Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 11:42:47 +0000 From: Mark Larner Subject: Magics Bond Chapter 3 This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author For comments and feedback contact me at If you enjoy this story you may also enjoy Elemental circle Crystal moon wolf Sean watched the sorcerer return from his family obligations. He appeared in a swirl of distorted light. He watched as the sorcerer pulled his hood up. He understood why the sorcerer wore the hood. It was purely to hide his hair. "Wouldn't a hair cut be easier"? Eric turned and glared at the mage that had been watching him since his first day. "Perhaps", he shrugged not willing to give the mage anymore of an answer. Sean frowned and advanced on the sorcerer. "I don't see the reason for the hood anymore. I mean everyone knows about the hair now". Eric stood and stared at the big mage with cold flat gray eyes. Sean was shocked to see the coldness in the sorcerer's eyes. The grey eyes resembled stone and hidden power. "I apologise sorcerer I meant no offense. Eric hesitated for a moment before he dropped the act. He had learnt to be hard and cold to others as most either wanted something. Or they just wanted to pick on him. Taking a deep breath he looked more closely at the big mage with the slightly frightened facial expression. "None was taken mage". Eric gave the big guy a small smile. "My names Eric not sorcerer". Sean grinned at the smaller man. "Sean", Eric smiled at Sean's one word answer it seemed that the big guy had run out of things to say. "You know what Sean I think you are right". Eric pulled his hoddie off. Sean's eyes instantly moved to the section of exposed skin. Eric grinned at Sean having seen where the mage's attention had gone. "Here you look after it. Otherwise I may wear it out of habit". Sean took the still warm article of clothing. He wanted to bring it up to his face and inhale the soft masculine scent that Eric had left on it. Eric smiled at the mage once more he then turned and entered the sorcerers building. Sean stood watching the sorcerer walk away seductively. He finally took a deep breath inhaling the scent of the sorcerer. It was warm and clean as he had expected it to be. Sean was frustrated. It was late and it had been a week since he had spoken to Eric. Since then Eric had never been alone. Sean knew that Sorcerers very rarely did anything alone. From what he had been told about the structure of sorcerer families he knew they almost always formed groups similar to that of the families. As a mage he didn't really know much about the families only that the heads of the five ruling families formed the council. From what he had seen Eric didn't fit the mould except with Beth and Paul. Which could lead him to believe that Eric was from a small family. "You my friend are screwed", Andy stated as he entered the part of gym that Sean had been working in. Sean didn't respond, his friend had always thought he was fucked. "Well as you won't ask I'm going to tell you". Sean refused to rise to the obvious bait. "I heard a bit of fun information today from a couple of gossipy sorcerers". Sean just waited knowing Andy would get to the point at some point. "Well it turns out that boy you are all hot for is none other than a high up member of the Contleea family". Sean stopped and turned to his friend with a stunned expression. He had never thought that Eric was from such a wealthy and powerful family. Apparently Andy wasn't done. "Also it seems that he was raised by the head of the family, groomed to be the heads successor". Sean wasn't surprised he had felt the power coming from Eric. He had also see the way he interacted with those around him and his general baring. "I suppose it stands to reason all the families need to be prepared for that eventuality". Andy looked at his friend not sure what was going on his head. Sean tried to smile. All he could think was that such a high up sorcerer wouldn't want anything to do with him. Andy just watched as the disappointed expression spread across his friends face. It didn't matter what he or others had said. Sean held to his belief that he was nothing but an average mage. It was clear to any who had seen him in action that that was far from the truth. Sean was the biggest and strongest in their year. He was strong physically and magically. The only person who didn't see this was Sean himself. "I wouldn't worry you are the only mage of our group he has ever spoken to. That has got to say something about his intent". Sean looked over at his friend and couldn't help but smile. Andy was right Eric had never interacted with another mage from their year. Eric stood quietly letting the slight breeze ruffle his long hair. He had not put it up allowing it to ripple. He wasn't really dressed for the crisp mourning having only put on a loose fitting pair of gym shorts and tight singlet. At a quick glance a person would be forgiven for thinking he was out for a run. However he wore nothing on his feet. Paul could see the distant look on the sorcerers face. He knew of only a few reasons a sorcerer looked so distant and withdrawn. Paul placed his big arms around Eric's slender shoulders. Eric went to pull away from who ever had dared to touch him in such an intermit way. "Don't", a deep strong voice said. Eric knew the voice and the power. He let himself relax into Paul's embrace. "You want to talk about