Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 20:36:07 -0400 From: Milford Slabaugh Subject: Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky, Chapter 4 JETT HASKINS AND THE LIGHTS IN THE SKY By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM Chapter Four: What the Obosh Did Jett got to his feet and looked around. Was he by himself? Where were Smith, or Jones or, for that matter, where was Ejin? Some cars were coming his way, he could see the dust they raised in the distance. Quite a few cars. He looked back at the circular depression in the field and realized that the cars must be from the military! Well, no problem, they were on his side. Smith's side, that is. But where was Smith? On the other side was only the ever-present forest, this entire area was semi-forested. The fog still shrouded that part of the ground, the trees kept it from evaporating as quickly. The grove seemed to be haunted, a human-shaped form was vaguely visible at one point in the grove...hey, that was Smith! "Smith!" Jett called out, waving. "Get over here, now!" Smith called back. "But the military...." "Get over here!" Smith waved at him again, peremptorily. Jett was puzzled but moved. The cars were nearly at the field when he got to Smith's side. And Smith promptly grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him along. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" "But I don't understand...." "Jett Haskins! Jett Haskins!" came the megaphone voice. "We know you are in there. Don't make us come after you, you must come out right now, into the clearing." "Oh, too fucking late!" Smith mourned. "But I don't...." And it was too late for Jett, Smith was leaving him behind! "Where are you going?" Jett yelped. "Mr. Haskins, you must come out immediately." Jett let Smith go, he had to deal with this. A reporter on military-controlled land was always there only by governmental forebearance, constantly monitored to some degree, getting any part of the military force pissed off at you was a guaranteed expulsion. So he let Smith go and moved back out of the forest. The soldiers came up to him and among them was an officer...of some sort or other, Jett hadn't yet brushed up on British military rank insignia. "What may I do for you?" he asked politely. "You can come with us, is what you can do." the officer said. "But...what have I done?" "Come with us, if you please, sir." the officer said again. "But I don't understand why." Jett said again. Was nobody going to answer him here? Apparently not. A gesture by the officer, and Jett's arms were grabbed by two soldiers and he was forcibly marched toward one of the vehicles, the truck kind with a big canvass roof over the bed in back. He guessed that he would be the guest of honor in that truck bed. He got in, sat down and was handcuffed to a bar inside. "Could someone please tell me why you're arresting me?" he asked. Dead silence and unreadable faces all around him. "I guess not." He sighed and settled back, determined to stay calm as he could. They'd been on the road maybe fifteen minutes when there came a "ker-thud" on the back of the truck. The flap had been closed but not fastened and one of the two soldiers in back with him got up to look at what had hit the back of the truck (which was still moving). He looked out... and sort of kept going, his legs flying up into the air as he was catapulted out of the truck. The other soldier stood up to see what had happened to his friend and when he got close to the rear, a long, athletic arm reached in and snagged the second soldier and heaved him outside after his friend. Then a familiar head poked its way inside. "There you are!" "Smith!" Jett shouted in a combination of relief and surprise. "What is going on here?" "Haven't you figured it out yet?" Smith climbed all the way in. "If I had, would I be asking?" ""Let's see how they have you here. Ahh, handcuffs." Cecill reached into a pocket and pulled out a small piece of bent wire. "Well, it's really simple, what changed here overnight, is you. And me, except they don't seem to know about me yet." "What changed about me?" "You were up in a flying saucer overnight." Smith said. "You've gone from a militarily uninteresting reporter to a militarily interesting specimen of alien contact." "So what do we do about this?" Jett asked, beginning to be alarmed. Then, in true shock, "And who's driving the truck?" "A soldier, of course." Smith said. "You and I need to vacate this vehicle." "But it's moving." "So you'd best be ready to jump." Smith said unhelpfully. He then