The Brothers of the Beasts

By Araddion



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Chapter 2

Knocking on Heaven's Door


You call Sâlanu arrogant. Look at him. Does he not have reason to be? You call his sexual practices outrages against the Elvish norm. Reflect that if Sâlanu had toed that line, we would have had no warning of the unfolding catastrophe. Sâlanu's qualities are qualities hated by Uklo: he is the solar knight, holding true only to himself, never bending the knee, lending his sword only to those who, in his estimation, are worthy. Are not my son's qualities those that must be set against a nightmare from a dead age?

-- Amilâ, The Secret Book of the Years, vol. XXVII, chapter 1


"Wait up! Wait up!" Lashka called. How could a girl get so far ahead of him?

Gorma had already splashed across the ford. She paused and searched the maze of streets. Lashka slogged his way through the chilly current and joined her. Hanging low in the western sky, the crescent First and Second Moons peered down on Helmingford like the eyes of a voyeur pretending to doze. Billions of stars twinkled, promising a magic night.

"Where are we going?" Lashka whispered.

"The barn!" Gorma panted. "Sâlanu said to meet him in the barn. Where is it?"

"Follow me."

Lashka threaded his way through the streets as slowly as he could, knowing that would get Gorma all worked up. The lad figured Sâlanu liked them frisky. It was a dangerous game. Just when he was sure Gorma would shout her frustration at him, Lashka led her around a turn. Helmingford's big communal barn lay at the end of the street. Gorma seized Lashka's wrist and dragged him after her.


The barn sat against the hamlet's palisade. In front, two big corrals held Helmingford's livestock; smaller corrals lay on either side of the ramshackle building. Gorma abandoned Lashka and streaked down the rutted lane between the corrals,

A mostly naked form, his body chiseled granite, leaned against the barn door's post. Golden lantern light caressed the Elf's body. He watched with smoldering eyes Gorma climb over the gate and approach him.

"I made it," Gorma panted. "I didn't think I would – but I did."

"You're here, babe," Sâlanu soothed. He took her hand. "That's all that matters." He glanced to the side. "Hey, little guy."

"Hey!" Lashka responded, dropping from the gate. He tugged his wrap down over his exposed butt and faced the Elf. That light smoldering in Sâlanu's eyes burned a little brighter.

"You don't mind standing guard, do you? Like a brother?" Sâlanu winked.

"Only if I can watch," Lashka said.

"Smart guy," chuckled Sâlanu. "You know I'll put on a good show, right?" He gazed down at Gorma. "You're in for the time of your life."

Smiling gently, Sâlanu touched his lips to Gorma's knuckles. She shivered with pleasure ... as did Lashka. Gorma's face went woozy and stupid. Lashka tucked the scene away in his mind; one day, he'd use Sâlanu's technique on .... on whomever. Lashka was going to be a stud like the Elf and bone ten, maybe twenty girls a day.

Sâlanu turned to Gorma. She looked nervous. He bent his head, nuzzled her cheek, murmured soft reassurances. To Lashka, Sâlanu looked as good from the rear as the front. His black hair was a cape flowing down his bulked-up shoulders. The Elf slowly shifted his weight, and his butt flexed. The rear flap revealed a strip of smooth white skin. Wouldn't it be naughty to run a fingertip down the line between the bronze cheeks and the vanilla trench? Sâlanu's ass would feel like steel. Lashka flushed. Touching a warrior's butt. What a dirty thing to think ... but even that wasn't as dirty as wondering what buttsweat tasted like.



Sâlanu, his fingers entwined with Gorma's, was grinning. "We're going inside. You won't be able to see us from the gate. Move over to that water trough."

Lashka scampered to the trough and shouldered an outraged burro out of the way.

Sâlanu slipped an arm around Gorma's waist. "Keep an eye out for my lady's dad." He hugged Gorma against him. "She doesn't want to be caught with my cock up her cunt."

Gorma pouted. "Do you have to be so crude?"

"No." Sâlanu nuzzled her again. "I just do it because it's hot. Let's go, babe."

The Elf escorted Gorma into the barn. His hand caressed her back. She was submerged in the aroma of sweat and buckskin. His hard butt flexed against her. Not far from the door a big barrel sat beside a tall wood column. Sâlanu's scabbard and sword leaned against it. Elf and girl faced one another.

"You're so muscular," crooned Gorma, her eyes raking his torso. "So handsome."

"True," Sâlanu admitted.

"You're kind of overwhelming, For a virgin."

"I'm overwhelming for everyone." Sâlanu shrugged. "I can't help it."

"How old are you? Lashka said you were twenty-one."

"I'm nine hundred and fifty-three."


