Monster Quest: Chapter Four

By D.S.M.

The following is a swords and sorcery fantasy, with elements of magic, adventure, monsters, and lots of crazy sex. Please don't take it too seriously, as its sensibilities are firmly tongue-in-cheek.    All persons involved are 18 years of age or older.    All characters, locations, organizations, events, spells, unicorns, and fairies portrayed in this work are either products if the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, copyright 2021 by D. S. M.    All persons involved are 18 years of age or older.

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Chapter 4: Swamp Things

Kasper came awake slowly.    The first thing he noticed was that he was cold and wet.    The second thing he noticed was that he was naked.    This was a particularly confusing facet to his current situation.    What in all the hells happened to me?   

He tried to sit up and immediately regretted it.    Everything began to spin. His whole body hurt and his legs felt numb.    Kasper glanced down and realized that his legs were in water, and he lay on the edge of a foggy river.    Where was he?    How had he gotten here?    He pulled his body out of the water and rested on the bank.    His head swirled as he gathered his thoughts.     

He lay still for a moment, just looking at nothing.    The sky was a dull grey and a wan fog drifted around him.    Kasper wasn't sure if it was morning or evening.    Slowly, the details from the previous night began to drift into his mind.    He had been walking through the woods, making good time on his pilgrimage.    He was going to make an early camp and then-

The werewarg!

Kasper's eyes flew open and he scrambled up the river bank in a panic.    His eyes darted all around the area looking for the creature. Now he remembered everything!    The monster had torn off his clothes, tongued his hole, before marking him with his piss!    He had managed to fight off the monster but slipped over the edge of the cliff.    He remembered falling through the darkness and hitting something cold.    He must have landed in the Vass River.

As Kasper realized he was alone, his breathing slowly returned to normal.    He was on the riverbank, covered in mud.    Tall grass and scraggly trees thick with moss surrounded him. This must be Tabusa swamp, north of the river. While he wasn't thrilled to be in the unpleasant bog he had seen earlier, at least he was away from that horny werewarg.    He got up and began wash his body in the river.    He couldn't help but think about the way that creature had defiled him.    While he would never admit it, (not out loud, note even to himself) some deep part of him had enjoyed at least some of what had happened.   

He scrubbed his body harder, ignoring the telling hardness in his cock.    He couldn't stay here, he thought to himself, he had to keep moving.    He had to get to Gai Saidor.    Kasper cursed his decision not to take the safe route to the monastery.    What was he thinking?    Kasper had no doubt that he was sticking to the roads all the way back home.

The sky had cleared somewhat, and Kasper was able to determine that it was early morning.    He must have spent the whole night on the riverbank.    After making himself reasonably clean in the river, he began to search for something he could use to cover himself. He was thinking of using the long grass to make some sort of skirt when he stumbled over his backpack.    Praise the gods!    He thought for sure that his belongings were at the bottom of the Vass.    He quickly dressed himself in a spare set of clothes and strapped his sword around his waist.

Kasper took his bearings, and tried to plot out the best way to get back on the path to Gui Sudor.    He took the divination crystals from his pack, and spoke a word of activation.    With a crystal in each hand, he moved them around for a few moments.    When the crystals started to glow, he knew he had established north. He spoke a word of destination, and the moved the crystals again.    Soon he had a bearing for the monastery.    Dressed, armed, and with his trusty pack on his back, he was ready to resume his pilgrimage.

Kasper spent the rest of the morning following the river until it widened so much that it was indistinguishable from the swamp.    The going was slow and he kept a wary eye out for any sign of the terrifying werewarg.    The air grew warmer and was thick with bugs.    But despite the wet and soggy march, there was beauty to be found.    Birds sang in the trees.    Flowers grew from the thick vines that seemed to cling to anything above the water line.    There was danger too; he could see snakes and large scaly lizards moving slowly through the waters.

By late afternoon, Kasper was on the lookout for a place to shelter for the night.    He wasn't eager to spend an entire evening in the damp.    As he traveled, the Vass River made a turn to the north.    Gui Sudor was to the west, and he knew he needed to get to the other side.    The river was once again within its banks, but the channel was deep and he didn't dare swim to the western bank.    He would need to find a place to make a crossing.

As twilight approached, he spotted a thick cluster of trees in the distance.    As he got closer, he noted that the ground here was higher, keeping it dry.    This hillock, he thought, was as good a spot as he was likely to find.    As he entered the grove of trees    he noticed an oddity.    Something had made wide paths through the underbrush.    Fearful of some unknown predator using the area as its bed, Kasper decided not to camp on the ground.    Instead, he found a tall tree near the edge of the grove with branches relatively close together.    He climbed up.   

