

"Bello I didn't put a spell on you..."  I state.


My heart sinks when I see how he looks at me.  I swear he seems so suspicious like this is some sort of trap or something like that.


That's when he reaches out to me.  He tries to grab me but I see someone jump in front of me.  At first it's a boy...just a regular boy but right in front of my eyes this boy changes into a full grow lion.  The lion growls at Bello threatening to tear him to pieces.  I don't even have the chance to scream.  Bello takes off immediately running up the side of the mountain and disappearing.


He left me...


I look at the lion and I'm so fucking scared that I almost fall over but someone catches me.


"What the fuck?" I'm saying looking at this full grown lion in front of my face.


"It's OK..." one of the strangers say to me, "You're not in danger here.  Look..."

In a flash where a ferocious lion once stood is a boy.  He has handsome face, clean and completely chiseled.  He has a mysterious glow to him and just seems almost fake.  When he smiles at me his teeth flash something beautiful.   When he stares at me, he is completely naked.  His dick glistens with a puff of pubic hair above his dick.  He smiles at me a little bit walking close enough to me for me to notice that I'm not a threat before some of his friends come up to him and covers his arms with the red jacket.


The mysterious figures cover themselves up at that moment and begin walking down the trail.  I look back to where Bello disappeared.  My heart skips a beat wondering why he ran away like that.  Did he really think I cast a spell on him?


That's when I see my mother's hand.


"Come with me..."

I look at my mother and I can see why Bello ran.  There was something weird about these people.  It's weird and comforting all at the same time.  It's almost like they don't even walk.  They hardly take steps.  They almost glide.  This whole island just has a magical feeling about it.


I take her hand and we start walking down the mountain.


It's quiet...freakishly quiet.  I don't see anything but the lion boy turning back towards me.  He's walking with a bunch of very handsome looking boys just like him.


"The Ferris boys are known for their transmutations.  They prefer the lion figure.  It represents their handsome and regal demeanor," she tells me, "Gavin Bah if half Ferris and half Bah.  He seems to have a real liking towards you..."


The handsome regal looking boys must know we are talking about them.  They all turn back.  The one who turned to a lion I have to agree is striking to say the least.  He is completely different from the boys on the ship.  They are silent, quiet and so disciplined.  The boys on the ship were beautiful and oozed sex appeal but these boys had a quiet allure about them.

"I don't care about Braxton," I explain to him, "How are you still alive?"

I stop walking.  I don't want to take another step.


"I've missed you too."

Her associates continue walking but I stop.  My mother has the nerve to try to hug me at that moment.  Not everything is what it seems in this world."

"I just left a boat full of cursed boys, committed suicide without dying and saw a boy turn into a lion in front of my face," I explain, "I need explanations."


For some reason I just knew that all of this had something to do with her.  My mother.  This woman who I can barely remember and who dropped out of my life like some sort of lost dream.  I used to have memories of my mother.  I wondered what she was like. Looking at her now I still can't really tell.  She has blank eyes as though nothing really came from them.
"You have a lifetime to catch up."

"No I don't...the curse.  I have to get a boat.  I have to get Bello and get off this island."

She looks at me and shakes her head, "Darling you are safe on this island from the curse.  You don't have to leave.  Not now...not ever."

I want more.  I want more of an explanation but my mother isn't going to give me one.  She continues to walk down the hill and smiles back at me.  Something is so strange and off about her.  Something that lets me know this woman is a lot more powerful than I could ever imagine.




The village we arrive at is strange.  The huts are gathered around overlooking a stream that leads out into the sea.   The huts are something that I've never seen different from the clay buildings in Nassau.  These huts were made of straw and brick.  As I walk down the bank I notice no one seems to stare or really care much about my arrival here.  It's almost as though they expect it.  The people who do notice me walking smile and say, "Hello Lafayette" as though they've known me all my life.


"This is yours..." my mother tells me.


"I can't stay here," I tell her.

She ignores me as though I've said nothing at all.  An idea crosses my mind.  Am I being held against my will here?  I'm not even completely sure.  She leaves me there and for a minute I think about getting out but as I peak outside the hut I realize that my mother is whispering to these strange looking tall women.  She signals towards my hut and those women stand outside my hut.


It's almost as though they are trying to stop me from leaving...





My mother doesn't come see me again that night but I can hear strange sounds coming outside of the hut in the middle of the night.  Animals are squealing and there is this heavy smell of blood in the air.  There is this ceremonious drums playing all throughout the night and there is this feeling that keeps me up.  It's this feeling that the world is being manipulated all around me.  It's almost as though I've taken a poison and am lingering due to its effects.  I can't really understand it.


The next morning I'm sweating bullets.  My heart is beating fast and there is a smell of smoke.  The drums have stopped and I'm confused.

A familiar face finally peaks into the tent after a while.  It's Gavin Ferris.  He brings me a bucket of water to bathe and some food.  He smiles at me when he sees me with this beautiful smile.  I notice he has on those red ceremonial robes.  These people are haunting to say the least.  He walks into the room silently as though he's done it a million times before.  He sits next to me with this comfort and smiles.  There is such a confidence in the way he moves.  Just looking at him in his human form you can tell this is a man who has the power to transform into a lion.


"I asked the Old lady to bring you food," he states, "She agreed."


"The old lady?"

He laughs.


"Your mother, Fatima.  We call her that," he smiles at me, "She's much older...than she looks."

"What is she in her 50s?"

Gavin laughs at me as though I've said something funny, "Much...much older.  My name is Gavin...Ferris..."

"I know."

"I did the spell that brought you here.  It's been the plan for a while.  Those foreign devils stole you from us and we were just waiting for your magic to awaken to bring you back."

"Magic?  I have no magic."

"You sure about that?" he asks me, "Blood magic is all about sacrifice.  The moment that you made that sacrifice your mother Fatima felt it."

Blood magic?

"When I slit my throat..." I remember.


He nods, "Your mother was able to feel it.  She's much more powerful of a witch.  More in tune with nature.  She knew where you were.  It was just a matter of time before you found yourself.  It was just a matter of time before we found you.  Now we have you.  Now you're home."


This was a lot.  All this talk about witches and magic.  It was just a bit...much.


I just felt uncomfortable.


"It feels more like a prison," I state realizing the guards outside my door.


"Nonsense.  We just want to keep you safe."

"From who?"

"There is a foreigner on the island.  The one with the anger in his eyes.  He looked like he wanted to harm you."

"Bello wouldn't do..."

I stop midsentence.  It would be a lie to tell them that Bello would never harm me.  He would.  He had harmed me multiple times before.  Gavin seems aware of my hesitance.


"You fear him?" Gavin asks.


"Bello is complicated."

"No worries.  Until we can find him we'd like to make sure you are kept safe," Gavin tells me.


"So I'm not being held against my will?"

He offers me his hand, "Just protected and valued."

Gavin leads me out of the tent.  The way he holds my hand when we walk out of the tent is definitely different.  I'd never expect it.  He's kind I watch how he helps me through the village and walks with me.  It's so different from something I could expect with Bello.  With Gavin I feel completely comfortable.  I feel completely at ease.


"She was the first.  Your mother.  She was the most powerful witch of all.  You may not believe it but she's much older than she looks.  Some would say she's ancient.  Some believe she sprang from nature, a gift from our ancestors.  Others believed she was the wife of Satan himself.   No one truly knows but we do know she made Moreen Island her home.  She's been here and from her all of the five families came about.  The Boss family, the Atwoods, the Wrights and my family the Ferris."

The families seem to mix and mingle around each other.  I can't tell which is which except the handsome Ferris boys that Gavin points out clearly.  They have formed some sort of ancient community where they interact with nature.  From the view I can see an area he points to that looks like some sort of sacrificial pit.  There are all these slaughtered animals in the pit and the smoke rises.
"You said five families."

He smiles at me, "There is...a complication with the last of the families.  The Bah family.  I am half Bah.  The sacrifices you heard last night were used to wake up our ancestors to help solve this problem."

I remember the sweating I felt last night.  I remember how I felt like something was going on but I had no idea what it could possibly be.  They were doing magic.


"What kind of complication?" I ask.


"Nothing to worry about now," he tells me, "I'm just so glad I am able to meet you finally.  I've been waiting so long."

"Waiting...for me?"

I'm confused.  I don't get an answer to it but in the next few minutes I see my mother.  She is surrounded by beautiful woman with those beautiful decadent robes.  They walk over to us in a sea of red looking like a garden of roses.

"I see you're becoming acquainted with your future husband," my mother states.


I look around.  I think I misunderstood what she stated.


She's talking to me though.  I'm the only one around.

"Excuse me?" I ask.



Gavin is still holding my hands.  He smiles at my mother, "I haven't gotten the chance to really tell him as of yet."


"Tell me what?"

Gavin smiles at me.  I have to admit his smile is dazzling.  He turns to me and holds me with not one hand but two.  He cuffs my hands and looks deep into my eyes.  His perfect face is glowing.  If there ever was such a thing as a prince charming, then Gavin would be him.  He reminds me in a way of Ashton.  He was the perfect well-mannered gentleman who just seemed so willing.  It was completely opposite of Bello.  Looking at Gavin I could tell he was the kind of guy who wouldn't be so "complicated".  Things were easy with Gavin.  Things would be simple.  Just like Ashton. And the best part of it all was that Gavin wasn't my brother.


"Arranged marriages are sometimes necessary to keep the traits of some of our family members," my mother explains, "The Bah family is dying off.  They used some forbidden magic and like everything with blood magic, there was a cost.  There was a sacrifice."

" The last Bah woman died and Gavin is the only member left who has Bah blood.  We need to carry on the Bah line. When we were young we were promised to each other."

"I am a Baptiste..." I explain.


"You are an original child of mine," my mother states, "You have some of the strongest ties to magic.  If you and Gavin get together you would be able to fix the issue we are having with the Bah line of witches."


I look at Gavin.  Marriage between two men was unknown in Nassau.  Now everyone was acting like it was the most natural thing in the world on this strange island.
These people were very strange.


I have to state the most obvious.


"How am I going to be able to carry on a bloodline?  I'm a man..."

There is nothing but smiles at that moment.
"You should get some rest," my mother ignores my question, "It's a long day and time is winding down."



"I hope we didn't scare you," Gavin tells me when he takes me back to my hut for the night.


"No...just surprised.  Still confused on how two guys would continue a family line."

Gavin smiles at me, "Listen...a lot of things are possible with magic.  Family is the most important thing.  Continuing the Bah line is the most important thing but that doesn't mean an arranged marriage can't lead to something real."

I look at Gavin and I can't help but smile.
"Something real? Huh?"

He licks his lips, "Yeah.  There's so much on this island that you can learn."

For the first time I feel like I belonged somewhere.  I don't have that emptiness that I was trying to fill by going on adventures with dangerous pirates.  Right now I felt almost as though this was home.


"Will you teach me?"


"Anything you want to know..."

He leans over at that moment and kisses me tenderly.  His strong body presses up against mine.  His lips lock on my lips.  I feel warmth coming from those lips and I almost think it's magic.  His tongue enters my mouth slowly.  He massages my tongue with his.  I can feel his dick hardening between his legs.  It presses up against my inner thighs.  He puts his hand on my neck pulling me close to him.  A few minutes later he stops.


"I should probably save it until the marriage. But damn it...I want you so bad.  Old Lady Fatima would kill me if I took you too quickly."



I can't sleep that night again.  Sweat beads are rolling down my face.  The chanting is getting louder and stronger. They are going all night.  I can't stop thinking about Gavin and the way they all looked at me.  It was almost as though I was expected.  Somehow they had manipulated the world in order to bring me here.  Is that why my mother faked her death?  Had she left me to be raised by my grandmother to come here in hopes of bringing me to her only when I proved that I was somehow worthy?


I finally get some sleep but it's so shaky.


I swear for a moment I dream that I am floating above the bed in the hut but when I open my eyes I do realize that I am indeed FLOATING!

I start to scream!

I fall back preparing myself to hit the ground but I don't hit.  I'm caught.  I look down and I'm in the hands of Bello.


"Come on..." he states.


Bello leads me out of the tent.  He grabs me and I can see that he has knocked out the two guards outside of my hut.  He is leading me down the mountainside away from the chanting and the center of the village.


"Wait..." I state.

"Wait why?" he asks me, "I came to save you."

I'm surprised.
"You were mad. You thought I put a spell on you."

Bello looks down, "I know you didn't.  I just kind of freaked out.  Besides call this even from you coming back to save me when I was in prison.  Come on.  Let's get out of here.  I found a sailboat on the beach."

Bello signals me to follow him.
I stop.


"I'm not in prison," I tell Bello.


Bello seems confused.   It's the middle of the night but his expression is clear.  He doesn't understand why I'm not going with him.


"These people are witches."

"So am I.  You saw what I did on the ship.  That wasn't natural.  That wasn't me.  These people talk to spirits of their ancestors to aid them.  I think that's what I did.  I think the Ghost pirate literally was a ghost Bello."

"We don't have time for you trying to find your fuckin' identity," he explains, "We are cursed remember?  We have to get back to the Screaming Dagger."


"No...I'm safe on this island."

"Don't be a fucking idiot. Look..."


Bello grabs me.  I think I'm tripping but he grabs at my crotch.  He pulls down my trousers and points at my inner crotch.  Sure enough my upper thigh is disappearing.


"That's how it starts...always in that area.  Soon more and more of you will begin to disappear until you are completely gone," Bello tells me, "Do you want to wait for that to happen so you can learn about your family tree."

My mother had said I was protected on this island.
Why would she lie to me?

I grab Bello's hand and we start walking but before we get too far Bello stops.  I'm unsure why at first but then I see the shadow appearing.  Black shadows just rising out of nowhere like there are birds overhead.  There are no birds though.
The shadows become figures and the figures become human.  What the fuck was going on with this island?


Soon I realize the figures solidify and they are the witches.  They surround us!  The dark shadows getting closer and closer.  I try to grab Bello's hand but he shakes me off and reaches for his weapon.  The figures don't blink an eye of doubt at Bello.


"I'm sorry I can't let you leave," my mother states.


"The curse is still happening," I warn her.


My mother doesn't seem surprised.  She paces in and out of the strange Moreen Island witches who seem to be doing her bidding.  I can look in her eyes and see she is well aware.  She was only saying that the curse wouldn't affect me here to calm me down.


"I could reverse it if I could," she explains, "It was my fault.  Holystone was paid to raid me and steal me away.  Baptiste wanted his own personal witch doctor after hearing rumors of our power.  He didn't expect to steal me though...the strongest of the clan.  I cursed Holystone.  An irreversible spell.  He and his crew of beautiful boys would never be able to leave his boat for too long.  The spirits granted my wish.  All blood magic requires sacrifice.  Unfortunately, the spirits took some of my strongest children as repayment.  The Bah family line was that repayment.  No Bah children survived save Gavin."

I remember Gavin telling me how the continuation of the Bah family is everything.


Was it worth me dying?

"I'm effected by your curse.  I'm your son..."

"I tried to save you so many times.  Do you know Baptiste impregnated me just so that the curse would punish me? The only one that can break the curse is the youngest Baptiste son being sacrificed to the Golden Gate."

"If you care about your son you'll let him get back to that ship," Bello warns her.


"What do you know?  Do you really care about my son?" she asks, "Or are you just under a spell..."

"I would never put him under a spell to love me."

"Not you...me," she explains, "Before I left you I put a spell on you to attract men to you hoping it would keep you safe.  These men don't really care about you.  They are just under my spell."


Is it true?

I look over at Bello.


Was he really under some sort of curse?  Was that the reason he didn't leave the island as of yet?  I shake my head feeling stupid.


This woman didn't bring me here to help me.  She brought me here because she needed me.


"What do you want?"

"You get your magic directly from the Golden Gate.  It is a power source that we need to tap into.  We need you to complete a spell.  And then you are free to go..."

"Both of us," I state.


My mother nods, "We'll provide you a boat and a map with the location of the Screaming Dagger..."



I'm so hesitant but I don't have a choice.  If I wanted to get back to the ship before the curse took effect I needed to act now.


I nod in agreement reluctantly.






There is a feeling of betrayal knowing that once again in my life someone was just playing with my life for their own gain.  Whether it was Holystone or my father or now even my mother it was clear that I was nothing more than a tool.  I look over at Bello.  He's tied down to a pole almost as a reminder to me that I promised them I wouldn't act up.  Regardless of how strong Bello was, this was a fight he couldn't win.  These people had power over the elements and this was their island.  They were gods here.

"Take your clothes off...sit in the middle."


The group of witchdoctors have formed a circle in the middle of the village.  In the center there is nothing more than bones.  They are large and small.  I wonder if these are the animal bones from the sacrifices they slaughtered. The bones of pigs, turkeys and beef pile up and when I undress I lay on the bones.  I look to the right to see Bello.  He seems confused to what is going on.


Chanting starts.  The witches are dancing in circles to the beat of voodoo drums.  My mother is at the head of the circle.


I watch as she slits the throat of a pig and tastes the blood.  She spits some of the blood out onto the animal bones and all of a sudden a big pile of smoke surrounds me. I'm so fucking terrified as I'm sitting there.


"It'll be OK...someone says."

It's Gavin.  He is in the circle with me now too.  He's completely naked.


"What are they doing to me?"

I'm panicking.


"We just need a part of you..."

"What part?"

He points to my crotch, "Your seed..."

With that Gavin lays me down my back.  He's gentle and kind.  I almost forget where I am.  The chanting gets louder and louder.  Gavin comes to me and begins to kiss me slowly.  His lips press up against me.  I inhale the smoke and feel almost like I'm having some type of outer body experience.  I look up at that moment and feel Gavin kiss me on my lips.


"Don't be afraid," He tells me, "The golden gate is a blessing.  There are many spells that are different from others.  The gates are the ones that are most powerful.  This golden gate is a gate of rebirth.  It is a gate of rejuvenation.  You will be the father of a new generation of Bah men.  I will be the first man ever to give birth."

My dick hardens.  I'm not sure if it's the smoke.  I'm not sure if it's just my attraction to Gavin.  He takes full advantage of my dick hardening.   He mounts me, pressing his inner thighs against my waist.  He holds onto my dick and lowers his ass onto it.  He presses up against my chest as he begins to lower. Down, down, down.  His tight ass circulates my dick.


It feels so good.  I look to my right and I see Bello.  He is forced to watch this.  I wonder if he cares seeing me fuck another man.  The entire village is watching though, not just Bello.  It's almost as though we are being put on display as they continue to chant.
Every few minutes an animal squeals.  So many sacrifices.
"This isn't natural..."

It feels so good.  I'm floating in his ass cheeks...literally.

We are above the pile of bones.  Gavin continues to wrap his legs around me.  I can't help but to thrust in him.  If he wanted this nut so bad, then I was going to give it to him.  I find myself getting more into it.  The chanting gets louder.  I'm grabbing onto his waist and thrusting my dick deeper into him.  I can feel him squeezing as he feels me.  His own dick is slapping against my stomach during each thrust.


He's moaning, "I love it...give it to me.  Give me that semen..."

He's biting on his lips, screaming loud to even top the chanting of the other witches.  I can feel the feeling in my stomach that runs up my legs and into my crotch area.


"I'm cumming..."

He squeezes me into him, pulls me up and kisses me deeply.


I nut into Gavin and there is a puff of smoke.


Before I know it we are back on the pile of bones.  I watch as several of the witchdoctors come to get Gavin.  They pull him off of me.


"Don't drop any of the semen," my mother tells Gavin.


Gavin crosses his legs obediently making sure not to let any of my semen leak out of him.  Then he looks over at me and smiles.


"I told you that this could lead to something real..." he tells me.


When he goes I realize how naked I am.  I see Bello still staring at me.  I was supposed to do it but I wasn't supposed to enjoy it as much as I did.


I feel so used.


"Let us go," I tell my mother, "We don't have much time."


She looks over at me and shakes her head.

"You're going to have to keep having sex with Gavin until we are sure he is carrying the next generation of Bah children.  Even if that means you disappear."
I'm pissed.
My mouth drops and I see the anger in Bello's eyes.



"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry I had to bring you here.  I'm sorry you are going to have to die for this, but unfortunately...like I said before:  Blood magic is all about sacrifice."