Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 12:04:11 -0800 From: Michael Wingler Subject: Mated 8 AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters and places are of my own creation. All characters are over 18 years of age. Copyright December 2015. This story contains Supernatural/fantasy elements: Werewolves and other Wereanimals. This story contains homosexual activity/themes between males. If this offends you, please do not read. If it is illegal where you are, *please do not read*. Also...Nifty is a great site, so if you are inclined, maybe consider a small donation. Thanks to everyone who have read the previous chapters. Mated Chapter 08- Anxieties and Joy by August 31, Saturday The sensation of movement stopped and the dark haired Wolf heard the soft chime before the elevator doors opened on the top floor. Checking his watch he noted the time was 7:35. He walked towards his office, greeting Selah curtly. His ever present secretary nodded, sitting at her desk. "Good morning Mr. Tyler. Is there a meeting I am unaware of," she inquired cautiously as she clicked her computer program. "No, no meeting is scheduled." "Are you aware that it is Saturday, sir?" "I have comprehension of the day, Selah." "Then with respect, has your weekends off policy changed, sir?" "No, the policy has not changed," he snapped. Selah arched a brow. "Again, with respect, then why are you here today? Mr. Evans made no mention of a project requiring you to come in on your days off." "You know, it is still my company! I *can* just show up here whenever the fuck I feel like it," he growled as he entered his office and slammed the door. *Way to be an asshole,* he thought as he dropped heavily into his chair behind his desk. Yeah, this evening's meeting of Zack's parents definitely has him nervous and edgy. He would have to apologize to Selah for his rudeness. Maybe pay for dinner for her and her husband or something as well. He spent the next half hour trying to keep his mind off of this evening by checking his schedule for the coming week, going over paperwork, and needlessly straightening up his already organized office. It wasn't working. Despite the New Moon, he wasn't at his calmest. He just kept thinking *What if they hate me? What if they tell me to stop seeing Zack? What if they tell Zack to stop seeing me?* He wasn't sure he could actually stop seeing the sexy Wolf. Just the idea unsettled him. He didn't know why, but it did. He had certainly had relationships end before. And while there as a small degree of sadness, none of the endings had truly upset him. But the thought of no Zack...he couldn't even think of that. "Turning into a nervous teenager," he mumbled to himself. "No bro, those years are long past," smirked Benjamin from Dylan's doorway. The blond Wold was leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed. "Fuck," Dylan yelled with a start. "Don't fucking sneak up on people, asshole." "Oookaaay," Benjamin drew out the word. "Firstly," holding up a finger, "that's kinda what we trained to do...sneak up on people. And secondly," displaying a second raised finger, "I most certainly did not sneak up on you. I have been watching you for a solid five minutes." A troubled look passed quickly over Dylan's face. *Fuck, what all did I say?* "Umm, how much did you hear," he asked guardedly. Ben chuckled softly. "Only your woe at turning into an angsty teenager. Is there more I should hear?" "Abso-fucking-lutely not. I get laughed at enough, thank you very much." Walking over to his oldest friend, Benjamin placed his hands on Dylan's shoulders. "Seriously bro...what's wrong? And don't give me that *nothing* bullshit. I know you. I can see your distressed. Hell, I can smell it. Now spit it out." "It will only make you laugh and make me look weak," Dylan replied, shaking his head. Benjamin clapped him on the left side of his head. "Speak!" Dylan sighed. Clearly Ben wasn't going to let it drop. Might as well get the humiliation over with. "I was just...worrying. What if the parents don't like me? What if they forbid us to keep seeing each other?" "You're not weak, Dyl. Anyone that knows you knows that. And I'd never laugh at you for those feelings. We all have those worries when we have to meet the parents. But I have to ask, does it matter what the folks say? Will it change how you feel about who you are dating?" "No, of course not. I don't *want* to stop. I don't think I can stop." "So stop stressing over it. You're both adults. And unless her parents are really control freaks, I don't think there will be a problem. Maybe some concern if her daddy is a Pack Beta, but even then I doubt there's an issue. And if there is talk to her Alpha." Ben winked. "Cause yeah, that will soothe tensions," Dylan smirked, rolling his eyes. "Really though, you are a good man Dyl. So unless they're complete assholes you have nothing to worry about." Benjamin embraced him in a brotherly hug. "Now why don't you take off and try to relax before the big meet. You aren't even accomplishing anything here." "Are you sure you don't need help with something? Client consultation? Team inspection? Anything?" "No, now get. And tell me how it went," Benjamin chuckled with a wink. * * * * * Zack heard the text alert and stopped what he was doing to check his cell: [DYLAN] Lunch? Smiling, he noted the time...9:45 A.M. He hadn't thought of meeting for lunch, but it sounded damn fine now. He quickly tapped out *Sure. When/where?