proceeded to do just that, balance himself on the truck's rear tailgate's top, and jumped out. Well, Jett could either do the same or he could go on with the soldier driving this truck and see where he ended up. Thoughts of being on an examination table (this one operated by surgeons with scalpels about to perform vivisection) made him choose the first. He got up and looked outside and saw that Smith had apparently jumped out onto the hood of the car, that obsolete hopped-up antique being driven by Jones. Smith was now clambering over the top of the car and he looked back. "Come on!" Jones had the car right up next to the truck's rear-end, so Jett gulped and imitated Smith, balancing himself on the top of the tailgate (very precarious) and jumping before he could fall. He landed on the hood of the car, which was broad and flat-topped, thank God. He scrambled up the hood and over the top as best he could, though his movements put him uncomfortably in mind of a dog standing in the back of a pickup, sliding about on stiff arms and his knees spreading out dangerously. But he made it and the top was even broader and flatter. Smith was inside the vehicle now and sitting on the windowframe, extending an arm. With Smith's help, he managed to get partially inside, head first, sprawling over Smith's lap and then he was all the way inside and could move and get himself right-side up again. Jones had already split off and was moving down a side-road from the direction the truck was moving. "Whoof!" Jett said when he was sure they were safe. "So now I'm an alien specimen on the run?" "That's about the size of it." Smith said with sympathy. "I was lucky enough to wake up before you did, and saw the trucks in the distance. I made it to the trees...better safe than sorry about such things, you know...then I saw you rising from the ground. But the trucks were close and...well, I did what I could." "It's all right." Jett said. "What about Ejin and Jones?" "They never took me aboard, far as I know." Jones said. "I came around maybe an hour before the young Master, I was all covered with dew, and went back to the car and was basically sitting there wondering what to do when I saw Smith get to his feet." "What about Ejin?" "He was smart to run off quick as he could." Smith agreed. "I hope he got away from there. If he did, we'll find him. If not, I don't know if it's even possible to help him." "So, now where do we go? "Back to the inn and wait for tomorrow night." Smith said. "We still need to establish contact with Ejin's people and maybe those others, too." "Why do we want to become friends with them?" Jett shuddered at the memory of how he'd been violated by them. "When it comes to learning new technology, there's no such thing as a bad ally to have." Smith said pragmatically. Jett considered this, sighed. "All right. They get away with fucking us. But next time I see one of them, I'm running. You can stick around and make contact." "Fair enough." Smith agreed. Back at the inn and fortified by a solid breakfast, Jett was more than ready to hit the beds for a fair-sized nap. He went upstairs before Smith and entered the room and stopped, stared. Ejin was standing in the room. "Ejin!" Jett gasped out. "You're here." "Yes, my dear friend." Ejin seemed abashed. "I am so very sorry about what happened to you last night. It was none of my doing, nor of my people's." "So I gathered." Jett said. "Are your comrades also safe?" Ejin asked. "Yes, they're downstairs, but will be up shortly." "That is good, for we must act swiftly, if we are to save you." "Save me?" Jett nearly squeaked. "Save you and your comrades." Ejin clarified. "Save us from what?" "From what the Obosh have done to you." Ejin said. "What have they done to me? To us?" "They committed sexual improprieties upon you, yes?" "Yes." "On all three of you?" "Me and Smith." "You will have been implanted, then." "Implanted?" Smith chose that moment to enter. "Ah, Ejin!" he greeted their visitor. "Ejin says we've been implanted by the Obosh!" Smith blinked. "Those ugly gray things, they stuck something into us while we were up there." "I remember." Smith said. "It was long, hard and gray." "Not that!" Jett was expasperated, Smith's humor would have been fine if they weren't in such serious trouble. "I mean they left something behind!" "Like what?" "I don't know." "The Obosh are studying the human race their own way." Ejin explained. "They seek to extract your genetic material to see if any of it could be useful to them." "That would explain a lot." Smith said. "But they