The Brothers of the Beasts

By Araddion



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Chap 4

"Saga of the Outlaw Brethren, Part 1"

By Araddion


The Dwarvish word "morognon" means "underground commonwealth" and may be thought of as an independent polity., Morognons begin as mines. Often, they grow into a massive complex of tunnels, dormitories, manufactories, treasuries, and fortifications that may stretch the entire length and breadth of a mountain chain. Morognons also feature one crucial, above-ground component. Since crops cannot be grown in the sunless deeps, Dwarves assert ownership of fertile valleys and river headwaters. These are farmed either with their folk or with sentients of other species. Invariably, the Dwarves impose their draconian moral code upon them.
-- The Catalog of the Species, Book VII, Section 2


One morning, months before an Elf and a stallion swaggered away from a barge towards the hustle and bustle of a departing caravan, two brothers closed the front door of their little family cottage. Here on the Greengore Plantation, the dawn was chilly, for in the Goldenhorn Mountains spring came late.

Heading for the stables, the brothers trekked through the quiet cottages occupied by the Plantation's human sharecroppers.

"Bro, I gotta get laid." A grin lit up a face framed by an unruly mane of wheat-blond hair. The handsome teenager cocked his head at a nearby cottage. "You think Sissa will help me out?" Sly mischief danced in his arctic blue eyes. "`Specially if I show her my tool?"

His name was Arik. He wore a straw hat, homespun trousers, and a shirt stretched tight in chest and shoulders. Arik was the kind of cocky farm boy who, just to show off, would hurl hay bales fifty feet, then casually shrugged as if it were nothing. A sensual spirit, the lad lived for the feeling of golden sunlight caressing his big shoulders, the sensation of mountain breezes exploring his moist, fragrant armpits, hard-earned sweat slithering down his deltoids, and a saddle horn digging into his flat belly. His waist was so trim his oversized trousers could barely keep a grip. Since he was quite slack about tying his rope belt, slivers of tight compact buttocks, stark white against his golden skin, peered at the world like sly eyes.

A hand rose to brush long locks of black hair back over broad shoulders, and another handsome teenager flashed the blond a look suffused with secret heat. The older brother's name was Owann. This young buck was, like the golden stud beside him, powerfully muscled, yet because he loomed a head over his brother, his physique was long and streamlined, more like an amber dolphin than a golden bull. To almost everyone, Owann seemed a shy and reticent guy and often wore a dull-eyed, slack-jawed expression. This was a mask. This morning, Owann felt frisky. Put it down to springtime.

"Uh. Dunno," murmured Owann. "You'd have to get sloppies off me, bro. `Specially if I show her my tool!"

Arik looked a bit stunned. He eyed Owann warily. Sometimes the blond wondered what went on under those tangled black locks. The brothers trudged along in silence. Owann's dull expression slowly shifted towards guardedness. Had he given himself away? Suddenly Arik guffawed and clapped Owann on the shoulder.

"You know, bro, sometimes I think you're too uptight. Like a fucking Dwarf! Then you say something like that, and I know you're all right."

Owann's shoulders sagged with relief. Furtively, he glanced behind him. Good. No eavesdroppers. "I—I kinda think things like that a lot."

"You jerk off last night?" Arik whispered.


Arik leaned close. "Who'd you think about?"

Owann's eyes flashed to Arik's. His brother's rich, spicy musk tempted him to blurt the truth. But the truth would wreck everything. Owann began seeking in his mind a name – a girl's name – he could use to bluff.

Arik palmed his groin. "I thought about Sissa!" he blurted.

"Yeah, like who couldn't guess that." Owann studied the hand with which his brother groped himself. It had drawn tight the homespun over Arik's cock and balls. Owann felt giddy.

"So who'd you think about?"

"Um. Um. Um," stammered Owann. Then it came to him. "I thought about ... Ma."

Arik looked thunderstruck. Owann's grin turned feral.

"You dirty freak!" Arik blinked. "With weirdos like you around, no wonder the Dwarves watch us like fucking chicken hawks!" Arik let go of his groin. His cock swiftly raised a tent. He flashed a feral grin right back at Owann. "Bro, you got me hot!"

Luckily, Owann stumbled, otherwise he'd never have been able to tear his eyes away from his young brother's gigantic hardon.

