Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 23:18:05 -0800 From: Tucker Subject: A Good Man chapter 2 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or events is coincidental. No part of this story may be reprinted without permission. Copyright by Metredose, 2023, and all rights reserved. Comments and criticism welcome. Please help keep Nifty Stories up and running by donating to: A Good Man, chapter 2 The sun shined too brightly through the little window in the cabin bedroom, and Sean stirred into life. The bed was warm, and when he ventured out of it the room was warm as well. Quite comfortable, really. Cozy. He yawned and stretched his arms and legs, and then noticed the pile at the foot of the bed. Clothes. His clothes, clean and neatly folded. His shoes were there too, but next to them was a pair of boots Sean had never seen before. He judged them to be too small for Frank, but whose could they be? Sean tried them on after he dressed and they were a bit loose, but overall a good fit, considering they were not meant for his feet specifically. He wondered where Frank could be. The man was not present anywhere in the cabin. A fire was going but that was the only activity. There was a noise, a scraping noise outside, and it was pretty loud. Loud and repetitive. It was only evident at the front of the cabin. Sean wondered for how long he had slept through it, but there was only one way to find out. He gathered the big, heavy jacket from the night before from a hook on the wall, put it on and then ventured outside. The sun really was bright. Blinding. It glared off of the white snow which coated everything outside. Icicles, long and dangerous looking, hung from the eaves and there was a path cleared out of what looked to be two and a half feet of snow. Sean followed, emerged from under the overhang that protected the cabin's door. His eyes adjusted as best they could. The path led on a ways, the scraping growing louder, until Sean saw Frank. The big man's jacket had been cast aside. Sean watched him lift huge shovelfuls of snow from the ground, and then toss them easily out of the way as if they were nothing. Again and again, Frank sent the snow in his way flying, and Sean could not help but admire the man. He made it look so easy. Sean was certain that he couldn't lift up even a third of what Frank lifted and tossed aside. For a long time he just stood their watching, his right hand over his eyes, acting as a visor to screen out the sun. Frank's hair and beard glowed a reddish color in the light, and his face was shiny with perspiration. Dark circles of sweat peaked out from the arms of his flannel shirt, but he didn't seem the least bit tired, not to judge by his energy, anyway. Sean didn't know why but he hesitated to alert Frank of his presence. The events of the night before were still clear in his mind but he didn't know what to make of them yet. Finally, he walked further up the path and saw the small but heavily constructed little structure Frank was clearing his path toward. It was connected to what looked to be a cage. The structure looked somehow familiar, but Sean could not put together what it was in his mind. "Good morning!" Frank shouted, when he noticed Sean. "Yes, good morning. Sure is cold out here." "Not when you get moving." Sean came closer and suddenly it clicked in his mind. Frank was clearing a path to a chicken coop. No birds were visible, but Sean was sure that was it. A few more shovel loads, and Frank had everything clear. He opened the cage part and started shoveling snow out of it. It took some time, but when Frank was done, he lifted up a little wooden gate, and out popped a large, fluffy chicken. It was a yellowish color with a big, bright red comb that stood straight up. "That's George," Frank said. A moment later, one at a time, five other fluffy yellow chickens popped out. None was as large as George, nor so bright. "And his ladies!" "I don't think I've ever seen chickens in person," Sean said. "I never expected them to be out in the woods." "Oh, they do just fine here. They get plenty of light." "Are they mean?" "George? Nah. He's a gentle giant." Frank moved to the coop itself and opened a door. "Be right back," he said. "Don't let them get out!" George was eyeing Sean, but he was in the chicken run, not the coop. He seemed friendly enough. Frank reappeared with a big scoopful of feed, and tossed it into a little trough in the coop. Then he checked a big metal watering station. "Hasn't frozen," Frank said. "I got a little fish tank heater in there and it's doing the job. George and the ladies are set." Sean was busy staring at the chickens, and barely noticed what Frank was saying. George was scratching in the snow. He stopped, gave a couple of excited clucks, and all five of the ladies came running at him, pecking at the ground for some bits of food that were invisible to Sean. "Now, let's see what we got," Frank said. He lifted up a hatch on the side of the coop. "Check it out," he said. Sean walked over and there, in a bed of straw, lay three brown eggs. Frank scooped them up, then closed up the coop. "Come on," he said. "Let's go make breakfast." Sean followed him, wondering about the time. He was sure Frank knew, but he was again hesitant to ask. There was still a part of him that felt embarrassed about the night before, about his failures. He just followed Frank's lead. There was a little room connected to the cabin to which Frank made a detour. Inside was a small, portable washer and dryer set, a large freezer, and a refrigerator. Frank pulled a few things out of the fridge, and then they went back to the cabin. "Hope you like eggs," he said. "I do. I try not to eat too many but I splurge sometimes." Frank just looked at him for a moment, then pulled out a couple of frying pans. Into one he set some oil and shredded potatoes, and in the other he cracked open six eggs. "Can I help?" Sean asked. "You can go back to the refrigerator. I forgot the sausage. Should be on the bottom shelf, toward the back." "Okay." When Sean came back, there was already a strong, delicious aroma filling the cabin. Frank took the sausages, fished four of them out, and then cleared a space next to the potatoes for them. He worked quickly, scrambling the eggs, adding a dash of pepper, flipping the potatoes and sausages. In no time everything was ready. Frank had him sit in the same chair as the night before, then moved the TV tray in front of him. A big plate full of eggs, taters and sausages followed, and then Frank set himself up in another chair. The eggs looked different to Sean, darker, more orange than yellow. He was a little afraid to try them. But when he did he was not sorry. They were rich and delicious, and blended perfectly with the potatoes and meat. He ate heartily. When he was finished, Frank was watching him. "So," Frank said. "Yeah?" "I'm just thinking aloud. Trying to figure out what we should try today and what we should leave for tomorrow." "The snow seems too heavy to try anything," Sean said. "You can't shovel out the entire road." "No. It's still below freezing and the snow isn't going anywhere for a while. But that doesn't mean we can't get around." "To where?" "There is a ridge to the northwest. Sometimes I can get reception there. I'm sure you want to call your wife to let her know you are alright." "But the snow is too deep to get there." "Not with snow shoes. I have a couple of pairs. It will be slow work, and tiring, but I think we can make it." "You actually have a cellphone? I thought you were a real mountain man?" Sean was smiling. It was nice to tease Frank, just a little, to ease the tension. Frank laughed. "Well I am, son, but even a mountain man needs to make a call now and then. What do you say? Are you up for it?" "I think so. But will there by mountain lions?" Frank chuckled. "They're nocturnal. And I carry protection." The big man lifted up his shirt a little, revealing the handle of a gun at his hip. It was tucked into a holster between his jeans and underwear. Sean and his wife were both strongly in favor of gun control, and voted accordingly, but things were different out in the woods. Sean was glad of the gun. Frank seemed like a man who would know how to use one responsibly, and he had to admit to himself that he felt safer going on a hike knowing that Frank was armed. "I'm just kind of surprised," Sean said. "I didn't think calling my wife was possible." "No promises, but there's a chance. Anyway, it'll keep us busy. I hate being cooped up." "So do I," Sean said. "Great! We'll need gloves. And the shoes. Probably sunglasses, but I only have one pair." "We'll manage," Sean said, with some excitement. "Sit tight, buddy!" Frank was up and at `em in a flash, gathering things from different parts of the cabin. He helped Sean strap on the snowshoes, a tricky operation, then put on his own. They gloved up, Frank gave the glasses to Sean, and then they carried their ski poles outside. Walking in the snowshoes wasn't too difficult, but it required a wider stance than Sean was used to, and a soreness rose up in the place that Frank had occupied the night before. Sean winced, but the discomfort soon passed. It was easy going until they moved past the area that Frank had cleared, onto deep snow, and then it got a little more difficult. But not for Frank. He moved easily and steadily along, looking behind now and then, waiting for Sean to catch up. The land angled up a bit as they went, and then things grew steeper. Sean didn't know how far they would be going, and didn't care to ask. Frank seemed happy to be silent, and Sean didn't want to disturb him. But his breath grew labored and his legs sore. He was glad of the ski poles, which helped to keep him from falling over a few times. The trees were less dense on the slope then they were lower down. Many were very tall in size, but their trunks were