Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:34:32 -0500 From: Kods A Subject: Cowmen and Bullmen- Chapter 3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This story may not be reproduced in whole or in part without author's permission. This story is a fictitious product of my imagination and should not be read if the reader has a hatred of gay/bi people, gay sex, etc, or sex-oriented writing in general. Any semblance to real life within this story is purely coincidental. This story uses components of abstract sexual fantasies and may not be for you. A few involving mpreg, muscle growth, vore and acts of homosexual intercourse. If you are not 18 years of age, I recommend you click off your browser because it is likely this content is illegal for your reading. Quick note: To further clarify this story will include straight sex, but at the heart of the story focuses on men. I hope you enjoy! Shoot me an email at the end of the story if you liked it! Isn't it awesome how we can read so many LGBT stories on Nifty! Well, Nifty needs our support so please consider donating so there will be more wonderful stories CH 3. Marc woke up slowly, then went into a panic when he realized that his new friend, and Heather's brother was not sleeping on the floor beside his bed. Marc would have been stressed out more if he hadn't realized it was likely Ken returned back home. Once calm, Marc made his way downstairs for some breakfast. As the smell drafting through the air hit his nostrils, he remembered the mornings his dad cooked breakfast and his mon and him danced down the stairs. Once in the dining room he was greeted by the sight of Uncle T and Ken having breakfast together. They sat across from each other at the table. Ken's plate was stacked with food while. Uncle T only had coffee and toast. The TV was on in the background, but neither was paying attention. "Morning sleepyhead, I see you made a new friend," Uncle T said cheery as ever. "Ken, what did you think of my nephew?". "He's very nice!" Ken smiled warmly. Marc knew that they were neighbors and that Ken snuck out a lot, according to Heather, but his Uncle seemed a little unconcerned. "Wouldn't Ken and Heather's parents be outraged by now? Or Maybe Uncle T already called them?" Marc thought. Marc knew his uncle could be a little happy go lucky, but irresponsible he was not. Marc sat at the table next to Ken, who was happily stuffing huge pancakes doused in syrup into his mouth. "What did you two do yesterday?" Uncle T asked. Before Marc could even answer Ken spoke, "We played video games!" The glee in his voice was obvious. "That must have been your first time huh?" Uncle T replied and Ken conferred his statement with a yes through a pancake stuffed mouth. Marc hadn't known that was Ken's first-time playing games. Ken wasn't the best player at first, but by the time they went to bed he had gotten the hang of it. Marc knew not everyone could afford to buy video games and not every parent liked them. Though now he was curious. He made a note to ask Heather why they couldn't play them. Ken got up to put his plate in the sink. Walking out the room. "I'm so glad you and Ken have taken a liking to each other. He's a very great kid." Marc trusted his Uncle's word, and if Ken came here often no doubt, they knew each other really well. "Yeah, I'm sure Heather's going to be thrilled too." Uncle T got a questioning look on his face, as if he was trying to decipher what Marc had said. He opened his mouth to say something, but two workers came rushing in telling him to check on over some papers. Whatever he had been about to say was quickly lost. Marc had breakfast while His uncle discussed the upcoming winter budget. Ken had disappeared, but he seemed at home so Marc didn't let it bother him. When Marc did go looking for him, he found Ken sitting on the back-yard steps, staring off to the distance at some of the Cowmen playing. "What are you doing out here?" Marc squinted and was sure he could see the three cowmen he met the other day among the group. "Do you want to play?" Marc asked. He would have been terrified if he had to ask for himself, but he could ask for Ken. Ken sighed, drew his knees to his face and pouted. "They don't like me very much and it probably wouldn't be safe." Marc understood the second statement Ken was a slim kid. He wasn't all skin, but he could stand to add more meat to his bones. The way he ate this morning one would think he'd weigh a ton. The first statement was a bit trickier. Yesterday, just three Cowman seemed like the nicest people Marc had ever met. "Why do you think they don't like you?" "Because I'm not from around here." Ken said still pouting. That made more sense to Marc. Of course, two competing farms probably wouldn't like each other. Although Heather said her dad didn't have Cowmen, that didn't mean there was no animosity. Marc watched Ken look on the happy Cowmen scene dejectedly. Marc knew that look. It was the way he felt when he thought about his parents. "Let's go for a walk!" Marc said grabbing Ken and leading him to the front of the house the last thing he wanted was for his new friend to be in a bad mood. If he could help it he'd sprinkle a bit of happiness where he could. 20 mins later the two were walking down the side of the road. Only a couple of cars had passed by them. The world was content to let these two boys stroll alone. Ken had picked up a stick and was playing with it as they walked. Marc enjoyed the silence, but Ken probably wanted someone to talk too. Why else would he sneak out of the house and just watch Cowmen play? "Ken, Do you like my uncle's farm?" Marc asked getting the boy's attention. "It's awesome! I can go anywhere on it." Ken's personality started perking up as he spoke. "What do you like the most about it?" "I like not being stuck inside all the time," Ken said throwing the stick off into the distance. It went far. Between this boy's throwing arm and his sister's right hook, Marc swore to never anger this family. Marc took a deep breath before asking his next question. "How do you feel about Cowmen?" Ken gave Marc a curious look. It was obvious he didn't understand Marc's question. So, Marc tried to elaborate, "You were pretty sad watching everyone earlier." "Oh, I was thinking it's nice to have friends." Marc could agree to that, He'd been missing his friends since he was sent here. For as young as Ken was, he was very introspective. Marc was sure Ken could make friends if he just applied himself. "How about we help each other?" Marc stated. Ken cocked his head to the side confused. "You want to be friends with the Cowmen on my uncle's farm. I want to be friends with the Cowmen on my uncle's farm." "You want to be my friend?" Ken asked. Marc rubbed a hand on this head, "I thought we were already friends?" That's when Ken tackled him in a hug. The two eventually made their way back to the farm laughing and joking. Marc made small talk as the white building in the distance grew closer with every step, "Where do you go to school Ken?" "I haven't gone to school yet, but I'm looking forward to going this year." Marc nodded his head, being homeschooled must suck. That's also why Ken probably didn't have any friends. Heather was well adjusted though, so maybe it was a personality thing. As the two boys got close to the entrance, they saw a figure standing on the front steps. It was a boy, who looked no older than Marcquel. He was wearing a backpack and had a suit case. He had light brown skin and course black hair. His dark brown eyes homed in on the two boys coming his way. "Do you need help?" Marc said approaching. When the boy didn't respond he tried talking Spanish. "¿Necessitas Ayudar? "I'm Brazilian asshole," The teenager responded. Marc wanted to yell, "Then why didn't you respond!" but decided against it. "Do one of you two guys want to tell me were Farmer Tyrone is at?" Though it was a question, it came out as if he really couldn't be bothered with the two. "I'm his nephew," Marc responded curtly. "Good for you, do you want a fucking medal?" The mystery kid shot back. Marcquel felt his fist balling up, but before it went any further Uncle T stepped outside. "Well isn't this a great sight welcome." Uncle T hugged the teenager, "I'm glad you're here," following up the hug with a pat on the back. Uncle T looked over to his nephew, "Marc it's wonderful to see you get acquainted with Cowmen." "Wait you mean, he's a?" Marc stated. "That's right! Trevor is one of our newest Cowmen on the farm. Please take care of him." Trevor smiled wickedly looking at both Mark and Ken. Marc could just tell nothing good was going to come of this. Also, Ken and he were off to a bad start with making friends with the farm's Cowmen. Uncle T whisked Trevor off to find out where he'd be staying for the night. Ken and Marc went to Marc's room. "Marc, can I sleep over again in your room?" Ken asked. "You never have to ask to stay over. I mean please let me know, but rest assured the answer will always be yes." Marc said. Ken looked like he was about to explode out of his little body. Marc thought it was the least he could do. The poor kid must have been so lonely being homeschooled and not having any friends. When they were ready to go to bed Ken was once again sleeping on the floor. Marc however laid awake in his bed. He missed his parents so much. Ken was a nice distraction during the day but at night Marc was alone with his thoughts. Marc felt his eyes watering up until he heard screaming. The screaming was coming from on the floor, Ken was having a nightmare. Marc quickly got out of bed and jostled Ken awake. "What's going on?" Ken shouted having awakened to darkness surrounding him. "You were having a nightmare," Marc said his hand still resting on Ken's body, feeling his small heart pound viciously. Marc staid on the floor for a while, but Ken wasn't calming down. Marc then lifted the little guy up, he was surprisingly light and put him onto his bed. Then he climbed in beside him. "When I was a kid, I use to have terrible dreams. My parents always let me sleep in their bed when that happened. I'll let you sleep in mine." Marc laid in the darkness not hearing anything from Ken in return. It wasn't long before Marc heard light breathing beside him. Marc content with his results faced away from Ken and tried to go to bed. Sleep did not come easy, instead Marc was back to thinking about his parents, what were they doing right now? He wanted to have breakfast as a family. To have his dad say something dumb and his mom respond. If he had a bad day his parents would comfort him. Now he was the one doing the comforting. Marc loved helping out Ken, but who was going to help him? Uncle T had problems that went beyond Marc. Marc didn't want to waste his time. Heather and Marc weren't exactly besties that could share secrets. Ken was possibly a bit to young to fully grasp what Marc wanted to talk about. For the first night since he came, Marc cried himself to sleep.