it". Eric shrugged he wasn't really willing to talk about his life separate from him being a sorcerer. "They aren't supposed to die before us". Paul said in a soft tone. Eric nodded his agreement. The night before he had received a phone call. It was from the older sister of a onetime close friend. Eric hadn't spoken to that friend in years due to him being gay. And yet the sister still reached out to him. She had told him that one of her brother's greatest regrates was losing him as a friend. "No they aren't supposed to die before us. He and I used to be best friends back in primary school. That changed in high school when I refused to hide the fact that I was gay. Typical of a fourteen year old he ditched me. Fear of being found to be gay by association". Paul held his friend tighter. "You know he is the only one I ever wanted to tell our other secret to. I obviously didn't after the way he reacted to me being Gay". Eric chuckled to himself thinking about how poorly him being a gay sorcerer would have gone for his onetime best friend. "So when is the funeral? Paul asked. Eric got the distant look in his eyes again before he responded. "It's the day after tomorrow". He paused not sure how to ask what he wanted to. Paul could sense what he wanted to ask. "You know I will come with you if you want me to". Eric pulled away from his friends comforting arms and looked into his eyes. He smiled sadly and nodded his head. "Thank you I would appreciate that. Paul smiled sadly feeling the sadness and pain coming from his friend. Sean watched the pair from a distance. He couldn't help but envy the closeness that Paul had with Eric. He was also a little put off by the jealousy he felt. That and the fact that he had made so many fantasies about his future with Eric in his head. All of which appeared to be miss placed. It was clear to see from an outsiders prospective that Eric had already chosen a mage. And that mage was clearly Paul and not himself. Sean shook his head, wondering how he could believe that someone like Eric would even notice him. He knew he was good. He knew he was attractive. And he knew he was gay. However it was still apparent judging by the closeness between Eric and Paul that Eric had already chosen Paul. As he turned away from observing the pair he heard a slightly nasal voice comment. "Some people should get a room". At first Sean wanted to come to the pair's Defence. That is until he saw the short slender healer. He had big brown eyes and short brown curls. He was also what one would think of as a stereotypical gay guy or twink. To tight clothing in eye jarring bright colours. And the hands, for some reason they never appeared to stay still. "I mean come on that hair is so last, when ever. Even if he can pull it off it's so out dated". Sean looked at Eric's hair. It was true the cut and length was well and truly out dated. "And the whole attitude of being better then everyone is just so sorcerer like. The only good thing is he got rid of that awful jumper. I mean let's face it they don't feel the temperature". Sean couldn't help it he smiled. Everything the little healer said was true. It may have been said in an annoying nasal voice with far too much hand waving. But it was all true. "Hi my names Sean". The little healer rolled his eyes dramatically. He took one more look at the other pair and then took Sean's arm in his. "Don't worry big boy I know who you are. Which is more then I can say for mister I'm too good for everyone over there. But me I'm Brent, something you big boy didn't know". Sean smiled and felt wanted at the way the Brent had so easily inserted himself into his life. "Now what's say we go off somewhere and leave those fashion disaster to themselves. I mean it's got to be breakfast by now". Sean couldn't help but agree and follow the little healer. Who it seemed had decided Sean was his new breakfast escort. Paul stood beside Eric as they watched the other mourners place small flowers on the closed coffin. Paul watched the stone like expression on his friends face. He knew that sorcerers attended a lot of funerals and learnt to deal with them with a cold detachment. Beth had explained to him that due to Eric's position he had no doubt been to more than most. Still he knew this one would hit a little closer to home then many of the others. "Do you want to go to"? Paul didn't need to finish his question. Eric just nodded in his detached way. In the car Paul drove. Eric found a flask and took a large mouthful from it. Paul could see by the way Eric shuddered that it was some kind of straight alcohol. "Beth will wait", Eric spoke suddenly. At first Paul had no idea what he was talking about. "The choosing, Beth wants you". Eric clarified. Paul couldn't help but grin. He had hoped that Beth would do as Eric said. "What about you"? Paul asked with a grin knowing that a certain mage had been watching his friend. Eric's face turned back to the window. He knew what was expected of him. He had always known that he would be expected to pick a strong mage. The truth was that he didn't want one. He had seen the cost of having a mage die had on a sorcerer. Not to mention the cost of a sorcerer dying to the mage. "I'm not going to choose a mage". Paul was stunned by Eric's statement. From what he had seen a sorcerer always had a mage. "Your family wont except that, you have to know that". Eric turned back to his friend. "It's my