Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 21:19:17 +0200 From: Daniel Comnenus Subject: My Elvish Boyfriend (part 9) MY ELVISH BOYFRIEND (9) By Dolphin Dan I was spending the summer (1996) in Varandikar, the elvish homeland, and one intense night with a summer thunderstorm Ernie fucked me in a very strange way that obviously involved magic of some kind. The next morning we had breakfast out in the yard, which was unusual. His sister had set up a table for us and his mother and younger sisters brought us plates of thin-cut pork chops seasoned with paprika and powdered mustard, fried eggs so fresh their yolks were bright orange and the size of tea saucers, and the ubiquitous Varandi delicacy of cabbage fried in basalmic vinegar. All of this food was local: the pigs and chickens were from the family's barn and I could see the vegetable patch where the cabbage was grown from where I sat. Ernie's sister Garaada, who I was attracted to, brought us colossal pewter mugs of warm beer, and I do mean colossal, the equivalent of a 64-ounce "big gulp" in the U.S. In Varandikar you drink beer warm with breakfast and cold beer later in the day. Most Americans are violently revolted by the idea of warm beer, but it's not bad once you get used to it. The 64-ounce breakfast beer is called in Varandikar "im vyashod," which means "the bomber." If you weren't used to alcohol it would completely destroy you. While we were eating this awesome meal and drinking our bombers, Ernie talked about what had happened the night before. "You, uh, probably remember zome ztrange things last night. Let me explain." He was a little self-conscious. He said that it was a spell, but he had put it on himself, not me. The power of the spell derived from two things: the fact that it had been a full moon the previous night, and a thunderstorm, where the spell channeled the power of the lightning. It was rare for these things to align. In fact he had never tried it before but he heard that if you did this spell, the sexual pleasure was amplified by like a thousand. I wasn't entirely sure he hadn't enchanted me. I certainly did give in to his demands very easily. But I didn't challenge him. I felt great that morning. And the fuck I had experienced the previous night was mind-blowing. This was why I had come to this country. As we finished breakfast Ernie said, apropos of nothing, "Today we go to Belenta." That was the capital of Varandikar, three hours away. He was very precise with his instructions: "You vill pack clothes, shirts and pants, and underwear for three days. You vill bring a coat, it gets cold at night even in summer. You vill leave everything else behind. Bring your passport and all money. To catch ze train ve must leave in one hour." I did as he told me. I had no idea we were taking a trip today, but he clearly had a plan, and I was a guest in his country. We drove in the ancient truck to the train station at Vychan. Garaada, Ernie's battle-ax sister with the huge tits, accompanied us. There was a surprisingly touching moment just before he got out of the truck after we arrived at the station. Ernie grabbed Garaada's head, kissed her on the mouth and said something to her in elvish. She answered back in what seemed like a very heartfelt sentiment. He got out, grabbed his bag and we went into the train station. Garaada drove the truck back home and we got on the train. The train ride was very interesting. It was a standard European train car and our compartment had benches facing each other. We ate cheese and crackers and drank cheap beer during the ride. As he ate cheese crackers Ernie quizzed me on politics which he was very knowledgeable about. "I believe your President Clinton vill be re-elected zis year. But vot vill he do in next four years? Vill he be a leader on climate change?" This was the first time I'd ever heard of climate change but Ernie seemed to know all about it. Then he said something that really stuck with me. "In ze next five years the United States will be attacked by terrorists. You should be prepared, but you vill not be. Vot vill you do vhen zis happens? Vill your Clinton be ready? I think not." I already knew that Ernie had some powers of precognition, part of elvish magic. He obviously saw the 9/11 attacks years before they happened. And he was right: we weren't ready. When we got to the train station in Belenta Ernie hailed a taxi and we went immediately to a hotel called the Excelsior. I had no idea where the reputation or influence of Ernie's family came from, but as soon as we walked in the desk clerk came around the desk