Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018 23:02:54 -0400 From: Okami Wolf Subject: Camp Discovery chapter 3 Characters Cody: The main character, 10 years old. Theodore: Camp counselor, 15 years old Camp Discovery Chapter 3 Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved by Okamiwolf001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My tail stiffens as I hear the cough and I turn around hesitantly. I see three guys hiding under the merry-go-round. I blush darkly and look at Theo, who then looks at the guys and looks embarrassed. He looks over at me. "Shh, don't be scared. I'll go talk with them Code," he says, then walks over to them, whispering something. I huddle down against the wall and hug my tail, looking at the ground, scared. Theo comes back to me, "Hey Code, calm down. They were hiders, but it's ok... they said they wouldn't tell anyone. We can't hide with them. Should we go walk along the water?" He crouches down so he is level with me. I look up and see that he has a reassuring smile and he holds his hand out to me. I smile slightly as I take his hand and he helps me up. He gently puts his hand around my shoulder and we walk to the beach. As we walk to the beach the Director runs up to us and stops in front of us. I start looking scared, he notices and looks confused. "I've decided Cody, that if you don't want to play you don't have to. I don't think you'd like hiding in the tight places that the others are hiding in," he says and looks at Theo. "Which means you are also excused. Now, go find something to do, and have fun! The Director looks away, and I look up at Theo with a grin on my face. I gently wrap an arm around his waist, and I see him blush. I smile and gently wrap my tail around his leg. "Hey, Code. Don't worry about what just happened, they won't tell anyone, I made sure of it. I do gotta do their laundry for the rest of the week, but it's worth it," he says with a smile, which makes me giggle. I smile as we reach the beach, and he sits down. As he is sitting, I move my tail from his leg so it doesn't get crushed and I sit next to him. "I-I won't get bullied by them, will I Theo?" I ask as my voice wavers. He puts a finger under my chin and moved my face so I'm facing him. "No no no, you won't," he says with a sad expression. He puts a hand on my leg which causes me to blush. "They won't tell anyone, and they won't pick on you," he says confidently, which makes me smile. "Hey, I know what will cheer you up. Do you want to hear a story?" He asks with a grin. "One from when I was your age at camp!" He says with a giggle, and I nod my head. "Yeah!" I say as I lean my head against his chest, the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore is calming, and I close my eyes and smile. "That sounds good" I blush lightly. "Well, I was your age, 10, when I came here for the first time. I wanted to go horseback riding, and so I went without my friends to the barn. When I got there I realized I was wearing sweatpants, but the staff said I couldn't, so I had to go back and change. Once I get back up I'm the only one in line, so I get ready and the staff asks if I want to go bareback." He says and I look confused. "You rode a horse naked?" I ask, surprised, thinking that's what bareback means. He laughs and I can feel him shake his head. My tail goes back to resting on his leg, and I smile. "No! Bareback means without a saddle. Well anyway, I got on Jasper and we started going. I didn't know how to ride him so I kept getting jostled and it really hurt my balls, because you rock some when riding a horse, so they got squished... don't go bareback," he says, and I start to giggle. "Wow! That must have really hurt," I say and squirm some, getting more comfortable. "Yeah, it hurt for the rest of the week. I'll never make the mistake of listening to them again," he giggles as he says that and I smile happily. "Hey Code, I have an idea.. do you want to get in a Kayak?" He asks me and I open my eyes. "I've never been on one," I say, embarrassed, knowing they are hard to use. He giggles and ruffles my hair. "How about I teach you?" He asks me, looking into my eyes. I smile happily and nod my head, excited to spend more time with him. He stands up and I move my tail so it's behind me. It's starting to wag, and we walk to the kayak storage building. He opens the door and has me help carry out a blue, two-person kayak. As we bring it to the water, he giggles. "Here, this is how you get in one," he says as he puts one leg in, sits down, and puts the other leg in the kayak. My eyes grow wide and I put a leg in, sit, and then put my other leg in. I end up rocking it a lot and I blush darkly. "S-sorry!" I hug my tail. He then gets out without rocking the boat too much and goes to get two paddles. He hands me one and gives me a life jacket to put on. He then helps me put it on and tightens it, he then smiles and puts his own on. It starts to get dark as he teaches me to paddle. "Grip it with both hands, and you put one side in, like this," he does it, and we start going to the side. He then does it with the other side and we go to the other side, and I realize we went forward. He has me do it with him and I'm able to do it but I