Ok, so I'm pretty sure that's the last of the cliff-hangers, now back to the wreck room. Don't forget to donate to Nifty https://donate.nifty.org and message me if you like at sithspawn78@yahoo.co.uk




Chapter 21


\\\ Nick ///


Waking up to strange sensations seemed to be a regular thing for me recently. This time I felt like I was on some sort of weird, lumpy couch. I opened my eyes to see Lucas sitting on a chair facing me, still without a shirt on but with his regular, impressively sexy body on show. I quickly realised that we were still in the wreck room, but I didn't remember seeing any furniture in there before.

"Hey, you ok?" Lucas asked with an anxious smile.

"Yeah, what happened?" I asked. "And where did you get the couch?"

"You kinda fainted, and it's not a couch. I didn't want to leave you on the dirty floor so I improvised." I shifted my body a little and felt something dig into my back, when I sat up I noticed it was a seat belt buckle poking through from between the cushions, which meant I was on the rear seat from one of the cars. I looked again at where Lucas sat and he was on one of the front seats, only now it was on the barn floor facing me. That was when I realised that his idea of improvising was to tear the car apart to make us both comfortable. The doors had been taken off completely and the roof had been peeled back like a sardine can but was still attached to the front of the car, which was cast aside behind Lucas. All this because I'd passed out after...

"Holy shit!! Did you seriously make your muscles bigger before I passed out?"

"Uhh...yeah...was that too weird?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck adorably again as he blushed. I felt a wave of anxiety come over me but I was determined to power through this time.

"It was a shock I guess, but I probably should've seen it coming. I mean, being as strong as you are it's not like you can really work out to get bigger can you?" I could feel myself trembling again but I kept trying to regulate my breathing so he wouldn't notice.

"Not really. I could do thousands of curls with a tank and probably wouldn't even get a pump." He replied.

"Wow." I replied, causing Lucas to laugh again.

"I'm definitely gonna have to get used to that word."

"So you can grow and shrink whenever you want?" I felt another shudder go through my body and I could see Lucas noticed it this time.

"Yeah, I probably should've told you that before I went so extreme. Are you alright? You're not cold are you?" He asked anxiously.

"No...no...I'm fine, just a little...I dunno, nervous?" I answered stupidly and I could see Lucas looking slightly crestfallen.

"You mean I'm making you nervous?" He slumped down into the chair a little more. "I should've known this was a bad idea." He said and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. I knew this was a huge thing for him to tell me but my stupid body was betraying me and making him feel bad about it.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. It's just...seeing you big like that that it kinda...makes it all seem more real, you know what I mean?"

"Not really." He still looked upset but I needed to make him understand, and hopefully help myself understand it all.

"It's like...you know when you see a special effect in a movie and you know it's fake but it still looks impressive? Seeing you do the strength stuff earlier was like that you know?" He was still looking at me like he still didn't know what I meant. "Seeing you crush the barrel and rip that tyre apart kinda felt...I dunno...almost fake you know, like they were props that looked stronger than they really were. I know it sounds stupid because you let me check them all out but because it's so...impossible...I guess it just made the rational side of my brain tell me it was a trick. But then seeing you with all that extra muscle just kinda made it all seem like...oh my god, he can crush a car or whatever."

"Ok so...does that make me scarier now?"

I sighed. "I'd be lying if I said no." That answer seemed to shake him more than anything. "I don't mean you're scary, you're not...at all, but I've lived my life with a man who was bigger and stronger than me and I guess my mind is, stupidly, thinking you'll be the same, even though I know you're miles apart from Brandon...does that make sense?"

"So does this mean you can't be with me, because of all this?" I'd never actually seen someone's heart break before but looking at the pain Lucas was showing right now was killing me. I jumped up from the seat and pulled him up to wrap my arms around him.

"I was serious before when I said I love you. I love everything about you, including this. I just need to train that stupid part of my brain to love you just as much as the rest of me."

"So how do we do that then?" He asked.

"I dunno; maybe take things a little slower. Or I could always go and see a psychiatrist and tell him all about you." He looked like he was about to protest before I started laughing.

"You're such a prick." He joked.

"Yeah but you already said you love me; no take backs." I retorted, booping him on the nose. "So how about you try it again, but...maybe talk me through it more, that might help." I stood back a bit so I could take it all in and tried to steady my breathing before things went crazy again.

