Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 15:06:01 -0400 From: Kevin D Subject: Jakes Inner Wolf - Ch 07 DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction, any reflection of real life and any description of an area or person is purely coincidental. This story is about a young man who discovers himself and love as well as a few supernatural surprises along the way. There is death, love, hate, friendship, and bigotry. There are potentially scenes of M/M sexual contact in each chapter, do not continue reading if reading text of this nature is illegal where you are located, likewise if you are under the legal age to read pornographic material. Please enjoy and feel free to send comments. This is my first story being submitted to Nifty. Also, help us keep Nifty, the site we've come to love, alive and kicking by donating. Any little amount helps. Chapter 07: I woke up in the morning, once again, to that beautiful ache that follows a good ass fucking. I could definitely get used to this. It was a beautiful morning visible through my bedroom window, and the smell of something cooking wafting into my bedroom let me know that Jake hadn't run away this morning. Still naked, I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, slowly and quietly. I hadn't made a noise but I was no more than three steps into the kitchen when John spoke up in an amused voice, "good morning babe, remember I can hear the sounds of squirrels running up and down the trees for a good ways into the forest from here, I can definitely hear your feet walking into the kitchen." I stopped attempting to be stealthy but continued on with the rest of my plan. Coming up behind him and putting my arms around his torso, one hand running over his pecs and the other his belly, and kissing the upper part of his back. He was naked as well, cooking eggs and toast. I held my naked body against his back as if I wanted to meld into him for a few seconds. "Babe, as much as I love this, I'm cooking, I need to be able to move." I kissed his back one last time before stepping back and giving his ass a good slap and then jumping back out of his reach, in a rather playful mood this morning for some reason. He laughed, "keep it up, two can play at that game." "What do you think I'm trying to do?" I said as I darted in for another quick slap on my way to the refrigerator on the other side of him from me as he finished taking the eggs out of the pan and onto two plates. The slap came at the end of the last egg as he was putting the pan back on the already turned off stove. Uh oh. He wasn't preoccupied this time, time to run. Too late. He turned around faster than I could take a step away and soon his long arms had wrapped me up and that devilish smile was right at my eye level. He pulled me in close and then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder so that my cock was pressing against the front of his shoulder and my ass on display, the suddenness of it causing me to yelp with surprise. He held my legs against his chest with one arm and proceeded to use the other to spank me, lightly at first several times. Then a couple of good hard ones on my right cheek right next to his face, those gave a bit of a sting, though he soothed it out afterward by immediately rubbing the spots and then kissing them wetly. "Alright, put me down, I need to eat before you get me so worked up that you need to fuck me again. I'll behave for now, I promise." He carried me over to the table and set me down in a chair and then brought over the eggs and toast and two glasses of orange juice. Breakfast was great. It felt good to have this kind of normalcy and relationship with someone. Especially considering that less than a week ago I felt like I had no chance of ever connecting to anyone. Had I changed or was John just the one I needed? Thinking about it, I had had definitely changed, but John was definitely special and his personality seemed to fit with mine like no one I'd met before. There was no doubt that my outlook on life had changed dramatically in the past few weeks, losing both of my parents, inheriting this house and the little bit of money they had put away plus the life insurance policies. I had realized just how alone I had made myself by blocking out everyone. At some point without doing it consciously, I seem to have made the decision to be more open and accepting people into my life. It felt good to finally be able to say I have a friend, but was he a boyfriend? "Um, John. So, I'm just wondering, are, are we planning on putting a label on this then? Are we officially `dating'?" "I would like that to be the case, what about you?" "Well, what are your opinions on monogamy in a relationship?" "I think that's something that should be discussed and a decision made as a couple, though it's really kind of meaningless for someone who is a werewolf. So I guess we should have that discussion huh?" "Ya, I think so. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend. To hold your hand in public, once you handle your father situation, of course, though I'm not going to wait forever. I want to know that you're going to come back to our bed every night. I've never been the best at sharing. I, I don't know, maybe at some point, I might be willing to bring in others to play with us both, but I can't help it, I don't like the idea of you having sex with someone without me being there at the very least." I just spilled it out before fully processing the part where he said `meaningless for someone who is a werewolf'. It was only a slight pause to realize this, "wait, what's that about meaningless for werewolves?" This apparently pleased him because I'm not sure his smile could get any bigger. "Jake, that's almost exactly how I feel. With one thing. I know you were saying that `play with others' bit to try and offer an olive branch if that's something I wanted, weren't you?" Fuck, he caught me. I responded with a sheepish, "yes." "Well, don't worry. Even if I wasn't a werewolf, I am totally