Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 00:48:38 +0100 From: Subject: SquirtShow on EES15 Ok, this is something completely different from me. I have NO IDEA where this came from. I have a slight fever, that probably helped. I have never written anything like this before. My other stories are all more - well, conventional, I guess (see list at end of story). Please let me know what you think: Have fun Oliver --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SquirtShow on ExtraEarthStation 15 Yesss! Finally! "Mooom! I made it! I did it! Look!" Jamie jumped out of his bed, his little penis sticking out in front of him. To his utter disappointment it still qualified as "little". BUT there was a wet spot on his belly and a drop of almost clear but rather viscous liquid was clearly visible on his glans, oozing out of the little slit. Jamie was eleven. He had always had full marks in his SATs, or SexAtts as they were called, so he knew he had a good chance to get into the "Show" some day. But lately he had started to doubt that he would be able to produce in time for the first wet try-outs. "Oh honey, that's wonderful. I told you it was just a matter of time." His mother beamed at him. "You know you're one of the youngest kids in your group. You could have just believed me." "I know mom. It's just, Breon has been doing it for months now and he's even younger than me. And you know what happened to Rouly, he was banned from the wet try-outs twice and now they said if he didn't make it this time they'd have to send him to the other school. And he's almost 14." Jamie's Mom smiled down at her little naked boy. "Hey, your Dad and I both went to the other school and we're happy people. Most people don't get to go on the Show. I know you've wanted to go all your life and your chances just got way better." She looked at the little wet spot that began to dry on Jamie's belly. "So stop worrying, you'll make it. And if not, you'll find something else in your life. Now go back to bed, you have school tomorrow. You can practice a little more if you want, but make sure you get enough sleep, ok?" Jamie grinned at her and went back to his bedroom. He crawled under the sheets and grabbed his dick with his right hand. It went hard again immediately and he gave it a few tentative strokes, but he was afraid that if he did it again tonight he wouldn't have any of the precious stuff left to show off in school tomorrow. So he let his tool slip from his hand, turned over and tried to go to sleep. But he was too excited about what had just happened to be able to sleep. He thought about the life that maybe lay ahead of him. On EES15, ExtraEarthStation15, everybody learned at a young age that the stars of the society were the boys that got to go on the Show. There were about a quarter of a million people on the Station, and every one of the 20 communities had its own Show. There was also the Big Show for the champions of the Community Shows, but only 20 new boys got to enter that every year. The Community Shows took place four times a year and each one had about 50 candidates taking part. There were try-outs regularly and only those boys who made it through the try-outs and the first three Community Shows of the year could compete for the one spot reserved for their community in the Big Show. The Station had been built centuries before as one of 200 when Earth itself had become too small for its population. It was completely self-sufficient and over the years it had developed its own form of society. Contacts to Earth had become sparse, radio signals took weeks to get there now as EES15 moved further away from the planet all the time. For a few years scientists had tried to stop this movement, but it became so energy-consuming and expensive that the population had voted to stop trying and to use the energy for making sure the Station stayed on a course that wouldn't bring it too close to any potential dangers. At some point, when solar energy became inefficient because of the distance to the nearest sun, efforts were made to find a new, clean, renewable form of energy. The breakthrough came when scientists developed a catalytic converter that could extract immense amounts of energy from male human semen. It became clear pretty soon that there was no way this could be reproduced with artificial sperm because its production used more energy than it produced. For a while there were experiments with animal sperm but it was soon decided that the upkeep of the animals and the effort it took to extract the semen were too expensive in relation to the amount of energy that could be produced from it. The only way to make this work was to use human sperm. Humans would give their semen voluntarily and there was an ample supply of it on the station. Every man saw it as his duty to donate regularly. Society on EES15 was democratic, no one was forced to do anything. So in order to make SpeDo or SpermDonation popular the concept of the Show was developed. It's a fact of human life that people are pushed to produce better results by competition. So the competition was created and its rules and operation refined over the years. At first it was open for all adult men. They would apply and a draw would decide who would take part. By analyzing scientific data it was soon discovered that the most sperm-productive humans on average were boys between the ages of 15 and 18. So the Show was changed accordingly. And it was discovered that it was more effective to use boys who were naturally attracted to their own sex. They would get the necessary stimulation from being excited by their own bodies and those of their competitors, making the participation of females unnecessary. Women were in no way discriminated against, but in the production of semen for the purpose of energy generation they were simply unnecessary. So the winner of the Big Show was a star and it was his job to promote SpeDo for a year. His reward was his popularity and a scholarship for the StationUniversity. Some even made enough money through advertising that they never had to work again. As Jamie tried to go to sleep he thought about all this. He had learned about the whole thing in history and of course he had had SATs every year since he started school when he was six. The first Sexual Attraction Test was conducted by putting all the first grade boys into a room with hundreds of little picture cards. The boys had to get naked and then they would just spend an hour in the comfortably warm but otherwise empty room with the cards thrown all over the floor. There were hidden cameras all around them that followed their movements and reactions. The cards showed pictures of people of all ages and races, male and female, alone or in pairs, dressed and naked. The first graders would not be shown pictures of sexual activities, and the only erect penises on the pictures were those of boys who hadn't started shaving yet. Most boys started shaving their pubic hair when it started growing, it was a fashion that had developed with the Show. After the hour in the room was up the evaluating teachers would look at each boy's recorded reactions. Some would not show any at that age. Some looked at all kinds of pictures with some interest, giggling and showing them to each other. But in every group there were a few boys, usually between 10 and 15%, who would react decidedly only to pictures of other boys or men. It didn't matter if they actually got an erection or if they just spent more time with the pictures. These boys were noted for further observation. In the following years the tests were repeated in different forms according to the boys' age. If any of the boys continuously showed the same reactions over the years they were issued a recommendation for the SCS, the Sperm-Donor Competition School, commonly called the Squirting Competition School, which most parents accepted willingly. Jamie remembered his last elementary SexAtt two years ago. He had been in a little room with a computer and about a thousand pictures to choose from. He had immediately clicked on "Male only". Of course most boys who wanted to get on the show did that because they knew it was expected of them. But a boy couldn't fake his sexual reactions for a long time so the ones who tried to get on without really being eligible soon gave up. Jamie had watched a recording of the previous year's Big Final with Grober Horman, who had won for the third time in a row. And he had watched Grober's promotion video and his home story showing him and his boyfriend in bed together. Jamie had stroked his tiny penis all the time and he had had three dry orgasms, or "O"s, in the one hour of the test. He had been so proud when he handed his mother the recommendation letter. Today was the day all the boys had been waiting for for months. The day of the first wet try-outs. Almost all of Jamie's classmates were taking part, but three out of the 15 hadn't made it because they still only had dry Os. They would have to wait until next year. And there were a few older boys who hadn't qualified in their first year, in Rouly's case his first two years. It had been two months since Jamie had had his first ejaculation. He hadn't been able to do it every time in class since then, but it had been enough to convince his teacher that he could try out. So they all got on the pneumatic pod to go to Squirt Studio 3 where their community's Show was produced. Of course none of them had the chance to get on the Show after this try-out because they were too young, but the points they gathered here would be noted in their files and they could be helpful in future try-outs if they failed any discipline. When they got to the Studio most of the boys were really excited. They pushed and shoved each other as they were shown around by a guide. They got to see some of the equipment used in the Show in previous years. Jamie wondered about the size of some of the devices. Of course he had watched the Show on TV many times, but up close some of the receptacles and inserts looked much bigger than on the screen. He wondered once again if his dick would finally start growing so that it would fit in by the time he was old enough to really compete. As they walked through the halls Jamie looked with admiration at the pictures of the former participants from his community which were lining the walls. All those proud naked boys with their beautiful tools displayed at full erection, glistening with their efforts' rewards. He marveled at the way these boys were able to produce seemingly endless amounts of precious cum. Of course these were the best of the best. He hoped he would be able to come close to doing the same when his time came. To his immense delight he noticed that his penis was already rock hard, bulging out the pouch of his special training shorts nicely. He felt it get a little tight and he thought he would need a larger one very soon. The thought made him smile. After their tour they were led into a small auditorium and a nice looking young man whom they recognized as one of the local semi-finalists from a few years