Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 14:19:44 +0000 From: Sam Borton Subject: Two Worlds Part 14 (Fantasy) I came back into the hut, Jamie was dozing on the blanket and Roland was just getting changed. He grinned at my nakedness "Now that's a sight to wake up to, what you been up to?!" he said. "I was in the pond with Ben, it all got a bit weird to be honest, I don't really know what happened". I explained quickly about what had transpired. Roland has an unreadable expression on his face and looked like he was about to say something when there was a knocking from the floor. We looked at it in confusion. It was insistent and Roland bent down to look for the knocking. It took us ages to find it but eventually Roland identified the source of it. "Give me a hand Tim, this floorboard looks like it might pull up". I helped him and the source of the knocking was revealed, a thick book which jumped out the hole and fell on the floor. Roland picked it up it melted away. The pages started flapping and then they stopped at a page and a note fell out. I picked it up, it said "For Roland, Tim, Jamie, Sammy and Ben". Sammy and Ben came back in and Jamie perked up. Ben look confused, "I've never seen that book or realised the floorboard came up, how did whoever wrote the note know we'd be here together?!" Roland was reading the page that the book had opened to. "This is interesting, I wonder why this page was the first one it wanted us to read" he said: "A tale of Elves and Humans, from war to peace" "Elves, like all beings of this world are highly sexed, with famously large libidos, and impressively sized genitalia (sexual organs) that all of the males have. They live for years uncounted. They study from a young age, becoming mages, healers, warriors, builders and all other roles needed within an enlightened civilisation. The study for many many years, still not adults, barely more than children. Then the change happens. Over the next few years they encounter growth and changes similar to the puberty of Humans, like humans this is when their sexual organs grow although for elves they keep growing until they reach their famous size. For elves their libido during the years of the change is legendary, they can mate for hours and repeatedly." "Why doesn't that surprise me on this world" said Sammy with a resigned sigh. Roland continued: "Elves predated the arrival of men on this world. They ruled it from the start, taming it and manipulating nature with their magic, creating great beauty and harmony. Elves. Then the humans arrived and there was tension. Their Women were docile but Men were more primal, stronger, hungry for power at times. They fought bemongst themselves and formed five different kingdoms. Unlike the elves their libidos and genitalia sizes differ from human to human. They reproduce quickly though and their numbers soon outweighed the numbers of elves. The elves argued amongst themselves on what to do with these men. These arguments got heated between those who wanted war and those who wanted peace. A schism happened and many elves went over to evil and followed the Dark One whose power was beginning to grow. They took themselves into darkness, into the bowels of the earth to live away from sunlight. They became the Dokkalfar, the dark elves. They deliberately started a war between the elves and the humans by the attack on the now lost human settlement of Taki. They killed all the women, all the the men over 16 and forcibly mated with all the remaining boys. These boys were taken into the earth, to be used for mating until they reached 16 when they were killed. News of this atrocity spread to the five kingdoms and in their anger they bandied together and they attacked the elves. The elves fought back and the war spread. Both sides had heavy losses and the war was bloody. The Dark One saw his opportunity, he kidnapped the great Elven High Mage Coren and took his form. He manipulated the elves into moving all their women into the Elven city of Pirigina. He then convinced the Elves the humans were planning an attack on the Elven capital of Elvenhölm and that they should send their armies there and he would protect Pirigina. Once the armies were gone, the Dark One used dark magic to burn the city and all in it to the ground. The elves realised they had been betrayed and that their females were all dead and they would die out as a race. At this point some argued for peace and some argued to wipe the men out, taking their anger at the Dark One out on the humans. The War continued, the numbers of both races were so large it would take a while for them to wipe each other out. The Dark One waited, biding his time until both sides were weak enough for him to rule them. The Elves marched on Tsume, the capital of the Eastern kingdom. Concerned for the safety of his one and only heir, Prince Samuel, a boy who had seen only 13 harvests, the King decided to send him away with his best guards with orders to get him to to safety to whichever capital they could. They sneaked past the army of elves and thought they were free when they were attacked by a small group of elves. Samuel hid in a bush before he was seen. The fighting was fierce and when it ended all the humans were dead" At this point Roland dropped the book accidently, "What?! Roland! Keep reading, we need to find out if that includes Samuel?!" said Ben completely hooked on the story...