Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 13:53:00 +1000 (EST) From: "[iso-8859-1] Wombat" Subject: 'The Old Valley Road Hotel' {Wombat} ( MM, SciFi, Anal, Size, Biker ) [ 7 ! 50 ] The Old Valley Road Hotel. By Wombat. ------------------------- ------------------------ Part 7 - To the Moon ------------------------ Hal read Derek's mind. He asked: << Would you like to go to the Moon? >> Derek looked at Hal happily. <+ Cheerful assent. +> Hal got up and lifted Derek to his feet. He farewelled all the spirit beings in the glade. Then he bent down and Derek leapt onto his big broad back. Hal's long brown hair swirled in the breeze. When Derek was settled comfortably holding onto his mate, Hal flew straight up into the air. He accelerated rapidly upwards like a rocket through the atmosphere. In a few minutes they were actually flying above the earth's atmosphere many hundreds of kilometres up above the ground. Hal slowed so Derek could take in the view. Derek was glad of the air bubble that Hal had taken with them. The boundary was invisible. Derek had no difficulty breathing. The air was pure and faintly scented with eucalyptus from the glade in the Wollemi Forest. They were far enough away from the planet Earth for Derek to see it as an entire globe hanging in space. Below them was the continent of Australia. It was mainly brown in colour except for the eastern coastal region which was green and streaked and dotted with clouds. A band of cloud ran from a great big swirl in the Great Australian Bight north-west across Western Australia. Derek was able to see Sydney as a tiny grey smudge among the clouds on the east coast. He could just see Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay. Canberra was not visible at all. Over to the east lay New Zealand not far from the evening terminator. It was late afternoon in New Zealand now. East of the terminator in the Pacific Ocean, night had fallen. Down south Derek saw the white mass of the ice-bound continent of Antarctica. About half of it lay in darkness. Marching across the Southern Ocean were great white swirls and bands of cloud. Bands of cloud lay north of Australia and the islands of Indonesia gleamed like emeralds in the azure seas. The great Eurasian landmass lay across the upper half of the globe. Derek could see the yellowy brown band of the great northern hemisphere deserts stretching from north of the green bulge of China westwards across Central Asia, Arabia and the northern half of Africa. There was a broad green belt across the middle of Africa that was heavily speckled with white clouds. Up in the north- west lay Europe, green and cloud-speckled. The Indian Ocean was streaked and dotted with bands and blobs of cloud. The green and brown cloud-speckled subcontinent of India jutted down into it. Derek was entranced. He had never realised that the planet Earth was just so beautiful. Hal: << It's beautiful, our home, isn't it. It's certainly worth saving. >> Derek agreed wholeheartedly. He was becoming quite emotional. He became aware that they were drifting to the north-west towards Europe. They were in orbit around the planet and already they were over the middle of the Indian Ocean. Hal sped up and soon they were crossing the pale yellow-brown Arabian Peninsula and heading towards the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Down below he could see clearly the lands of Israel and Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Arabia, Egypt and Iraq. From up here the Middle East conflict seemed totally irrelevant, a stupid spat between neighbours that had gone all the way to the Supreme Court when it should have been settled long ago by wise counselling. They were crossing Western Europe now. Behind them was the green and brown boot of Italy poised to give the island of Sicily a good kick. Passing beneath them was the green lands of France, land of wine, women and song as Derek understood it. Hal slowed down when they reached Britain until they were almost hovering over England, the land of Derek's birth. The dawn terminator lay in the Atlantic Ocean to the west of Britain and Ireland. It was early morning in England now. The memories swirled into Derek's mind. He was four years old when his parents returned to Australia. He had been born in London while his father was on secondment to the British Army from the Australian Army. His elder sister was Australian born as were both his parents. His mother's parents were both English, having emigrated to Australia shortly after World War II. His father was an eighth generation Australian and proud of it as his ancestor in the paternal line had been an army lieutenant who had come over in the First Fleet in 1788. Derek realised now that his father saw himself as a proud bearer of the Anzac tradition, a tall, strong, sun-bronzed Aussie to the bootstraps. He went over as a captain and was promoted to a major while he was away in the United Kingdom. Derek had memories of snowmen and blankets of snow lying on the ground, roaring