Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:00:01 +1030 From: Mark Larner Subject: Crystal Wolf Moon chapter14 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author. For comments and feedback contact me at Chapter 14 Gary looked at his mate who was now very close to giving birth, after the incident things had been quiet in the pack. Bridget and her brothers had arrived a few days after and had been accepted, the only real problem was getting human blood for them as it was poison for them to feed on a werewolf. Gary had been in contact with David on and off; the sorcerer had not been able to discover any new leads. Gary focused in on himself and felt the four different bounds that made up who he was. The first and most familiar the bond he had with his pack a bond he had always had and was grateful to have back. The other two familiar bonds were for his mates and lastly the bond that David called a warrior bond. Linda had been able to tell him nothing of the bond; she said it was a uniquely male sorcerer magic; she had tried to study it with limited success. David had apologised for it a numerous occasions, he had also warned Gary that it was similar in many ways to a mate bond in that if either of them died and would kill the other. Linda looked up from her work and at her mate she could feel his confusion of what had happened to him. "Any word from David", startled Gary looked at his mate a smiled, "No, apparently the sorcerers council or collective whatever they want to call themselves are investigating. I think they would have done nothing if it hadn't been for that trap, after all werewolf and vampire are beneath them". Linda sighed but agreed she had gone to the school for sorceresses and knew all to well what many of them were like. Ben was agitated, he wasn't the only one most of the pack were getting sick of being confined; many worked away for periods of time or were doing some form of education. All that had been put a stop to after the attack on the coven. "Why don't you practice your spells", Ben glared as Jerry who was sitting calmly reading something his father had sent him regarding his own pack. "How can you just sit there, you can't even see your pack" Jerry smiled at his mate and put aside the papers that he had been reading. "Is there anything I can do to help you relax", Ben looked at the glint in Jerry's eyes and went over to him. "I can think of a few things", the pair started making out and rubbing up against each other. Gary entered the Alpha's office, "What can I do for you Gary", Damon was happy to have Gary back; the Western pack had agreed to let the exile end with no difficulty. "I was wondering about Lilith", Damon wasn't surprised, "What did you want to know"? Gary sat for a moment trying to put what he wanted to know into words. Damon watched the young man and smiled softly, "We met before I was alpha, back before the last pack war even we were both young then I wasn't any older then you are now". Damon like all werewolves' that lived could expect to live between four hundred and five hundred years, few made it to a hundred, and Damon was eighty six. "She was fascinated by us, and was astounded to find out about the mages we had in our pack, this was obviously before we left Europe". Gary nodded as Damon told him how he had come to know the sorceress and how she had agreed to mother his children hopefully passing the sorcerer talent on into the Alpha line. Gary was still deep in thought in his and Linda's office; it was becoming clear to him that the world of sorcerers was a rather complex one. Linda walked in and gasped, Gary was instantly alert, the twins were coming early as everyone had expected, twins almost always did. The labour was relatively easy or so Gary was told by his aunt who had returned to the pack territory like everyone else. Linda had shifted and healed as all werewolves when they shift, the twins were healthy baby boys, the pack rejoiced that the Alpha line would continue. Ben watched his nephews sleep, it was already apparent that they were werewolves, only time would tell what magical abilities the little ones would have. "You and Linda should be happy", he spoke softly to Gary who had entered the nursery. "I would be happier if there weren't a crazy sorcerer cult out to rid the world of their kind", Ban nodded his agreement. Strangely it was Jerry who spoke, he normally remained silent when Ben and Gary spoke, "We will find them and kill them". Both Ben and Gary looked at him startled at his words, however both nodded their agreement. David paced his office and reread the email he had received from the council. Apparently they had located the main base of operations for the cult and had identified a number of the key people in charge. He was also informed that the matter needed to be dealt with discreetly, which meant the bitches wouldn't do any more than they had already done. David went to Tony's room, "You need to pack a few things, we leave in half hour". Tony was surprised but knew better than to argue, once