"OK, let's try it differently this time. So this is how I looked when you first arrived at school." He said as he lost a little muscle mass and there was a noticeable decrease in definition so he just had a regular, slim body. "Then I kinda looked at Ben's friends and thought maybe you'd like me more if I was built more like them, so Ben suggested I just increase my size over time until I got to a size I thought you'd find hot."

"How would you know what I found hot?" I asked.

"I dunno; you'd probably pass out or something." He replied, giving me a cheeky smile.

"You know I found you hot from the first day I saw you right? But as you started to bulk up I definitely saw that as a bonus." His face lit up when I told him that but now I was wondering something else. "So how big were you going to get?"

"To be honest I was gonna pretty much stay as I was earlier." He replied, gradually inflating back to the size he'd been at the start of the day. I could feel my breathing speed up but I tried to stay calm. "Now that you know the truth though I guess I can let you decide." Holy shit!! How many other gay guys would like to grow their own boyfriend?

"Won't you lose your flexibility if you get too big?" I asked.

"It actually doesn't affect any of that stuff, but it does look weird when I do some dance styles. I can show you if you're ok with all this." He motioned for me to follow him and then started walking towards the other car. "Now if I grow again are you sure you're not gonna pass out?" He shot me that shy smile of his again.

"No promises." I replied nervously, holding my hands up. With that he just sighed and shook his head.

Even though I knew it was coming I still wasn't prepared for what happened next. Lucas just stood casually a few feet in front of me and just seemed to slowly expand in every direction. It's hard to describe how it happened but most people would say he inflated like a balloon, only that wasn't the case. I've never seen a balloon increase its size, while at the same time hardening and having veins pushed to the surface. The only way to really describe it was that it was like his body was expanding at the same time as being vacuum sealed. His skin tightened up as the masses of muscle underneath expanded to fill every nook and cranny until everything stopped and he just stood there, looking at me expectantly. I had no idea how much he weighed now but he looked like the biggest junior bodybuilder the planet had ever seen. Every part of his body was solid and ripped to an almost insane degree. For a moment my breath caught in my chest as I took in the sight before me.

"Are you still with me over there? What do you think?" I couldn't even answer. Everything about him looked incredible and it was crazy to think that, a few seconds ago, this being in front of me was just a normal looking teenager. So many emotions were running through my head at that point. I was amazed at how simply he'd gone about the transformation; I was excited, both sexually and joyfully that my boyfriend could look so incredible; but then there was also a sense of shame. All because there was still that little part of me that felt fear. I kept telling myself there was nothing to be afraid of; I'd seen Lucas do some impossible things today but he was still my Lucas. There was still that nagging voice that kept telling me he could hurt me, but I had to fight back. I had known him for a few months and he had always been like this, so I knew he had never hurt me and it was stupid to think he would now.

"Wow." Was all I could say again and Lucas seemed to relax a little as he smiled at my overuse of that word. I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. For some reason I thought I needed permission to approach him or to hold him, but this was the same guy I'd been hugging, kissing and touching in various ways for weeks. I took a deep breath and then let it out before defiantly marching over to him. Lucas could see the struggle but patiently waited for me to deal with my emotions.

"You sure you're ok? I can go back to normal if you want." He asked as I tentatively drew closer.

"N...no...no...I need to do this." I replied. I started to walk around him, trying to take in every detail. His back was just as spectacular as the front; solid and brawny with very little fat. His skin was flawless and I could almost see the hardness of the muscle underneath, like the solid rock that DJ used to create some of his sculptures that I'd seen. "Is this as big as you can get?" I asked when I reached his front side again and a little smile crept over his face.

"Why, isn't this big enough?" He joked.

"Of course it is, you look incredible, I was just wondering." I plucked up the courage to get closer so I could plant a kiss on his lips and felt a bit of a strain as I had to reach further forward because his pecs were now jutting out further. "Actually it's probably better that you don't otherwise I'd never be able to reach your face." As I kissed his lips again I felt his pecs against my own chest and was suddenly surprised when he bounced them a couple of times, making my own shirt ride up a little. When I leaned back he just smiled at me.

"I can get bigger than this, but it just feels too bulky and awkward. This is a good size though, don't you think?" He asked, holding his hands down by his waist and flexing his upper body. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding as he relaxed again.

"Yeah, you look stunning." I replied and he truly did. I traced my hands over his bulbous pecs and down his cobblestone abs, the ones I'd been so impressed with earlier but now felt like solid rock beneath my hands. Then I put my hands on his mountainous traps and pulled him in for another kiss. "So that's what these are for." He broke into a huge grin with that comment and I could feel my fear gradually ebbing away.

I stroked my hands over his shoulders and down his arms, feeling the grapefruit sized biceps beneath his skin and then reaching around to his horseshoe like triceps. Finally I ran my hands along his meaty forearms and as I reached his hands I pulled them around my waist so I was being held warmly in his muscular embrace. I rested my head on his shoulder and kept exploring his back with my hands. I'd never felt safer than I did right there, being held tenderly by the biggest, strongest 15 year old I'd ever known and it took me back to how I felt when DJ had been comforting me before Halloween. Now here was his son, this wonderful human...superhuman being that I was madly in love with, who would love me and protect me with all his strength. I felt the tears leaving my eyes and dripping onto his chest, causing him to loosen his grip so he could look into my eyes.

"What's wrong? Is it me?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes." I replied and I saw his face fall. "Not in a bad way...I mean I can't believe this is happening to me, how lucky I am to have you, to have all of this in my life. It doesn't seem real after all the crap I've been through.

"And that's why you deserve it." He said, pulling me back into the hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he looked me in the eye again and I saw a playful grin spread across his face. "Wanna see something cool?"

"You're never gonna get tired of saying that are you?" I grinned.

"Maybe, when you finally stop saying wow. Now watch this." He let me go and then hopped up onto the car that was still in one piece. "Ok, so you wanted to know about the flexibility thing? Well here's your answer." He suddenly dropped down into the splits so he was facing the front of the car with his feet sticking out over both doors. Just to add a little extra flair to it he brought his arms up into a double bicep pose and stuck his tongue out cockily. Looking at those two mountainous peaks on his arms was extraordinary. I'd never seen anyone with arms like that up close outside of some videos online and I couldn't wait to be able to feel Lucas flex all his unbelievable muscles for me.

I was desperately trying to stop myself saying wow again and I think Lucas could see that by the devilish smile that crossed his face. He folded his arms over his chest, making it bulge up some more and fixed me with a mischievous look. I couldn't work out what he had planned but I was suddenly aware of a strange noise. It was the same as I'd heard from the barrel earlier, a kind of tortured, squealing metal noise. I was tempted to look around to see where it was coming from but it could only be one place. Sure enough I noticed Lucas' feet were starting to point downwards more and more as the metal between his thighs and knees was gradually pushing in towards the centre of the car. He was applying more downward force as well, crushing the roof into the main passenger cabin as the sides continued to fold inwards. Finally after an agonising minute of torture for the poor car he eased up the pressure, dropped his arms back down and casually swung his leg over the twisted wreck until he was standing back on solid ground.

"Go on, you can say it." He smirked.

"HOLY SHIT!!" I yelled.

He burst out laughing right there. "Ahh you ruined it. What happened to wow?"

"Does this mean I don't get to see anything cool anymore?" I pouted.

"I'm sure I've still got more cool stuff to show you." He came over to where I was standing and lifted me off the ground into a bear hug so I was looking down at him slightly. "So are you feeling better about this now?"

"Definitely. It's still going to take some getting used to but I don't feel so nervous anymore."

"That's ok, it's gonna be a bit weird from time to time anyway, but just remember you can ask me anything about it whenever you want." He set me back down and I studied him for a few seconds as I tried to think about how to word my next question.

"So how do you do it? I mean, making yourself grow. Do you have to give your body a command or something?"

"It's a bit difficult to describe if you can't feel it. Like...how would you describe the sensation of wiggling your fingers to someone who was born without hands? The only way to describe it is...think about your breathing for a minute and concentrate on how your body is doing it. Ok, so you notice how your body is automatically taking in enough air and expanding your lungs as much as it needs to. Now take a deep breath but don't hold it, just let it out as normal." I did as he said. "Ok now breathe normally again but when you breathe out just let it out for longer, like you're trying to blow something but didn't take a deep breath first." I did as he said again but I was still a little confused.

"So it's like you're inflating and deflating yourself with your breath?" I asked.

"Not by breathing, no. It's like my body stays at whatever size it currently is at, the same way as when we breathe normally. But then when I want to change my size it's like I just will my muscles to increase and decrease in size similar to how you wanted to take in more air or expel more." As he was talking his muscles started to shrink back down so he was back to his regular size.

"Can you grow muscles individually?" I asked.

"You mean like having massive biceps on twiggy arms?" I just nodded when he asked that. "Nah, that'd look stupid. If I grew just my forearms I'd look like fuckin' Popeye. It's all or nothing I'm afraid." I was actually thankful about that to be honest; it'd probably be a real struggle to keep changing the size of every muscle to make sure nothing looked out of place.

"So does it happen when you don't want it to? Like when you're asleep?"

"Not that I know of, I mean, I've never woken up to shredded clothes in bed with me." When he said that a sudden thought came thundering into my head and I burst out into a huge grin.

"You've been tearing out of your clothes in front of the mirror haven't you?" I asked.

"What? How did you..."

"There's a pile of shredded t shirts in your wardrobe. I noticed them when you said I could borrow your clothes. You've been going all Incredible Hulk in the mirror haven't you?" I burst out laughing and I could see him turning bright red again as he looked at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck in that cute way of his. "I thought you'd been cutting them up for your zombie costume, or you'd let DJ try them on when all the time it was you getting your kicks in front of the mirror."

"I'm not the only one, I know my dads have done it as well, and I bet you would if you could do it." He replied guiltily.

"Too fucking right I would. I'd be so turned on I'd never tear myself away from the mirror." I was still laughing and I noticed a sly grin appear on his face again.

"So muscle turns you on eh?" He started filling out again but not as much as before. He was more like a fitness model version of himself this time so nowhere near as intimidating as he had been before, but he was still impressive to look at. "So what do you like most, my thick, meaty chest?" He started to roll his pecs and flexed them individually then both together. "Or how about my rock solid abs." He ran his hands down his midsection, fingers spread wide so they rose and fell with every bump and crevice they encountered, stopping just shy of pushing his pants down. "Or are you an arm guy? Wanna try scaling these peaks? I could bounce you on these all day and never get tired." He stood there holding up both arms and flexing his biceps to make them bounce up into solid peaks before relaxing them to repeat the motion again and again.

"Careful, I'm gonna end up making a mess in my shorts." I wasn't kidding. All thoughts of being afraid had evaporated away and now I was ridiculously turned on by what I was seeing in front of me. He dropped his arms and then came over to wrap me in a big hug, tighter than it needed to be so he could let me feel the hardness of his body as it surrounded me.

"You know, I could show you another part of me that grows too, and I know yours already has." He said as he ground he crotch into mine.

I gave him another kiss on the lips and said, "This isn't the most romantic place for what you're thinking. I'd rather be in a house, preferably in a bedroom."

"We could always go back to the house." He replied and I cracked up again.

"Yeah that'd be fun; you just drag me upstairs past our parents and tell them not to disturb us. I'm pretty sure that'd kill the mood." I could see he looked a little disappointed, even though he was laughing at my idea. "Look, I want my first time to be special you know, not just some crazy, spur of the moment thing in a barn. And today has been a lot to take in for me so I'd rather process it fully before we go too far."

"I know...you're right. It'd be my first time too so yeah; it definitely needs to be better than in here. "

"So what cool thing do you want to show me next?"

"How about the kitchen? I'm starving."

"Aww, but I had an idea for a Houdini impression you could do with all those chains." I really wanted to wrap all those chains around him and just watch him flex out of them without even breathing hard but it'd have to wait for another time.

"Trust me; we've got plenty of time to do more of this stuff." He replied as he started picking up his clothes. "Oh yeah, and don't be surprised if we get the brawny birds and beefy bees talk from my dads when we get back. I'm sure they'll do it just for the fun of watching us squirm." I could only imagine what that would be like.

On the way back down the path I hit him with loads more questions about how much he ate and any other random questions that popped into my head. Some of them were sensible but others were totally ridiculous ideas for how he'd tested his strength in the past. As we walked back arm in arm it was funny to feel him expand his muscles under his hoodie every now and then, just to see my reaction. He stayed small enough that the hoodie didn't stretch over him but I could still feel the difference in the thickness of his arm as we carried on back to the farm. This was definitely going to be the most interesting Christmas ever, and I couldn't wait.