Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:38:58 +0000 From: Jack Smith Subject: New Beginnings 13 WEEK THIRTEEN FIRSTDAY The first view of RiverSide surprised me. Being used to the wall of NewTown I expected something similar, but instead we started seeing more traffic on the road, then a few unkempt huts from time to time, that became more frequent till we were no longer in the fields but amongst the housing of the town. It all seemed so run down and dirty after NewTown - this appearance probably largely arising from the mud of the road that spread over every surface. As we penetrated deeper cobblestones replaced the mud and the town started to look more like the wealthy trade centre that it was. Houses of mighty merchants with boards bearing their emblems, familiar kingdom wide, suspended on poles above doors, formed an unbroken flank until we came to the remnants of what Father informed me was the most recent of the old town walls, maintenance abandoned due to the long period of peace and the rapid growth of the town. I had thought that NewTown was busy, but the congestion in the streets was such that our guards had to clear a way through the mass of bodies so that we could progress towards the centre, where the residence of Ti-Lung could be seen rising above the rest of the town. It was an impressive structure painted in black and red, ornate, gilded carving decorating all roof structures and visible beams, taller than any building I had ever seen. Its wall was well maintained, and after being allowed through the guarded gate we passed into a large flat area paved with a green stone I had never seen before. Seeing it made me think of Wi-Su, wonder where he was, how he was getting on. At the far end of this square was the entrance to the house, sheltered by a massive awning supported on pillars the size of tree trunks carved and painted in more colours than I thought existed. It was here that we dismounted, handed our mounts over to servants, and were greeted by Ti-Lung in person. That he would meet us emphasised the respect he had for Father, though they met as equals with a handshake. "So, this is my nephew," said Ti-Lung, putting his hands on my shoulders and appraising me. "Lift up your head and let me see you. Yes, I can see my sister in you - I think in fact that you and I are very alike." "Thankyou, my Lord," I replied. Father had not instructed me in any particular way to reply, so I decided that a formal response was best. "Lord?" he replied, continuing to look me in the eyes. "You are as big as me, and you are my nephew. So call me Uncle," he ordered, but with a tone full of love. "Embrace your Uncle, my boy!" He took me in his arms. Though he was no taller than I, his embrace was much stronger, though nothing compared with Yue-Sin. When he released me he said, "He is slim, young I guess yet, but I can feel a man on those bones!" "He is a formidable swordsman," said Father in a loud voice. Then softer, "Battle proven too." Ti-Lung looked a question, then said "We can talk more when you are washed and refreshed. Tonight we feast! The servants will show you to your rooms." We were led away, up flights of stairs to one of the uppermost level of the residence that were reserved for preferred guests for the view they gave over the town and river. Our rooms were side by side, each with a large glazed window, a wall with a door, and two blank walls. Our belongings had already been brought up, though not unpacked. I had nothing to do on my own so I knocked on Father's door and joined him. After a warm embrace and kiss he demonstrated to me the secret exit that the rooms had. In the clothing cupboard that took up most of one of the blank walls was a false back that opened onto a passage that must lie between the wall of the room and the exterior wall of the building, explaining the irregular shape of the rooms. The centre of the passage was a hole, with a ladder dropping down in darkness. Father pushed the secret door closed behind us and again took me into his arms. He muttered into my ear. "We are not safe here. The walls have ears is a saying that has truth here, unlike at home. You have no awareness of the politics of KingsTown - we are free of it in NewTown - but you cannot trust anyone here. The servants could as easily be in the employ of the King, or worse still the Prince, as well as working for Ti- Lung. It is good money to draw two incomes for working one job! I don't want it seen that we spend much time together, even though we are father and son. If we are to get together for pleasure we use this passage - any time you enter by the exterior door leave it open to make it look like we have nothing to hide. You'll notice that Ti-Lung will not talk of anything of consequence when we are within these walls. He will take us out into the fields so as to give us an opportunity to talk. So don't bring up the topic of the battle in conversation. Or anything you learnt in the hut." "Yes Father." But this was smothered by his mouth eating mine as his fingers fumbled to undo my trousers. "I have missed you!" he growled softly. "How much I wanted you during the nights we were in the inns!" His hand was now caressing my liberated lizlion, as I scrabbled frantically to lower his trousers. Before I succeeded he