he was packed and in David's sports car he asked where they were going. David grinned, "Not sure, I'll know when we get there", Tony didn't ask anything else he figured David was going to use his bond with Gary to find where the werewolves territory was. Gary woke holding the slender form of his mate, he buried his nose into her long hair and breathed deeply, it was good to have her back to her normal size. It was as he lay there that he felt a tug on his bond with David, "I need to see your father love, we are going to have a guest in the early evening", Linda rolled and faced him and proceeded to kiss him, Gary responded figuring he could tell the Alpha later. It was an hour later that Gary told the Alpha of David's visit; the Alpha family were eating breakfast, Damon nodded as Gary explained what he felt. "Why do you think he is coming", Gary shrugged, Damon looked at his family and shook his head. "Isn't it obvious, he has information and no doubt a request". The others all nodded when you thought about it rather than the food in front of you it was rather obvious. "I will let Bridget know after breakfast", Linda said, she and the vampire had a strong friendship from the years they had spent together. Linda took the boys down to the rooms that Bridget and her brothers shared; they had been housed in the underground housing as the large guest house was rather bright and unsuitable for vampires. Bridget's brothers let her in, after Linda had showed of her children and Bridget had gushed over them Linda got down to the other reason she had visited. "David is coming here today sometime, Gary isn't really sure when, he has gone to town to pick them up sort of". Bridget nodded her understanding, she saw right away that this meant that David wanted something. "I should imagine he wants help dealing with this cult", Linda nodded in agreement, to them it was obvious that the sorcerers collective would want as little to do with dealing with the cult as possible. Gary walked into the town, it wasn't very big, and was a two hour drive from the pack house and property. The town was however part of what the pack considered its territory, and as such benefited from the wealth of the pack. As he roamed around he could sense that David was getting closer, the feelings he got from his bond with David were different from the ones with Ban and Linda. With Ben and Linda it was more emotion, with David it was physical he could tell that he was healthy if a bit tired and roughly how far away he was. The longer he had the bond with David the more he seemed to feel, what frightened him was the dying part. For his part he wanted to protect David just as much as he wanted to protect Linda or Ben, it was all rather new and strange. David smiled to himself as he drove, Gary had moved closer, obviously to protect the location of the pack. Werewolves always wanted to protect the pack and to their way of thinking the fewer that knew the packs location the better. Tony woke suddenly as David pulled up outside a rundown pub, "He's inside I take it", David nodded, Tony rolled his eyes, "Does that man think of nothing but sex, food and grog". David laughed; it was all true Gary gave the impression of caring little about anything, "If he didn't care he would have stayed with the pack, you going to wait here or come in". Tony sighed as he unbuckled and opened his door as much as he would have liked to stay in the car he knew it would get hot quickly. Gary returned from the toilet and saw David at the bar, he grinned and walked up to the man, "How you been magic man". David jumped, he had been frustrated not to see Gary in the bar straight away, "Where have you been", he demanded, Gary laughed took a step back and held his hands up as if to ward David off. "Sorry magic man I had to pee", Tony laughed he knew how much David hated to be surprised. "Fine can we go now", Gary nodded having assured himself that it was only David and Tony that were coming to visit. "Sure magic man lets go". David was not surprised when the first thing he was offered was food, werewolves and their food, David just shook his head as he watched them eat. Tony looked around the table he had been sat next to Linda, who he felt was one of the most stunning women he had ever seen. However it was his brother Ben that held his eye. Gary noticed and indicated to Linda who smiled, she then lent in toward Tony and spoke softly, "He is pretty isn't he", Tony blushed and ducked his head trying to hide it. Linda laughed softly. "Do not worry little one it is common among my kind to form sexual relations with other males, unlike yours it is the female gender that is less". Tony frowned he knew that sorceresses were more common then sorcerers, "What your saying is that females are rare". Linda nodded, "Half of all female werewolves are changed not born to it, so it is common for males to play with each other". Tony smiled he couldn't help but feel he would like being part of a pack, "However I would look elsewhere Ben has two rather protective mates