"Why would I lie about that?" Sâlanu, his eyes glowing like a lion fixed on prey, backed Gorma towards the barrel. "You've got to be thrilled. Your first fuck is going to be handled by someone who's practiced the art for almost a millennium. And I learned how to fuck from a master."

"Who – who – who taught you?" Gorma said in a small voice.

Smirking, Sâlanu said, "We all have our secrets."


Lashka whirled. The Lord Aradd had just jumped the gate. Tail erect, the white stallion trotted to the water trough. He looked a little lathered as if he'd been galloping somewhere.

"You going to watch too?" Lashka whispered.

The stallion whinnied.

"Do you get all ... tingly when you watch someone fuck?"

The stallion whickered and twitched his tail. He began drinking from the trough. Lashka dropped into a crouch beside the stallion's forelegs. The horse's big muscular body would provide some cover in case old Gerynt came nosing around. From the crouch, though, Lashka's line of sight up the lane passed between the stallion's hind legs. The Lord Aradd's big sheath looked heavy and swollen. Moonlight gleamed on his massive testicles.

"You've got big balls, Lord Aradd!"

Lashka snickered. It felt naughty saying those words to a horse. Many other dirty thoughts whirled through the lad's head, but he felt afraid about what might happen if he uttered them. Lashka didn't know much about magic, but he knew sex and words were crucial to the art. Water dripping from his jaw, the Lord Aradd turned the dark mystery of his eyes on Lashka. Neither lad nor stallion made a sound, but Lashka's little dick stiffened in his wrap.

"Hope you don't mind, Lord Aradd."

Blushing a bit – he'd never fiddled with himself in front of a horse – Lashka stuck his hand in his wrap. He focused on the barn because that's where he thought the real action would be. Thus, he didn't see the stallion's gaze shift to the nape of his neck. Nor did he see the stallion's nostrils flare while sniffing the light sweat beading his neck. Nor did he see a shudder run through the Lord Aradd's racehorse body. Nor did he see the heavy sheath open. Nor the enormous thing that began to drop from it.

Sâlanu and Gorma kissed. The Elf's boss body was molded to the girl's, and his jaw flexed as his tongue probed her throat. Sâlanu's muscles fascinated Gorma's hands; they explored his deltoids, and his pectorals, his arms, and his back. Maybe Lashka should ask Sâlanu for kissing lessons; it sure looked like fun, and it'd give him an excuse to do what Gorma was doing.

"Why an Elf?" Sâlanu asked.

"I told you ... don't you remember?" Gorma slid a hand down his side as if she wanted to cup his tight ass. She chickened out well short of her goal. "If I'm going to be a powerful sorceress ... I've got to experience powerful sex. Who – what -- is more powerful and magical than an Elf?"

"You sure it's not because I'm hot?"

"You're so into yourself."

"Yeah. I get that a lot."

"I figured you'd turn me down. Dad says you Elves think humans are animals."

"We do." The Elf's eyes explored Gorma's luscious curves. Then he saw the stricken look on her face. "Aw, babe. Don't look like that. I'm broad-minded."

Gorma looked humiliated and hurt. Then her brain kicked in. "If we're different species –"

Sâlanu grinned. "I can't get you pregnant. Sex between species is just pure fun. A bond, babe." Fingers trailed down her blouse, over her skirt, and slid along the outside of her thighs.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" She shook her head. "Babe. It sounds old-fashioned."

"Gotta remind you who's your stud. Little trick I learned from my master." The Elf's fingertips slipped up the inside of her thigh and vanished under her skirt. He looked pleased as her eyes began fluttering.

"One day ... could I meet ... meet your master?"

"It's a date, babe. He's into threesomes." Sâlanu grinned. "I smell your cunt."

Shuddering, she flushed. Sâlanu's fingers flexed under her skirt. Gorma gasped. Sâlanu grinned.

"Naughty girl. You're already leaking."

"I can't help it!"

"Yeah, I know. I get that a lot." The Elf sniffed glistening fingers. He looked puzzled. "Someone's been in there." He sniffed again. "Lashka?"

"His is so little. It didn't break me in."

"Little? Yeah, I know. But you wanted him to pop that cherry, didn't you, babe? Don't blame you. Lashka's hot." Sâlanu called over his shoulder: "Little sly guy, we are brothers from different mothers!"

Sheepishly, Lashka grinned. It had been weeks since Gorma had let him in there. He got a warm tingle realizing he'd left behind a gift for his Wolf Brother, even if he didn't know what it was.

"Still all clear out there?" Sâlanu called. "The babe's wet and raring for my prong."

Lashka shot a look over his shoulder.


The Lord Aradd's ginormous cock hung in a lazy arc from his sheath. The toadstool-shaped head swung inches above the dirt. The shaft was shockingly pink and thick as a python. As Lashka stared, the stallion shifted his hind hooves wider. What a showoff – but who could blame him? There was no sign of Gerynt or indeed anyone approaching the barn.

