Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 12:00:59 +0000 From: Mark Larner Subject: Elemental Circle II: A New Beginning Chapter 3 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author Hi guys its been over a year since I posted anything. And honestly, I feel I should have waited before starting part 2 of this story I hope you enjoy and rest assured more is to come. And as always... For comments and feedback contact me at Greg watched Pete. In the three days since he had regained his memories and connection to Pete. He felt that he had done nothing but watch the little Fifth. The others had noticed his increased attention to Pete. And had called him out for it. Greg knew that in time they would understand. The most obvious change in Pete that he noticed was his Fifths hardness. In the past he had been somehow weaker and unsure of himself. Always depending on his circle. Now as he watched Pete talk with Tiff he saw a strength that hadn't been there before. He carried it in his posture and the way he moved and spoke with confidence. It was also in his eyes. Eyes that now swirled with power. Eyes that knew things and that had seen things no one should have. "They draw you in don't they", Jim said softly from where he sat. Greg frowned he wasn't sure what Jim was getting at. "His eyes, they are so sad and so old and filled with power". The pair looked over as a happy laugh came from the small Fifth. "I wish he would laugh with us like he does with Tiff", Jim sighed. Greg smiled sadly he knew why Pete didn't let his guard down with the others. He knew that Pete would like nothing more than to form his circle again. And would no doubt have done so if he could avoid waking their dormant memories. "Give the little one time. He's working on it". Greg knew he had slipped up by the confused expression on Jim's face. Whether it was due to the term of endearment or his knowledge of Pete's intention. "I mean who else is he going to form a circle with. It's got to be us". Jim didn't look convinced but said nothing. The pair turned their attention back to the other three who were debating some new show they had been watching. ... Tiff's curly brown hair bobbed around her head as she spun back around to face Pete. "Do you know that Greg has done nothing but stare at you for days". Pete smiled he knew, he could feel it whenever Greg was watching him. "You have to tell me what went on when you walked home the other day". Pete raised one eyebrow. What he didn't know was that his control on his power also slipped for a moment. Tiff's eyes went very wide as his ice blue eyes began to swirl with power. Pete knew instantly what had happened and rained in his power. He ducked his head, "There is nothing to tell". Tiff recovered quickly and shook her head. "I don't believe you. However, as it is only the latest in a long list of secrets you are keeping from me I will let it go or now". Pete looked up and smiled at his friend. Tiff smiled back before raising her own eyebrow. "Just do me a solid and never let a norm see your eyes swirl. The poor buggers would freak like no one's business". The pair laughed, both knowing the truth of what Tiff said. Pete looked away from his friend. He longed for days like this. Relaxed with nothing trying to kill anyone he loved. He knew it wouldn't last, the Dark Elves would attack again. He had no doubt that the Guild had been receiving reports of Elemental Spirits being drained of energy. "You should go talk to him, he clearly wants to talk to you". Pete hesitated but nodded. Tiff was right he really did need to speak with Greg, and it was clear Greg wanted to talk. Nodding he stood up and brushed off his shorts. Tiff jumped up in her normal energetic fashion. What Pete had not expected was that she would run off calling out to Greg. Sighing he walked over to where his circle was sat. Greg gazed at him with familiar love and affection. Pete wanted to return it but couldn't. instead he held his hand out to help Greg get up. "Walk with me". The other four wore identical shocked looks. "You but only have to ask". Greg responded in a formal tone to match Pete's. Tiff and the other watched the pair walk away in silence. "Well dam our boy moves fat when he wants to", Bren stated breaking the silence. ... Greg and Pete walked in silence. "Your other memories have changed you, made you harder", Greg spoke first. Pete knew what Greg was getting at. In their past life there had been a time when Pete had been a happy free loving sort of person. And then the war had happened, the war changed everything. "I'm sorry, I now have four hundred and six years of war in my head. On top of the other future that you know". Greg didn't hesitate he pulled Pete into a tight embrace. At first Pete didn't respond. But when he did he clung to Greg desperately. "There is the Pete I know and love. Perhaps you are not as hard as you thought". Pete pulled away and looked up into Greg's light brown eyes. "I'm only as hard as I need to be, this is a moment of weakness. One we can likely ill afford". Greg sighed as he released Pete, he had seen firsthand that the new or old enemy was formidable. "Who do you think they will target next"? Greg asked with a frown. Pete looked away, he knew that Greg need to know. "You, it will always be you your power is different and now its stronger". Greg was taken aback he had not expected that he would continue to be the target. Greg stared at Pete for a long moment before responding. "It's because I'm somehow still a Key isn't it". Pete nodded once. "Do you know why I'm still a key. If we went back shouldn't I have become normal again"? Pete looked away he wasn't sure how to explain the Time Slip. "We hid Humanity in a Time Slip. It was like our own little bubble of time. The universe around us went on. But we moved differently. At the time we didn't know about the parasite that had infected the Dragons. As you know we were able to deal with it. However, it pushed us back out of our little bubble of time. So, no more time slip. However, the Dragons were able to make it so that a few key things were still in place. One of the biggest was to not change you back from what you were. They knew that we would need you as you were and are". Greg stared at Pete for a full minute before he could think of how to respond. "You said we, did we all help the Dragons create the time slip". Pete looked away unable to meet Greg's yes. Greg watched a distant look cross his Fifth's face. "No, we didn't help. By the time the idea of the time slip came around you and the others were already dead. I helped create it, myself and the Queen did it. She tells me it killed me but Humanity was safe as were the doorways to the Elemental Planes". Greg suddenly understood why Pete looked so sad all the time. His Fifth had not seen him die once, he had seen him die three times. "Don't worry at it", Pete said creasing Greg's face with his hand. He drew Greg's head down, bringing their lips together. Greg's eyes widened at the forcefulness of Pete's kiss. Always in the past he had been more submissive letting others take the lead. "You should get to class", Pete said as he pulled away. Sure, enough the bell rang. "And Greg stay close to the others, try to never be alone". Greg nodded as he turned to head to class. He had a slightly stunned look about him that caused Pete to smile. "I will see you after class Greg", Greg nodded again not sure his voice would work properly. ... Pete stood looking out at the oval. He could sense the power behind him but chose not to turn and watch as the queen Dragon change into her human form. "Why doesn't he remember the past like I do". The queen shrugged, it was clear she had expected them all to get all their memories back at once. "We can't have them not knowing what they are". The queen raised an eyebrow. "With in bloody reason, once they no part of it they should know all of it. This is bad, at the moment they are safer not knowing". The queen nodded her agreement. Thus far she had not spoken giving Pete time to express his frustration. "The only thing that we can think is that those memories are locked away behind the doorways". Pete sighed he had thought as much himself. "So, we have to awaken them in parts. And we already have the Council of Worlds breathing down our backs". The queen smiled before responding. "No so far the Council does not seem to be aware of your return. It would seem someone is keeping quiet about it". Pete wasn't surprised. The Council of Worlds had always been full of power hungry individuals that were in it for themselves and no one else's. "So, for now we only have to worry about mercenaries. Not actually trained people". Pete stated. He was glad that he didn't have to deal with real professionals yet. "Do we have any idea who is pulling the strings". The Queen smiled at Pete. In his past life Pete had sat on the Council and had been a voice for those thought of as Beasts. In that group the Dragon's had been placed. It had been Pete who had discovered the Dragons were not as they seemed. "I think it is your old friend the High Elves". Pete grimaced he hated the High Elves. The self-appointed leaders of the Council and undisputed rulers. "Perfect, I'm guessing it's the same ones that started the war". The Queen nodded her head once. "How long have they had to change things to make themselves look like the one wronged"? Pete asked. "Three thousand standard years", was the quiet response. Pete cursed he had hoped it would not be so long. "You needed time", Pete shook his head. "Pete there was no more you could do. Your circle was broken, your people on the verge of extinction. Your worlds had been lost. As it is you are not the threat you once were". Pete didn't want to hear it but he knew that the Queen was right. They had really recovered as it was. "We will do what has to be done. Who knows maybe we will find some more allies this time". The Queen nodded her head. ... Pete stood in his back yard it was late. He was looking up at the stars. Noting that the ones he recognised from his past were in different places. And yet as remained a familiar constant. He felt the strangeness in the air. Something