Walking alone across the long stretch between the cottages and the stables, the brothers were free to trade fantasies. Or Arik was, at least, and he had a billion of them, involving every young lass on the Greengore Plantation. Owann's massive erection joined his brother's in saluting the world with exuberant teenaged horniness. At first, he blushed, but it felt good to swagger around expressing his true feelings.

What Owann loved most about his younger brother was that pure love for sex. Arik wanted – not to date, not to marry, not to sire children – but to fuck. So did Owann, though the objects of his desire differed from Arik's.

"Owann! Owann!. I gotta pound, bro. Gotta pound someday soon, or I'll go crazy!" Arik thrust his hips, shagging imaginary pussy.

"Bro, you're preaching to the choir."

"You serious ... `bout ... about Ma?" Arik's eyes flickered as if heat lightning crackled just below their horizon.

"Uh. Yeah."

"If you did it with her ... where would you do her?"

"Um. In her butt. I don't want any freak kids."

"You think –" Arik's voice dropped very, very low. "You think ... she'd help us out?" He glanced around for eavesdroppers. "I mean, for real?"

"Um. Um." Owann, quivering because of how close he was to drawing his brother into a forbidden truth, cleared his throat. "Maybe, when we get back – before Pa comes home – we ask her. What you think, bro?"

Arik, again, looked stunned. But excitement crackled in his eyes, as it did in Owann's. The brothers rounded a corral. The stables lay at the end of the lane.

"Shit, bro!" Arik slapped Owann's bicep. "Cover up! Dwarves!"

A trio of stubby, broad silhouettes, mounted on ponies, rode from the stables, one leading, the other two following on his left and right. At the head of that spearpoint rode Sauzmalk, Overseer of the Greengore Plantation. Exchanging nervous looks, the brothers clapped their hats over their incriminating groins.

"If he sees these –" Arik began.

"Shut up."

Sauzmalk was proud of his long, flame-red beard. Jeweled rings ornamented his fingers, silver bracers glinted on his wrists, and a diamond pendant gleamed on his silk blouse. Glossy red curls tumbled over his shoulders and down his back. His beady eyes were unfathomable. Even for a Dwarf, Sauzmalk was one peculiar little fucker, and most of his human sharecroppers disliked him intensely. But you always played the chirpy little bird, if you were smart.

"Hullo, boys!" Sauzmalk called. "Checking my fences?"

"Yes, sir!" chirruped the brothers in unison.

"Keep to this side of the stables," warned Sauzmalk. "There are females of your species back there." He winked. "I know your type. Wouldn't want to have to charge such strapping young lads with unlicensed fornication. No, that would sour my day."

"We won't!" sing-songed the brothers in their best good-little-boy voice.

Sauzmalk tapped his temple. "Remember. Someone's always keeping an eye on you!"

The Dwarves rode past, and the brothers relaxed.

"I hate this life!" Arik raged. "It's like it's illegal to be a guy!" He glared at Sauzmalk's back with burning eyes.

Neither brother liked living as sharecroppers of the Dwarven overlords. Yet they had little choice. A few hundred years ago, the saurian tribes had sprung into existence – not an uncommon occurrence in a cosmos of continuous creation -- and drove Owann's and Arik's ancestors from the steppes into the Goldenhorn Mountains. There had been no choice but to accept protection from the powerful Dwarf morognon under those snowy, sunset-tinged peaks. The price of survival was serfdom.

By the time they entered the stables, the brothers' thrilling hardons had dwindled to mere plump sausages, swaying like drunks in their trousers. Arik climbed atop a big chest to peer through a high knothole at those women Sauzmalk had warned them against. Owann got dizzy studying those alabaster slivers of his brother's butt. Just in time, he saw another party of Dwarves clomping through the stables and was able to warn Arik. They saddled up and rode out.

Just before reaching the freshly turned fields, the brothers stripped off their shirts. The Dwarves didn't' care for shirtless men or women but rarely imposed any punishments, so long as you did it far away from the Big House.

They tapped their mounts' flanks with their heels. The boys were off. As the brothers cantered along a streamside track, the Greengore valley narrowed. On either hand, slowly greening meadows rose towards woods of aspen and beech, freshly kissed by newborn leaves. Beyond, the spires of the Goldenhorn raked the underbelly of the sky

The goal was to locate and patch broken segments of the Greengore Plantation's enclosing fences. Cattle were going missing, probably escaping and getting gobbled up by wildlife and, maybe, even some daring saurian hunting parties. It would have been more efficient to have taken along a mule laden with timber, saws, hammers, and nails. However, the brothers were teenagers; the day's goal wasn't efficiency, it was to have fun. In their minds, they were inspecting. If bouts of horse racing, or wrestling in the tall grass, or fence jumping occurred ... well, shit happens.