not so wide as some he'd seen in the flat area below. They were mostly evergreens, and scented of something like pine. The most striking thing about the trip at that point, though, was the silence. Not total silence, for the sounds of them both trudging along were obvious, but every sound was soft and muffled, even Franks voice when he called down. "You doing okay, buddy?" he said, cheerily. "Sure," Sean said. "Sorry I'm so slow." "No hurry." Sean caught up to him. They'd been going for at least fifteen minutes, and he was out of breath, and it seemed that Frank could tell. The big man pulled off a backpack, fished out a canteen and offered it to Sean, who drank from it. The water was cold, but not uncomfortably so. He drank and drank, and there was little left when he was done. He looked sheepishly at Frank when he handed the canteen back. "I got a little carried away." Frank just shrugged, and then started up the mountainside again. It got steeper and steeper. Sean had a hard time keeping up, a hard time staying upright. At times the ski poles were helpful. At times Sean wished he could chuck them away. They went on for another half hour, or so Sean judged, before Frank stopped again. They were on a steep slope, with sparse trees. Frank walked on a bit, then called Sean over. "Look at that, son." There was a ravine below, running concurrently with the ridge they were climbing, with a large, frozen stream at its center. Sean thought he could hear tinkling water, muffled, but he wasn't sure. Bare trees lined it, and lots of bushes, naked but spangled with red berries. Every branch, from the largest to the tiniest, had a topping of snow, and it all made for an intricate pattern. "Lots of trout in that crick," Frank said. "I used to fish with my father," Sean said. "You oughta give it another try." "I'd like to take my son. Hard to find the time, though." Frank turned, looked at him pointedly. "You've got to make the time," he said. "Life is short." "I hate to ask, but how much further do we have to go? My legs are pretty sore." "We're about halfway. Let's rest for a while. Maybe you'll catch a second wind." For a long time they stood there silently, just gazing down into the ravine. There was no breeze but Sean soon felt cold. Just a few minutes of stillness had brought a chill, and he became eager to keep going, sore legs or not. He needed to let his wife and kids know he was alright. It was painful to imagine their fears for him. Sean started moving up the slope, and Frank followed, soon overtaking him. It was a laborious trek, going forward, going upward non-stop. The muscles in his butt and back soon ached as much as his legs did, but there was no thought of stopping, no thought of waiting. The sun still glared off all of the white, and Sean could see that Frank's face had more color than when they started the trip, and he imagined his did too. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, Frank came to a stop. They were high up. Very high up. But not at the crest of the mountain by a long shot. Frank fished in his jacket and then pulled out a cellphone. He moved to the shade of one of the evergreen trees, and examined it. He walked here and there, and Sean knew he was trying to catch a signal. Frank wandered about like an over-excited puppy, seemingly no rhyme or reason to his movements, and it was exhausting watching him. But then he came to a sudden stop. "There it is," he cried. He had moved close to the precipice above what was once the ravine, but was now only a snow filled rift. He called for Sean to come to him, and handed over his phone. His blue eyes were bright and eager as he watched Sean dial. It took a few rings, but then he heard his wife say "hello" in a sharp, distressed voice. "Honey, it's me," he said. "Sean?" Jessie said. "Is that you? We've been so worried." "It's me. I'm okay. I had an accident." "Are you hurt? Where are you?" "I'm okay," he repeated. "I took a detour and got lost. Crashed the rental car. But I'm not hurt." "Thank God," she said. "But where are you? Are you warm and safe?" "I'm somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula. Half way up, I guess. Something like that. I decided to take the Port Angeles ferry but got caught in the storm, and I had an accident. A man came to my rescue and I stayed with him last night. Are you okay? How are the kids? "We're fine," she said. "I'm just glad you're okay." "I couldn't reach you. No phone reception. I am up in the mountains. It's a long story, but I'm trying to figure out how to get to you." "Is the car drivable?" "It's lodged in a tree. I'm going to call the rental company to see if I can get it out, but I think it might take a couple of days. In the meantime, I'm okay." "The roads are really bad," she said. "All over British Colombia and western Washington. You'd better stay put until it is safe." "I don't want to miss being with you on Christmas." "Sean, your safety is more