Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 19:22:18 +0000 From: Magnus Seagreen Subject: Magnus the Mage 22 Chapter Twenty Two: A messenger on the North wind Weeks passed, and the green spring had turned to summer by the time the army left behind the land of Rhenoussia, and marched on towards the north. They were now in goblin hill country, and the goblin tribes were allied with their enemies. The goblins avoided a pitched battle, but there were many clashes with foraging parties who were forced to make wide deviations from the line of march to hunt for game or raid goblin villages for food. Men and horses alike suffered privation, as food and forage were insufficient for such a large host, and the grass of the hill country was poorer than the rich spring grass of the Rhenoussian steppe. Magnus and Shalmaneser were both able to use special incantations each day to reduplicate food and fodder, but the amounts achieved in this manner were still inadequate, and the effort left both mages exhausted. At length they reached a wide river which flowed from east to west across their line of advance. Here, at a ford which provided the only practical crossing point for their baggage train, they found a substantial goblin army drawn up on the opposite bank, blocking their path. The allied army no longer had any artillery, for it had all been wrecked on the Field of Tulips. Shalmaneser had decided they could not wait for the Garramundians to repair their catapults and ballistas, which would in any case slow them down further, so they had been abandoned, despite the protests of the Garramundian commander. Now, as he surveyed the goblin horde on the opposite bank, he regretted his decision. There was no way he could simply sit back and pound the goblins from a distance. "We must force a crossing", said Shalmaneser. "I have had no news from the Empire, and I fear for the consequences if we cannot break through in support of our Imperial friends." Baron Makris said, "None of our missile troops have the range to hit the goblins from our side of the river, but there is a contingent of crossbowmen with us from the Free City of Cantazeno. If they advance part way across the ford, they would have the range to hit the enemy and still be out of range of their bows." "That is true", said Shalmaneser, "but the ford is only wide enough to take a score of men abreast. Even if we had the crossbowmen in several ranks, we could not do enough damage to make a serious impact. And the goblins would simply advance into the river till they closed the range. They might have difficulty drawing their bows, as I judge the water would be almost at the height of their chests, but they have such superior numbers that the Cantazenans would be swamped." "Perhaps", simpered Archimandrite Voloubos, "It is time for us to reconsider, and withdraw. We have already achieved much, but now we are hundreds of miles from home, and short of all manner of supplies. I think it is time for us to fall back." "I am afraid that is no longer an option" said Lord Skanderos, looking grim. "My scouts report that another large goblin army has come up on our side of the river, and has cut off our retreat. Furthermore, they are accompanied by scores of enormous black wolves, of a terrifying size. None of us have ever seen the like before, and all our horses - even my own - are helpless with fear when they catch their scent." "These must be Black Wolves from the Inner Mountains", said Magnus. "Even crossbow bolts will be of little use against their huge size and thick fur, unless a lucky shot hits one at close range. I fear we are surrounded, and must soon prepare for battle." "Very well" said Shalmaneser. "The army will adopt a defensive posture, in a hedgehog formation, while we wait to see what the goblins will do." "And what if they do nothing?" said the soft voiced Voloubos, but with a harsh glint in his eyes. "We are trapped, and man and horse will soon starve if we cannot get out." "Let us sleep on it while I think" said Shalmaneser. "There must be a solution. I have heard in my dreams that soon after sunrise tomorrow, we will find tidings on the north wind. Magnus, please fetch Lendulio, then stay and speak with me awhile. My Lords, let the rest of us meet again at first light." Callixtus slept alone that night. In the early hours of the morning, those on guard at the ford were surprised to stand aside for the naked elf boy, as he stepped into the river and started walking across to the far bank. They watched, wondering and afraid, as his slim form disappeared into the night, heading for the goblin side of the river. The guards on the southern perimeter were even more alarmed to behold Magnus, swathed in his seagreen cloak, slip out past them and walk alone to where the Black Wolves prowled, unseen, but filling the night with blood-chilling howls. At dawn the next morning, Shalmaneser met Voloubos, Skanderos and Makris, and the four of them stood in silence by the ford, as the rising sun turned the water red and gold and the allied army was drawn up before them in wary expectation. As they watched the far bank, they beheld three small forms approaching. Astonishment grew into anxious murmuring as they beheld Lendulio wading back across the ford, but this time he was not alone. On one side of him was the goblin commander, as tall as the elf and wearing a grotesque necklace of small skulls of unidentifiable origin over fish-scale armour, while on the other side he was flanked by a goblin mage bearing a staff topped with a human skull and trailing tattered black flags. The fear and astonishment of the army was compounded when Magnus appeared from the opposite direction. He too was not alone, for walking at his side was an enormous Black Wolf, its eyes as red as glowing coals, and its huge shoulders reaching almost as high as Magnus's own. Horses neighed in terror, and men fell back them to let them pass. Voloubos was shaking in fright, but Makris and Skanderos looked grim but composed as the two approaching parties met them outside Shalmaneser's tent. Lendulio spoke first. "This is Mesha, General in Chief of the Goblin Hordes, and his mage Grank." Shalmaneser gave the goblins a stately bow, but they did not respond, except to bare their sharp yellow fangs and chitter excitedly. For they were staring at the Black Wolf. "And this is he", said Magnus, indicating the wolf at his side, "whose name in the speech of the Fire Giants is Eresh Kigallu i-Mashnaz Skarrangu, which in the common tongue means He who rends flesh and crunches bones. He is Captain of the Black Wolves." Shalmaneser bowed to the giant wolf. "Magnus, please tell them that they are welcome" said Shalmaneser. The goblin mage replied, "We understand the common tongue, horse man. But the wolf can understand no man-speech." Magnus said, "Mage Grank is correct. But I am conveying our speech to the wolf-captain in a manner which he can understand." He looked at the giant wolf, who blinked his great red eyes, and looked around at all of them with a look that mingled threat with intelligence. At that moment there came, high on the wind, the distinctive call of a crane - and descending to them out of the clear sky, its white wings golden with the rising sun, the large bird spiralled downwards, its wings ruffled by the north wind. Landing a few yards from Shalmaneser, the crane bowed, then raised and flapped its wings - and as all watched in astonishment, its feathers fell away, and its form changed, until within seconds the crane was no more, and there stood before them instead a tall and handsome blond elf clad in green, and bearing a large sack bulging with heavy looking objects. "Welcome, my lords" said the elf. "Chereskar!" shouted Callixtus, who had recognised the High Elf mage who had spoken to him on his first visit to the Isle of Mages, many months ago. The elf turned to him and bowed. "Yes, it is I, Chereskar the Elf Mage. I have flown all night with news from the north. A great battle has been fought between the fire giants and the Imperial Legions. Losses on both sides were heavy, but the Empire has been victorious. Behold the proof of my words." And with that, he tipped the sack on the ground. Out of it rolled two huge grotesque severed heads. In appearance they were like gigantic goblins, but their skin was a dull fiery red, and they had hair and beards of a vivid orange. The wolf and the goblins approached, sniffing and investigating the gruesome trophies. The goblin mage said, "It is true, and this is no disguise of sorcery. These are the heads of the Fire Giant King and his Chief Lieutenant." Shouts and cries broke out from the army, but the goblins and the wolf remained inscrutable. Callixtus never quite got over the unnerving terror of that first encounter, even when later that day the army crossed the river, with the goblin hordes parting and keeping a peaceable and respectful distance. "What did you do, Lendulio?" he asked the elf, when the next day he got the opportunity to speak to him as they marched deeper towards the north. "I just persuaded them to attend the parley and see for themselves. I didn't know exactly what we would see, but I trusted Shalmaneser. And besides, goblins aren't bad really. I rather like them, in fact. They just need a little love. Very like woodsprites, actually." Callixtus was not sure he agreed. Grank the goblin mage was coming with them - and what was even worse, he had brought his wife - a cackling creature with three wrinkled breasts, who did not speak the common tongue but whose scolding and petting of her goblin mage husband was simultaneously comical and grotesque. As for Magnus, he refused to discuss how he had managed to persuade the Black Wolf to pad along beside him like a huge and menacing hound. At least the wolf did not come with them: once they had crossed the river, he stopped, and he and Magnus looked at each other for long moments, their eyes interlocked in some strange communication, before the wolf turned and sloped away. The High Elf Chereskar walked with them, and over the next few days he and Callixtus were constant companions. Magnus had nearly all his time taken up with the goblin mage, spending long hours in conversation with him in a language no-one else could follow. As for Kari, he was constantly with Lord Skanderos. He had discarded his orange headband and wore instead a circlet of white flowers which Skanderos plucked and arranged for him afresh each day. He rode on the front of Skanderos's horse, wearing his blue cloak, but apart from that he remained naked save for his mountain leopard leggings. Skanderos and his Companions wore their blue cloaks as well but they too now also went otherwise naked, apart from their sandals - to mutterings of horror from Archimandrite Voloubos. It was also quite clear to everyone that Kari and Skanderos were now lovers - not only did Kari share Skanderos's tent, but the Megaran commander was quite unabashed about kissing and fondling him openly as they rode about together. Although this caused disquiet amongst the Angiskoris, the rest of the army had no problems with it - Kari was already known and liked by many, whereas Skanderos was universally revered, so the match was popular. This was especially so amongst the Megarans themselves, who loved their leader, and rejoiced to see him so happy. Callixtus said to Chereskar, "I don't understand why we are still marching north. Surely what Voloubos has been saying is correct, and that the campaign is now over? Why is the army not returning homewards?" Chereskar replied, "Alas, my friend, it is not as easy as that. The Fire Giant army, although badly mauled, is not destroyed, and the victory has caused the Imperial Legions such heavy loss that they are in no condition to follow up the retreat of the enemy. The Fire Giants still have a large horde of mountain goblins with them, who are not the same kin as the hill goblins who have now made peace with us. They are falling back, but if we can intercept them - and we are only a few days march away - then we can end their threat for many generations of men. You will have noticed that the hills around us are becoming higher and that we are entering the mountains. Soon, we will reach the Red Pass, which the Fire Giants must traverse if they are to make their escape. Shalmaneser intends to block them there. That is why the campaign must continue to its final conclusion. But the end is not far off." Five nights later, the army reached the Red Pass, and Callixtus and Chereskar sat talking by a camp fire outside the tent that had been allocated to the High Elf. All across the mountain slopes a myriad of camp fires burned, while above them countless stars shone down, though there was no moon that night. "The Fire Giants are only a few miles away" said Chereskar, who had flown high above the pass earlier that day. "In the morning, there will be a battle - I hope it will be the last battle of the war. The only other pass is two miles away, and I judge it to be inaccessible to the giants, though possible for the smaller and more agile goblins. Shalmaneser has sent Voloubos and the Angiskoris to block it; they are not so enthusiastic for further fighting, and we feel sure the main action will take place here." "Will you fight with us?" asked Callixtus. "No. I will resume crane form at first light, and observe the battle from above. I will be able to communicate with Shalmaneser from the sky, and can help him direct his forces to best effect." "Will I see you again then, after the battle?" said Callixtus, for he had grown very fond of the handsome elf, who was much easier and more approachable than the mystically inclined Lendulio. "Of course" said the elf. "How could I fail to come and see the bravest and most beautiful soldier in the army?" Callixtus blushed. "I am not brave. When the Rhenoussian assassin attacked Magnus in his tent, I rolled away from him in terror, and failed to protect him." "And yet you protected him at the Battle of the Field of Tulips, and performed feats of valour there - not to mention your bravery last year, when you took on a Black Island pirate ship single handed. You are too modest, my handsome young friend." And the elf pulled him closer, and kissed him. Callixtus enjoyed being held and caressed by the strong and handsome elf, who smelt of sunlit forest glades filled with spring flowers. His face was entirely smooth - unlike the stubbly face of Magnus - for elves had no hair except on their heads and eyebrows. "Come into my tent, Callixtus, and let us comfort one another before tomorrow's battle" said Chereskar. Callixtus's rock hard cock had pushed his tiny loincloth to one side, and unlike Kari and his penile- deflating cantrips, it was impossible for him to disguise it. "But...Magnus...." "Magnus is not here. When not in Council with Shalmaneser, he is spending all his time trying to satisfy the inexhaustible curiosity of that immensely irritating goblin-mage, who knows he has hit the jackpot in finding such a powerful and patient guide who can further his advancement in the arcane arts. In any case, you are no longer his property and your body is your own to share with whom you will - just as he does with his. And besides, battle is full of mischance and uncertainty. Who knows what may happen to us, before another night falls?" And with that, Chereskar tugged at the front of his tunic, and out sprang his cock, which was far larger and more attractive than Callixtus had expected. The elf rose, took the boy by the hand, and led him inside his tent, where a dozen candles were burning in silver candlesticks. He tugged at his clothing and stepped out of it, and pulled off Callixtus's leather belt, then slipped off his jerkin, so that they both stood naked, gazing at one another in the soft candlelight. Then, as their tongues entwined, he sat on a camp stool and pulled Callixtus onto his lap as he fondled his swollen cock. Chereskar moistened his fingers with saliva and gently rubbed them on the boy's cherry, working first one then two fingers inside as Callixtus moaned in pleasure, then he gently eased the boy up and slowly slid him down so that the boy was astride him. Gently and tenderly, he eased Callixtus onto him, and the boy felt the elf's curved glans slip inside him, as they continued their passionate kiss. As Callixtus sank down onto Chereksar, not even from Magnus had he felt such exquisite pleasure. The elf's cock was by the far the biggest he had ever had inside him - much bigger than Magnus, bigger even than the clumsy Cheskan boy Votya - but as it throbbed and melded into him, Callixtus felt an indescribable tingling pleasure, and shouted and squealed as he squirmed up and down on the elf's lap. It took the elf a full forty minutes before they both came - and when they did, it was simultaneous, and suddenly Callixtus had a moment of insight as to what Kari had talked about when he described the sensation he got when Magnus shagged him -for it was not just a question of the stimulation of his prostate, but also the simultaneous and much more intense pleasure of an anal orgasm which started in his ring and seemed to spread on tingling nerves throughout his entire body, shooting up his spine and making his making his face flushed and his head feel so light and euphoric that he had the sensation that he was almost physically floating. Some hours later, feeling not exhausted but utterly energised and alive, the candles had burned right down and the tent sides were illuminated with the first rays of the morning sun, when from outside came the sharp sounds of horns echoing down the mountain side, and shouts of alarm and clashes of weapons. The Final Battle had begun.