They killed the entire morning having fun. After lunch, they returned to the upland meadows with a heavily laden mule. The boys worked swiftly. The day was magic, more like mid-summer than spring, bright with dazzling light and swept by clean breezes. Sweat drenched the brothers' trousers, plastering them to their lithe bodies. The bulge stretching down Arik's thigh made it hard for Owann to breathe. Maybe lack of oxygen was to blame for him making the fatal suggestion.

"Wanna swim?"

Wordlessly, Arik leaped into the saddle and galloped off. Owann followed him through the upland woods. Numerous canyons snaked deeper into the Goldenhorn Mountains; one held a spectacular lake. The brothers cantered along the road snaking down from the gates of the morognon. They rounded a sharp turn. A stretch of pebbles, gravel, and eroded boulders lay between road and lake.

"Race you to the island!"

The brothers charged for the lake. Hats spun away over their shoulders, boots cartwheeled to the left and right, and trousers collapsed to the ground, empty. Two supple, muscular forms dove. Concentric rings rippled across the lake's mirror-perfect finish, distorting the reflections of the enfolding forest and cliffs. A pair of heads whipped away water. The canyon rang with the laughter of delighted young men, strong, vibrant, free. Arms and legs churned. The race was on.

Born to swim in deep waters, Owann had the advantage. But he played Arik, holding back and allowing his blond brother to take the lead. He'd get him on the return leg. Whooping, Arik slapped the big rock on the island's shore that marked the halfway point. Swimming just as hard on the return lap, his eyes flashed triumphantly at Owann's.

Owann pushed off hard from the rock. Arik had pulled much farther ahead than he'd reckoned possible. Now Owann poured it on. He closed the gap to less than two body lengths -- at the price of a burn in his butt, legs, and lungs. Owann's eyes fixed on his quarry. Arik's arms and legs worked furiously. A turbulent sheen of water flowed over his alabaster butt. Suddenly, Owann realized he wasn't gaining. Was going to lose.

"You stupid fuckstick!"

But Owann didn't give up. No matter how hard he strained – no matter how much spare energy he summoned up – Arik's square-cut white ass remained two body lengths ahead of him. He heard his brother puffing like a racehorse. Then everything changed.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Arik's head went under. He bobbed up wearing a twisted grimace. "Fucking cramp!" He began dog-paddling desperately.

Owann glided up. Grabbing Arik's torso, Owann steadied him.

"Grab on. To my back. Shit, bro! Don't choke me!"

Arik plastered himself to his brothers back, hooking his arms under Owann's and wrapping them snug around that chiseled chest. Owann could barely keep his mouth above water as he struck for the shore. But breathing seemed to be unimportant. All Owann was aware of was his brother's cock, nestled in the tight crack of his ass like a lazy catfish.

Arik's cramp was in the back of his left thigh, and even with Owann's help, he could barely limp to a broad, flat, water-smoothed boulder. He winced as he sat, then rubbed at his thigh.

"Fucking killing me!" His eyes flashed at Owann. "I had you, bro! I fucking had you beat!"

Owann, fully exposed to the spectacle of his younger brother's golden body, floated in a dream world. Arik's nipples were tiny diamonds centered on carmine coins. Between the golden domes of his pectorals, soft down dried in the breeze. His belly was smooth as polished bronze. His pubes were a tight nest of silky, tea-colored hair. The cold lake water had made Arik's dong into a short, tubby vanilla stalk. The fat organ lay across nuts the size of lemons. His foreskin was cinched tight. A spasm of pain clouded Arik's face, and he clutched at his thigh just below his balls.

"Um, bro," Owann said, his stance as wobbly as his voice. His face was wild, like a shark obsessed with blood. "I can massage that out. You know. If you want."

Arik squinted up. He'd never seen that expression on Owann's face before. The cramp tightened. "Yeah. Sure. OK."

