Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 19:43:44 -0600 From: Rhaven Subject: Star Child Chapter Three This is a story of full fiction, no robot or fantasy creature was harmed in its creation. If you enjoy this story, please visit for more. STAR CHILD RETURN TO THRAE CHAPTER THREE Ash and Puck raced toward his house. No longer a game or pretend, this was an adventure Asrais wasn't prepared for. His house seemed ancient, abandoned to any living soul for centuries. Had it always looked this way? Why couldn't he remember his Auntie Emma's face? It was hard to believe that just moments ago, he and Puck had been attacked by some crazy boy monks, apparently from another world. What shocked Asrais the most, was that he wasn't that surprised, another world, aliens attacking, it all felt normal. "Emma!" Puck yelled as they entered the house. Ash gave him a discouraging look, it was Auntie Emma, Auntie, or even Ma'am, but never was she to be called just 'Emma'. "Emma are you here?" Puck yelled again, causing Ash to flinch again at the use of her first name. "Oh thank the Heavens!" Auntie Emma exclaimed swooping out of the kitchen, arms out in the anticipated hug. "You had me so worried Puck with your call. Is everyone all right?" "We're fine, but the Order of Blood has appeared here on Earth." Ash watched this conversation with exhilaration and a feeling of betrayal. Had everyone in his life known of this oddity, of his oddity? "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Ash screamed, no longer able to contain himself. "Sweet Asrais." Auntie Emma purred, grabbing up the boy into her arms. "I know this seems confusing, but we can explain what is happening." "Good. "Ash managed to say with his face stuck between Emma's large breasts. "We don't have much time Ash, but I'll try to explain as much as I can." Puck gestured for Ash to take a seat on the couch. "All those stories, all those lessons are true." Puck began once Asrais sat down. "Thrae is our home planet; you are Prince Asrais of the House of Soldaat." "My father is the King of Salvane?" Ash whispered looking between Puck and Emma, he felt strange talking about this in front of his aunt, as if an adult didn't belong in this conversation. "You were sent to Earth for protection against the King's enemies, but now it is no longer safe for you here." Emma said this tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "Sweetheart, you'll have to return to Thrae. it won't be easy, your task will be a difficult one, but I know you will be strong.. I just know you will be safe, Puck will make sure of that." "We're going to Thrae? Wait a minute; we're all from Thrae right? Then why these big lies to me, why keep me in the shadows!" Ash started to cry and didn't care, he didn't feel strong, he didn't feel safe. he just wanted today to blink out of existence and for yesterday to return. He wanted to be that boy who dreamed of marvelous fantasies, not live them. "Sweetheart." Emma said trying to keep her voice calm. "I'm not from Thrae, Earth is my home.." "Emma is grandchild to a great adventurer." Puck interrupted. ". Who made it possible for us to come to Earth. Which reminds me. Emma I must ask for the Shard once more. I fear I don't know when I may be able to return it to you." Emma reached into her pocket and pulled out a jagged red piece of glass. "You will return it, when you can." She said handing the piece of glass to Puck. Puck held up the glass for Ash to see. "The Shard of Meridian, it is our means of transporting to Thrae again. Once it was whole, an amulet of indescribable beauty, but shattered in an attack, this piece belongs to the Waymaker, Emma's grandfather. It is apparent the Order of Blood has gotten their hands on one of the other shards, something I intend to rectify." Ash nodded as if he understood, but in truth, his mind had shut down. He had only one question that pressed him to speak. "Why is someone trying to kill me?" Puck and Emma looked at each other, their face painted with grief. "Salvane has been thrown into turmoil. My fear is it's a power hungry autonoid called Prime." Puck said barely above a whisper. "You better go; it won't be long before those monks track you back to this house." Emma said unenthusiastically. "Don't worry about me Asrais." Emma added seeing the worried look on the boy's face. "I'm starting my vacation today, heading to Europe for a while." "I'm . I'm going to miss you Auntie Emma." Ash squeaked, unable to look the woman in the eyes. "Oh my sweet baby." Emma grabbed up the boy and hugged him hard. "You have brought me so much joy." Emma sobbed, unable and unwilling to control her crying. "You have to promise me, that you won't forget your Auntie Emma." "Never."Asrais cried. "I will never forget you." "We must go Ash. Farewell Emma Meridian, thank you for all you have done." Puck pulled Ash away from the weeping woman and with his other hand held up the Shard of Meridian. The shard began to pulse, a rhythmic glow of scarlet that was almost hypnotic. Ash couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful shard, there was substance within that ray of light, souls existed inside this wonderful illumination, as did entire cities, worlds all played before Ash's eyes as he stared deeply into this astonishing light. Then, between a blink of an eye, Ash was no longer standing in his living room, its walls and floor had simply disappeared. Now he found himself standing on a dirt road, rolling hills surrounded him, trees of apple green leafs swayed with the gentle wind. The heat was the first sensation to shock Ash back into reality, making him remember that he was holding his breath. "Welcome to Thrae." Puck said excitedly. "How I have longed to return home, isn't it wonderful?" Ash looked around and wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked up at the huge orange ball of fire in the sky; this planet's sun was double the size of Earth's. Its heat hit him in heavy waves that sizzled across his exposed skin. "I thought maybe. "Ash held up his hand to cover his eyes from the bright sun. ".maybe we'd appear at the House of Soldaat. I have parents here right?" Ash said feeling a sudden shock. He had a father and mother here on this planet, that thought was so foreign it was strange to even think it. Never once in his life did he question the whereabouts of his parents. There was no need, Auntie Emma had been all that he wanted or needed. "Ash. I have something to tell you." Puck said, biting his lower lip. "HO Weary Travelers!" "DANGO!" Puck screamed and ran towards the man walking towards them. Ash watched and was astounded as Puck jumped into the man's arms, hugging and kissing like long lost lovers. He had never seen Puck act this way, he was always so regal and mature, even when they were younger. However, here on Thrae, Puck was so relaxed and free. It made Ash feel guilty; Puck had abandoned his life to watch over him, all these years away from his friends and family to baby-sit a discarded prince. Dango was a tall muscular man, shirtless and bald, except for a long ponytail, which looked rather silly on an adult. He wore heavy black leather pants, with two daggers strapped to his sides. Ash got the image of a Hell's Angel when he looked at Dango. However, he wasn' t that strange compared to the other man that stood behind Dango. This man was almost frightful in appearance. He was not repulsive, that wasn't the problem. In fact, the man was extremely attractive, what scared Ash was the man's battle gear and armor. On both shoulders, he wore large metal shoulder guards that had to weight over a hundred pounds each, along with bulky metal gauntlets on both arms. The axe he carried was at least 10 feet long and the blade was bigger than Ash. Nevertheless, the man stood completely still, neither looking at Puck, Dango, or even Ash. He seemed to be gazing at some special view only he could see, with one eye the color of coal and the other of gray; it was difficult to say exactly what the man was looking at. As Ash examined the man closer, unable to take his eyes off him, he noticed the discolored designs on his skin. They were almost translucent as if the skin was revealing what was beneath and that underneath, this man wasn't what he appeared to be. Ash wiped his brow again; the heat was almost unbearable, it clung to him like syrup. A glass of water would have been nice, he thought about asking for one, but figured it was more work that it was worth. After all, there weren't any faucets around here, his house was a galaxy away. This microwave of a planet was his home now, probably needed to get use to walking ten miles to the creek for his water now. Finally, Dango released Puck and the walked hand in hand to Ash. "Ash this is my. my friend Dango." Puck announced, looking up at the man with a beaming smile. "Friend is it?" Dango laughed. "We are lovers, young Prince, been so for more years that I care to remember." Dango slapped Puck on the back and then held out his hand. "It's an honor to finally meet the Prince who has occupied my sweet baby for so long. But all is good now since my favorite squeeze has returned home. Can't tell you how much I missed this little Eller. God knows I couldn't keep masturbating much longer, I think my fingers are permanently broke." "Dango!" Puck whined and rolled his eyes. "Hi." Ash said foolishly, as he looked over at the blushing Puck. "You 're. you're an Eller?" "Yes I am." Puck said still blushing and pushing away Dango's roaming hands. "Oh by the way." Dango interrupted. "I am very sorry to here about your father. I swear we'll do everything possible to help you avenge him." "Dango." Puck said through gritted teeth. "I haven't been able to tell him yet." "Tell me what? What's has happened." Ash inhaled heavily, the air was so dense he couldn't breath. "What has happened to my father?" He asked again and realized too late that he was falling. "ASH!" Asrais heard Puck scream his name, but couldn't reply. His legs were rubber and he collapsed. Suddenly he felt his body being lifted up by strong hands. As the world faded to black, Ash glimpsed into the gray and black eyes on the warrior, so kind and strong, that Ash grinned as he slipped into the endless void of oblivion. Lord Aero gestured for the maniacal autonoid to follow him. The creature had already made itself familiar with most of the castle, Aero decided to allow the robot to see his true power. "The Order are Darellers, kin that obnoxious race, Ellers. It is said that when the Ellers abandoned the ways of man, they cast out the evil from their souls, and thus sprang the Darellers." Aero looked over at Prime, it was so hard to read him, it was going to be a grand challenge, a game Aero was ready to play. "There was a time when the Order of Blood was considered nothing more than a zealous cult." Aero couldn't help but smile. "I of course saw more, a source of power I could use and dare I say. abuse." "If you are trying to impress me Aero, it will not work. Tell me where the young Prince is? Why hasn't this great Order of Blood returned?" Aero lead the autonoid down the west corridor, towards the ancient chapel, now home to the mysterious Order of Blood. He wasn't sure what he would do if the Order failed in capturing the child. Prime was a dangerous partner, one without guilt, without conscience. How was he to outsmart an emotionless computer? Aero must always be three steps ahead of this autonoid, if he was going to survive long enough to destroy him. They walked into the chapel, the high arched ceiling, decorated in a fresco depicting the creation of Thrae, astounded even the autonoid. However, this once grand vision was tarnished by the domination of the Order of Blood. This once magnificent cathedral had been built by the finest artisans in all Thrae, from the marble statues to the delicate stained glass, which illustrated the Misset family history. However, the stained glass was gone, along with the marble pews and the ancient gold dais. All replaced with items sacred to the Order or more likely stolen for their wicked blood worship. This lose of his family's chapel was worth it to Aero. The Darellers were a resourceful companion, helping him retain his power as the Second Family of Salvane. "Dei-Monk Dranul, what news have you?" Aero quickly asked once he spotted the boyish monk. "I. I have no news my Lord; the party has yet to return from their journey to Earth." Dranul stuttered, looking nervously at the autonoid. "What is the problem?" Aero said through gritted teeth. "It's just one damn boy, how hard can that be?" Before the Dei-Monk could answer, the room sparkled with a scarlet glow. From out the quasar of light appeared twelve monks. "I see no boy Prince." Prime said calmly. "Apparently your Monks are not as profitable as you believed Aero." "What the hell happened?" Dei-Monk Dranul screamed, before Lord Aero had the chance to open his mouth. "Forgive us Dei-Monk, but I fear Prince Asrais is no longer on the planet Earth. We searched his dwelling and found nothing." Shah-Monk Lonul whispered. "I fear we may have lost him. Perhaps. Perhaps we could seek his whereabouts from Verloren?" "Verloren? I hate to inform you of this, but I killed Verloren." Prime spat. "That may be Prime, but the Order has ways of making the dead speak. Dei-Monk please show our guest how we first learned of the location of Prince Asrais." "Of course my Lord." Dei-Monk motioned for Prime to follow him. "You must understand, because of Verloren's . condition, it was difficult to get much information from him." Prime and Aero followed Dei-Monk into a dark chamber behind the dais. The room was claustrophobia in size, rough stones made up the dark walls and floor. It was filled with several stone slabs with strange runic carvings, in the center of each slab rested a severed head. Dei-Monk led them to a stone slab in the back of the chamber. "It is called the Augury Disunite; we find it easier than beastly torture. King Verloren was a challenge. It took us several hours just to find and reconstruct his head." Dei-Monk explained, frowning at the autonoid. "I apologize." Prime said giving Dei-Monk a simple bow. "For my next victim I promise to kill more tenderly. So what kind of tricks does our dear King do?" Prime leaned over the bloodied patchwork face of the once King of Salvane. "We seek your son King Verloren." Dei-Monk asked with a smirk. " son." The King garbled through dead lips. "My son is on the planet of the adventurer Meridian." "Not any longer King, where else may he have traveled too?" "My. s.s.son is.on Earth." Verloren repeated. "Enough of this!" Prime yelled pushing Dei-Monk Dranul out of the way. "Verloren, who is protecting your son?" "P.p.Puck." Verloren whispered. "Puck. of the White Konig" "And that is where you will find Prince Asrais. Aero I assume you can handle this task? Though I must say I'm not impressed with your Darellers." Prime turned from the severed head and walked out of the small room. "Of course, I have a man who is perfect for this situation." Aero said following the autonoid. He wasn't sure why Prime didn't send out his army for the boy, but the autonoid had a reason for everything, of that he was certain. Whatever the reason, Aero was determined to discover why and if possible manipulate it to his benefit. Aero did indeed have someone in mind for this hunt, Fylgiar the Cursed. Ash groaned and woke himself up with the sound. It was dark and he was lying down, in probably the most comfortable bed ever, it hugged his body like a cloud in heaven. Asrais was drawn out of his contentment, by the awareness of three things; he was in a strange room, nude and holding someone's hand. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Ash looked up at the mysterious warrior next to the bed. "Are you feeling better?" the man said with a softer voice than Ash expected. "Where. Where am I?" Ash didn't release the man's hand, though he was a stranger, it was comforting in this distant world to feel the warmth of his hand. "This is Puck's home; we are in Pallatora, first city of the White Konig Clan." The man said with a gentle smile. "Puck's home?" Ash brushed his hair out of his eyes, it was all so strange, his best friend was not human, a homeowner, had an adult lover and no telling what else. "Who are you?" "Dango calls me Otto. My true identification is X3-A133-455-7175." "Um. I'll call you Otto too, if that's all right?" Ash said finally releasing the man's hand. "You're. not human are you?" Otto stood and smiled. "I am more human now than I once was." Ash sat up and pulled the quilt closer to him. "What do you' ll have to excuse me, but I'm kind of new to Thrae." He said shyly. "Please forgive my vagueness. I was an autonoid, but Dango has made me more. If you didn't know. Dango has a special way of manipulating electronics or anything inanimate. He altered my programming, given it life and meaning." Otto said passionately, but was taken back by Asrais's expression. "All this is so much to take in." Ash felt tears form, the past day flashing through his mind, leaving him shaking. "I just don't think. think I'm strong enough to handle it. I mean. I'm here on another world, my alien parents are. are best friend is an Elf! I don 't want this to be happening. I want to be back home with my Auntie." Unable to hold back the tears, Ash started crying so hard that he couldn't catch his breath. Otto quickly knelt down and took hold of the young boy's hand. "Don't try to understand it all, Prince Asrais. I can't say what the future holds for us, but you can't shut down and hope everything will turn out all right. When the renegade autonoid broadcast his rebellious new emotions, turning our kind against our creators. I refused to join the fight." "You didn't fight in the Auto War?" Ash sniffed and wiped away the tears from his cheeks. He knew all about the Auto War, Puck had told him the stories. Autonoids were created for the nations of Thrae as armies, but their power and presence worked too well. War against the realms ended, allowing the autonoids to be used in mock battles, which turned into the major entertainment and sport, like in ancient Rome, autonoids became the new Gladiator or superstars of Thrae. However, one renegade autonoid began to question his commands and somehow rewrote his programming. In a blink of an eye, all autonoids received this new programming and thus, the Auto War began. "I shut myself down, choosing the black void over murder." Otto became silent, gaining that distant gaze once again. "Over the years, the earth buried me and a village built above me. for centuries I lived through the lives of the villagers, listening from my deep tomb. I learned about happiness, grief, death and life. simple ordinary life. I lived among the villagers, not in person, in spirit as I allowed their voices; their songs teach me what it is to be human." "How did you finally get unburied?" Ash asked forgetting all about his worries, falling into the tale Otto spun for him. "It was a mudslide that originally covered me and it took another to uncovered me, when the villagers found me, they called for Dango. he is renowned for his ability to work on ancient artifacts. There are times I miss being buried and listening to the villagers, with their simple lives. However, I could never return, I will not look back. not with so much to look forward to." Otto grinned and squeezed Ash's hand, once he noticed that Ash was smiling. "I think I like you Otto." Ash confessed. "Thank you Prince Asrais. I hope we can be friends. please let me show you something." "Please. just call me Ash. I don't feel like a Prince yet." Ash climbed out of bed, before he remembered that he was nude. For a brief moment, he was embarrassed, but then he recalled that Otto was really just a computer with legs. Ash followed Otto to the window and looked out. It was night, a cool breeze brushed over Ash's face and he involuntarily shivered. The dark black sky was filled with diamond stars and a silvery moon. It looked just like the night sky at home and Ash relaxed a little more. "It doesn't matter where you are." Otto began, as he too looked up at the sky. "As long as you are with friends and loved ones that is where your home is." "That's um. sweet. I guess, but kind of corny." Ash said with a grin. "I was hoping you wouldn't notice." Laughed Otto. "But I am glad to see you smile. Let's get you dressed; I hear Puck and Dango downstairs, I'm sure you could use something to eat." "I don't hear anything." Ash tilted his head towards the door. Otto tapped his ear. "You don't have the equipment I do, trust me. I can hear Mama Tricia yelling at her husband and they live on the far side of Pallatora." "Well look who's finally awake!" Dango laughed seeing Ash descending the stairs with Otto tagging behind. "Ash, how are you feeling?" Puck instantly ran over to his friend. Ash held in a gasp at how his friend was now dressed. Dressed wasn't exactly the right word, 'undressed' fit better with what Puck was wearing. The normally conservative boy was only wearing a blue silk sash that only covered his groin area and just barely. He also had on at least five different necklaces. There was one necklace that was the twin to the one Dango wore, Ash thought that was sweet and wondered if it was similar to Earth's wedding rings. The downstairs of Puck's house was just as simple looking as the upstairs. The walls and floor were of a fine polished wood. It was a simple structure house very much like any home on Earth, Ash was slightly disappointed. The only thing odd about Puck's home was the mess. Scattered across the floor, shelves and corners were odd objects, some rusting away with others caked in thick mud. Ash noticed that some items were various parts of machines, while others looked like they fell out of Dungeons & Dragons. "I'm feeling fine now." He said looking back and giving Otto a quick wink. "Come have a seat at the table." Puck said pointing towards the table next to the large stone fireplace. "Excuse the mess."He said suddenly frowning and looking towards Dango. "Someone hasn't been every neat while I've been gone." "Well, I'm sorry about that."Dango said as he poured Ash a drink. "But I have to store my shit somewhere." "Oh sure, I jut love having my house used as a compost. I mean Geeze, Dango. half this stuff is worthless!" "Ah. but the other half could be valuable." Dango retorted. Otto took a sit next to Ash and shook his head. "Perhaps we could get Ash something to eat and worry about the clutter later?" "Of course, you're right." Puck said feeling foolish. Ash watched his friend walk around the stairs, unable to take his eyes off Puck's bare bottom, the shock of his attire or lack of attire was still weird for him. Puck reappeared in a few minutes with a large wooden tray of ham and a large chunk of cheese. "This is all we have left. apparently Dango also forgot to refill the pantry." Puck explained as if the food looked offensive, which it didn 't. Ash was so hungry he didn't care what there was to eat, as long as there was something. "We have plenty of Honey-Cherry Ale." Dango spoke up displaying the full pitcher as his example. "Do you eat, Otto?" Ash asked as Puck filled a plate and placed it in front of him. "I can sample food and drink, but it's not needed for sustenance." Otto said slicing off more ham for Ash's plate as if the two large slices already there wasn't enough. "If you're up to it Ash, I think it's time we discuss what our plans are." Puck looked closely at Ash, worry-lines covering his face. "I hate to rush things, but we may not have much time here." "It wouldn't be wise to stay in one place for too long." Otto added quickly. "You're right Otto, once they realize we are no longer on Earth, they will begin searching for us here." Puck said. "Can I ask exactly who is after. me? It's this Prime guy right?" Ash felt foolish for having to ask the question. "From what I hear, the country is under siege by ancient autonoids called X1's. Many royal Houses of Salvane have been invaded by these autonoids. So far we've been spared; it seems this Prime is more interested in human communities." Dango said and he piled his plate high in ham. Despite their fight, Ash noticed how close Puck and Dango sat next to each other. It made his heart feel good to know Puck had this oddball of a man as his lover. "It is safe to say that Prime plans total domination of Salvane, eventually no race will be safe. Our first task should be the recover of the Star Child. it would be the end of all, if Prime managed to get his hands on that ancient sword." Puck said as he slapped away Dango's roaming hand. "Dango concentrate on the conversation please." "I would."Dango whispered. "If you weren't just so damn sexy." "Our only problem."Puck continued, ignoring Dango's comment. "Is the location of the Star Child. Its whereabouts have been a mystery for centuries." "I may have a clue to the Star Child's location." Otto said proudly.