Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 13:29:11 +0000 From: Magnus Seagreen Subject: Magnus the Mage 12 Chapter Twelve: The Ceremony of Union The next morning, all of the elves sat in a wide circle around the grassy glade in the centre of the village, and Magnus and Callixtus took up a place of honour to the right of the old chieftain. The elves all sat cross legged and many of them had small drums between their legs; others had flutes. The chieftain stood up and addressed the company for several minutes in the elven tongue, then from opposite directions Shalmaneser and the elf boy Lendulio entered inside the circle. They were both naked, but the unicorn wore a heavy garland of flowers around his neck. The elf boy had a simple circlet of pink and white forest flowers around his brow, but apart from that had removed all of his liana-creeper straps and other decorations, although he had also been completely anointed in fragrant oils, and his slick body glistened in the shafts of sunlight that fell onto the glade. The drumming reached a crescendo, then stopped. The elf-chief addressed the company again as the elf boy and the unicorn stood side by side. Then, at the conclusion of his speech, they turned and bowed to one another. The elves started a quick beat on the drums, accompanied by a merry tune on their flutes, though this only lasted about two minutes; at the end, they all broke into applause, which Shalmaneser and Lendulio acknowledged by turning and bowing to all those around the circle. "Is that it, master?" whispered Callixtus to Magnus. The whole thing so far had taken less than eight minutes. "Not quite. The most important part is still to come." At that moment the elf boy lay down on the grass, facing towards the part of the circle where Magnus and Callixtus were standing. The unicorn dropped to one knee and crouched behind him. With a sudden shock Callixtus noticed that the unicorn had taken his massive member in one hand, and that it was rapidly swelling. At the same time, the elf boy angled himself on the ground to present his rump. "Master, no - this is impossible!" said Callixtus. "We will see", said the mage. Now as is often the way with the sexual organs of any species, what is large when flaccid does not always grow exponentially when erect. Magnus had been pleasantly surprised by the sight of many a lad with a small or unremarkable cock which had grown to an unexpectedly big size when in a fully excited state; similarly, he was familiar with the sight of huge floppy flaccid members which when erect were disappointingly not much bigger. I do not want you to think, dear reader, that the unicorn erect was in any way a disappointment - just to indicate that there was not in fact a great deal of difference between Shalmaneser flaccid and Shalmaneser hard. Callixtus often wondered just how big the unicorn was in the cock department (for, if truth be told, he was something of a size queen - which Magnus was not - or at least so he claimed). He would have liked to have asked, or, better still - measured it himself, but to take such liberties with a unicorn was out of the question. Especially for a slave boy. (For those whose interests match Callixtus's , I am afraid I can offer no detailed information, for no- one has ever dared to ask a unicorn for measurements, still less attempt to take them. Leave it to your imagination, dear reader, but if you think of the organ with which you are most familiar, and mentally double it in length and girth, you are probably not far out). Lendulio was tall for an elf - over five foot - in fact he was almost the same height as Callixtus. But nevertheless, it seemed impossible for his slim build to....but the unicorn now reclined behind the elf, and gently lifted Lendulio's outside leg. The monstrous, quivering member approached the smooth, slicked pucker, and then paused. The elves began a slow drum beat. The unicorn placed the tip of his cock head against the elf boy's cherry, and very slowly eased in. Lendulio gripped the grass tightly and screwed up his pretty face as slowly, incredibly, the unicorn's glans disappeared inside the elf, to be followed by the full extremity of the unicorn's member, even right up to his huge balls, which now fitted snug against the elf-boy's bum cheeks. "How is that possible, master?" gasped Callixtus. "A mixture of the magical properties of elves and unicorns, the elastic nature of the elven musculature, and a great deal of grit and determination, by the looks of things" said Magnus. And as they watched, incredibly, the unicorn began to move his huge member slowly in and out of the young elf. The elven drums started a slow beat. Shalmaneser took his time - it would have been unseemly to rush the ceremony - and besides, rapid thrusting risked causing real damage, notwithstanding the extraordinary abilities of the elves. With long, slow and stately thrusts Shalmaneser continued, while he held the elf boy gently across the chest. For his part Lendulio bent his head to the ground and frowned, eyes closed, in pain and concentration - but he also had an erection - which in itself, mused Magnus, was an extraordinary tribute to the sexual capacity of the elves. The unicorn's face remained impassive throughout - although his body gradually changed colour from white to pink - and there was just a slight flicker of emotion when after six or seven minutes of steady, stately thrusting he stopped and exhaled loudly, with something of an equine snorting sound. Then he slowly pulled out of the elf boy, who collapsed on the ground with his eyes closed. He rolled slowly on to his belly and then got to his knees; the unicorn stood up and helped him to his feet. As the two joined hands, they bowed towards the spectators, who burst into prolonged cheers and applause and broke out into a flurry of drum and flute music. The solemn moment was slightly spoiled, at least to the minds of the two watching humans, by a slight, slack, but perceptible fart from Lendulio, followed by the descent of a veritable river of unicorn sperm down the boy's inner thighs; but everyone was too polite to comment. "What a magnificent performance!" murmured Magnus. Everyone came forward in turn to rub noses with Lendulio and bow to Shalmaneser, who remained standing while holding the boy's left hand up to his shoulder. Magnus observed Lendulio talking with Vuonti and it gave him the opportunity to study the two young elves and compare them. Lendulio was several inches taller and although both were pretty, Lendulio's beauty was of a different league - his long eyelashes and cute triangular chin were the frame for large, dark, almond shaped eyes, and his raven hair was glossier and longer than Vuonti's. Lendulio's cock, though admittedly still semi erect, was considerably longer than Vuonti's, and his balls were larger and hung lower. Fully erect, he attained six inches, which was a lot for a forest elf. Although slim and narrow waisted like all elves, Lendulio had slightly better muscle definition and a fractionally broader chest. Both elves had small and pert buttocks, though perhaps Vuonti's were slightly more globular. "Master?" said Callixtus, for he could see Magnus was lost in thought. "That was incredible, wasn't it! Are you thinking about what we have just seen?" "Hmm, what's that, dear boy? Oh, actually, I was just thinking that as delicious as these slim flanked elves undoubtedly are, you have the more shapely arse." And indeed the slave boy did, at least to Magnus's eyes - his perfect butt was beautifully rounded and smooth, and altogether more globular and accomodating than Vuonti's. And just to remind himself of that, he caressed it fondly. "I am almost inspired to give you a good rogering on the spot, right here on the greensward, as I am so inspired by what we have just witnessed. But it would be considered unseemly to detract from the solemnity of the occasion. No, our lovemaking must wait for now." And with that, he squeezed the boy's buttocks and gave him a gentle slap. Calllixtus giggled. "Come boy, the night is young, and there is much feasting and merriment ahead. But tomorrow we must leave this place, and continue our journey with Lendulio as a new addition to our band."