squatted and slipped my dick into his mouth, kissing and licking and biting. When he had brought me to conclusion he indicated for me to dress, whispering that already we had spent too much time here, not giving me any chance to reciprocate though promising that my opportunity would come later. My room had a jug and a washstand, which I used to clean myself up a little before taking a short nap. It was after the normal time for siesta, but I was tired from riding and if I was going to attend a fiesta I knew I would have to sleep. I was woken seemingly before I had gone to sleep by the sound of knocking at the door. "Enter!" I called. A servant bowed his way into the room. "Sir, the bath is ready." "Thankyou. Where is the bathroom?" "I will lead you there sir. What clothes would you like to put on after?" "Just a robe. I will dress on returning to the room. You will unpack my possessions while I am bathing?" "Yes sir." I followed the servant, a crooked, older man, down stairs to the ground floor, through more passageways than I cared to remember, eventually into a lavishly furnished, tiled room with a large bath in its centre. Ti-Lung and Father were already in the bath, which was replenished regularly with jugs of hot water carried by servants. "Join us, Nephew," said Ti-Lung. Seeing me look around for a place to undress he continued, "Just leave your clothes on the floor. Li-Wo will collect them when he returns." Feeling exposed, very aware of the eyes of Ti-Lung that scrutinised me carefully as I undressed, I took off my clothes as quickly as I could then scampered up the steps onto the platform that surrounded the bath to plunge my body in the obscurity of the water. But I did note how primitive it all seemed compared with what we had at home. The constant presence of servants, though they discreetly left the room while I undressed, seemed quite improper when one was naked, though obviously necessary to keep the bath water hot. I guess I was used to my country ways. "You are well built, Nephew," said Ti-Lung. "Thankyou, Uncle. I have been working regularly with Yue-Sin since I reached manhood." "I remember Yue-Sin well. He was someone I could never vanquish. Oh, I would always win, but he would always let me know, subtly, that he had orchestrated and allowed my victory. I'm sure he would be a good teacher. Your father says you are a master swordsman, despite your young age and short experience. I would like to have the opportunity to spar with you during your stay here." "It would be my honour, Uncle." I examined what showed of his body - his strong shoulders, solid chest - and wondered if I would be able to cope with his strength. I had little chance against Yue-Sin because of the force he wielded with every stroke and though Ti-Lung appeared a little more softened by luxury than Wi-Su, I had no doubt that strength lay beneath his bulk. "I don't know if I will provide you much competition though." "From what I've heard you will work me hard enough, though of course you will be polite enough to let your host, an old man, win." "I doubt if I'll have much option, Uncle," I replied politely. "We'll see." I had no idea what I should do if I was to spar with Ti- Lung. At home I knew I would try my hardest, and if I was to win that was that. But with the intricacy of the politics of the court, I didn't know whether or not this would be the correct thing to do. I had noticed that Ti- Lung was a little slow on his feet, his bulk making him a somewhat cumbersome and his age blunting his reflexes, and I could see that this would probably allow me victory despite his strength and experience. I would have to remember to ask Father before any such bout could take place. For the present Father offered nothing more than his brilliant smile and his furry, bare chest. We were spaced evenly around the circular tub, with arms above water and in clear view. It was a large tub, so that our upper bodies were quite separate from each other, but Father took advantage of his long legs to secretly caress my leg under the water with his toes, the only indication that this was happening a slight broadening of his smile. It was enough though to make me hard, made me wonder how I was going to exit the tub. It also made me curious as to what Ti-Lung had to show below water level, knowing what I did of his past with Father, and to wonder what Father was doing with his other foot. This was not a happy thought, as I, for the first time, felt within me a twinge of that evil emotion called jealousy. I listened to the easy conversation of the two men, of hunting and harmless court gossip, and despite the pressure of Father's leg on mine I felt left out and alone. I had no knowledge of these topics, having hunted little except with Hi-Tui and then only for lizrabs. Desperately I looked for a means to enter the conversation and thought I had seen my chance when the conversation turned to the phenomenon of the massive ships from the sky. It seemed strange that we had been together so long before such a wonder was broached in conversation but it is the way of the nobility. It is not seen as elegant to talk about novelties. Not in court society at any rate, as I was to find out. I opened my mouth to say what I knew, eager to join in, but a solid nudge and look from Father clamped it shut again. "We have heard stories of wonders from the sky," Father began. The look that Ti-Lung could not suppress despite his years of closeness with Father, said much. It expressed a sense of world weariness, of what had to be put up with from a country relative. Father explained this custom to me later, and also explained that it was not normal for Ti-Lung to put it on with him - that my presence and the presence of the servants had forced it out. It was only a recent custom, seeming something introduced by the Prince. Consequently behind this sophisticated appearance there still lurked the eagerness of a young boy to talk of a new wonder. "Yes," he replied, almost yawning. It was at this point I received the significant look and nudge to hold my tongue. "There was a bit of a ruckus some days ago." And left it at that. "What was it?" Father was forced to reassume his country bumpkin status so as to receive more information. "Well, I can't say that I know it all." Ti-Lung continued after a pause. "Something about a people from above the sky. They arrived from nowhere, falling from the sky." Ti-Lung was warming up now. "Huge things, I don't know what else to call them. We went to look but I don't know what other word to use. The people - and they do look like people, though some are strange colours - white, black - came out and spoke in an uncivilized language. It seemed better not to talk with such barbarians, so we did not stay. Though it seems that some now can speak the rudiments of civilized speech." "What do they say?" "Say? They say? I couldn't well understand, as I said. But I have heard that they are saying that they are from beyond the sky, and that they are here to help us. They say we called them, though that seems rather bizarre. How could we call beings we did know existed. They say they are not from The One." "Who are they from?" I finally managed a entry in the conversation. "They say they are from a government of `space'. But how can one govern space, I ask. Space is where something isn't. How can one govern something that isn't?" "It is strange," said Father, and let the topic drop. "What do you have for us tonight?" he asked. "Now, that is a more interesting topic. We have a huge boar on a spit! And my dancers are going to perform the latest court ballet." From this, though it had not been long since Father had been here, it was clear that Ti-Lung had been planning for his arrival with some anticipation. It was a clear mark of his respect and love for Father. Again I felt jealousy colouring my thoughts. I pressed my leg more firmly against the foot of Father, trying to register my feelings. He noted and gave me his "We'll talk about it later smile", which gave a degree of comfort. "Then we will have dancing till we all weary." "Thankyou Ti-Lung", said Father, "for the honour you show us." "For the first visit of my nephew! I should be doing more." I nodded my humble thanks. "It is more than I have ever seen in my life, Uncle. You honour a poor country relative." "Poor! I know what NewTown is worth. Lord Srotyr could buy half the country if he wanted." Then in a soft voice he added. "Which can cause jealousy in some quarters, my friend. Take care." "I always take care, Ti-Lung. You know I am a cautious man. And talking of care, I think it will be wise if Cavon and I take a late siesta, or we may fall asleep during the magnificent display you have prepared for us." With the slightest movement of a finger the servants responded, laying out gowns and rapidly leaving the room. "I think that would be wise. I also have something to attend to before the start of the festivities." Ti-Lung was the first to stand, showing no concern of revealing his naked form to me. He was smooth, like me, with strong, horseman's legs and a belly to match Father's. His dick did not match Father's though, being not much larger than mine, I estimated. "Do you like what you see, Nephew?" asked Ti- Lung suddenly? I coloured and burnt. I pondered in panic what I should say, and fell back on my usual resort - honesty. "I see a powerful man, Uncle." "Yes, I wield power, but my strength has gone to seed with good living!" he replied, shaking his head somewhat ruefully. "It is not like our young days, eh Srotyr, when we were strong and lean!" By this time we were all out of the bath, allowing ourselves to cool before dressing. "But in one department I was never like your father," he added, making a playful slap at Father's dick. "Now, now," responded Father. "Decorum please." My response to this was an instant erection, just when I thought I had handled myself with aplomb. Ti-Lung was quick to comment. "That is another thing that is not so good too. Remember, Srotyr, when we were the same age as my Nephew, how all we had to do was say the name of a beautiful woman and we were up raring to go!" Father laughed and nodded. "Yes, it was something like that. Nowadays a bevy of the most beautiful women in the Kingdom could parade naked in front of me and nothing would happen!" This was not said loudly though the laugh had been, I assume in deference to servants who undoubtedly had ears to the door. Ti-Lung replied even more softly, I assume so I couldn't hear. "That is nothing new." It was now Father's turn to colour, which he covered by grabbing his robe and signalling me to come with him. "Servants will come for you when all is in readiness," Ti-Lung called to Father's retreating form, which had me scrabbling to catch up with it in its rear. SECONDAY I awoke to Father's soft breath on my forehead. I took a while to surface, to see the brightness of the light coming through the window indicating the lateness of my awakening, the open wardrobe that demonstrated his means, and his motivation, for being there. My lips leapt to his waiting mouth, and we made love passionately, though quietly. He then returned quietly to his room. To re-enter by the main door not long after, washed and combed. "Good morning, my Son." He gave me a paternal kiss on the forehead. "We breakfast now with Ti-Lung and his wife, and then we will hunt boar," he repeated for me for the consumption of servants who hovered outside. "How do you feel after the magnificent feast?" "Well, Father. I slept soundly and peacefully. I am fully recovered, and also ready to descend." "Good. Let us go." It all felt so stilted and uncomfortable. I found myself wishing to be back home, in our privacy and comfort. The breakfast room was on the ground floor and gave onto a large, enclosed, luxuriant garden, full of flowers and buzzing bees. I had never seen it's like, with gardens being nonexistent within the tight confines of NewTown's walls. Some of the plants I recognised from the recent expedition to the hut, others from around NewTown, yet many more I had never seen before. "They have been collected from all over the world, Nephew," Ti-Lung replied to my awed question. My merchants are aware of my wife's garden, and are always bringing specimens of new plants for cultivation. "It is very peaceful," said Ti-Som, the wife of Ti- Lung. "It is very beautiful, my Lady," I said. "This is its best time of year too, with many more flowers open than any other time." Breakfast was now served, silence descended. A breakfast much richer and more elaborate than that to which I was accustomed. "So this is court life," I said to myself, impressed. At the same time thinking that the more austere life that Father preferred was not somehow better, though it did not stop me trying all of the delicacies presented and consequently eating far too much. I still felt heavy and bloated when we mounted to start the hunt. We were accompanied by a guard of 40 armed men, each with sword and spear, plus an entourage of servants carrying food for the day. This was not my little trip with Hi-Tui out into the countryside to hunt Lizrabs! We retraced the path by which we entered RiverSide , the crowds clearing much more quickly before the liveried guards of the Lord of RiverSide than they had before those of a foreign lord the previous day, travelling up river till we came to a punt capable of carrying 4 horses at a time. A few guards crossed, then we followed, starting out at a steady pace across the grass of the far bank leaving the rest of the party to catch up with us as they could. It was in this relative isolation that Ti-Lung took his opportunity to speak candidly with Father. "The arrival of this "space" ship has altered many things. The King, as you know worried about his health, sees its arrival as a means of support against the Prince. He has given his blessing on the aims expressed by the inhabitants of the vessel, allowing them to move freely, ask and do what they wish. These "space" people have in turn promised that they would help the people, and have started by learning our language and customs. The Prince sees this only as a delay to his rise to power, and is openly criticizing the presence of what he has termed "invaders". He is using this criticism as a rallying point for the nobility, emphasising that promises of the "invaders" to bring a better life to all mean the removal of the inherited privileges enjoyed by the well born." "Do you think he will try to seize power?" Father asked. "Sadly I suspect he will. And if he does I would be watching your back, my friend." "I already have to watch my back," replied Father. He then described in detail the events of our expedition, over emphasising my role as befits a proud father talking to his bosom friend. "So it you, Nephew, that we have to thank for these `invaders'," smiled Ti-Lung at me. "I suspect so, Uncle. But it sounds like it has not provided the help I hoped it would when I requested it." "On the contrary, without their presence I think your Father would be a dead man as soon as the Prince gained the throne. Srotyr, I suggest that you negotiate with these `space' visitors. From what I'm told their simplest daily action is performed by magic. They would be powerful allies if things turn nasty when the Prince attempts to assume power, as I'm sure he will before too long. He is not a patient man. But if you speak with them, do it secretly. If the Prince found out I suspect it would push his hand, a hand, from what you describe, already primed for foul play." "I'll see them tomorrow." A captain of the guard informed us that tracks of a boar had been found, and that men had been sent out to push the beast into the centre of a circle so as to be available for us. "Nephew, have you used a spear?" "I have not, Uncle. Bow and sword are my only weapons to date." "Well, despite your proficiency with the latter I don't think a sword is a good weapon against a large boar. And arrows only tend to irritate them, making them fractious or making them run off. A spear is the only way to hunt boar - watch and you will see how it is done." Both Father and Ti-Lung were supplied with spears that had been brought by servants. I rode with them, but when the boar was seen and its presence notified by the raising of a flag of a distant guard, I was told to hang back and watch as Father and Ti-Lung trotted in the direction of the flag. From what followed I learnt that hunting boar was more a question of horsemanship than weaponry, with the spear being used as a lance rather than a throwing weapon while the big horses were twisted and turned behind the wild evasions of the boar until it was finally pierced and stopped by Father's spear piercing its chest. It really did not seem like fair sport, for all escape for the boar was blocked by the surrounding guards who used arrows and noise to keep it restricted to the large circle they enclosed. Even so, I could not see myself being able to remain mounted as the big horses were thrown around in chase of the weaving run of the boar. Winded, Trugo and the mount of Ti-Lung were exchanged for fresh horses, and we made our way to a tent set up by a pretty stream for lunch. We ate food that would have not have been paled by what we served at our most celebrated days at home, then slept on beds of wood and canvas. This was nothing like the conditions of our expedition into the wild, making me question, as much as I respected Ti-Lung, the decadence of the life of our Kingdom's nobility. When I mentioned this to Father in private he cautioned not to judge strength by such appearances. That Ti-Lung could lead such a luxurious life was a matter of taste but also an expression of his power. He was not a man that many would dare to cross! I contemplated this as I lay in my solitary bed, waiting for sleep to come, having just witnessed, from the obscurity of escape route, Father providing a sheath for Ti- Lung's spear as they made love in Father's room. How Ti- Lung could hide his visit from the probing eyes of servants I did not know, but I was too aroused to question much as the clothes fell away and Ti-Lung's dick, despite his comments of the previous day, rose rapidly to rigid attention as they kissed passionately. Father in turn did not appear to be anywhere near as hard as he had been with me in the morning, on which Ti-Lung softly commented though it did not seem to make any difference to the heat of either. THIRDAY "Am the `cultural affairs officer'." The latter words he spoke in a language that was not ours, but was similar enough to what I had learnt in the hut that I could understand them. "What you want?" asked the man seated behind some sort of desk. Light emanated from sources that were not apparent. A white light, like I had never seen. Yet warm, comfortable. We had entered the "space" ship and had been directed, on asking for the leader, to this room, to which we arrived after traversing various doors that opened as we approached and closed behind us.. Servants dressed as us had left the house of Ti-Lung before us to act as decoys, hopefully leading any spies in the opposite direction to that which we took, so we could arrive here unobserved. "I am Lord Srotyr," began Father, "and this is my son, Cavon." "You don't look a Lord!" The man who said this, the one seated behind the desk, was a large man, with a full beard. I had never seen a beard so large and bushy. It fascinated me as it hid his mouth, adding further to the impression that he was butchering our language. "I apologise. It was necessary I came here unobserved." "Ah. Local politics. Well, get hood off head and that dirty coat and let me see you!" I'm sure Father had never been spoken to in such a way, and I feared that this man would feel the point of Father's sword if he didn't change his tone of address. We were alone in the room, and we had not been disarmed prior to our entry. But my concern was unfounded for as soon as Father removed his disguising outer garments the eyes of the man opened wide and seemed to twinkle, and his mode of expression became much more polite. "Yes, well then," was all that came out initially. He spoke rapidly into what appeared to be empty space. The language was something like the tongue I had learnt at the hut, but enough different that I only managed to pick up a few words. In response to it though the door into the room hissed shut. "This is a different matter! How can help you?" Father paused, his difficulty to continue wrestling in his face. "I come to ask a favour." "A favour?. Tell me what is. I see if I can help." "It is not something for me, it is for my wife and son. Your presence on our world has put our life in danger. I would like to request that you provide refuge for my family in case my life is ended by the forces that your presence has emboldened." "Who is this `forces'?" "The Prince. It is thought that he will soon mount a coup, and use it as an excuse to remove all he believes to be enemies at the same time." "You his enemy?" asked the man. "I am his illegitimate half brother." "I see. Then you would be threat. But do not provide asylum. Not in our