Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:22:18 +0000 From: Magnus Seagreen Subject: Magnus the Mage 21 Chapter Twenty One: Lord Skanderos gives thanks "Everything alright, Callixtus? You look sad." It was the day after the battle, and Callixtus was re- stringing his bow, sitting on the green spring grass surrounded by trampled wild tulips. "Thanks Kari, I suppose I am. I know we won a great victory, but many lost their lives. And I don't feel as happy as I did that I killed some of the Rhenoussians." "Why feel bad?" said Kari. "They were trying to kill you." "I know" said Callixtus. "But when you pull back the bowstring, and release the arrow, and end another person's's a big thing you've done, and not something you can just shrug off lightly." "I'd rather be sorry about the ones on our side who died " replied Kari. "Even though it's true that the ones who suffered most were those idiot Angiskoris - their Knights were cut to pieces. But thank the ancestors for the Megaran cavalry! You should have seen the way they cut right through the Rhenoussians....right through and out the other side! Lord Skanderos was amazing! He knows no fear - even though he and his Companions wear no armour and the Rhenoussian King's bodyguards were all quilted and padded and helmed, he went through them like a Sassid schooner gliding through the waves! And he dismounted the Rhenoussian king and took him prisoner!" "Yes, it's a pity I missed all that, as I was running to fetch the healer for Shalmaneser. But I also heard that the cavalry action came close to you near the end, and that before Skanderos captured the Rhenoussian king he was nearly decapitated by the King's champion...." ".....but as you see I kept my head!" The two boys were startled and turned round to behold Lord Skanderos himself, with two of his Companions, who had trotted up behind them on the grass. Skanderos leapt from his white horse with the easy, graceful motion of a superb horseman and approached the boys. Kari, who was sitting on the grass, looked up to see the laughing Megaran nobleman approaching him, his dazzling white teeth matching his snowy tunic, with a cornflower blue cloak slung over his shoulder, while the sunlight gleamed on his abundant golden curls. "Sorry, my Lord, we didn't hear your approach" said Kari, as both he and Callixtus scrambled to their feet and bowed. "Of course I might well have lost my head", continued Skanderos, "If that big ugly Rhenoussian hadn't suddenly exploded in flames. An incident which I believe might be something to do with a certain mysterious young mage from the Halls of the Mountain King." Callixtus was pleased to see Kari blush - something he had never seen him do before, although he had often teased Callixtus about HIS propensity to go red. Skanderos turned over his shoulder and said, "Here, Moonlight!" and his horse ambled towards him, laying its head on his shoulder and nuzzling him. "But I'm afraid your aim wasn't entirely perfect - look what you did to my horse!" - and he pointed out that the horse's mane was indeed looking somewhat singed. "Oh...I'm sorry about that, my Lord" stammered Kari, but Skanderos and his Companions burst into peals of laughter. He approached Kari closer, and gave him an appreciative look, taking in his orange headband, his shaggy brown hair, his green eyes, his pretty face....his narrow shoulders and slim waist, his smooth thin cock, his long athletic legs and the curious black and white leggings around his calves. "When I realised I owed my life to a mage" said Skanderos, in a quieter tone, "I thought they meant old Magnus. I never expected it would be to one as young and beautiful as you." And he turned on Kari the full force of his dazzling smile. "I've been looking for you ever since the battle, so I can express my thanks." Kari quickly moved his hand over his cock, and softly muttered the incantation which Magnus had lately taught him to cause penile deflation - a very useful little cantrip for a teenage boy who was perpetually nude and almost perpetually horny. (The cantrip could also be used in reversible form, causing a flaccid penis to become instantly erect. Kari doubted he would ever have to use this on himself, but he had already tried it on the Archimandrite Voloubos - just to cause him some embarrassment as he was on his way to a War Council meeting - though the cleric must have had a tiny pecker, because although he looked even shiftier and more uncomfortable than usual, there was no discernible effect beneath his voluminous robes). As happened wherever the handsome and popular cavalry commander went, a crowd had now gathered, and Skanderos and the two boys were in the centre of an admiring audience. "I owe my life to this mage", Skanderos said, making sure his voice carried to the crowd, "and as the heir to the princely house of Megaros, I wish all to know that we Megarans give honour where it is due. Be it hereby known that from this day, Kari Mountainhall the Mage is now a Knight of the Order of the Blue Banner of Megaros, and is enrolled as a full member of my Companion Guard - if, that is, he wishes to accept these honours?" - this last phrase was spoken in a softer tone, and addressed to Kari directly. Kari stood there mute and motionless, looking completely astonished. "Why...that is, err..yes, my Lord." One of Skanderos's Companions approached and slipped a cornflower blue cloak over his shoulders, fastening it at the throat with a silver brooch. "Welcome, brother" he said, and kissed him on both cheeks. The second Companion did likewise. "You have nothing to say, Sir Kari?" said Skanderos. "I...I can't ride a horse." Skanderos laughed. "Moonlight is strong, and although your powers are great, your frame is small and light. You will ride with me." And with that, he threw himself on his horse, and pulled Kari up to sit in front of him, holding the reins with his arms around the boy, and kissed him below his ear. "Come - we will join the rest of my Companions to celebrate our victory over the Rhenoussians, and to celebrate the feast of welcome for you and the other fourteen new Companions who have been made this day." And then Moonlight reared onto his back legs, gave a neigh of celebration himself, and Lord Skanderos bore away Kari with shouts of laughter and encouragement from the Companions as they all galloped across the tulip-strewn steppe, with their hair and their cloaks streaming out behind them in the wind. Later that evening, Callixtus lay in the tent with Magnus and recounted all that he had seen. "Kari's magical abilities", said Magnus, "are a rare gift. All mages are born with innate ability: we are, in that sense, a true aristocracy of birth. But just as those who are highly born ought always to hone and develop the virtues that go with nobility, so too all mages - however good their instincts - must have them properly schooled and regulated before they can become really great. Kari has the potential to be a very great mage - but only if he is accepted as a member of our Order, and spends years in rigorous training and study. I fear that his head is turned by Lord Skanderos, and it will do him no good in the long run." He sighed. "I noticed that Skanderos mentioned that there are fifteen new Companions. As their numbers are always fixed at sixty, that shows you how many were killed in yesterday's battle. Skanderos is beautiful and brave, but following him is no sinecure." "But Magnus...maybe that doesn't matter so much to Kari? I mean, maybe being with someone like Skanderos is more important to him than anything else - even being a mage? Who is to say that one path is better than another? I asked Kari what he could have if he could choose anything, and he said it was to be with Skanderos! " Magnus said, "Maybe there is something in what you say. But what about you, Callixtus? If you could choose anything, what would it be?" Callixtus said, "You know what I want. Just to be with you." Magnus smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek, then said, "I have a feeling Kari will not be sharing our tent from now on. And I must confess, that enjoyable though it was to have him join us in our lovemaking, I think I preferit when it is just the two of us." And he gave Callixtus a long and slow kiss, with one arm around the boy's shoulders, while with the other he tugged and fondled at his cock. "If we are interrupted by any Rhenoussian assassins" said Callixtus, "Kari isn't here to save you." "The Rhenoussians have sued for peace and their King is our captive" said Magnus. "And besides, I sacked our useless Angiskori guards, and replaced them with Volantians." "So we are being guarded by naked boy slingers?" "Certainly not! The Baron sent only his oldest and most grizzled veterans!" "Oh yes...and was that your idea, or his?" But Magnus could not reply to that, for his mouth was fully occupied elsewhere.