Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 23:01:10 +0100 From: john skehan Subject: Unholy Orders Unholy Orders cajuncock Ok, if you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction. If you are underage or if it is illegal to read this where you live, leave now. It is the property of the author and may not be reused without his written permission. Now sit back, unzip, grab a rag, and enjoy. comments- cajunboi868@gmail Keep the cash coming for the site It had been sometimes coming, but I knew that I was drawn to a simpler life, free of worry beyond the daily needs. The retreat was to prepare me for a future, one free of decisions. Only obedience was the answer. I turned up at the small bus station in the rural town on time. As I stepped down from the bus I saw Father Artie standing by the old car which had seen better days. He held out his arms to hug me to his chest. The smell of soap and masculine man was still there. It was as if I was still his student sitting in front of him in a classroom. But now instead of a dark suit he wore the habit of the order, a grey robe with a white hood. His feet were in simple leather sandals. The cowl attached to the robe bore witness to the change. I remembered him with fondness. The drive back to the monastery was filled with questions about my life, my career, and parents. I asked about his life, the change from a university professor to a simple monk. He confessed that at first it was difficult. But over time a love grew within him, a love of simplicity. He said that the bond of brotherhood had brought a fullness to his life. He shared that the bond was like that of a family where each member knew his place. He asked if I had overcome my shyness and found anyone to share my love with? I confessed that it had not happened even though I'd tried with several different people over the years. We turned into a gravel road which had a small sign announcing the complex of the religious house of the brotherian. The fields showed sign of a working farm with a few cattle in the pasture. Finally, we parked in front of a low, stuccoed building. The heavy wooden spoke of security. There was a cross atop the small chapel at the side. Artie took my small bag and we entered a small door on the side. I followed him down long hallways finally stopping at a simple white wooden door. There was no handle on the door. He explained that there were no locks as the order saw no need beyond the simple needs of the brothers. He pointed to the end of the hall telling me that there were the washing facilities. Hanging on the wall was a grey monk's habit, the only clothing I would need. He lifted his habit to show me that he, like the other brothers, wore nothing under his habit. I could plainly see the part of his body that I'd longed for as a teen. It was just as I had imagined it, a perfect hanging set of shaved balls with a long, thick dick. He dropped the habit saying that I might want to dress as a monk while here. He pointed to a pair of leather sandals by the bed. Aside from a simple, small bed and a table with an oil lamp the room was empty. He left saying that dinner would be after the third bell and chapel. He'd be back later to escort me around and introduce me to the other brothers. I sat on the bed to ponder my decision and my life so far. I changed into the habit, bare naked underneath and slipped on the sandals. I did feel a sort of freedom now. About half an hour later the door swung open and Artie came in. In my mind I could still picture his nakedness under the monk's habit. I followed him down the halls watching the back of the habit. There was no hint of the naked monk under the grey cloth. Maybe it was working. All those years of cravings were slipping rapidly away. We first went to the kitchen where three monks were busy preparing a simple evening meal- a stew with freshly baked bread. Around on the walls were pictures of saints interspersed with scenes of farmland. Gleaming copper pans hung from hooks. A wood stove sat by a window near a sink. Stacked on stands were plates and wooden cups. In the corner stood a barrel of wine. Crocks of fruit and vegetables were stacked around neatly. We next went to the library where ancient books were stacked on shelves. There were a number of computers now occupied by busy monks. The bare, simple refectory stood between the kitchen and the library. We took a set of stone stairs down to a room that Artie called the recreation area. There were weights and pieces of exercise equipment. Off in the corner was a large TV with a dvd player. On a shelf were stacks of dvds. Artie said that after dinner monks were free with a 2 hour time to relax or use the computers for research. I saw a heavy, black wooden door at the end of the room and asked where that might lead? Artie said that it was a special room for the monks to use. We ended the tour in a courtyard with a fountain and some flowering plants, with a herb garden of sorts. A bell sounded and the monks processed to the chapel for evening prayers. I followed them in, sitting in the back of the simple white room with a small altar in the center. The prior and the abbot sat on either side of the altar as one of the monks read from the old testament. We then processed to the refectory for the simple meal. After the meal Artie took me to meet the abbot and prior in a bare room that contained only two large chairs and a low wooden bench. I stood in front of the chairs, head bowed as the abbot spoke to me of personal sacrifice needed to be a good member of the order. Artie and the prior moved to each side of me removing the simple habit. I stood naked before them. For some reason my dick reacted in a most unusual way coming to full, hard attention. I felt their hands on my back forcing me to kneel. I knelt as a blindfold covered my eyes. Hands moved over my body touching the most intimate parts, caressing me. The more they touched the more they excited me. I heard their habits dropping to the floor and felt the heat of their naked bodies as they moved closer. The abbot continued saying "We must be reborn into your natural self. You must give yourself to the love of your brothers." At that point I felt a slicked finger rub up and down my ass crack. The abbot asked "Do you freely give yourself to your brothers? Will you join with them in a bond deeper than any you have known?" Two fingers on either side rested on my hole. I was overcome with a need to totally join with the brothers. I replied "Yes, I give myself freely to the brothers to be their most beloved." With those words from my mouth both fingers entered my most secret place sparking a new need. I moaned and tne blindfold was removed from my eyes. Before me stood the abbot naked with his toned, muscled body on full display. I was taken aback by his beauty gleaming there in the candle light. I fell to my knees ready to offer myself to him. Artie and the prior moved next to the sides of the naked abbot. They too had shed their garments with their proud tools standing straight from their bodies. I turned on my knees to offer myself to them to obey their every need. My ass was pointed up to them in supplication. I smelled incense as the other monks entered two by two, naked as the abbot and prior. Each one blessed me with his sperm before I was presented to the abbot for his blessings of sperm to fill me. Later that night Artie entered my simple cell. I was laying naked awaiting his arrival. He was the only one who had not given me his blessing. I heard the door open and felt him lay on my naked body, His oiled cock slipped easily into me and I moaned out his name. I welcomed him confessing my deepest thoughts about him and my deepest desires to please him in all ways possible.