into monogamy. But given that I am a werewolf you can guarantee that I won't stray, nor would I take it very well if you did, so the fact that you don't want to is very comforting. Wolves are very possessive of our mates. I might be able to fight the jealousy and my wolf while we are only dating but if we were ever to mate, I wouldn't be able to control myself." He seemed very pleased. "Ok, good, and about the holding hands in public once you handle the situation with your father?" "Oh there'll definitely be hand holding, even hugging and kissing! Like I said, I'm not ashamed of my sexuality. I've only been concealing it for the sake of my sister and mother, but as you pointed out my mother chose my father, so she can deal with him and I'll just get my sister out of there. Speaking of that situation," he didn't look happy, but, resolved nonetheless, "I'm thinking, if it's not too soon for you, I'd like to do it tomorrow. We have a little bit to discuss this morning, but after that, if that's ok that I do it this weekend, I should head home soon and tell Celena and mother the plan while dad is at work so that she can start packing up her stuff, I'm sure my mother will cover me up with anything legal my father may try by giving her permission to my taking care of my sister outside her home until she's 18 in a week." "I have no objections to you guys moving in this weekend." "Great! I'm definitely looking forward to it. Now onto other business, you remember last nights discussion about you potentially being a werewolf?" I had thought about this as I was falling asleep and all throughout breakfast while eating. I was willing to accept it if that was my fate. I'd welcome it with open arms, it'd be a way for John and I to be even closer. "Yes? What about it?" Didn't mean I was going to let it be easy for him, heh, I can be a bit of a dick sometimes, but it's fun! "Well, I mentioned that being intimate might let me know immediately? Well, now it's the morning after, don't you want to know?" I smiled, "only if you want to tell me," and I meant it. He regarded me steadily before continuing, "ok, well, from basically the first time I entered you without a condom, I knew. You have an inner wolf, that's why I never pulled out, you have to decide now whether you want to be a werewolf or not. If we don't have any more physical contact you will continue to be human, if you want to become a werewolf, well, we can complete it tomorrow night as long as everything goes as planned at my house, but I need an answer before we commit to this this weekend." "Well, I thought about it and I'd decided that if it was meant to be, I'd accept it. I want to be with you, and if that means I become a werewolf then so-be-it. It should be interesting at the very least!" "Awesome! Well, that'll mean at least one more conversation before too long but it can wait." "What do you mean?" He dismissed my question with a flick of his hand, "it can wait, I should get going. What are you doing today?" "Ok... I have nothing to really do today so I'll probably go for a run and maybe go to The Moon for lunch." "NO!" "Er... excuse me?" I short him a very annoyed look, this would not be a relationship where he told me what I could and could not do. "Shit! I mean, I'm sorry, but, you can't go to The Moon yet. That place is frequented by many of the pack, it's sort of an unofficial public meeting place. Any werewolf within 100 feet of you will smell me all over you and know what we've been doing, it's impossible to avoid, even if I'd continued using a condom. Fuck.. I'm so sorry. I didn't even think of that, shit." "So... so you're saying I basically can't leave the house and go out into public until you deal with your father?" He at least looked properly squeamish and regretful about this set-back. "Yes." "Well, I hope everything goes as planned this weekend then. Otherwise, you have until my food runs out, and I will *not* accept groceries from you to prolong it. If I don't have food, I'm going to go and get more, you won't be stopping me, regardless of if your father knows yet or not. I've got enough food here for at least a week, longer if we get delivery if you're here. That's all I can promise you. Deal?" "Deal, thank you, it should be able to be done this weekend without problem, so it shouldn't even be a problem past tomorrow. I really really am sorry, please don't be mad at me." "I'm upset yes, but it'll go away, just means you owe me some good sex. Go to your mother and sister now. Set things in motion. Just get this dealt with and we can move on to more fun things." I gave him a true smile because while yes, I was upset and a little mad, I know he didn't `forget' to tell me on purpose and he was fully planning to do it tomorrow morning anyway. "Oh, one quick question, I typically make my run through the woods. Are there real wolves out there or only you and your pack, and will it be ok to run today or should I stay in at least for today?" "There are no real wolves in the area you'd be able to get to by running as a human, we don't really get along when it comes to territory control and we're naturally bigger and stronger than real wolves so they have stayed a little away. There's a good chance there'll be someone running around, especially high school students during the school year, typically run as often as they can on weekends since they don't get to as much during the week days. It's summer but there's still a good chance there'll be someone out there. I know this really sucks for you, but I promise I will do everything I can to make it all happen tomorrow so that it will no longer matter. I'll text you to let you know how things are going." He gave me a deep kiss and then went to get dressed and leave. I sat in the kitchen chair until I heard his truck pulling down the long driveway. An entire day staying inside, what the hell am I going to do? I guess it's an anaerobic work out day and then movies and cleaning. I had moved out of my old bedroom and into my parents old bedroom, but I still had plenty to do to get it ready for Celena to move into it. I spent nearly two and a half hours doing various workouts and exercises in the basement gym that my father had put together since the local gym allowed `those faggots to share a locker room and shower where us normal men had to change and shower'. After I finished I felt refreshed and pumped up, glancing at the clock made me realize how long I'd been at it. I'd never been able to go for more than an hour, or hour and a half if I was pushing it hard, today I didn't feel like I had pushed it overly hard at all, and yet went well over my typical amount of time and was doing more weight than normal. Maybe the little bit I'd been with John was starting to manifest some of my inner wolf abilities? I didn't feel any different. The shower afterwards felt great and I threw on some shorts after drying off and went to work making sure my old bedroom and bathroom were completely empty of my things and then cleaned completely. After this I watched a couple movies and prepared some food for myself for dinner, then went to the spare bedrooms. In moving my stuff into the master bedroom, I had just thrown everything of my parents' up into one of the spare bedrooms, now was as good of a time as any to go through it all since I was alone and couldn't leave the house. I brought a few boxes and dug in. By time I had everything sorted into keep, store, donate, and throw out it was 11pm and my body was telling me to shower and get to bed. My phone chose this moment to ring, I had completely forgotten about my cell phone since breakfast. Oooopsy. By time I had gotten to my cell phone, which I conveniently left laying on the kitchen table, the caller had hung up, it was John. I called him right back, "John! Hey, how's it going?" "Are you ok?!" He sounded scared and upset at the same time. "Yes? Are *you* ok?" "I've been texting most of the day and tried calling a few times and have gotten no responses. I was getting worried and was just about to head over to see if you were ok." "Oh, shit, I'm sorry, that's entirely my fault. I just got so into what I was doing that I forgot about my cell phone, the times you called I must have been in the middle of a movie or had my music playing too loudly. I'm so sorry hun." An audible sigh could be heard, "ok, as long as you're alright, I was worried. Well, since you haven't read any of my texts yet, I'll fill you in quickly. I mentioned the arrangement to my mother and sister. My mother is sad that it has to be this way but understands and will support my decision. Celena is nearly completely packed up. She's leaving out only what she'll need tonight and tomorrow morning. I have everything packed except my clothes for tomorrow morning. My dad has to be at the farm he's working at for noon tomorrow so after we finish our weekly family Sunday breakfast, I'll ask to talk to him, by then it should be around 11am, so he'll only have about 30 minutes to bitch and moan and kick me out. I'll leave and wait in town until my sister texts me to tell me he's gone to work, then I'll go back and we'll load everything into my truck and be at your place by 2pm." Wow, definitely thorough and well thought out. "What if he gets physical with you or doesn't end up going to work?" "He can't beat me in a human fight 1 versus 1, I'm stronger than him and he knows that, so he won't try anything right away. He has to go to work or else he won't be able to pay the bills next month since I'm not giving him the cut from my paycheck this month and he'll know that before I leave, so he'll have to go to be able to afford the bills." "Your leaving is going to make them barely able to get by financially?" "No, with Celena and I both not living with them anymore their food bill and other expenses will be much lower so they'll be fine. I'm sure you've noticed by now but a full grown werewolf eats quite a bit." "Ya, I saw that. Ok, so I should be seeing you guys sometime after noon tomorrow. I'll have my cell with me at all times tomorrow, let me know if you need any help." "No worries babe, Simon and Willy are going to be with me to make sure everything goes smoothly. No offense, but he's a werewolf, he could shred you to pieces without any fear of retribution if you show up on his property." "Ok, so I'll stay here. Anyway, it's getting late, we should get some sleep, tomorrow will be a big day." "Yes, a big, but liberating day. I... Jake, I.. I really like you. Good night babe." "I really like you too John, good night" - click. Wow, it sounded like he'd almost said he loved me. Definitely not ready to call it love, am I? I definitely really like him, but love? How could he think or know he loves me after so little time? Did werewolves make strong attachments this quickly normally? I wish I knew another werewolf that was unbiased and could give me some more information. Maybe if I watch some of John's mannerisms I'll be able to pick up on others who're like him. I have noticed that he is always sniffing, eyes always shifting, and his ears. He'll occasionally cock his head at an angle and slightly turned, not quite like a normal person does, kind of like dogs do sometimes, I had thought on our first night hanging out at The Moon that it was just a tick of his, but Simon and Willy did it too, and he all but told me Simon and Willy were werewolves too when he told me they'd be helping him but I wasn't allowed since his father could `shred me to pieces', but I figured they were anything but biased. Maybe once I'm allowed into public I'll start to notice others. I really was about to enter a world where I was low man on the totem pole and completely out of my element. I managed in NYC on my own, I can manage this. Knowing now that all the wolf howling I heard every night were in fact people I probably knew, did not make it any easier to ignore them and go to sleep at night, even with the knowledge that they'd be staying away from my house. I could feel part of me stirring at their howls.