took their specimens from us last night, enough to last them a while, I should think." "But they plan for in case they want more." "How?" Smith asked. "I must conduct a not very comfortable experiment on you for that." Ejin said. "It will both show you your danger and confirm if you've been implanted." "All right, then." Smith said. Ejin looked at Jett who nodded his agreement. "You will want to be unclothed for this." Dumbly, both men complied with this. "Now what?" Jett wanted to know. "If you will both get on the bed and if one of you will insert their penis into the other's anus." Ejin continued. "If which does what to who?" Jett burst out. "You should not experience any discomfort." Ejin went on. "Their tools for extraction should have loosened your bowels most commodiously, did they not?" "To put it mildly." Jett said with feeling. "Then a simple insertion will take care of everything." Ejin went on. Jett looked over at Smith. "All right, go ahead and stick it in me again." He sighed. "I don't suppose there's any virginity left in my asshole now anyhow." "There wasn't when we first met." Smith added unhelpfully. "But I guess we should get this over with." Jett regarded Smith's rigid tool and said, "You weren't planning on doing more than simply sticking it in, were you?" "I might have planned to linger a bit." Smith grinned. Jett lay back on the bed. "Just stick it in and let's see what all the mystery is already." Smith climbed on top of Jett and Jett looked at the big, beefy hunk on top of him. If he had to get fucked in the name of science, he could have ended up with a much worse partner than this black-haired stud, that was for certain. His ass was indeed still dilated from the previous night's festivities, he felt Smith's dong invade him like an old friend, no discomfort at all, not even the slight amount he'd felt when Smith had first mounted him in that field. The cock slid into him and went nearly to its base when it happened. A mild sort of electrical shock, like a relay tripping, way up inside Jett's ass. And when it did...he was in a sudden state of sheer rut! Smith looked at Jett in alarm when Jett groaned and clutched at him hard and began to writhe under him. "Here now, here now!" He said. "Oh, God, yeah, that's good, so fucking good!" Jett moaned. "Come on, fuck me, fuck me hard, come on, yeah, yeah!" Jett closed his eyes and groaned a low guttural sound. "Oh, man, this is driving me fucking crazy!" "What the devil is wrong with him?" Smith asked Ejin. "Your cock is hitting all my right buttons." Jett gasped out. "It's like you're wearing some kind of ultimate French tickler or something, every nerve in my ass is sparking at the same time." "It is the implant." Ejin supplied. "With it inside you, they don't have to engage in any long, protracted exercises to extract your seed. They can simply trigger the implant and you'll reach climax all on your own." "All they have to do is stick a finger up my ass and I'll squirt?" Jett gasped. Oh, God, he was approaching climax with a vengeance! "They can even do it remotely from a distance." Ejin assured him. "You won't be safe from them anywhere on this planet, they can track you down and a mere few moments alone is all they need to refresh their supply." "Oh, God, I'm getting close!" Jett panted. "Oh, God, I'm so fucking close! Come on, stud, fuck me a little, anyhow!" For Smith had held stock-still, awed by Jett's over-reaction to the mere presence of Smith's manhood inside himself. "Oh, oh, G-o-o-o-o-o-o-d!" he moaned. Smith began to fuck at Jett's ass, just small motions, but it was complete nirvana for Jett! "Yeah, oh, yeah, like that, like that, only harder, faster, harder, faster!" Jett whined. "I'm coming, man, come on, make me come, don't let them make me do it, you make me come, oh, oh, oh!" Smith suddenly began to hump Jett's ass briskly and Jett howled. "Oh, I'm coming, ah-AH-AH-AH, AH-AH-AH, AHHHHHHHH-HUHHHHHH-HUHHHHHHHH!" And he sprayed a huge load all over Smith and himself, Smith watching Jett with an almost clinical detachment, studying the way Jett contorted, writhed, convulsed with his climax, lost within the sensations. Jett sprayed and sprayed and was done, slumped back, panting and gasping for air. Smith pulled his still-hard dong out of Jett's ass and said, "So that's what they've done to both of us?" "To him, of a certainty." Ejin agreed. "We must investigate you now." Smith opened his mouth, closed it again. "Yes, we should. Very well, how to do it? He's going to be out of it for a while. Wait for him to recover, or