charter." "I do not come to you lightly. I am a powerful man. If I cannot provide protection, no one of our world can. Only your magic could save the one's I love." "Mmm. Don't know. What you do in return for favour?" "Anything you ask that does not discredit my honour." "Anything?" "Yes, anything." "Well. Come see me tonight. Ask for William. Here - show this badge. We talk more." With that it was obvious that we were dismissed. I had never seen Father treated so in my life, though I guess when he was not a Lord he would have been accustomed to such a casual manner. Before we passed through the door the man added, "Come alone. No bring boy." At this it was me who lifted his head and whose hand went to a sword. Father touched me lightly, indicating for me to remain quiet. So quiet I remained, swallowing the resentment that had arisen in response to the insult on my manhood. I did not like this condescending man, who treated Father and I without the minimum of required respect. Yet Father believed we needed his aid, though I could not see myself coming to ask for it if the dreaded actions that Father feared would happen actually occurred. I would not expose Mother to such contempt. Not that I believed that he would hold to his word anyway. He had said that they, these "space" beings, did not involve themselves in local politics. We would be thrown straight back out for the Prince to pounce on. I mentioned these doubts to Father, who replied that he would make up his mind after speaking with William this night. BOOK 2 - CONTINUED CHAPTER 3 I felt so down, so lost, after the first warmth I had been shown in all my time on Planet T7G8 had proven to be false. As I did when I felt down, I turned on the recording of the interview between Father and William. "I am here," said Father. "What more do you wish to know?" Father was without his coat, and was wearing the same poor clothes he had worn in the morning. "I want know if you will make my offer of help worthwhile. If I am to break rules there must be something for me." "I can give you gold." "Gold? No value for me. Only thing you can give me that has value for me is you." "I don't understand." William continued. "Let me assess it further before explain. Undress!" he ordered. Father froze, looking William in the face. "If you no do what I ask, you go now!" added William. Father remained quiet, not moving. "I know this planet has taboo about nudity. I undress first." He ran his hand down the front of his clothes and they fell open, revealing a solid, very hairy body, his long beard seemingly continuing down onto his chest. His dick was thick and large, rivalling Father, though not Hi-Tui. It looked very potent. William ran his hand down his now bare torso, finishing at his cock, stretching it out. Father then slowly concurred to the demanded actions. When naked William had him stand still while he walked around him, perusing him from all angles. Father truly looked very beautiful, standing proud despite his undignified position. William was obviously also impressed. "Okay." William eventually said. "I do my best to provide sanctuary for family if you are dead. You though must have sex with me, minimum every other day." "Sex?" "Yes. Sex. Know this also taboo. But it is requirement for help." "Yes, sex between men is taboo, though this is not a problem for me as it is my preference. The problem is that my dick doesn't get hard so I will not be able to satisfy you." "That can fix," William said without pause. "Come to medic." "Stand here," he continued when Father had approached, indicating the inside of the medic. "The door close, you feel some stings, nothing dangerous." He then started to speak in galactic, though Father obviously didn't understand what was being said. "Specimen 145. Adult male from NuChin. Begin general assessment." A door appeared from nowhere and shut, closing from view Father's handsome form. William stood contemplating the closed door, stroking his dick. Its swollen girth was impressive. A chime sounded, and the door opened. Father had the strained look of someone suppressing fear. Understanding nothing, only that he wanted to save his family, and to save his family he would do anything. "You have advanced heart disease!" was the first thing William said. "Medic asks do you get pain in chest?" Father's eyes expanded into ponds. "How do you know?" "It normal symptom of heart disease. The arteries of your heart are blocked." Much of this was said in galactic, mixed with our language. Father shook his head indicating lack of understanding. "You very sick. Medic can fix, stop pain in chest, make dick hard. You want?" "Magic!!!!!" "No, yes. For you, is magic. You want?" Father looked at William, eyed him from solid, friendly face to hairy chest to semi-hard dick to thick legs. He closed his eyes. I imagined he was thinking of me, of Mother. "Yes, I would like that." "Good. If no hard dick, then can't have sex, and can't provide sanctuary. Go back in. You feel some pain, not bad. It will not be quick." When the door shut William wandered away and sat on a large, soft looking chair. He continued to stroke his dick, while talking out loud in galactic. "You, my primitive man, are the most handsome thing I have ever seen. Even if it is against your will I must have you. But you will find that William is an honest man, and good. Your trust will be justified." This seemed to make him feel better, as his face visibly relaxed. After some time the Medic chimed again, its door opening. Father looked rather groggy as he stumbled out. William put his arm around Father's shoulders, supporting him, touching him for the first time. "Success," he said. "But it will be a few days before the process is complete. Today just rest. I will be logging your time as language/cultural gathering. I need justify the presence of native here. Today we do this. You educated?" "Of course!" "Good. Tell me story of your society." "May I dress?" Father asked. "No," replied William, though adding in Galactic, "You look far too good as you are to cover up." Father told the story of the ascent of the King to the throne, while William sat and stroked his straining dick. He told it well, using the voices of the different people to bring it to life. He was obviously quite involved, forgetting his audience and the reason for being here. He was brought to a sudden halt by William. "Stop there. I only have an hour logged for you, so if we spend more it will appear suspicious." Even though I now knew how it worked, it still seemed amazing how much his grasp of our language improved since Father began talking. Come back in two days and we can continue." He indicated for Father to dress, though not dressing himself, and when Father had left, seemingly forgetting that he was still recording, he more seriously started addressing his dick until white seed splattered his brown fur. BOOK 1 - CONTINUED WEEK THIRTEEN - CONTINUED FORDAY Ti-Lung took guard, inviting me to attack. I held back, a few tentative feints to which Ti-Lung made minimally sufficient responses. The sword, iron but blunt, felt comfortable in my hands. As I warmed to it I made a few more serious attacks, finding Ti-Lung comfortable in defence. It seemed that he was not going to initiate, something new to me. I stepped away, never letting him leave my sight, and also took guard, wondering what to do. I then saw a response, a casual seeming feint turning on the counter to a series of serious strokes. I launched, noting his casual stance tense on recognising the intent of the attack, defending vigorously though seemingly reading my moves without difficulty. I remained predictable, till all of a sudden instead of lunging I stepped back, inviting a stroke on his part that found empty space, then my sword batting his outstretched arm. Father applauded loudly. "I told you he was good! You have been all too casual! You'll never win using that come hither approach." Ti-Lung bowed to me, then launched a flurry of blows that I struggled to defend, ending with a return hit to my chest. Father again clapped. "You think because he is old he has no speed, my Son? Look at what an oldie can do!" This drew a sour look from Ti-Lung, and our sparring began in earnest. The end result a draw, but Ti-Lung was breathing very heavily. "Nephew," he managed between breaths, "you are indeed a remarkable swordsman. Of all I have fought I would say only Yue-Sin is better. You are equal your father. And you have years of development ahead! You will be the best swordsman this kingdom has ever known!" "Thankyou Uncle." Suddenly I felt very cheeky. "Next time we spar I won't hold back." "You scamp!!!" And lunged at me again. He was fatigued though, and despite his strength his sword was drooping and left me easy access to his torso. His response to this was to let his sword fall to the ground and take me into his arms. "My Nephew! It is a pity we have had to wait so many years to know each other." I hugged him in return, and Father came over putting his large arms around us both. "Let us walk in the garden and cool down," said Ti- Lung, mopping his sweating brow with a towel provided by a servant. We made our way through a side gate, almost invisible from the outside walls of the enclosed garden. Ti-Lung dismissed the servants, as well as the various field workers at work in the garden, leaving us alone. "Look at this flower," said Ti-Lung. "It was brought back by an explorer to the far south. Look how blue it is, how green the leaves. There is nothing like it in the Kingdom. And this. In winter it disappears, then each spring it sprouts again and produces this magnificent red trumpet." Father and I nodded. Ti-Lung continued to describe his flowers, by design leading us into the centre of the garden, and privacy. Then Ti-Lung asked, "What happened last night?" Father had already informed me this morning, whispering as we snuggled up for a short time. "William is the name of the stranger. He wanted to know our history. He also made me enter a cupboard that he said would cure me." "What is wrong with you?" asked Ti-Lung. "I don't know, but it had something to do with my heart. He used that word. He knew I got pain in my chest." This had not been mentioned this morning, and I asked. "That is why you go grey and stop when you have worked hard?" "Yes. You noticed?" "Yes Father." "I thought I hid it." "And will he help you?" asked Ti-Lung. "Yes. If I am murdered he will take in my family." "Good. They should be safe there. Nothing can penetrate their magic." "What do you know?" "I have heard spoke of walls that can't