Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 13:03:29 +0200 From: Commander Chief Subject: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind - part 6 Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind By Commander in Chief Author's note: The following text contains graphic descriptions of nudity and sexual acts between adult males. If it is illegal to read such material where you live or at your age, do not continue. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This work is copyright by the author. Any commercial use or reproduction is prohibited without the explicit permission of the author. Personal copies are permitted only if they include this copyright notice. If you have any suggestions, comments, or constructive feedback, please email Thank you for your emails. Part 6 I felt my cock slowly thicken, betraying me. Fucken' mind of its own. "Hey. Hey Tubs!" Maybe a discussion with our resident xenobiologist might divert my mind from the humiliating things that had recently been done to me. "You're the expert here. What can you tell us about ET?" "Not much, Cap. Shit, where do I even start?" He paused. "Let's assume the readings we took were accurate. OK, then it's almost certainly a carbon based life-form, but fuck knows what. Is it animal, vegetable, jellyfish, amoeba, or what? It's like nothing I've ever even heard of, let alone seen! My guess - and this is pure speculation - is that it uses long chain carbon molecules as its basic cellular building block, maybe the same way that we use proteins. But that's probably wrong in a million different ways. I mean I haven't even looked at it through a microscope, let alone analysed it with a quant. And does it even have cells, or . . " "OK, ok, I'm not asking for a scientific paper just yet," I interrupted. "I just wanna know if there's anything that you've observed that could, you know, help us here." I looked pointedly at the bound figures to my left and right. "Um, OK." He paused for a minute. "Let's see. It's probably intelligent, or at least it's acting like it's intelligent . . . " "Of course it's fuckin' intelligent," Red jumped in. "I wasn't outsmarted by any fuckin' jellyfish." It was clear that Red was nursing a serious grudge. "Of course you weren't," I said, soothingly. "None of us were out-SMART-ed," I emphasised the middle syllable, "But we were overwhelmed. Now let Tubs finish." He muttered something inaudible, and then fell silent. "As I was saying, we should assume that it is intelligent. But where is its brain? Does it have just one brain? Maybe it has a, kinda, distributed brain, like an octopus, or a squid. We know it's doing more that just reacting. I haven't seen anything obvious, but it appears to have sensory organs. I mean, we've all seen the tentacles in action, and they don't just wave around randomly." "Agreed." I chimed in. "From what I've seen, I think they can both see and smell." "But they also exhibit some kind of electrical field sensing capability," Tubs continued "like some species of shark . . . " "Or maybe like an eel," I added. "I reckon it can both sense and emit small electrical currents," I was remembering how Red and I had been examined, and recalling how it had taken control of my arm and hand. That was scary. "And maybe it can generate a mild electric shock too." "Aye," said Red, "Shock to the brain. That might be how the buggers did us over." "It's possible, I s'pose. A mild electric current, administered to the right part of the brain, can knock you out for a . . . " he trailed off. I waited for him to finish his sentence, but he was was staring straight ahead, head cocked, eyes locked on Red. I turned my head and scanned the man on my right. His eyes were closed, and wrapped around his forehead was a wide black strip. "What the fuck?! Red, are you OK man?" "Ah, shit," said Tubs. "Looks like ET is gonna take Red away now. It does that thing with the band round the head, and BOOM! You're out cold." Suddenly I was pissed as all hell. "Well ain't that just the bee's fuckin' knees. How the fuck are we gonna get out of this fuckin' mess when we're up against that?" We watched, helpless, as Red was quickly and efficiently folded up, cinched, and taken away. I silently fumed. So damned unfair! What could we possibly do with the shitty hand of cards we'd been dealt? I drifted off into my own thoughts for a while. Only when Pauli stirred and began to wake did my attention return to the here and now. "How are you feeling buddy?" Jorge asked. "Better now that I've back with you lot." Pauli replied. "It's good to see you back safe and sound." said Dan. He paused. "So, can you tell us what happened?" I looked over at Pauli, wondering what he would say. It occurred to me that between trying to reconstruct how we'd been taken captive, and assessing ET's biology, I hadn't spoken at all of my own experiences. Pauli's face and neck were flushed with blood. "Shit, are you OK?" Tubs asked. "Give me a minute, OK?" He took a deep breath, and composed himself, the blush slowly fading. "It did . . . things to me." His voice was choked up, barely above a whisper. He was looking down, not making eye contact with anyone. I desperately wanted to go over and hold him, to tell him it was okay, that he was going to be okay, but even that scrap of comfort was denied. "Things? What sort of things?" Jorge asked. "Shut the fuck up, Jorge!" I snapped. "Can't you see he doesn't want to talk about it?" "I won't shut the fuck up, Mark, because this is important. Red is there right now, having gods know what done to him. And presumably Tubs, Dan and I are lined up next for the same treatment. So park your emotions for five minutes and start acting a bit more like a pro! It might just help to us to know what to expect!" He was right of course. Forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes. ". . . and if Pauli won't talk about it, maybe you will!" he spat. Oh fuck. I was dreading the thought of recounting what had taken place earlier. Now I felt the heat rise in my own cheeks. I cleared my throat. "It's like Pauli said. It did . . . things." I tried to remember the pain it had inflicted on my balls, but all I could visualise was the long black tentacle opening up and engulfing my cock, caressing it, and the feel of that thing slipping down my ass crack, sliding inside me, rubbing and stroking my butt nut. I dared not look down at my cock. "It tortured me. Then it harvested my sweat." "Tortured?" "Are you . . .?" "Harvested what . . .?" The questions came thick and fast. "It caused me considerable - no, it caused me SEVERE pain in the testicular area," I continued, "and then these skinny little tendril things came out and sucked all the sweat off me." Pauli was giving me a funny look. Shit, it was bound to come out sooner or later. Better to `fess up now that be caught out later. "And then it, err, stimulated me to, umm, climax, and sucked up that as well" I could feel the heat in my face. It must have been glowing red. "You telling us it twisted your balls, then jerked you off, Cap?" Tubs exploded with laughter. "Shit man, where do I get me some of that action? It's been what, three, four weeks with nothing but Madame Palm and her five lovely daughters for me. If it wants to massage my balls first, I'm OK with that too. Bring it on I say!" That's Tubs in a nutshell - able to relieve the tension in the grimmest situation. I looked around and saw Dan was sporting a wide grin. Even Jorge, `let's do everything by the rules' was trying and failing to keep a straight face. I pictured ET probing his tight hole, and smiled inwardly at the thought. Over the next few hours, one at a time, the remaining members of the crew were put to sleep and then taken away for processing - first Jorge, then Dan, and lastly Tubs. Each came back and told a similar story: how they were spreadeagled, arms and legs held wide and apart, and then their nuts were squeezed to make their bodies sweat. How the little tendrils came out and slurped it all up. And then how they were stimulated to climax. No-one volunteered any more details, and I didn't press them. By the time Tubs came to, the rest of us had also been watered. Not all at once, mind you, but one after the other. It was kind of gross to be sucking from the same thing that had just ben in someone else's mouth, but what could we do - ask for a glass? When it was his turn, I watched the thick black tentacle come down and hover in front of his face, waiting until he opened his mouth. It pushed in before he was ready, and I could see his eyes bulge and his throat spasm as he gagged. But it didn't seem to notice. When it was done, Tubs coughed a few times, looking pained. "Bastard thing! Might've asked first." There was a general murmur of assent, but no-one said anything. I think we all knew how dependent we were on the utmost basics: air, water, temperature. I closed my eyes, suddenly tired, and slept. 覧覧覧覧覧覧覧 I dreamed of a dark forest, black trees draped with vines and creepers. I was running, being chased by some unidentified horror. It had no eyes, but no matter which way I turned, I couldn't shake it. The sound of my heartbeat was loud, drumming in my chest, booming through the forest, leading it right to me! If I could just rest for a while, my heart might slow down, quieten. But every time I stopped, I could hear rustling in the trees, something getting closer and closer, and I had to set off again. The nameless thing was gaining now, nearly upon me. If I looked behind me, I would slow down, and if I slowed down, it would catch me. Don't slow down, just run! I woke up with a jerk. I might have cried out in my sleep, but when I looked around, there was no-one to hear me. I was in different place from where I'd fallen asleep, although it looked familiar. Was I back in the examination room? I couldn't tell for sure. There were the usual restraining coils around my wrists and ankles, holding my arms and legs away from my torso. I could feel something behind me, a wall of some sort, but I couldn't turn my head far enough to see it. Something moved above me, and I watched as two long, flat, and leathery tentacles curled down. If this wasn't the original examining chamber, then it was one just like it. They snaked towards me and immediately wrapped themselves around my left upper arm, just below the shoulder, and my left wrist. I felt a surge of warmth in my arm, almost hot, and saw that the tentacles were thinning, stretching like a piece of gum. In a second they had separated completely, leaving two black leathery cuffs around my shoulder and wrist. The torn ends around my arm slowly flowed and melded, leaving no visible seam. But the real shock came a few seconds later, when I felt that buzzing sensation up and down my arm, as if I had touched a live wire. What the fuck?! I tried clenching my fist, but there was a tingling in my wrist, and my hand immediately opened, fingers outstretched, rigid, and then went limp. More tingles, and I saw my arm and hand work through a range of motions - bending, straightening, twisting, and grasping - all without my control. The movements started out jerky, but quickly became noticeably smoother. In the space of about 20 minutes, the rest of my limbs were given the same treatment. My other arm was also cuffed at the bicep and wrist, and wide straps went around my upper thighs, and two more above my ankles. As each limb was cuffed, it was given a thorough workout, simple and direct movements at first, but increasingly complex and fluent. Lastly, I felt something wrapping around my neck, and I had a moment of panic at the thought of strangling. Once the collar was in place, the bindings securing me the wall uncoiled and retracted, leaving me suddenly, amazingly, free. I tentatively reached up to touch my face, and for the first time there was nothing preventing it. I felt my hair, my forehead, my eyebrows, my nose, and the unshaven bristles on my cheek. I felt the collar under my chin. It was tight, and I couldn't squeeze a finger between it and my throat. I let my fingers trace round to the back of my neck, and discovered that there was a loop at the nape. I wondered briefly what it was for, and then it struck me with dread certainly - my collar came with an attachment for a leash. I swallowed, and felt the subtle pressure of the collar on my larynx. I felt for my wrist, exploring the cuff. It was tight, but flexible and slightly rough to the touch. My fingers searched for a join, but to all intents and purposes, the cuff appeared to be perfectly seamless. Holding it up, I couldn't even see a line in the surface. Without any warning, I felt a tug on my collar, and I was pulled away from the wall. And with no conscious thought on my part, I found myself curling up into a ball, knees drawn up to chest, arms around shins. Holy crap! I didn't decide to do that. I didn't even WANT to do that. But yet my muscles had done it. And still reeling from that shocking realisation, I felt myself being dragged backwards through a maze of dark passages. When I came to rest, the sight that greeted me was stunning - and exciting. To Be Continued