big fires at Christmas. Before they returned to Australia, his father was stationed at a base in the north of England. Derek clearly remembered a white Christmas there. He must have been four years old then. It must have been the last one before they came home. The next Christmas he spent in Canberra and the following year he started at Red Hill Primary School in Canberra. Hal: << You know you can get a British passport. If you get an Australian one too, then you will have dual citizenship. >> Derek took that advice on board. He wasn't considering getting one at the moment. His thoughts wandered further. Derek grew up feeling that he was never good enough for his father. His father always considered him a bit of a sook. Derek had inwardly rebelled against his father when he formed his relationship with Nitro Nick at school, but he had never let on to his parents or any relation that he had sex with other boys or men. Derek's school results were not good enough for him to get into the Royal Military College at Duntroon, his father's alma mater, and his father was bitterly disappointed. He reacted with disgust when Derek gained entry to the Public Service, but he had pulled a few strings and got Derek a position in the Department of Defence. Derek sighed. Hal had picked all of this up and resonated in sympathy. He had had somewhat similar experiences himself. Hal sped off westwards across the North Atlantic Ocean. In the east the sun disappeared behind the curve of the Earth. Very soon they were greeted by the blaze of lights strung out along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America. In New York it was the wee small hours before dawn but the city was like a burning beacon of light blazing up into space. Gigawatts of power were pouring into space. They crossed the American coast south of New York. Washington was below them just off to the right. Derek wondered what his parents were doing. In a flash Hal had patched his mind into his father's. His parents were at a diplomatic reception at the Venezuelan Embassy. His father was being bored rigid by the Swedish Ambassador and was trying desperately not to show it. The ambassador was a Volvo fanatic. His mother was with a group of women being regaled by an older American woman with lurid stories of J. Edgar Hoover, the former director of the FBI, getting around in black lacy frocks. The woman declared that Hoover had no dress sense at all and the other women hooted with laughter. All the women in the group were either American or from other white English speaking countries like Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand. His mother had become friends with the wife of the British Ambassador. Derek's curiosity was satisfied and the link vanished. They sped on westwards. The eastern half of the United States was like a spider web speckled with priceless glowing jewels. It was literally ablaze with light. One could that the United States was a very wealthy country. Derek could see the Mexican border clearly delineated by the difference in light. South of the border was dark; north of the border was a blaze of light. As they flew over the Rocky Mountains the lights became more thinly scattered until they reached the West Coast and were greeted by a blaze of lights from California. They passed over San Francisco. Los Angeles was on their left. Both cities were ablaze with light. They sparkled like galaxies in the night. Derek: << Talk about a star spangled banner! America is a blaze of lights from one end to another. >> Hal was amused. They crossed the coast and sped westwards out over the Pacific Ocean which was an inky blackness below them. As they were approaching the Western Pacific, the sun popped up over the western horizon and dazzled Derek with its brilliance. It was shining right into his eyes. He closed his eyes and felt a sudden surge of power from Hal beneath him as Hal accelerated even faster, pulling up and away from Earth. When he opened his eyes again, Hal was swinging around in an arc and heading towards the Moon which seemed to be approaching awfully quickly. Derek looked back at Earth and it was dwindling rapidly in size. In a few seconds they had gone into orbit around the Moon and were slowing rapidly. << Christ! How fast were we going? >> Derek asked. << About 70% of the speed of light. >> Derek was very impressed. << How fast can you go? >> << The speed of light is the absolute speed limit in the normal universe of space and time. You just cannot go any faster than that. The faster you go, the more space and time distort around you and the more your mass increases. The distortion ensures that you cannot go faster than light and the mass increases to infinity at the speed of light so you just cannot extract enough energy from the physical universe to reach light speed exactly. However, I can jump from one place to another, sort of like through hyperspace, although that's not a terribly good way of putting it. When you jump, your speed is infinite. You can