Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 18:30:01 -0500 From: Ian Engle Subject: PECs chapter 11 -- science fiction of fantasy PECs Chapter eleven: PECs Ever After Evan Andrews ©2022 This set of stories is not a fan fiction, although it is high space opera. (So forgive the really dated terminology.) As always, though, I had a cast of faces in mind for the characters, a list of whom follows the story. Your image may differ, which is cool. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of any of the men in real life. The story depicts males in pulp sci-fi sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you. If you enjoy this story, or even if you hate it, please contribute to keeping Nifty going at @@@@@@@@@@@ "What do you mean you can't remove it?!" Speed roared. The doctor looked at him, compassionately, and said, "The Id Tap is alien tech, Warrior, something we've never encountered, and it's woven itself into the fibers of your brain. If I tried to remove it without understanding how it works, I could leave you and all your men either dead or irreparably brain damaged. Come back in twenty-five years and maybe then we'll understand enough about it to remove it safely." He paused momentarily and rubbed his jaw. "Or maybe we'll conquer Colonia Prima and access knowledge that way. You never can tell." "But if they put them in us..." Speed said, not grasping that they were not discussing interchangeable parts. The doctor nodded again and said, "Son, have you not grasped that they had no plan of ever removing the damned things? You were meant to be sexually motivated slaves for the rest of your lives. Sorry, but you're going to have accept that and learn to live with the device. But hey, at least you have that Repressor thing. You and your fellow -- what did they call you? – pec slaves of the Royal Crèche? And those who served the Council of Six. With those devices active you can go into society. Space, I'd even certify you as fit to return to active duty in PEC." "What about the others?" "The baker's dozen?" Doc said. "Well that's a dilemma. Without Repressors, they are stuck as they are, dedicated sex machines controlled by their ids. I understand that you have only two more Repressors, so you can free just one from the spell of the Id Taps. (That's assuming you let us have the other to back-engineer.) The rest, however, will remain at the mercy of their base desires until we learn more. Or until we get a dozen more Repressors. I don't envy you and your men for the decision you'll have to make." Speed looked at the other two men in the room, and addressed one of them, his commanding officer. "Sir," he said. "PEC Speed," Commander Shamrock said, "Commander Waterman and I have discussed this, and it's a decision that lies outside our purview. You assumed command of this troop back on Colonia Prima, and in doing so accepted responsibility for them and to them." "Sir, I don't..." "Welcome to the joys of command, my boy," Waterman said. "If every question had an easy answer..." "I recommend you consult with your men," Shamrock said. "Put it to them. Find out which of the Repressed would like to re-enter active service. And which would like to be discharged. Since we are in the first steps of an interstellar war, however, I doubt there will be many of those." "Or," Waterman took up his thoughts again. "You could all go and found a watch post, a colony." Speed and Shamrock fixed Waterman with a stare. "You know that might do it," Doc said. "Only one of the thirteen can be fitted with a Repressor." "Or none, if Speed decides to hand both over to research," Shamrock said. "And that will leave thirteen men who will remain slaves to the Id Tap. I'm not sure PEC has the experience to let them deal with a cadre sex pigs like this. But on their own world, in their own colony..." "Watch post," Waterman corrected the MO. "Yes," Shamrock said, warming to the idea. "In a colony—sorry, watch post-- they can be cared for by the only men who really understand what's going on in their brains." "But the decision needs to be yours, son," Waterman said. "Go talk to your men and bring us back an answer." @@@@@ Speed called the Royal Seven and the Councilors' Six together and put the question to them. "So you see, pretty much all of the men we rescued are going to remain pec slaves, no matter what we do." It was good of him not to say, "I told you so", but in a way he had. "So what do you think of the first question? Do you want to be discharged on the verge of war? (Which will read as cowardice.) Reactivated? (Which will leave part of our number enslaved without a master.) Or should we found Waterman's watch post?" "Wouldn't choosing to establish a watch post not be another act of cowardice?" Saint said. "You didn't grow up on a colony world, did you?" Ariel asked. "Uh, no." "A watch post like this will need crew to man the scanners, and crew to sustain the infrastructure and grow food," Ariel continued. "It's not like we'd be volunteering for a spa day." Swagger nodded. "I like the plan," he said simply. "Maybe it'll be a warm planet and we'll be able to ditch uniforms most of the time." Swagger had carried a predilection towards nudity away from Colonia Prima. He got off on strutting around with his big dick swinging from side to side. The other dozen men nodded. They had all gotten used to minimal or no clothing during their enslavement. Now, listening to Ariel and Swagger, they began to see the logic and warm to the idea. And of course they had to be responsible for their fellow warriors, no matter what state they were in. "So, we have a motion to form a watch post." Speed said. "Show of hands for those in favor." It was unanimous. "Okay, then we have the next question." The redhead laid out the two Repressors he had left. "Commander Shamrock has asked for both devices to be released to Research. That mean the Baker's Dozen'll remain pec slaves. Anyone opposed to that?" No objection was raised. "So, we have twenty-six men, thirteen of them pec slaves, to found a watch post. I'll inform Shamrock and Waterman, and then we can prepare for deployment." @@@@@ Shamrock and Waterman were as good as their words, and Earth High Command took PEC's recommendation, assigning the twenty-six abducted PECs to a new rocket, a colonybot, with which to set up a watch post on an innocuous world somewhere between Colonia Prima and the Imperial hearth worlds. The trip to the new world—they left it nameless for the time being—took a few weeks, during which time the Repressed PECs learned their new equipment—both military and civilian. They had a celebration when the rocket's scanners could detect their new sun on visual, and an end of voyage blow out when they made orbit. Speed hadn't had that much sex since his days in the Royal Crèche. After that it was down to business. The colonybot first released drones to survey a small continent with an eye to finding the perfect place to settle. Then they landed and began to construct the small village they'd now be calling home. Three days later, the PECs (and their pec slaves) walked into the middle of the village where the twelve repressed PECs came to attention and the thirteen who were still pec slaves fell into Slave Display Position. "Men," Speed, the acting CO, started, "Welcome home." The entire colony cheered. "As you know, we're here to set up a watch post, to keep passive scanners aimed in the direction of Colonia Prima, and to warn Earth if a single colonial rocket heads in their direction." Men nodded. It was all "Yadda yadda officerese" and they were used to it. But it had to be said. "It takes four men to man the scanners, and whoever's not on the scanners will be on colony maintenance, including farming," Speed said. "Scanner duty will be taken in six hour shifts round the clock. Maintenance will work according to the diurnal cycle. A roster of duty rotations will be posted." "Great, wonderful," Nitro said. "Now, I want to put a question to you. Since no more than four men should be needed to supervise the day's maintenance work, do you want to spend your down time with your Repressors on or off?" The PECs with Repressors could only stare at their commander. "Uh, Speed," Feral said (He was the one who asked the stupid or difficult questions), "Are you asking us if we'd like to go back to being sex-added slaves?" "Only when your brains and full attention are not required," Speed said. "The way I see it, the Id Taps release our primal instincts, but it was the colonists' idea to channel that energy into sex. There's no reason we can't choose to channel it into something else. Every man with a Repressor has the option, when he's on maintenance duty—or off the clock entirely-- to either keep the interference up or to join their fellows in idstacy. Nobody will judge you, no matter what choice you make. Think about it, and we'll get started tomorrow." They spent the rest of the day scouting the immediate vicinity. In the off chance a colonial force found their outpost, they had to be ready to escape capture and to defend themselves. While they explored, though, some serious discussions were going on. That night, sitting around a fire, Speed asked for the men's decisions. "What'll it be, boys?" Only three of the colonists chose to keep the Repressor on full time, but most decided to slip back into body space. For a few days it was confusing adapting to their new lives, but in the end they managed. These were professionals, after all. In the evenings though, when the colonists retired to their dens, they seldom did so alone. Bishop's promise to Speed, that he was not turning the PEC into a gay sex slave, proved only to be partly true. The Id taps still demanded release, and they had all been oriented to being comfortable doing so with members of their own sex. Every night the PECs and pec slaves would fuck their gonads into overdrive and then tit suck each other to orgasm. (Bishop had lied about that, too.) Tonight, Feral (who'd spent the day on maintenance) and Speed (who had been on third shift with the scanners) had risen to head to their shared den. "Tio, Ishi," Feral said with a leer, "Would you join us for the night?" The two Asian pec slaves clambered after them and crawled into the den. Speed followed suit and dropped down on the nest of mattresses and blankets they called their bed. Twisting around, the PECs stuck well-practiced fingers up their butts and shut down their Repressors for the night. "Space!" Feral sighed as his chub acknowledged the Id Tap's orders. "I need a good fucking." "Yes, master," Ishi said as he crawled up to the PEC. "Yes, master," Tio said as he moved towards the bid redhead. Lips met, and Speed said, "Master who?" Bodies ground against each other and then the redhead twisted around. Each with a big cock in his face, the studs dove onto each other's cocks and began enthusiastically to feast on swollen cockhead. Rolling onto their sides, all four men sucked like they were born to the art. Or maybe reborn to it would be the better way to put it. `Fuck!' Speed thought as Tio buried himself deep in the redhead's throat. `Thank you, Bishop, you horny pervert.' And Speed imagined that he heard, from some recess of his brain, Bishop laughing his balls off. `Any time, slave.' @@@@@ The Doctor: Angel Rock (gay porn) The Officers: Ron Waterman (OVW), Ken Shamrock (MMA/WWE) The Royal Seven: Speed, Sheamus (WWE) ; Feral, Finn Balor (WWE) ; Devi, Sangram Chougule (bodybuilder) ; Nice, Tony Nese (WWE) ; Angel, Brad Patton (gay porn) ; Pack, Pac (NXT) ; Cosh, Yujiro Kushida (wrestler) The Council Six: Nitro, John Morrison (WWE) ; Ronin, Kenta Kobayashi (wrestler) ; Stars, Jamie Varner (MMA) ; Swagger, Conor McGregor (MMA) ; Spirit, Ariel Dominguez (MLW) ; Saint, Santos Escobar (wrestler) The rejected royal seven: Daze, Daz Black (wrestler) ; Tight, Rhett Titus (ROH) ; Tio, Joe Tiamanglo (MMA) ; Paris, Aldis Jakic (model) ; Lupin, PJ Black (wrestler) ; Shore, Alexander Masson (model) ; Rod, Daniel Shoneye (gay porn) The rejected six: Ishi, Taiji Ishimori (wrestler) ; Flag, Cedric Alexander (WWE) ; Lip, Alex Silva (wrestler) ; Pan, Hook (AEW) ; Cat, Mark Striegel (model) ; Teeth, Mischa Janiec (fitness model)