Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 18:57:57 +0000 (UTC) From: Abra Cadabra Subject: flex dance power (part 1) Donate to Nifty to keep giving these stories a place. Content: Donnie gets magic powers from nude flexing and cumming with three other hot boys. They are hunted by dark forces, of course. *** Seven Charges of Flex-Dance Power*** *** Chapter One *** I had felt an odd, prickly heat in my calves all day. It made me think my lithe, athletic teen body didn't want to sit still – fair enough. But exercise only made it worse. By the time evening rolled around, the heat had crept up past my knees. Once my parents were back in the county, I'd ask them if this was something serious. I skated along the road in sweatpants and a t-shirt, freeballing because I felt lazy, when I noticed that the world had gone eerily quiet, even for a sleepy suburb. No bird song or faraway car noises. The streetlights went on and a shadow fell over me – of something that must have been behind me all along. I looked up and a scream died in my throat. A pure black... thing, taller than a person, like made of smoke yet solid. I stumbled off my skateboard and raced for home. The door was only ajar so I could slip in and slam it shut within seconds. Looking out the window I saw the dark thing move closer. A loud knocking at the back of the house made me jump. I ran through the living room and into the kitchen. Someone tall stood on the back porch. I turned on the light and saw Ivo, a European boy I knew from school. Something about him was different. He still had the same thick muscles – given to him by perfect genetics and hard training. He was shirtless, wearing only basketball shorts and sneakers. There was a layer of sweat on his give-way-sign shaped torso. His barely defined abs were visible when he breathed in the low light. He had never been by my house. "Ivo? What?" The big boy swore in his native tongue. "Just lemme in, Donnie!" I complied. As he walked in on his legs that were nearly as thick as my lean waist, I realized what was different. Ivo had lost his dense scruff and eyebrows. In fact, there was not a single hair on his once hairy body. Even his scalp was smooth, except for a hand sized remainder of gelled up spikes exactly on top. His sharp eyes had a look of horror in them. "Has it found you already?" "You mean... the dark thing? Yeah." Again, Ivo cursed in a foreign language. Where was he from again? Croatia? "Okay," said the big boy and took a few deep breaths. The odor of his sweaty body spread to me. "Those things are Stalkers. They want to harvest us. Me, you and some others. Thane sent me straight to find you." "Who? What?" "Thane. He called me. He's... a counselor or something." There was a sound like nails on glass. I whipped around and looked into the living room. Three dark things – Stalkers – stood at the windows and used their claws of solid smoke to scratch their way in. "They'll get in soon," Ivo said, walking past me. "I fought off one, but three is too many." "You... fought a Stalker? How? Baseball bat?" "Magic. You feel the heat in your legs? Yeah, that's magic trying to flow through you. Thane gave me instructions." A window broke, one line running diagonally across the glass. The smoke things were not just scratching. Apparently they had some weight, too, and used it to push. "Upstairs," I said. As soon as we arrived in my room, Ivo slipped out of his sneakers, revealing big feet. He turned around to close the door. From the back, his thick body was truly a strong V, but the torso was overshadowed by his glutes. In his shorts, they looked to be spherical – rivaling most globes for their roundness. Then, to my shock, he pushed his shorts down and stepped out of them. I hadn't had any expectations for his junk but what I saw dangling between his legs, even before Ivo turned back to face me, was scary big. At least he wasn't growing any further, just getting hard. Wait, he was getting hard? "Um..." I started. "Here's how magic works," Ivo said. "Anything touching your skin distracts the flow, so get rid of it." "But..." He cursed in – probably - Croatian. "Fucking strip, you idiot. They'll harvest you." I glanced out the window of my room. Two more Stalkers had found their way to my house, occupying the backdoor. There was no way to escape. Meanwhile, Ivo read something on his phone. With a deep breath, I pulled my pants down. I wasn't as impressive as the big boy, but he didn't exactly have time to make crude jokes. When I was fully nude, and sort of insecure, Ivo put his phone down. "I reread what Thane told me. Now do as I do. First we open ourselves up to the flow of magic." He stomped like a sumo ringer, feet far apart and swinging his whole body. I felt silly doing the same thing but the heat responded. It *moved* as if warm water were sloshing inside my calves. Ivo slapped and even punched his thighs but also slapped the ground. I did the same thing and realized more heat entering me from below. It rose all the way to my hips. "Are you open, Donnie?" "I... think so?" "Now we make it flow higher. Flex your legs. When you feel it shoot up, flex your butt." I did as I was told but it was tricky for me to coordinate my muscles this way. Clearly, Ivo had a lot of practice flexing at the mirror. Ivo said, "Now go into abdominal-thigh pose, then lat spread. Really makes it flow up." "Abdominal... what?" The eastern boy sighed and flexed. I copied his poses. It made sense, really. We flexed our thighs and abs to make the hot energy rise into the stomach, then used lat spreads to beckon it farther. Ivo did a few poses he didn't even explain and slapped his chest. "What are you doing now?" I asked. "Just go with the flow – literally. Feel where the energy goes and flex muscles that are... how do you say? Adjacent." While I tried my best, I couldn't help some of the magic escaping me. My skin sizzled uncomfortably. Then it was like a switch flipped. I was suddenly crazy horny. My dick grew with every rapid heartbeat. Luckily Ivo already had a full boner himself or I would have died of embarrassment. "Double bi, Donnie." "What?" I asked. "Flex your arms." Ivo hit the double bi pose and made his mountains of meat rise. Doing the same, I caused energy to shoot into my arms. There was now more room for magic to stream into my legs, so I flexed abs, then lats, then chest, to fill myself again. Ivos breath was fast and heavy. "It's happening. I'm... gonna... I'm gonna fucking... cast... uh." He hit a pose I recognized – most muscular. "Here it... uh... uh... comes. Uh. Uh-uh-uh. Uhhhh!" A string of cum shot from his dick, but it *glowed*. The gold white line streamed up from his dick's tip until it was on the height of his face, then it broke off his body and flew in a slow arch. Where the magic cum hit the ground, it formed a wide puddle. That glowing puddle showed the outside of my home, like a fogged up piece of glass. The Stalkers had multiplied again. At the horrifying sight, more energy splashed into my legs and drove itself up to my hips. I instinctively hip trusted the air. Continuing to thrust, I copied the most muscular pose to the best of my abilities. A hands-free orgasm shook me and I gasped, then moaned with an embarrassing high pitch. The cum was glowing as it left me but there was no puddle. It just fizzled out. Then the heat in my body wanted to escape all at once. First, it only streamed out my calves. My body hair fell victim to the outward flow. I reached down as my calves and then thighs had all hair burned off from the inside. Feeling the absolute smoothness on the skin, I could sense the heat escape higher up, too. My pubes were permanently destroyed next, followed by my treasure trail. Once the de-hair-ing arrived at my chest, I realized I was about to look as ridiculous as Ivo with his lack of brows and the little dot of hair on top. I focused on releasing the heat, flexing and twisting as needed. Heat rose into my face, but was ejected as little spots of warmth before reaching my forehead. When all heat was gone, I looked at the window and saw my reflection. I had successfully kept my brows, save for a cleanly cut slit separating a third of the left brow. My head hair was not unharmed but it was more of a permanent undercut rather than Ivo's ridiculous style. "What just happened?" I asked. Ivo grinned. "That, Donnie, was magic. I told you it interferes with stuff on your skin. I didn't fully trust Thane at first and wore pants when I casted. They caught fire." A window downstairs shattered. Ivo pointed at the puddle. It showed the back of the house now. His accent was stronger when he spoke hurriedly. "Look, they broke through here. We need to get out at the front." "But they have us surrounded." "The garage!" The big boy grabbed his possessions and dashed downstairs. I grabbed my gym bag and ran after him. Only in the garage did I notice I had left my phone behind. Ivo slammed the door shut but I still caught a glimpse of the Stalker that had slipped into the house. It would undoubtedly be followed by others. "How do we escape?" I asked. "They'll follow us. Where do we go?" "Wait," Ivo said, looked at his phone and mumbled in Croatian. "Thane said... now that there's two of us... we can use magic to get to the next locus." "The next what?" Ivo ignored me. Instead he was already flexing and stomping. "We can't touch anything while we cast, so keep your stuff close." I took in energy again, slapping my thighs and flexing my ass. Faster than last time, the horniness kicked in and my limp dick re-hardened. There was a *thud* at the door. The Stalker was trying to get in. Scratching sounds of claws on wood made me shiver. We moved onto the arm flexing phase, storing more energy in our torsos. Ivo kept beating his chest, while I found lat spreads sufficient. Maybe I just didn't have big enough pecs for them to matter. "Are you ready?" Ivo asked. "I think so? What do I have to do?" "Just... focus on getting away." The super buff kid stepped up to me, grabbed my dick and put our fuck tools together. "Uh..." he made, breathing into my face. "Casting now... uh... Uhhhhh!" When he cummed, it drew out my orgasm, too. Was our magic coordinating? The golden strings swirled around our junks, then spread out to around our hips and spiraled down. "Now!" Ivo said. "Grab the stuff." I bent down to snatch my gym bag off the floor when I started falling. I managed to get a strap in my hand before the world around me vanished and a storm of white and gold rushed past me. We landed on asphalt but it was not a hard drop – just a sensation like right after jumping normally. Ivo slipped back into his basketball shorts and sneakers. I opened my bag and found gym shorts of my own, plus a polyester tank top. There were sneakers, too, but no socks. Aside from Ivo's shirtlessness (and size), we now looked alike. "Hey," I said. "I know where we are. School's this way." Ivo looked up from his phone. "Counselor Thane says we have to hurry." "To where, the school?" "Yeah, he thinks it's the locus. I'll read his text on the way."