Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 03:23:36 -0500 From: Jaedite Subject: Shattered Destiny, The Chosen Saga, Ch. 1 "Freshman Dreams" Shattered Destiny The Chosen Saga Disclaimer: All Characters are the property of Batman_Hater and myself Jaedite, the world this story takes place in and Centennial are specifically his creation, Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission (Jaedite). This story takes place in the same timeline as The Chosen but just so you know, it's freshman year... Chapter One Freshman Dreams Once again the same dream, four black armored beings fighting against shadow creatures. I see one of them with a small symbol; I can never make it out, the other using a strange sword, the third without weapons, and the fourth with a golden orb in his hands. They strike at a shadowed figure which seems to sidestep each of them. Then the shadow sees me and runs towards me, it gets closer and closer. I don't know what to do as it opens its mouth to devour me. A flash of light hits it from the back and it is forced away. I woke up with sweat dripping from my body and a little mark on one of my forearms. "Jared, you know you can't be late, you can't miss your first day of high school," Jared's mother calls for him from the kitchen, "and if you don't hurry you'll miss the breakfast I made to celebrate the move here to Centennial from Oberville." Mumbling to myself, I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, just enough to get the sweat off of me. Luckily, I keep my hair shaved; if you paid enough attention you'd notice that my hair was a brown with a tinge of natural red. Seeing my hazel eyes shimmer back at me through the mirror, I notice the clock on the wall behind me as another minute passes. Then I quickly get dressed in a white t-shirt with a red collared shirt unbuttoned draped over it, some khaki pants and cell phone and run down stairs knowing that the shower had cost me precious time, but was necessary. I didn't want to go to school on the first day and smell rank. Racing through the kitchen in almost a blur, I grab the toast, put some eggs and bacon between the bread and run out the door, my mother looking at me and shaking her head. Knowing I could have at least told her good morning, I pull out my cell phone and text her LOVE YA MOM, and then focus on racing towards the bus stop so I don't have to run to school on the first day. Still a few more minutes to get there, as I turn the corner, I notice the bus pulling up and only four others in line to get on it. Picking up the pace, now speed walking towards the bus, I make it to the line as the last kid steps through the doors. I'm not going to watch Friday the 13th and Halloween before going to sleep again, those nightmares could have cost me a free ride to school. As I ride the bus, I begin to get comfortable with the rocking motions the wheels did as they hit the pavement, or was it I was just tired. Pulling out my Zune I begin listening to Sayonara Bye Bye. I suddenly I am back in the meadow, was it a meadow last time, the sun is shining and once again I see four black armored figures cloaks flapping in the breeze, I still cannot make much out. Then suddenly I am back on the bus, the song ending as it pulls into the school drop off. I get up shakily and exit the bus. As we enter the school, the loud speaker announces, "All Freshmen go to the Auditorium for an assembly with Vice Principal Jones." I enter the auditorium and take a seat next to someone who has blue eyes the person on the opposite side of him is a tanned dude with brown eyes. Both were staring intensely at the stage where the balding VP Jones was standing, suddenly the blue eyed boy whispers something to the tanned boy and they both snicker almost under their breaths. And then I hear remarks about Professor X without the wheel chair and various other comments. I pretend not to notice. "Welcome to your first year at Centennial High," the deep voice surprises me from the vice principle, apparently it also brings on more jokes for the blue eyed boy to tell the brown eyed one which makes them both snicker some more. "Now here are the ground rules, you class schedules which you have already received has very important information, if it says you go to lunch at 11:00 then you have A lunch if it say 12:15, you have B lunch." And the long winded Mr. Jones continued on from there. And suddenly it was over, the bell rang and we all got up to go to our lockers and second period classes. I took out my English book, tablet, and pens walking towards room 212, English 1. I sit towards the middle of the class, being one of the first to arrive. But all too soon, the desks are filled and the bell rang. A plump lady glides into the room, dressed much like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, Pink dress, pink purse, and pink shoes, her blonde hair flying behind her as she places a book on her desk and turns to the class, "Hi, I am Ms. Routh, and this is English 1. Please stand up and tell the class a little about yourselves." "I'm Mary Wythe, I'm Bruce Stylen, on and on it went until I saw the kid with the blue eyes stand up and look across the room, unnerved he says, "I'm Chad Summers, you know related to Scott Summers," everyone