jump from here to the other side of the Universe in a fraction of a nanosecond and that's 15 billion light years away. It's exactly the same as when I jumped through your garage wall without leaving a hole in it. I can jump near and far. >> << What's it like out there at the edge of the Universe? >> << Bloody lonely and cold. >> << What? Have you been there? >> << Yep. >> Derek was amazed. Hal continued. << The stars and galaxies only make up a small proportion of the total space of the Universe. Beyond that is nothing. Just sheer nothing. Billions of cubic gigaparsecs of nothing. You are so far away from the galaxies of known space that light has not had time to reach you yet in the 15 billion years since the Universe was created. It is cold and dark. I lie; it's not lonely. You have God and the Heavenly Host for company. When I ventured out there, they thought I was a very brave little human being. And now, sir, we have reached the Moon, humanity's stepping stone to space. >> Derek looked down at the Moon below him. It was all tumbled rough terrain beneath him. Earth was not visible. << We are over the dark side of the Moon, the side hidden from Earth. Who knows what mysteries lie below us. >> Hal was back to his flip, cheerful self. He slowed down even more until they were just drifting over the Moon's surface. Derek could feel the warmth of the sun shining on his back. He could feel that Hal had something to show him. Suddenly the Earth rose above the horizon. The blue-green half orb was a shining contrast to the grey and charcoal monochrome of the tumbled, broken and cratered landscape beneath them. That was Home coming up over the horizon. Tears welled up unbidden in Derek's eyes. He started to understand why his grandparents always referred to England as Home. Australia was a strange, wide, open land to English people and a long way away from little green England. To Derek, Australia was Home. It was the land he grew up in. It was the land where he lived. And Earth was Home. Now Derek was far further from Home than his grandparents had ever been. There was Earth dead ahead of them rising steadily in the matt black sky as the two men continued in their orbit around the Moon. Hal sped up again. They flew across the Sea of Crises. It was a large flat grey plain pockmarked with craters and surrounded by mountain ranges. Crazily, Derek was reminded of the acne-pocked face of one of his lovers. He could feel the snort of amusement from Hal. They were descending. Earth was high in the sky as they travelled over the rayed crater of Picard then the rough ground west of the Sea of Crises. Hal continued in a straight line. His destination was the Sea of Tranquillity, the site of the Apollo XI Moon Landing where humankind first set foot onto the Moon. The sun was behind them now. As Derek watched ahead, he saw something glinting in the sunlight. It stood out like a beacon in the charcoal grey crater pocked plain of the Sea of Tranquillity over which they were travelling. Hal slowed as they approached. He descended rapidly until they were skimming over the flat grey ground of the lunar 'sea'. Derek could make quite clearly now the base of the lunar module left behind by the Apollo astronauts more than thirty years ago when they returned to Earth. They slowed right down and circled the lunar module. Derek wanted to be put down so he could touch and feel the machine that had first landed on the Moon. Hal refused. << The Sea of Tranquillity Base is a sacred site to Western Civilisation. It is something very special for all humanity. It is where our race first set foot on land away from Earth. We can't go leaving our bare footprints in the dust around the Lunar Excursion Module base and we shouldn't really touch it at all. Your sweat will corrode it. >> << Can't you do something? >> <+ No +> - << I could but I won't. We of the Order have decided that the LEM of Tranquillity Base is not to be touched at all and that goes for all the human artefacts left on the Moon. They are all to be treated with great respect and care. >> Hal went on: << If Tranquillity Base ever becomes a tourist destination before we are ready to reveal ourselves, it would be bloody hard to explain bare human footprints in the dust around the LEM just because you wanted to be a bloody tourist! >> They circled the LEM base slowly, flying only a couple of metres above the ground. The little squat, gold foil covered spacecraft looked very lonely out in the middle of the grey lunar plain. Hal thought it was a fitting monument to human endeavour. Low grey hills stood out in stark contrast to the inky black sky. When they were facing away from the sun, Derek could just make out the stars in the Moon's sky. There was no atmosphere to obscure them so they shone steadily like little dim fairy lights in the sky. When they faced into the sun, the glare simply overwhelmed them. A little way from the LEM stood the flag of the United States of America just as it was when the astronauts left it more than