choice to make, and I can bluff them off for a year". Paul frowned as he drove. He knew that Eric was right he could put it off for a year without causing too many problems. The house had not changed in the years since Eric had been there last. The term house was possible not the right word. Still that's what Dan had always called it. After briefly speaking to Dan's parents he and Paul went out to the back garden. As the pair entered the back garden they were greeted by a teary eyed Lilly. "You came, you actually came". She threw her arms around Eric's neck and started to cry again. Paul mimed getting them drinks and walked off in search of whatever was being served. Eric manoeuvred Lilly to a small stone bench. He gently lowered them to the bench and just let her cry on his shoulder. Paul returned with three glasses of some kind of sparkling white wine. Eric scrunched his nose up at it. "Sorry buddy this is all I could find". Lilly sat up at the sound of Paul's voice. Seeing him she tried to make herself more presentable. Eric took his chance to retrieve his flask. He poured a generous amount into both his and Lilly's glasses. He indicated to do the same for Paul. Paul nodded and held his glass out. Lilly and Eric spoke for a time. She explained how sorry her brother had been. She also explained how sorry she was for not staying in contact. It was clear to Paul that the three had indeed once been very close. Eric felt a ripple in the air. It felt similar to that of a sorcerer teleporting. Paul felt it as well. He looked over at Eric with confusion. "Lilly you should rejoin the others, we have taken too much of your time". Lilly looked confused for a moment. She looked between Eric and Paul with a growing smile of understanding. Eric cringed inwardly as Paul looked away embarrassed. "We will join you in a bit". Lilly gave them both a quick hug and moved away to other guests. "Stay close to me and on alert". Eric moved swiftly through the mourners. He was not surprised that the creature was not one of them. "It's somewhere in the house", Eric stated. Paul nodded having already drawn a dagger from his clothing as they entered the house. Eric knew where they were headed before they reached the room. He almost lost his cool when he entered Dan's room. The room had changed in four years. Gone were the posters of a young teen. In there place tasteful artworks. The bedding had changed as was expected as had the general atmosphere of the room. It was no longer a young boys room rather it was a young man's. "What do you do here", Eric spoke with a calm voice. Paul could sense the tension coming off of him. A young appearing women turned she was startled to see Eric. "I was just", the women looked around helplessly. "Kate there you are", Lilly entered the room. Paul slid his dagger back to its hiding place in his clothes. "Oh Lilly I just wanted to be alone up here again, it's almost like". Lilly embraced the other women. Paul looked at Eric unsure of what to do. Eric was as confused as Paul. "I'm sorry to have intruded and seeming so rude. We had just not expected to find anyone up here". Eric covered quickly. He knew as well as Paul that there was nothing they could do with Lilly there. "It's alright Kate, this is Eric", Lilly made introductions. Eric took Kate's hand and quickly scanned her for possession. Paul watched for his reaction. All he saw was surprise and slight shake of the head. "It's lovely to meet you Eric, Dan used to talk about you A lot". Eric smiled sadly at the women who clearly must have been someone special to Dan. "I only wish we had, had the chance to have spoken before". Eric trailed off. Paul pulled him into a hug. Paul knew it was only a matter of time before Eric broke down. "You pair make a cute couple", Lilly gushed trying to lighten the mood. Paul looked away embarrassed but not letting Eric go. "I will let Beth know", Eric giggled at Pauls embarrassment. "I am so sorry I just assumed you were", Lilly was the one to look embarrassed. Paul shrugged, "No harm done. And let's face it if I were gay I couldn't go wrong with this guy". This time Eric blushed. "Well what do you know stone face is human", Paul laughed. The mood had lightened in the room. "Well we really should be getting out of here we have a big day tomorrow". Eric made his reasons for leaving early. "You won't stay longer"? Surprisingly it was Kate that asked. The two women looked at the pair eagerly. "I'm sorry but no we really do have to be going", the women nodded their understanding. "Before you go Eric, Dan left this for you", Lilly went to a draw in what must have been Dan's desk. She retrieved a small package. "He told me to give this to you and said that he was sorry". Eric blinked back tears not letting himself cry. As a result it was Paul that saw the odd crystal near where Kate stood. As he watched it, it glowed once as Lilly passed the package to Erick. And then it went dull. As the four were leaving the room Paul lagged behind pretending to fix his shoe. In reality he retrieved the crystal that appeared to be attached to a chain bracelet. He noticed that a link appeared to have been pulled and broken. Paul knew that Eric would want to see it. Andy walked up to his friend. Sean had been oddly happy for the last two days. Oddly because last time the sorcerer Eric was gone his friend had been agitated. Sean was typically training the man didn't know how to do