wasn't right again and it was close. Nichole stepped out the back door. "Do you feel that", she asked wrapping her arms about herself. Pete nodded, Nichole as another Fifth would feel it just as Pete did. "It's a wrongness, but I can't place it", she said in a hushed tone. "I will go investigate, you stay and report it to the Guild". Nichole nodded her agreement. Pete closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of wrongness. He had felt it before when he had found the water elemental spirits with Jim. Once he had a lock on the wrongness he opened his eyes and headed in the direction he knew it to be in. ... Derik stood in amongst the trees that lined a small creek near the back of his family home. They were massive and old. And had been there for as long as he could remember. The spirits that possessed the trees had caused them to grow unnaturally big. And now they were dying. Derik ran his hand over the trunk of the largest one. Always in the past he had felt the throb and acknowledgment of the spirit with in. Often it had been accompanied by visions of what the spirits saw. Now it felt dead. It wasn't just the absence of a spirit the tree also felt dead. Pete saw the large strong build of Derik as he walked among the trees. The situation was the same as when he had found Jim. Jim had been by the fountain with the depleted spirits in it. "If I didn't know better I would think you and your friends were responsible for draining the Elemental Spirits". Pete said softly from behind Derik. Derik spun and glared at Pete. "Or we could say the same about your timely arrival to help out". Pete smiled sadly and looked around at the dying trees. "They have very little power I could use. You on the other hand could use them like a battery pack". Derik scowled at Pete's suggestion of using an Elemental Spirit in such a way. Pete smiled more warmly he knew that Derik would respond that way to his suggestion. "well we can stand around debating whether either of us did this or we could help". Derik looked up at the trees. The brown foliage was falling quickly. "You can really help them"? he asked. In response Pete took his hand and knelt down pulling the surprised Derik with him. Burying their joined hands into the soft earth Pete focused. He didn't have to explain to Derik as he had with Jim. He knew that Derik had had Jim's account of what had happened next. "These ones are older and had more power, so they will require more from us to help them". Pete said softly Derik nodded. His wide green eyes never leaving Pete's face. Derik felt Pete draw power through him. Jim had been right being connected to this little Fifth was like nothing he had felt before. The power that Pete must have had at his command was incredible. Pete focused and drew more energy through Derik and funnelled it through the earth to each of the Elemental Spirits. He indicated for Derik to watch the trees. Derik's already wide eyes seemed to get wider as he watched the trees regenerate before his eyes. Where before there had been dead foliage and skeletal branches. There was now healthy growth and vitality. "We did that", he uttered in surprise. Pete smiled and nodded. It was rare to see Derik anything less than controlled and confident. And yet now he looked like a little kid that had been shown a new magic trick. "Will I always feel this way when I'm connected to a Fifth". Pete heard the way Derik's voice caught on Fifth. It was clear he had been going to say connected to you. "Well no. not every Fifth has my strength. But you will always feel that electricity inside you and boost. Being connected to a full circle will be even more intoxicating". Derik looked at Pete sharply surprised at the way he described the sensation. Pete smiled softly. "Well it's intoxicating for me any way. You may feel it differently. I don't know not being an Elemental". Derik nodded and slowly withdrew his hand from Pete's smaller one. He looked up at the trees and smile. "Thank you for helping me with them, I Don't know what I would have done if they died. They are like family to me and have always been there". Pete nodded his understanding. "You should get some rest. Using that much power will have drained you". Derik noted that Pete didn't say us. "And you need to be all bright eyed for Bren", Pete stated with a grin. Derik frowned how did Pete know about Bren. Pete could have thumped himself. Derik and Bren were a very discrete couple as were Si and Jim. "It's obvious if you know what to look for". What he didn't say was that he knew what to look for. Derik felt his cheeks grow warm. He also felt a sudden closeness to this Fifth. "I suppose you are right". Pete smiled as he stood, his arm brushing against Derik's. Derik grabbed Pete's hand again before he could pull away. He drew Pete in and brushed a soft kiss across Pete's lips. Pete looked up at Derik with wide eyes. Derik looked down into the power filled swirling eyes of what he was sure would be his Fifth. "The time is not right yet my love", Pete murmured before pulling away from Derik. Derik stood and watched Pete