"Getting to you too, huh, Lord Aradd?" Lashka whispered.

The stallion rumbled low and long, a sound like a quaking in the Erthe. His thunder stoked Lashka to think another dirty thought. Should he do it? Yeah, why not? There was a big brazen stallion right here, setting the example. Lashka leaped to his feet and whipped off his wrap. He faced Sâlanu. His dick stood proud against his smooth belly.

"All clear! Go for it, Sâlanu!"

Sâlanu's mouth covered Gorma's, and the girl and Elf writhed against one another.

"Felt kinda silly being the only one wearing clothes," Lashka explained. He draped the wrap on the trough then dropped into a kneel. He shot a look at the stallion's big cock. "Thanks for the encouragement, Lord Aradd!" Lashka spat into his palm and began frigging himself.

The Lord Aradd sidled over to stand behind Lashka. It seemed an innocuous move. But it wasn't normal for stallions to sniff glossy, untrimmed brown hair so obsessively. It wasn't natural for dark equine eyes to study skin still glossy with youth. The graceful curve of Lashka's spine funneled sweat towards a pair of pert buttocks smooth as silk and sweet as mangoes ... and no stallion should ever gaze at a human ass with such hunger. But this was no ordinary stallion; it was the Lord Aradd. The arc of horsecock bucked and bucked again. Each swing grew longer; each lofted the thickening shaft higher. The length of the monstrous breeding instrument grew. And grew. And grew.

In the barn, the warrior Elf's loincloth surged and bounced. What it barely covered was waking. Sâlanu's display wasn't quite as brazen as the Lord Aradd's, for the supple buckskin clung lovingly to a sinuous shape like a long sand-filled sock. But one thing was evident to both Lashka and Gorma.

"It's huge!" Gorma cried.

"It gets bigger. Take your blouse off, babe."

Lashka thought Sâlanu's loincloth was so much more thrilling to watch than Gorma fumbling with buttons. Thump. The noise was heavy and meaty. Thump. Thump. It came from behind, and Lashka was not about to look away from that leaping loincloth to find out the cause. Half of Gorma's blouse lay open, Golden light limned her breasts. Sâlanu's loincloth surged hard, flashing a hint of Elf cock.

"You think she's bitten off more than she can chew, Lord Aradd?" Lashka whispered.

Thump. Thump. As blood stiffened the Elf's rod, the flap began jutting from his groin. Gorma's fingers fiddled with a button but she seemed unable to unfasten it. Her eyes were fixated on the same thing as Lashka's. Looking smug, Sâlanu twitched his cock.

"Like it, babe?"

Lashka nodded eagerly. So too, he noticed, did Gorma. Thump. Thump.

"Strip, babe. All the way."

In a flash, Gorma finished unbuttoning. She flung her blouse across the barn.

"Niiiiiiiice," Sâlanu drawled crudely. Strutting and prancing a bit, he parted his thighs. The Elf's burgeoning cock lifted the loincloth inch by inch. His quads and buttocks tensed as the shaft grew heavy with blood.

Gorma hugged herself and shuddered. "How ... how do you even get that into somebody? It's inhuman."

"You're about to find out, babe."

Thump-thump. Thump. Lashka looked over his shoulder. He was face to face with the biggest hardon he had ever seen. The Lord Aradd's cock, thudding against his stomach, was thick as lashka's calf and stretched from the sheath almost all the way to his front legs. His blunt cockhead was something you'd break down a fortress' gate with. The pee hole was thick as Lashka's forefinger. It oozed pearls of clear goo, and each thump whipped them into a string that clung to the stallion's underbody.

"The ladies like you, huh?"

Thump-thump-thump. Thump-thump-thump. The fat cock drummed against the stallion's belly, saying all the Lord Aradd wanted to say.

In front of Gorma's wide eyes, Sâlanu `s cock lurched once, then stiffened into rigidity. Long as his forearm, it throbbed level with his groin, wearing the buckskin like a saddle blanket.

"It's too big!" Gorma gasped. "You'll kill me."

Sâlanu smirked. His cockhead began slithering from the untrimmed end of the buckskin. Lashka guessed it would be toadstool-shaped, but he was wrong. The size of an apple, the cockhead resembled a bunched fist, savagely masculine, knobby and crude. Curds of headcheese clung to the bunched-up foreskin. It freed itself from the flap, and shaft followed.

"It's still coming!"

"I said it gets bigger," growled Sâlanu.