back, Flux Gourder, walked up to the microphone. He said "Hi Boys, good to see you here. I hope you're all ready for action?" The boys cheered. One called "Show us what you got, bet we can beat ya!" Flux smiled. "I bet you can, my shooting these days isn't what it used to be. But you'll get your chance soon enough. I just want to make sure you understand the rules before we get you into the arena. "Okay, as you know there are three main disciplines with their respective variations. Number one is simply quantity. Easy enough. You have one try and whoever shoots the most, measured in milliliters, wins. Variations can be technique, such as one handed single, mutual with a partner assigned by the jury and so on. The second discipline is repetitive ability. How often can you do it within a certain period of time. There are several possible variations here too. We have free-style where you can choose your own method or anything from, again, one handed single to the senior methods reserved for the 17 and 18 year olds." Jamie was getting more excited by the minute. He knew he had to stay cool though because he didn't trust himself to be able to deliver enough in the try-outs if he used his training pants' absorption technology for shooting a load right now. The mention of the senior methods, which meant anal techniques, either with a voluntary partner of one's own choice or one appointed by the jury, had really made him come close. He knew he wasn't going to be allowed to use that practice in competition for a long time yet but he had already decided, together with his friend Breon, that they were going to train for it much sooner. Flux was still talking. "I know number three is the most popular as far as the audience is concerned. That is the distance competition. That's pretty self explanatory. The farther you shoot the more points you get. However, the total number of points you can get in this discipline is lower than for the others. The reason is simply that the whole point of the competition is to collect a maximum quantity of white gold and in order to win the distance competition it doesn't matter how much you shoot, just how far. "Ok, for today's try-outs we are going to start with very basic exercises and you can basically choose what you are most comfortable with. Just remember, whenever you use a receptacle make sure you have an official rubber in it. That's for hygienic reasons and, of course, so we can measure your output afterwards. It goes without saying that each rubber can only be used once." He held up a small silver object the size of a quarter Dollar. "You will wear these small EEGs behind your ears. They will record every single O you have, so don't try to use a rubber twice, we'll know it." Jamie felt Breon nudge him in the ribs. He looked over and saw Breon grin as he called out "What about inserts? Are we going to get inserts?" Inserts were a relatively recent addition to the repertoire of the Show. They were special devices for anal stimulation which candidates could use under certain circumstances if they felt it would help them. Flux laughed out. "Come on, you know you have to be 15 to be allowed to use those. And then only after we have made sure that you are anatomically fit to use them. And we never issue them for try-outs. You will be able to train with them once you are old enough, but today you're gonna have to do without them." A few boys booed and hissed, but they all started laughing after a little while. "Ok, I'll take you to the locker room in a minute. You leave your clothes there and go on through to the arena. I will then show you the devices and you can start at your will. You will have three hours and we will simply record your accumulated sperm. The points you gather today may be used to compensate for any deficits you may run up in further try-outs, but only under special circumstances and with the approval of the commission. Of course your output today will be used in the power reactors, so today you will contribute to the future of the Station for the first time. So do your best but don't worry too much, today's results will most likely not influence your chances of getting into the Show too much. Have fun!" The boys got up and followed Flux to the locker room. They all got undressed, which was nothing unusual for them. They had done it in school for at least one practice hour every day ever since they had entered the SCS. Still, as was the purpose of their selection in the first place, they looked at each other with a certain lust in their eyes. Jamie let his eyes wander over his friends and competitors. There was Breon, of course, his friend. He was a couple of months younger than Jamie but a little taller and very wiry. He wasn't stick-thin but his muscles and ribs showed clearly under his white skin. His dick was also longer and thicker than Jamie's, which gave Jamie a little pang of envy. But he remembered how his pouch had gotten tight earlier, which brought back his confidence a bit. And there were the others. Most of them were twelve years old, but they varied a lot in size and state of development, bodily as well as cock-wise. Some were tall and thin, some well built, some rather ordinary looking. Some had huge dicks that would easily fill any receptacle, others were just developing, a few were even smaller than Jamie. He was sure a few had already shaved their pubes. Rouly definitely had, but he was by far the oldest. One or two sported bushes, which was unusual but also kind of exciting. It seemed to say "Look, no one tells me what to do, I'm a bit of a rebel." Jamie looked down at himself, but there was no hair visible yet, as he well knew. He hadn't decided if he would or wouldn't shave, but he rather doubted his mother would leave him a choice. Then the doors to the arena opened and they all walked in. By now almost all their cocks, whatever size they were, were erect and proudly stuck out in front of them. There were one ore two boys who were so nervous that they hid their limp tools with their hands. Jamie doubted whether they would be able to produce any sperm worth mentioning today and felt a little sorry for them. As they walked in each one was given one of the little EEGs which they had to stick to the skin on their heads behind their ears. They were self-adhesive and would be removed once they were done. Then they were shown around by Flux. The devices were amazing. There was the simple recliner type for the self-stroker. There were different types of receptacle-devices, what the boys called fuckables. They allowed the candidate to stand or kneel before or lie on or under the device while inserting his penis into an adjustable hole. Some of these required the user to perform thrusting motions himself, others had integrated stroking mechanisms. Depending on the construction of the device, some allowed the candidate's penis to stay visible while he was using it. Where necessary helpers would fit the candidate with an official rubber before he inserted his dick into a device, removing it afterwards to be put into the machine that emptied it and recorded the amount of cum it contained. And there were the distance shooting starting shields. Those were plastic shields that a candidate would kneel behind. The shields were molded to allow the candidate's penis to be pushed through a hole while leaving enough room for his balls. They were narrow enough so the candidate could comfortably reach around and stroke his dick. The shields could be adjusted to accommodate for the different lengths of the candidates' penises so the tip of each dick was always at the exact same spot. This made automatically measuring the distance very easy when the cum fell through the grid in the ground where it was collected. Today they were told they could use the shields if they used a rubber with them so the quantity could be measured. Jamie was completely fascinated. This was what he had dreamed of ever since he had understood what the SATs were all about. When Flux said "Ok boys, choose your first station and get ready." Jamie decided to go the traditional way and use one of the recliners. He was afraid the fuckables would be too large for him and he didn't want to take any risks. He lay down and one of the helpers came over. The helper adjusted a bell-shaped plastic device on a retractable arm a few inches above Jamie's dick. "Ok, this thing reads your EEG. As soon as your O starts it will start vacuuming in your cum. Don't worry, it will get everything. That way you can use your hand any way you want without having anything on your dick." Jamie said "Ok, thanks." and wrapped his right hand around his dick. A few seconds later he heard Flux' voice over the loudspeaker. "Ready? Ok, gentlemen, start your engines." Then there was an electric bell. Jamie started stroking his dick. He looked around the room and saw all the others start their actions also. He saw boys humping fuckables or lying on them while they were stroked from within. Breon was kneeling behind one of the distance starting shields, stroking himself. Within seconds he heard 15 other boys moaning and groaning. Jamie remembered his training and concentrated on his dick. He started groaning himself, knowing that that always helped him along. He had been excited ever since they had entered the studio, so it only took him a few minutes to get close to his first O of the day. The moment he felt himself go rigid for a second, the bell shaped device started making a soft humming noise and Jamie felt the air around his dick being sucked into it. Then he grunted loudly and started shooting a respectable amount of cum for a boy his age. The machine sucked it all in. Jamie rode out his orgasm and pressed out the last drops of cum. He realized that one of the officials was standing next to him, smiling at him. When he saw that Jamie was done he pushed a button on a remote control and the machine stopped humming and sucking. The official smiled at Jamie. "Hey, well done. Take your time and whenever you're ready you can start again. You can stay here or go to a different station, whatever you want." Jamie stayed where he was for a second, catching his breath. Then he got up and started walking around a bit. He knew from his training that he would need a few minutes before he could get going again. He looked at the other boys writhing and groaning all around him, trying to decide what to do next. He smiled at himself and thought "Wow, this is way better than school. I think I'll have a lot of fun with this. I could do this for the rest of my life. And I'll be really good at it." His dick started getting hard again... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, I hope you liked this one. My other stories are: /nifty/gay/young-friends/thanks-for-tellin/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/when-lenny-broke-his-leg /nifty/gay/incest/distant-cousins/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/finally-alive/ /nifty/gay/young-friends/miracle-pond/ Send me a few lines to if you enjoyed the story (and yourself while reading) so I know it was worth the effort.