Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 09:23:27 +0000 (UTC) From: Wombat Subject: 'The Old Valley Road Hotel #82' {Wombat} ( MM SciFi Anal Size Musc Biker ) [ 82 ! ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Old Valley Road Hotel. By Wombat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Any constructive comments are appreciated. I'm at ''. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Nifty Readers, If you enjoy this story or others on Nifty, please send a generous donation to at '' to help support and maintain this free service full of wonderful stories so it may continue to remain available to everyone. Thank you all, Wombat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - 'A Rainy Day' Part 22. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Part 82: The Donation. ------------------------------------ In preparation for Ellis's bone marrow donation, Bryn drove him to the RPA in the Ferrari. On the way he explained that the doctors wanted to give Ellis morphine to ensure that he would not be bothered by the pain of the bone marrow procedure. They certainly did not want him writhing in agony on the operating table. Ellis was okay with that. At the hospital Geoffrey met them and introduced Ellis to the surgeon, Mr Simon Morgenstern and the anaesthetist, Dr Fred Cunningham. Mr Morgenstern got Ellis to strip down to his underpants and examined him thoroughly. Then Ellis went through a CAT scan to, as Mr Morgenstern explained it, find the best site from which to extract the bone marrow. After the CAT scan, Mr Morgenstern explained the procedure he decided upon to Ellis. He was reluctant to stab through the thick muscle mass of Ellis's buttocks to get to the iliac crest of the pelvis as it would cause Ellis a lot of pain afterwards. Mr Morgenstern smiled as he told Ellis that if he went through those powerfully muscled buttocks, Ellis probably would not be able to sit down for a week. He chose the breastbone, a much better alternative because it was close to the skin. From the CAT scan the breastbone was bigger and thicker than normal and it appeared to contain a good quantity of bone marrow. In order to get his thick bulging pectoral muscles to lie as flat as possible, Ellis would have to lie spreadeagled out on the operating table. Mr Morgenstern said to Ellis that the radiologist who had examined the CAT scans had remarked on Ellis's apparently enlarged heart with cardiac hypertrophy. Bryn replied that was not surprising since Ellis had been doing intense workouts in gyms for many years. Ellis was a very fit strong healthy man who could easily outrun Bryn and he had excellent endurance. Bryn declared that Ellis showed no sign of cardiac insufficiency. Mr Morgenstern said he was inclined to agree with Bryn that there was no sign of any cardiac pathology. Dr Cunningham asked Ellis if he had used any drugs like morphine or heroin before. Ellis replied that he had not. He never felt the need. The day came for Ellis to make his bone marrow donation. He dressed casually in jeans, suede desert boots and a short-sleeved blue denim shirt open down the front showing off his muscular chest and abdomen as well as his arms. Bryn drove him to the RPA. There Ellis had a shower and prepared for the surgery. He walked into the operating theatre, stripped off his hospital gown and lay naked on the operating table. Bryn wolf-whistled him. "You're obviously a man who's not ashamed of his body," commented Mr Morgenstern who was already done up in his surgical gown, cap and gloves. Geoffrey, Claire, Doris and Professor Pszczolinski were also in the operating theatre masked, gloved and gowned as was Bryn. A sheet was placed over Ellis's groin and legs. His arms were placed on supports out the side of the operating table so that his hands were above his head. He lay spreadeagled on the operating table. His forearms were fastened to the supports with Velcro tape. "Crucifixus sum," said Ellis. "Come again?" asked Mr Morgenstern. "It's Latin for 'I have been crucified'," replied Dr Fred Cunningham with a smile. "I did Latin at school like the good Catholic I was brought up to be." "I bloody well hope you're not being crucified, Ellis," retorted Bryn. "I don't think so, Doctor Powys," smiled Mr Morgenstern. "Not this time anyway." His smile morphed into a smirk. Ellis laughed. A nurse painted his chest with brown surgical antiseptic. Dr Fred Cunningham inserted an anaesthetic catheter into a vein in the back of Ellis's hand. He held up a syringe full of clear liquid. In response to Ellis's questioning look he said that it contained the morphine that they were going to give him. Mr Morgenstern nodded to give the go-ahead. Fred said, "This will put a smile on your face." He then injected the morphine into Ellis who felt the warmth travelling along the vein up his arm. The high hit, a big high. Ellis groaned as a wave of intense pleasure, bliss and utter relaxation washed over him. He felt his face crinkling into a smile. "Oh God that feels good," he groaned. "I could do that again." He heard Bryn say, "Oh no you won't. Not unless you really need it. I don't want you becoming a smack-head." Ellis laughed, "I love you, Bryn." He was grinning from ear to ear. He felt so happy. Claire giggled. "What on earth is going on?" asked Professor Pszczolinski. "I wouldn't worry, Peter," said Geoffrey. "It's the morphine talking." "Oh?" The professor sounded unconvinced. "Shall we proceed?" asked Mr Morgenstern. "Yeah, you can get on with it any time you like," replied Ellis. He heard Geoffrey and Claire laugh. "You're a brave man," said Mr Morgenstern to Ellis. He placed his hands on the thick bulges of Ellis's pectoral muscles. He ran a gloved finger along the breastbone in the deep cleft between the spread-out pectorals. "We don't have a lot of room between these big thick pectoral muscles of yours, Ellis, but we'll manage OK," he commented. "I'm sure you're up to the challenge, Simon," remarked Geoffrey. "Thank you for your confidence, Geoffrey. We'll be fine." He made a small incision in Ellis's skin over the breastbone. He then used a battery-powered electric drill to drill a shallow hole through the outer bony layer of the breastbone. Ellis felt the drill bite into the bone. The vibration travelled throughout his chest and abdomen. He enjoyed the feeling. A big smile crossed his face. He knew it should have felt painful but he hardly felt it. The pain seemed so far away that it seemed to belong to someone else. "Christus crucifixus. Christus Rex. Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum," he intoned. "More Latin?" asked Mr Morgenstern. "Yes," replied Fred Cunningham. "Don't bother with a translation," said Mr Morgenstern. He bent over Ellis. He said, "I really need to concentrate on what I'm doing. This can be rather tricky so I would prefer it if you didn't talk. The fewer distractions the better. OK?" "OK," replied Ellis with a grin. Mr Morgenstern inserted a thick needle attached to a large syringe into the hole in Ellis's breastbone. He drew back on the plunger and the syringe filled with a thick soupy red liquid. He slowly emptied the syringe into a flask held by Geoffrey. Geoffrey held up the flask and gently swirled the contents around while Simon Morgenstern put in a small stitch to close the incision. "This stuff is gold," he commented. "Thank you so much, Ellis." Ellis gave a broad smile. He was doped out and flying high. He felt really happy. Simon repeated the procedure several more times. Dr Fred Cunningham topped Ellis up with more morphine. Ellis enjoyed the feeling. "I never thought I'd enjoy being operated on," he laughed. Bryn muttered something indecipherable through his surgical mask. Finally the operation was finished. Mr Morgenstern had put nine holes in Ellis's breastbone. Each of the nine incisions in the skin was