thirty years ago. It still stood straight out stiffened by a small rod in its top seam. Around it were many boot-prints left by Armstrong and Aldrin. Derek: << All this happened before I was born. I think all the Moon shots had finished by the time I was born. >> << You're right there. The last one was in December, 1972. I can remember the first journey to the Moon clearly. I was nineteen that year. >> Hal's memories of that cold, windy, rainy July afternoon in the winter of 1969 flooded back. Hal had been studying at the University of Adelaide in South Australia at the time. The university refectory had a couple of television sets put in for the event but the dining hall was so crowded that Hal could not get a decent view. He went through a cold shower of rain over to the Physics Department where a mate of his was doing his Honours year. In the lab the students had set up a television set which they could watch in comfort. Hal sat down and watched the first Moon landing for the rest of the afternoon. He remembered the ghostlike figure of Armstrong descending the ladder from the LEM and leaving the first footprint on the surface of the Moon and uttering those famous words. Hal drifted over close to the LEM so that Derek was able to get a good look at that very important first footprint. It was a ripple- soled bootprint next to the ladder. It looked very ordinary except it was on the Moon. Others led away across the dusty ground where Armstrong and Aldrin had walked on the surface of the Moon. Derek: << If you were 19 in '69, that means you're nearly as old as my old man. >> << I hope you don't hold that against me. >> Hal was amused. << No. Of course I don't. You mean far more to me than Dad ever did. >> Derek hugged Hal's broad back as he lay on Hal floating above the ground. He ran his hands over Hal's thick, hard abdominal muscles, delighting in their feel. Hal glowed with appreciation. Derek was starting to tire. Hal had visited here many times before and had never tired of it. Derek wanted to put his feet down on the surface of the Moon. Responding to this, Hal did one more circle of the LEM and flew off northwards gaining height as they went. Soon they were descending again to a rugged mountain range that formed the rim of a large crater that Hal informed him was Posidonius. They alighted on a mountaintop. Derek got off Hal's back and walked on the rocky surface of the lunar mountain. The rough surface was a little hard on Derek's bare feet but in the light gravity it did not matter much. Derek picked up one of the many rocks strewn around and hefted it. The rock was quite light. It was a dark grey in colour with lighter grey nodules scattered through it. He picked up some more rocks and shortly had an armful. He asked: << Can I take some home please? >> Hal grinned and produced a plastic bag out of nowhere. Derek filled it with the rocks. Hal took it back and told Derek he was going to put the bag Somewhere Else. The bag vanished. Looking into Hal's mind, Derek found that Hal had taken advantage of the multi- dimensional nature of space-time and had tagged a particular set of coordinates as his own private storage space. It was like a storeroom and it had many things in it that Hal kept there, all sorts of keepsakes and mementos. There were an infinite number of dimensions but ordinary space-time could be described completely using only 21 dimensions. Hal's tag had 36 coordinates for 36 dimensions. Derek was awed by the man's capabilities. He looked at Hal who stood there in front of him, this great big wonderful superman with the huge muscles. Hal had his huge muscular arms folded across his massive broad hairy chest. Thick veins ran down each side of his great bulging biceps. His big thick penis hung between his great thick muscular legs set apart. His abdomen had muscles like two parallel mountain ranges separated by a deep valley running from chest to groin. His long brown hair flowed down his back. Over his face the hair hung in a fringe over his big brown wide-set eyes. His brown medium length beard covered the lower of his strong masculine face. He stood there looking like Conan the Barbarian, only bigger and kinder and he was completely naked. He glowed like a bronze statue in the light of the sun hanging low over the eastern horizon. He was indeed a superhuman muscle god. Derek wandered off further, picking his way down the mountain. He had to take care in the light gravity. His powerful 275-pound body was used to Earth's gravity so in the lunar gravity it was easy for Derek to overshoot his destination. At one stage early on he was bounding around on the mountainside like an over-muscled kangaroo until he got the hang of it. Hal floated up off the ground and hovered over Derek so that he could keep Derek in the invisible air bubble. Derek's eyes lighted on a grey rock that was shot through with dark green streaks. He picked it up, examined it and handed it up to Hal whereupon it vanished as Hal put it in his Somewhere Else. Derek found