he walked, it would have been after two A.M." "I can only imagine he did and he took Fred with him for protection". "I'm going to have a long hard talk with him tomorrow about being so careless, he could have been hurt". Thomas pointed over to the bed where Bill was now laying with David with his arm around his waist as the slept with Bill's head on Dave's chest. "Are you sure you want to scold David for wanting to be with his lover?" Looking over at the two young men laying spooned together sleeping peacefully, all the wind went out of Darin's sails, "No, of course not, I just love them both so much Thomas, I want to over protect them I guess". "We all feel the same Darin, but we have to give them space to breath and develop naturally". At that moment the night nurse walked in stopping dead in her tracks as she saw a room full of people, plus a dog. "What in the hell's going on here, this man's recovering for a gun shot, he's supposed to be resting not holding a convention". Benjamin materialized standing toe to toe with her as he said, "shut the fuck up before you wake those boys". The next thing we knew there was about two hundred and fifty pounds of nurse laying in a puddle of piss on the floor. We all just looked at each other with our mouths open not saying a word until we heard Benjamin say, "well at least she's quiet now". All of the guys started to laugh at the same time trying to stifle the noise so they didn't wake the boys. Larry, Robin, and Darin dragged the nurse into the next room where there wasn't a patient, while Thomas used a towel from the bathroom to clean up the mess and sprayed it with disinfectant. When the guys came back in Glen asked if they laid her on the bed. Looking at each other before Robin said, "no, we couldn't lift her so we left her on the floor". "Did you at least put a pillow under her head?" "No, we didn't think of it". Benjamin said he'd do it and disappeared before Thomas could stop him, we heard a scream and then silence before Benjamin slipped back through the wall. With a silly grin on his face he said, "she came to while I was putting the pillow under her head". Thomas said, "we gathered that from the scream Benjamin, is she okay?" "I think so, although it smells really bad in there now". Thomas threw his hands up as the other guys including Glen started to laugh again. To be Continued: Jason Gardham