important than Christmas. Best to stay where you are for a while." "Okay," Sean said, doubtfully. "I may not be able to contact you again. Me and this man who rescued me had to climb way up a mountain to get cell reception." "Who is this guy?" "His name is Frank. He saved my life. I'm staying in his cabin." "Can I talk to him?" Sean shot Frank a doubtful look. He motioned for Frank to take the phone. "She wants to talk to you." Frank took the phone without hesitation. "Hello, Ma'am," he said. Sean couldn't make out the whole conversation, but he knew Frank was trying to reassure her. His voice was calm, as usual, and he was sure it was calming to Jessie, too. After a short time, Frank handed the phone back. "Honey, I better go now," Sean said. "It's getting a little windy." "Okay. I'm relieved that you are alright. I want you to listen to Frank. He seems like a nice man. Don't try to go anywhere unless he says it's alright." "Will do," Sean said. "I love you, Jessie. And the kids. Tell them I will be with them as soon as I can." They talked for a bit longer, said their goodbyes, and then Frank took the phone again. Sean felt immensely relieved. A tension left his body, a tension he hadn't been even known was there. He could hear Frank talking to someone but didn't pay much attention. He knew with certainty then, as he hadn't really believed before, that everything was going to be alright, and he smiled. It felt really good. Words and words from Frank, and then he said goodbye to someone, and hung up. "You're stuck here for a while," Frank said. "Roads are terrible and unsafe. Forecast is calling for more snow tonight. But tomorrow it's supposed to warm up a bit. We'll see how things go." Sean nodded. He was okay with whatever happened. "Can we head back down? I'm getting cold." "Sure, buddy. Let's get moving." The trip down was much easier than the trip up. Sean lost his balance a couple of times and slipped onto his butt, but Frank was close by and didn't let him slide down. It felt like only a short time had passed when they neared the cabin again, even though it had been an exhausting journey. They didn't go immediately inside. Frank took a detour, said he wanted to check for more eggs because they would freeze if they were left out over night. George and his ladies were busy scratching away. The cold did not seem to affect them. His bright yellow plumage, and especially his big red comb, were startling in contrast with the blank white of the snow. Sean watched as George dropped one of his wings lower, and danced around one of the hens. Quite suddenly, she crouched down, shoulders spread, back flat and tail slightly raised. George hopped on top of her and then started pumping his backside so that it came into contact with the hen's backside. It happened several times, and then George hopped off. The hen shuffled her feathers, in the same way a dog shakes himself after coming out of the water, and George gave a triumphant crow. One egg was in Frank's hand when he came back to Sean. He deposited it in his refrigerator and then they went to the porch of the cabin and took off the snowshoes. Inside, they removed their wet boots and outer clothing as well, until they both stood there in their thermals. Sean looked Frank over, on the sly. The man really did have an impressive build. Not like some of the guys he had seen at his gym. Frank wasn't shredded and he had a little extra padding around the middle. But his thighs were big and looked to be carved from stone, his butt thick and muscular, the arms bulging and the shoulders very broad and powerful. His face was pleasant, too. Not classically handsome, maybe, not flashy, but attractive. A strong nose, not too large, rather full lips for a face so masculine, and that thick, reddish brown beard. What really lit up his face were the keen, sparkling blue eyes. Eyes that seemed to say that no trouble in the world could keep them from losing their good humor. The man left and returned with two pairs of clean socks, which they put on, and then there was a long silence. Frank sat down on his couch, and Sean sat down on his chair. The silence wasn't particularly awkward. Sometimes Frank just didn't have much to say, Sean had noted. But the silence seemed to mask something that was going on between them. Sexual tension. Sean could feel it. His heart was beating a little faster, a little harder than usual, and he didn't think it was just the strenuous activity of the mountain journey. He wondered if Frank felt it, too. The big man gave no indication that he did, but the silence seemed poised. "So what should we do with the rest of the day?" Sean said. "I have some books. We could read." Sean frowned. He shook his head. "I've got some board games. Or we could play cards." Sean shook his head again. "Do you have any other ideas?" A smile then crossed Sean's lips, and something impish, something impulsive woke inside of him. He got up, still grinning. He sat next to Frank on the couch, and then his hand fell to the big man's lap. He encountered stiffness there, and then he knew Frank was feeling what he was feeling. Sean's hand fondled, traced the outline of a large, fat erection. His hand slipped inside the fly and he held Frank in a firm grasp as the big guy sighed with contentment. "That's the best idea," Frank growled. He moved quickly. Sean barely had time to remove his hand from Frank's crotch before the big guy stood up, leaned down and scooped Sean up in his arms. He was carried from the room and set down in Frank's bed. Frank pulled his thermals off, very fast. No shame, no embarrassment. Frank was comfortable with his body, it was clear, not afraid of being seen naked. Sean raced to catch up. He was not self conscious, either, not really, although he knew his body wasn't as impressive as Frank's. Well, maybe impressive, but in a different way. He was lean and toned, due to frequent aerobics and occasional lifting. His flesh, even where there wasn't a tan, had an olive tinge, a legacy from his Italian grandmother on his father's side. Frank's big body was very pale, very white where it was never exposed to the sun, but it was a healthy white, not clammy. His chest, belly and legs were quite hairy in contrast to Sean's smooth skin. Frank crawled up onto the bed, and Sean rose up on his knees to meet him. They faced each other and grasped each other's erections, making small tugs, and then their hands were all over each other. Frank's hands were rough, calloused from labor, and they set Sean to shivering when they rubbed over certain places. A serious look came to Frank's eyes. He pulled Sean in for a kiss, and Sean didn't resist. It should have felt strange, kissing another man, kissing a big, hairy, naked man at that, but it didn't. It felt right. Somehow, it felt right. Frank's hands were everywhere. On Sean's breasts, his shoulders, his legs and back. He felt of Frank's hairiness, the hardness of his body, but somehow his hands never strayed long from the big cock and heavy testicles. When Frank's hands finally reached down to his butt, Sean knew for sure what he wanted. He pulled away. He disengaged, and then turned himself around quickly on the bed. On hands and knees, before and below the large man, Sean presented himself. Bending, spreading for Frank. A position not unlike that of the hen who was mounted earlier by George. Shoulders spread, back arched, buttocks raised. Frank was groping his butt cheeks, pulling them apart. Moisture, suddenly, at his anus, probably Frank's spit, and that would have to do, and then a thick finger pushing inside. It rooted around in there for a few moments, pushing, prodding, and then it was withdrawn and replaced by something much larger, seeking entrance. It was sore down there. Sean had seen what Frank had, and he was not surprised, but he feared no pain. Discomfort, certainly, but he knew Frank would not hurt him. The big cock pushed and pushed, then soared inside. Sean could feel Frank's wiry pubic hair against his bottom. Frank was all the way in and it did hurt but Sean wanted it. He moved himself, gyrated his hips a little, and then Frank took hold of those hips and started to go at him. Only a short, rough ride, and Sean could feel his middle parts tensing up. Too soon, too soon, but there was no way to stop it, and so he reached down and wrapped his fingers tightly around his erection, and instantly started to fire his seed. It was intense, the feeling, almost too much. He was shooting hard. Frank was fucking him hard. The bed rocked and the semen flew and he felt Frank's body hair on his back and the man's lips at his neck, and Frank was hunching up into him, and then came the familiar low growl, and he knew Frank was filling him up again. It had been so fast, so quick. Sean prided himself on being a good lover to his wife. He took his time, did the things he knew pleased her, and came only after she had her orgasm, but this was different. This was desperate and unbridled. This was how animals did it, animals in heat. There was pleasure in giving in to passion, pleasure in being receptive. It was like nothing Sean had ever felt before, like nothing he'd even imagined. He was panting and sweaty, and his seed had sprayed everywhere. Frank dismounted, sat with his back against the headboard, and Sean sat next to him. The big dick was still standing tall, like a mast, wet and shiny. Sean watched it move to Frank's heartbeat. His own erection, smaller, thinner, more shapely, hadn't slackened either. Frank turned to him, gave him a gentle kiss, and took it in his hand, which made Sean quiver. "Sensitive?" he said. "Very. That was intense." "Oh, yes," Frank agreed. "You really get me going, Sean." "I never imagined I would say this to another man, but you get me going too, Frank. I never expected anything like this to happen to me." "Do you feel guilty about your wife?" "Yes. But not as guilty as I should feel. It's like being in another world out here with you. Like it has no connection to my normal life. Do you understand what I mean?" "Yes. It was like that for me, too. The first time I connected with another man." "When was that?" "About twelve years ago. It was a real eye opener, but I went with it. Didn't worry me after a while." "It worries me because I feel so good. If that makes sense?" "Just enjoy each day, Sean. Take things as they come. You'll be back with your wife and kids soon enough." "I know. It scares me a little bit." "Why?" "Sometimes I feel like I'm not as good a husband and father as I should be. I've let things get to me lately. I've been an ass a few times." "None of us are perfect. Being a good father and husband isn't easy. Trust me, I know." "Sometimes I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders," Sean said. "I bring in all of the money. I do all of the disciplining." "It was the same with me and my wife," Frank said. "You learn to put them first, to let go of some of your own personal needs. It's what is necessary. It's part of being a good man." "Am I a good man? I don't know anymore." "Well, what do you think? Do you love your wife and kids? Do they know you love them?" "I think so. I try to tell them but I don't always remember." "You have to show them." "Yes, exactly. I agree. And set a good example. Teach them to be strong and independent. Teach them to be good people. I try, but my wife doesn't always make it easy." "Mine didn't, either. But you have to persist. You can never give up." "I won't," Sean said. "You're saying everything that I believe. It feels good to talk about it." "Yeah. We men should talk more. It's easy to forget that if we're unhappy, our families are unhappy, too. And that's not fair. But it's a constant battle, trying to do things right. I can see a lot of who I used to be in you, Sean. I think you are doing a good job. You have to remember that it's not some kind of death sentence. You will get to do your own thing when you are older, when the kids are raised. There's a lot to look forward to." "I know you're right," Sean said. "You bet I am!" "Hey Frank? Why are our dicks still hard?" It was true. Both erections had scarcely flagged. They were still standing at attention. "Because we're not done here yet." Walking on his knees, Frank moved quickly to the end of the bed, his cock stiff as iron before him, then turned around and dragged Sean toward him by the legs, until he was flat on his back. His legs were lifted up, hitched over Frank's shoulders. The big man's cock was soon lined up with the place it meant to visit. Frank pushed it slowly but easily inside, and there was little discomfort. Frank kept pushing his legs back further, coming closer with his upper body, until Sean was bent in half and Frank could kiss him. It was a deep, sloppy kiss, with lots of tongue. Sean responded. His tongue moved around Frank's, exploring as Frank explored him. The big cock was moving steadily inside, but there wasn't the urgency that there had been before when they were both primed and needed to come quickly. Sean could concentrate on the act, on the feeling of Frank's cock moving around inside of him. It was, he believed, what it felt like for a woman during sex. It was exciting. Frank's strength, his smell, his tender roughness. There was no escape had he wanted to escape. Frank had him pinned. He could barely move. His anus and Frank's cock were joined, locked together again and again in copulation. Frank did all the work. He was merely the inspiration for Frank's erection and his anus was the warm, clenching orifice that gave it what it needed for pleasure and eventual release. How easy it was to get to this point, Sean thought. How easy to surrender. He admitted to himself that he enjoyed taking the woman's role, enjoyed being penetrated. It went way beyond just the physical, just the feelings, delightful though those had turned out to be. It was the knowledge of his own ability to incite lust and arousal in so powerful a man. It was the joy and freedom of being the one desired, the one pursued, rather than the one who had to do the work of pursuing. It was something totally different in every way from what he'd known, from what he'd thought to be the way things were done. As always, Frank's pace built up. Little by little, over a long period of time, his movements became very forceful. The bed rocked and rolled and Sean's moans got louder and louder. The heat in his butt spread out through his center, reached his penis and turned to pressure. That distinctive tenseness in his erection meant he would soon ejaculate. He knew it. He craved it. His hands came to life. His fingers raked across Frank's back, reaching and settling on Frank's mighty buttocks. He pulled Frank into him, gently but then with more force, and Frank got the idea. He got really rough, the effect Sean had wanted, slamming into