and called two bellhops to carry our luggage. The room we had was a suite, with a bedroom separated from a sitting room area with French doors, if not the best room in the hotel, pretty close. Currency was so depressed in Varandikar that this palatial room cost the equivalent of $40 a night, which would barely get you a Motel 6 room in America. As soon as we got into the room Ernie pointed at the bathroom door. "You vill take shower now. Change clothes and get ready to go out, but you vill not vear underwear. Yah?" As usual: of course, yah. Again, I did exactly as he said. After my shower we went out walking. Ernie found a sidewalk cafe and we had beers there and a plate of cheese and bread. The cafe was across the street from an imposing building made of gray stone. He pointed at the building, 40 feet away from us, and he said that during World War II that building was the headquarters of the Nazi SS in Varandikar. In that building, he said, the Nazis planned the extermination of 500,000 Varandi elves. Varandikar was, during the war, ruled by a fascist regime allied with Hitler and this government turned over almost all of Varandikar's Jews, most of whom, Ernie said, were exterminated at a place deep in the forest called Hoczno. The Nazis also wiped out every homosexual they could find in Varandikar, and they were also gassed at Hoczno. "We will go there tomorrow," he said ominously. Maybe it was a magic spell, maybe not, but in that moment I suddenly felt terribly guilty about other men I had been with in the past 3 years, especially the boy I called "Danny Jr.," who worked with me at a fast food restaurant the summer after Ernie returned to Varandikar. I confessed what I had done with him. Ernie's eyes went glassy and his jaw seemed to harden as if he was gnashing his teeth. But he kept control of himself. "You did not love him, zis Danny Junior?" I said, of course not. He was 15 and just some kid I fooled around with. I said I was sorry. "I cannot pretend zat I am not jealous," Ernie said. "I am filled with rage to hear you say zis. But I know I have not been zere for you, and you cannot put your life on hold for me. I forgive you, Daniel Comnenus. I vill always forgive you. Let us speak no more about zis." The fucks we had that night at the Excelsior Hotel was epic. He didn't want me to wear underwear because he wanted easy access to my dick, just one zipper on my shorts and there it was. I sucked Ernie, he came in my mouth and I swallowed his cum. I didn't even realize until we got back to the hotel and started fucking that Ernie had been wearing a rubber band around his wrist all day. He looped the rubber band twice around the root of my penis and my ball sack, causing my erection to go absolutely concrete-hard and my balls to start filling up with sperm fluid. When he jacked me off the spasms of my ejaculation were so powerful they felt like shotgun blasts and the pleasure was so intense I almost passed out. He did this with a single rubber band! While I was still exhausted from this cum Ernie laid me on my stomach, spread my legs, oiled me up and penetrated me. He came inside me. We slept a while in the big king-sized bed in this luxury hotel room but in the middle of the night I woke up and Ernie was powerfully grasping my hand, curling my fingers around his erect dick. I caught on to the motion he had started and masturbated him to orgasm. He groaned and grunted as his cum splashed all over my hands. Toward morning, with the sun slanting through the windows, I woke up again with Ernie grinding his bare ass against my dick, which was hard with morning wood. As if I needed any help he looped the rubber band around me again. Then he started to move his butt in a rhythmic motion. Moving my hips to match his motion felt like the most natural thing in the world. I didn't penetrate him but I humped his butt crack and ejaculated all over his ass in what was a very satisfying orgasm. He pulled the rubber band off and I went limp, my dick still leaking cum. I fell asleep again and we slept until about 11:00. When we awakened and Ernie went to the shower I laid in bed, humming with satisfaction, and realized that in the course of the night we'd had sex in all of the three major ways males could fuck each other: mouth, hand and butt. This completeness was itself sexually pleasing. We'd covered all the bases and the completeness was an act of love. Ernie was at that moment singing an old Varandi song in the shower. Our field trip to Belenta and its hinterlands was very illuminating in many ways. More to come... Please donate to Nifty: