Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2015 22:30:00 +1030 From: Mark Larner Subject: Crystal Wolf Moon chapter 13 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author For comments and feedback contact me at Chapter 13 Gary woke and stretched he knew that David would be gone as the man had been for the last five nights. Gary was happy with the sexual contact it was helping with the loneliness he felt from no longer being a part of his pack. Tony looked up at Gary as he entered the kitchen, "David's out he said he may have found a lead", Gary nodded as he looked in the fridge. "What you looking for"? Tony asked as he ate his cereal, Gary looked at the boys bowl with disgust, "Don't you ever eat properly", Tony frowned t his bowl and then smiled weakly at the werewolf. "I'm a sorcerer I don't need as much as you", Gary grunted as he got sausages bacon and eggs out of the fridge. "You should try it, could put some meat on your bones", Tony blushed; he knew he was small and thin. Gary was sitting down to eat when David returned, he was not alone, David had visitors, not just any though they were vampires. Gary stood as David and the three vamps entered the kitchen, Gary looked at the three and was shocked. "Bridget, why have you left Leo"? Bridget looked at Gary she was clearly upset, "What's wrong"? Bridget went to Gary they didn't know each other well however he was someone she knew and trusted. Bridget sobbed into his shoulder it was one of the most un vampire things she could have done and it surprised Gary. "They took him", she sobbed over and over, Gary felt his anger rise, they could only be one group. The Twins stood silently waiting for Bridget to explain, "Perhaps we should go to the office, where you can relax", David spoke quietly, and Bridget nodded. Tony followed Gary and asked softly, "How can they be out in the daylight", Gary looked over at Tony he often forgot that the boy was so young and didn't have all the basic information about what his kind referred to as beasts. "Bridget is shielding them, she is a sorceress, its draining her so we will go somewhere safe for them", the boy's eyes went wide. David ushered them all into the office that was dim with its black out blinds, Gary sat next to Bridget the twins remained standing, and the others sat in different chairs. "What of the rest of your coven"? Gary spoke quietly to Bridget; he had spent time with Leo's coven learning to use his shadow crystal. Bridget looked over at the twins, "we are all that is left, the house was burnt to the ground many were trapped within, I managed to shield my brothers". Gary didn't know what to feel he had spent time with the coven and now it was gone, "I'm sorry Bridget the sorcerer co", Gary growled, David looked over at him and raised an eyebrow in question. "That's bullshit and you know it, your kind are the ones who have let them gain power, I'd say someone high up wants to make sure the beast races never have magic". David paled; both Gary and Bridget were glaring at him. "I, I don't know what to tell you Gary", David stuttered, Tony watched the three and spoke softly. "The bitches that lead us would they don't even like to share power with males", the five adults turned to the boy who looked as if he wanted to run. "Well it's true", David looked at his apprentice and smiled the boy had already learnt the truth about the sorcerer collective. "You are both right", David sighed as he rubbed his eyes, Bridget nodded she had always thought the same thing. "All we have to do is track them from the house, which should be easy enough as they have Leo with them". They all agreed and started to make plans. Gary entered the room that Bridget and the twins had been given, it wasn't until Bridget had called them brothers that he noticed the family resemblance. "So they are why you wanted to be a Vampire", Bridget nodded, "Hear I have this for you, if you take it to my pack they will give you sanctuary for a time". Bridget studied the piece of cloth and looked at him questioningly "They will know it is mine and that I gave it to you", Bridget nodded her thanks as Gary left, it was clear the three needed time to rest. "You can't sneak up on me Gary", Tony didn't turn around from his desk, the boy was working on what Gary assumed was homework. "Wouldn't dream of it", Tony sighed and spun in his chair to face the large werewolf, "What do you want Gary I'm kind of busy". Gary grinned and walked over to the boy's desk, "what you working on", Tony rolled his eyes and turned back to his work and explained the biology assignment he was working on. "I don't know why I even have to bother, if what David says is true I won't need this stuff". Gary grinned and read over the work the boy had done, as far as he could tell it was very good. "The reason is simple, if you don't understand how things work naturally how are you going to know how to change it magically". With that Gary moved toward the door, Tony sat in silence contemplating what he had said. Gary lastly stoped at David's room, "Enter", Gary wasn't surprised, "Feeling restless", Gary nodded as he flopped onto the bed. "Well there is no time like the present to locate our friends", Gary sat up, "True the officials should be gone by now", David agreed, "Shell we hunt", Gary asked with a wolfish grin. "Lead the way", David indicated for Gary to exit first. The house and yard had been burnt to nothing, clearly a magical fire; David tried to first find a magical thread he could follow. However it was near imposable, with all the overlapping magical trails in the area, "Anything", David shook his head, Gary sighed and removed the back pack he had been carrying. He then proceeded to remove his clothes and shift, David was always impressed by Gary's size, he was a beautiful wolf. Gary quickly found the intruders scents and followed them away from the house, he stopped and looked up at David clearly expecting the man to do something. David felt a bit slow before he realised that Gary had moved them away from the house and that he should be able to pick up the magic trail and follow it. David quickly searched and picked up the trail of those that had cast the fire spell, he grinned at Gary who started to move again. The two trails the pair followed lead in the same direction; Gary wasn't surprised when he reached a dead end at the side of a road. He quickly shifted and put some clothes back on, "can you follow them", David nodded, the pair continued. The trail lead to an industrial estate, it appeared to be still active and well maintained, the pair entered a large shed like building. It was too dark to make out much; it was also of no importance as the trail lead to a trap door in the floor that had been hidden by magic. David easily opened it, the pair entered what appeared to be a large underground complex, "I'm getting a lot of magic down here, it's too hard to follow". Gary nodded his understanding and shifted once more, he instantly picked up Leo with his distinctive vampire smell. Beyond that he could smell a lot of mages and a number of sorcerers, to werewolf in wolf form it was easy to pick what each individual was. Gary indicated which way to head. As they moved through the complex David kept them shielded from sight as Gary could use no magic in wolf form. As they progressed Gary and David were getting increasingly nervous the place felt empty. The pair entered what must have been a holding cell, Gary went to one cell, and Leo had been there briefly. Gary shifted and grinned at David, "Well magic man are we going to spring this trap or leave", David frowned and looked at the other holding cell, Gary followed his gaze and the pair entered the cell. "We will have to spring it, but first what do you suppose was in here", Gary looked around and inhaled deeply, the scent of the place was familiar although it was not werewolf. "I would say female sorceress, I can shift to be sure", David shock his head and started to mutter to himself. Before Gary could ask what he was doing shadowy figures started to appear. Leo grunted as the three sorceresses that had captured him shoved him into the cell, they had drained his blood so he was weak and in a daze. One of the women spoke to another captive, "A friend for you Lilith" the three sniggered and left. Leo propped himself against a wall and looked into the other holding cell, he was shocked to see the women Lilith. Lilith moved toward the other cell and inspected the vampire, she frowned "You recognize me, how"? Leo smiled softly at the young sorceress, "I will tell you if you do something for me", Lilith sighed she knew what a vamp would want. "You take only what you need, any more and I flood this place with daylight before you can blink twice". Leo nodded as she held out her wrist, he fed gently and only took what he needed he had no doubt that the sorceress would do as she said. Once he was done he looked at the sorceress sadly, "They wonder what happened to you, you know". Lilith looked at the vamp not really trusting anything he said, "The pack it still searches for you, I trained one in the Beta line to use a shadow crystal, and a blood but he isn't keen on it". Lilith's eyes went wide, the vamp truly knew the pack, only one that knew them would know about the crystal mages. "What was his name", Leo just smiled, "Gary, it could only be Gary, but he had the shadow crystal before I returned". Leo nodded, "So they were searching for us even before we returned", Leo nodded again, Lilith sobbed, she was a hundred and eight and had only known love the once when she had met Damon. "I think the Alpha loves you, were you to be changed", Lilith nodded once. "That's enough David", Gary spoke sharply without really thinking, and David looked at him shocked by his reaction. "That is the mother of my mates the to be mate of my Alpha", David's eyes went wide, "But she is to one day be part of the council, her blood line is strong and she is very powerful". Gary couldn't help it he laughed, "We know magic man, my mates put you to shame", David grinned he had known that when he saw the pair. "And was Lilith supposed to be turned", Gary nodded, "well I guess you know what happened now", Gary smiled sadly and nodded again, this made two that they needed to rescue from this purity cult. "We still have a trap to spring, it can't stay here, if it's bad it could take a lot of innocent people with it, which I'm sure they have done on purpose". Gary nodded his agreement. The pair walked into a central chamber, both saw it for what it was it was a place for ceremonies and performing large magic's a ritual sight for this cult. In the centre of the chamber there was a glowing ball of energy. The instant the pair entered the floor lit up with symbols and the ball of energy started to grow, David swore as he felt his own power being drained, Gary felt a similar pull on his power, however due to his natural resistance to magic it was slower then what David was feeling. It quickly became apparent that the spell was absorbing a lot of power, "David any ideas", Gary called to the sorcerer who had been forced to his knees. "Anything I do will only make it stronger; it absorbs power like a sponge", Gary frowned he didn't dare try anything with his crystals; he looked at the growing ball of energy and frowned as he felt himself get weaker. Linda woke and screamed, she had such a feeling of dread and impending