be seen, but which won't let you pass. Of people that walk and talk, but you can put your hand right through them. Of doors that open at a word or a touch. Many, many things. Yet they say they are people like us." "They don't look too different from us," commented Father. BOOK 2 - CONTINUED CHAPTER 3 - Continued I wanted to see more. I asked the computer to show Father's second visit to William and my little flyer became William's office once again. I walked around, viewing everything from my favourite angles. The recording started with Father exiting from Medic, naked. "The process is well underway," commented William. "You should be noticing changes by now." "What type of changes?" "Tell me," said William, ignoring the question, "What type of man to you find attractive?" "Type?" "What body type, face type. Masculine, effeminate, fat, skinny." "Oh, I see. I hadn't thought like that before. I guess I don't have a type." "Do you find me attractive?" For the first time there seemed to be a falling edge in William's confidence. "Hmm. I haven't any choice in the matter, do I?" returned Father. "Good, a little fire. I like that!" "You'll get more fire than you can handle if I find I can't trust you!" "Well, we'll see. For the moment let's try this." He covered the space that separated him from Father and reached down for Father's cock, stroking it ever so gently. "Let's see if there is fire here or not." "That I can't promise you. It will all depend on your magic!" But it was obvious the magic was working as Father's dick swelled and lifted. William's responded in kind, and in moments they were embracing each other, glued at the moth. I didn't like this part of the recording. It made me feel jealous that this man had a share of Father's time, even though I had this man to thank for my being alive and here. I felt ungrateful, but I couldn't help it. As always I skipped forward, stopping at random. To have Father materialise out of the air, his dick buried deep in William's arse, fucking for his life. Previously I had always managed to skip a bit further than this. I crawled around underneath to see what it looked like from below then instructed the computer to continue. I was partly in the bed that William was bent over with my body and legs being kneeled on by William and stood on by Father. My face was near Williams rigid dick and taught sack, watching Father's massive member moving in and out, in contra tempo to Williams's own thrusting actions. It all seemed so real that I wanted to grab William's dick and take it in my mouth, but my hand went through it and grabbed nothing. Soon though unfelt semen was spurting on my face and going through it. I instructed the computer to return a bit and I moved from where I was, to allow me, once the images returned, to see the white liquid spurt and hit the end of the bed before dripping to the floor. Father kept pumping away for some time before finally grunting and falling forward. The two men remained joined, a sweaty, flushed mass of masculinity, for some time. Eventually William moved, triggering Father to stand and let him up. "You are quite a lover!" was William's first comment. "And you have a tidy arse!" "I think I'm going to be quite content with the bargain I've made." William said softly in Galactic. "Now, let's clean up - unfortunately there's room for only one at a time in the sanitiser - one of the drawbacks of shipboard life." Father padded over to the sanitizer, where William had instructed him to go, his backside flexing beautifully with each step. Before stepping in he turned to William, his swollen dick swinging out in front o f him. "What do I do?" Having dealt with William on equal terms, Father seemed to have regained his natural self-assurance, although everything must have been very strange to him. "Just step in and the door will close behind you. A little light will come on. When it goes out come out again. You will be clean. Do you want to shave?" Father scratched at his rough chin and nodded. When Father stepped out, looking rather bemused but very smart, feeling the skin of his face as if he had never felt it before, William stepped into the vacated cubicle after giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Yum, nice and smooth!" he said as the door closed behind him. "Can't say the same," Father had the presence of mind to quip back referring to Williams bushy beard, though to a closed door. Father started a circuit of the room, obviously understanding little of what he saw. He would pause to look at things, peering closely, shake his head and move on. He was about half way around when William exited from the sanitizer. "Ah, getting yourself acquainted. I'll teach all about the things as time goes on, but now we had better get a bit of cultural information recorded to justify your presence here!" "Another story?" "Yes. It can be true, or a myth. Whatever you like." "OK." Father started the story of Xen-Li fighting the giant lizlion. He looked great, taking the part of Xen-Li, then the lizlion. I watched with enormous pleasure, childhood memories of me pretending to tie him up mixed with the fascination that never was quenched of seeing his naked form. It was now that I found myself hard, and my seed joined that of the two lovers. How I missed Father!