Inch after inch of alabaster-white shaft emerged from hiding under the flap. The thinnest point – as broad as Sâlanu's wrist -- was just behind the cockhead; beyond that, it thickened so rapidly Lashka's tiny butthole clenched in sympathy for Gorma. Blood pounded in a lacework of veins. As it grew, the Elf's cock began curling upward like a rhinoceros horn. Gorma could only swallow. Could only stare. Could not take her eyes off the insanely swelling thing. She began realizing she wasn't in the watercolored world of teenaged girl fantasy.

"Wanna back out? This is your chance, babe."

Staring at the freakishly huge erection, her hands clapped over her mouth, Gorma said nothing.

"When an Elf gets hard, we got to get off. But I don't need you." Sâlanu swept an arm around. "There's livestock everywhere. They can handle me. Can you?"

Shivering, Gorma looked scared. Lashka, knowing she was being stupid like all girls, huffed irritably.

"Say yes!" Lashka urged.

Eyes blazing, Sâlanu strutted towards Gorma. His butt strained to counterbalance the forbidding horn jutting from his crotch. Oh, how Lashka wished his cock was as big as Sâlanu's. He wished he could feel its weight in the palm of his hand. But Gorma seemed to shrink into herself.

"Say yes, you moron!" Lashka looked up and rolled his eyes at the Lord Aradd. "Sheesh!"

Sâlanu crossed his arms. His heavy cock swayed left and right, right and left. "Answer me, babe."

"Will it hurt?"

"No." A sly light glimmered in Sâlanu's eyes. "I've got ... I was taught ... a special technique."

"Y-- yes," Gorma stammered. "I—I—hope I can."

Sâlanu flicked his fingers towards the knotted thong holding up his loincloth. "Untie it."

Gorma, staring at the Elf's midriff, bit her lip. She fumbled at one knot. It resisted her. She swore and desperately yanked at the other. The skimpy garment fell to Sâlanu's feet. His erection lifted; not much, for his lust was heavy. A tiny patch of raven-black pubic hair glistened in the lantern light. The Elf's balls were the size of oranges and smooth as Lashka's own.

"Ohhhh," Gorma moaned rapturously.

"Yeah. I get that a lot. Get naked, babe."

But Gorma, in thralldom to the massive Elf cock, could only stare. Irritated, Sâlanu tugged roughly at her skirt. Dangerous energy was now loose in the barn. The skirt ripped and fluttered away from Gorma's thighs. Sâlanu's nostrils flared. A wolfish smile dawned. His head lolled back, and he beat his chest.

"I do love pussy!"

Sâlanu moved as if he owned the girl. Fingertips traced a path down her belly. Golden down frosted the swollen lips of her vulva. The big Elf fondled her thatch as if he played with a kitten. As Sâlanu's fingers explored her, she began to squirm. The Elf ran a fingertip between her cuntlips, making her squeal. Lashka had never seen her pussy sopping with so much oil before. He realized the Elf did own her, even if Gorma didn't yet know it.

"Mind if I say hello, babe?"

Before Gorma could respond, the Elf slipped the tip of his finger up her. Lashka recognized the contented expression now glowing on her face; his little dick, not much bigger than Sâlanu's finger, had made his friend light up like that. Maybe his dick wasn't as talented, for the Elf began to stir her pot, and her eyes rolled up, showing only whites.

"Dirty slut."

"I know," Gorma confessed. "I can't help it. Oh -- keep doing that!"

Lashka goggled when Sâlanu extracted his finger. Gooey droplets beaded it. A runnel of oil oozed down her thigh. Gorma had never gotten that wet for him!

Sâlanu knelt and exhaled on her snatch. Gorma shivered. He pushed her onto the barrel, spread her knees, and moved between them. He licked his lips and began slobbering on her cunt. The Elf's long tongue lapped at her like a dog; every time it emerged from her body, it gleamed with oil. Gorma's moans soared in intensity. She began bucking into Sâlanu's face.

"Wow," breathed Lashka. "That's dirty. You ever put your tongue up a mare, Lord Aradd?"

Suddenly, Gorma's back arched. She yammered incoherently. An amused light glinted in Sâlanu's eyes as he stared at her stunned face. He pulled away, chin and cheeks gleaming with feminine oil.

"What ... what were you doing?" Gorma panted.

"Tongue-tickling your cherry. It's sweet, babe. So sweet."

Sâlanu returned to work. He licked her gash north to south, south to north. He kept Gorma hovering on the brink for many exquisite moments. Wen Sâlanu tongue-tickled her clit, Gorma came, screaming loud enough to rattle loose planks and almost crushing the Elf's head between her thighs.

"Wow-weee!" exclaimed Lashka. "He's good with that tongue! Do you know who Sâlanu's sex master is, Lord Aradd?"

The Lord Aradd kept the secret.

Wiping fluids from his face, Sâlanu stood. He was smug, a king; Gorma was a newly conquered territory ready for exploitation. "You like?"

"That was – that was – that was great!"

"Let's take this where it needs to go."

Gorma squealed when the warrior Elf flipped her face down on the barrel. Her legs dangled. Lashka thought she looked a little helpless, a little fearful. Sâlanu wedged his knees inside hers and pried open her thighs. Now Lashka thought she looked hot. Her swollen cunt oozed oil. Lashka could smell her all the way from the trough.

"It's time, babe. It's time."

Sâlanu wrestled with his iron-hard prong, lining up with Gorma's slit. He nudged his battering ram against the girl's slobbering cunt. Lashka was spellbound. She was going to have to stretch and stretch to take just the cockhead. He doubted Sâlanu could get his enormous ramrod all the way up her. Maybe there were drawbacks to having a huge cock.

Gorma felt the enormous thing at her gates, and the reality of what she was trying terrified her. "You're too big!"

"I know," Sâlanu crooned. He grasped Gorma's hips. "This is gonna hurt you more than me, babe."

"Wait! You said you knew –"

Sâlanu's cockhead punched in.


Gorma's eyelids clenched and her fingernails raked the barrel top. Cockhead lodged fast in her vestibule, Sâlanu didn't plunge deeper. He looked wary, ready to act if she tried to escape. Lashka stared at the lips of her vulva, squirming on his cockhead, straining to resist his prong. That wouldn't happen. The Elf radiated strength and mastery. Gorma drizzled so much oil Lashka thought she was pissing. Sâlanu's long cockshaft throbbed. Oil cascaded down it, and the Elf's balls gleamed in the lantern light.

"Too much!" Gorma gasped. "Take it out!"

Sâlanu's eyelids fluttered; the Elf was lost in a depraved inner world. The muscles of his butt and lower back flowed like molten metal as he swiveled his hips. His cockhead corkscrewed, and Gorma's socket slurped lewdly.

"Take it out!" Gorma groaned. "You're killing me!"

"Cherry," murmured the Elf. Darkness began to haunt his sunny expression.

"You said you knew – you knew special ... special ways ... so it wouldn't hurt!"

"Never trust a horny Elf, babe." Sâlanu tightened his grip on her hips. Ominous energy gathered in the muscles of butt, back, and thighs.

"No – no!"

Sâlanu stabbed forward. Lashka felt a phantom thrust up his own guts, leaving him breathless and disoriented. A third of Sâlanu's massive cock had stunned Gorma. Blood from her shattered hymen trickled down the shaft, and a crimson line streaked his carven belly.

"Feeling magical?" growled Sâlanu. "Feeling powerful?"

Pain was livid upon Gorma's face. Too late, she bucked and twisted, seeking escape. But she was nothing. The warrior Elf seized her hair and pinned her midriff to the barrel.

"Forget about that," Sâlanu said. "Once I'm in, I'm in till I'm done." His tongue slithered in her ear. "Ride it out. Trust me. What's on the other side makes this worth it!"

Lashka nearly went crazy waiting for Sâlanu to start fucking. The lad burned to see that muscled body pound Gorma, rule her, and show him the skill he most wanted to learn. But the reprieve gave time for Gorma's agony to ebb. These moments were tormenting for the Elf, too. Lashka saw in the quivering of sweat-sheened muscles that his Wolf Brother wanted to fuck more than anything in the world.

"Feeling better?"

"You hurt me!" Gorma accused.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," Sâlanu admitted. "Feeling better?"


"Hang on! This is where the fun begins!"

Sâlanu chose to advance, not retreat. His hips strained, and an inch or two of Elvish cock squelched deeper. Gorma goggled.

"I thought I had it all!"

"I'm an Elf, babe. I got a lot to give."

Lashka held his breath. Sâlanu's prong swelled with every inch he pushed into her. The base was the thickness of his bunched bicep, and as it marched towards Gorma's cunt she whimpered from dread. Would she split open? The warrior Elf was a bit of an artist, swiveling his hips and corkscrewing in her cooze as he advanced. This sent spasms coursing through Gorma, loosening her up enough for another inch or two of forearm-thick shaft. Sâlanu's flexing buttocks dazzled Lashka.

"I wish I had a big cock like Sâlanu!" confessed Lashka.


Something wet flecked Lashka's back. The Lord Aradd's throbbing cock had painted a string of pre-cum across his spine. The lad eyed the huge horsecock.

"I wish mine was big as yours, Lord Aradd."

The godlike cock solidified against the stallion's belly. It seemed on the cusp of bursting. A huge pearl of precum fell to the dust. When Lashka met the horse's eyes, he got the funny feeling the Lord Aradd had been checking out his butt.

"You getting real horny, huh?"

The Lord Aradd's enthusiastic neighing did something very strange to Lashka. For some reason, he wanted to show off his butt to the horse. But that was silly, wasn't it? What could a stallion do to a lad's butt?

Gorma's grunt tore Lashka's eyes off the horsecock.

"Ungh! That's -- my -- womb!"

Sâlanu froze mid-pump. "My bad." He sounded solicitous. He didn't look it.

Sâlanu had crammed two-thirds of his prong up Gorma's cooze. Her cunt lips were stretched flat. He studied her, watching spasms of ecstasy and pain ripple through her flesh. His lip lifted, and he gently began corkscrewing. Gorma was in heaven; she thrashed and pounded the barrel with her fists.

Sâlanu backed out slowly. Oily goo rained between Gorma's thighs. Her abused cuntlips clutched at the retreating shaft, nursing on it, doing anything they could to stop its retreat. His lifted lip turned into a sneer. He'd conquered this virgin. She had a void inside that only his big cock could fill. Halfway out, he paused.

"Second cherry," Sâlanu murmured. His body tensed.

Lashka guessed correctly what his Wolf Brother meant. Gorma was clueless.


Sâlanu's thrust was as brutal as a kick. He knocked the breath out of her. Two-thirds of the way in, there was a split-second of resistance. The Elven warrior was not to be denied the ultimate prize. His hips snapped. Something gave. Sâlanu's big balls crashed into the thrashing girl's groin. A dangerous expression, as if he verged on insanity, twisted his handsome face.

"Feel me?"

Gorma strangled. Fully stuffed with Elf cock, she could barely breathe.

"Do you feel me?" Sâlanu's butt strained. His back arched. Sweat dripped from his nose. Strands of wild black hair wrapped his face in a dark net.

Gorma gagged.

"I got my big dong in some dumb animal's womb! Isn't that hot?"

Gorma gave one last shudder then collapsed.

"Yeah! I get that a lot. Now ... let's fuck!"

Sâlanu began to pound. Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. There was no tenderness. No caring. This was an exercise in animalistic fucking, proof of why cock is king. Sâlanu's chiseled form moved like a piston. Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. The Elf slammed his hips, longcocking her. He tossed his hair. All that mattered was his lust. His satisfaction. What Sâlanu gave, Gorma was lucky to get. Like a giant thunderstorm convulsed in lightning, it was the most awesome thing Lashka had ever seen.

The Lord Aradd stood stock still. Not even his cock trembled; it was a rigid scepter drizzling clear wine. He, too, was imprisoned in the powerful magic of the moment. Every muscle in his streamlined form bled through his fine white coat. His eyes, glowing iron just poured from a mold, stared at his Elf, shining with the ecstasy of pure rut. He breathed like a blacksmith's bellows.

Sâlanu's ass was beauty in motion, clenching on the thrust, relaxing on the retreat. When the warrior Elf sliced balls-deep into the whimpering girl, his buttocks solidified into scalloped masculine monuments. But it was the glimpses of his drenched cock that made Lashka's blood burn. Made the lad's little dink throbbed with every flash.

Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. Sweat gleamed on Sâlanu's bronze skin. Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. The relentless pounding erased the agony from Gorma's face. Her eyes were hazy, rolling loosely with her master's strokes. Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. Lashka's slick palm flashed up and down his little dick, attuned to the Elf's pumping. The lad imagined he was Sâlanu, in there between Gorma's thighs, slamming her with his big cock. Whomp. Whomp. Whomp. His big horsecock.

It was hard for Lashka to perceive, in the sexual whirlwind inside the barn, but he saw it happen. Gorma, energized by Sâlanu's vigor, began grinding her hips back at the stud Elf, lifting her butt so he could service her better, rolling her waist because it just felt good to pleasure his pistoning fuckshaft. She was melting into slack-jawed ecstasy. She began moaning, then hooting, then screaming. Once again, the sound of her orgasm shook the barn. For the first time ever in his life, Lashka felt a twinge of jealousy.

Sâlanu fucked on, and Gorma's delighted shrieking never ceased.

Absorbed by the spectacle, Lashka was not paying attention to the Lord Aradd. The stallion's big nostrils swept close to the lad's sweaty armpits, flaring as he drank the scent. The horse's eyes took in all the details of Lashka's back. The bony shoulders, the alluring curve of his spine, the trim waist. The lad's tiny buttocks -- downy, round as peaches, tempting as mangoes -- mesmerized the Lord Aradd. Sullen light glowed in his eyes. His tongue emerged.

Giggling, Lashka tried to shoo the horse off his neck. "Stop licking me, Lord Aradd! That's ticklish!"

The Lord Aradd's big tongue lapped at the back of Lashka's neck. It moved on to his shoulders. Laughing, Lashka keeled over and balled up. When he opened his eyes, though, the lad found he was in a spooky moment. The Lord Aradd was staring right at him.

"You want me back on my knees?"