loss, Ben and Jerry ran to her rooms and tried to calm her. Jerry looked at Ben who appeared to be trying to fight his own panic, "What is it"? Ben looked at Jerry, nothing more needed to be said clearly Gary was in some kind of trouble. "Can we do anything to help your sister; she's going to hurt herself and the unborn", Ben nodded and focused on his sister. What he did wasn't complex and could be described as putting her to sleep or in stasis; she could only be woken by him. "What's he done now"? Jerry asked clearly agitated, Ben shook his head he had no idea what mess Gary was in. Gary watched as the energy got bigger and bigger, he could see what would happen eventually the thing would explode taking out a large area with it. He could think of only one thing to do, he shifted into his wolf form a form that was immune to magic and ran toward the centre of the energy. David saw what Gary was doing and cried out for him to stop; he knew that Gary couldn't hear him. Gary sent all his feelings of love and devotion to his mates and jumped he felt the energy try to absorb him it faulted and started to cave in on its self like it was trying to get energy but couldn't. David watched the spell collapse in on Gary; he yelled and screamed, the young werewolf wasn't supposed to die. Ben got a faraway look on his face and groaned he felt the love Gary sent him and assumed he had done the same for Linda. Jerry watched his mate, and thought to himself that if Gary lived he was going to kill him, himself for putting his mate through this. Ben crumpled to the floor and began to sob hysterically; Jerry held him in his arms and tried to comfort his mate. David watched Gary and reached out with an old spell that his master had shown him once; it wasn't a common practice anymore. However in the past sorcerers had taken warriors, their warriors were bound to them magically and as such David would be able to pull Gary out of his current mess. Usually the warrior bond was made with consent; however given the circumstances David saw no other option he did what had to be done and was able to save Gary before the spell collapsed completely into its self. Ben sat up suddenly something had changed, Gary's life force was growing stronger again, Jerry looked at him questioningly. "Someone had saved him, I don't know how but they have", Jerry was surprised, without warning Ben vanished, Jerry grunted he had no doubts in his mind where his mate had gone, he figured he better go tell the Alpha more shit was going to hit the fan. The previous half hour was a blur to David, he had somehow managed to get himself and Gary out off the underground complex and back to his house. He now felt the warrior bond with Gary and it was weird to be able to feel someone else in your head and somehow comforting at the same time. Tony almost ran to the living room when he heard and felt the pair return, he could feel something was not right. As he entered the living room a hot guy two three years older than him appeared in the living room he also looked pissed. "What have you done to him", Ben demanded of David, David was picked up and thrown across the room and pined to the wall. Telekinetic magic was something Ben was very good at, David struggled and Ben tried to form a fire ball to attack this new intruder. "Don't bother little boy", Ben picked Tony up and pinned him to the wall as well. Gary opened his eyes and saw his sweet little Benny pinning two sorcerers to the wall; he couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ben fighting. "Benny", his voice was barley a whisper, Ben turned his face softened and his posture relaxed the instant he saw that Gary was awake and alive. "I did it to myself, David saved me", Ben looked at the pair and released them as he went to Gary, "I'm sorry Benny it had to happen it was the only way". Ben focused his mind and transported them both back to Linda, David slid down the wall, it was clear to him that Ben was a far superior sorcerer then himself. Jerry gasped when he saw Ben reappear with Gary, who looked like shit; his first thought was that he can't be here. Ben looked at his alpha mate pleading with him; Jerry couldn't help it and thought fuck it he would deal with his Alpha, Gary had been an exile for long enough. "Alpha Damon I would like the exile to return to the pack, it has been long enough", Damon looked at the younger wolf and smiled. "That's all I need, you were the wronged party and as such we can reverse his exile with your say so", Jerry nodded once confirming what he wanted. Damon walked over to Gary and placed his hand on his chest just above his heart, "Welcome back little one". Gary felt the return of being pack it was like bliss to him or as if a cloud had been lifted, he smiled at his Alpha and wept. Ben helped Gary into the bed beside Linda, who he had not released from her magically induced sleep. He and Jerry were about to leave as had Alpha Damon, Gary looked at them and spoke softly, "Don't leave us, we need you". Jerry felt a flare of anger, and felt there would always be an underlying issue between him and Gary. Gary looked at Jerry, "You too we need both of you", Jerry was stunned he had never thought he would be accepted by Gary. "Don't be so shocked my mate will be the one to carry your pups", Jerry couldn't help it he jumped into the bed and hugged Gary, he had never thought that Gary would let Linda carry his pups. To be continued Hay guys we are getting to the end here so if you feel that something hasn't been dealt with or finished properly let us know. Also let us know if you want something to happen and we will see what we can do, enjoy reading If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at