Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 00:31:49 +0200 (CEST) From: Subject: Dragon Boy Goes To School chapter 3: Morning-after Phone Calls STORY CODES: b/solo, mast DISCLAIMER: This is fantasy. What's more, it's a fantasy of a fantasy, so don't get your knickers in a twist about it. If it's illegal for you to read this kind of story, please don't put yourself at risk; this story isn't worth going to jail for. PLEASE: Donate to Nifty at You can't go wrong here. If you read these stories or have ever submitted a story, please help out with any amount you can. PROLOGUE: This part of the story takes place the day after Scott and Jack's sleepover tryst. ON WITH THE STORY: The phone rang. Super Human Resources had told her these deep-cover, double-secret-ID stints were restful, relaxing, bordering on boring. The phone rang again. Patricia Paper, a.k.a. Lightning Lady, forced herself to not answer just yet. Three rings seemed like the right number so as to seem neither eager nor reluctant. The phone rang again. SHR lied, she thought, as she picked up the call. "Hello." She said, in what she hoped was a perfectly neutral tone of voice. "Hello," said the voice on the other end of the line, "My name is Doug Porter. I'm trying to get in touch with Ms. Paper." "Speaking." She said. Then, worried that too many single word replies would sound terse, she quickly added "Please call me Pat." "Thanks, Pat." The man said. "Please call me Doug. Before we go any further, I want to make sure I'm speaking to Jack's mother." "You are." Pat said, again feeling like she was being terse, she added "My little `bundle of joy' told me to expect your call." "Ah, good!" Doug said. "Did he tell you what this call might be about?" "Yes." She said. "He told me he and Scott `messed around' last night and you figured it out and wanted me to be `in the loop' about it." "As I suspected." Doug said. "An eleven year old boy would have a rather different take away from this morning's conversation than a parent would." "To be fair to Jack," Pat said, "that was not all he said. The first thing he said was that you weren't mad at all. Then he said you should be nominated for Dad of the Year. And *then* he told me about the messing around part." "Well... I don't know about the Dad of the Year part." Doug said "But I can't fault a boy his age for not being very detailed about a call like this with his mother." "I confess," Pat said, "this is a an awkward topic for me." There was a chuckle on the other end of the line. "Only slightly less for me. Scott is only *just* thirteen, so most of this is new territory for me also. But we'll soldier through." Pat laughed, nervously, "Don't really have a choice here. But isn't a little exploration normal for boys their ages?" "Absolutely!" Doug said. "But `a little exploration' could be used to describe the expedition of Lewis and Clark..." "Oh..." Pat said. "I think I see where you're going with this." "So we don't get bogged down in euphemism," Doug said, "I'm going to rip off the bandaid. They went from playing footsies on the couch last night when they thought I wasn't looking, to wiping semen off each other's naked bodies when I looked in on them this morning." "OhDearGod." Pat said, trying to erase the mental images from her mind. "Pat, are you religious?" Doug asked. "I'm a recovering Catholic" she said. "Old habits of speech die hard." "Ahh, good..." he said. "This will be much easier if neither of us is weighed down with the sexual morality dictated by authoritarian religions." "It got easier just now." She said. "So, I had a talk with the boys at breakfast." He said. "We had a conversation about consent... Are you familiar with the cup-of-tea analogy?" "Yes, actually." she said, happy to be at par on at least one measure of parenting skills. "That's how I framed it." He said. "And I must say, Jack seemed truly engaged and really took it to heart." "He's a good boy... mostly." She said. There was another gentle chuckle on the other end of the line. "I fully agree! Credit to him, and credit to you." "I feel like such a noob at this parenting stuff." Pat said. Having been a `parent' for about three weeks now she knew she wasn't wrong. "Yes!" he sympathized. "The manufacturer provides zero documentation... Although in Jack's case, I suppose, *you* were the manufacturer." Pat laughed, maybe too long, definitely too loud. Doug continued. "Anyway, after they were assured that I was not in the least angry or judgmental, and after *I* was assured that everything they did last night was consensual, they became quite matter-of-fact about what transpired last night. Jack, in particular, volunteered some details that I DID NOT ask for and cannot now un-hear." "I think your nomination for Dad of the Year needs to be upped to Dad of the Decade." An embarrassed chuckle came from the other end of the line. "So it's my turn to maybe make you feel awkward, but I mean what I said." Pat continued "You showed wisdom and compassion in a circumstance where I would not have known how to act or what to say. I'm glad it was *you*, there and then, not me." "Probably easier for a single dad than a single mom." he said "Plus, I was in their shoes a couple of decades ago." There was a long pause on the line, neither parent spoke for several seconds. "So... where do we go from here?" Pat asked. "That's the 64 thousand dollar question isn't it?" Doug said. "Religiosity notwithstanding, you may wish to apply limits to Jack's behavior. If you do, I will do my best to enforce those limits whenever he is in my care." "What do you think reasonable limits would look like?" she said. "I'm spit-balling here, sort of making this up on the fly..." He said. "From my perspective, they've blown right past `friends with benefits' and are closing in on `young lovers'. Short of forbidding them to have further contact with each other, which I believe would be futile and cruel, we -- that is, *I* -- believe it's important to make sure they're exploring *safely*." "Sounds reasonable so far." She said. "Scott already knows about condoms." He said. "I'm going to go ahead and get some for him, and some lube." Pat's mind whirled for a moment. At first she wondered at the notion of there even being such a thing as condoms sized for tween boys, she shook those mental images out of her head, then got sidetracked by the idea of Doug handing his son a tube of lube, presumably to use for sex with Jack. "That sounds less like limits and more like permission." She said, finally. "The genie is out of the bottle." He said. "To be honest, I hadn't thought about any specific limits I might set. I wanted to get your temperature about this first." "Understood." Pat said. Again with the one word responses. "More important than the physical aspect," Doug continued, "I mean to guide Scott through his first intimate relationship, to make sure he is as gentle with Jack's heart as he is with his body." "That sounds poetic." She said. "I have a turn of phrase every now and then." He said. There was another long pause, this time not so awkward. "Well, before I make any decisions," Pat said, "I need to have a talk with Jack." "Of course!" Doug said. "Please consider sleeping on it also." "Good idea." She said. "Thank you again for being there for Jack, and for making this phone call to me." "It's been my pleasure, Pat. Goodbye." "Goodbye Doug." Pat ended the call then pinched the bridge of her nose with the hand that wasn't holding the phone. After a moment she added Doug's name and phone number to her contact list. I should just put him on speed dial, she thought. She put the phone down and tried to compose herself. Jaaaaacck!!! She yelled, realizing instantly she had NOT composed herself. It was way too loud for the modest, two-bedroom bungalow they would share while they were a `family.' Management had assured her that he was a bona fide superhero, a flying energy-projector with a level nine AoE attack, and deceptively good at hand-to-hand combat, at least when his imaginary pet dragon could have his back. But the tween boy who responded to her call did not look like a superhero. He looked small and vulnerable, standing there wearing an over-sized t-shirt and possibly nothing else. "Yeah, Mom?" he said, quietly. He had appeared almost immediately at the opening into the hallway that linked the bedrooms to the rest of the house, like a kid who was afraid his mom was about to chew him out and didn't want to do anything else to piss her off. Mustn't get distracted, she told herself; stay on task. She beckoned for him to come and pointed at the chair where she wanted him to sit. She made a point to get control over her voice. "I'm in trouble." Jack said, as he crossed the small living room and sat criss-cross, perching on the chair more than sitting in it. Pat noted with relief that the boy was wearing briefs under the t-shirt. Thank god for small favors. "It depends on the answer to a simple question." Pat said. "Did you use your powers on Scott?" "Umm... maybe... yeah." The boy said, studying her closely for her reaction. "Jesus, Jack!" she said. "Mind-controlling someone so they'll have sex with you is... so far beyond uncool... that's super-villain stuff!" "B-b-but... mind-control?" Jack said, his eyes pleading. "My powers don't work that way!" "You didn't plant the idea in Scott's head?" she said, still bearing down on him with all the parental disapproval her 28 years could muster. "I'm an empath, not a telepath!" The boy said. "I can't read or project thoughts, only moods and emotions." "So you made Scott more horny?" It wasn't really a question. "No!" Jack said. "He didn't need any help with that!" "What exactly did he `need help' with then?" "He really, *really*, REALLY wanted to mess around. He just didn't know how to get started. He was nervous... so I boosted his confidence..." the boy said, his words tumbling out in a rush, then his voice trailing off "... a few times." "If he was nervous, that meant he wasn't really, *really*, REALLY ready." Pat said, "You gave him false confidence." "Or maybe he was scared if he started somethin' and I didn't wanna that I wouldn't be his friend anymore." The boy said, quietly. "Or even worse... if I told any kids at school about it, then NOBODY would be his friend anymore." "Oh..." Pat said, her mind flashing back to the social horrors of Junior High "And besides," Jack said, looking up, "I can't work with emotions that aren't already there. I can make a feeling stronger, but I can't start it from nothin' . I can make a feeling weaker, but I can't take it away completely." "Hmm..." Pat said. She knew at this point she was willing to be persuaded. "That's what was so cool about how Mr. Porter explained it." Jack said, his voice sounding more hopeful. "Scott really wanted to make a cup of tea for me, he was just worried I might say no... or something. I don't really know why he was worried. But I knew *I* totally wanted his cup of tea, so I gave him enough confidence to offer it. He had to have some confidence in the first place, or I couldn't have boosted it." "You've about convinced me..." Pat said Jack beamed. "... but I need some way to be sure you're not dampening my anger and suspicion right this moment." Jack's face cycled through several emotions in quick succession: confusion, disappointment, then elation, then embarrassment. "I know how I can prove it." The boy said, "but it's a little bit like a cup of tea..." "Ummm..." Pat said. "Then I'm not sure I'm okay with this. What is involved?" "If I go into an empathic bond with you, you can know for sure if I'm tellin' you somethin' I don't believe. We don't have to go all the way in the bond, it's not like I'm healing you" "What do you have to do to open an empathic bond?" she said. "Just have any skin to skin contact." He said, "Holdin' hands is enough." "So where does the `cup of tea' come in?" she said. "We kinda end up sharin' ... feels," the boy said "and I *really* like that part... and... well, you'll know... exactly *how* I like it." he finished, blushing. "So I have to take a sip of tea?" "Yeah... But if you don't like it, you just let go of my hands, that breaks the bond right away." "Okay..." Pat said, "I'm game to try this, but you should know one of the first questions I'm going to ask will be something like "Is this the only way we could have done this?"" Jack nodded, smiling. The boy hopped up from his seat on the chair a few feet away, gone was the downcast youngster enduring a tongue-lashing from his mom. He was transformed to an animated kid, eager to show his skills, even knowing he would be exposed in so doing. He took a couple of steps and offered his hands to Pat. "Just grab my wrists, that way I can't even grab back." Jack said. Pat leaned forward a bit from her seat on the couch and took his wrists, noting how easily her fingers enclosed the slender bones of his forearms. "Okay, just a second." Jack said. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. She felt it first like a little tickle but in no specific location on or in her body. The tickle went away and she felt relieved and confident, then realized that was what *Jack* was feeling at that moment. "I feel you... inside my..." she said, but couldn't finish the sentence because she didn't know where to place the sensation. "I can feel your bein' mad going away right now," Jack said, "and now you're getting curious." "You're confident right now, and relieved, and a little embarrassed." She said. "Okay, ask me a question and I'll lie to you, so you can know what a lie feels like." The boy said. Pat thought for a moment. "Did you remember to make your bed before you left for Scott's house yesterday morning?" She knew the true answer was No. There was a quick flush of chagrin from the boy before he spoke. "Yes." He said, and then immediately "Sorry!" Pat felt the lie like a jolt, Jack had NOT made his bed, as promised, and she knew that his declaration that he *had* was a lie. But as soon as he apologized, the sense of insincerity went away. Jack opened his eyes and looked into hers. "You felt it. If I can't lie about a little thing like that, there's no way I could lie about doin' bad stuff with my powers. You're gonna be my mom until summer... I'm not gonna lie to you about *anything*." Pat could feel his earnestness, and a little something else, just beginning... the boy was becoming aroused. She knew, with a certainty she could not explain, that if she were to peek under that overlong t-shirt right now, there would be a little tent forming in his briefs. She shook her head to clear that mental image. "And now you know about the... cup of tea part." Jack said, blushing. "Sorry, I can't help it." "Did you use your powers to make me less angry just now." Pat said, hoping to get this over with before the boy died of embarrassment. "No." "Did you use your powers on Mr. Porter to calm him down?" "No." "Did you make Scott do anything he didn't want to do?" "No." "Did you give Scott so much confidence he would be reckless?" she said, and immediately felt some confusion from the boy. "Is trading blow-jobs reckless?" he asked. It was an honest question from the boy, but it set off such a storm of conflicting emotions on her part that she let go of his wrists on the instant. She had enough to deal with in her own head and she knew her feelings were just as exposed to Jack as his were to her. As promised, the empathic bond dropped as quickly as she dropped his hands. "Oh no..." he said. "I really messed up." His face scrunched up, looking like he was about to cry. Even with the maelstrom in her head, Pat could understand the boy needed comforting. She grabbed him by the shoulders, careful to keep a layer of cloth between her hands and his body. "No you did not!" she said. "I didn't break the bond because you did anything bad. It's just... I DID NOT need to know that you and Scott did that." The boy looked up. He was so mercurial. His relief was so transparent she realized she hardly needed the empathic bond any more. The kid would be an awful poker player. "I didn't know if what we did was reckless." Jack said. "That was my fault for asking an open-ended question." Pat said. At a loss to comfort him, she offered "Can I give you a hug?" It was an A-frame hug, Pat didn't want to risk bumping into anything below the boy's waist. Even so, Jack seemed to melt onto her, craving the contact. The scent in her nostrils, boy-sweat and hormones, took her lizard brain back to the good part of Junior High, the discovering boys part. The hug lasted several long seconds with Pat just breathing in memories. When they broke the hug, she kept him at arms length with her hands still on his shoulders. "Honey..." she said, the endearment felt right. "I believe you, I trust you. I like that you and Scott are... best friends." Jack nodded like crazy. "I've been a mom... *your* mom, for about three weeks. I just need some time and space to figure this out." "You're the best mom evar!" Jack enthused. "I promise, going forward, I will trust you to tell me the truth, probably more than I want to know sometimes, but always the truth." She said "Thanks, Mom!" Jack said, "But... umm... I needa go to my room for a little while." Pat closed her eyes, trying to force out the mental image that was forming in her mind. "Of course, Sweetie, you don't need my permission for that..." Jack grinned and bolted off toward the hallway, but she stopped him with a word. "Jack?" "Mom?" "Please be sure to close your bedroom door." His blush was incandescent, but he giggled and said "Best Evar!" +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Jack Paper, a.k.a. Dragon Boy, carefully closed the door to his bedroom. There was a full-length mirror on the inside of the door, a relic of some previous tenant of the little house. The boy lifted the front hem of the t-shirt with one hand and tugged down the front of his briefs with the other. His little prong popped out like a puppy, eager to play. He turned sideways to the mirror, comparing himself to the memory of how Scott had looked last night. There was no sense of inadequacy, he simply liked differences. Looking down at his little playmate he could see the little circle of exposed tip, his urethra looking like a vertically-slitted pupil in a little red eye. Normally, he would already be tugging out a quicky, seeking release/relief from the arousal that forming an empathic bond always caused him. He would make a circle with his thumb and a couple of fingers and just go to it, often not bothering to strip, just reaching under whatever clothes he happened to be wearing. But with the memory of his tryst with Scott still very fresh on his mind, the boy had a newfound taste for dragging it out and making it last. Shuffling over to his bed, he tucked the hem of the t-shirt under his chin and picked up the blue and green plush toy, a cartoony looking dragon, that rested on his pillow. Marketing is so stubborn, he thought. These aren't even the right colors for Elliot. But it was a quality plushie and he stroked his boyhood from base to tip with the soft, silky exterior, starting at his tight, wrinkled little sack and slowly coming all the way to the top. Several times like that, first front and center, then along one side or the other, it felt good to tease himself. The phone on his dresser chimed, receiving a text. Ohmygosh! He thought, Scott! He's gonna be so worried. He left the elastic of his briefs hooked under his package, but let the hem of the t-shirt fall back down in front. He dropped the plushie back on the pillow and picked up his phone. The thread of his text conversation with Scott from earlier was still on display Scott: My dads gettin ready to call your mom Jack: K Jack: She picked up Scott: Is she freakin out Jack: No Scott: {a bunch of four leaf clover emojis} Jack: {a bunch of fingers crossed emojis} Scott: My dads smiling Jack: You can see him??? Scott: Hes in the kitchen im on the back porch Jack: Oh Jack: I cant see my mom only hear some of what she says Jack: She just laughed really loud Scott: Good Jack: Their talkin a long time Scott: Grups! Scott: I think they might be close to done Jack: Gtg {a long gap of time} Scott: Dude you still alive??? Scott: My dad said your mom seemed very reasonable {another long gap of time} Scott: I hope she isnt freakin out on you {another gap before the most recent text} Scott: Text me back if you can but maybe you wont be allowed Jack: {a bunch of smiley face emojis} {almost immediately} Scott: Yay your not dead or grounded! Jack: Can I call you Jack: I want to keep my hands free Scott: K Scott: Ready when you are Jack put his phone down for a moment and peeled the t-shirt over his head and shucked his briefs onto the floor. Tossing the phone and the t-shirt on his bed, he went to his desk and got his Bluetooth ear buds out of their charging case and stuck them in his ears. Finally, laying face up on his bed, the naked boy dialed his friend. "Hey." Scott said. "So she didn't freak out?" "She was mad at first," Jack said. "She thought... there was one thing she did NOT want me to do and she thought I might have." "Butt stuff?" Scott said. Jack giggled. "No... she does NOT want to know the deets. It's more like... well, `cup of tea' stuff." "I don't get it." Scott said. "It's complicated," Jack said, "but it doesn't matter now, she's not mad anymore... she's way cooler about it than I thought she would be." "Yush!" Scott said. Jack giggled. "So watcha doin' that you need hands free?" Scott said. "You gotta do some chores or somethin' as punishment?" "I'm playin' with myself." Jack said. The tween had spread his legs on his bed and was alternating stroking his rigid boy parts with the plushie in one hand and the t-shirt in the other, every few strokes bringing the t-shirt to his face so he could inhale Scott's scent "You dog!" Scott said. "You only just got past your mom bein' mad about you for messin' around and you're already playin' with yourself?" "Like I said," Jack said, "she was WAY cooler about it than I expected. Also, thanks for loaning me your t-shirt." "Well, it's not like you could wear yours home... it had my... `tadpoles' all over it." Scott said. Jack giggled again. "Wait... are you rubbin' yourself with my t-shirt?" Scott said. "Maybe..." Jack said. "It smells like you." "Pics?" "Is it safe?" "You're usin' that text app I showed you?" Scott said. "Yeah." "End-to-end encrypted. It's safe." Jack used his camera to take a few pics with Scott's t-shirt or the Elliot plushie in the frame with his boner. He sent them without comment. "Nice!" Then after a pause, Scott said "I didn't know you were a Dragon Boy fan." "Meh... it's a just a plushie my mom bought for me... feels good on a boner." Jack said. "DB is awesome-sauce!" Scott said. "He's okay," Jack said, "I think Lightning Lady is cooler." "She's hott!" Scott said, "No doubt about it." "Can I ask you a personal question." Jack said. "I'm cool" Scott said. "Are you Gay or Bi?" Jack said. After a long pause, Scott replied. "I dunno... I mean, *really*... I don't even know." "That's cool," Jack said, "doesn't matter to me anyway. It's okay with me if neither of us ever figure it out." Jack continued to stroke his boyhood, alternating between Scott's t-shirt and Marketing's notion of how Elliot should look to get the best merchandising revenues. "You gonna have your cummy pretty soon?" Scott said. "Somebody pretty cool told me it wasn't a race." Jack said, with a grin. Scott groaned "But my balls are starting to ache." "So you're playin' with yourself too?" "After those pics? I had to." "So it *is* a race," Jack said, "you're just lettin' me win." "Please... just cum for me... quick!" Scott groaned. Not being much used to taking his time, it was a simple matter for jack to grab his shaft with his hand and give it a few firm, quick strokes. His gasps were audible on the other end of the line. But so there would be no doubt, a few moments later he said "If I was old enough to squirt, my tadpoles would be all over your shirt now." The groan of relief that came from the other end of the conversation let Jack know that Scott was having his cum right then. "Where'd ya put your tadpoles?" Jack asked. "On your t-shirt you left over here." Scott said, a little breathless. "I thought that went in the laundry with your sheets from this morning." Jack said. "It did, and it's gonna go back in the laundry this afternoon." Scott said. Jack had a gigglefit, that was contagious over the phone. Both boys were quiet for a while afterward. "Scott, I really like you." Jack said. "I like you a lot too," Scott said, "I never made a friend so fast and so good." Both boys were quiet again. It was a good awkward. There was a soft knock at Jack's bedroom door, Pat's voice came through "Jack, Honey?" she said as the doorknob started to turn. "Hang on, Mom, I'm naked!" he yelled. Scott could hear the exchange on his side of the phone call and snickered wickedly until there was a knock on *his* bedroom door. The last thing Jack heard as he ended the call was Scott yelling "Hang on, Dad, I'm naked!"