leave. He was still to stunned by his own actions. And by the endearment Pete had used as he left. The real question was what did the little Fifth mean by the time not being right. ... Pete felt a pull from Greg as he was making his way home. His shoulder sagged. He knew there was only one reason for Greg to call to him. As he turned toward where the pull had come from he felt a spike in Greg's power use. Cursing he began to ran. He hated that his lack of a full circle meant he couldn't move faster. If he had been thinking he would have known that the Dark Elves would have been gathering power to make another play for Greg. Pete just hoped that Greg had listened to him and had not been alone. ... Jim re-entered his bedroom. He and Greg were working on a presentation they had for a class they shared. Greg was sitting where he had left him. Only now he looked as though he was in pain. Or possible constipated. Jim wasn't sure. "Hay what's up", it was clear that Greg tried to respond but couldn't. Jim felt his blood run cold as his bedroom door was closed from the inside. It was clear that what ever the threat was had already neutralised Greg. "So not constipated just captured". Jim said in a fake light-hearted way. Jim turned and saw a Dark Elf. Jim knew what the creature was due to the video games he played. "Well I'll be damned, it's a nut job in cosplay. Have to say the ears look rely good. What you do glue them on". The elf didn't look impressed with Jim's statement. The distraction was enough for Greg to get free of what ever magic the elf had been using on him. "It's a mercenary a Dark Elf", Greg stated as he stood and faced the elf. The elf sneered at both of them. "I know what he is. I play one often", Jim stated not taking his gaze off of the elf. Greg rolled his eyes. "He's real, as in a real elf". Jim turned to Greg with a raised eyebrow, clearly asking are you for real. Greg kind of half shrugged saying that he was. "Well than with that cleared up. What the actual fuck do you think you are doing in my bedroom". As he spoke Jim gathered his own considerable power and caused the water particles around the so-called elf to freeze. The elf was clearly frozen in spot. Jim turned to Greg, "Do you care to explain the mythical creature in my bedroom". Greg tried a smile but failed he really didn't have an explanation. "I'm waiting here man. This guy isn't going to stay on ice long". Greg looked at the elf who was apparently concentrating on its own power. "I don't know alright. Pete only explained what they were and where they came from". Jim frowned at the mention of the small Fifth. "He knows what's going on but, wasn't very forth coming when they attacked me the last time". "You said there was more than one last time", Jim stated turning to face the now half frozen elf. Greg knew instantly what Jim was getting at. "Out the window now, they will be in the house". The elf grinned at the pair. It was clear they had guessed right. "Can you bring him with us", Jim asked looking at the elf harshly. Greg nodded, he had found his telekinetic abilities increased since joining with Pete. "Then let's see how our friend likes the pool", Jim said as he pushed the screen out of his bedroom window. "It's a shame the pool isn't heated", Greg said in response. The backyard was quiet as Greg suspected the other Elves were in the house. "Just drop him in", Jim stated in a surprisingly calm voice. Greg did as instructed, the pool turned to ice instantly. Greg was impressed. He knew that it was rare for an Elemental to be able to change that much water to ice. especially when they weren't part of a circle. Most that were not part of a circle couldn't do ice at all. "So, what did Pete say about these guys". Greg looked down at the now frozen Elf, it was the first time he had gotten a proper look at them. Greyish purple skin, pointy ears, high cheek bones, thin tall. It was a classic Dark Elf. "Not much he just said they were the ones responsible for the Elemental Spirits being drained. And that with time they would start looking for more powerful sources of power". Jim didn't need Greg to explain what the more powerful sources were. It was clear that he meant Elementals and Fifths. Pete looked at the pair standing on the frozen pool. "There are three more in the house. One is powered up on Earth Elemental Spirits". Jim spun around and looked at Pete in surprise. Greg didn't he had called out to Pete when he had been first attacked. "Took your time little one", was all he said with a grin. "I was helping a group of Earth Elemental Spirits. I can't save your ass all the time". Greg laughed at Pete's feisty response. His laugh was cut short as the other three Elves emerged from the house. "Well if it isn't one of the human Sorcerers, an Elemental Mage and an abnormality". The lead Elf said with a sneer. Pete sensed that she was the one with the boost from the Elemental Spirits. "And what do wee have here. A bottom feeder and her companions. You would want to avoid your employer at the moment you would be a bit to tasty for him to pass up". Pete threw