Once we was several body-lengths off the ground, Kasper found a promising place where two strong branches made a V at the trunk of the tree.    Using some rope from his pack, a sturdy branch, and his bed roll, he set about making a nest.    Soon he was carefully rigged to the tree.    Kasper drifted off to a dry (if not terribly comfortable) sleep listening to the noise of chirping crickets and croaking frogs.

It was an unexpected noise that brought him awake: the sharp crack of a breaking branch.    Kasper's eyes popped open, and he looked about for its source before he remembered where he was.    He was about to dismiss the noise when he remembered the paths through the underbrush he had spied earlier.    He glanced down.

There was movement below him in the early morning light.    At first he thought the ground had somehow come alive, undulating slowly and steadily towards the river.    He brain worked to make sense of what he was seeing.    There was something on the ground, not the ground itself. More than one something.    Fear settled into the pit of Kasper's stomach.    What new danger was he facing?   

As his eyes made out more detail, He could see dozens of what appeared to be serpents moving around the floor of the little grove.    They seemed particularly interested in the tree. His tree. He watched for moment longer before he realized they weren't serpents at all.    They were vines.    The ground was alive with undulating vines.

Kasper leaned back against the solid truck of the tree, thanking the Gods that he had chosen to spend the night in its branches.    Whatever was happening below, he felt he was at least temporarily safe in the top of the tree.    But the tree was also a trap, and he could see no way to get to the ground without facing the creatures.    Kasper could do nothing but wait to see what would happen next.   

Kasper pulled the Bestiary from his pack.    He couldn't remember reading anything about moving vines in its pages, but it wouldn't hurt to check again.    He flipped through the various entries.    Snakes...serpents both sea and sand... krakens, no, not quite.    There was even an entry on a massive plant creature that was once worshiped as a god, but there was only anecdotal evidence of its existence.    And certainly nothing in the book that seemed to match the situation he was in.    He occasionally glanced down to see if the vines had retreated, but found them still moving slowly around the tree.

At some point while he was reading, Kasper drifted back to sleep for a time.    He jolted awake, cursing his carelessness.    The sun must have risen higher in the sky, as there was more light.    He had a clear view of the ground below.    He looked down to check on the vines and found them gone.    Whatever strange phenomenon they represented, it appeared to be over.    Kasper unmade his nest, packed his bedroll and the rope away, and tentatively descended back to the ground.   

Kasper held his breath and listened carefully for any sound of movement.    He noticed that despite the morning sunshine the air was still.    He wanted to relax his guard but something didn't seem right.    He stepped away from the tree, hand on his sword.    The wood was quiet.    Too quiet.    It was time to get out of here.

Kasper moved quickly.    In moments he had reached the edge of the little grove, where the trees ended and the bog began again.    He wasn't eager to wade out into the muck, but he was relived to get away from whatever presence was lurking in the trees.    He had just taken his first step into the water when something grabbed him from behind and pulled his legs out from underneath him.

He fell flat on his face, water splashing about him.    The wind was knocked from his lungs.    He gasped for breath, but had the presence of mind to draw his sword.    He tried to scramble to this feet but something hit him across the shoulders, smacking him back to the ground again.    As he lay prone at the edge of the marsh, something grabbed onto his foot, and began to drag him back into the grove of trees.   

Kasper was moving rapidly now.    He tried to bring his sword down on whatever had grabbed him but he was moving too fast, and feared striking his own foot. He managed to flip himself over and look down.    It appeared to be a vine, about as thick has his wrist and dark green in color.    With a careful thrust of his arm, Kasper cut away the vine that had snared him, stopping his momentum.    The vine made a strange squeal and jerked away.

He had no sooner scrambled to his feet when he was set upon by several more of the vines.    He had not heard them approaching, and they seemed to come at him from multiple angles.    He hacked away at several of them until one wrapped around his sword arm, holding it in place.    Another wrapped around his waist.    Kasper braced his feet and tried to pull away but a vine wrapped around his feet, tangling him up and causing him to fall over.    He kicked his legs and tried to jerk his arm in vain, as the vines were surprisingly strong.    They began to pull him again.

The vines were dragging him deeper into the center of the grove than he had previously ventured.    The trees here gave way to a wide clearing.    At the center of the clearing was a small stone temple, a moldering ruin from some ancient time.    The vines were pulling Kasper closer to the moss and vine covered structure.    He thought back to the entry in The Bestiary about that ancient plant god.    But anecdotal stories went right out of his head when Kasper caught sight of the monstrosity that had dragged itself from the depths of the ruined temple.    He could finally see the source of the mysterious vines.

It was unlike anything he had ever seen.    The vines were not really vines at all.    They were appendages, and they covered a thick pulsing body, dark green in color.    The body tapered to a thick blunt cone that appeared to be the head of the monster.    With a shriek the head unfurled like a flower, exposing some sort of mouth.    The strange opening was bright red, and four more slimy red tentacles emerged from its depths.    Kasper's first thought was: Those are its tongues.    His next was: It's going to eat me.

With surprising ease the green vines lifted Kasper up to face the horror.    The vines were wrapped firmly around his wrists, ankles, and waist.    He struggled but in vain.    They drew him closer and closer to the creature's mouth.    The red tongues shot out of the creature and tangled themselves around him. While they were fewer in number than the green ones, they seemed more nimble and flexible.    One easily pried his father's sword from his hand and dropped it to the forest floor below.    Kasper was once again defenseless.   

Kasper shuddered with repulsion as the red tongues moved across his body. He cried out as they moved into the space between his clothing and his skin. The slimy appendages crawled across his legs and arms. With a violent jerk the vines began to rip away his clothes. Just like with the werewarg, Casper found himself completely exposed to a monstrosity and at its mercy.    He had a moment to consider that he was running low on clothing before the creature lifted him higher.

Kasper was now positioned right above what he assumed was the creature's mouth. The four slimy tentacle-like tongues worked their way over his body, tasting his skin, licking away the salty sweat.    One of them ran down his chest and across his nipple.    He cringed when another ran up the bottom of his right foot before slipping into the space next to his big toe.    Yet another slid across his cheek in a twisted parody of a lover's caress. The fourth had settled in his lower back.    All the while the green vines held him firmly in place.

The one on his chest slid slowly down his body, across his stomach.    It took a moment, and slowly circled his belly button button before moving on.    The tip of the red tongue brushed his flaccid cock.    It slipped lower and began to move around his balls. It gripped them gently but firmly away from Kasper's body.    He could feel the pulsating thing against his sensitive skin.    All of the vines seems to secrete a slippery mucus, as everywhere they went they left a trail of slime in their wake.

Kasper's heart pounded in his chest.    What was the monster doing? The tongue by his head seemed to be running itself through Kasper's blonde hair, slicking to his scalp with slime. The one near his feet seemed to enjoy sliding up and down the boy's naked soles.    The tongue licking his back seemed to be moving lower all the time.    Was it toying with him?    Kasper thought back to his experiences with the grymlins and the warewarg.    Maybe this creature wasn't hungry.    Maybe it was horny!

As it to confirm this frightening thought, the tongue wrapped around his balls gave off a gentle undulation, and the tip of the slimy appendage began to slowly run its way from the base of Kasper's cock to the head.   

"Oh Gods!" he yelled, straining against his vines binding him once more.    Why does this keep happening to me? Why does every monster I encounter suddenly want me for their unnatural desires?

Despite his fear, he felt himself harden underneath the creature's teasing touch.    The fear coursing through his young body wasn't stopping his cock from getting rock hard.    The nimble tongue at his lower back slipped between Kasper's cheeks, slowly sliding up and down the valley of his ass.    Each pass left a trail of slime, making the sensitive skin tingle. It slowed as it glided over Kasper's hole, applying the slightest pressure.    The tongue undulated, narrowing it's tip and began to work its way inside.    At the same time, the red tentacle holding his balls had slid further up his cock, wrapping the whole length in a throbbing, slimy grip.   

The other two red tongues were not idle.    The one at Kasper's feet was thoroughly covering the boy's skin in slime as it wrapped its way around.    The green vines had pulled Kasper's legs and feet tightly together.    The red tongue began to slide itself between the narrow space where the sides of the boy's feet were pressed together.    The tongue thickened as it moved in and out, humping the narrow passage between Kasper's arches.    The other tongue that had been rubbing Kasper's head and hair had now moved to his chest.    It seemed to explore everywhere, moving more than the others.    It roamed across the boy's flat stomach, up along his raised pectorals, sliding across his nipples, and up his lithe neck.    Finally, it rested across his face, moving back and forth like a blind man reading the face of a stranger.    A slight, woodsy odor with a musky, masculine undertone filled Kasper's nostrils. It was almost pleasant.    It began to rub itself against his closed lips.

Kasper was so overwhelmed by sensations that he barely registered the red tongue that had begun to slip inside the tight ring of his hole.    It went in easily, its thin tip and slimy mucus making the penetration painless.    Then it went deeper, and deeper, and it grew .    Kasper became aware that it was inside him, as the tentacle grew thicker as it went.

"Fucking hells!" He exclaimed. The tongue at his mouth took the opportunity to slide into Kasper's open mouth, cutting off any further speech.    His eyes bulged as it slipped into his mouth and began moving around inside.    The taste was earthy, and seemed to match the light odor it gave off. The tongue grew thicker, and Kasper found himself sucking on it, much like he had sucked the sexy ranger.

The tongue in his ass had finally finally stopped deep inside.    It seemed to move slightly, then began a slow pulsing motion.    Kasper realized that it was fucking him. This was matched by the tentacle in his mouth.    The one holding his cock in its slimy grip matched the motion, stroking the boy.    For a few moments, Kasper was overwhelmed by sensation, unable to focus on any one part of what was happening to him.   

Then he felt something large arrive at his ass, pushing at his ring.    It was a bulge in the tongue, something that had traveled from deep within the creature. With a sharp thrust, it pushed inside, traveling deep into Kasper.    He could feel it as it made its way to the very tip of the invading appendage.    Then he felt it as it released deep inside him, filing his ass with a thick syrupy fluid.    The monster had come in him!    The sudden gush of the monster's cum was too much for Kasper.    The non stop stimulation of his cock finally pushed him to his own climax, bucking his hips within the grip of the green vines as he shot his cum into the air.    This must have provided some stimulation to the red tongue that had been pleasuring him, as it suddenly swelled, and began to spray thick green fluids all over Kasper's stomach, cock and balls.

But the monster wasn't done with him yet. The appendage in his mouth continued to fuck his face.    The tongue that had been playing with his feet began a slow, slimy journey up the Kasper's legs.    It was soon positioned at the young man's cum filled hole.    It slid in with little resistance.    This time the tentacle kept a thickness that Kasper could feel.    It wasted no time setting a steady pace.    The tongue was now fucking Kasper, each thrust making a thick squelching noise.    This time the thing seemed to be aiming for that special place deep inside, hitting it with each movement.    Unbelievably, the pressure on that spot was making Kasper hard again.   

The tongue in his mouth suddenly got thicker.    Then Kasper felt a flood of syrupy fluid flood his mouth.    It was earthy, but sweeter than he expected.    He swallowed down what he could, but it kept filling his mouth to overflowing.    Thankfully, the tentacle withdrew before he could choke on its fluids.    Kasper gasped for air.    His face was slick with sweat and the monster's cum.

All the while the tongue in his ass was fucking him faster and faster.    Soon it reached its climax.    Kasper felt the thickening as it pumped its cum into his now slick channel.    The pressure had made him hard again.    Kasper marveled that the creature's attack had also been pleasurable.

Kasper breathed a sigh of relief.    Each of the four appendages had used him, each shooting a load.    He thought that with its carnal appetite sated, the creature might now leave him in peace.    The four tongues withdrew into the orifice below.    But something else was happening.    Within the fleshy folds of the creature below a new chamber was opening.    Kasper could see dozens more of the red tongues appear and reach for him.    He let out an exhausted groan, as he realized that the monster was just getting started.

The tentacles attacked.    They wrapped around him, covering him with their strange slime.    The explored Kasper's body, touching, rubbing, and looking for a place to to drop a load of plant cum.    Kasper lost track of time.    It was a blur of fucking.    His ass was filled again and again.    His mouth was used, and his stomach was full.    At some point he came again, but the plant didn't stop.    The endless assault on his body and his senses and left him completely overwhelmed.    His body was over stimulated but his mind was numb.

In this haze he thought he heard voices.    Someone was yelling somewhere, but it was far away.    He couldn't quite bring himself to focus, or to care.    Abruptly, Kasper was falling. The vines holding him in place were cut away.    Then he was on the ground, naked and cold. The creature that had been holding him captive gave a roar.    The last thing he heard before passed out was a voice speaking to him through the fog.   

It said, "The errant pilgrim...I've been looking for you."


Thanks again for reading.    If you like this story, check out some of my other stories here on Nifty:

Dads Into Leather:

Devin's Bed and Breakfast:

The Prodigal and the Pack:

The Carnival: