Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 08:56:53 +0000 From: Mark Larner Subject: Elemental Circle Ten This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author Hi all thanks for the support I love getting emails from you guys enjoy chapter ten For comments and feedback contact me at .......................................................................... Pete settled Greg onto the lounge. Getting him to the inner city apartment had been surprisingly easy. He looked at the vacant look in Greg's eyes and sighed. This had not been handled the way he had wanted to handle it. He went into the kitchen to pour a strong drink although neither he nor Greg were big drinker. However he felt it might help. Si entered the kitchen. He saw the pale exhausted Pete and knew something had gone down. "Richard", was all Pete said. Si nodded indicating nothing more needed to be said. Pete was grateful that his Elementals all avoided the living area. "Drink this it will help", Pete handed Greg one of the drinks he had poured. Greg looked up at Pete confusion written all over his face. "Just drink that and then I will explain". Greg nodded trusting Pete as he had always done. Pete drank his own drink down wincing at the strong alcohol content. Greg did the same and waited as Pete poured another. Pete sat down on the lounge next to Greg. "There is no easy way to tell you this", Pete started. Greg cut him off, "I died didn't I"? It was more of a statement then a question. Pete looked away and nodded. "Then how, how am I alive now"? Pete couldn't look at Greg and the confusion in his eyes. "We saved you", Greg frowned at Pete. It was at that moment that the others entered the room, they had felt Pete distress. Greg looked at the four that at one point in his life he had been very close to. "How, how is this possible"? Si took over answering and explaining it was clear to him that Pete was in any condition to. "We are Elementals, a group of people who have control over different elements. I'm an air Elemental, Jim is water, Bren is fire and Derik is earth." Greg sat listening to Si. He had always known that the four were a little different. "As such we have the ability to manipulate our individual elements. It is the goal of all Elementals to find a Fifth and to become part of that Fifth's circle. Our Fifth is Pete. A Fifth has a lesser ability in all elements. However they also have what are called light abilities I'm sure Pete used cleansing light tonight". Greg nodded he had heard Pete say that before the bright light had surrounded Jess and healed her. "A lot of a Fifth's light abilities are healing based. As well as that they have telepathic or mental abilities. Some of which have very physical effects. It is a fifth that forms a circle and links or bonds us together. They are able to communicate with us using emotions and images in our heads". Greg sat looking at the five of them a little stunned. "I'm also able to combine different elements and light abilities to do a range of other things". Pete said quietly, the others all nodded in agreement. "Still I don't understand what that has to do with me". Pete indicated for the others to leave. The each nodded and left. "Greg firstly what we did is against our own laws. And if you want to blame anyone you need to blame me not the others. They wouldn't have done what they did if I hadn't asked". Greg nodded he was getting a very bad feeling. "If we hadn't done what we did you would be dead now. However it's changed you into something more than what you were before. "So what you made me an Elemental", Greg tried to laugh. Pete just kind of shrugged indicating that Greg wasn't far wrong. "What did you do to me Pete"? Pete took a deep breath before responding. "When we saved you we didn't really know what we were doing. The others each put their own power into you and then I combined it. At first we just thought we had saved you and that you could live a normal happy life. That is until we found out that a circle can have six people in it. The sixth person is known as a Key". Greg just looked at Pete waiting. "A key is like a new line, the new line has the potential to produce an Elemental's or even Fifth's. The Key has some of the abilities from all of the Elementals and is able to combine them similar to a Fifth. Apart from that we know very little else that a Key can do". Greg looked at Pete and sighed. He realised that if he had never been with Pete he would have lived a normal life. He knew that he wouldn't change it though. Greg stood and walked over to where Pete had been standing. He pulled Pete into a hug. "It's all right little one, I always wanted to be part of the others little group. And now I am, do you have any other surprises for me". Pete smiled up to him and grinned. "Just one, I hope you like being eighteen". Greg frowned, "As long as you are part of my circle you will appear in your late teens". Greg raised an eyebrow clearly confused. "The more powerful the Fifth is that formed your circle the younger you look until the Fifth dies". Greg still looked a little confused. "I'm not going to get much older, eighteen if I'm lucky". Greg was surprised, "And that's not common I take it". Pete shook his head, "So you are really powerful". Pete nodded. Greg smiled, "I'm still not sure about all this but if it means I can be with you I'm happy". Pete smiled as Greg kissed him, words could not express how much he had missed Greg. ...................................................................... Pete sat with his Elementals. Greg had gone to make sure that Jess was ok. He had also gone to talk with his parents regarding uni and the unit. Pete wasn't sure how well the talk about uni would go. Pete was sure they could work it out. "He will need to be tested", Bren said the others all agreed. Pete had to agree, all the information they had, had on a Key was old. "Each of you will have to attack him. The final test will be the same as yours". Pete said softly, the others nodded in agreement. "We can't do it on the Island though", Si said. Pete frowned but waited for Si to elaborate. Si looked directly at Pete when he continued. "The dragon said that we could not trust all circles, except those of blood. As she was speaking to you I assume that means your blood". Pete frowned he had thought on what the dragon had said. "I don't trust her", Pete stated. The others looked at him surprised. There was the sound of laughter from behind them. Pete turned and saw the golden dragon in her human form. "A very good way of looking at things Peter", Pete frowned he had not expected to see her. Today she wore a yellow sundress with her golden blonde hair flowing free. "I'm glad you agree", Pete said as he stood up. The Dragon smiled at him as a predator would to pray. "Question as you are here, can we trust all of the circles blood". The Dragon laughed, but nodded. "Can you tell us anything else or are you just here to be cryptic", Bren demanded. Pete put his hand on Bren's arm, he seemed to relax instantly. "It is good to see you have control of your circle Pete". Pete frowned at the dragons comment, but he smiled. "I don't need control. Our closeness makes it possible for us to work so well with each other". The dragon laughed again and vanished as quickly as she appeared. Leaving the sound of her laughter behind. "Well that at least lets us all trust family" Derik said with a smile. ............................................................................ Greg was walking to the bus stop. His family wasn't happy with him delaying uni for a semester. However they had still supported him. Especially after he told them to let the unit go. His only explanation had been that Pete had returned and things had changed. Greg saw Derik in the empty park near the bus stop. It was the same park he had met Pete in. Greg smiled as he crossed into the park to talk to what he thought of as an old friend. Derik watched as Greg approached. It was late and dark, he knew that Greg had been talking to his family and would be along. Pete was further in the park with the others. Derik straightened his shoulders he wasn't looking forward to what he was there to do. "Hay", Greg said as way of greeting noting the stiff tenseness of Derik's muscles. "We need to test you", was Derik's only response before he attacked. Greg wasn't expecting what happened next in the few days he had spent with the others they had never made any indication that they wanted to test him. The ground began to shake and split open. Greg watched for a moment to stunned to react. The ground beneath him gave way without warning. Greg felt himself falling. He saw Derik looking down at him from the top of the hole he had created. And then there was a mental image with a soft reassuring push. Pete had instructed Greg on how to feel for his power. Pete had also instructed him on how each element felt a little different when he wanted to use different elemental skills. The image Pete had sent was of a massive set of wings. Greg wasn't a hundred percent sure how he knew what to do but he knew. He felt the wings form around his quickly falling body. He released them and instantly began to saw upwards. Derik had begun to close the hole. He had thought that he had Greg trapped. He had been aiming to force Greg to use Earth skills to get out. Greg burst out of the rapidly closing hole. Showering Derik with dirt and knocking Derik over with the wind gust caused by his wings. Derik was surprised to see Greg flying, it was clear to him that someone was helping. Derik's eyes widened when he received his own mental image from Pete. Pete had once seen Derik make a plant grow with Bren's help. The image that Pete gave Derik was of him controlling the massive trees around them to try and pin the currently flying Greg down. Derik didn't hesitate, he felt for the tress as he would normally the earth. Derik was surprised to find that the tress seemed to have a very slow thought wave. Derik tried to follow the thoughts. They seemed to be coming from one spot. He wasn't surprised to find that the oldest and largest of the trees in the park was possessed by an Earth Spirit. Using a series of images to communicate Derik was able to convince the spirit to help. Greg flew above the trees. It made him feel so free and exhilarated. That is until the first branch reached out and grasped his foot. It wasn't long before Greg was pulled down into the trees where he felt the wings he had constructed being ripped apart. Greg felt himself slip between the tree branches and hit the ground where he was instantly