closed off with a small neat stitch. The doctors had obtained a flask full of bone marrow cells including the precious stem cells and white blood cells. "All done, all finished," announced Mr Morgenstern. "Thank you so much, Ellis," declared Professor Pszczolinski. "This is a wonderful donation. I cannot thank you enough. This will be a great boost for science." "I echo that sentiment," said Geoffrey. "Thank you so much." Both Bryn and Claire kissed Ellis on the cheek. "Right," said Fred, "we'll have a cup of tea." The theatre staff laughed. Ellis got up off the operating table. He was feeling lightheaded so he was supported to a bed. He was wheeled off to the recovery unit where he enjoyed the attentions of the nurses. "You're a perky one," said a nurse as she was sitting on his bed. "I wouldn't get your hopes up, Saz," said another nurse. "He's gay. He's living with one of the doctors." "Is he now?" asked a male nurse. "OK, Elle. Who's the lucky fellow living with this hunk of gorgeousness? God, he looks so sexy with all those stitches in his bare muscly chest. Oh my! My heart's all aflutter. I just so want to lick him. OK, Elle darling, spill the beans. Give us the goss." "It's that hunky muscleman doctor with the dark hair. He works in the Immunology Department with Professor Pszczolinski." "You mean that stunningly gorgeous big hunk of Welshman, Doctor Powys?" "Yeah," said Ellis grinning broadly. "Oh, lucky you! I'm so horribly green with envy. By the way, Ellis, I'm Bertie." Bertie was a blond blue-eyed young man of about average height around the same height as Ellis and with a muscular athletic build. "Hi Bertie," replied Ellis still grinning. "And you're as high as a kite." "Yep. And I'm loving every minute of it." "And the crash is going to be painful when it comes," remarked Elle. "Don't be such a downer, Elle," declared Bertie. "He'll survive. I hear he's pretty tough. Ellis, I hear you're the super elite suppressor that the Immunology Department is getting so excited about. You're immune to AIDS. And they're going to find a cure for AIDS in your blood." "No, Bertie, it's his bone marrow they were after," said Saz. "They got it from inside his breastbone. That's why he's got those stitches in his chest." The doctors entered led by the surgeon Mr Simon Morgenstern and Professor Peter Pszczolinski. Following were Bryn, Claire, Geoffrey, Doris and Doctor Fred Cunningham. Bertie blew a kiss at Bryn. "I'm so envious of you and your gorgeous hunk of love, Doctor," he laughed. Bryn reddened as he glared at Bertie. "Nurse, that is enough of that," said Professor Pszczolinski sharply. "Your behaviour is most unprofessional." Bertie smirked. He walked off singing "Oh, I do want to be a Roman Catholic! Yes, I do want to join the Church of Rome!" "Bertie, you'll get yourself sacked if you carry on like that," warned Claire. "I wouldn't bother with such silliness," sniffed the professor. Fred snorted with laughter. "Yes," he muttered to the professor, "he can be such an amusing silly- billy at times but he is a good nurse nonetheless, particularly with the heavy patients. It's good to have a man with muscle around the place." Simon looked at Ellis. He placed his hand on Ellis's shoulder. "You seem to be doing well, young man," he said cheerfully. "How has he been?" he asked Saz. "He's been quite perky since he's arrived here, Mr Morgenstern," replied Saz. "He and Bertie have been indulging in a little repartee." "A good sign." "He'll be quieter when the morphine wears off," said Fred. He addressed Ellis. "How are we now?" "Fine, thank you Doctor," replied Ellis cheerfully. "They're looking after me well here." "Good." "He certainly seems to be doing well, Doctor," put in Saz. "His obs are good and he certainly seems to be in good shape." "That's for sure," remarked Bryn. "He's solid muscle, this guy and he's tough. It'll take a lot to kill him." Simon laughed. "That's good to know. We couldn't kill him even if we did our worst." "Don't you dare!" said Peter Pszczolinski. "He's far too valuable. He's our hero." "I second that, Prof, in spades," declared Bryn. "I third that," stated Geoffrey. That caused laughter among the immunologists. "Sweet," commented Claire. "And I shall be the fourth to support your motion, Prof. I think the motion is carried. You're a hero, Ellis." "Thank you one and all," said Ellis grinning from ear to ear. The doctors moved off as they discussed the operation and Ellis's recovery with the nurses. When they had finished, they farewelled Ellis and departed. The nurses fussed over Ellis when the other patients in the recovery suite were not requiring the nurses' attention. After the evening meal the morphine wore off and Ellis became sleepy. He slept through the night. He barely awoke when the nurses took his observations. In later years Ellis reflected how much less primitive the procedures for bone marrow extraction had become since the mid-1980s. Breakfast arrived early the next day. Ellis was not sure if the sun was up. There were no windows to the outside. He was hungry and managed to persuade the nurses to give him another serve of breakfast. The doctors arrived later after breakfast. Simon Morgenstern and Fred Cunningham came. They complimented Ellis on his progress. Geoffrey expressed his gratitude to Ellis for his donation of bone marrow and Professor Pszczolinski echoed Geoffrey fulsomely. The immunologists could grow plenty of white blood cells in the tissue culture and they hoped to see how Ellis's white blood cells were able to resist attack by HIV. Bryn announced that he had taken the day off to take Ellis home and look after him. He had informed Marica and she was prepared to help look after Ellis. "I'm fine," protested Ellis. "I can see that," replied Simon with a laugh. "There's no reason why you should stay here any longer. You can go as soon as you like. I have no doubts at all that you will receive the best care." "Doctor Cunningham, were you at Saint Innocent's?" Ellis asked. "I remember a Fred Cunningham who was a few years ahead of me. He was a school friend of my brother Barry who got caught in a blizzard in Tasmania and died." Fred looked at Ellis. His eyes widened. "Yes, of course," he replied. "Ellis. Ellis de la Mare, Barry's little brother. I'm sorry. I didn't recognise you. You certainly have stacked on one hell of a lot of muscle since I saw you last. You were such a slim young fellow back then. Yes. Barry. And you're his little brother." A faraway look came into his eyes. "Um, I never could work out how Barry died," said Ellis. "I was only thirteen when it happened. All I was told was that he got caught in a blizzard on Barn Bluff when you all were on a scout trip in Tasmania. Then they found his body all frozen stiff in a snow drift a couple of weeks later. What happened?" A look of pain came into Fred's eyes. "As you know, we were scouts together. We were in the Senior Scouts by then. Anyhow, we were on this hike through the Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair National Park. That was when we were starting our last year at school. Our scout master suggested we make a side trip to Barn Bluff. We had climbed up Barn Bluff and we were standing on the summit when suddenly this blizzard came upon us out of the blue, like literally. It was a hot January, the middle of summer and there were bushfires on the east coast of Tasmania, so we weren't expecting anything like a blizzard. It was snowing so heavily we couldn't see anything. Then we realised that Jacko was missing. He wasn't with us at all. Barry volunteered to go and look for him. He was the biggest and strongest of our group so the scoutmaster let him go. Bazza went and he just disappeared into the blizzard. It was really hard going and blowing a gale and it was so dark and snowy we couldn't see. We hoped to God that Bazza would find him and bring him back safely. By then it was so dark we couldn't see a thing. By the time we got down out of the snow, we found Jacko all huddled up by the path waiting for us. He'd lost us so he made his own way down. We were so relieved to find him but then we got really worried about Bazza. We hadn't seen him since he left us. We waited and waited but no Bazza. We were getting really cold and shivering so the scoutmaster made us all go back to the camp. I guess he was worried we'd all freeze to death. Somehow we managed to stumble back to the campsite through the darkness. We didn't have any torches or anything. We realised we couldn't do anything it was so dark and cloudy. We wanted to go looking for Bazza but the scoutmaster wouldn't let us. He didn't want us risking our lives and getting killed up there in the dark. We didn't see Bazza alive again." Fred fell silent. Ellis jumped out of bed naked and hugged him. "Thank you so much for telling me," said Ellis. "I never knew. Dad and Mum never said much. I think it hit them pretty hard." "Yeah. Bazza's death hit all of us pretty damn hard." "I remember something happened to the scoutmaster. He was one of the lay teachers, I seem to remember. All of a sudden he wasn't coming to school anymore. No-one would say anything about him. Did he get the sack or something? "No, Ellis. He committed suicide." "Oh shit! That's awful! God! That's terrible!" "Yes." "What happened to Jacko? I hope he didn't commit suicide." "No, he's far too good a Catholic. He became a priest instead. He's now Father Peter Jackson, Parish Priest of Tibooburra." "Oh. Do you see much of him? Tibooburra is way out in the desert, like light-years away from here." "Well, sort of." Fred managed to raise a chuckle. "The last time I saw him was about four years ago when he came down to Sydney and held a Memorial Mass for your late brother. He held it at your parents' local church, the Church of The Sacred Heart for your parents and all your family. You weren't there because you were overseas then. We all went along, all those were his old schoolmates, especially those of us who went on that hike with him. It was a good service. Your parents were really pleased. And it was great to catch up with all our old schoolmates again. It was like a class reunion. The ladies of the church put on a splendid spread for us all." "Ellis de la Mare, that name is ringing a bell," said Simon Morgenstern. "You were at Saint Innocent's and your brother was at Saint Innocent's with Fred. Weren't you and Roman Kuzniewski friends?" "Yes. Still am," replied Ellis. "Bryn and I went and had dinner with him and Bill a few weeks ago." " Interesting man is Roman Kuzniewski. I've bought a number of paintings from him over the years. He is very good and has some very interesting stuff. I bought a Whiteley from him recently. Most interesting. Kuzniewski certainly knows a lot about art. He's a walking encyclopaedia and I believe he's made an absolute fortune out of the art trade. Sounds like you and Bryn have been to his house. Quite unusual but most interesting architecturally. I understand it's a Walter Burley Griffin masterpiece and it is quite unique because it was built in the art deco style. It's huge. I really would have no idea what Kuzniewski and his boyfriend would do with all that space." "Mm." "So, Ellis, you're the friend of his who's just come back from twenty years overseas." "Yes. Seventeen years actually. Word must get around." Simon laughed. "Oh it does. It does indeed." He and Ellis shook hands. "Well, it's good to meet you, Ellis," he said with a smile, "It's not often that I shake hands with a naked man." Ellis shook hands with Fred who pulled him into another hug. "Great to catch up with you, Ellis, Bazza's little brother," said Fred wet-eyed. "And please give my regards to your parents." "Will do." Ellis clapped Geoffrey on the shoulder. "See you later," he said. "I certainly will," replied Geoffrey. "It's good to see you've recovered so well." The doctors departed except for Bryn and Claire. "Can I get dressed now and go?" asked Ellis. "I wouldn't mind getting out of here a.s.a.p." "Sure can, mate," replied Bryn. "By the way, fellas, I have an announcement to make," stated Claire. "You're pregnant," said Bryn with a grin. "Yes, Bryn, I am," replied Claire tartly. "Thanks for raining on my parade, friend!" Bryn was surprised by her reaction. "I was just joking, Claire," he protested. "I didn't think you'd have a result so soon." "Congratulations, Claire," declared Ellis. "Well done!" "Thank you, Ellis. And you're the father," said Claire. "It's your semen that did the trick, thank you." "His spunk is pretty potent stuff, full of all those nice wriggly little spermatozoa," laughed Bryn. "Are you expecting quads? Or is it quins? And are you expecting Ellis to support you and your litter?" "Shut up, Bryn." Ellis hugged Claire. She kissed him. The watching nurses cheered. Bertie came up and shook Claire by the hand. "May I offer you my heartiest congratulations, Doctor Duncan," he said. "Thank you, Bertie." He looked at Ellis. "I'm confused," he said. "I thought you were gay." Ellis grinned broadly as he looked at Bryn. "Oh dear, I guess I'm outed," he laughed. "And you're naked," giggled Claire. "Outed and naked." "What, me worry?" "Before you get too confused, Bertie," Bryn interjected. "Ellis's semen was delivered by a piece of laboratory glassware. It certainly wasn't delivered by his penis." "Yes, it was cold," said Claire. She looked up and down at Ellis's naked muscular body. "Mind you, I could almost be tempted by a piece of hot cock." "Ooh! I am definitely tempted," said Bertie. "Mate, we'd better get you out of here and home before this turns into an orgy," said Bryn to Ellis. "Oh dear. I'm so disappointed. Ellis is so gorgeously hunky," declared Bertie. "Nurse, haven't you got work to do?" asked Bryn sharply. "Yes, Doctor Powys," said Bertie putting on a sad face. He left the room dragging his feet. "What a drama queen!" muttered Bryn. "I've put up with worse, far, far worse," laughed Ellis. "That's nothing!" "You're jealous, Bryn," laughed Claire. "You've lost your sense of humour!" Bryn ignored her. "Come on, mate, get your clothes on and let's get out of here," he said to Ellis. He packed Ellis's toothbrush, paste and other things into Ellis's little overnight bag while Ellis got dressed in the clothes he wore the previous day. He left his blue denim shirt unbuttoned down the front and untucked out of his jeans as he had done the previous day. Ellis farewelled the recovery nurses and departed with Bryn and Claire. On leaving the recovery unit, Claire returned to the Immunology Department while Ellis and Bryn walked the interminable hospital corridors until they reached the hospital carpark where the Ferrari was parked. "I love this car," remarked Bryn as he slung Ellis's overnight bag into the space behind the passenger seat. "Good! And I love you, Bryn," laughed Ellis in reply. Bryn hugged him and they kissed. Their lips pressed together as their passion became more intense. Bryn put his hands up under Ellis's loose shirt and ran his hands over the bare skin of Ellis's strong back. Ellis ran his hands over Bryn's back enjoying the feel of all the thick muscle under the thin material of Bryn's button-up short- sleeved white shirt. After a few minutes, Bryn broke it off. "We'd better get going," he said as he opened the car door for Ellis. "Aw! I was enjoying that," Ellis whinged. He sat down in the passenger seat while Bryn got behind the wheel. Bryn started the car and they wound their way around the carpark to the exit. Then they threaded their way through the traffic of Sydney's inner southern suburbs homeward. Ellis liked having the top of the car off. He had an uninterrupted view of the streetscapes. He could enjoy the view while Bryn concentrated on driving and he liked having the sun shining down on him. They were stuck in stationary traffic waiting at traffic lights. Bryn snorted impatiently. Ellis laughed and patted Bryn on the arm. He did not mind. "You know Bertie?" he asked. "You know, the male nurse who was looking after me in recovery?" "Bertie Redfield, yes," replied Bryn. "He's a bit of a hunk and quite nice looking too. He seems to like you a lot. He described you as 'that stunning big hunk of Welsh gorgeousness'." "That guy is so unsubtle. He's about as subtle as a punch in the face." Ellis laughed, "And he looks strong enough to do a hell of a lot of damage with a punch to face. I reckon he's lusting after you." "So are a lot of people, male and female." "Are you jealous about me?" Bryn turned, looked at Ellis with quiet intensity and said, "Look, Ellis, you grabbed me by my heart and gave it a bloody good hard squeeze. I love you, Ellis. I love you one hell of a lot more than I've loved anyone else I've ever ever met and I never want to lose you ever. Do you understand me now, Ellis?" "I sure do, mate," replied Ellis with a big smile. He put his hand inside Bryn's arm and ran his fingers over Bryn's big biceps relishing the mighty bulge. Bryn turned towards him and Ellis planted a kiss on his lips. Bryn reciprocated. Ellis put his arm around Bryn. After the kiss Ellis leant his head affectionately against Bryn's thickly muscled shoulder. "I love you, Bryn," he said. "By God I love you!" "We're being watched," said Bryn looking in the rear-view mirror. Ellis turned around and saw behind them two grinning women in an open- topped olive green ex-military Land Rover with the windscreen folded down on the bonnet (hood). Sitting in the back seat and looking forward between the women was a blond boy of about ten or eleven years old. He was staring at Ellis and Bryn with his eyes and mouth both wide open. Ellis remembered the vivid blueness of the boy's goggling wide open eyes. Ellis gave a wide grin and gave the people behind him a thumbs-up. The woman in the passenger seat blew him and Bryn a kiss. Back at the apartment Marica had brewed up some coffee and provided a bounty of delicious cupcakes. She greeted Ellis with much solicitude. She saw the stitches down Ellis's chest through his open shirt. She counted them. "Nine stitches!" she exclaimed. "They made nine holes in your chest! Are you all right? Are you well?" Bryn assured her that Ellis was doing well. She hugged Ellis tight. Bryn worried that the stitches in Ellis's chest might hurt from her enthusiastic hug. Ellis kissed her and assured Bryn that he was in no discomfort. Bryn told her about the operation and how brave Ellis was. The Immunology Department at the hospital regarded him as a hero. She hugged him again. She laughed as she told them that she did not have to change and wash the sheets that morning. They were still clean. Bryn invited Marica to sit down with them in the kitchen and have coffee with them. She was delighted to accept. They cheerfully discussed the operation and Ellis's speedy recovery. Bryn gave her more details because she was interested. With the coffee and cakes finished, Marica cleaned up the dishes and bustled out of the kitchen to do the rest of the day's housework. Bryn looked after her with a wistful smile. "You know, Ellis, she's a real treasure," he said quietly. "She really looks after us well. I'm so glad you got her." "Yeah, so am I," replied Ellis. "OK, we've got the rest of the day. What do you feel like, mate?" "A fuck." Bryn laughed. "You look like one." Ellis laughed in reply. "Yeah, I probably do. I've been missing you, Bryn. I'd really like to make deep contact with you, as you say." Bryn looked doubtful. "I don't know, with those stitches in your chest. They only went in yesterday and you know how passionate we get when we fuck." "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." "Those stitches cover holes in your breastbone. If any come loose, you could get a really nasty infection like golden staph for instance inside your breastbone and that would be a real bugger to cure even with your super-duper immune system. Infections inside bones are always difficult to treat." Bryn paused and looked at Ellis thoughtfully. He grinned. "You know, you could fuck me. I've been thinking about giving it a try and now sounds like a good opportunity. That way there's no way I could loosen those stitches. And you look like a real tough hero with those nine stitches down your chest. I'd love to give it a try." Ellis's brow creased. "I've never fucked a man, or anyone," he said. "I don't know how we'd go." "Well, let's give it a go. I've never been fucked before and you really like it when I fuck you so I'd really like to find out what it's like. And I so much want you to be the first man to fuck me." They left the kitchen. Bryn put his arm around Ellis's shoulders and they started up the stairs. Marica was vacuuming the living room floor. She called after them and said with a smile that she will clean in the master bedroom later. It was free for the time being. In the bedroom they both stripped off naked. Bryn disappeared into the bathroom to wash out his arsehole and rectum on the bidet. Ellis grabbed a tube of lubricant and lay back on the bed. Filled with anticipation, he put a good-sized blob of lubricant on his penis and rubbed his hand up and down the shaft. With the masturbation his penis quickly became fully erect. After a few minutes Bryn came out of the bathroom. "Oh god you look sexy! The King of Sex!" he exclaimed as he jumped onto the bed. "I could do with a good hot fuck right now." He saw the tube of lubricant on the bed. "Dunno if we need that," he commented. "I've just shot 5 20-ml syringes full of lube up my arse in the bathroom. That's about a 100 mls (3 fl oz.) worth. So it should be pretty well lubed up. They say too much lubricant is just enough for anal intercourse. Jesus, Ellis, you look so fucking hot and sexy with that fucking big fat hot rod of yours I could jump on you right now." "Why not?" asked Ellis with a lecherous grin. "Yeah, why not indeed," replied Bryn. "This is the first time for me so I guess if I get on top of you, I can control it better and you sure have a big one." "'Bout the same size as yours, mate, and yours does me just fine." "I reckon yours is just a mite bigger." "Maybe." Bryn started kissing Ellis's belly and chest. He licked Ellis's pectoral muscles particularly the nipples. They stiffened and swelled rapidly with Bryn's attention. He continued licking down Ellis's belly enjoying the thick well-defined abdominal muscles. He sucked on Ellis's cock briefly. Ellis groaned with the pleasuring he was receiving. Bryn grinned as he held Ellis's rock hard cock. "I reckon this is too big to fit up my virgin arsehole," he said. Ellis groaned, "Now you tell me! Well, you can bloody well suck me off properly instead." "Don't worry, mate," laughed Bryn. "I wouldn't do it to you. If we take it slowly, I should be all right." He straddled Ellis's torso and put his hands on Ellis's thick strong pectoral muscles. Ellis held his cock upright while Bryn lowered his arse towards it. Bryn paused when he felt Ellis's cock head make contact with his anus. "Contact!" announced Ellis with a lecherous grin. "Now for ignition," laughed Bryn. "It's OK. I won't push. I'll let you get me all in first." "Thanks mate. I appreciate that." Gingerly Bryn lowered himself down further. He relaxed his anus enough to admit Ellis's cock head into his anal chute. He stopped for a minute until he became used to the thick object lodged in his arsehole. Then he continued lowering himself slowly down the hard shaft of Ellis's stiff cock. "Geez you got a tight arse," remarked Ellis. "You're a real tight- arse." "Shut up and keep fucking." Ellis gave a quick thrust of his cock up Bryn's well-lubricated arsehole and its full length vanished up inside. Bryn's eyes opened wide. "Oh fuck!" exclaimed Bryn. "Oh fuck, that feels so... oh... so... fucking... good. Oh fuck! It's all in. Your whole cock is all the way inside me. Oh Christ it feels so... fucking... good!" "OK?" asked Ellis. "It hurts a bit but Christ, it feels good! Keep going, mate," Bryn groaned. Ellis started thrusting his cock gently up Bryn's anus. Bryn's eyes and mouth were wide open. His pleasure was intense. After a few minutes Bryn wanted to be underneath Ellis. They managed to rotate themselves while keeping Ellis's cock fully embedded in Bryn's anus. Bryn wrapped his big muscular legs around Ellis's waist while Ellis thrust his cock into Bryn's arsehole with a steady beat. Ellis propped himself up on his arms and looked down at the man he was fucking. There was no doubt that Bryn was a big beautiful handsome solid hunk of muscle. Bryn's half-closed eyes were glazed over. His mouth was open. He was panting. Ellis gazed with lustful admiration at Bryn's broad powerfully muscled shoulders, the well-developed trapezius muscles sloping up to his thick strong neck, the thick hard bulging mounds of pectoral muscles and the deep, wide, hairy, heavily muscled chest sloping in a distinct V-shape down to his slim lean muscular waist. "Harder. Harder. Fuck me harder," panted Bryn. "Oh fantastic." Ellis sped up his fucking rate and powered vigorously into Bryn's arsehole. At first he was concerned that he might be hurting Bryn but Bryn seemed to be extracting maximal enjoyment from Ellis's cock thrusting up his anus. Using his considerable strength he rammed his cock up Bryn's anal chute deep into Bryn's rectum while Bryn held tightly onto Ellis's thick hard upper arms. Sweat poured off their bodies. Bryn groaned wordlessly. Ellis managed to adjust his position enough to keep Bryn's hard stiff precum-slicked cock sliding up and down the clefts running down the midline of their sweaty hard muscular bellies. Suddenly Bryn cried out. His body arched backwards and stiffened. The pupils of his eyes rolled upwards into the eye sockets so that just the whites were showing. His grip on Ellis's upper arms tightened further. Ellis could feel Bryn's penis jerking against his abdomen underneath him. He could feel increasing slickness between his and Bryn's bellies. He kept on powering on at full strength determined to reach his climax. Bryn screamed. Then he gave a series of guttural cries. Ellis could feel Bryn's insides pulsing against his thrusting cock. His orgasm was getting close. Bryn screamed again. Orgasm hit Ellis like a cannonball. He roared as he rammed his cock as hard as he could up Bryn's arse. He relaxed his arms and lay moaning on top of Bryn lost in his orgasmic ecstasy. After an indefinite period of time, he felt Bryn's grip on his arms relax. Later he felt Bryn's hand stroking his hair. His cock was still inside Bryn's arse. Bryn's legs were still wrapped around his waist. "Oh God, that was good!" murmured Bryn. "It was so fucking good! Thank God I found you, Ellis. That was wonderful! It's so wonderful to have a fuck without fear." He pulled Ellis's head down. Their lips met. They kissed passionately. Ellis felt his cock stiffen again inside Bryn's arse. "You know, you big hot fella," murmured Ellis, "I could go again." "Oh yeah, dicken," replied Bryn. "So could I. You sure are one hot fucker." With that, Ellis started thrusting his cock once more into Bryn's arse. Bryn wrapped his big muscular arms around Ellis's chest and kept his legs wrapped around Ellis's waist. Ellis thrust his penis into Bryn's body with all the force he could muster. He could feel Bryn's rock-hard cock slip sliding around between their bellies. Bryn cried out with the force of the stimulation he was receiving inside his body. His prostate was being pounded relentlessly with such vigour that it was painful but so overwhelmingly exciting. His state of sexual arousal was rocketing skywards. He wanted Ellis, all of Ellis and he wanted him now. As his sexual arousal increased, he grabbed handfuls of hard bulging muscle on Ellis's hardworking sweat-slicked back. It felt so hard and strong like the cock thumping up through his arsehole into the organs inside his body. He screamed as an orgasm exploded inside him. It felt so good. Ellis ramming his cock up into his groin during his own orgasm was just too much joy. The continued fucking enhanced his orgasm enormously. Ellis careered on out of control. He continued thrusting his penis up into Bryn's massively muscled torso and he could feel Bryn's innards twitching and pulsing around his cock as Bryn underwent the throes of his orgasm. Fucking Bryn was such utterly wonderful fun. He was in no state to consider whether fucking or being fucked was more fun. He was in raptures as he fucked the big powerful muscleman with all the force he could muster. And it happened. As Bryn was coming down off his climactic high, Ellis exploded into orgasm. He gave a guttural roar as he emptied his balls once again into the depths of Bryn's intestines. Once more Bryn stroked his hair. "You're beautiful," Bryn murmured. "My big beautiful hero. You're one excellent fucker. You're definitely habit-forming. And by God I love it when you keep on fucking me while I'm having my orgasm. It's fucking mind-blowing." He kissed Ellis on the cheek. Ellis turned his head and their lips met. They kissed as they enjoyed the closeness of their hot sweaty bodies. Their nostrils were filled with their body odours. It was good. The wonderful golden afterglow of energetic sex enveloped them both. They lay together quietly glorying in each other's strong bodies with Ellis's cock still up Bryn's arsehole. After a while Bryn said, "I wouldn't mind something to eat soon. I'm getting a bit hungry." "Me too," murmured Ellis. "Marica said she's baked a pie for us. It's in the oven." "Like my cock." Bryn groaned, "That's awful, mate." Ellis kissed him. After a little while longer they separated with some reluctance. Ellis inspected his penis. "There's no shit on it at all," he remarked. "Not even a speck." "Well, mate, your bidet is pretty bloody efficient at washing out all your shit from your arsehole. And it gets me nicely warmed up all ready for you to fuck me." Ellis laughed. He saw all the lubricant mixed with semen that had leaked out of Bryn's arsehole onto the bedsheet. "Fuck! You used a fuck load of lube!" he exclaimed. "It's leaked out all over the place. It's just as well Marica is going to change our bed today. I reckon you maybe used a bit too much." Bryn laughed. "Maybe I did but fuck! It was good. Anyhow, I'd better take a hike right now. My bum's about to leak your cum all over the place." He ran off to the bathroom. Ellis followed him intending to have a shower. Bryn sat on the toilet. His arse made a loud splurking noise as his bowels emptied themselves of Ellis's semen. "Well said, mate," Ellis laughed as he got into the shower. "I'll be waiting for you but I can't guarantee I can keep my hands off you." Bryn laughed as more semen dribbled out of his anus into the toilet bowl. The shower was in an alcove by itself surrounded on three sides by tiled masonry walls. It was big enough for the two men. A glass sliding door allowed entry from the main part of the bathroom. A combined fan and light fixture was recessed into the plastic ceiling. Ellis turned on the light but did not bother with the fan. He liked getting the shower alcove full of steam. He turned on the shower so it was hot and hard. Bryn got off the toilet, washed his hands and joined Ellis in the shower. He got Ellis to wash him all over including his hair. Ellis loved running his hands over his lover's mighty body. He loved Bryn's big bulging muscles. His penis soon became erect again as did Bryn's. He washed in between Bryn's buttocks and slipped a finger into Bryn's arsehole. "Ooh, that feels nice," said Bryn. "I could just about go again." "Well, we won't need any more lube, that's for sure," replied Ellis. "There's still plenty in there." Then it was Ellis's turn to be washed all over. He loved feeling Bryn's soapy hands run all over his muscular body and his head. His cock became painfully erect. Bryn held it in his hand and grinned lecherously. "You know, mate," he said, "I could go again, like right now. I wouldn't mind your cock up my arse again." "Yeah," replied Ellis grinning lustfully. He put his arms around Bryn. They kissed with rising passion with the hot water coming down on them from the showerhead. Bryn groaned, "I'm getting close. Let's fuck right now." He turned his back to Ellis and placed his hands on the wall. Ellis inserted his penis in between Bryn's buttocks. He moved it around until his cock head found Bryn's anus. "Go for it, mate," declared Bryn. "Go as hard as you like." Ellis needed no further invitation. He shoved his cock up Bryn's slippery arsehole until his balls slapped up against Bryn's buttocks. He withdrew a little and thrust his cock again up inside Bryn who groaned with the intense pleasuring his prostate was receiving once again. Again and again he rammed his cock as hard as he could into Bryn's big, hard, heavily muscled arse. It was absolute joy. He put his arms around Bryn's waist and started rubbing one hand up and down the thick hard shaft of Bryn's fully erect cock. Water ran down Bryn's broad massively muscled back as Ellis kept on thrusting his cock into his mighty torso. Once again Ellis was in a state of rapture. Fucking his big muscular lover was absolute joy. He never thought that fucking another man would be so much fun. It was marvellous. Bryn gave a guttural cry. His body arched backwards. Ellis could feel his cock jerking in his hand. Peering around Bryn's mighty body, he could see Bryn's semen running down the white tiled wall. He kept on ramming his cock into Bryn's arsehole with all his power and strength. He could feel Bryn's insides pulsating forcefully around his cock as he thrust it into Bryn. Suddenly he too felt an eruption in his groin. He gave a throaty roar as he thrust his cock once more as hard as he could up Bryn's arse. Once again his balls emptied themselves into Bryn's rectum. He revelled in pumping his spunk into the depths of Bryn's bowels. He rested his wet head on Bryn's massive back that bulged with muscle. As he came down off his ecstatic high, Ellis covered Bryn's wet back with kisses and ran his hands over the big bulging muscles of Bryn's front. Bryn moaned. He felt like he was in Heaven. He and Ellis just seemed to melt together. Ellis remembered his encounter with Commodore Hardcastle at breakfast in the dining room of the Dorchester Hotel in London. He giggled. "What?" queried Bryn. "Your firm meaty arse," laughed Ellis. "Yeah? What about it?" Ellis told Bryn about his encounter with Commodore Hardcastle and how one of the greatest pleasures of the commodore's life was to stick his wee-wee into the firm meaty bottom of a muscular young man. He finished off with, "and you've got such a firm meaty bottom, Bryn." "And you have too, mate," Bryn laughed. "It's so hard and meaty, your arse. It's a joy to fuck." Ellis loved feeling Bryn's hard body shaking in his arms and around his cock which was still stiff up his arse. "Fat chance that old bugger would have had with you," laughed Bryn. "Yeah," said Ellis slowly. "He was an old bugger too." "I reckon he buggered quite a few muscular young men while he was in the British navy." Bryn was still laughing. "Yeah, I reckon he did. No way though I was going to let that old bugger stick his wee-wee up my arse." Bryn laughed a deep throaty laugh that Ellis found very arousing. Ellis's cock remained hard and stiff up Bryn's backside. He wrapped his arms around Bryn's waist. They stayed together delighting in the close deep contact of each other's bodies with the hot water running down them. The shower alcove filled with a thick fog of steam. "Oh God, your cock feels good," moaned Bryn. "It feels so good inside me. Is it still stiff?" "Yep. Stiff as a board." "Feel like another fuck?" "Yeah, Bryn. You're fucking irresistible." Bryn suggested they try a wall fuck. He had read about it in an illustrated article on a gay porn bulletin board he dialled into occasionally and accessed using a modem attached to his PC. Ellis would hold Bryn up against the wall while facing him and he would fuck Bryn up the arse. Ellis was definitely strong enough to hold up Bryn's considerable body weight. Bryn was eager to try the position. He explained that the position would put his prostate within easy reach of Ellis's penis and allow Ellis to pound it really hard. They separated. Ellis hoisted Bryn's big body up by the armpits. Bryn leant back against the shower alcove wall and hooked his knees over Ellis' powerful shoulders. Ellis positioned his cock head against Bryn's anal opening and pushed his cock all the way deep into Bryn's arsehole. Bryn groaned with the profound internal pleasuring he was receiving. Ellis held Bryn by the waist supporting some of his weight. He revelled in the hard muscularity of Bryn's lower torso. He thrust his cock vigorously into Bryn's arse and pounded into Bryn's innards at a rapid rate. Bryn cried out. "Oh fuck, oh fuck that is good. Oh fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard. Give it to me. Hit my prostate. Hit it hard. Gimme your cock. Gimme all you got. It hurts so good." Ellis kept on fucking Bryn as hard as he could. He rammed his cock its full length into the depths of Bryn's bowels and powered in and out with great enthusiasm. Bryn grabbed Ellis's upper arms and dug his strong fingers into the big powerful well-developed biceps and triceps. That hurt Ellis but the pain in his arms drove him on to fuck Bryn with all his considerable might. The hot water poured down from the showerhead onto the virile muscular bodies of the two men locked together in their fierce sexual exertion. Bryn was crying out wordlessly as Ellis relentless pounded his prostate and driving him inexorably to his climax. He writhed as Ellis kept ramming his cock into Bryn's torso. Bryn screamed. Gobs of semen squirted out of his penis and splattered on his chest only to be washed away by the shower. Ellis continued thrusting his cock into Bryn's well-muscled arse with unbounded enthusiasm. Bryn kept on screaming in the throes of his climactic high. He was out of his mind. He stopped screaming and started uttering a series of deep-throated groans. Ellis rammed his cock into Bryn's arse with all his strength as he was seized by another stupendous orgasm. He roared like a stag in rut as he emptied his balls once more into Bryn's rectum. He loved feeling Bryn's insides massaging his cock while Bryn's orgasm continued. When their combined orgasms drew to a close, Ellis locked his legs to keep supporting both his and Bryn's body weight. Bryn groaned wordlessly. He was out of it. Ellis leaned forward and kissed his pectoral muscles. Bryn relaxed his grip on Ellis's upper arms. He put his hands around Ellis's neck and looked into his eyes blearily. "Thanks, mate. That was absolutely fucking fantastic," he murmured. "I reckon you fucked me crossed-eyed." Ellis grinned. "It was my fucking pleasure." "Was I cross-eyed?" "Dunno. Wasn't looking." "Oh fuck that was good. Fucking marvellous. I never thought being fucked would be so much fun." "And fucking you was fucking fantastic! Fuck that was good!" Bryn leaned forward and kissed Ellis on the lips. Ellis tightened his grip on Bryn's waist to keep supporting him. "Thank you, mate. Thank you so much. We'll have to do that again," Bryn murmured. "I reckon!" They remained in the shower relishing the total connectedness of each other's bodies with the hot water showering them both. Bryn delighted in having Ellis's cock remaining up his arse although it was starting to soften. After a while they separated. They left the shower alcove. Ellis turned off the shower. He switched on the exhaust fan to remove the remnants of the steam. They dried each other delighting in the closeness of their strong naked bodies. Then they took turns in drying each other's hair. In the bedroom they got dressed in fresh clothes. Ellis wore a red checked short-sleeved shirt which he left unbuttoned down the front. With that he had on a pair of white moleskin jeans and suede desert boots. Bryn wore a plain white close-fitting T-shirt tight enough to show every bulge of his torso. He put on as well blue denim jeans and brown leather work boots. Together they went down the stairs into the living room. Marica was dusting the grand piano as they came down. She greeted them with a cheerful smile as they walked over to her. Bryn was walking somewhat stiffly. "Have you two been enjoying yourselves?" she asked with a laugh. "You both have been a long time." "Yep," said Ellis. "I have baked a beef with red wine pie for you two big strong boys but I have finished baking it now. I have put it in the warming oven with some vegetables I have prepared. I hope that it is not too dry for you." "It should be fine, Marica. I wouldn't worry about it. And thank you very much for getting lunch for us." "It is always a pleasure." She looked at Bryn with a worried frown. "Are you all right?" she asked. "You walk funny now." "I'll be fine, thank you," replied Bryn. "I'm just a bit sore down there." "How did that happen?" "Surely I don't have to tell a wise woman like you," replied Bryn drily. "Oh! I see!" Marica giggled. "Ellis, you should be more careful of Bryn. I hope your stitches are all right." "I'll be fine, honestly," returned Bryn. "Don't worry about it." "I'm fine too, thanks Marica," replied Ellis. "No worries." He and Ellis continued into the kitchen. With relish they ate the pie and vegetables which were not nearly as dry as Marica had feared. She had covered the pie with aluminium foil and had put the vegetables in a covered glass pot. Afterwards they went for a walk. Ellis and Bryn had frequent fucks. Bryn so much enjoyed being fucked that Ellis was fucking him nearly all of the time. The new arrangement suited them both. After about ten days Bryn removed the stitches from Ellis's chest. Ellis was naked. Bryn was so aroused sexually by removing the stitches from Ellis's naked body that as soon as he had completed the procedure, he put his mouth over Ellis's semi-stiff cock and sucked it all the way down his throat. Ellis's cock rapidly became full erect and Bryn quite happily accommodated its full length down his throat. Bryn unzipped the fly of his jeans and rubbed his erect cock on Ellis's thick strong thighs. It was a novel experience for Ellis as he had never been sucked off by anyone before. Bryn bobbed his head up and down and sucked Ellis's cock like an expert. He groaned. His body shuddered. Ellis felt wetness squirting from Bryn's cock onto his thighs. That was enough to trigger an enormous orgasm in Ellis. He howled as he shot load after load of his semen down Bryn's throat. He ejaculated so much of his spunk that some of it leaked out through Bryn's nose. His pubic hair became matted with a mixture of his semen and Bryn's snot. Bryn collapsed on top of him in his orgasmic delirium. He kept sucking on Ellis's cock like a calf on a milk bottle teat. Ellis groaned. The post-orgasmic stimulation was too much to bear so Ellis had to get Bryn to stop. "Your cock is so nice," murmured Bryn. "We have to do this again." "Sure, but not right now." "OK, Hunk. Maybe a little bit later." "Sure." Bryn removed his semen-soaked jeans. They shared a semen-flavoured kiss that became more and more passionate. Bryn sucked Ellis off once again and ejaculated all over Ellis's thighs. When Bryn's arse was too sore for sex, he would suck Ellis off. Occasionally Ellis returned the favour. They found that the 69 position worked well where they both sucked each other's cock at the same time. Both their cocks were about the same size. Sucking each other's cock until they ejaculated down each other's throats was gloriously good fun. Of all the sex positions they tried, Bryn liked Ellis fucking him up the arse the most and Ellis enjoyed fucking his big muscular boyfriend. Bryn appeared rapt to be fucked by Ellis. He loved it so much. One day Ellis was telling Bryn about the sex he used to enjoy with BJ. Bryn wanted to know all about it so Ellis described it in detail. Ellis told Bryn about the first time BJ fucked him in the old caravan at the community of Kirkmadrine on the Isle of Mull and all the times afterwards. The time on Mull seemed like a piece of paradise in retrospect. Bryn was particularly interested in the time BJ was fucking Ellis while they were hiking through the uplands of Mull and a wild stag came up to investigate them. The stag came so close that Ellis and BJ could feel the stag's hot breath on their naked bodies. Bryn was fascinated to hear about the high life Ellis used to lead in London with BJ. He became thoroughly stirred up by the tales Ellis was telling him. He wanted sex. He wanted Ellis to fuck him again. He wanted to Ellis to come into him from behind while he was lying face down like BJ used to do with Ellis. They went up to the bedroom. Bryn shed his clothes and washed out his arsehole on the bidet and filled it with lube. Ellis stripped naked and got the bed ready. He lubed his cock up liberally until it was as stiff as a ramrod. Bryn lay face down on the bed with a pillow under his groin and his cock sandwiched between the pillow and the bed. He spread out his mighty arms across the bed. Ellis knelt next to him and massaged his buttocks. "I love your bum," said Ellis cheerfully. "It's so big and hard and meaty and so terribly fuckable." "A nice firm meaty bottom," laughed Bryn. "Dicken!" replied Ellis. "And it's attached to a really big, sexy, massively muscular and wonderful young man, you big, wickedly sexy sex machine!" "The commodore's gonna eat his heart out." "Up his arse with a piece of glass." "Not that you care." "Nup." Ellis straddled Bryn's legs and inserted his rock hard cock between Bryn's hard muscular buttock cheeks. He kept pushing until his cock head fetched up against Bryn's anus. "Ready?" he asked. "Oh yeah! Am I ever!" was Bryn's reply. Ellis lay down on Bryn's back and slowly pushed his cock into Bryn's anus. "Oh fuck that hurts!" moaned Bryn. "It hurts so good!" "You alright, mate?" asked Ellis. "Yeah, just do it real slow." "Geez, you got a tight arsehole!" "Yeah, lying on my tummy like this would make it really tight. All the muscles in my bum would be contracting around it. Just fuck me really slowly until I get used to it." "OK, Doctor." "Can you stop and give me a breather when you're all the way in?" "Sure thing, lover boy." Ellis continued pushing his penis into Bryn's anus very slowly. When he had inserted its full length into Bryn's anus and rectum, he stopped. He relished the tight grip of Bryn's insides on his penis as he lay on Bryn's broad back. Bryn was moaning wordlessly with the pain and pleasure of Ellis's penis inside him. Ellis propped himself up on his arms. He admired the thick bulging mass of muscle on Bryn's broad strong back, the wide powerful shoulders and the big thick robust heavy-duty arms. This glorious hunk of virile manhood was his lover and Ellis was fucking him. He had his cock fully imbedded up his lover's firm hard meaty arse. This was bliss. "OK, you can keep going now," said Bryn. Ellis withdrew his cock part way and pushed it in slowly. He lay down on Bryn's back again and fucked him slowly. "Oh fuck that feels good," moaned