Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 10:18:32 +0000 (UTC) From: Abra Cadabra Subject: Fuxer - part 14 Fuxer 14 - What about Zack On the flight back home, Xander and Nova were in different planes. This was for the best since Xander could hardly contain himself with a mix of joy and fear. He tried to make conversation with the guy next to him. "Hey Bert, any plans this weekend?" The boi whose sky blue singlet read `Bolt' pulled one air pod out. "Uhhhh, just dance and drink and get off. Ya know, stress relief hehe." Xander casually touched his naked, smooth leg to the ginger's. He untangled some knots in reality and zipped others tight. Norbert's singlet turned pink. Just as it started to fade except for the thong portion, Xander pulled back. A few stray `reality-fibers' reached out to places around the world, in Bert's apartment, at his parents place, in Seaboard City. "Specifically?" the blond god of muscles and the fate of sexualities asked. "Party House 207 probably," Bert said, absentmindedly. "Just find a bitch to sink my dick into." Still straight? Xander made their legs touch again and prodded reality. `Bolt' became `Nut' and Norbert rose a bit in his seat as his ass grew. His gay self had been doing a lot more squats. The reality bender shifted the world a little more and Bert's whole body structure got a tiny bit altered, just a few percent less fat and narrower hips. Just to make him even easier on the eyes. Xander realized that he had the boi at his mercy and got a semi hard-on. Wait, he could probably even change Bert's dick size. Nah, what he had was fine. "Sorry," Xander said, shaking his head lightly. "I didn't catch that." Norbert aka Nut Boi cleared his throat. "I said, we'll probably hit the ol' gay bar for a warm up, we three," he gestured to Xander and Will who was playing games on his phone. "Then hit `The Petal' or `Blisss!' depending on what we feel like." Those were a gay club and a bathhouse respectively. Xander had never been to either, but he had looked up what Seaboard City offered. "Sounds good," Xander said and rose, stretching his limbs. "I'll check up on the sidekicks." *** The exhausted Todd was almost asleep but still pried his eyes open as Xander put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Todd, old pal. I just want you to know I'm grateful you got us there so fast. I know how overloading your power tires you out but..." Xander rambled platitudes while working his bender magic. The slightly homophobic twink turned gay so fast that his singlet overshot pink and turned into some weird rainbow harness from a universe Xander had never been to. Xander corrected his mistake to make Todd's attire match his own and took a bit off the muscles from Todd's already slim body. Todd was the ultimate twink at last. A 4D-look let him admire his work. For good measure – and revenge – Xander reached for yet another reality and made it true. He removed a third from Todd's dick size, then shrunk the balls to match. Next time Todd got hard, he'd find his proud 16 centimeters/6 incher were and had always been an unimpressively thin 10cm/4''. " I hope you're aware how glad we are that we can depend on you." "Thanks, bro," Todd said, sleepily. "Same goes for you, Vince," Xander said and playfully ruffled B11's blond hair. Vince was already the thinnest sidekick and subtle changes to his frame and muscle composition ensured he'd always stay that way. But the now gay former homophobe got one muscle increase gifted to him – he got a nice ass, much better than his original genetics would have easily let him have. And to drive the point home, Xander `corrected' Vince's dick to something more appropriate while he thanked the sidekick for his efforts. Glancing with 4D vision, Xander looked through the pink singlet as Vince lost two third of his crotch's size, going from 14cm/5.5'' hard to a laughable 4.5cm/1.7'' of an `erection' if you could call it that. A natural bottom. But the two freshly created twink bottoms needed willing tops at the HQ. Xander walked through and `checked up' on the sidekicks in the compartment. The pink uniforms would make it easy to keep track of who was altered. B3, B4 and B6 (aka Reuben, Lloyd, Filipe) ended up making the back part of the plane an all gay area. Xander took special care of `flight instructor' Filipe, who he considered a decently good friend. It wouldn't do to just turn him gay. Luckily, Xander had talked to him at the gym often enough to know his insecurities. The cute Brazilian deserved broader shoulders and more pronounced abs. And – why not – also a bit of length and girth just to make sure he was extra tempted to become a twunky top. Xander felt reality-fibers slide into place all across the globe as several girls got unfucked, Seaboard City saw a tiny increase in gay-targeted establishments, and many little changes to the effected sidekicks' private lives. *** Feeling bold, Xander placed his hand on Akio's shoulder. The captain in the pilot's chair turned back briefly, then looked ahead again. "Anything the matter?" Akio asked. Xander shifted the world carefully. He didn't want to summon `Aurum' since piss powers would strain credibility. There was only so much this world would accept before he needed a much bigger shift that Omen could detect. "We were just making weekend plans," Xander said. "Ah, care to invite me?" Akio's singlet was solid pink. "The bar or the bathhouse?" Yes, he had turned. "Both?" Xander asked, trying to sound less excited than he felt. A gay team captain. He had dreamed of this even before he had found his powers. "Sure, but who goes where?" Akio – still tagged as `Aqua' asked. "We can't all barge into the same place. Folks have come close to figuring out which gang of rowdy homos is the superpowered one." Wow, a protocol to deal with the influx of gay heroes. Well, since there were fewer gay than straight places, this was probably necessary. "Haven't picked yet," Xander said. "I'll ask Garth what he's planning." Akio chuckled lightly. "Doesn't he always take the straight `kicks to, what's it called, Party House two-something?" Xander just grunted. In just a second, Guard Boi was going to be the version he had been on the way into battle. *** As soon as they got off the plane at the HQ, Xander jogged over to the other group – trying to look casual but still feeling nervous. He muscled up to his maximum to give himself confidence, his crazy big dick making the singlet's crotch bulge obscenely and drawing looks from the – currently – straight team members. Good. He felt better. Zack was hovering in the air to oversee the unloading of the heat gun. While watching Zack, Xander noticed that Akio had followed him and talked to Henry-B1 but kept casting glances at Katashi-B2. Hm, in the universe where both the Japanese bois had been gay, they had been boyfriends. Did gay Akio have a crush on straight Katashi? Xander walked around the chattering crowd and brushed up against the Asian sidekick. Turning him gay was easy but did he want to make sure their relationship went a certain way? Having a team captain who only bottomed was temptingly fun, but Katashi already had a nice ass and it was also tempting to improve upon that. It didn't matter. Akio and Katashi met and grabbed each other's hands right away. Sickeningly sweet. Xander would leave them to it for now. Zack was finally landing, so approaching him felt plausibly casual. Omen popped into the space right in front of Xander. To his right was Ranger, to his left Spaceoid. "Fuxer, we have detected several minor realty fluctuations." "Oh, um..." Xander glanced past the trio of adult heroes. Should he beg? Should he explain? Should he just... He took a step toward Zack. "Let's talk this out in the lounge and-" "No, Fuxer," Omen said and held out his hand. "We have reason to believe you are altering reality on purpose. It seems that your power's reach is vastly beyond anything we have previously seen." "I... I swear I'm not turning into a villain. Hey, Jed! Lie detector me. I'm not working to harm Superheroes." The bois formed a wide circle around the trio and Xander. Jed stepped closer. "True," the `kick said. "And," Xander said, keeping his impossible muscular body tense, "I have done no harm to anyone with my powers and don't intend to. "Uh, buddy, that registers as a half-truth." Xander frowned. Oh, he had shrunken two dicks whose owners would have found that disagreeable. "Oh shit. I can fix that." "True," Jed said, slowly. "But I'm a little concerned now." He took a step back into the safety of the other sidekicks. Zack was almost in reach. Xander could just dash over and work his magic. He was so fucking close. He could have cried. "Don't move, Fuxer," Omen said. "Spaceoid will open a portal to an isolation chamber on the moon. We will make this as comfortable for you as possible but you must cooperate." Xander let his head hang and muscled down to look literally deflated. He stepped up to Spaceoid, getting even closer to Zack. "Just... one second," Xander said and grabbed Zack's forearm. "Keep my Hero Chronicles collection save while I'm gone, will you?" He poured his all onto the transformation and... Nothing. Zack's uniform remained sky blue, his expression didn't change. Zack's existence was a solid, unmovable block. Shit. On so many levels, in every reality: Shit. Why? "Uh, sure," Zack said with a weak grin. "And..." Xander struggled for words. "And keep the `kicks in line." He forced reality to yield. He para-shoved and para-pulled and para-punched. Nothing. But the fabric of reality all around him got frazzled. Black lines appeared in 4D space. They thickened around him as he kept trying with all he had. "Stop" Will shouted and sank to his knees, clutching his head. "You're... you're breaking it." "Fuxer, stop it!" Omen shouted. "Xander!" The mind reader had no doubt looked into Xander's mind and tried to stop him. To stop him from getting the boyfriend he needed. As Omen touched Xander, rainbow stripes appeared on his uniform. Xander hadn't even intended to turn the man – he was just pushing all his power into the world around Zack. The superheroes screamed as the growing black lines also appeared in 3D space, emanating between Xander and Zack. The lines were so thick, Xander could no longer see his rightful boyfriend's face. No matter, he'd push on. *** A cataclysm. *** Xander was in darkness. He tried to move but found he had no body. He was a nothing, floating in nothingness. *** Chapter 15: Shattered