anything else. Strangely his friend had attracted an audience. Admittedly the audience was just one person. But still that person made a statement. He was clearly short slender and very pretty. His clothes hung to him revealing more then it concealed. Andy smiled it was clear that the guy was a healer and gay. Brent watched Andy closely. He had been enjoying his solo show of Sean. He knew that soon Sean would be chosen by one of the sorcerers. Still he wanted the small amount of time he had with the hunk that he had drooled over and had a major crush for since he had first seen him. Brent wasn't foolish enough to think that Sean wasn't destined for a sorcerer still a healer could dream. That and he could pretend for at least a little while that Sean wouldn't be taken away from him. "I don't think big a burly is really his thing", Brent said with a grin. Andy couldn't help but smile at the flirty healer. "Good thing he's not mine, him having a dick is a bit of a downer". Brent raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "I don't know I see it as an up especially if it's up", Brent said slyly. Andy shook his head Brent clearly knew what he wanted and was prepared to go after it. "No offence bud, but I think he might be a bit out of your league". Brent grinned knowingly at Andy. His gaze turned back to Sean. "I know, but I'm going to make the next nine weeks hot, heavy and fast". There was a glint in Brent's eyes that clearly said he intended to make an impact on Sean's life. Andy was a little surprised but happy for the guy. "Well then I suppose I should leave you to the hot and heavy just don't make it to fast". Brent grinned with a wicked gleam in his eye. As Andy left Brent approached Sean, his intent was to worship the god like form of a man. What Andy said was true. No healer could compete with a sorcerer still he would make it fun while it lasted. Brent pulled the bigger man to him taking a heated kiss before he encouraged Sean to remove his shirt. Sean was only too willing to do so. Brent groaned at the sight of Sean's massive chest. He watched a bead of sweat roll down it. He lent forward and using his tong caught it and proceeded to lick up his body and peck to Sean's left nipple. Which he took into his mouth sucking gently. Sean moaned appreciatively. Brent took that as an indicator to continue. Falling to his knees Brent nuzzled at Sean's crutch. Reaching with slightly trembling hands Brent pulled Sean's work out shorts and underpants down. Sean's already hard dick sprung up and would have hit Brent in the face had he not lent back. With soft strokes Brent bought the now pulsing penis to his mouth. He swirled his tong around the head before he started to draw the penis in. Sean was stunned he had never thought that Brent would be so bold as to blow him off in the gym. He moaned as the little healer deep throated him. He could feel the healers nose in his pubic hair. He knew with how worked up he had been of late that he wasn't going to hold out for long. "Brent you are going to have to pull back or you are getting a surprise". Sean gasped out trying to warn Brent. Brent didn't stop he continued taking Sean's dick right down to his pubic hair. Brent was in heaven the smell the taste. It was all as perfect as he had hoped it would be. When Sean tried to warn him about him shooting Brent doubled his efforts. Embarrassingly he could feel his own ridged cock pulsing in his tight jeans. A crucial part of being a good healer was being open and empathetic to others. This empathy usually let healers feel different conditions of their patients. In this case Brent felt the pleasure and enjoyment Sean was getting from him sucking his dick. Sean moaned loudly as he shot down Brent's willing throat. Surprisingly Brent also moaned. Sean looked down and saw that Brent had also orgasmed without touching himself. Brent smiled up at Sean sweetly. Sean pulled the smaller man up and kissed him forcefully. Bren whimpered loving every moment of it. Sean focused his power and very gently dried Brent. Brent felt himself get hard at the warmth and tingly feel of Sean's magic. Sean grinned, "Later when we have more time". Brent could only nod his happiness written all over his face. Eric took a step back from what he had just seen. He wasn't surprised that Sean had looked elsewhere for attention. What surprised him was the hurt he felt by it. He and Paul had arrived back about an hour ago. Eric had wanted to seek out Sean realising that nothing was guaranteed. He had been startled as Andy left the gym quickly. Andy had given him a sad look. However had continued on his way. Eric had pushed the door slightly open and watched as the little healer had sucked Sean's dick to climax. The little fucker hadn't even had the sense not to cum in his own pants. Eric cursed healers and their empathy. Beth approached Eric as he stalked away from the warier gym. She had seen Sean and the healer Brent the day before. "I take it they were having fun". Eric turned to his friend and glared. Beth stoped and grabbed Eric's shoulders. "Don't blame me for this. We both know who is really at fault here". Eric bowed his head it was true, he had more or less brushed Sean off and ignored him. "Now the real question is what are you going to do about it". Eric looked at his friend and thought quickly. "Nothing let the others know he is my choice even if I don't take him at the