pulled underground. Derik watched as Greg sunk into the ground. Pete walked up behind Derik. "Will he survive"? Derik pulled Pete to him and nodded. "Yes he is relatively in tune with my element." The pair stood and watched the spot that Greg had been pulled under at. Greg felt the pressure of the earth around him. This time there were no images to help him. This time he knew he had to get out by himself. Thinking frantically Greg tried to remember what Derik had said about his element. Derik had said that if you let it, the earth will keep you forever. Greg tried to focus on the warmth that was his centre where he found hi power and strength. He knew that the only way out was to push himself out. Focusing on the earth around him Greg forced the Earth to push him to the surface. Pete watched and waited it had been too long. "Look", Derik said as the ground began to shift. Pete let out a sigh of relief as Greg appeared covered in dirt. "You should go he's probable a little pissed at you at the moment", Pete said to Derik. Derik looked over at the emerging Greg and grinned but nodded and headed off toward the others. Derik stopped at the massive tree and thanked the spirit within for its help. Unsurprisingly he got nothing in return. Derik shook his head amazed that the tree had existed so long without anyone trying to get rid of the earth spirit. .............................................................................. Greg regained his feet and instantly looked around for Derik. He was pleased to see Pete with a small smile. "Did I pass my Earth test little one". Pete nodded and then caused a gust of air to flow around Greg blowing all the dirt off of him. "I'm sorry Greg we just had to know that you really had control over the Earth element." Greg nodded and pulled Pete to him planting a kiss on his forehead. "So I've got three more tests". Pete stiffened in his arms, "Pete what is it"? Greg asked trying to reassure Pete he wouldn't be angry. "There will be four. You still have to face me". Greg held Pete tighter to his body understanding why Greg was worried. He knew that the last thing Pete had ever wanted was to harm him. "It's ok little one, I got past Derik and I will go up against you". Pete nodded, "Now where are the others". Pete grabbed Greg's hand and took him to the others. The others all smiled at Greg. Derik got up and pulled his friend into a hug. "I'm sorry man there really was no other way. The rest of us have been connected to our elements since we were born". Greg nodded indicating he understood the need. "We should get to the house. Nichole is probably making everyone agitated with worry". The others all agreed Nichole did tend to worry about things. ............................................................................... Over the next few days Greg found himself spending a lot of time with Derik and Rob, Pete's brother. The pair showed him a lot about the Earth Element. Greg quickly realised he was not as strong as they were with the element. When he asked Rob about it, h had said he should ask Pete as Pete would no doubt have an answer. Greg found Pete sitting quietly in the back yard. He had a faraway look about him. "Deep thoughts little one". Pete smiled as he turned and faced Greg. Greg sat down next to him and waited for Pete to say something. "I have to tell you something that you may not like". Greg grinned he doubted there was anything that Pete could say that he wouldn't like. Pete could think of no easy way of telling Greg, but knew he had to. "You need to fake your own death". Greg looked at Pete stunned. He had thought that Pete was going to explain the obviously close and physical relationship he had with the others. "What? Why would I have to do that?" Pete looked away not ready to see the pain that was about to appear in Greg's eyes. "You remember me telling you, that you would not age normally". Greg nodded with a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Well you can't tell them why and they are going to start to notice". Greg stared at Pete in stunned silence. "There is one other option", Pete said not meeting Greg's eye. "I'm going to like it even less aren't I?" Greg said softly, Pete nodded still not looking at Greg. "Tell me Pete". Pete looked over at Greg with tear in his eyes. Greg heard the back entrance open and close. Bren came out and sat beside Pete putting his arm around the clearly upset Pete. "He doesn't want to say but knows he has to give you the choice". Greg was confused by Bren's comment and a little annoyed at the close familiarity between the two. "He told you that you can fake your own death in a year or so." Greg nodded, "The only other choice is leaving the circle, you will age naturally from that point as its part of being in a circle that stopes aging". Greg looked at the pair and understood why Pete was upset. Truth be told he was upset as well. "If it helps you don't need to make a choice right away. We just felt you should know everything", Bren said squeezing Pete tightly. "We will leave you to think about it, ask anyone in the house". Greg nodded not sure what to say. Pete hugged him quickly before running into the house. "He's always going to be like that isn't he", Greg said. Bren nodded and smiled. "Never to have full control of your emotions must be hard on him". Bren nodded again, he squeezed Greg's shoulder and was about to leave him. "Would you really want him any other way? He says he might get to eighteen, personally I haven't seen a change since we met". Greg looked over at Bren and smiled his agreement. To him Pete was perfect the way he was. Even if that was somewhat emotional and sixteen. ............................................................................ The four younger Elementals sat in the large living room. Nichole walked in and looked at them calmly. "If it isn't too much trouble do you four think you could talk your Fifth into not monopolising my Elementals time. His brother I understand, the others not so much". With that she turned and left closely followed by the ever present Alice. The four entered Pete's bedroom. Wedged between the larger forms of Dan and Jack was a very content looking Pete. Jack was the first to notice them and sat up not disturbing Pete. Jack looked pissed at them. "It's about time you lot got your sorry asses up here. Do you have any idea how hard it is to say no to Pete when he's upset"? The four looked down ashamed that they had not been the ones to comfort Pete. Jack glared at them again and woke Dan, who looked equally pissed at them. "It's not all their fault", Jack turned to Pete and ran his hands threw Pete's long hair. Dan lent down and kissed Pete on the forehead. "You guys should go before I piss Nichole off even more". Both Jack and Dan chuckled as they left the room. Jack and Dan were quickly replaced by Bren and Jim. Si and Derik were on the outer. However Pete felt safe with them all in the bed with him. He giggled and was thankful for the large king size bed. "You need to stop hiding things from us", Jim murmured into Pete's ear. He could feel Bren nodding his agreement with Jim. "I will work on it", Pete said before drifting back into sleep. ............................................................................... Nichole calmed down as soon as she saw her Elementals come down the stairs. Jack bent and kissed her and Dan hugged her. Nothing needed to be said, Nichole knew they loved her. "He was hiding things from them again wasn't he"? She asked, Dan nodded. "Where is the other one, Greg"? Jack pointed out to the backyard. Nichole thanked them and left out the back entrance. Nichole watched Greg silently. She could tell that he was having a hard time dealing with things. "You are over thinking it", Greg spun around and looked at the slender pretty red head. "You have an opportunity to be part of the strongest circle anyone has seen in generations. You now have power that few could imagine. And you have life and youth, you keep him alive and you can live for hundreds of years". Greg was amazed again. Pete had never said that they might live longer, just that they would be young. "But my family", he counted Nichole's arguments. Nichole took pity on the boy. She still had her family. "Talk to Rob and Jack, they have lost their parents. And just remember you aren't alone in this. You have Pete and the rest of the circle". Greg nodded understanding what Nichole was trying to say. ............................................................................ Over the next three weeks Greg felt as if his head was going to explode with all the information and training the others were putting him through. Jim, Si and Bren had all tested him and found his ability with their Elements to be above average for an elemental. This is not to say he was as strong as them in their given Element. Greg was sat in Pete's room trying to have a nap. He liked to nap on Pete's bed as it smelt strongly of Pete. Pete found Greg on his bed and smiled. "Greg it's time", Greg rubbed his eyes and looked at the serious expression on Pete's face. Pete telling him it was time could only meant one thing. However the approach was different. Instead of springing an attack on Greg Pete had informed him it was time. "Sit on the floor with me, this shouldn't take long". Greg sat across from Pete a little confused with what was going on. "My test is simple compared to the others. All I need you to do is use the fifth skill Elemental Blast". Pete demonstrated the skill he wanted Greg to use. Elemental Blast was a combination of all the elements. And something not all Fifths could do. "Focus Greg and pull power from all the Elements and then combine it using the light around us. Greg tried to focus and do as Pete asked. He may have sat on the floor with Pete for a minute or an hour. Greg wasn't sure. However he felt as the elements combined into what Pete had asked him to do. "That's enough Greg. We don't want to destroy the house. Greg opened his eyes and saw a grinning Pete. Pete lent forward and kissed Greg passionately on the lips. "I past I take it", Greg said grinning at Pete. Pete nodded and kissed Greg again. Greg felt himself get semi hard. "Does that mean I'm a full member of the circle if I choose to stay"? Pete stiffened but nodded. Greg smiled at Pete, "Good because I want to stay with you and the others". Pete grinned so happy with Greg's choice. Greg couldn't help it he grinned back. To be continued .............................................................................. If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at