Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:58:36 EDT From: Subject: Into the Darkness 4 Into the Darkness: Chapter 4 Rusty opened his eyes slowly. He was not surprised at all by his darkened surroundings. At about this point you could tell him they had found a cure for all types cancer and he wouldn't have blinked. In a matter of 20 minutes, he saw his life, his new life, come to a dramatic halt. The evil power that he had been delivered from had now reclaimed him. And now he finds that his best, his only friend, ever, had only lusted after him. Just to be close to Rusty and then turn him over. He could feel his anger swelling inside. He had to do something. He stood up with all the force he could muster, he should have thought first. The chains that were secured to his arms, legs and neck grew taught instantly and slammed him back to the floor. He coughed and brought his hand to his now sore neck and tried to comfort the pain around the collar. A small voice shattered the darkness of the room. "You can't break them, they are too strong. Not to mention the fact that they drain your powers." Normally hearing Augustus' voice was a comfort to Rusty, but now it only increased his anger. Rusty was glad for the distance of the voice, knowing that was the only thing that kept him from attacking. "What are you doing here? Checking on the prisoner? Or did you just want to drool over me some more before they torture me?" Augustus flinched at the words, but Rusty couldn't tell in the darkness of the room. Rusty had never said a mean thing to him in the 3 months they had known each other. Not once. Now here he was treating his friend like an enemy. "Rusty, I am a prisoner too. They are going to corrupt me as well." "How am I supposed to believe you? You have been lying to me from the beginning!" Rusty wasn't going to let himself be fooled again. "I never lied to you. I just couldn't tell you how I felt. Yes, it is true I am attracted to you. Yes, it is true I thought about you for almost 2 years. And yes, I am gay. There is your truth. Does it make you feel better?" He paused and waited but didn't receive a response. "I didn't believe so. But maybe you should listen to me, as you used to, before you turn against me. There isn't much time before they will come for me." Rusty was about to retort but decided against it. Augustus tried to adopt a less menacing tone. "I have to take that back. I did lie to you. Once. That dream I had a week ago. I do remember it. Every detail. Nic came to me. He told me a lot. About my life and about me. He forced me to hear the truth that I wouldn't let my heart speak. I am gay. It seems a little easier to say every time now. But before then, I argued with myself. I begged to the Light. I tried to talk myself out of it. Did everything I could to change the truth, and I did it at the same time I was tripping over myself looking at you. But the truth never changes. I am what I am. I cannot change what I am. Nic cannot change it. You cannot change it. What we can do is accept it. I am gay for a reason. And until Nic told me, I thought I was cursed. Now I know that I am blessed. I was destined to fall in love with you. Love. Not lust. And in three months, I had. But I still refused to believe it until Nic told me. And after that. I couldn't gather the strength to tell you." "But why you? I know that I was supposed to fall in love. But I was expecting a female. We can't love each other, its wrong..." Augustus cut him off with his own flare of anger. "Who says it is wrong!? The laws and words of man say it is wrong. And this world has driven it into your brain that those laws are correct. They did the same to me. I look past the laws of man! I listen to my heart! Man says that true love can't exist between two men or two women. I say to hell with man! I know, without a doubt, that there is nothing I would not do for you. Because the love I feel inside is real. As real as love gets! Not because I choose so, but because......I don't even know why... all I know is that being separated from you is going to kill me...." Rusty was instantly frightened and alerted by the last statement. He didn't let it show. He couldn't. To admit these feelings was wrong. "Where are you going?" "In about 3 minutes, I am going into the Darkness. They want to take me first to lower your defenses. So here it is. I want you to remember these words, and I hope they are enough to get you through. I can tell you now, that no matter what I do, they will have me. I can't fight them enough to resist, but you can. Just remember what Nic told you. He said you had to fall in love. He never said how, when, where, or who. And he never said, it was going to be a girl. Love is all we have left in this fight. And, with the Light as my witness, I....I..... I love you...." It came out like a whisper, with all the pain covering up the words. But Augustus found the last of his mental strength swell inside him and he continued with increasing passion "Not as a man. But as a being in existence. As one soul to another. Like a friend. Like a brother. Like a life partner. With everything that I am, was, or ever will be.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!" He shouted as loud as he could and almost as if on cue, a door swung open and two figures in dark robes stepped into the small-confided area. Rusty saw that he and Augustus were within touching distance during the whole conversation. But the darkness of the room made them seem distant until now. Rusty desperately tried to reach out to his friend who was now fighting against the two figures, but the chains reacted and pulled him tight to the wall. During the whole struggle Rusty and Augustus never broke eye contact. Not once. Augustus held on to the doorframe and with tears on his face mouthed to Rusty four words.... 'Goodbye', 'Be strong', and 'Love'. Augustus was roughly pulled from the room and the door was slammed shut. The sound of the door echoed for what seemed like an eternity to Rusty. The chains slacked and Rusty slumped to the floor and began to cry softy. If he didn't feel the same way, if this love was so bad for him to be a part of, why was there a great pain in his chest? In his head? In his whole body? He cried as he stared into the darkness of the room. The darkness that he may be a part of soon. No matter how he tried, Rusty just couldn't get the mental picture of Augustus' green eyes out of his head. The eyes cried along with him. Soon the normal tears turned as red as blood. This happened at the same time as first scream from Augustus reached Rusty. The screams went on for five hours straight and Rusty cried every second of it. At first, they were screams of defiance. Those soon turned to screams of pain, deep pain. And finally to screams of pleasure. Augustus was gone and Rusty knew it. He had lost a friend. 'No!' Rusty shouted to his mind. He had to face the truth. He had to force it, but he managed to whisper a soft "I love you, Augustus..." Rusty silently waited his turn. At the same time, he was wishing, hoping that Nicodemus would show up, and once again cut him from the Darkness. Set him free again. But he knew that would not happen this time. He was beginning to loose hope. He never even noticed the few golden tears that fell onto his shoulder as he drifted to sleep... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In his dream, Rusty was flying through the clouds. Free. Totally free. No War. No problems. No questions. No lies. Free. He flew around for quite sometime before he heard the familiar sound of a musical voice. "You are hard to catch up with here." Nicodemus evened up with Rusty in their flight; his wings were spread and riding the air without flapping. The wind whipped his white hair back majestically and he had his usual heavenly glow. He flashed a comforting smile to Rusty. Rusty didn't even look. "You are in a rather good mood considering the situation we are in. And how did you get here anyway. Aren't I dreaming?" "Yes you are still dreaming. I can enter your dreams if the need arises. And I am smiling because I have faith in you. You have gotten yourself out of worse." "Oh yeah, and when were you planning on telling me I was going to fall in love with August?" "I wasn't" "How did I know you would say that? Why not?" "Would you have believed me if I had told you?" This caused Rusty to pause. He knew the answer. "Rusty why is it so hard to grasp for you. There are tons of people out there falling in love with their own sex. It isn't because they are all perverts." "But isn't it wrong?" "Why do you believe this kind of love is wrong?" "I don't know, I guess it is because...." Nic cut him off. "It was always what you were told?" "Yeah..." Rusty spoke very softly. "Are you ready for another shocker?" Nic came to a stop on a cloud. Rusty circled for a moment before landing in front of him. "There is always something I don't know..." Rusty was sick of surprises. "Before you were sent back to Earth, you and I were lovers." "What?" "Yes. Love does exist beyond Earth. And few knew that more than we did." Rusty sat on the soft cushion of the cloud. "This is to much. If I have had these feelings the whole time why did I know it until now?" "Because you didn't want to be wrong. Everyone told you those feelings were wrong, so you buried them." Nic paused for a second. " Don't get comfy. It is almost time for you to go back. You have a very hard fight ahead of you." "Answer me one last thing." Rusty stood back up. "Sure." "Are you jealous of August?" "Are you kidding? Of course. You were great in bed." "I am not really in the mood for jokes right now." "Ok. Sorry. Yes I am. I still hold a place for you in my heart. Always will." Rusty just smiled and was about to take off into the dream air again when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Rusty, just remember. I will be with you, always." Rusty only turned his head with a coy grin. "Thanks Obi-Wan." "I thought you weren't in the mood for jokes?" " A guy can change his mind can't he?" They stared at each other for a brief moment before Rusty, who still only had his head turned backwards, felt two large arms wrap around him. He took great delight in their warmth. Felling their heat flow into him and give him strength. They pulled him backwards against the massive frame of the 'Angel'. Feeling every curve of muscle against his own body, regardless of the fact, the he was clothed. Rusty stared at the large chest in awe for some time before gaining the courage to look up into the golden spheres that were the eyes of this embodiment of perfection. Nic's face drew closer quickly, but to Rusty it seemed like an eternity. He could only sit there frozen, not in fear, but anticipation. Knowing that all he wanted at that moment to feel someone's lips against his own. A few seconds before contact, Rusty closed his eyes. There was a slight brush of lips before the full kiss was made. Rusty melted inside. Nothing that felt so good could ever be wrong. Not by anybody's standards. The kiss was a gentle loving kiss for a few seconds before he felt a tongue forced past his lips. The invader swiftly explored every inch of space inside of Rusty's mouth. Rusty opened his eyes and found he was still looking at pitch darkness. He also could still feel a tongue trying to work its way down his throat. Within seconds of this thought process to happen, the tongue retreated from its assault. There was the sound of ripping fabric and Rusty instantly felt the chill of cold air on his chest. A warm sensation wrapped itself around Rusty's left nipple. This sent a bolt of lightning down to his groin causing an instant strain on his zipper, up his spine causing it to arch upwards, and then to his head causing a long "Oh!" to pass his lips. The warmth disappeared and an unfamiliar voice spoke. "I have wanted to make you do that for the longest time." Rusty felt someone straddle his lap so they were sitting face to face. A hardness poked into his stomach. "Who are you? What do you want? I wont do anything you say!" The light clicked on and Rusty found himself staring into eyes as dark as his own. He almost began to cry when he say that the eyes were part of Augustus' face. Augustus licked his lips and brought his nose against Rusty's at the same time as he began to rock his hips back and forth drawing another moan from his captive as crotch rubbed against crotch. "Guess what lover? You are mine now..."