Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 10:00:36 +0000 From: Mark Larner Subject: Elemental Circle chapter 15 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author For comments and feedback contact me at Elemental Circle chapter 15 Pete woke with a start. A pair of unfamiliar and yet comforting arms were around him. He sat up as Richard loosened his hold on him. Pushing his too long hair away from his face Pete stood up. Looking around he noted that the ship had been stripped. Leaving it as nothing more than a large chamber. "Del, I know you are there". A woman appeared from what looked like thing air. The woman turned to Pete with a glare. "I am not programmed to respond to none hosts". Pete wasn't surprised. "That's fine you will learn, tell me the year". The AI didn't respond. "You might as well tell me there are no hosts here". Del the AI looked at the short human. Her scanners read that he was what was called a fifth as was his companion. Having no other instructions to follow the AI Del responded. The year is 2016 as humanity tells it, two years after first contact with the planet known by its native inhabitants as Earth". Pete watched as the AI displayed very human emotions of confusion at the date. "Magic, makes time travel possible. What is the ships current location"? The AI explained they were in a shielded orbit around the planet. "Very well, maintain this orbit, we will be departing shortly". Rich watched the younger Fifth. And in all honesty was worried. In the past all his interactions with Pete had ended relatively emotionally. Now Pete stood there showing no emotion and a hardness that had not been there before. "Richard it's time we rejoined our circles, I feel the only way we can beat the parasite is in the past". Richard nodded his agreement worried about Pete. Pete chose to ignore the worry that was written clearly across Richards face. Gary felt it first. The removal of Pete's presence from his mind. It was as if someone had came along with a knife and cut it. The others also soon felt it and the lack of connection to each other. As their lack of connection occurred each member of the circle felt the memories of their future selves' surface in their minds. It felt like they were two people and yet the same person. Each of them began to experience everything that their future selves experienced. At the end they all knew what would happen. The five looked at each other not sure what to say. It was clear to them that Pete had gone to the future and had somehow obtained a boost to their power. Pete stood in the shadows waiting for the memories to surface in his circle. With a small sigh he stepped forward reaching out to his circle with his mind. The comfort that flowed to him instantly would have had the old Pete in tears. Pete knew things had changed, he knew he had changed. He accepted the comfort however held on to his composure. The other five all looked at him surprised. They all felt his gratitude from their comfort. However on the surface Pete appeared in control and calm. Only his circle knew that he was anything but calm and controlled. Pete hugged each of his circle in turn. It was not only him that needed a little comfort. His circle now had the memories of their future selves that would not come to pass if Pete had anything to do with it. Pete turned to Rich, "I will give your circle the power to go back into the past". Rich nodded he understood what Pete wanted the others all looked at the two Fifths confused at their sudden agreement. Pete turned to the circles and smiled sadly at them before explaining. "As we all know the founder of the guild was a male fifth. It was this fifth that established the laws that the majority of Elementals and Fifths now govern themselves by. That male fifth is Richard". Pete paused letting he information impact both circles. The only one that wasn't surprised was Richard. "Rich and his circle will go back with the added strength that I have obtained from my future circle. They will leave it in the ship or temple for us to obtain at which point we will return to the time that the parasites first appeared on Earth". No one spoke none were sure what to say they were however sure that Pete had worked it all out. Pete approached each of Richards circle and past the power that he had obtained from the future to them. He then turned to Richard. "You will be the keeper of the Keys power" Richard nodded once understanding the importance of the power Pete gave him. Pete looked into Richards eyes one last time, "I understand and forgive you and yours". Richard was surprised and unable to respond to Pete. "Now go you know what you need to do, make sure this city and temple exists and make sure the guild happens". Richard nodded once before turning to his circle. Richard and his circle joined hands and vanished in a bright white light as had Pete and Rich before. Pete turned to his own stunned circle. He gave them each a small smile that none really responded to. Pete sighed before speaking. "Now it is our turn to go back to where this began". The others frowned, but Pete was sure of the time they had to return to. He knew that the parasites had already started to corrupt the Dragons, and he knew when it had to have started. Without a word the six boys joined hands the others trusting Pete to know what he was doing. Pete looked at each member of his circle and felt defeated. He loved each of them however he knew he was going to have to let others he loved just as deeply die in order to remove the parasites and make sure time flowed in the way it had to. Pete knew that not all things had to stay the same small changes could be made. However the changes he wished to make could never happen without changing their future or present as it was. Pete knew he had a choice to make one that could change everything. Pete took a deep breath and took his circle back. He took them back to the day his life was turned upside down. The wooded area was as Pete remembered it that day. The sky was clear from the night before rain. The rain had made the grass and undergrowth damp. Greg wrapped his arms around Pete not fully understanding what was happening. However he knew that Pete had taken them to a point in time that meant a great deal to Pete. Pete turned in Greg's arms and hugged him tightly wishing there was more he could do. Releasing Greg he turned to his circle. "Today is the day that I was attacked and my first Elementals and parents were killed. At the time the attack was unexplained and my survival even more confusing". Pete paused and looked at his circle sadly. "We can't change the past anymore then we have to even if we want to. None of you have reason to stop what is about to happen. However I do and as such I need you all to make sure I don't change what is about to happen". The five nodded as Pete indicated that they should hide. Pete walked between his two Elementals Tim and Darrel. They were ahead of his parents and their circle. Pete couldn't help but smile and skip as he held the hands of his first two Elementals. Having found the two Pete was excited he felt for sure now that he would find the others and be able to form his own all male circle. The clearing the three ended in was a large one that had been made by his parents to help with training. Pete had never been to the clearing before. However he had heard Rob and Nichole talk about it a number of times. The clearing was far enough away so that no normal would notice what was going on. In the clearing Pete hugged his two elemental impulsively, he wasn't sure why but he held onto them longer than normal relishing t heir presents. An older Pete watched his younger self in the clearing. The hug was their goodbye, never again would Darrel and Tim hug him like that. Greg put his arms around Pete and comforted him as best he could. The circle had come to realise what Pete had realised. The parasites had attacked Pete and his family when they first arrived. It was obvious that they had known that Pete was a threat even then. The attack was sudden. It was o wounder it was placed under that of a swarm of elemental spirits. It was plain to see by all that the elemental spirits were more concerned with the parasites then the circles in the clearing. Pete watched his younger self pass out. He watched as his parents fell and as Darrel and Tim died. Strangely he felt detached as he watched the attack. Before the creatures that had the parasites in them could finish the younger Pete off the older and his circle attacked. The fight was brief with the added power that Pete and his circle had from the future. The threat was eliminated. The older Pete looked at his younger self sadly understanding what he was going to go through. As the six stood there looking around at the dead a bright light appeared. The light became that of the golden Dragon they had first met. "I would thank you young Peter they went through our ranks quickly". Pete nodded excepting the gratitude of the dragon. "I understand you did not do it for us but for humanity. We Dragons see much along the threads of time". Pete smiled sadly at the Dragon wishing she would go away. "I offer you a gift in return for all that you have gone through. However you alone must make the choice". Pete nodded ready to listen to whatever the Dragon had to offer. Epilogue Pete woke with a start. He sat up in the partially unpacked room in the house he shared with his brother and the circle his brother was part of. Pete looked around and smiled the dragon had done what he asked. She had somehow altered everything so that he was starting back at his first day in his new school, before he had met Greg and the rest of his circle. It may have seemed a bit unfair however Pete wanted a do over with his circle. That and as he would be the only one who remembered all that had happened thing should go better. Pete grinned to himself knowing that he would meet his circle and love of his life. He couldn't help but feel that life was good and everything would work out for the best. The End Ok I would just like to say a few final things. Firstly a story must come to an end. Having said that I appreciate all the emails and support I have had with this story. I would keep it going for ever however a story must end otherwise it becomes repetitive and dull. This is not however to say that I may not think of a sequel after all I set it up for one. I hope all enjoyed and thank you all fpor reading. If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at