a yellow glassy globule and examined it with interest. Hal: << I reckon it was formed when that crater was formed about four billion years ago. It's been sitting there ever since. >> Derek held it in his hands and looked at it, awed by its enormous age. It had been sitting there in one spot for all that time while the continents marched around the surface of the Earth, changing and reforming as they went. The dinosaurs had come and gone in that time. It had been sitting there doing nothing for four billion years. Derek found the stretch of time inconceivable. He handed up to Hal who put it away. Derek climbed back up to the mountaintop and surveyed the lunar landscape around him. To the east was the big crater of Posidonius. To the west was the Sea of Serenity. All around him were the rounded, cratered highlands of the Moon. There were no sharp peaks visible. Derek climbed back onto Hal's back and got him to take him to the Sea of Serenity. He wanted to find out what moon dust felt like. They flew down from the mountain range and landed in the middle of the grey dusty plain of the Sea of Serenity. Derek jumped off, grabbed a handful of moon dust and let it trickle out through his fingers. It was very fine, finer than talcum powder; it was like grey bulldust, as fine as the red bulldust of the Australian Outback. It flowed down to the ground in a languid stream in the low gravity. In response to Derek's wish Hal produced out of nowhere a big transparent plastic jar of about two litres capacity. Derek thought it was a neat trick. He quickly filled the jar with moon dust, screwed the lid on and handed it back to Hal who put it away. Derek stood up and looked around. The surface of the lunar dust plain had a rather soft and springy feel to it. In this area there were no rocks to be seen anywhere. He jumped up and down experimentally on the dust. Thanks to his great strength and the low gravity he was able to leap high off the ground. Remembering the old videos of the Moon landings he had seen as a child, he bounded around Hal like an over-muscled kangaroo. He took a great leap away from Hal and was suddenly overtaken by a horrible choking sensation. There was a sudden pain in his ears and his eyes stung furiously. He could not breathe. His chest heaved as he gasped frantically for air but there was none. He realised with horror he had leapt outside Hal's air bubble into the hard vacuum of outer space. << Don't Panic!! >> Hal's words crashed into Derek's mind. Derek fought down his rising panic and looked over at Hal grinning at him. Hal: << You have about two minutes before you black out. Now you know what it's like standing naked in the hard vacuum of outer space. You have done it and you have survived! Now that's something to boast about to your grandchildren! >> Hal seemed to be taking Derek's distress with irritating levity. Derek pleaded with Hal to do something. Hal raised his arm and pointed his hand at Derek. A shimmering beam of blue-green light shot out and struck Derek on his chest. It felt as though he was being stabbed all over with a million needles. The choking sensation ceased immediately, as did the pain in his ears and the sting in his eyes. Hal: << I have made you invulnerable and I have given you a charge of energy so that you don't need to breath. >> Derek looked Hal. He felt fine now, strong and healthy and full of energy. He was standing in the vacuum with no discomfort at all. He was full of admiration for his lover. Derek: << A charge of energy? >> << From me. >> << Where do you get it from? >> <+ God. An image of dodgem cars getting the electrical energy needed to propel them from an overhead wire mesh grid via a collector mounted on top of a long vertical pole fixed to the back of the car. +> Hal went on: << The charge of energy I gave will last a fair while. If it runs out while we still up here, I'll have to recharge you. If I forget, you die. Don't worry, mate. I won't forget. And in any case, Earth is only two seconds away.>> Derek bounded over to Hal and gave him a hug. He bounded off across the dust plain at speed. He did not get out of breath for he did not have any. But he had considerable energy. He stopped when he was more than two miles away from Hal and looked back at him. The silence was complete. He could hear his blood pounding in his ears but that was all. Hal was a distant figure standing out in the plain. Derek felt that they were literally out in the middle of nowhere. The horizon seemed unusually close. It looked as if he could reach it in less than an hour but Derek knew that it would always recede from him. Derek looked up at the blue-green half disk of Earth high in the black sky. With the sun warming his broad back he could see the stars shining steadily like little dim lamps. Derek was comforted to see that they formed the constellations familiar to him on Earth. He was an Earthman alright. The silence was overwhelming. It was good to feel Hal's mind linked to his. It was really good. By God he loved