The Lord Aradd rooted his nose in Lashka's armpit. Obediently, the lad swung back into a kneel, back arched, butt on his heels. The Lord Aradd seemed satisfied, so Lashka resumed frigging. He shuddered when he felt the stallion's hot tongue slobbering on him again. Knob by knob, the licking descended his spine. This felt good! Lashka was grinning, even cooing a little. Then, watching Sâlanu fuck Gorma, Lashka figured out in a cold flash what the Lord Aradd had in mind.

"Umm ... Lord Aradd? You're not thinking about my butt, are you?"

The licking ended. The Lord Aradd's breath steamed against Lashka's wet back. The big stallion moved over him. Clop-clop. Two hooves were planted against Lashka's butt. The stallion's white fur bristled against his smooth ass. The horsecock sprayed hot equine precum onto his back. He felt it flowing towards his buttcrack. Now everything was perfectly clear, and Lashka gasped.

"Um. Lord Aradd? You're not thinking about me, um, the way Sâlanu thinks about Gorma, are you?"

The Lord Aradd rumbled. Lashka felt it in his guts. He buried his face in his arms.

"Oh, no!"

Whomp. Whomp. Whomp-whomp! Sâlanu's churning accelerated.

"Babe," he grunted, "I'm gonna cum ... you're going to have my puppies!"

Sâlanu's hips flashed into a sprint. Nothing mattered but the rush. Faster and faster he puffed. The Elf crammed his crotch against Gorma's ass. His head rolled back. His eyes rolled up. That boss warrior body quaked.

"Fuck yeah!"

Orgasm slugged Sâlanu in the back of the head. The Elf jetted hard. Convulsed with ecstasy, it was his turn to thrash. His balls pumped; his urethra pulsed. Gorma's eyes bulged wider and wider.

"How much do you shoot?" she cried.

"Yeah!" exulted Sâlanu. One last shudder ran through him, then he relaxed. Panting, he rested his forehead on the back of Gorma's head. He nuzzled her ear with his tongue. "Whew. You were good – the best! How are you doing, my lady?"

"I—I—I can't believe it!"

"Yeah? Well, you did it." Grinning amiably, the Elf staggered to his feet. His massive prong, slack but heavy, stretched then squelched free of Gorma's cooze. She queefed as if she were the winner of a bean-eating contest. Sâlanu stretched his arms, worked out the kinks in his back. Excess spunk beaded the Elf's gigantic schlong, and streamers of it hung from his heavy balls. "Was I fooling you about having a millennium of skill?"

"No! Wow!" A bullet of Elvish spunk rolled out from her gaping cunt. She blushed, turned over into a sitting position, and yanked her knees to her chest. Her eyes roamed Sâlanu's naked form, from his warm grin to his balls. "Are there more like you back at home?"

"Nah," he said. "I'm a one and only. Do you think Erthe could handle two Sâlanus at once? Hey! Little guy! You like my show?"

Lashka had more than liked it. The scene would be preserved in the imperishable crystal of his memory. Right now, he had more pressing concerns. The Lord Aradd's tongue frolicked across the upper curves of his ass as if seeking his buttcrack. His butthole felt squirmy from the equine precum coating it.

"Lord Aradd!" Sâlanu called, flipping sweaty hair from his face. "Please let Lashka be. He's too little for what you have in mind." He smirked. "Besides, I call dibs."

The stallion snorted his disgust and trotted off, massive horsecock bounding.

"Yeah!" called Lashka, relieved. "I liked it a lot!"

"Hey! Lord Aradd!" Sâlanu called. "Don't go far! I'll fix you up with a young one. Little guy. Do me a favor, will you? Bring me my loincloth."

Lashka scampered into the barn. He picked up the loincloth as if it were a holy relic. Rich Elvish funk-infused the buckskin, and it smelled as good as the feeling he got when he played with his dick. Reluctantly, Lashka dropped it into Sâlanu's open palm. The Elf, smiling, ruffled his hair. Lashka had eyes only for the dazzling wolf medallion hanging from Sâlanu's neck

"Thanks, little guy." Sâlanu draped the loincloth over his shoulder. He eyed Lashka's urgent little boner. "Want a go? I got her wet for you."

"Do I!" Lashka exclaimed.

"Don't fall in," Sâlanu warned. "Come on, Lord Aradd. There are colts in the back corral. All cherry, or I'm no judge of horseflesh."

"Don't I get a kiss good-bye?" asked Gorma.

Sâlanu shrugged. "Hey. I'm not a poetic kind of Elf. I'm a slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am kind of Elf. So, uh, thanks." He strode out into the barnyard. Leading the prancing white stallion, the naked Elf vanished into the night.

"Are you OK?" Lashka asked Gorma.