back with a sneer of his own. "Watch your tong Human when talking to your betters. A talking Best is still a Best". The Dark Elf said with conviction. Pete was momentarily stunned. He had not thought the High Elves would change their position and standing to that of Beast's. Jim and Greg turned to the sound of Pete laughing. Both were a little surprised at Pete's response at being called a Best. "Three thousand years and that's the best they could do. Do you realise that means that when I kill you it's not murder? As a Beast it is merely an animal protecting its territory. You and yours can't even declare war". Pete doubled over in laughter. Of all the things he thought they would do this was not one of them. His laughter was a mistake. The trio picked out the weakest target Jim. As an Elemental with out a Fifth he was weaker then Greg. The attack was sudden and with out warning. This was due to the fact that it came from a fourth Elf hiding behind them in the garden. The instant it occurred Pete's laughter stopped. The attack had drained Jim, the ice Jim and Greg stood on turned back to water. The first elf's body rose to the surface. Greg swam to the comatose Jim before his head went under for to long. Pete's eyes swirled and sparked with power as he turned and faced the elf that had drained Jim. Pete tilted his head and did something he had never done before. He drained the elf of power and life force as the elf had done to Jim. "Don't take what is not yours" he hissed in aggravation. He turned and drained the two males that stood either side of the female elf. "As my classification is now Beast I can do this with no consequences. Tell me what is the punishment for you for doing the same thing". The female's eyes went wide as she tried to gather her power around her. Pete took it into himself. He reduced the female elf to nothing more than normal. He sneered at her, "Return to your employer and tell him the house of Jorcher remains. And that we feel we like the thought of being a Beast". The Dark Elf scrambled backwards and vanished back to her ship. Pete turned to where Greg had dragged Jim's body from the water. Pete felt the need to cry, Jim was clearly on the verge of death again and he could have prevented it if he had acted sooner. "Don't little one you can do for him what you did for me". Pete nodded Greg was right. He knelt down and placed his hands on Jim. He could feel where his connection had been with Jim and focused on it. Rebuilding it and filling Jim was an easy task with the power he had absorbed from the Elves. Jim struggled before he opened his liquid brown eyes with a start. Jim looked up at Pete and reached out touching his face. "How could I forget you little one". Jim drew Pete in for a light kiss. Greg shifted with a slight frown on his handsome face. Jim turned to his friend with a grin. "Come on sharing him was always epic". Pete laughed, and Greg grinned. Jim's statement was true, when all six of them had been together it was epic. "So, do the others remember or just you and Greg". Pete hesitated for a moment not sure if Jim was ready for the full truth. "Just tell him Pete, he won't be satisfied until he knows", Greg said giving his Fifth a small smile. Pete nodded his agreement. "You and Greg are the only ones who have remembered so far. Given time the others will as well. Also, you are only partially remembering. You should also remember our past life. That's where the Elves come from". Jim nodded only really understanding half of what Pete was saying. In all honesty he was just happy to feel whole again. "Well this explains a lot", Jim stated as he stood up. "I think I will go see Si why he's still innocent so to say. It was clear that Jim was going to go and make love to the innocent version of Si. Greg and Pete watched as Jim took of toward Si's house. "It's only going to get worse isn't it"? Greg asked, Pete nodded. "Why did you let her go"? Pete hesitated before answering. The truth was he wasn't sure why. "I'm hoping that if professionals are sent they will stop attacking the Elemental Spirits. Truthfully it will make it harder for us. A professional cant be drained as I did those other three". Greg looked at the husks of what had once been living beings and shuddered. Pete's eyes sparked. "Don't feel sorry for them, it's what they did to the Elemental Spirits". Again, Greg was surprised at the hardness inside Pete. It was clear they would never have the softer Pete back. Greg want sure whether that was a good or bad thing. Honestly, he missed the less sure Pete. And yet he found the more confident one a real turn on. "Well I think it's time we got rid of the bodies and that I took you home". Pete raised an eyebrow at Greg's statement. "Well I can't very well do what I want to do to you here. I have no interest in public sex do you"? Pete blushed and shook his head. Perhaps not all of the softer unsure Pete was gone after all. Greg grinned at Pete as the pair got rid of the bodies the rest of the night would be fun. To be continued. If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at