choosing". Beth nodded once accepting the command of the stronger Sorcerer. Eric smiled to himself as Beth walked away no doubt already planning how she would spread the news. Andy approached Eric he had seen the conversation between the sorcerer and his friend. "Hay I'm sorry if my buddy ruined your plane". Eric glared at Sean's friend. He had done his homework and found out as much as he could about Sean. "It's nothing he was merely one choice among many. I understand that, to many healers powers are much easier to come to terms with. After all not every battle mage is supposed to be with a sorcerer". Andy stood still shocked at what the sorcerer had said. All he could think as he watched the sorcerer walk away was dam even as a straight guy I would go there. Eric turned and faced Andy once more not thirty steps away. "Do tell Sean he can keep my hoddie. If for no other reason I took his advice once". Andy nodded feeling the chill coming off of Eric in waves. "You have a good day now", Eric said with a slight smile. Andy wasted no time he went in search of Sean who was not surprisingly in the showers connected to the gym. Andy watched his relaxed friend rinse off. Sean was surprised to find Andy watching him. "Well I'm guessing you don't want to suck me off as well", Sean joked. Andy grinned appreciating the joke for what it was. "No but I think you fucked yourself with the sorcerers", Andy spoke with seriousness. Sean grabbed a towel not sure what to say. "What do you mean"? Andy tried to let his friend know gently. "Well you see they are a bit petty and stuff so um". Andy hesitated as Sean pulled his pants on. "Will you just get to what you want to say", Sean said aggressively. Andy was a little taken aback by the way Sean spoke. "Yes sure man. It's just that with you ditching Eric for the healer kind of sent a message". Sean frowned he wasn't sure how Eric would have found out about Bren. He shrugged his shoulders not really caring what Eric may have thought though. Andy shook his head. "Man you don't get it. If Eric says you are off limit the rest will listen to him". Again Sean shrugged. It didn't really matter to him. "I don't really care I think I will be happy with Brent". At the mention of Brent's name Sean smiled. "You are willing to give up your chance at being a bonded mage warrior for some little healer". Andy couldn't hide his disbelief. Sean looked at his friend and smiled. "I think it's more me excepting the fact that I will never be good enough for a sorcerer. That and Brent is a bright friendly joyful man that makes me happy. Andy shook his head. He didn't really understand why his friend thought he was a nothing no body. "You are wasting an opportunity, Eric is clearly interested and he's powerful". Sean shook his head. He had given Eric plenty of time to approach him. It was clear to Sean that Eric had no interest. Eric sat in his room glaring at the package that his old friend had given him. It upset him that his friend had died of cancer so young. He knew that even with a healer most cancer could be fatal. What concerned him was the partial possession of Kate and the package. Paul had given Eric the crystal bracelet when they had returned to his inner city apartment. Eric had looked at it and confirmed to himself that Kate had only been partially possessed. Being only partially possessed meant she had a crystal or token from the fully possessed. The real question was where she had gotten the crystal and just how powerful was the Demonic that gave it to her. "A possession crystal", Beth had yelled thinking Eric had lost his head. "No one knows how to do that anymore, the Families would not let it happen". Eric had shrugged and handed her the crystal. As soon as Beth had seen the crystal she sat and quieted down. "But who still knows this kind of magic it's banned outlawed even". Eric looked away not really ready to tell her the truth. "Our family, the high up members have that kind of knowledge. I have that kind of knowledge among other forbidden knowledge". Beth sat and stared at Eric for what felt like forever. She frowned before she spoke again. "But surly if out high up family members have this kind of knowledge other families have the same". Eric nodded his agreement. He and Grandfather had discussed what sort of knowledge the other families might have in the past. "Alright so what's in the package"? Eric sighed and took out the contents of the package he had gotten from Dan. It contained three things a personal letter to Eric. Another crystal and a photo. The photo was the most difficult part to except. It had a date on it from that year and pictured two people. Two people that Eric recognized instantly. Even as young as he had been he still knew his parents when he saw them. "Ok so a crystal that is obviously meant for Dan. A photo of some randoms and perhaps a letter that explains all". Beth said hinting at wanting to know what was in the letter. "The letter is nothing for you", Eric explained with a frown. "However the photo is of interest as it is of my dead parents taken less then twelve months ago". Beth and Paul looked at Eric in shocked silence. There was only one way for his parents to be alive and well. It was clear they had been possessed by some high up Demonics. To be continued If you enjoy this story or the other stories at Nifty please donate at For comments and feedback contact me at I love to hear from people