Huddled on the barrel, Gorma looked dazed. "It was wonderful! Oh, how it hurt ... but oh, how it feels now!"

"Did you see it?" Lashka dragged over a box on which he could stand.

"See what?"

"His wolf medallion, silly!"

"Just do me, Lashka!"

Lashka climbed on the box, brandishing his little boner and flashing his eyes at her. This was almost like old times. Gorma leaned against the post and scooted her cooze to the barrel's edge. When she spread her legs, she exposed not a slit but a crater. Long strands of spunk netted her bruised vaginal walls. He could see at least a foot up her.

"Wow," Lashka breathed. "I really might fall in!"

Again, Gorma queefed, a real rafter-rattler. Lashka snickered, but Gorma looked aghast. He saw it begin deep inside her. Elf spunk bubbled up from her womb like silver mud boiling around a boot. It burbled from her vulva and cascaded onto the barrel. Part of the flood pooled around her ass; part of it dribbled like melted wax down the side. Lashka was awestruck.


"I hope he was kidding about puppies."

Lashka plunged in. Naturally, he didn't feel her; his mentor had opened her too wide. But he felt Sâlanu. The warrior's spunk bubbled into a froth as Lashka churned. The aroma was alchemical, a tincture of testosterone and sweat. Blood thundered in Lashka's ears, and his heart began to pound. Sâlanu-Sâlanu-Sâlanu chanted some part of his mind, and his hips swiveled with each syllable. Gorma's cunt vomited ever more spunk. Feeling like gravy clotted with soft cheese, it dripped from his balls.

"What's that noise?" Gorma asked.

Who gave a fuck? Eyes scrunched, Lashka pounded on. He was pretty sure he could nut this time. How could he not, with his dick bathed in a bath of Sâlanu's warm seed?

"There it is again!"

Lashka was close. So damn close. Then Gorma grabbed his hips and stopped him. Over his panting, he heard it. There was an unholy commotion going on outside. He locked eyes with Gorma.

"Uh-oh! Dad!"

"Can't I get off?"

"Get out! Now!"

Muttering, Lashka hopped down. The dagger of his dick and his slim thighs gleamed with Elf spunk. Gorma scrambled after the scraps of her clothes. Lashka peered out into the barnyard.

"It's not Gerynt," he called. "It's a colt!"

The colt bucked and kicked angrily as if some phantom rider was trying to break him. Giving the crazy horse a wide berth, Lashka walked to the water trough. Wrapping the cloth around his waist, he caught sight of a second colt. Hiding in the deep shadow under the palisade, its head was down, and its tail lowered in submission. The first colt bounded past. Starlight glimmered on the long silvery streamers hanging from its gaping butthole. Slime matted its tail.

Gorma, dressed in scraps, joined Lashka. "Come on! Let's get back to the wagon." She groped his wrap. "I'll do you with my hand!"

Loud neighing began in a side corral. The Lord Aradd had mounted something, for he balanced on his hind legs and his haunches pumped like Sâlanu's. Whatever the big stallion was fucking screeched with outrage. The Lord Aradd's neck was arched, and he had teeth buried in the flesh of his fuckbuddy. His white mane fluttered like a parade of pennons. Lashka's tiny butthole clenched.

"Scary," he said.

Illumined by a shaft of moonlight, Sâlanu leaned against the palisade wall, watching the Lord Aradd as attentively as the Lord Aradd had watched him. His smirk turned into a grin when the stallion threw back his head and trumpeted the arrival of his equine orgasm.

"Wow!" exclaimed Gorma.

The Lord Aradd dismounted. When his flared cockhead ripped free of the once-puckered butthole, a torrent of horse jism poured down lean, long legs. The ravaged colt, freed of the stallion, bucked away, blustering buckets of sperm from its butt. The Lord Aradd frisked on his hind legs, kicking and whirling.

"Lord Aradd," Sâlanu called, walking towards the stallion.

Moonlight and starlight frosted the Lord Aradd's coat. Tail and head held high, he cantered towards the Elf. The pair faced one another in the middle of the corral. The stallion's big cock still dangled from his sheath. Sâlanu's faced lifted tenderly. Gently, he caressed the stallion's neck. For a quiet moment, the pair communed. Slowly, the Lord Aradd's head descended. The stallion's long tongue glistened in the moonlight. Sâlanu's lips parted, and he accepted the horse's tongue between them. The stallion and Elf kissed.

"Well, this is awkward," observed Gorma, queefing absently.

Lashka, keenly conscious of the equine fluids spattering his back and slicking up his buttcrack, muttered, "Really? You think?"


The perverse antics of
The Brothers of the Beasts
will continue in
Chapter 3
"Big Balls, Sweet Mangoes, and Black Iron from the Night"


© 2019 R. Keith Peck