laughs. "Okay, settle down class," Ms. Routh says, trying to hide the smile that appeared on her face when Chad introduced himself. The tanned guy stands up next, "Kevin Montero," he smiles and the girls in the class seems to melt towards him, I hear various "he's hot, he's cute, he's sexy" from the girls around me, but Kevin takes his seat and then it's back to waiting until the invisible pistol gets to me. Standing up, "I'm Jared Styx," I quickly sit down, now, I don't like being in the limelight. I catch Chad saying, "brother" to Kevin, I am confused, and they don't look like brothers. After the last name was announced, Ms Routh began to give us a syllabus and asked us if we did our summer reading assignments. We all did a unified groan, but it seem as if all of did our reading. I was sure this Chad guy wouldn't have and was going to make a joke, but it didn't come; I guess he does care about his grades. It is strange, I have two other classes with Chad and one other class with Kevin, but I noticed Chad did not go out for any teams, so Kevin and I who went out for the soccer team, and later in the week we both found out that us we made the team, although I was grateful my tryout was not right after his, because I would have looked like a novice if being compared to his skills, luckily I wasn't. A little while later, my father drove up in his car and motioned for me to get over to the car, I told him how practice went and how anxious I was to find out if I made the team, he told me to chill out and get in the car, but as soon as I climbed in the passenger seat, I passed out. In a city now, four cloaked beings floating from the top of building to touch the ground, they looked like a superhero crime fighting team, these cloaked beings were wearing white cloaks and silver chain mail, but they were the same beings I had seen in the previous dream. Interesting that they were different this time, and that's when I heard the explosion. Then there was a flash in my mind. Fading to a city, very beautiful, it was like none ever seen before. Pillars arose from the SEA! Wait! This is. This can't be. And then pair of eyes appears in the sky and something struck the city, everything began to shake, people yelling and screaming, the eyes in horizon vanishing, but then the city began to sink under the waves, the pillars fell onto the dais which held the city and the palace. I feel the water touching my feet, then look to the seas as I am sucked under the waves. This was once Atlantis, I felt with my heart. That's when I woke up as my dad pulled into the driveway. My shoes were soggy as if they were tossed into a river or I just walked through a deep puddle. What's going on here? My feet shouldn't be all wet from a dream, something's off, but I can deal with it. I quickly get out of the car, the squishing sound still annoying me a little, but I manage to make it to my room without leaving a trail of water from the doorway to the upstairs bedroom which I called my kingdom. I take off my soaked sneakers, socks, and pants, putting on a pair of cargo shorts putting them where they could dry or in the hamper and then take off the dress shirt. I put on my sandals and turn on my computer. Another email from a guy with the initials NR, well I don't know him so I delete this message along with some spam. "Jared!" I hear my little brother yelling as soon as the door slammed shut. "Jared! I had fun! The middle school is as cool as you said it would be. I even have your previous home room teacher, Mr. McKinney." All the while I could hear little Marc running up the stairs, turning the corner, all to jump on my bed. "And look at this Jared; I got an A on my first assignment writing what we did over the holi." As he was excitedly telling me about his day, I was watching my computer as it finished loading the Google pages I searched for, ATLANTIS MYTHOLOGY. I was shocked to see the exact picture of what I noticed in my vision appear on the screen. And then the screen went blank. "Well I'm glad you're day was good," I don't know why I said it, but it seemed to be the right thing because Marc got up, told me he was going to get some leftover pizza from the fridge, and walked out of my room. As he did this, I got up and closed my door; sitting back at the computer I began reading the myths. A few minutes later, I turned off the computer and realized it was late, since it was the first day; no assignments were given, even in the AP classes I took. I figured that to be strange, but hey no homework was no homework, so I decided to go out to the backyard and swim a little. I made it to the pool, but the water seemed to come alive as I got nearer to it and once again I felt as if the ground was sinking into the crystal clear waters surrounding me. This time the vision lasted only a couple of seconds. I got to figure out what is happening to me before I go crazy, so instead of the relaxing swim I was going to have, I decided to call it a night. To Be Continued ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a reminder, this story is set in the same universe as The Chosen by BatmanHater. He has read this story and approved it for posting. You may contact me at Or you can discuss this story at Thanks again and part two should be out shortly. Jaedite