the smaller man's ass without restraint, without mercy. Sean could scarcely reach his cock, trapped as it was between their pressed bodies, and he was going to cum anyway, no stopping it, and a particularly rough slam from Frank set him off. He fired onto his belly uncontrollably, Frank plowing his butt hard and deep right on through it, and then Frank made that low growl and slammed into him a final time. Satisfying. So very satisfying. He hadn't known he could cum without anything wrapped around his cock. Hadn't known he could cum just from a big dick working away in his ass. But he was with Frank, and Frank could do anything. Yes, he was definitely the woman when he and Frank had sex. This proved it beyond a doubt. Frank made him cum like he'd never cum before. Frank, several times now, had made him cum harder than he had since he was a teenager. But it wasn't just his own orgasm that was so satisfying. More than that was the knowledge that Frank had cum inside of him, that he'd made that happen with his own body, incited the big man to leave behind his load. He'd proven himself worthy, useful for Frank, and that made him very happy. Sean thought it just couldn't get any better. Later, when they'd gotten up, dressed, and went outside for more snowshoeing, he felt very guilty. Much more so than he had after the first time he and Frank had slept together. Then, he had thought he was doing what he needed to do to survive. He'd thought he was thanking Frank the only way he could under extreme circumstances. But it had been a lie. Or rather, it had turned into something much more than he had thought it would at the time. It wasn't just the sex. No. It wasn't just that he had cheated, now several times. It was that he felt happier, more relaxed, more satisfied than he had in many, many years. Sean couldn't explain it any more than he could fight it. He was an intelligent man. He was well educated. The thought that what was happening, his reaction to Frank, his quickly realized feelings for Frank, might be the result of the trauma he had experienced had certainly occurred to him. But he didn't believe it. He knew it wasn't true. What was happening with Frank was something totally different. He was seeing, feeling in a new way, and a new world was opening up, expanding right before him. A world he wanted desperately to join. Each passing moment with Frank made the need, the desire stronger. Frank was the man he wanted to be but wasn't. The big man was imperturbable, unstoppable. Not content to sit out the rest of the day, he had worked on getting his truck cleaned of snow and ice, and then had started it up, and patted the seat for Sean to hop in. And then he'd driven through the heavy drifts of snow down the long road that led to his house until he came upon a large tree that had fallen across the way. Back they went, and Frank had just the tool for the job. A large chainsaw. The man spent hours sawing the tree apart, hefting logs into the truck's bed that he intended to use for firewood. The whole thing was cleared away by the time it was dark. Dinner was another easy affair for Frank. He had everything he needed in his outside refrigerator, and he was very efficient in preparing it. When he wanted Sean to help, he just said so, and gave directions as needed. They ate heartily on hamburgers Frank cooked up on his wood stove. There was even a side salad. Life just seemed so simple for Frank, and so joyful. And his attitude, his way of life steeped into Sean. He could feel it. He could see himself becoming Frank's companion forever. Frank's wife. Frank took him again when they went to bed, set him on his hands and knees as before, and took him from behind. Sean gyrated his hips in encouragement, gasped in pleasure when Frank was rough, and finally set aside his pride and begged Frank to be brutal, to take him with everything he had. Sean's body opened. His ass flowered into total receptiveness, and his cock came twice under the assault, the first time just in the air, just Frank's big cock slamming inside of him setting him off, and Lord knew why, but it was even better than anything before, better than any sex, any orgasm he could ever have imagined. He again curled up against Frank's body, content with the big man's seed inside of him, a big arm thrown over him as if in protection. He slept like a baby. In the morning, after they relieved themselves, Frank carried Sean back to his bed. There was no need for Sean to initiate the action anymore. Frank's hesitation, his gentle restraint, was gone. He set Sean on his belly, quickly mounted him, and rutted fiercely into his backside until their bodies were covered in sweat and racked with orgasms. They showered in Frank's tiny bathroom, Sean soaping and washing Frank's big body, reverently suckling his resting penis and testicles, and Frank let himself be worshiped. Sean didn't know what the rest of the day would bring but he had great hopes.