* The reply was swift. [DYLAN] Noon/Thai Hut? Zack grinned as he responded with a short *Maybe 12:30 or 1:00 work?* and pocketed his cell. It was going to be forever until lunch. He was pleased when his man returned with 1:00 being fine. He finished getting ready to go and headed out. He had planned to talk to his parents before meeting Dylan this evening. Hopefully he would be able to get it done and not be late for lunch. The potential for drama was definitely high with what he wished to discuss. He was sure they were not going to be pleased. But after spending many days pondering, he felt his decision was the right one for his future. The entire hour drive to his family's home, Zack kept going over what he wanted to say and worrying how they would react. What he was going to do was not heard of. At least not as long as he could remember in the Westvale Pack. Arriving at the old mansion, Zack settled his motorcycle and helmet then went to the front door. He knocked sharply and a short time later the door opened. In the doorway stood a middle aged looking man. Dressed in a navy blue long-sleeve button up shirt, white tie and charcoal grey slacks, his 6' 4" frame was slender, sporting bright flame orange hair in a stylish short cut. The dark green eyes widened briefly in what looked like surprise before returning to normal, with a definite twinkle in them. A wide smile erupted on his face. "Son," he greeted, pulling Zack into a warm embrace. The young Wolf held tightly, face buried in his father's chest, inhaling the so familiar scent. Normally it was something that always calmed him when he was distressed. Made him feel safe and secure. Yet here he stood, worried and tense. He was sure his father would sense that. And he was correct. "What's wrong son? Something is bothering you. We didn't expect you until this evening, is there a problem with your new man? Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" There was a low growl in that last question. Zack figured he should have expected the last question, given his history with Christopher. Honestly, he was surprised his father hadn't had the man grabbed and...*talked to*. Likely hadn't only because it was many months after the relationship had ended that Zack told his parents everything that had happened. "No dad, my *Mate* hasn't hurt me." He felt his father stiffen slightly and heard him sniffing deeply. "How did I not notice this before? Why didn't you say something?" The younger Wolf sighed. "I was going to talk to you about it. And I thought mom might have mentioned it." "She did mention you had a new man in your life. But I figured it was just a boyfriend." "Really dad? Didn't she tell you I said the One?" "To be fair, you thought that other guy was special, son." "Well, he was for a bit, before he showed his true colors. But I never said he was the One, did I?" "True enough. And scent doesn't lie. Your...mate, is there for certain, if somewhat faint. So, is that why you're here early, to talk about your mate?" "Can we, uh, chat inside? Pretty sure you'll want to sit for this. I know I will." The older Wolf arched a brow. "Very well. Might as well get some coffee before we get to it. I trust you will want some?" Zack nodded. "You know me." "Yeah, you want that complicated thing." "Oh stop it. It's just a coconut latte. I have them all the time." "I am aware," his father chuckled. "I sometimes wonder that if you get cut coconut latte will flow out. You're fortunate that your mother likes mochas. She insisted on that fancy espresso machine." "I recall your own fondness for pumpkin spice lattes, so can it with the latte bashing, old man," Zack laughed. His father grinned and winked. "You're no fun. If a dad can't poke at his kid, what's the world coming to?" Thinking of the soon to be conversation, Zack got nervous again. "Ummm, you may not be so amused shortly dad." That said, he quickly slipped passed his father and went to the large kitchen and began making their coffees. He felt his father's presence behind him. "That was a bit cryptic." His father laid a hand on his left shoulder. "Son, whatever it is, it won't change our love for you. You know that, right?" Zack hesitated briefly. "I hope that's true. But I know you and mom won't be happy at what I have to say." "And just what is it you have to say, short stuff?" *Fuck! Nico's here.* "Nothing you need to concern yourself with big brother. This is just between dad, mom and I." "If it involves our parents it probably does concern me. So what is it," snapped Nicodemus. "Well it really shouldn't. Dad?" Zack's father looked at both sons for a moment. "Is this something Nicodemus is going to hear about anyway," he asked. Zack dropped his head with a sigh. "Yes," he replied softly. "Then you might as well just get it out all at once. I will get your mother and we will all meet you in the living room." "Yes dad, as you wish." There was no point in arguing, his father had spoken. Several minutes later, Zack carried beverages in for everyone and took a seat in a cozy armchair. His favorite one. It offered some small comfort. He watched as his mother and father took drinks of their coffees. Of course Nico didn't touch his. *Asshole.* Zack nervously took a sip of his latte, wondering who would speak first. He didn't have long before that was answered. "So, out with it," spat Nicodemus, "What's so important you had to show up before lunch?" "Nicodemus! You will mind your manners when you speak to your brother or say nothing at all." Yeah, dad was not happy. The scowl on his mother's face indicated she was likewise displeased. "Father," Nico replied, "He didn't even call ahead to see if it was a good time to drop in. I think that was terribly rude. And disrespectful to your position. And to everyone else that lives here." "Enough. Zack does not need an appointment nor an invitation to come to his *family* home. I didn't ask it of you and your wife and I certainly don't of him. Conduct yourself civilly or find your *own* place to stay when in Westvale." Irritation was plain on his face, but Nicodemus softly growled "Of course father, my apologies." Zack, knowing his brother's true feelings about his baby brother, doubted his sincerity. If Nico was sorry for anything, it was only that he was sorry to make their father upset enough to chance tossing him out of the mansion. "'s okay dad. It was good to see you and mom this morning, but I should have called," said Zack quietly. "I wasn't thinking." He felt the need to run, just like last time he encountered his brother. Standing up, he told them "I'll see you at dinner." "Zack, you just got here," said his mother. "And your father indicated you had something of import to say. We want to hear what it is that is concerning you, son." The young Wolf fidgeted, looking at his feet, his watch, his cup then his parents. "Now's," he started, "Clearly now is not a good time for that conversation." "What conversation is that?" *Oh joy, the sister-in-law. This just keeps getting better.* Nico's wife had come into the room. She was the same height as Zack with a trim, toned build. He golden blonde hair was long and tied in a tail and her Midnight blue eyes shined brightly. She was dressed in a finely cut business suit of Slate gray. She had a pleasant smile and was quickly to Zack, pulling him into a tight embrace. "It's good to see you Zacky. We see so little of you." Her words sounded warm and genuine. But then, he had thought his brother cared for him, too. Now, he really didn't know what to think. "Well, uh, you, life," he laughed nervously. "It's, uh, nice to see you, too. Have to run now though. I'll see you later." He forced a smile he didn't feel and hoped it looked normal. He almost made it out of the room before he heard his father speak. "Zackary Riverton, sit down and tell us what you wanted to say." That was his authority voice. *Fuck!* He hesitated a few seconds and made up his mind. "Sorry dad. I...I have to go now. We'll talk about it another time." The next thing he knew, he was slammed against a wall with his brother's snarling face close to his. "HOW DARE YOU," Nicodemus bellowed. "How dare you show such disrespect to our father, in his own home no less." He shook him, slamming him yet again into the wall. Zack had never seen Nico so angry. And his brother had never been physically violent with him before. He was truly terrified. He bared his neck in submission. "S...sorry," he whimpered. "P...please, just let me go. I'm sorry." Zack barely heard the three others yelling his brother's name, he was so focused on what was happening. His brother had a tight hold on him and his eyes had gone red. "Nicodemus Cassius Riverton!" That was never a good tone from his father. Though rarely heard, men usually cowered when they heard it. "Unhand your brother *this instant!*" Nicodemus leaned close and spoke into Zack's ear. "I'll not forget this. Don't think for a moment that this is over," he growled quietly. He gave a final slam against the wall that winded Zack slightly before releasing him. Zack doubled over, taking a couple deep breaths before straightening up and running out of the house, yet again. Looks like this is becoming a pattern. * * * * * Though he had no idea why, Dylan unaccountably felt unsettled. He had managed to get his nerves about meeting Zack's parents under control and had been reading to pass the time before his lunch date. He checked the time. It was just after 11:30, so it wasn't hunger making him edgy. But for some reason he had a feeling of 'wrongness' he couldn't place. He needed to clear his mind before he met Zack. Thinking that maybe a run in his wolf form would help, he disrobed, leaving his clothes on his living room recliner and stepped out of his front door. The biggest advantage of his large property was that it was on the outskirts, nicely secluded from the busyness of the town. And the acreage. He had saved and bought quite a large chunk of wild lands teeming with flora and fauna. Clearing only as much as he needed to build his home, he left the rest as it was. His own personal retreat and hunting ground. He named it the Tyler Animal Refuge. It suited him well when he needed to let his wolf out. After some time running around Dylan had calmed and felt a strong urge to return to his house. And was that Zack's motorcycle he heard? Dashing back to the house, he was indeed greeted with the sight of his lover getting off of his bike. He was so pleased to see Zack that he hadn't even shifted to his human form in his rush to reach the man. As he got closer, it felt like something was off. Zack didn't seem to be the happy Wolf he was familiar with. Dylan quickly took his human form and pulled his man into his arms. Zack embraced him tightly. "What's wrong babe? You seem...distressed." Zack sighed. "Not important right now," he mumbled. "Sorry if I disturbed you. I know we weren't going to meet until one, but I really needed you. I hope that's okay." "Of course it's okay. I'm always here for you babe." *Always? Do I really mean that? Hell yes I mean that!* "Let's go inside." Since his lover made no move to let him go, he slipped his hands down below Zack's butt and lifted him up to carry him. Obviously the man approved because he wrapped his legs around his waist and held tighter. Once inside and beside the couch he asked "Mind if I set you down here?" "Okay," he heard, softly spoken. When Zack unwrapped his legs Dylan set him down lightly. "So, do you still feel like going out to lunch," the big Wolf inquired. "We don't have to if you don't want to." Zack buried his nose in his Mate's neck, inhaling deeply and then licked it. Just being with Dylan was making him feel so much better. "Yeah," he said quietly, "we should eat. Can I ride with you, though?" "I'd be very happy to have you ride with me," Dylan replied as he rubbed his lover's back gently. "Thank you." Zack reached out and pulled his Mate's head down and planted a long kiss. Not too passionate, but very pleased. "You know, I'm going to have to get dressed if we're going out in public," Dylan chuckled. "Ugh, why do people have to ruin a good thing like a hot naked man?" "I know. Assholes, all of 'em," the big Wolf chuckled. "No, not all of them...mostly just the too modest Mundanes. Oh well, such is life," Zack said with a soft sigh, disentangling from his Mate. He did, however trace his hand down the big man's chest, abs and then a little squeeze of his cock. He gave a mischievous wink. "Later, I promise." He wasn't trying to be a total jerk, after all. Dylan groaned. "You're a menace, you know that, right?" Perking a brow, Zack asked "And how is that?" "Sexually frustrating a Big Dawg *can* lead to harm to others." Zack laughed and grabbed Dylan's underwear, handing it to him. The scowl was clearly affected and the glimmer in dark Wolf's eyes belied any real danger. Zack knew his Mate well enough. He delighted in watching his man get dressed as he handed his clothing to him a piece at a time. Once fully clothed, Zack pulled Dylan's head down for a gentle kiss. "Let's grab lunch, stud." * * * * * Zack's first indication that something was up was the light blue BMW X5 parked in front of his apartment. He pulled into his assigned space and secured his bike. Walking over to the car, he confirmed what he already suspected...his mother's. And since the car was empty, she was likely waiting for him in his apartment. *Why did I give them a key,* he thought. He knew why she was here, too. This morning's aborted conversation was not yet over. And wouldn't be until he told her what had been on his mind when he had shown up at the house. *Fuck!* Steeling himself, he headed in to his apartment. As soon as the door opened he scented more than his mother present. *Fuck again!* "Mom, dad," he said, closing the door. He had just turned from locking the door when his father rose and approached him. He knew his father was upset, he could smell it. It wasn't rage. Rage was so much stronger. He didn't know the exact nature of it though. Anger, disappointment? He knew his father had a right to both. Zack's father placed his hands on his shoulders. "Son. Today is the first time in a decade that you have directly disobeyed me. Why?" The words were not angry or harsh as he expected them to be, but more a sense of concern. I'm sorry dad." It was taking effort to look his father in the eyes. The feeling of disappointment was the worst. "I'm not angry at you son, I just want to know what's wrong so I can help you. You came to us to say something you obviously feel is important." "I'm afraid you're going to be mad at me." "Zack, angry at you or not, we love you. That will not change. So what do you have to tell us that has you so concerned?" "I think we should sit for this." His father nodded and they both sat, his father next to his mother, and he in the chair close to the sofa. His parents looked at him, waiting for him to speak. "This...this isn't easy to say. And I hope you won't take it out on Dylan, he knows nothing of this. But I want to leave the Pack." "What," they said in unison. "Why son? Is someone causing you problems in the Pack," asked his father. "Is it because of Nicodemus," his mother inquired. Zack sighed softly. "No dad, nobody in the Pack is causing trouble. And no mom, not because of Nico. Though he *is* why I left earlier." "Then why son," his father asked again. "I have a Mate now," he started. "Even if he doesn't realize it yet," he murmured softly. "Anyway, he isn't in the Pack. And as his Mate, I should be with him." "I didn't realize your Mate wasn't in the Pack," replied his father. "And before you get worried, no, that is not a concern son. That he treats you well. That is all that matters." "So, what pack is he in," asked his mother. "I don't know. Not even sure he has one. We haven't talked about that." His mother had a look of puzzlement. "How could Pack not come up?" "It just...hasn't, mom. Dylan is wonderful, but not big on the sharing. Well, he tells me I'm special and all that. But he keeps so much so close. I think it has to do with his military days or his current job, maybe. We have actually been discussing the need to open up more. On both sides. He seems agreeable, though nervous." "Are you really sure about this man son? Because honestly, he's not sounding like a Mate to me right now," said his father. "Yes dad, I'm very sure. I feel him, inside. You know what that feels like. You and mother have both described what it is like with a Mate. I'm not wrong on this." "Then how can he not share things so important as Pack," asked his mother. "Mates share almost everything." Zack frowned before responding. "I...umm, I'm not sure he realizes we're Mates, for some reason. I don't understand it I knew right away, but he seems unaware." "I've never heard of such a thing, not knowing your Mate," his mother huffed. "Now hold on Constance," said his father. "It's very rare, but it can happen. It is a more recent phenomena, though. Within the last 100 years, actually. Son, do you know if he was raised traditionally? With the old teachings?" "I don't know. I'm still working on learning more about him. We actually had a misunderstanding around the topic of how much we know and don't know about each other. It was resolved though. And as I mentioned, we are working on opening up about each other's lives. Do you think it really makes a difference?" "It has been noticed that some *not* brought up in all of the traditional teachings have difficulty in recognizing they are Mates. Life experiences also seem to play a part." "Are you serious? This is really a thing," asked Zack. "Yes, son. I have heard this from several different sources." "Is there anything that can be done," his mother inquired. "I don't believe there is anything we can do." *Well that sounded grim,* Zack thought. He was more worried about the subject now. "But, they *do* recognize their Mates eventually...right?" The elder Wolf hesitated before replying "Usually, yes." This all sounded terribly vague. Zack had a suspicion that his father knew more than he was letting on. He decided to let it go for now though. The discussion about Zack's leaving the Pack was concluded with his parents assuring him they understood. While bittersweet, his mother and father agreed it was probably for the best. He would be leaving the Pack he grew up in, but he would be happy supporting his Mate. After chatting a while longer, his parents left, Zack promising he would see them at dinner. * * * * * Dylan looked at the mansion, wide-eyed. "*This* is your parents' home?" "Ummm, yeah. But they're cool, I promise. They are gonna love you," Zack said with a smile. "I, uh, hope so. 'Cause I'm not sure what would happen if they don't." Zack looked at his Mate seriously. "Then I bid them goodnight and tell them I'll call them later, that's what." Cupping Zack's jaw and stroking his cheek with his thumb, Dylan said softly "Zack, I don't want you having any trouble with your parents." "There would only be trouble if they don't approve. But they will, so it doesn't matter." Zack leaned closer and kissed his man gently. "Now let's do this. I'm starved. I could eat a whole deer," he chuckled. Dylan got a wicked look. "That's not your usual meat choice. I thought you preferred Wolf." The auburn Wolf blushed slightly and smacked his Mate's right shoulder. Readjusting himself, he groaned. "Cut that shit out. We're about to have dinner with my folks, for fuckssake." With a hearty laugh Dylan said "Sorry babe, but I just had to. It was too good not to." "Yeah yeah, now let's get going before they come looking for us." "Lead on," Dylan replied with a grin. After exiting and locking the vehicle, Dylan joined his lover heading for the front door of the huge mansion that was the man's old family home. They stopped in front of the redwood door and Zack pushed the doorbell. Dylan found himself standing behind his man with his arms wrapped around his chest and waist, nuzzling his neck. He felt oddly protective for some reason. He was, he discovered, pleased when Zack leaned back into him. This was becoming a regular feeling. He could seriously get used to this. The door opened to reveal a youthful looking woman standing at Zack's height of 5' 10" in a tasteful Navy blue pantsuit. She smiled widely and her eyes lit up. "Zacky!" She seemed quite pleased to see his man, whoever she was. Which confused Dylan, as Zack's reaction was to tense up. "Haley," Zack replied, levelly. "Come in, come in. Mom and dad will be so pleased to see you," she gushed. Dylan noted that Zack hesitated briefly before stepping forward. His lover seemed anxious and it really did puzzle him. He could only recall a handful of times he sensed that from the smaller Wolf. He was not pleased that he was usually involved at those times. As soon as Zack had walked through the door the woman grabbed him up in a big hug. She did appear to be quite fond of him. After releasing Zack she turned her gaze at Dylan. "And you must be Zack's ma..." Zack gave her a look Dylan couldn't place. She paused for a breath before continuing. "" She stepped up to Dylan and leaned in and sniffed. Smiling, she embraced him. "Welcome, Dylan. So pleased to meet you." "Fuck," said Zack. "Sorry, my manners. Dylan, this is my sister-in-law Haley. Haley, Dylan." Haley placed a hand on Zack's left shoulder. "Don't worry little brother, it's going to be okay." "That remains to be seen," he replied quietly. Dylan was getting the feeling that Zack was just as anxious about the evening as he was. Or maybe he didn't get on well with his sister-in-law. Or both. The only thing he could think of to do was slip his arm around his man's waist and pull him close for support. He was relieved to sense that it seemed to help. "Can I get you something to drink, Dylan," Haley asked. "He'll have a rum and cola," Zack supplied. "I don't suppose there's any Night Wolf is there?" She nodded. "Meet ya in the living room." And with that she swiftly left them in the foyer. Zack turned to face Dylan and placed his hands on the big man's waist. "Before we go meet the folks, I should tell you something. Since Haley is here, my brother Nicodemus will be here for dinner as well. He...he and I do not get along. So, just try and...ignore whatever you may think is going on with me or whatever. Just remember that we are here to meet my mom and dad. Who are going to love you. Okay?" "Why do I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me," Dylan asked suspiciously. "Because you're hella smart, hon. But time and place," Zack replied before placing a kiss to stop further comment. With his Mate close behind, Zack made his way to the living room. He stopped at the entryway to the room, scanning to see who might be there. Mother, Nico. Good. The initial introductions should be easier for Dylan. Seeing Haley had thrown him a bit, but it was certainly better than if Nico had answered the door. Zack reached back to find his Mate's hand and was comforted at the hand quickly grasping his. He took a deep breath and continued into the room. "Mother, father...I'd like you to meet the amazing Dylan Tyler." He was both happy and a bit nervous waiting for their reaction to his Mate. He could feel Dylan's anxiety and just the briefest tenseness. Seated, both of his parents looked up from their reading. He saw them scanning him and Dylan. He could only wonder at what they were thinking. They rose and closed to greet. He felt it was a good sign that both were smiling. Real ones, not the polite smile one uses to not cause tension. His mother reached out first, cupping his face in her warm, soft hands. "Zack, you look well this evening," she said, smiling. "And we have the pleasure of your man, at last." She stepped in front of Dylan and leaned close, sniffing him. Smiling, she embraced him tightly. "So good to finally meet you. You are quite the special young man." Dylan blushed ever so slightly. "Oh, I don't know about that," he chuckled nervously. Zack's father hugged his son next and he felt his father's warmth and strength. It comforted him like it usually did. "Good evening son." The older Wolf moved over to Dylan and also leaned close to sniff the man. Zack felt a rise in the anxiety from his Mate. *Is he worried? Intimidated?* Zack was pleased to see his father straighten up and smile broadly before also embracing his Mate in what appeared to be a hug just as tight as he usually received from his father. "Welcome to my home, son. So pleased to have you here." The older Wolf held the embrace for several moments before releasing and Zack felt his man go from anxiety to confusion. Clearly, this was not a reaction he had considered. So far, this was going well indeed. He hoped it would go smoothly with Nicodemus, but he seriously doubted it. "Dylan, I'd like to introduce my mother Constance and my father..." "Cassius Riverton," Dylan finished flatly. "You...know my father," Zack asked, stunned. Dylan looked at his lover. "Not personally, no. But anyone in my line business would recognize Mr. Riverton, babe. He's, uh, kinda up there in society, ya know?" "Yes, I know what other people think of him. But to me, he's Ummm, no offense intended dad." Cassius looked fondly at his youngest. "None taken son. That's all I ever want to be from you." "So, ready for that drink now Dylan," Haley asked with a grin as she entered the room. She walked up and handed him a rock glass filled with his beverage then handed Zack a bottle of Night Wolf. "Looks like all is going well." "For the moment," Zack replied quietly. She put both of her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "I told you," she said softly, "it's going to be okay." Dinner was a mostly enjoyable occasion. With the notable exception of his brother. He started out being an asshole with the greeting. Zack could tell he tried the 'crusher' handshake, and was pleased at how Dylan didn't flinch or grimace once. Yeah, his Mate was a *real* man. Obviously not satisfied, Nico took every opportunity to glare or snip, but was definitely not given any of the reactions he clearly desired from his man. Yup, he had a class act for a Mate. *Oh fuck, this is bliss.* Zack was on his back in Dylan's bed, sweating in the throes of pleasure as his lover thrust deep into him again and again. His Mate was over him, breath coming out in great huffs and grunts. Drops of sweat were dripping down on him and he was loving every second of it. He had his hands at Dylan's sides, fingers gripping tightly. His own cock was almost painfully hard and he was so close to release. They had been at it for almost an hour. Looking up into his man's face, he was so comforted by what he saw. The look said so much. The obvious pleasure, but also that he was wanted. Deeply desired. And he thought, serious contentment. "Are you ready, babe," Dylan panted out. "I'm almost there." Zack shifted his hands to pull his Mate's face close for a passionate kiss. "Do it sexy. Fill me up. Shoot that load" "You first," Dylan grunted hoarsely, wrapping his right hand around his lover's shaft and stroking rapidly as he continued his powerful thrusts into the smaller Wolf. After just a few strokes Zack moaned then roared out his release all over his Mate's hand and his own torso. His body trembled with the power of his orgasm. Dylan grunted out two more powerful thrusts before his orgasm burst forth with a mighty bellow. "FUUUCK!" One final thrust, holding until his cock stopped pulsing deep inside his lover before he and collapsed onto his back beside Zack. He lay there staring at the ceiling as he waited for his breathing to return to normal. Now that his breathes were regular again, Zack was filled with happiness at a new feeling from his Mate. But would the man say it? As soon as Dylan's breathing evened out, Zack rolled over to throw an arm over his chest and a leg over Dylan's legs. Pretty much laying half on his Mate. He let out a contented sigh as he felt Dylan bring an arm around to snug him in tight to his body. Several minutes of quiet, save the sound of their breaths passed. Then Zack heard Dylan say softly "I love you so much baby." Yup, he was the luckiest little Wolf in the world. ********** Comments are appreciated, so let me know what you think. However, flames are not constructive. If you didn't like the story because it just wasn't your taste, just let it go. Feel free to contact me at Also, ask to join the Google+ community: ( to talk about characters, chapters, etc. Thank you to all who commented on previous chapters.