already". Tony looked at her sharply; he had always known that the werewolves mated for life, "I didn't know you could have two mates". Linda looked at the three men across from her, Gary was directly in front with Ben next to him and Jerry next to Ben. "It's possible, but not frequent, Gary is my mate, and my brother's beta mate, Jerry is Ben's alpha mate, due to their connection I'm growing fonder of Jerry, more so then a sister of his mate should be". Tony was blown away by what Linda revealed, it seemed that a werewolf pack was one of the most open and accepting place to be sexually. After the meal Tony saw Linda approach Gary, she kissed him and told him something and left, Tony and the others went to one of the large sitting rooms. Gary saw Tony frowning, "She needs to feed the twins", Tony's eyes went wide, he had forgotten that Linda had been pregnant. Answering his question before he could ask it Gary told him that werewolves had a shorter gestation period then humans. In the sitting room Bridget and her brothers waited, "I hope the meal was enjoyable, we would have joined you however find that most are uncomfortable with our just sitting and not eating". The others all nodded understanding what she said. The meeting was relatively short for what it was; David outlined what he had found out and what needed to happen. It was agreed that they would take out the four individuals that had already been identified and then infiltrate the base of the cult. The biggest concern was they did not know the cults numbers, as a result it was decided that they would locate, Lilith and Leo first and then try to eliminate or at least cripple this enemy. Gary wasn't happy, both Linda and the Alpha had insisted on coming, it meant his own father was coming as the Alphas Bata. Linda watched her mate, "You knew this was how it would be", Gary sighed and nodded pulling her into a tight hug. Jerry was feeling the same agitation, truthfully Ben was stronger and more of a fighter then he had been when he had first met him but still he didn't want his mate to come. Ben sighed and wormed his way into Jerry's embrace, "we will be careful" was all he said. Tony watched David and asked, "Why won't they help"? David looked at Tony sadly before downing his drink. "They still feel it is more of a so called Beast problem, the fact they helped at all was impressive". Tony nodded he couldn't help but think that sorceresses were not to be trusted, that is except Bridget and Linda. But then were they truly sorceresses or were they Beasts it was confusing, "So I'm to stay here for now", David nodded, he knew that if anything happened to him the pack would take care of Tony. Gary and Linda watched their target over the last two nights the others had eliminated their targets, Linda felt uneasy the women they were going to eliminate had always been kind to her. "Are you ready", Linda nodded once. The pair quietly approached the women, Gary from behind Linda from the front; they had decided to distract the women with Linda's reappearance. "Mistress Rachael, is that you", the women stopped and gasped at the sight of Linda, she had not seen the girl in two three years. "Linda my dear where have you been", Linda felt sadness and a small amount of guilt, "I returned to my pack", the sorceresses face paled at that revelation she started to back away from Linda only to find Gary behind her. "I'm sorry Mistress Rachael but the pack demands vengeance for your attack on the Alpha line; I demand it for my mate and brother". The sorceress tried to cast a spell however Linda was ready and eliminated her quickly. The others returned to the apartment to find Gary holding Linda who was sobbing softly into his shoulder. David looked at the girl and understood that the poor thing had, had to kill a former teacher, "Leave them was all he said to the others", the others did as he said. Later that night Gary returned to the living room with a drink in hand, "Will she be ok", David asked from the darkness. Gary knew he was there, "She will be in time", and David nodded once and let Gary go. Before he left Gary turned to David and asked, "Why are your kind so cold". David didn't have an answer which Gary realized as he left the room. "Don't worry at him, he's just hurting over Linda", David jumped he had not heard Ben enter, but Gary must have seen the younger man as he left. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought we should talk", David nodded as Ben sat down. David was impressed with the amount of questions Ben had, and could see that although his sister had helped the boy still needed a male to help him train and learn about his magic. The building wasn't a large one, they all expected there to be an underground complex hidden away, much as there had been before. The hidden complex wasn't as quiet as the last time, the group found resistance, all of which were easily taken care of by the group. Bridget and her brothers were tracking Leo they could feel him in a similar way to how the pack worked. Unsurprising they found a room heavily guarded, between them the fight was short with only a few minor injuries. Alpha Damon could smell her, it was the same scent, he went to the door of her cell and sure enough Lilith was there. Linda and Ben watched, both had mixed feelings about their mother, however clearly their father did not. The Vampires had released Leo, who looked a little worse for wear but ok. "Um, guys I think we should move on", David called from the hall, the others nodded their agreement, it was time to deal with the head of this cult. The group entered a large hall, there was a dark haired women surrounded by mages , they had eliminated the other sorceresses that had formed the core of the cult. Lilith stepped forward, "You all have a chance now to leave", no one expected the attack, one of the mages struck her and in her wakened states she was killed instantly. Damon watched Lilith fall after so long without her he snapped and shifted, he didn't shift to a full wolf he took on the beast form a hybrid between man and wolf. It was truly scary to see, the other werewolves in the room were shocked to see almost all of them avoided the best form. The Alpha roared the others were unable to resist they too shifted to what was known as the beast form. They followed the Alpha and slaughtered the mages. In the time it took for the mages to be killed, the sorceress had called out to others who had appeared and surveyed the carnage. They were not dumb they focused their attack on Damon, and were successful; David with Bridget's help was able to shield the others. Ben and Linda shifted back; they could not use their magic in wolf form, the fight was fast, in the end the three remaining sorceresses made their escape leaving a similar trap to the one they had left in the other base. The dark haired sorceress glared and Linda and then smiled, "You will be the centre of this one"; David and Gary had not known that there had been a sacrifice to the spell last time. Linda paled and felt weak as the spell took effect, Leo, Bridget and David looked at her sadly, Ben was crying as Jerry kept him back. Gary looked at his mate and moved toward her, "No Gary stay back you can't stop this one, I will contain it", Gary shock his head and embraced her tightly he could feel what the spell was doing to her; it wanted to rip her apart. "No, I cannot live without you", they all saw the tears flowing from the pairs eyes, "You should all run this will still take out a bit of room" was all Gary said, he gazed at Ben lovingly as he held his alpha mate. David watched the others leave, Gary turned to him, "I'm sorry David", David just nodded his understanding. Ben sobbed into Jerry's shoulder as the building disappeared in a giant ball of light, taking his parents, sister and Gary with it. It was Bridget who first noticed that David wasn't with them, Leo wasn't surprised, and explained that the bond that David had with Gary would kill him. The small group vanished into the night, there was nothing more they could do here, and the cult would not bother the pack or coven for some time to come. Epilogue Ben sat at the desk his father had once worked from; it would still be a few days before the pack recognized him as Alpha. It had been three weeks since that night; to Ben it was three weeks of pain he had lost his family. Tony looked over at the future Alpha and smiled sadly at him, Tony was almost as a drift as Ben having lost David and to a lesser extent Gary. Jerry entered the office and smiled at the pair, "You guys are going to want to see this", confused the pair got up and followed Jerry. Jerry led them to the hall, over half the pack seemed to be entering it, Ben heard music and he felt something, something he never thought he would feel again. As they entered the hall there were a couple they were dancing and it was beautiful. Ben couldn't help himself he ran to the pair, Gary and Linda stopped as Ben reached them, Linda held her arms out for a hug. Gary grinned and also hugged him, "Sorry it took us so long to get back Benny healing the normal way sucks", Ben laughed and cried as he hugged and kissed Gary, Linda just laughed. David appeared behind Tony, "You ready to go home apprentice", Tony spun round and looked at David and felt himself starting to cry as well. David hugged the boy and explained it to him, it had occurred to him at the very last moment that through his bond with Gary he would be able to reach Linda and thus pull them out as he had done with Gary before. However they all needed time to heal hence why it took them so long to return. Linda took over from her father as Alpha of the pack as had been intended, Jerry stepped down as alpha elect so he could stay with his mates pack. And in the new semester Ben went back to university, Jerry also went so this time Ben no longer felt alone or out of place. The end Hey guys it had to end, and I hope you all enjoyed it, let me know if I didn't clear anything up properly or if you have questions If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at