Hal. He bounded back to Hal like a big lolloping kangaroo. He was happy to be with him. Hal had collapsed the air bubble and had put it away in case it was needed again. There was nothing but the vacuum around him now. Derek picked up a handful of moon dust and threw it at Hal who promptly retaliated. The dust fight continued. Both were covered all over in moon dust. The two men soon looked as if someone had tipped a truckload of grey talcum powder all over them. Their hair was grey; their whole bodies were grey. In the vacuum the fine dust did not drift at all. It just filtered down. The two men carried on their dust fight in a haze of moon dust. Derek grabbed a handful of moon dust and threw it in Hal's face and bounded away at speed. << Can't catch me! >> he yelled mentally as he raced off across the lunar plain. Very soon he felt Hal's formidable mighty arms wrap around his body. Damn! He forgot that Hal could fly. Hal grabbed Derek from behind, pulled him to a stop and ran his hands up and down Derek's dust covered belly, tickling him with his strong fingers. Derek gasped and laughed as he struggled vigorously in Hal's powerful grip. The tickling was very arousing as his skin tingled under Hal's fingers. Hal planted a kiss on Derek's muscular and dusty neck. Very soon Derek's penis had become a nice stiff erection. At the same time he became aware of Hal's big stiff penis rubbing against his buttocks. Derek thrilled to the feel of his lover's warm, hard, muscular body against his back. Hal: << O.K., you rugged rascal. How would you like to spill your seed onto the soil of the Moon? >> Derek was overcome with lust. As he stood with Hal's arms wrapped around him, he could feel the head of Hal's great big penis pressing against the pucker of his anus. As he relaxed his anus, he could feel the gas rush out of his bowels into the vacuum. Hal's great thick penis felt nice and well lubricated as it slid into Derek's arsehole. It was lovely feeling his anal sphincter stretch around the familiar thickness of Hal's penis. Derek realised that Hal had put some kind of force field around his penis making it slick and slippery. With a few thrusts, Hal was all the way in and pumping Derek's bowels vigorously. He stroked Derek's penis with one hand and massaged Derek's muscular abdomen vigorously with the other. Derek was in the height of passion as he felt Hal's enormous penis pumping and thrusting up through his arsehole into his body. His groin exploded and hot semen shot forth under high pressure in a long volley of spurts that flew in a great arc through the vacuum from his hot hard penis and landed on the ground about 20 metres (65 feet) away. Derek kept squirting out a large quantity of semen as Hal's orgasm came and Hal flooded Derek's innards with his semen. Derek was in ecstasy. Their linked minds compounded each other's orgasm. The orgasms came to an end. Derek slumped back against Hal who still held him in his arms. Hal was still standing. He was as strong and immovable as the Rock of Gibraltar. Derek felt tired but happy. Hal put his hand on Derek's belly just under his ribs. Another charge of energy blasted into Derek's body. Instantly he felt full of energy again. The tiredness was blasted away. Derek was still happy. He twisted around in Hal's arms and gave Hal a full hard kiss on the lips. << Oh, man! You are absolutely wonderful. >> Hal kissed him back. Derek looked in front of him and saw the trail of his semen across the lunar surface. It ended quite a long way away. << Well, mate. You certainly have christened the Moon! To my recollection, that's the first time that's been done. Gee, you're a randy young hunky buck! >> Hal was enjoying himself and Derek. He separated from Derek and walked over to where the nearest splots of semen had landed. Derek followed him. Hal found a sizeable splot of semen on the dust surface about halfway along the trail and picked it up and showed Derek. << There you are. Vacuum dried semen. >> Hal laughed. Derek looked at the glob of his semen in Hal's hand. He poked at it with his finger. It was white and covered with grey moon dust and it had a leathery, jelly-like consistency. It felt like one of those jellyfish larvae washed up on the seashore. Derek asked: << Can we take it back please? >> << Why? There's plenty more where that lot came from. >> Hal laughed and looked lecherously at Derek's cock and balls. "Please! I'd like it as a souvenir," Derek tried to say but he couldn't speak in the vacuum. Derek had forgot himself. Hal got the sense of it anyway. He produced a plastic zip-lock back, put the semen blob in and put it away in Somewhere Else. Hal walked to the end of the semen trail grinning and looked back to their footprints at the start. << You can certainly squirt your semen a long way under lunar gravity. On Earth with this sort of performance you would be the Olympic Champion Semen Squirter. In fact as you are now on Earth you probably would be the Olympic Champion Semen Squirter. >> Derek stood with his legs apart and his hands on his hips. He was grinning from ear to ear. He enjoyed Hal razzing him about his sexual capabilities. He aimed a playful kick at Hal's rock hard belly and bounded off across the dust plain. Hal bounded after him and quickly chased him down. He brought Derek down in the dust and wrestled with him. He was on top. Derek lay on his back on the soft dust, pulled Hal's head to him and kissed him hard on the lips. He was hot and horny again. He lay back and writhed underneath Hal's hard muscular body and quickly his penis became really hard and erect. He grabbed Hal's penis, stroked it a few times and that quickly became stiff and hard too. Derek wrapped his muscular thighs around Hal's waist and pressed his arsehole against the head of Hal's mighty cock. Hal needed no more invitation and thrust his penis deep into Derek's arsehole. In only a couple of strokes Hal's force field lubricated penis had penetrated up to the hilt into the depths of Derek's bowels. Derek's big fat penis fitted snugly between the two men's abdomens in the central grooves that separated their abdominal muscles. It was being powerfully stimulated by the bodies writhing and pumping together. The moon dust that caked their bodies was like talcum powder. It was quite slippery. Derek relished Hal's big thick cock pushing and thrusting against his prostate and stirring up all his insides. Just before his orgasm an image came into his mind of the two big musclemen with their bodies covered uniformly with grey dust fucking each other furiously in the middle of this vast grey plain under a black sky. The two men coupled together looked absolutely tiny in the middle of this vast empty space. Derek's orgasm came and blotted out the image. He arched his powerful back in sheer joy and emitted a soundless yell. He bucked furiously underneath Hal, almost throwing him off. Hal held Derek tightly in his powerful arms and his orgasm came too. His spunk squirted deep into Derek's body and flooded into his bowels, causing Derek's torso to tingle all over the inside. It was as if a torrent of electric sparks were flooding into his body. Derek's semen pumped out in great gushes and ran all over the fronts of the two men. His orgasm was intensified by Hal's enjoyment of his body and the intensity of Hal's orgasm. The orgasms wound down to an end. The two men lay in each other's arms, Hal lying on top of Derek. Both of their bodies were uniformly caked with grey moon dust. Derek was in a state of bliss and he knew Hal was too. He looked up at Hal sleepily. Derek: << Now that's what I call a proper fuck. I'll bet that's the first fuck anyone has had on the Moon. >> << Sorry to disappoint you, mate, but I'm afraid it's been done before. In fact the first man to man fuck occurred on the Moon before the first man to woman fuck. There's still a chance for the first woman to woman fuck though. >> << Aw, gee! >> << Mind you, Derek. It's your first fuck on the Moon and you are one of a very select band of men who have had a fuck on the Moon. That is special. There are few people on Earth who can claim that. >> << Yeah! I have had a fuck on the surface of Moon and I was stark naked at the time. I could just imagine dropping that into the conversation at a party. >> << Yeah, sure! And people would think you're a real wanker. >> << I was a real wanker until you came along. You've certainly done incredible things to me, mate. Thank you. >> << My pleasure indeed! >> Hal kissed Derek tenderly. Derek put his hands behind his head and lay back in the soft moon dust. Looking straight up he could see the stars. The sun was low in the eastern sky behind them. Derek relaxed happily under Hal's body. Hal's weight was considerably less on the Moon and Derek's body was plenty strong enough to support it under Earth conditions. Derek looked up at the Earth hanging high in the sky. He felt sleepy. The thought of a nice comfortable bed seemed attractive to him. Earth was where his home was. It was home. Earth was Home. Hal was picking up Derek's thoughts and suggested they move off home. He started to get up and discovered their bodies were glued together by Derek's vacuum dried semen. He stood up, bringing Derek up with him. The Moon's gravity was not strong enough to break the bond. Derek put his hands on Hal's shoulders and tried to push away but the skin hurt. Derek remembered that he was invulnerable and pushed harder. His skin stung. Hal was unconcerned. He was not hurting at all and he was quite happy to let Derek do all the work. Derek gave a mighty shove with his powerful muscles and their bodies sprang apart. The sting in Derek's skin died down quickly. Most of the semen had remained stuck to Hal's hairy body. A little remained on Derek's hairless body and Derek quickly peeled it off. Hal: << It goes to show what a good glue vacuum dried semen makes. >> They both laughed. Derek's laugh faded into a sleepy grin. << Well, mate. It's time to take you back home to Earth. You look as if you're about to fall asleep on your feet. >> << Can't you give me another charge please? >> << You've got enough charge to easily get back to Earth. Remember, Earth's only two seconds away and you've probably got enough to last you another hour. It's not your body I'm concerned about. It's your mind, the software in your brain. You've been up two nights already and we've being doing some pretty frantic fucking. A lot has happened to you and your brain needs time out to sort things out, like reprogram itself. If you stay up much longer, your software will get a bit scrambled and you will get irrational and irritable. I don't want to see you fly into a rage over some trivial little thing merely because you're overtired. >> << O.K. Point taken. >> << Hop on my back and I'll take you back home, clean both of us up and put you to bed. We both look like tribal Aborigines in mourning. >> <+ ? +> << Didn't you know that? When someone in an Aboriginal tribe dies, his relations cover themselves in ashes from the fire to show that they are in mourning for the dead person. If it's an important person, the whole tribe cover themselves in ashes. It's a real sackcloth and ashes thing. >> Derek was interested but was tiring rapidly. With difficulty he clambered onto Hal's back. Hal hoisted him up with a psychokinetic boost until they were both comfortable. Derek wrapped his arms around Hal's chest and Hal took off, ascending rapidly away from the Moon. Derek looked back at the Moon which was dwindling rapidly. Hal accelerated to near light speed and the planet Earth approached alarmingly quickly. In a few seconds after leaving the Moon the globe of the Earth filled Derek's field of view. The evening terminator had reached the eastern part of Australia and was about half way between Adelaide and Sydney. It would be after sunset now in Ringtail Springs. Hal: << Now that you're temporarily invulnerable and we don't have an air bubble to worry about, let's do a real extrovert superman style re-entry. >> Before Derek had time to think, Hal plunged into Earth's atmosphere over South Australia. As the air screamed past them during re-entry, it was made white-hot by the hypersonic speed of their passage. Derek felt very hot but he was not harmed. The slipstream clawed at his face with sharp talons of iron. Hal levelled out and descended rapidly. Passing over New South Wales he slowed rapidly. When their speed became sub-sonic he veered to the right and flew into Valley Road. He approached the loft and jumped inside. Suddenly Derek was inside his loft. It would not have taken more than fifteen seconds since they left the Moon. Derek was astonished. He gasped and found he could breath again. It felt good. One of the lights had still been left on all day. << We both look a real sight. >> Hal telepathed cheerfully. The big mirror floated over to them and Derek saw the two of them both covered in the grey moon dust. It looked like ash. << Let's get you into the shower, mate. >> Hal picked Derek up in his arms and took him over to the shower outside the kitchen end door at the top of the stairs. He turned on one of the two showers in the large shower cubicle and got the water nice and hot. He held Derek under the shower, got him wet thoroughly and soaped him all over and washed the moon dust from him. He shampooed Derek's hair and washed Derek's body with shower gel. Derek was so sleepy that he found it difficult to stand upright, so Hal supported him as he washed him all over. Derek really enjoyed Hal's ministrations and the feel of his big hands rubbing all over his muscular body. When Hal washed Derek's cock and balls, Derek's cock stiffened to attention. Hal laughed. "You are just about asleep on your feet and still you are horny. You're bloody incredible! No sex tonight, boyo. You need your beauty sleep." Derek grinned sleepily. Hal continued washing Derek's groin, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. When he was finished, he sat Derek in the hot shower on the plastic stool Derek used to sit on and dream away and masturbate while he was in the hot shower. That was in earlier days. Hal turned on the other shower and washed the moon dust off himself. Derek watched with a sleepy delight as his lover shampooed his long brown hair and his beard, then washed his huge, muscular, powerful body. Hal finished and dried them both with the large towels Derek kept in the cupboard. He picked Derek up and carried him over to the bed. He lay Derek gently down on the bed and lay down with him. He turned out the light with a psychokinetic command. The room was dark. Derek snuggled up to Hal's warm, muscular body as Hal wrapped his arms around him. Derek felt wonderfully secure and at peace. The last thing he remembered was the chirp of the crickets outside in the night, the rustle of the gum leaves in a gentle night breeze and the faint cry of a mopoke calling far away in the eucalyptus forest. He fell asleep straight away. --------------------- Continued in Part 8. ---------------------