rock the boat a lot. After we get a few hundred feet, we stop, and he turns to me as best as he can. "Code, I-I'm sorry About earlier... I don't know if I should have kissed you, but I did. I-I think you are a really great kid, and you are very cute," he tells me with a dark blush. I blush darkly and start to look confused. "Y-you like me?" I ask, able to tell that he wants to date me. I hug my tail, which causes the boat to rock more, and I hide my blush with my tail. "Y-yeah. I really like half beastmen like you... I think they are really cute," he says as he looks embarrassed. The tip of my tail wags as I hold it against my face. "I-I also like you... A-and I'm not cute!" I pout, my tail is now wagging fast, so I let go of it. He holds out a hand and I take it, holding it gently. We look at the stars come out and smile, "w-when did you know you liked boys? And even half beastmen?" I asked him because I'm now curious. "W-well... I was 10 at summer camp here, and my counselor was a beast-man. He was 17, and he uh, really liked me. He led me around camp and did everything with me. W-we even slept in the same bed. His tail was bright white and his ears were grey. I lost contact with him after camp, but I'll never forget about him. His name was Jax. I-I learned I was gay because I knew I liked him and not girls. Same with beastmen." I blush darkly and look at him lovingly "I-Im sorry you lost contact with him. Is that why you are so nice to me? And why you are looking out for me?" I ask and he nods his head. "W-we should probably start to head back," he says, releasing my hand before then starting to row back. I row as well, and we get there fast. He then gets out and lifts me out, and I wrap my arms around him. "That was fun! I wanna go again sometime!" I grin as he carries the kayak back and helps me out of the life jacket. He looks down at me and takes my hand, and we walk to the snack shack. He brings me to a booth, then goes up to the counter. He comes back a few minutes later with 2 things of ice cream. "Here, Code, I have strawberry and banana, I want you to try both and tell me what you like the most, " he says with a smile as he hands me them. I take a few bites of each and find I like the banana one a lot better, so I finish it. He grins happily and starts eating the strawberry one. "Good! I like strawberry the best!" He says and I giggle. I throw the bowl away and wait by the door. He takes my hand and smiles, "What kind of soda do you like?" "Um... Grape!" I say with a smile and he walks me up to the counter. "One grape soda and one ginger ale please," he tells the girl at the counter, and she hands him the sodas. We walk out to our cabin, and he sits down on the steps, so I sit next to him. I look across the field and at the stars as I open and start to drink my soda. I look over at him and see him open his. As he opens the soda it explodes in his face and I start to laugh loudly. He frowns and takes off his shirt, then uses it to wipe off his face. After he finishes, he puts the shirt on his lap, and I find myself staring at his bare and muscular chest. He finishes what is left of his soda, and I finish mine. He takes my hand, and we walk inside. "I'm gonna shower, you stay here," he tells me as he grabs clothes and a towel. After he leaves, I go to the bottom of my suitcase and get my diary. I start to write in it . July 8th. Today was a good day. I got up and spent a few hours with Nana, then mom took me to camp. I got here and I was all alone. I had no friends and felt alone. Not long after I got here I met Theo. He is really cute, and I like him a lot. He bought me ice cream, we are together and went on a kayak ride! We also kissed which I liked. He knows I'm half beast-man and he finds it cute. Oh! We also went horseback riding and got some soda! He is now in the shower, I don't know how much time I have. I just know I'm really excited for tomorrow and the rest of the week. I'm going to really miss him. I did learn that I'm gay today, which means I like boys and not girls. Well, I always knew it I guess but didn't understand it. I'm going to tell mom when I get home, I wonder how she will react. Today Theo also took a pair of my dirty underwear to sniff. I'm still kind of confused why he did it, but he says it smells good, so I believe him. I don't want this week to end. I'm gonna really miss Theo. His full name is Theodore, but I call him Theo. I wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring. Goodnight. I close my diary and hide it again, then lay on my bed. A few minutes later, Theo comes in and gets on his bed. He looks at me and smiles. I look back and wag my tail. "Theo?" I ask him shyly. "Yeah,Code?" He asks back and gets wrapped up in a blanket. "Thanks for today, it was a good day," I say with a happy smile. "It's what friends do" Theo replies, wearing a smile of his own. We both soon fall asleep, wearing smiles for different reasons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated to my BFF. This is my first attempt at a story, I hope you all enjoyed! Stay tuned for chapter 4! Let me know what you think, my email is My Discord is Okamiwolf001#1576, msg me what you think! I'll respond to every email. Hope you enjoyed =)