Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 13:47:49 -0500 From: Kods A Subject: Cowmen and Bullmen-Chapter 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This story may not be reproduced in whole or in part without author's permission. This story is a fictitious product of my imagination and should not be read if the reader has a hatred of gay/bi people, gay sex, etc, or sex-oriented writing in general. Any semblance to real life within this story is purely coincidental. This story uses components of abstract sexual fantasies and may not be for you. A few involving mpreg, muscle growth, vore and acts of homosexual intercourse. If you are not 18 years of age, I recommend you click off your browser because it is likely this content is illegal for your reading. Quick note: To further clarify this story will include straight sex, but at the heart of the story is the life of three men growing and their relationship to each other. I hope you enjoy! Shoot me an email ( at the end of the story if you liked it! CH 1. Marcquel knew he had never truly liked his uncle's farm, but today he was finally realizing why. He sat next to his Mom in the front seat of their car. A blue Nissan leaf, energy efficient and planet friendly, just the way she liked. She went endlessly on about how his dad and her needed to work things out, and neither wanted Marcquel to be caught in their dispute. Marcquel let out a sigh but didn't say anything. His mom used her right hand to touch his face lovingly. "Sweetie, one day I hope your able to have wonderful life experiences." Marcquel didn't look his mom in the eyes. He couldn't. She had the kindest dark brown eyes that would drag every feeling out of him. Instead Marcquel looked at her hands. At the same dark skin that he shared with both his parents. Divorce sucked. Now, here he was being driven to his uncle's farm in the county of another state. That's why he hated the farm. Nothing against uncle T, but Marcquel knew he only went when there was trouble, like when Grandma Lynn died, or when cousin Davonte got "sick." Though it was rare he much preferred when his uncle came to their house. Not that it was a "their" house anymore. His mom and dad maybe reached their limit of how much pain they could take together. It was over Marcquel's head. It's not like they ever yelled or threw things at each other. His dad said they were having trouble reconciling. Marcquel was grateful his dad wasn't here for the drive. His dad had a way of talking that made one want to listen and understand. Yesterday, Marcquel's last day home for the foreseeable future, his dad took him on a guy's day out. They ended up walking through one of their city's parks. Marcquel had almost forgotten the reason behind the outing. "You'll be turning 16 soon. Life will be coming at you fast soon enough, but occasionally, don't forget to just stroll through a park, Marc." Marcquel savored the memory as it played in his head. Those were his dad's last words to him, other than the goodbye and send off hug this morning. How could two people both so loving not to have any more left for each other? "Marc, how long are you going to sit in there?" Marc's mom was already standing outside tapping the car window. Marc hadn't even notice them drive up. Marc quickly got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him. It was a huge 3-story white mansion, with matching long white picket fences running down for miles on either side. Marc took a deep breath in. The last time he had been here he had been to young understand where he even was. Not that any of the adults explained it to him. This was a Cowman Farm. The man in charge of that farm, his uncle, stood on the steps to his house like a King. As they approached Marc's uncle came rushing down and hoisted his mom in the air. "Tyrone put me down!" Marc's mom said flustered but smiling. "Can't I hug my favorite sister?" "I'm your only sister, and you can hug me safely on the ground." As uncle T set his sister down. He looked over at his young nephew. "Well, look how big Lil Marcquel got. I remember when you where this big." Uncle T set his hand off the ground 3 ft. "Do you remember me?" Marcquel never got the fascination adults had with asking if he remember them. It was annoying and the answer was almost always No. However, this time he could say. "Yeah, I remember you brought me the train set I wanted for Christmas when I was 11." Marc didn't want to say anything, but he realized that was the last time he had seen his uncle. Both his grandma and cousin getting sick had happened years before that. He couldn't even remember what the house had looked like. Not that it mattered he had mostly been confined to the second floor. "Actually, he just goes by Marc, Now," Marc's mom said unintentionally disrupting, her son's thoughts before they could even take shape. "Well, please won't you both come in I'll give you the tour... the PG-13 version of course." Uncle T said looking over at his sister who nodded approvingly. On the east wing of the first floor his uncle showed him all the rooms one would expect to find in any house, dining room, kitchen etc. Of course, they were larger than normal to accommodate the workers and other staff. There were a few maids cleaning and tidying up various areas. Uncle T led his sister and nephew back to the entrance hall. "You'll be sleeping on the second floor Marc." Uncle T stated. Marc knew that the second and third floor had mostly bedrooms. Workers and staff could choose to stay overnight if they wanted. The only two bed rooms on the first floor one for adult guest and one for Uncle T so he could be close as possible if something happened on the farm. Marc was never allowed in the guest room due to what happens in the west wing. He wasn't sure but he knew it wasn't something for kids. His uncle's staff often caught him trying to sneak down the steps when he was younger. He knew it had to be something with the cowman, but he wasn't exactly sure what that was. In fact, now that he was thinking it through, Marc had never seen a Cowman at his uncle's farm. He'd never seen anywhere except TV, but that was to be expect he was from a small town and Cowmen didn't have to exist everywhere. As if reading his mind Uncle T asked Marc, a question, "Do you know what we do here at the farm?" "I guess you milk Cowmen?" Marc answered unsure. Everyone knew about Cowmen milk and how good it was for humans, but he was clueless about the process. His mom chuckled a bit, while Uncle grew a smile on his face. Uncle T pointed to the locked doors that led to the west side. "There are two main things that happen over there, milking and breeding." Uncle T looked proudly at his nephew, Marc however was very unsure about what he just heard. Is that why he'd never seen them because they were forced into the west wing? "But isn't that ...inhumane to lock them up there?" Marc Replied. "Goodness Marc! We'd never" His Mom replied. Uncle T cut her off with a smile. The look on his face was ecstatic. He was waiting for Marc to ask that question. "It seems the school curriculum is really failing our youth. Marc what has your school taught you about Cowmen?" Marc had to think. He hadn't had a test on that since last year. "Umm, Cowmen refers to them as a species, but they can actually be men or women. 50 years ago, I think they first appeared when some people grew horns and tails overnight," Marc wanted to stop but his uncle was expecting more, so Marc continued, "but nowadays they look like ordinary humans. No tails or horns. And of course, both Men and Women Cowmen can produce milk, that's sold at the super market. The tail, horns and milk are why they got the name Cowmen." Marc's uncle nodded his head a seemed to be satisfied with his answer. Uncle T walked towards the back of the house a gestured for his family to follow him. As they were walking, he had begun talking passionately. "You're not wrong Marc, but you haven't even cracked the surface about Cowman. Here on the farm you'll fine both men and women. And yes, they look just like everyday people." Uncle T turned his head back to talk to his uncle. "All time you spent here haven't you wondered where the actual "farm" part was, or why you were never allowed in the backyard?" Marc thought of course he had, but he was always more curious about the west wing, he had no problems playing out in the front of the house. He was a simple kid. Give him an area had he'd play all day. The trio reached a set of large red doors. Uncle T grabbed the handles and pushed the large door's out. The group stepped outside and was welcomed by the sunlight once again. Marc's mouth was wide open. He saw nothing, but miles and miles of grassland, and hills. The land wasn't empty though. There were houses built in different areas. Each one different from the next. More surprisingly there were people, average everyday people just walking in the grass. There were some that were clearly farm workers carrying building materials, food and Marc guessed other essentials. Some of the people were so far away they appeared like specs to Marc. This place was like a perfect paradise gated community. Uncle T and Marc's mom looked at the young teenager with glee. Uncle T spoke "Marc, meet the Cowmen." Uncle T strolled over to a tree for shade, beckoning his family to follow. "You see Marc. Cowmen aren't forced to live on the farm. We provide them a place to stay, in return all we ask is the right to sell their milk. It actually kills two birds with one stone." "How?" "Well Marc, Cowmen need to be milked every so often. I mean they can milk themselves and many do, but some find it a hassle. If you live on a farm you don't have to worry about it and you can go to work, come home, and so forth without worrying." Marc processed this information, He had never known Cowman NEEDED to be milk. He new they were, but it was completely different if something in their biology required it. "You look surprised Marc" "It's just I never knew that about Cowmen." Uncle T seemed genuinely surprised by the response "Really, out here even a first grader knows something as simple as that." Marc knew his uncle hadn't meant anything by it, but he knew he had just shown how ignorant he was on a topic his Uncle clearly loved very much. "That's to be expected Marc." His mom said coming to the rescue, coddling her baby. "Most children out here ask those questions to their teachers; their parents tell them, or often they see it on a farm. Even in large cities it's not uncommon for people to be more aware about Cowmen conditions, but you've never seen one so it can't be helped" "Oh my god still?" My uncle said in disbelief. "I guess Cowmen don't really like out town that much" Marc's mom said sadly. It was then Marc knew his mom and uncle grew up together, so she probably knew tons about cowmen too. Marc was a bit upset at that. it's not like she ever offers to tell him about Cowmen. Then again, it's not like he ever asked. "You could have brought him here any time for that," Uncle T said. Marc mom had a response but before she could even utter a sound, her brother shouted. "Yo, Dan get over here, Please!" Uncle T said towards a group of workers that weren't too far off. A man about 6'1 or 6'2 came trotting over carrying a long plank of wood. He had short blonde hair and very muted blue eyes. His shirt did hardly anything to hide the muscle beneath it. The plank of wood looked like it should have required two people, But Dan didn't struggle at all carrying it. "Hey Dan, I'm trying to teach my nephew about Cowmen. Would you mind, helping me out." "Of course not," Dan said smiling. He bent over and set the plank of wood on the ground. That gave Marc ample time to watch how nicely the jeans displayed his rear assets. Marc quickly looked away not wanting to be caught by any of the adults around him. Dan stood back up and took off his white t-shirt showing his body in its full glory. "Okay I'm going to head to the front, meet me when you're done," Marc's mom said quickly disappearing. She knew what was going to happened and obviously preferred not to be there. The thin layer of sweat glistened on Dan's torso. His pecs were large, and his biceps were enjoying no longer being confined by a shirt. His body was made to be shown off. Uncle T went behind Dan and spooned him. He ran his hands over Danny's abs, which were protruding a bit. "You see if you raise a Cowmen right, they all grow up to look like hot wrestlers of various heights. It's in their genetics." Uncle T ran his hands over Danny who leaned back. Danny was getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. Uncle T then took his left hand and cupped Danny's left pec and then his right. "Danny, you should probably get milked soon these bad boys feel almost full. You won't be able to put on your shirts if you let them get bigger." "Okay" was all Danny said in a breathy whisper. Uncle T gestured for Marc to come closer. "Touch his pecs, he doesn't mind." Marc hesitated until Dan gave him a nod it was okay. Marc stepped closer and reached his hand out. He could feel the heat emanating from Dan's body. He felt the hot skin under his palm. At first the pec felt firm, but upon further inspection there was something off. Uncle T spoke, "His mammary glands have been producing milk so now his chest is inflated." He looked down at his nephew "Congrats, now you know more about cowmen." Marc let his hands explore more and a bit lower, He soon had Dan's small protruding gut in his hands. That's when he felt a thump from under the skin. Marc thought he had jumped 20 ft into the air, he recoiled so fast. "Dude calm down," Dan said gently, reaching out to take Marc's hand back. "It's just the baby. It kicked, that's all." Uncle T then cut in "Both Males and females can get pregnant, Marc. I thought It'd be easier to show than to tell you." Marc had never heard of this before, Heck he didn't even look this stuff up online. Was he really a townie that didn't know anything about the real world? Marc knew the answer was Yes. Marc and his Uncle let Dan get back to work while they walked to meet back up with Marc's mom. "So, what do you think?" Uncle T asked. "It's a lot" "Well, I hope it's not too much I was hoping you'd take after this place for me someday." Uncle T finished that statement as they walked into the entrance hall. Marc's mom asked him how he felt about the first Cowman he'd ever met. Marc's mind however was still stuck on His uncle's last statement. "Mom, how long am I going to be here? I don't want to be here forever." Marc's mom threw death glares at her brother who immediately tried to explain "I didn't mean you'd be here forever. I just want you to think of this like an internship and if you like it you can stay longer that's all." Marc's mom explained further "Marc," She took his hands into hers. "I don't know what's going on between your father and me, but we both know you can't be there. This may last longer than the summer." Marc thought so, He wasn't surprised. He had overheard his parents talking about the possibility of him going to school out in this rural area for a year. He just didn't want to believe it. Uncle T place a hand on Marc shoulders "Hey, Marc your bags are already upstairs, why don't you go sort your room out. It's the second-floor, east side, first one that faces the backyard." Marc kissed his mom goodbye then tried his best not to pout as he walked away. He saw his Uncle and mother talking as he disappeared into the second-floor hallway. Marc opened the door to his room he couldn't believe how huge it was. His bags had been set by the giant curtained windows in the back. His bed was freshly made with cream colored sheets. However, the only other things furnishing he room was a TV and toilet paper in the bathroom. Marc sighed falling back onto the bed. It was going to take a lot to make this place feel like home. There was no time like the present though. He got up and walked over to his bags to begin unpacking. He pulled back the curtains to let in some natural light. Upon the sunlight coming through, Marc realized he could see the whole farm. His eyes naturally scanned the area and quickly landed on Dan. He had decided to continue to work with out his shirt on. Marc wished he could have placed a poster of dan up on his wall. The man was like a sun-god given form even with the baby bump. Okay, Marc thought, his lips forming into a smile. Maybe I won't have the worst time here.