Owann knelt. He studied the muscles jumping under the golden skin of Arik's thigh. He dug in with trembling fingers. Those quadriceps were iron, and he had to lean into it. Arik groaned. Owann's blood began boiling. For as long as he could, Owann kept his focus on massaging out Arik's cramp. But his eye roamed to his brother's cock. The sunlight warmed it and it began to grow pliable, lengthening to stretch over Arik's big balls. Suddenly Arik, sniggering, groped at it.

"Stop looking at me like that! I ain't got nothing you don't!"

Owann blushed. He shifted his massage northward, attacking the cramp directly. His knuckles were mere inches from Arik's massive balls. Owann's cock now hung over his sack just like Arik's, but that was due not to sunlight but the heat in his butthole.

"You think it's like this everywhere on Erthe?" Owann croaked. "You know, where you're horny and can't do it with whoever you want?"

"Nah. We're just stuck in a Dwarven shithole." Arik folded his arms behind his head. "Thinking about Ma?"

Owann's cock twitched, but Arik's lurched as if waking up from a nap. Owann's gaze flicked from it up to Arik's face. He realized he'd been asked a question, but he couldn't remember it. "Heh. Uh-huh."

"I am!" Arik flashed a grin down the length of his body.


For a long, long moment the brother's eyes remained locked. Arik's cock swelled as fantasies of Ma danced in his head, and Owann's cock began growing too. Owann shifted his massaging fingers. He shuddered when the heat from his brother's nuts seared the back of his hands.

"Feeling good, bro?" Owann croaked.


"You like ... feeling good?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Lemme ... try something."

"What? Huh?"

Madness glowing in his eyes, Owann shifted his fingers. His knuckles brushed his brother's balls. Arik's body jerked. Time stretched; an instant became eternity.

"You're playing with fire, Owann."

Arik's gigantic hardon towered between the brothers. The shaft was a foot long and heavy with blood. The base third rose straight as a marble pillar, but the upper two-thirds bent gently towards Arik's knees. It was fat, a real cuntbuster. A network of delicate blue veins throbbed under the white skin. The pink cockhead peered through the semi-retracted foreskin. Owann's stiff rod mirrored his brother's in every detail, except that, since he was crouching beside his supine brother, his shaft reached for Arik's face.

"Think of Ma," Owann urged, eyes blazing. "Close your eyes, bro ... and think `bout Ma."

With a trembling hand, Owann grasped Arik's hardon. The sky didn't shatter and crash down. The world didn't rip apart. Arik didn't slug him. Blood thundered in Owann's brain. In Arik's cock. A feeling of true wonder filled Owann's heart. He'd done it. He'd crossed the line he'd wanted to cross since puberty. He was playing with Arik's cock. Now what?

Arik's blue eyes blazed when Owann drew back the foreskin. His cockhead was clean of headcheese, but the odor of oiled leather filled Owann's nostrils. The cockhead shone in the sunlight like a fist-sized ruby.

"You wanna put your mouth on it, bro?"

When Owann opened his mouth, drool flooded over his lower lip. His tongue reached for his brother's prize meat.

"Oh, Owann!" Arik whispered.

Owann's lips engulfed his younger brother's cockhead. Arik's lewd groan rolled across the lake like oil, but the fat cockhead plugged Owann's in his throat. Owann savored the sensation. Arik's cock felt hot as a coal. He wanked his brother's shaft and felt the foreskin slithering against his tongue. For the first time, something Owann had dreamed about had become real. There was no need anymore to mask what burned inside him with dull eyes or a slack jaw. There had never been any need. Arik wanted this as much as him!

"Yeah! Fuck yeah! Yeah, bro, yeah!"

Owann's head bobbed. His eyes crossed as he sighted down Arik's long prong. Wow. That shaft bridged the space between Arik's furred groin and his nuzzling lips. He shot a look up Arik's chiseled torso. Pure delight danced in his brother's eyes, and he nodded.

"Yeah, bro ... just like that ... oh, fuck yeah, keep doing it!"

Owann slurped on the shaft. He wanted more, but this position was awkward as fuck. Not missing a stroke, he shifted to straddle Arik's legs and skewered his face on the foot-long fuckpole. He gagged when the cockhead lodged in his throat. Gagged again when Arik thrust aggressively because this time the cockhead started to force its way in. He ripped himself off and belched.

"Too much," he said.

"Get back on it, bro!"

Owann hefted Arik's giant nutsack in his palm as he bobbed on the shaft. He stroked the seam until Arik squirmed. Gingerly, Owann eased his finger aft into the sweaty space between his younger brother's buttcheeks. Was he going too far?

"Fuck yeah!"

Slobber cascaded down his brother's fat dong. Owann's tongue slipped under the tight foreskin, eliciting a flood of hot teenaged precum. Arik chortled; Owann had never been happier in his life.

Naturally, due to the intrinsic heat of incest, the blowjob couldn't last long.

Arik's hips lifted, his back arched, and he gasped, "I'm gonna – I'm gonna – I'm fucking blowing it, bro!"

The first geyser of brother spunk stunned Owann. It felt like a cup of thick, boiling gravy. Overwhelmed by the volume, Owann lost most of it, coughing it up over Arik's bucking cock. But the big cock kept spurting ropes of seed everywhere until Owann got it back in his mouth. Arik howled and hammered, writhing and jerking, his body twisting each time he shot. Each blast met or exceeded the stunning amount in the first, but Owann, being better prepared, managed to scarf some down. When orgasm released its hold, Arik collapsed, panting and glowing with sweat.

"Oh, bro, oh, bro," Arik cried. "Dude, I needed that!"

Overflowing cum hung from Owann's lips and jaw and long strings knitted his face to Arik's groin. Owen burbled, "Good thing you weren't screwing Sissa. She'd be dropping your kids for years." He sniggered. "Or Ma."

"Hah! Yeah!" Arik looked at him. "Bro, you play it so cool ... but deep down, you're nasty like me! I like it! You got any other dirty ideas?"

Owann grinned through his spunk mask. "Uh-huh. Lots."

Arik's rod, slimy with sperm and spit, still jutted skyward, hard as ever. May the gods be forever praised for the existence of horny teenaged boys! Owann knew what he wanted to try next. He stood and spat a cocktail of spit and spunk into his palm. He massaged the goo into his buttcrack. He winced when he pierced his butthole with his goo-drenched forefinger. Warily, he studied Arik's titanic erection. Maybe this wouldn't work out. Didn't matter. Owann had to try.

"Move," Owann said. "Lemme lay down."

Arik lurched to his feet. Owann stretched out on his belly on the boulder. His hardon throbbed between his torso and the warm rock. Goo ran over the backside of his balls. He looked over his shoulder. Arik was jerking himself slowly. Grinning, Owann split his legs.

"Stick it in me, bro."

Arik eyed the streamlined muscles of his brother's ass. "You talking `bout ... your butthole?"


Arik knelt and peeled open Owann's ass. He frowned. "No way. You're tiny. It won't fit."

Owann rolled his hips and lifted his ass. "Make it fit, bro!"

Owann's tiny pink sphincter was almost submerged in a slathering of white goo. Because Arik's hands rested on his buttcheeks, Owann couldn't control it. It winked like a mare hot for stallion cock. Arik's dick thumped against his belly. The younger brother was eager to embrace the chaos of raw, incestuous buttfucking, but he didn't want to split his brother open. The sphincter winked again.

"OK. But you gotta remember ... you asked for this!"

Arik dropped into pushup position over Owann's back. Balancing on one hand, he guided his prong into Owann's crack. A shiver electrified Owann the instant he felt his brother's cockhead slipping and sliding between his tight buttcheeks. His eyelids fluttered. Yeah! He knew this was going to be good!

"Wow," Owann breathed.

"What?" Arik had just lined up with Owann's butthole.

"I feel you, bro. I finally fucking feel you!"

The forbidden touch of one brother's cockhead against another's butthole blanked their minds. Arik rested his weight on his knees, gathered himself, and thrust. His ramrod, defeated by that locked hole, skewered down the seam of Owann's ballsack. Arik frowned.

"It's not working, Owann!"

"Do it again, dipshit!"

Arik's thighs tensed. He pressed steadily against his brother's asshole. Owann groaned; that big cock hammering on his back door felt ominous. But he had to go all the way with Arik. Had to! He rolled his hips upward, inviting Arik's dong in for a party. The blond growled, but Owann's butthole was shut tight as a castle's gates.

"Fuck this!"

Arik's weight fell on Owann. Strong arms wrapped around the black-haired buck's chest. The pressure on his butthole increased. He felt the first twinge of pain. Was this right?

"Quit fighting me, bro!"

But Owann couldn't relax his butthole. Did it sense that letting this invasion happen was dangerous? Seeking more leverage, Arik's ankles entwined around his brother's. His butt clenched as he stabbed. He gasped from surprise, but fiery stars exploded in Owann's mind.

"Oh fuck!"

Arik's straining body had crammed maybe half his fat cockhead into Owann's sphincter. It was enough; the black-haired brother was no longer a virgin. Pain seared him, a pain he'd never forget. This fucking hurt!

"Go easy ... go easy ... easy ... ow!"

Egged on by pleasure, Arik surrendered to the masculine urge to rut. Raw power surged through his body. Muscles tensing like a wrestler, he crammed the rest of his cockhead through that abused ring. Owann's head snapped back. Pain glowed in his eyes. His fingers clawed at the boulder. He could've screamed. Begged Arik to stop. Bucked him off. Yet Owann wouldn't. He had to see this through, no matter what it cost him. If Owann didn't get fucked up the ass by his brother... his life wouldn't be worth a damn.

"Ah, bro!"

Arik's thrusts were short and vicious. Each one earned him another inch of Owann's tight chute. To Owann it felt as if he were getting raped by a blazing log. He squirmed and writhed and corkscrewed under Arik's boss body. Tears glimmered on his lashes, but he rode it out. His guts cramped up when Arik's foot-long dong forced its way past a bend in his colon. All the struggle was worth it. When Arik's fat nuts finally met up with Owann's, the brothers howled like wolves in incestuous union.

Arik gasped, "I gotta pound ... gotta pound hard!"

Shuddering, Owann whined, "Pound me, bro! Pound me fucking hard!"

Arik's hips rose and fell like ocean surf crashing across a beach. He was merciless, each stroke skewering his older brother with a full foot of fat teenaged cock. For Owann, the first thrusts were pure hell. His colon blazed with agony. But then pain drained away, and his head lifted, and for a few minutes, it seemed he floated in a void of soft golden light. Then his hips rolled like a whore. Howling as his brother's cock brutalized his prostate, Owann spilled gallons of spunk as he thrashed on the rock. A pool of it spread from beneath his belly and oozed over the boulder's edge.

Owann collapsed, panting. Yeah. Getting assfucked by his brother was right. So fucking right!

If Arik noticed Owann's post-orgasm languor, he gave no sign. Sweat poured across his upturned face. Back arched, his churning hips worked furiously, seeking that moment of glory studs like him were born to create.

"Oh, fuck, bro, here it comes ... here it comes ... oh fuck yeah, take it!"

Arik buried himself to the hilt in his brother's ass. Arik's muscles bled through his skin. He howled. Owann felt the first spurt splatter against his abused colon. He squirmed his legs wider, welcoming the plume of sinful, gooey heat invading him. Arik shuddered as he shot. To him, it seemed that orgasm's iron claws would never let go. His eyes spun; his jaw worked as he ululated. He was still shooting when strands of spunk rudely blustered out of Owann's overfilled butthole and streaked his pubes with jism.


"Yeah. You said it. Yeah."

Sweat, sandwiched between two muscular bodies still united in a forbidden union, squelched as the brothers settled into one another. Owann folded his arms under his cheek and savored the feeling of stiff cock and sperm lakes up his butt. Arik stirred and toyed with Owann's hair. Their panting slowed. The breeze dried their sweat.

"You're still stiff, Arik."

"Yeah. I got more babies to give you, bro."

Arik's cock began to piston once again. The brothers shared a giggle, for Owann's spunk-bubbling butthole sounded like the chorus of a musical all about wet farting. But the giggling died quickly. This was incest, and incest was always hot. The languid mood vanished, replaced by mindless pounding. Owann's head lifted and Arik nibbled on his brother's ear.

Lubricated by gobs of spunk, Arik's long, fat shaft sliced in and out with ease. His sack slapped urgently against his brother's. Owann's eyes rolled sightlessly, and slobber dribbled from the corners of his mouth.

"What's going on here?"

Shocked, the brothers looked up. The worst thing possible had happened. A party of Dwarves had just ridden around a bend in the road and caught them with Arik's big cock embedded halfway up Owann's spunk-spurting butthole.

"How we gonna bullshit our way out of this?" Arik muttered.

"Dunno," breathed Owann. "Dunno. But we gotta. `Cause I'm not giving you cock up!"


The incestuous acts of
The Brothers of the Beasts
will be further elaborated in
Chapter 5
"Saga of the Outlaw Brethren, Part 2"


© 2019 R. Keith Peck