Chapter 4



Training begins with us being taken to a classroom. I feel out of place. We are dressed in all black as though we are going to a funeral but by the look of the faces of these assassins, the funeral was something that they themselves caused.

"Watch it," I get from Lust as we come in the room.

Lust is a terrifying creature. He's handsome but he seems to have some sort of strange tick. In the Assembly, it's not rare for one of Tom's monsters to lose it. I remember the assassin who had the codename of Wrath before me. He was still around somewhere and I wonder if he would want me to have his name.

I struggle to find a seat in the room and when I finally settle on one, I hear a loud commanding, "Move or I'll cut your fucking dick off."

I grab at my dick out of the definite will to keep it as I turn and see the girl named Greed. She is a Spanish girl with a little bit of an attitude. She has no weapons in her hands but when she shows me her teeth I can assume how she planned on taking my dick off.

Let's just say I didn't want any problems with her.

I am confused about where to sit until I see Sloth. She raises her hand and points to an empty chair across the room. Thank god there was at least one person in this classroom who didn't hate me. I sit all the way in the back in front of Gluttony.

I have to admit I have an immediate crush on him.

There is something so sexy and raw about him. He was the cool guy. The guy who did what he wanted and always got away with it.

He's perhaps the most attractive one in the room, aside from Lust. The difference is, however, I think Gluttony knows it. He has a cockiness to him. He leans back into his chair, rubbing on his stomach. Earlier in the hallway, he had been complaining about hunger pains, which is hilarious because by the look of his muscular body he didn't seem like the type of guy to pig out. The rubbing on his stomach stops when he sees me but he continues to rub on something else. This time lower. This time he's reaching for what looks like a gigantic dick underneath his desk. As I sit he leans up a little bit.

I can hear his breathing up against my neck. It freaks me out and turns me on at the same time. He isn't trying to hide it. His breathing is heavy. It's inches away from my ear. I'm terrified to the point that I stay completely still not hiding the fact that I'm horrified.

"Nice ass you got on you," he says, "I'm Gluttony."

He says it as though I didn't know. By now we all knew each other's codenames. We'd spent the first two weeks proving our physical stamina to Tom and his moderators. This is perhaps the first time we have to sit so close together that we could communicate and it's clear this Gluttony character is taking full advantage of that.

After a few seconds of me not replying Gluttony says, "You don't take compliments."

I think about turning around and saying thank you, but there is something about his proximity to me that freaks me out. So I just sit there. I'm aware these people are killers. Almost any of them could kill me in a matter of seconds without breaking a sweat.

So I don't do anything. I just sit there and pray Gluttony isn't hungry enough to eat me.


I don't think I have ever been excited in my life to see Tom walk in the room, but when he does, Gluttony finally takes it upon himself to lean back. He seems focused on Tom. All the others are as well. Looking at Tom you'd be confused. You would think he made a mistake entering a room with people who were all so clearly killers. He looked like the nice guy around the corner. But we all knew. All of us adjust in our seats as though we'd just realized we were sitting on needles.

This was assassin's school but this time we were learning from Tom, himself.

"You've been brought here to serve," Tom announces to the room, "But before you can serve me and really gain your titles, you need to do an act for me. Does anyone want to guess what that act is?"

The room is silent for a while. Tom is patient, however. He surveys the room slowly. An awkward tension fills the air. Most of these people had been prepared to be brought back to the Assembly at some point. They knew they were too valuable to Tom for him not to want them back. Me on the other hand, I never thought he cared whether I lived or died. I had thought he was trying to capture someone else when he took me instead. I thought it was all a mistake. I was wrong.

After a few awkward moments, it's Love, now called Envy who raises his hand.

"You want us to kill my friends," Love-Envy says.

"Yes. If you want to be truly promoted and be given a team of assassins of your own you need to prove yourself," He states, "Does anyone know who this is."

A picture of the person pops up on a projector that one of the moderators has turned on at the front of the class.

"Desire----" Lust states.

I look over at Lust. I can see this deep-seated tension in his eyes when he says Desire's name. Most of the other people in the room knew exactly who it was. Desire was cute but not handsome. He had a calmness to him. The kind of guy who became a killer by necessity and well, not by desire. None-the-less he had become infamous. He was the thorn in Tom's back.

Tom looks over at me, "Your friend as well, Wrath?"

When he calls me Wrath I think I don't hear him. I'd gone by Ardor for so long. Wrath? Really? I sigh, however, realizing that if I didn't play along I would be dead. And it wouldn't matter what codename I went by.

"Yes, he is."

"Tell us a little bit about Desire. His strengths and things we can use against him," Tom states.

"Perhaps you should ask Love..." I state, "He was much closer to them."

I look over at Love who seems annoyed that his name even came out of my mouth. Now that he was Envy things were definitely tense between us but I didn't doubt they would be.

Tom glares at me so hard that I stop breathing, "I asked you. You graduated with Desire..."

I had almost forgotten that Love hadn't graduated with Desire. They were friends but that was after his training in the Assembly.

"Desire was good at knives. He was also pretty good at poisons. His mother I believe was a chef..."

"And an assassin," Greed adds.

I'd heard the rumors about Desire's mother. She was a legendary assassin in the Assembly. The kind of woman who you didn't fuck with. She was also Tom's lover. Her name was Willful Ignorance, the official 8th sin of Tom's. The one he kept closest to him. It was clear that Desire had some pedigree.

"Who were your parents?" Tom states.

He's talking to me again for some reason. I see everyone in the classroom turn to me. I was confused about why Tom's focus was on me. Lust seemed to have some sort of history with Desire from the way his eyes spark when Desire is mentioned. Love-Envy was clearly Desire's friend. Why am I being brought up and how strange to bring up my family after what Tom just put me through?

I swallow my spit. I'd tried to act like I wasn't affected by my parent's death but I was. I had cried so hard that tears wouldn't come out.

"They were good people," I state.

"Were?" Sloth asks.

"Lineage is important," Tom announces out of nowhere, "And in case you all haven't known, our new Wrath has some of the best lineage to be had."

Best Lineage? Idris and Emma Peyton were far from that. I mean they were good people. My father was a man of faith and my mother was a natural nurturer, but Idris and Emma Peyton were just that. Nice people. And I'm not thinking this is what Tom is referring to when he's talking to me.

"He doesn't seem that PEEdigreed to me," Lust states out of nowhere, "I'd kill him."

I hadn't noticed until now that Lust is giving me these awful sort of looks. I'm not exactly sure why. He has this look on his face. A look that I can't explain. Something shaky and nervous. I feel tension as I sink into my seats wanting to almost disappear when I see his eyes grasping me. Damn it, those eyes of his were like a serpent ready to bite.

"Don't be so sure," Sloth surprisingly sticks up for me, "It's the ones that you least expect that will be the toughest you'd ever know."

I'm surprised that she says something like that. I smile though. I guess maybe not all of these assassins were heartless killers.

That's when I see Lust almost go nuts, "Was I talking to you, you ugly bitch!"

I don't expect it when I see Lust hop out of his seat like some sort of monster, dash across a few desks, throwing them out of his way to strike Sloth straight in her face. The impact of the slap was stunning. A buzzing rip announces to the rest of the classroom that he's cut skin.

Almost immediately I get off of my feet and try to get to Sloth but I feel an arm grabbing me and pulling me down to my seat. I look back and realize that it's Gluttony who has stopped me from interfering.

"Don't be stupid," is all Gluttony growls at me the moment my ass hits the back of his seat.

I turn back and look at Lust, sickened by him. What kind of monster slaps a girl 1/3rd his size. I am almost nervous about Sloth but then I see her face. She looks like a little skinny girl, insignificant threat to the tall, macho dominant male that Lust was.

Instead, I see Sloth react in a surprising way. She licks the blood that has splattered on her face in a slow, specific way. One that seems to piss Lust off extremely. She wasn't threatened by him. Little Sloth actually seemed to like it.

And it freaked me the FUCK out!

"Enough of that," Tom interferes, "Get dressed. It's time you meet the last sin."

The last sin. My head is shaking when he says that. I remember exactly who he was talking about and I was going to know soon enough if that monster I saw was really as dangerous as I thought.


I'm in the locker room. I have to walk past Gluttony who has Lust in a headlock. They are fooling around and seem less than impressed with me as I walk past them. I think I hear Greed say something under her breath about me which causes some laughter amongst the group, but honestly I just block it out. Even if she did say something about me, what the hell was I going to do? I was clearly the weakest one and by the look, the others had on their faces, I was nothing but target practice for them until they got to Desire.

Love is there and I look over at him. The others are getting ready around the corner fooling around. Honestly, I don't feel like getting to know them.

"I need to talk to you," Love states.

I stare at him, surprised to the point that I'm almost smiling, "Me? Love, I'm so glad, because I know there has been so much tension between us, but you are the only one I knew outside of here, so I was hoping that you and I could----"

I don't get to finish what I'm saying because Love stops me, "First off stop calling me Love. I'm Envy now. Secondly, I don't need to talk to you because I want to be your friend."

"Then what's the point?"

"Tom has his eye on you. I don't know why. You're nothing more than a useless piece of shit if you ask me. But I suspect he wants to use you for something he wants. And Tom doesn't want anything more than to kill Desire."

"I don't know why Tom is showing me favoritism. I really don't..."

"Well whatever the reason, if you try to hurt my friend, I will hunt you down," Love states, "I will kill you. Do you understand?"

I nod. Love was small, but small in a fierce way. Craven told me stories about how strong Love was. How Love was able to take down men using his own body as his favorite weapon. When other ninjas through shuriken, Love threw himself into crowds of his oppressors and were able to decapitate them without ever touching the ground until the last man was down. He was a powerhouse. And I didn't want to piss him off.

He wasn't Love now, after all. He was Envy.

Envy turns around and goes to his locker. I start looking in my locker. It's not like we had a lot of options. It was a lot of black, which was a step up from when I first went to  Assassination school. Back then we were wearing a dreary gray. I am busy looking through my bag of the packed black joggers, t-shirts, and tank tops that make up our wardrobe. These were the clothes of killers. Maybe if I couldn't be a killer then I could at least look like one.

"Where is he?" a voice asks.

I'm surprised when I turn around and see Lust walk into the room. Lust ripples his lip in a strange way. A threatening way. At first, I'm confused who he's talking about but then he charges at me like a bull. I try to jump up but I'm too slow. I'm so slow, I'm not able to swallow all the spit that wells up in my throat when I see this 6' foot something beast grappling my shirt and slamming me into the wall behind me. I feel my back rippling in pain.

"What are you talking about?" I try to choke out.

I'm barely able to get it out. He slams me again and this time he puts his other hand around my throat. I feel a choking sensation. My esophagus tightens and my head gets really light to the point that I think I'm seeing double looking back at Lust.

"Desire," He presses out of his lips, "Where is he?"

"I don't know."
"You're lying. Tom said you graduated with him. You know him. Where is he?" Lust asks, "I want to know where he is NOW!"

I had gotten a feeling that Lust had this interest in Desire but it isn't until I stare back at this ghostly crazed face that I know this is something much more than that. For someone as attractive as Lust to be able to disfigure his face in such an ugly way makes me know that the only thing possible that this could be was an obsession. He was OBSESSED with Desire.

"I don't know. We separated. I promise. I don't know where he is," I state, "Ask Love. I mean Envy----ask him----I don't know---"

I think for a moment Lust is so paranoid that he thinks about adjusting some of this weird frustration to Envy. He gives him a look but that's all it takes for Envy to throw up his arms, throw his gym bag over his shoulder and shrug.

"This has nothing to do with me," Envy says, "Kill him if you'd like."

I'm not surprised Envy throws me under the bus and walks out. And when I look back at Lust I know he's going to kill me. I can see it in his eyes. I can see it when he starts to choke and this look of murder is in his eyes. He is no longer asking questions. His eyes are a bloodshot red and he's so angry that now he's just choking. He's choking and I'm hitting his arms. I'm trying to fight back. I'm kicking my legs out. I manage to hit him once, I think. One good time that does nothing but pisses him off and causes him to tighten his grip.

I lean up. It seems the whole world is slowing down. For some weird reason though it kind of feels good. Weird right. Not even in a sexual way or anything like that. It feels freeing. I look up at the lights above. The lights are flickering but I'm sure it's only in my mind. My eyes are getting a little blurry. That's nice. Strangely enough, it feels peaceful.

Really peaceful. My body is getting all nice and numb like it feels the moment you are about to go to sleep. I have this sense of letting go.

Letting go of all the fear.

Letting go of all the worry.

if I die now maybe Tom wouldn't care to kill the rest of my family. Maybe he'd let them live. Maybe the best thing I can do would be to die right here and right now.

"Let him go," a voice states.

I'm surprised when I feel the choking stop. I fall to the ground. My feet do land, but as I collapse shortly after and I'm on my knees coughing even though I don't want to. All sorts of the red spots are coming out of my lips making me feel as though I'd gotten some internal bleeding of some sort.

"Mind your business for once, Gluttony," Lust states, "Before I choke you next."

Gluttony and Lust were about the same height. Gluttony has his shirt off right now and I don't think it'd be so easy for Lust to choke him as it was with me. I could tell they had a relationship, perhaps even friends. I also don't doubt for a second that Lust would keep the threat to kill, even if that threat were made to a friend.

Gluttony smiles, "Fine do what you want. But Tom seems to want this so-called Wrath around. Do you want to be the one to piss Tom off? Do you remember what happened to the Lust before you?"


"She had betrayed him. She tried to help his enemy Desire. He found out she was pregnant. Showed her the test results and everything. Damn near handed her the pee stick. She was crying really hard. See, she always wanted a baby. And in the happiest moment of her life, he blew her brains out. That's what happens to people who piss Tom off."

He was speaking to Lust but I have the idea as I look up from choking at Lust's expression that he was very aware of the monster Tom was. That was the only reason I'm still alive.

"He's no Wrath," Lust says to me, "He's nothing more than Ardor."

He says that and he leaves. He actually leaves. I look up at Gluttony surprised that he helped me out. To be honest he was a good looking man. His abs were solid. He was shaped like a bodybuilder. I remembered------before I was kidnapped as a kid-----men who would stand in front of the mirrors and post inspirational quotes under their pictures between poses. That was the kind of guy Gluttony was. Ridiculously handsome and unnecessarily muscular. The kind of man you were attracted to because you knew everyone else was. The perfect kind of guy.

"You saved me..."

"I did..."

There is awkwardness. For a moment I'm grateful. Really grateful. I'm so grateful that I lean forward and smile and say softly, "Thank you so much."

"How about you pay me back?"

"Excuse me?"

In order to show me what he meant I see Gluttony fumble at his black ninja joggers. His hand digs down deep and brings back up with it a veined thick dick. He holds his dick a few inches from my mouth. I'm already on my knees from collapsing earlier. It's easy for him. His dick is so thick that he holds it like you would a mug, gripping the sides and squeezing so hard that I see several additional veins pop up.

"You're serious..."

"Suck my dick."

My heart is beating. This wasn't happening. I thought I finally met someone nice here and he pulls out his dick and instructs me to suck him off?"

"I don't even know you----" Is my response.

"I'm attractive. Look at me. You know you want to. Go ahead. Besides, you need protection, don't ya? Oh yeah. A little pussy boy like you won't last here. If Lust doesn't get to you, then maybe Envy will. He didn't seem too fond of you. Greed thinks you're a joke of a man. She is a man-eater you know. She doesn't want any more than to eat men like you. You going to be on the meal----little Ardor. That's who you really are. No one's calls you Wrath behind your back. You know that right? You're Ardor to us. Do you want to die Ardor? That is what is going to happen if you don't suck---my----`"

He doesn't even have to finish. My lips are already wrapped around his shaft. I feel my throat closing up against the dick. The taste of salty skin fills my lips. His dick is so big that I have to use both hands to keep it from sliding too far down. And somehow I'm still gagging.

"Open up wider."

"Don't bust in my mouth. I don't know you. Please don't bust in my mouth."

I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe I had stooped so low than to suck dick for protection, but Gluttony was right. Lust wanted to kill me, Envy wanted to kill me and Greed possibly for no reason. The only one that didn't want to kill me was Sloth and she had proved to have a bit of a murderous tick to her as well even if she didn't look like it.

"I won't," he states.

That's when he begins to thrust. Aggressively, Gluttony lunges his muscular thighs forward until I feel nothing but pubic hair pressed up against my face. Tears roll out of my eyes as I struggle to relax my throat enough to get him in me. Even as I choke and spit up he doesn't stop. I try to push back at his upper thighs but he's so strong. He's so fucking powerful. Before I know it, I just press my hands up against the wall. I'm struggling. This couldn't be living right now. He is grabbing the back of my head. I tear up so hard that they burn as they come out.

And it only until I've given up struggling and just allowed myself to lay, like some sort of sex doll using my body to please someone else. Regardless of how sexy Gluttony was, nothing about this was sexually pleasing to me.

He didn't care to sexually please me.

This was about him. I was weak and in our world, there were only two things that happened to weak people. You were killed or you were used. Gluttony had chosen the latter with me.

"I'm cumming."

I try to pull away but I feel his arms securing around my head. I squirm. No. He promised. He promised he wouldn't make me swallow his cum.


And even as I'm squirming, Gluttony secures his hand around my head. And I look up at him and see his teeth clenched up. There is this real serious look on his face. This look of a predator. And as he begins to trust harder I realize he's not going to let me go. He NOT GOING TO LET ME GO!

He cums, squeezing his ass cheeks together and releasing his warm thick goose all over my tongue. And there's nothing I can do about it.

Until I think about it.

I start to bite down.

And I see Gluttony's expression as though he can read my mind, "You bite down and I will snap your neck right now."

His threat is real and I'm so scared. I don't want to die like that. I don't want to die on the floor on my knees with cum in my throat. I probably wasn't anyone important but even I deserved to die in a better way.

So I let him pull his dick out, pull his pants up and lick his lips before he walked away as though he just ate some good satisfying pie and was ready to take a nap or something. I just stare at the ground. I stare for way too long.

And finally crawl to the sink, spitting the cum out and washing my face only to open my eyes and see this expression.

Who was this person looking back?

Was I Roland Peyton?

Was I Ardor?

Was I Wrath?

Did it matter? Whoever I was...I wasn't myself. And why live in a world where you are nothing more than a victim. Why even try?


"I want to introduce you all to the creature. His name will be Pride."

We are all brought outside for some reason. To the edge of the woods. To the right, there were these woods that seem to stretch out forever. An idea crosses my head as I look over at the woods. I could try to escape. I could make a run for it. Tom was older right, surely he wouldn't want to chase me down. But all he would have to do is say the word and I'll be the first person that his new kill group took down. I didn't want to die in the woods. I didn't want to die ripped apart by assassins desperate to prove their loyalty to Tom.

I was going to die here, that was clear. But that wasn't how I wanted to go.

"I want to introduce you all to the last sin. My Pride Beast," Tom says.

"Why here in the woods?'

"This is the Beast's natural habitat," Tom states.

The others are looking at each other confused. I'm not concerned. I'm looking to the left. I see a cliff. Over the cliff, the drop has to be 40 feet. Possibly even more. I would die if I jumped from this height. It'd be painful to hit the ground but it'll only last a second. One second of pain and I was free from a lifetime of pain.

My parents had a chance to live.

Tom wouldn't be able to use me against Desire. One of the only people in the world that were still nice to me.

"What is he, some sort of beast boy?" Greed laughs.

She wouldn't laugh if she saw that thing that Tom was trying to control. If only she knew what I saw. I knew death and I had never seen it as I did in this Pride Beast that Tom was talking about.

"One of the most dangerous agents in the world. An agent with a special condition. His father brought him to me. Said he had been doing biological testing on his own son. He wanted to create a human with animal genetics. A stronger, faster and more dangerous creature. A work of art."

"Sounds like Frankenstein," Sloth whispers to me with a laugh.

I look at Sloth and then I look at the cliff. I could run for it. Right here and now. They were distracted. They were so concerned about meeting this Pride beast.

"He can't be stronger than me," Lust assures the group, "Where is he?"

He may be the only one vocal about it but I think most of the guys are feeling the same way, including Love who was the smallest amongst them. They all thought they were the best. The more dangerous. And here Tom was saying there was something out there more powerful than any of them. And I can see the threat in their eyes.

"Where is he?"

"He sees us," Tom states closing his eyes, "He's stalking us in the woods. He's watching us. Do you feel his eyes?"

I get nervous. I swear in a moment when I look out in the woods I can feel eyes on me. As though they were set on me. I shake off the feeling. This wasn't my concern anymore.

Nothing that happened on this Earth was my concern anymore.

I was tired of being afraid.

And I was going to take my destiny into my own hands. I would be brave for the first time in my life. For the first time in my life, I wouldn't be a useless coward. Envy was right. The best thing I can do is die.

So I run for it!

I run for the cliff. My body faster than I'd ever imagined moving. And there is this idea of flying. I look outward and I see the sun. It was west. The sunset in the west and I was looking right at the sun going down. And this would be the end of me.

The end of the little planet.

I get to the edge and I leap.

Say goodbye to the little planet.



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