Bryn. "Just nice and slow like that." "I love your arsehole. It feels really tight." "Just keep fucking me." Ellis did so. When Bryn felt more comfortable with the new position, Ellis sped up his thrusts into Bryn who was delirious with delight. It was sheer joy for Ellis to thrust his cock in between Bryn's hard meaty buttocks into the tight hole of Bryn's arse. He considered that Bryn's anus was the Rolls-Royce of fuck holes, it was so good. It was so tight around his cock that he could feel it moving in and out with his cock with each thrust Bryn moaned and groaned as Ellis thrust into him. He thrust his cock in between the pillow underneath him and the bed. Ellis kept up with him thrusting his cock into Bryn's arse. Bryn cried out and arched his back. Ellis felt Bryn's insides pulsating around his cock as Bryn roared into an orgasm. He kept on thrusting into Bryn at a rapid rate. Bryn screamed. His whole body tensed up. His arsehole tightened even more around Ellis's cock while Ellis was thrusting into him. It moved in and out even more with Ellis's vigorous thrusts. Ellis continued ramming his cock into Bryn's anus while Bryn was crying out in the throes of his orgasm. He kept up a fast steady beat. It seemed to him that Bryn would start coming down off an orgasmic peak and immediately scream into another. Bryn's orgasms seemed to be coming one after the other while Ellis was fucking him powerfully. Finally Ellis felt his groin contract forcefully as an orgasm erupted within him. He rammed his cock as hard as he could up into Bryn's arse. His hot semen coursed up the length of his penis and gushed into Bryn's intestines. He roared like a stag taking his hind. Bryn screamed in the heights of his orgasmic firestorm. When their combined ecstasy subsided, they lay quietly on the bed together. They relished the afterglow of glorious sex. They revelled in the closeness and the aromas of each other's strong muscular bodies. Ellis was still lying on Bryn's back. He loved that back. It was so strong and packed with muscle. He ran his fingers over the smooth suntanned skin. He saw that moles speckled the skin. On impulse he started licking the skin of Bryn's back. He liked the sweaty salty taste. Bryn moaned with delight. "God, that feels good," he moaned. Ellis kept on licking him. He spotted an unusual looking mole and licked that. He noticed that the taste was slightly different from the rest of the skin. "That's a funny-looking mole on your back," he commented. "It even tastes a bit different." "Oh yeah? Trust you!" replied Bryn. "I wonder if you should get it checked out." "It's OK. Claire took a look at it back in January and she reckoned it was alright." "I hope so." "Don't worry about it, mate. It's OK." "OK." "Oh fuck that was a good fuck, Ellis. Thanks mate. We'll have to do that again. It was fucking good fun!" "With pleasure. I reckon you've got the Rolls-Royce of arseholes." Bryn giggled. He said, "My arse sure is going to be sore after that one. It feels a bit sore now and so well used. But fuck that was good. It was fucking wonderful. I feel really well fucked and I love that well- fucked feeling. Thanks, mate." Ellis planted a series of sloppy wet kisses on his back. Bryn moaned with delight. They continued lying together with Ellis on Bryn's back. Ellis kept his cock up Bryn's arsehole. They revelled in the absolute closeness of each other's bodies. They seem to just meld together and become one together. They were utterly connected together with Ellis's cock up inside Bryn's arsehole. Ellis loved the feeling. He knew that he was totally in love with Bryn. "You know something, Ellis?" murmured Bryn dreamily. "I love feeling your cock up inside my bum. It feels so bloody good having that big fat cock of yours up my bum filling it up! God! It's good, so fucking good!" "And it's feel's bloody good having my cock up your bum, mate," replied Ellis. Bryn paused. Then he said, "You know, I've been thinking." "Bad habit of yours," giggled Ellis. "Can't help it, mate. It just happens. Anyway I was just thinking about your previous boyfriend BJ." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah. You know how BJ always used to fuck you but he never let you fuck him and then he goes and gets himself fucked by all the guys at the gym?" "Yeah?" replied Ellis wondering where this was leading. "I reckon he was worried that your cock was too big for him." "Why?" "Well, your cock is quite a bit bigger than average. I reckon he was worried that you might have hurt him if you'd fucked him. Silly boy! He didn't know what he was missing out on." Ellis lay on Bryn's back wondering what to say next. Bryn continued: "I remember you telling me that the guys in the gym had average size cocks or smaller. I reckon he was scared of your cock because it might be too big and he might get hurt. But fuck! Your cock feels so fucking good inside me that it's definitely going to be habit-forming." "Thanks mate." "I think I'm going to become addicted to your cock." "I'm not going to complain." "I love you, Ellis. I love you heaps." Ellis kissed Bryn on the cheek. Bryn turned his head and their lips met. Their kiss became passionate. That turned into another fuck. Bryn knew about the lunches Ellis was having with his older brother Leon. Ellis told him. Bryn suggested that Ellis tell Leon about him and see what Leon's reaction was. Ellis did so. Leon was very curious and wanted very much to meet Bryn. Ellis negotiated with Bryn to take a lunchtime off and they both met Leon for lunch. The lunch went well. Leon commented that Bryn was a fine figure of a man and questioned Bryn about his work. He was most interested to know that Ellis was immune to AIDS and most other diseases. He wholeheartedly supported Bryn in his work to find a cure for AIDS and he questioned Bryn about his research. Leon mentioned that he had already heard from some medical friends that Bryn had a boyfriend who was Ellis, Leon's little brother. He was just waiting for Ellis himself to tell him about Bryn. It was highly unlikely that there could be more than one Ellis de la Mare in Sydney. What interested Ellis was that Leon made no direct comment about his little brother's sexual preference. Leon did mention with a chuckle that it would be hard to hide a man of Bryn's size at family gatherings. He thought it would make little difference to their sisters if any. They would still hate Ellis no matter what he was like, even if he were to become a devout Catholic, marry a plain girl and have many children with her. They would probably still dislike Ellis even in the unlikely event that he gave them all his wealth. They would still be unhappy. Leon did say that it was likely that their parents would find it difficult to take when they found out that Ellis's partner was another man. They would still love him and still pray for him but they would be very unhappy to know that their youngest child was 'living a life of sin'. Leon said with a laugh that they would probably pray for him all the harder. He commented that both Ellis and Bryn moved with grace and agility remarkable for their muscular bulk. Ellis informed him that Bryn had been teaching him martial arts and Bryn told Leon that Ellis was making excellent progress. He joked that Ellis was less likely to kill someone now with his great strength. Leon was impressed. He told Bryn that one of his acquaintances had thought Ellis was a hit man. Now he knew that Ellis definitely had the ability to kill someone easily. Ellis could be a hitman and so could Bryn. They both laughed. Leon wanted to see more of Bryn as well as Ellis so the three agreed to meet together regularly for lunches and that Bryn would take lunchtimes off work and join them reasonably regularly. -------------------------------------- Continued in Part 83. --------------------------------------