should you step in? Or do we recruit someone from downstairs for the job?" "I can reinvigorate your friend long enough to let him do it." Ejin said. "All right, then, no time like the present, then." Jett was still breathing hard, but when Ejin's hands touched him, he felt his fatigue slough off like pajamas in the morning when you untie them from your waist. His cock, still carrying a bead of his spunk on its tip like an ornament, rose to full hardness. "Come on, Jett, stick it in me." Smith offered. "You don't need to do anything else if your experience is any guide." "He will not." agreed Ejin. Jett's chest still heaved, but he climbed on top of Smith, grasped the brawny man's legs in either hand, and pushed toward the cleft at their base. Smith's hand was waiting there to guide him on to target. And the opening there was as if one had been shaped just for the other's use. His cock slid into Smith and Jett was looking right into the rugged face as the lust ignited. Smith's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he let out a soft sound and wriggled in his need. "Ah, ah, yeah, that's the stuff all right! I've got one of them inside me for sure." "Feels amazing, doesn't it?" Jett asked. "Ah, ah, damned right it does!" Smith grunted. "I haven't had a sensation like that in my ass since that Brazilian dancer I hooked up with over five years ago." "He was talented?" "Too right he was." Smith groaned. "Oh, ah, but this is getting even better than his eleven inch monster." "Eleven inches?" "Honest, it was. We measured it afterwards. Oh, ah, ah, UGHH!" Smith clutched at Jett's arms like Jett had clutched for his. "I'm just along for the ride here, everything's being done for me. Uh-uh, GUH-UH!" he struggled and controlled himself with a visible effort. "I'm trying to keep the orgasm down, see if I can master it, but it's not letting me go!" "So don't try to keep it down?" "Uhh-huh, uh!" Smith moaned. "Keeping it down can be three-fourths of the fun! Oh, ah, ah!" "Come on, give me that come." Jett urged him. "I'm out to harvest you this time, so let me have a bumper crop!" "Oh, ah, AH! All right, then, you asked for it. AH-AH-AH, AHHH!" "Come on, give it to me, give it to me!" "AHHHA-HHHHAAAHHHH, UHHH-UGH-UGH, UHHHHHHH!" "Come on, shoot it, shoot it!" "AHHH-AH-GAHHHHH, UH, UH, GUH-HUHHHHHH!" And Smith's orgasm blasted up at Jett. Man, and he'd thought he'd come a lot before. Smith was downright drowning the two of them in his jizz. Holding back had done some good after all, apparently! "Yeah, come on, shoot it, really get me, aahhp!" That last was a word cut off before it began when a wad got Jett right on his lips! He licked them, tasting the hot salty spunk fresh off the stick! "AHH-OOGH, AHH-OOGH, AHH-OOGH!" Smith huffed as he shot and then he was done and he fell back as limply as Jett had, breathing just as hard, and Jett was still just holding himself there, his cock rigid but inactive in Smith's ass. Jett stayed as he was until Smith was fully recovered, and then gently disengaged himself. His cock, outside of the hot ass, swiftly shrunk down to flaccid inconspicuousness. "So we both have the implants." Jett said to Ejin. "So what do we do about it?" "You can do nothing about it." Ejin said. "Unless we can convince them to take it out for you. But the Obosh are very unreasonable beings in many ways." "It's going to make my sex life interesting, anyhow." Jett put a brave face on things. "It will, indeed." Ejin said. "You see, you can now have your climax from merely having something inserted in your anus. But you can no longer have any other kind of sex successfully." "What was that last?" "By diverting your nerves to this implant, they have shifted it away from your natural courses." Ejin confirmed. "If you attempt sexual intercourse any other way, you will not be able to complete the act without passive anal sex as a component." "Those rotten bastards!" Smith exploded in rage. "They've turned me into a complete passive? The hell you say!" "We must stop them." Ejin said. "Damned right we do!" Smith said and would have said more but then it came. A loud megaphone voice." "Jett Haskins. Agent Smith. We know you're in there!" "Who's that?" "Our friends in the military." Smith said grimly. "We want to help you. Come out now and we'll get you the help you need." Jett looked out the window. "He's brought a sizeable force. I think we're surrounded." "Damn it to hell." was Smith's only answer to that. THE END Comments, complaints or suggestions? E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM